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Means to an End

Kumomi, Japan


a part of Means to an End, by FamishedPants.


FamishedPants holds sovereignty over Kumomi, Japan, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

1,847 readers have been here.

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Kumomi, Japan is a part of Means to an End.

14 Characters Here

Dalton Timothy Conway [184] "Why am I doing this? A means to the end. Notice the drop in crime rate since I started doing work?"
Hanako Takahasi [143] "Let's do something that the whole world will remember!"
Commotion [35] "My personality could be described as... antisocial."
Variel Reidevanur [27] "You call it con artistry, I call it payment. I'm a stunt-woman who needs a living, what can you expect?"
Tarantos [26] "..."
Caesura [19] And I thought this would be an easy case.... Guess I was wrong.
Extraordinaire [18] If I was gonna be a serial killer, I'd have picked a name with more pizzaz... Something like... The Killer Furbie...
Ling Chung (Scar) [16] Revege is best served Hot
Natsu Akiko [14] Natsu is a 19 year old musician who became infuriated by the thought of somebody murdering and getting away with it. She swore to find Kira and stop this madness. She's determined and cocky, but also has a sweet side.
Frederick [6] A boistorous asshole, who by chance came upon the greatest of powers, the power to take the lives of others...

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2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hanako Takahasi Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway
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#, as written by Kaire23
((OOC: XD You would put that down Mr.Pants.... :D))

Hanako smiled as the food was put down and picked up her chopsticks.
"It's fine. Let's eat" She said happily as she picked up her sushi flawlessly with her chopsticks and took a bite.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hanako Takahasi Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway
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Zach, being American, preferred forks to chopsticks. However, they didn't have any forks here, so he instead his hands and picked up the rolls, placing them in his mouth. His tongue nearly went into an orgasm, as he loved his California Rolls, if it wasn't already clear. "Mmhmm! Love these!" he declared, finishing his first and moving on to the next.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hanako Takahasi Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway
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#, as written by Kaire23
Hanako smiled as he started eating his California rolls. She really didn't care that he used his hands. She never really cared about the proper etiquette she was taught for so many years. It didn't really do much in later years. No one really points out that you have good etiquette and it doesn't really do good in a fight so she labeled it as pointless. It was truthfully only good when she was with her parents or was trying to impress someone which she wasn't right now. She could be herself around Dalton.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hanako Takahasi Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway
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Dalton went to open his mouth to say something, but he was interrupted.


"WE ARE TAKING THIS JOINT OVER!" a booming voice came from the front doors. Dalton looked over to see non-masked men toting shotguns busting into the place and waving them around. Dalton wasn't too sure where they'd obtain such a firearm, but he wasn't going to think of that while his and Hanako's life were in danger. Regretfully, he and she were the only actual customers there. There was staff there, but that was about it. The place was quite up until now, strangely Dalton hadn't noticed.

"GET ON THE FLOOR AND DON'T FUCKING SPEAK!" one ordered a waitress who was standing near the door.

"O-ok!" she squeaked before a blast of lead hit her in the chest, she flew back and didn't get back up.


He then turned towards Hanako and Dalton, motioning them to get up with his gun. Dalton complied, looking over to Hanako.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hanako Takahasi Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway
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#, as written by Kaire23
Hanako's eyes were the widest they have been in a while. She immediately felt like she was hyperventilating when he looked at them. She knew their faces. All of theirs. She knew them from 9 years ago. Whether they remembered her wasn't so sure but she knew them to well. She tried to get up but at first, her legs wouldn't move an inch. Her whole body was frozen from seeing them again. The happy moment from before with Dalton was absolutely gone now. She almost felt like she needed to run. She couldn't do this again. The whole year of knowing them was too much to her... She always tried to block it out of her mind, but now seeing them, visions of her sister and of what they did to her wouldn't stay hidden anymore. She slid her chopsticks under the table and slowly got up, keeping them in her pocket and covering them with her shirt. She was prepared this time. Her parents didn't only teach her about proper etiquette. They taught her to find anything and make it a weapon. The thing was, breaking a chopstick sideways would make an easy weapon to stab people with. She couldn't use it now, she'd have to wait.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hanako Takahasi Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway
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"Come on!" one shouted at the one yelling. "I told you not to shoot, now we have to leave!"

"She didn't listen to me, she deserved it!" he retorted before sighing. "Fine, but these two are going with us!" he yelled, aiming the gun at the two. "Get in the van!" he ordered the two, pointing over with his free hand. At the moment, Dalton didn't want to do anything. He was waiting, scheming for a proper way to dispose of this.... filth. He complied, taking Hanako's hand and smiling warmly.

"Don't worry, I've got this already..." he said softly, just loud enough for her to hear. He turned back to the men and retook his fightened facade. "P-please don't hurt us...."

