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Metal Gods

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 7 authors

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"Where the hell are those guys?" he said to himself as he stared down the hall. He hadn't heard from any of them, not a text, nothing. For two hours he had been in his room, watching TV. Zack had been out all day looking around town, shopping certain stuff. He'd found quite a few souvenirs, one of them a t-shirt with the name
"Legion" on it. The co-headlining band they were to play with tomorrow. Zack had seen the band once before, on DVD, but wasn't sure he'd be able to recognize them and put names to them all. It wasn't that he was arrogant and didn't give a shit about them, but names didn't stick to his brain. Regarding that he was absolutely hopeless.

He zapped through every channel and sighed deeply.
"Why is there always crap on TV?" he said half-loudly and got up from the bed. He donned his worn jeans, sleeveless white t-shirt with the Grim Reaper and several other things on it. All in black and grey colors to contrast the white. He scratched his trimmed beard on his chin and took his black and white striped hat and went for the door. Upon entering the hall, he looked around twice and shouted: "Goat, Kasei, Harlyn! Get your fucking asses down to the bar!" He didn't bother walking up and knocking each door. If they wanted to sleep, he'd let them. If not, they would've probably heard him, and hopefully join him downstairs. The hotel was very nice, and very big. Everything had been paid for, so in fact, they could just let loose here. The hall was impressively adorned with all the exquisite things that the hotel manager had bought for it, and he'd done well. The bar was amazing. It seemed as though they had every kind of booze on the planet, and the desk was lovely as well. So was the staff serving them. Zack saw a few people sat there, most of them being the regular 'hotel trash' as he'd come to call them - joking of course. But one stood out. A woman, covered in a metal t-shirt, wearing a leather jacket, studs, spikes, the whole attire of a metal fan.
Probably here for the show tomorrow. he thought to himself, wondering why she was staying here then. It was afterall an expensive hotel. But what did Zack care.

He walked up to the bar and ordered a beer, smiling at the waitress and being as polite as his mood would allow him. The ongoing conversations around him seemed to die when he walked up there, but resumed shortly after. Zack smiled to himself and shot a glance over at the woman next to him. Not a nod, not a smile, not a word. He just looked at her for a split second and then turned his attention back to his beer that had just been put in front of him. Still, he couldn't help but wonder. Wasn't she familiar? If his bandmates had no intention of coming down to play, Zack would probably just drink a beer or two more, and then head back to his room. Boring. After an uncomfortably long silence, he was just about to turn and talk to this woman when his phone beeped and vibrated in his pocket.

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Stepping out of the shower and wrapping herself in a towel, she wiped off the fogged up mirror and looked at her reflection, her face scrubbed clean of makeup. Blinking, she realized she almost looked like that sixteen year old prom queen from years ago. She then brushed a lock of black hair from her face and looked down at the rest of her body. No, not really, other than the face....all the tattoos and the black hair nearly destroyed any thought she could be the old Kasei Lestat. She didn't mind that, she didn't want to be Kasei the Prom Queen anymore. She kept her old name, she wanted her parents to know who she was now if they ever looked for her since she left all those years ago.

Frowning, Kasei looked at her reflection, looking for more traces of her old self. Maybe she'd not wear makeup today. Lost in her thoughts, she barely heard Zack yelling for them. She sighed and dried off the best she could, leaving her hair to naturally wave instead of straightening it like usual. She pulled on comfortable jeans, a bullet belt, a metal t-shirt and a leather jacket before hurrying to pull on her black combat boots.

With one more glance at her reflection she ran a hand through her hair and frowned at her lack of makeup...usually she'd at least put on some black eyeliner but today she was feeling...oddly vulnerable. She didn't like that. It shouldn't be this much of a decision... She thought, more or less forcing herself out of the hotel room and down the hall, occasionally looking at some 'modern art' with a small roll of her eyes. She'd never understand the crap.

This was one fancy place they were in today, and she had to was kinda nice, to her at least. But still strange, after all the places she'd been in the past few years.

Once she got to the bar, her eyes scanned the crowds of business men and such until her eyes settled on Zack and a surprisingly rough looking girl. Was this the place all of the bands would be saying? A small smirk touched her lips at the thought, she bet these high standard bitches were in for quite a surprise if that was the case. She went over to Zack and took a seat by him, saying a simple 'Hey' and looked at the assortment of drinks, keeping her head down a bit, suddenly wishing she'd put on at least a little makeup. Wait a minute. Why should it matter? Just because you always wore makeup around everyone before doesn't mean you have to now. She told herself, feeling far too jumpy and concerned about life to be her normal self. Maybe I need a drink.

