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Mass Effect: Fear



a part of Mass Effect: Fear, by Anonym0109.

Batarian pirate ship

RolePlayGateway holds sovereignty over Quarantine, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Batarian pirate ship


Quarantine is a part of Omega Docking Port W.


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Mayce sat in his cramped quarters on board the "Quarantine", bouncing his head along to the beat of "Vega Z"'s latest song. He had just downloaded their newest album and had been listening to it for the past 3 hours straight. As he did this, his in-human eyes skimmed across the text on a holo-pad. He was reading a novel by the Asari author Kimyra. She usually wrote mystery novels, but this was here first adventure-romance novel. "Matrix&Lia'Raan: The Star Crossed Codex" was the title of the book. So far, Mayce had enjoyed it a great deal. He was about half-way through the book and was intrigued by the idea of a Re-programmed Geth and a Quarian falling in love while saving the migrant fleet from a Turian pirate fleet. He did feel a little alienated though, pirates being the main villains and him being a pirate.
Nevertheless, he continued to read while moving his body to the music.

He was just getting to a climactic scene in the story, when a very deep voice sounded over the intercom. "All officers on deck. Repeat, all officers on deck!" announced the disembodied voice of Forvel, the first mate. Mayce gave a dramatic sigh and retracted the holo-pad and set it down on his nightstand and shut off the music. He stood up and stretched, he could hear a few criks and clinks from his body and when he was satisfied, he shook himself out. Mayce threw on his shirt and began to wrap his hands and arms up in the black strands he always wore. After that, he strapped on his namesakes and threw his coat on. Mayce then bent down to his drawer and opened it to reveal his nanoweave armor. He strapped on his boots and leggings and was finally out the door.

Mayce strode down the hall in his fashion towards the main deck. Several members of the crew passed him on his way, some of the Batarians on his boarding party tilted their heads to their left when they saw him, showing their admiration and respect. He gave them a large grin and a quick nod. They simply smirked and stayed on their path. He knew it was weird for a pirate to smile so much, but Mayce never could help how much he smiled, he just felt it was appropriate in a lot of situations and he knew it eased tension.......and occasionally cause it, but, he didn't care much either way. Mayce finally made it to the main deck, he waited for the large door to unlock and slide into the adjacent walls, then he stepped inside and took his place among the other officers. He engaged in light conversation with one of the sergeants he was familiar with, until Dralak stepped up to his seat. Forvel took his place next to him, he was never hard to spot in a crowd, the missing upper right eye was a dead give away.

"Shut up, you piles of Varren shit! The Captain is on deck!" Everyone had already went silent the second Forvel started to speak. Dralak gave him a nod and began speaking. "Alright, we are going to be docking at Omega in about 5 minutes. We're going to be here for awhile for repairs an re-fueling from our run in with those Alliance scum. So, we are giving most everyone permission to go ashore and spend their credits and get rid of that itch, if you know what I mean. That means, I need all of you to make sure your men behave themselves, I don't want to lose more men to Aria. We lost enough in our last tango and we need every man we have. So if any of them get out of line, just break something and send them back to the ship as an example, got me?""Aye aye, sir!" Everyone sounded. "Dismissed." with that, everyone went towards their rooms to prepare for Omega. Mayce turned around and headed for the door, then he heard Dralak's voice sound behind him. "Mayce! Not you, I need to speak with you." His captain said while lighting a cigarette. Mayce looked back, confusion spreading onto his face.

Mayce walked briskly towards his captain and stopped when he was at an appropriate distance. "What's up, Captain?" He asked in his chipper way. "Shut up, wipe that smile off your face and open up your robo ears. What's up, is a job I need you to do for me. I have come to understand that awhile back you did some legwork for Aria. I need you to deliver her a package, and then do whatever she tells you to do, as long as it is concerning this specific package. You got me?""Yes, sir." Dralak leaned back in his chair and took a long drag on his cig. "Good, I want you to bring four of your men with you, but you approach Aria alone, just make sure they are ready to back you up in the club should the need arise. Now you're dismissed." Mayce nodded to him and headed off to the barracks.

When Mayce arrived at the barracks, he poked his head in to see some of his men already in their black armor with the White outlined black north star on the chest. They had apparently heard about leave time. He pointed to four of his men. "You, you, you and you are with me. We're going to deliver a package to Aria."