The man just smacked him on the head. "Get in the van with NO words!"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hanako Takahasi Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway
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#, as written by Kaire23
Hanako gripped his hand extremely tightly as she followed him without saying a word. She was so scared, she could barely walk. Dalton was the only thing that kept her moving. She was scared that she was there, but she was even more pissed that he just hit Dalton. She silently followed him, angry and scared as they got in the van.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hanako Takahasi Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway
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As they got into the back of the 'rape van', as it appeared to Dalton, they slammed the door shut. The only light they were gifted with was from the space between the front of the van and the 'room' in which they were in. It was regretful that this van had two seperate parts, otherwise Dalton would've easily began to attack them in the confined space. For now, they'd have to wait.

As the van started, he noticed Hanako jump, and she had good reason to. "Hey, Hanako. Please calm down, I'll make sure we get out and pay back these pricks. It'll be a..." he thought for a minute. "...An 'audition before the play'. We'll bring these guys to justice and then start the search for the other 'Men'" he said the last word with venom, as if that's the last thing he wanted to call them.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hanako Takahasi Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway
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#, as written by Kaire23
She gripped his hand tighter as he said these words.
"We don't have to look for them.... They found us." She said shakily, close to tears of the situation she was in. She never wanted to be back here. In this situation again. The van still had that odd smell that she always remembered. Each time she closed her eyes, the horrors kept on coming back. She needed out of here. She looked around as she thought for a while. Her blood was probably still stained somewhere around here or at the warehouse... Just the thought of being back there made her feel as if she was breaking down. She could remember finally escaping and them catching her half way through her escape. The memory of being dragged back in there and the punishment they gave her for even trying. She trembled horribly as she remembered the huge cut they scarred her with and after that.... When they figured out she was going to bleed out, they burned it shut. She started going limp as she started to faint again. All the memories were too much.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hanako Takahasi Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway
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"We don't have to look for them.... They found us."

As Hanako fainted (possibly due to her memories coming back all at once), Dalton started laughing. It wasn't a normal "ha ha" laugh, no, it was more of a "Mwahaha" laugh, a demonic laugh, if you will. He couldn't contain it, he was happy. He was ecstatic that these were the men he thought he was going to have a hard time finding. But here they were, taking them to some remote location (he assumed), sealing their fate. As long as he didn't recieve a bullet to the head for no reason, Dalton was good to go.

His little outburst of laughter was noticed by one of the men, who thought he was crying. "God! Shut it already!" he yelled, Dalton complied, he'd laugh harder once they were begging for forgiveness that they would not recieve.

The van pulled to a stop about thirty minutes later, Dalton could feel it. The men hopped out and opened the van doors, waving their one shotgun at the two Kiras in a non-vocal order to get out. Dalton stood up, shaking the passed out Hanako.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hanako Takahasi Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kaire23
Hanako woke up, startled. She didn't want to leave the safety of her dream but she knew she had to. Getting up, she followed Dalton. She did all she could to not look anyone in the face. If they remembered her, they'd know who to contact for the money again which would also mean she'd be held for even longer. Last time, they made her parents pay each month to keep her alive... They didn't say they wouldn't hurt her though. The pain each day brought became unbearable... Not only pain was brought to her though. They took something she would never get back. It was horrible. She quickly tried to blink back her tears as she walked closer to Dalton.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hanako Takahasi Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway
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0.00 INK

The one holding the gun grunted, obviously annoyed that he didn't steal anything from the sushi place. Of course, his expression changed when he looked over at the two hostages he took up a happy disposition. "You guys sure picked a wrong time to go on an date." he laughed. Dalton supressed a blush at the thought, but quickly took up a different face as he decided it would help him out in the end.

"What do you guys want." he inquired, expressionlessly. He was answered by one of the ones not holding a gun.

"Fun." he stated before laughing rather psychotically. Dalton looked him over, and instantly knew that that was the truth. His face gave away his insanity, probably caused by killing people or torturing them for so long. Hell, he could possibly have a fetish for that kind of stuff.

Noticing Dalton's glare, the one with the firearm spoke up. "What the hell are you looking at?! And why do you look calm?!" he waited for the answers he just demanded.

"This isn't my first time being kidnapped for my father's money, you know." Dalton replied coldly. He was starting his plan, which consisted of them not shooting him.

"What do you mean, 'fathers money'?" the crook seemed curious.

"My father's a man. He is relatively rich. People have already kidnapped me and gotten a ransom." inside, he was grinning. He knew he had just thrown the bait and they were attracted and hooked with it.

"Then that's what we'll do to you! I guess you get to live for a bit longer! HA" he laughed hard, thinking he was in control. "Then tell us: Why should we let her live, if we've got you?" he pointed the gun at Hanako.