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When the tour bus had rolled into town, a dazed blonde found herself skulking to the front with heavy feet and even heavier eyelids. Though they hid behind a pair of aviator sunglasses, her bright eyes weren’t bright at all and instead, had faded into a dull and bloodshot glaze as she gazed out the tinted windows that lined her pathway to the front. The panes reflected the soft, glittering lights of the surrounding city though the sky was dark, leaving the blonde to wonder just how long she had gone into a daze, staring at a blank sheet in her notebook. Was it early enough to be considered night or late enough to be considered morning? The chase seemed to chase the hours off the clock and often leave the girl dazed and confused when she came off her high.

With a shake of her head, she grabbed her large purse from the seat she’d remained captive in for countless hours, stuffed her notebook inside and bent to gather her shoes from the space beneath the seat. Holding the black stiletto heels by their straps upon two fingers, she set her bag upon her shoulders and tiptoed down the front stairs with graceful, bare feet. Without a single nod to their devoted bus driver, Harlyn stepped off the dreaded metal prison on wheels and proceeded out into the fresh, cool air of whatever city they had arrived in. After chasing the dragon for so long, she was surprised she could remember her own name, much less what city she was in. With a small smirk lingering on her lips, she nodded to the tall, bulky security guard that stood by the bus door, ready to safely whisk her away to her hotel room. Her high was already dissolving, dropping her on the cold asphalt of reality as she forced herself to stand tall, grip the bit of her ride left with a death vice, and march to the hotel room awaiting her. There, behind closed and bolted doors, she could completely fall apart, crawl in bed and die for the next however many hours. The sleep would help deal with the horrible symptoms of coming down from a ride with The Dragon. Plus, it wasn’t like she had slept the entire time they were on the bus. There was no reason in sleeping through a high – that would be a waste. No, now that she was quickly descending from the clouds, she would sleep. She’d wake up when she wanted to. Hell, she might not even get up until sound check the next night!

“Here ya are, ma’am,” a deep, husky voice sounded out of nowhere.

Jumping slightly, the blonde raised her heavy eyes from the tightly and elegantly woven carpet of the seemingly lush hotel, and forced herself to smile. Apparently, her thoughts had distracted her from the difficulty of dragging the weight of her feet from the bus to her hotel room on the top floor. ”I… Uh, thanks,” she replied, tugging her handbag tighter against her side before she slipped the key card out of her back pocket.


After a long shower and fifteen hours of sleep in a lush king sized bed, Harlyn felt like complete shit. With a loud groan and trembling limbs, the blonde rolled out of bed and tumbled to the floor. An extremely loud curse fell from her lips as she stared at the ceiling, the inevitable spin of dizziness setting in almost instantly. The ceiling twirled around as the walls of the room spun in the opposite direction, causing the girl to grip her stomach in the painful grips of nausea. She needed a fix. Now.


With a single stab of the needle, the chase started again. Mere seconds passed before the blonde felt her body begin to tingle with the familiar sensation of her being set aflame. A silly smile drifted onto her lips and she began to settle against the bathroom wall as her dazed chase began to wash over her. Before she let herself fall too deep though, she heard a loud door slam to her right – Zack’s room. His voice rolled through the walls in a loud rumble, but Harlyn couldn’t make any sense of the words. They came to her in a droll of dull mumbles and tugged at her feet, urging her to stand from her slumped position. With a sigh and a roll of her eyes, the blonde shakily forced herself to her feet and emerged into the main room to gather her clothes and such to ready herself for the night.

As she waited for her curling iron to heat itself, she withdrew her cell phone from her pocket and with a flurry of fingers, typed up a message to Zack. ”Where are you? Wanna see you.” the text read, punctuated with a winking smiley face.

”In the bar, get your butt down here!" came his reply.

"But I look like shit... Gimme fifteen?"

"Welcome to my world honey... If you have to, then hurry. Kasei isn't wearing any either. And she ALWAYS is."

"Your world? You're wonderful, shut up. I'll be there soon. ~x"

With her last text sent, she heaved a loud sigh and gazed at her mirror. She’d have to settle for an adaptation of her natural waves and less make up than usual to make the time restraint… But she could do it, she decided with a nod.


After an extra fifteen minutes spent getting ready than she had promised, Harlyn sauntered into the bar area, bright eyes searching through the smoke to find her band mates. Her shiny black heels made a sharp click against the tile of the floor as she slipped into the smoky bar and within seconds, her eyes adjusted and settled on Zack’s form slumped at the bar, alongside two other woman. Upon further observation, she found the woman nearest Zack to be her drummer friend and the second woman to be her unpronounced foe, the lead singer of Legion. Inside, she felt her confidence falter: for one, her drummer looked amazing with or without make up and two, the opposite lead singer scared the shit out of her. Outwardly though, she gave her blonde curls a toss and gracefully swayed her way to the bar. Never let them ever see you falter – she thought as she slipped into the free seat on the opposite side of Zack.

”Hi Kasei! Harlyn flowed, bouncing her gaze over to the dark haired beauty before turning her attention to Zack. ”Hey you,” she said, her voice more gentle as she gave his thigh a gentle pat. ”Sorry about the wait,” she continued, crossing her fair, bare legs over one another, causing her black cutoff shorts to rise higher on her thighs as she motioned to the barkeep for a drink.

”How’s it going?” she squeaked, flashing a smile to both her band mates as she leaned against the counter.

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Giles woke up in a very bright room. He shut his eyes as soon as he had opened them and his hungover head welcomed the absence of light. He was in a strange place and retracing his footsteps was becoming increasingly difficult as his last clear memory was getting hammered with cheap whiskey an hour before the bus ride so he could sleep through the ride and faded memories each of few seconds showed his initial plan failed as he remembered drinking even more on the bus. He could feel he was in a rather comfortable bed meaning he wasn't in the bus anymore. Keeping his eyes shut he blindly tried to grasp his shades from the nightstand and after knocking down the lamp he remembered that his sunglasses were in his backpack. Swearing that he would never drink again he opened his eyes ever slightly. He was in a hotel room, skipping on details he just focused to find his bag. The moment he spotted his object of desire he shut his eyes again and slowly got out of the bed and strolled towards the direction of the bag. Glad that he tripped on the bag confirming he had walked in the right direction and didn't have to open his eyes again, he unzipped the bag very slowly and taking 10 seconds before starting to shuffle through the bag to find his shades. After he did find his tinted prize he reluctantly opened his now dark gaze to the world outside him. He was in a fancy room possibly the hotel that he is supposed to be in. After appreciating the exquisite furnishing and gasping at the realization that he had broken an expensive lamp hes nerves started sending him signals reminding him of his needs. His body's alarm clock had gone off but he had to click the snooze button as he had promised himself to use only before the show. Another craving came crawling his way, a more basic and necessary one prompting him to get up and leave the room in the search of food.
The moment Giles entered the bar there was a second of silence. All eyes on him, not because of his fame as this wasn't the type of crowd to recognize but due to his chronically skinny figure and the nasty t-shirt that was littered with stains and holes. Realizing that he had failed to remember to change before leaving the room he took a look at his lived in pants and the pair of shoes - that didn't match - he was wearing. Hurrying towards his band mates he was glad when he saw through his 'tint-vision' that they had also failed to look their best. Couple of silent fist bumps later and Giles was seated ready to order.
"Good Mornin' barkeep. I would like some fish and chips. And pour me 'nip and a hauf', please." he ordered prompting a confused expression on the bartender's face
"I'm sorry. I would like a burger with fries. And pour me a pint of Guinness dry stout and two fingers of your top shelf scotch, please." He rephrased his order. "And where are my manners, a round of drinks for the badly dressed metal heads sitting to my left."
Turning to his left and facing his fellow band members, he said. "So which one of you carried me to bed yesterday? or was it day before?"

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#, as written by Cypher
The word of the day for Richard Rayberg appeared to be leaning towards "hangover".