"Because she's my sister and my father will pay for her as well." he smoothed talked them.

((OOC: For future reference, only one person has a gun.))


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hanako Takahasi Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kaire23
((OOC: okay))

Hanako shivered as the gun was pointed at her. She slightly hid her face. It was a miracle they didn't recognize her yet. She slightly listened to Dalton talking. He knew what he was doing. She'd probably get back in the hang of it tomorrow. Right now, she was just concentrating on not having another panic attack. She slightly looked around and took in her surroundings. They were the same as 9 years ago except some new equipment here and there... She gripped Dalton tighter as they continued in.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hanako Takahasi Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway
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"Guess what?" the armed thug asked.

"What?" Dalton asked, not sure of what to expect.

"While we won't kill you, we never said anything about not hurting you...." he led on before a sadistic laugh. He walked over to a tarp covering some sort of object. It looked like a table, but Dalton wasn't sure. There were two other things next to it with the same shape, suggesting that they have needed three at one point in time. He ripped the tarp off, revealing a surgical bed, the same ones used when putting people to sleep and then performing a surgery. The table was spread out with multiple items such as scalpels and mini-saws. Dalton wasn't really interested in medical equipment, so he wasn't familiar with the names.

What set these apart from normal ones is that they had straps. Maybe they came from an asylum? Who knows? It didn't matter, the intent of these tables was clear: To torture them. Of course, Dalton wouldn't let that happen, but he was waiting for a perfect opportunity to strike.

"Hop on the table, babe." he ordered Hanako.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hanako Takahasi Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway
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#, as written by Kaire23
Hanako was trembling horribly. These were new. Probably paid with by her parent's money. THIS is why she never got along with her parents after she got out. She squeezed Dalton's hand again before slightly let go. She knew they'd hurt him if she didn't follow. That was how they worked. She hesitantly walked over although her legs weren't working all that properly. They were against walking towards the table. Finally reaching it, She sat on the table. She wanted to run. Her eyes darted around, trying to find a means of escape. She needed out now. RIGHT now to be exact. The fear was creeping up again, making her chest hurt and the feeling of death came back. She knew next was the feeling of insanity. She couldn't do this right now. She quickly tried to calm herself but she was unsure of what these animals were planning. The uncertainty was probably one of the things that scared her the most. She wasn't sure if they were going to act differently because she was older or if they were gonna hurt her more than last time. She also didn't know if they still acted the same. Her eyes locked with Dalton's. This small feeling of safety in his eyes was the thing that held off the panic attack.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hanako Takahasi Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway
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0.00 INK

Dalton easily sensed the fear coming off of Hanako. In fact, he bet the whole room did, as the bastards were snickering. Dalton grinned as Hanako locked eyes with him. He knew exactly when he was going to strike.

As one of the men kept the gun pointed at Dalton, the others were busy strapping Hanako in. When the finished, they turned to Dalton. "You're turn." one of them said, causing the gunwielder to push Dalton's back with the gun. He complied and began walking towards the table. The other two were busy eying Hanako, and one started mumbling about her having a familiar face.

By the time Dalton was at the table, the crooks were about to catch on to Hanako. "Hey, this bitch looks really familiar! I swear, I've seen her before somewhere!"

"Maybe it's because her father's popular or something, her parents are supposed to be rich, after all....but you're right, she does have a familiar face..." the other said. "Are you seeing this, Toshi?"

For a brief moment, the man with the shotgun looked back, his biggest mistake. In a blur of swift movements, Dalton had elbowed the man in the face, swept his legs out from under him and with great force, he kicked him in the head, dazing him. Before the others could react, Dalton picked up the loaded shotgun and directed it towards them.

"Get on the tables now!" he boomed at the two standing men. "Strap yourselves in or I'll kill you." the order came out cold and truthful. Dalton noticed the previously armed thug starting to get up. "And you, untie her and strap yourself in her place.

The criminals all showed their true sides. They were cowards.

"O-ok.... don't shoot!" the two men said in unison before strapping themselves to their repsective beds. The third man promptly listened as well, unstrapping Hanako and then jumping on the bed to strap himself in. Of course, Dalton had to finish the jobs, pulling tight one strap on each of them, but when he finished, they were completely immobile.