Rick had been on the tour bus for the better part of a day, and unlike his band-mates (he thought, anyways), he was enthused about getting to ride the aluminum beast between cities. He had rode many buses in his time; inter-city and long-distance, Greyhound and public transit, old and new, but the tour bus never failed to amaze him. The fact that he could settle into a cushy seat with a bottle of Drambuie and watch the daily news was just astounding to the country bumpkin, whose only exposure to modern technology was the flippy-top cell phone. No, Topock's golden boy loved bus rides; and now, it seemed, tour buses especially. Although he was told that he needed to settle down and, to some extent, had, the traveling man within him reveled in being on the open road again, traveling from town to town. In a way, it was much like his younger days; only with less dust and more people at the concerts. And a lot more aggressive fan response. Many a bar fight had unfolded, especially during a particular rendition of Man of Constant Sorrow in Waco about, oh, seven years back, but some of these Legionnaires, as they liked to call themselves, were capable of getting absolutely psychotic. One had thrown himself off of the light rigging into the crowd; another tried to light a man on fire by spitting burning Yuengling on him in the crowd. Hell, one concert had to be canceled mid-song because the crowd had gotten into a full-blown riot. Rick was impressed, and maybe a little intimidated.

But back to the bus ride. As soon as they rolled into town, Rick was the first one off the bus, dust rising from his boots like the days of old (he never cleaned them, so it was, in fact, dust from the days of old), heading for the nearest bar. But that bar turned out to be a nightclub - and a shitty one at that - and since the others were headed to other places, Rick decided not to bother. He hated nightclubs anyhow. He spent the duration of that first night running up and down every street in that town, getting howling drunk and raising hell like he did in days long gone, and maybe shouting a verse or two of Diamond Dogs into a high class restaurant before being chased off by angry restauranteurs, but apples and oranges. Once he eventually made his way back to the hotel, he stumbled past the front desk, tripped up the stairs, slid into his room and passed out in bed...

Only to wake up four hours later, when his wake-up call came. "FUCK," Rick shouted in a voice that could be heard through walls and all down the wing, "I'M STILL DRUNK." Except he wasn't. While his roaring drunk-ness had faded now to a slight buzz, it was Hangover Time now. His head busting at the seams, Rick pulled his boots and a grungy flannel shirt on - they'd been kind enough to stack the luggage in his room while he was out - and headed down to the hotel bar. He did a quick headcount and discovered five faces - four from that other band they were playing with and Vivian. Airing on the side of sticking with those whom he knew fairly well, he plopped himself slowly onto the barstool next to Vivian. "Seven Crown on the rocks, and keep them rolling," he grunted, determined to kill his hangover by... Getting more hung over. He turned his head slightly towards Vivian, careful not to move too quickly lest he feel like his brain was going to slosh out through his ears. "An' I was surprised to not see you yesterday. Good morning," he rumbled in his baritone voice, attempting a smile but really looking like someone had just kicked him in the shins with steel-capped boots.

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She didn't look as though she was in a very good mood, Kasei. She looked the exact opposite in fact. Jumpy, scared. Zack noticed that she wasn't wearing any make up, and this girl always was. He kept staring at her for a minute as she sat there, looking down at the bar in front of her. Zack poked her right shoulder and said: "Hey... What's up?" and tried a faint smile. "Do you want my hat? Is that it?" he asked, joking. Zack took a sip of Guinness and then spoke again. "Okay, what you need is a drink, and guess what?" he said leaning closer, making a face at her with big eyes. "It's on me!" knowing full well that everything was being paid for. Therein lies the joke, only Zack hoped she'd get it.
The sound of heels against the floor reached his ears, as he was busy ordering a drink for Kasei. Zack turned his head slightly and finally saw the blonde curls at first, and then discovered the face of his lead singer. She spoke firstly to Kasei, and then to himself. "Hey you," Harlyn said "How's it going?".
"Hey," Zack replied and looked at her with his almost always serious face. That was just how he looked when he was relaxing, not because he was angry. "I'm fine," half convincing. Then he looked at Kasei as she answered. "What about you?" he shot back at Harlyn, and put a hand on her back.

And then the last part of their band joined them. Giles. As he ordered and the bartender didn't understand squat of what he said, Zack let out a laugh, unable to hide it. "Nice man.. Speak normal English man..." he said and slapped him playfully on the back. As he then ordered drinks for them all, he put his hand over his heart and said: "Oh how you know me all to well, my love!" with overdone affection. He was in a good mood tonight, fortunately. He just had to make sure he didn't overdo it, and become a nuisance to everybody. Then again, that was never the case. "I'll have absinth!" he said to the bartender, and he served it the exact right way. "What'll you have?" he asked Harlyn to his right, and nudged her.
Further to their left, more people were coming to the bar. Well... one person had joined the lonely woman at the bar, smoking a cigarette. THey seemed more and more familiar, but stil Zack couldn't put a name to them.

"I helped you to bed," Zack said and shook his head. "Not an easy task man...And you went out cold too."
Zack waited for the sugar to melt on the spoon and then poured it into the absinth. He looked to his left at Kasei, and then to his right at Harlyn and Goat.
"Together?" he asked and waited for their consent in downing the shot, hearing mumbling from the unknown woman and the man who'd joined her, but unable to make it all out. The word Nerveshock caught his ears though and he raised an eyebrow as he tilted his head back, drinking the shot.

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Kasei whom had been still and silent for a few moments, barely noting Zack as he studied her, nearly jumped out of her skin when Zack prodded her shoulder, but she quickly regained her composure and gave him a quick smile, "Maybe I do want your hat." She said, lightly tipping it down on his head with her finger. She laughed a little bit when he said he'd buy her a drink, she got the joke alright, "I could do with a drink." She admitted, straightening a little bit, but she still looked weary.

She heard the sound of clicking heels approaching them, turning to look at the girl with the blonde curls, brushing her own waving dark hair out of her eyes, "Thanks," She told Zack as she heard him ordering a drink. "I really appreciate it." She smiled slightly at Harlyn and gave a nod, "Hey." She said to the girl, noting the exchange between Harlyn and him silently, as she almost always did, the loner who observed all others, not bothering to chime in with how she was, as she genuinely didn't know how she felt.

Kasei said a polite 'hello' to Giles, whom scared the shit out of her with his unusually skinny body, she didn't want to be rude and be like, 'Hey, dude, you scare the shit out of me', but she always kept her distance from the man despite them being in the same band but she would exchange a few words with him from time to time. She did smile at Zack's good mood, grateful for that, but she couldn't resist a bit of teasing to Zack, "Bromance." Was all she said, her brown eyes taking on a tad bit of amusement as she looked at the shot and nodded at her fellow band members. She knew she shouldn't tease, as there had been times she herself needed help getting somewhere, as sometimes she just didn't know when to stop herself...and she had the feeling tonight might be one of those nights.

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From behind the soft and plush set of peach tinted lips came a soft sigh of content as the young blonde felt a warm hand press against the curve of her back, the low rumble of Zack’s voice echoing in reply to Harlyn’s inquiry. She had to fight the bodily urge to shudder and allow a wave of goose bumps to wash over her ivory skin – but her friend’s tone kept her from being too pleased with his reply. ”Your tone isn’t very convincing,” she mused softly with a gentle furrow of her brows as she gazed over at him. Her guitarist friend was often times very difficult to read, almost always a serious fellow – until you got a few drinks in ‘em. From the looks of it though, that was his plan: gather the band and get a little tipsy the night before the show – even if it seemed as if Kasei wasn’t in the mood for partying and Giles was nowhere to be seen. With the thought of a good hotel party fresh on her mind, she smirked in her friend’s direction and proceeded to reply to his courteous inquiry of her wellbeing. ”Me? I’m fabulous as per usual. I just slept for about fifteen hours,” she stated, her smirk flashing into a wicked grin.

Without a word, the barkeep sidled up the young blonde and gently pushed a cold mixture of whiskey and cola into her waiting hand. Obviously, he had been clued in on who the gal was and who was picking up her tab, because he moved away just as silently as he had come, leaving the blonde with a satisfied smile.

The silence that washed over the hotel bar only brightened Harlyn’s smile, knowing just what had caused the silence in the first place – her drummer. Physically, he was a bit odd and a little surprising, but otherwise, he was just another part of the gang. As she quickly took in his choice of apparel, she shook her head and bounced her gaze from herself to the rest of her band mates in comparison. Were the others just in the mood to relax the night before the show or was she just that insecure with herself that she couldn’t bare to be seen in anything less than her made up self?

Shaking her head to rid herself of her constant nagging thoughts, she raised her first to bump against Giles’ in a silent gesture of “hello” before she watched him settle into his seat and loudly ramble at the barkeep. She had to shake her head and raise a hand to cover her smile as she watched the scene ahead of her. Poor barkeep, she definitely knew his pain. The first while that she’d been around Giles, she knew not a lick of what he had said; instead, she had just nodded and smiled, playing along with whatever everyone else said. As she watched Giles and Zack go back and forth for a minute, a small smile formed on her lips before she gazed over at Kasei’s slumped form. What was going on with her lately – she thought with a sad smile. She’d have to try and talk to the girl later – if she would talk – which was doubtful, seeing as the girls had never been close in the slightest.