He looked over to Hanako and smiled. "Did I not say I'd protect you AND help you find these assholes? What do you want to do with them?"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hanako Takahasi Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kaire23
Hanako ran back over to Dalton. She was extreamly thankful for him. Without him, they would've remembered her.
"Prison is too good for them." She said angrily. "But making them suffer right now would be against the law.... How about we just figure out their names." She said with a slight smirk. Oh how she wanted them to suffer. To put them through the same hell she was put through... but she knew she couldn't sink down to their level... at least not now. She'd do worse to them later.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hanako Takahasi Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway
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"Are you sure? I'm confident that this warehouse is far enough away from anything to hear screams... And there's gloves over there. You could go to work if you want." he had no intention in letting these people get away with a simple heart attack, and if the cops found them, they'd be locked up. They set themselves up for a perfect place to get the justice they deserved.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hanako Takahasi Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kaire23
That was all the push she needed. Instantly, her other side took over. The side she hidden so perfectly well. A side these monsters made. Interestingly enough, it would be their end. Hanako quickly grabbed the gloves that he pointed to and put them on.
"Can you get out for a moment...." She said, her voice sounding a bit off from usual. She didn't want him to see what they had made of her. She knew that inside her mind was a monster just waiting to burst out. Truth be told, she actually felt she was insane at times. She just didn't want Dalton to see this insanity... or what she'd do to them.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hanako Takahasi Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway
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0.00 INK

"Can you get out for a moment...." She said, her voice sounding a bit off from usual.

"As you wish. Remember, this is a one time thing, so have fun..." he said rather coldly. Upon hearing this, the men started screaming.

"Please! Don't kill us!" one begged. But Dalton knew it was to no avail. There was somebody else borrowing Hanako's body at the moment, and that was fine for him. She deserved to have her revenge, however she please.

Dalton shut the door and left them to their fate.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hanako Takahasi Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway
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#, as written by Kaire23

Hanako opened her eyes and all she saw around her was a bloody mess, the screaming still echoing in her ears. She made sure she didn't get any blood on her through out it... Well, except for her gloves. She quickly took a couple steps back to admire her work. For once, she wasn't afraid. She no longer had the fear of being kidnapped again. She almost felt like laughing but knew better than to. Suddenly, her other side started coming back. Her sane side. Immediately, she grew afraid. She was scared of the power she had and what she could do.... but at the same time, she liked it... Sadly, that liking didn't agree with her stomach. She felt she was going to barf just looking at all of this. Knowing that this would leave her DNA here, she quickly closed her eyes. Finding the door, she opened her eyes and opened the door. Once out, she peeled off the gloves. She was going to have to dispose of them carefully. They had her fingerprints on them.
"All done." She said, almost emotionless. She didn't know how to feel. She was overjoyed that she murdered her captors brutally but she still felt extreamly woozy from seeing what she did...


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hanako Takahasi Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway
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"Then lets go. The fire will get rid of these men. Permenantly." he said. During her 'revenge', he had poured gasoline all around the warehouse and he was ready to set it ablaze. "Hold on a minute." he orderd, opening the doors.

A few minutes later, he came out, a satisfied look on his face. "I've never seen such a horrible sight in my life..." he admitted. He sighed before continuing. "They fully deserved it, and the world is that much closer to perfection because of it." he patted Hanako on the shoulder. He took one last look as the building before throwing a match onto the gasoline. Within seconds, the warehouse lit up.

He ran over to the van and beckoned Hanako to hurry up.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hanako Takahasi Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway
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#, as written by Kaire23
Hanako jumped in and closed the door behind her. Smiling as they drove away, leaving the burning warehouse behind. She was happy to finally have this behind her. Nothing would hold her behind anymore. Her and Dalton would rise to the top no matter what.
"Thank you...." She said somewhat quietly.
"I think I needed that...." She said, unsure of what she needed right now. Just writing down someone's death didn't have the same feeling as actually killing someone. She sorta felt... a bit empty. Nothing a bit of sleep would ware off though. All she needed to know was that she was done with them... For good.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hanako Takahasi Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway
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0.00 INK

The ride was longer than original because they had to take a dirt path that led around the area. If they were to just head straight onto the main road, it'd be pretty suspicious. Nonetheless, after the thirty minute drive they had reached a road that wasn't made of dirt and were on their way back to Hanako's house. Of course, they'd have to ditch the van at some point, so walking would be involved when they got to a certain point.

They reached about a half mile away from Hanako's house and parked the van in an allyway that conveniently had vans more or less just the same. The others of course had some logo on the sides, but it wouldn't be directly noticeable until later.

A short walk later, they reached Hanako's house. Dalton yawned, stretching his arms in the air. Beating up murderous criminals and helping someone take well needed revenge on said criminals must take a lot of energy. "I think I'm about ready for a nap." he stated, bring his arms down from the stretch.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hanako Takahasi Character Portrait: Dalton Timothy Conway
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#, as written by Kaire23
Hanako nodded slightly.
"Do you want to spend the night? I have a guest room." She said, not really thinking about what she just said. Right now, her mind was else where. She needed to sleep it off, she knew that much. She couldn't think when she was tired.