For now, there were drinks to be done away with.

"What'll you have?" came Zack’s inquiry, followed by a gentle nudge to her side.

”A shot of Jose for me,” Harlyn replied, her words directed towards Zack and the barkeep both.
Once all the drinks were served, Zack arranged the time for the four of them to down their shot and with a nod of consent from each of them, they did. The alcohol burned the blonde’s throat, but it was a good burn, bringing a soft smile onto her lips as she slammed her shot glass onto the bar with a sharp breath. ”Whoo! Round two?” she asked, glancing up and down the bar at her band mates with a smile.

Her smile quickly faded into a slight reminiscent of what it was as she caught sight of her rival vocalist, Vivan Something-or-Other and one of her band mate lackeys peering over at the band with a certain sneer smeared across their faces. Her stomach twisted uncomfortably and out of instinct, she sought out Zack’s hand for comfort. Once she found his warm hand, she gripped it gently, holding it loosely without crossing their fingers as she leaned into him. ”Is it just me or do the Legion-eers have a certain look of malice towards us? It’s kinda making me uncomfortable…” she said, her voice falling into a slight whine, her lips forming a pout as she looked at him with bright eyes.

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Giles drank the shot, immediately feeling the absinthe burning down his digestive system as he put his glass down. Giles refused Harlyn's proposition for a second round and started to drink a sip of his drink as he eagerly waited for his food. Seeing tension between Harlyn and some other customer he peered through his sunglasses to spot the person. The person in question was a fellow outcast in the bars crowd also and she seemed to have a posse gathered around her. No matter how hard he tried he couldn't place where he had spotted her before but sitting next to her was someone he did recognize. He was certain the laid back, dreadlocks donning man was no one other than Ian Frasier. He had seen him perform twice, long time ago, each time with a different band. Giles respected and admired the man's bass playing ability and like his artist parents who had done so whenever they admired someone else's art, he felt compelled to buy the man a drink. In England he could have just bought the man a drink and he would have bought him a drink back as a gesture and that would be all to it but over here buying him a drink would seem inappropriate. Other than that he felt that due to the stare battle between Harlyn and the anonymous woman who seemed to be in Frasier's band, buying their entire group a drink would also be inappropriate. He cursed under his breath at his weird upbringing that him into this dilemma, he turned to Harlyn and said "How about that second round?"
He downed his beer and whiskey quickly and waited for the band to do shots for the second time in the night.

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#, as written by Cypher
Rick seemed to pout a little as he realized that he'd lost almost an entire day due to hangover. He was a fairly active guy in terms of getting out and doing things, so it seemed, to him, almost disappointing to have stayed in the whole day. He looked dejectedly into his Seven Crown, then quickly downed it anyways.

"Shit," he said under his breath, "Guess I'll just have to get an early start tomorrow." He smiled a little, turned towards Vivian. Didn't notice her staring down the four other people sitting just a short distance down the bar from her. "Right, Viv? Early start?"

Then he finally noticed the others sitting down the bar from them. Quite a motley assortment, they were. All of them were considerably younger than the senior-est members of Legion, sure, but they all looked like hell. Some of them looked less like normal, functional hotel-goers and more like the junkies you would find hiding in the alley behind the hotel, shooting up and picking the dumpsters for food. They all wore sleeved shirts, but Rick could easily discern if he were to lift the sleeves, he could make out a more extensive network of tracks than the entire Los Angeles Metro system on at least one of them. A blonde, a dark-haired girl, a rather handsome guy and -

"Wilford H. Brimley there's a zombie sittin' at the bar." The deadpan statement was completely at odds with Rick's desperate attempt to dive off of his barstool and through the door at least eight feet away at the same time, which ended - unsurprisingly - with both of his legs tangled in the stool's and him facedown on the ground. He let out a pained moan as his nose filled with the scent of years' worth of spilled beer and vomit on the carpet, slowly regaining his feet as his headache returned full force. He looked back down the bar at the foursome gathered there - which he now noticed at least one of whom was staring at Vivian with something akin to murder in her eyes - and immediately noticed that the 'zombie' was not, in fact, of the undead persuasion, but instead just a very, very, very skinny Englishman. Rick shrugged, pulling himself very slowly back to the bar. Along the way, he finally noticed the band poster that Vivian had ages ago, and recognized his own photo. Rick was not a photogenic man on his best day, and he had showed up to this shoot particularly raging drunk. As a result, he looked stupid and shitfaced, a facial expression which - ironically - slightly mirrored his own expression. Then he noticed that the four seated down the bar from him looked a lot like the guys from Nerveshock, the band they were co-headlining with. Somewhere, the back of his mind registered a slight 'Oh yeah', and then he shrugged. He looked down the bar at the dead-looking guy again.

"Oi, skin and bones," he said in a slightly raised tone, "sorry 'bout the zombie thing. Pint of Guinness to make up for it?"

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His hat fell into his eyes and Zack smiled at her, pushing it back up. He was glad that Kasei. caught the joke. He grabbed her face with both hands, moved his face closer to hers and made big eyes.
"It's good to see you smile!" he said in an odd voice. "I like the lack of make-up you got goin' there." he added and smiled.
Zack knew she was a quiet girl and not one to tell everyone how she felt, and he always noticed her discomfort around Giles. Zack would like it if they were all close friends, but as long as they got along, he was fine with it.
But then again, who was he to say that? He rarely told anyone how he felt himself.
"Bromance," Kasei said and Zack turned his head instantly and winked playfully. He put his tattoed arms up on the bar and looked down at the chain tattoo on it. When he was on stage and the lights were on, his muscular arms would move around such as it looked like the chain was moving. He had always thought that funny.

Harlyn spoke to him again, saying that his tone wasn't very convincing, but also added that she had just slept for fifteen hours and was doing fine.
At the first comment, he just winked at her - with a serious expression still apparent on his face - and moved his hand back to his drink.
"That's good," he said and then smiled at her. You're on drugs aren't you? he thought to himself and looked at her, straight in the eyes.
Then their drinks came and they drank them.
"I'm up for it!" he said as Harlyn asked for another round. "What about you?" he said and poked his drummer on the shoulder.

Harlyn commented on the other band, saying their name made a bell go off in Zack's head. He suddenly remembered who they were.
"Oh right!" he said quietly. "Jesus, how the fuck could I forget." he put his head in his hands and shot a glance at them again. He mumbled and drank some of his beer and then looked at Harlyn.
"Malice?" he said and looked past her at the girl he vaguely remembered as the lead singer. "Hmm.. Maybe her," he said. "But who gives a shit.." Zack shrugged, looking from one Legion member to the next.
Giles seemed to stare at them as well, recognizing some of them. At least, that was what it looked like.
Zack lined up his second shot in front of him and looked at the flames, melting the sugar. He had always had a profound love for absinth, and would never decline an invitation to drink it.
He had to lean in over the bar and turn his head to at least shield his face from their view as he laughed. One of them had made a comment about Giles, which was funny, but Zack had been able to hide it. When he fell to the floor though, that was too much. He tried to breathe but it had looked so amusing that all Zack could do was put both elbows on the bar, and laugh it off. As the man stood up again and apologized for the joke, Zack anxiously awaited how Giles would take it and react. The offer of a pint of Guinness should smooth it out a bit though.
Zack stood up as well and raised his shot.
"Now that I have fucking at least recognized you guys," he started. "Would you do us the honor of drinking one of these with us?" he said and awaited their reply, avoiding the glare of their singer as best he could, and hoping that they'd accept.
If they really were to be on tour together for a couple of months or however long it was, they might as well get off on the right foot. If that was possible. He wasn't sure how Harlyn would react to the singer of Legion, but hoped nothing would happen between them.

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Kasei was slowly beginning to relax thanks to the alcohol but when Zack touched her face she fought the urge to jerk back from his touch, her brown eyes widening slightly in surprise as she looked back at him. What the hell? She assumed he was just screwing around, but it was making her extremely uncomfortable. She couldn't tell if he was just screwing around or if he was flirting, but she couldn't help the slight breathless feeling she got due to the close proximity between them. Why would he flirt with you? She wondered and ducked her head, looking away from him, just now realizing she was starting to blush, "If you say so." She said evenly, "But I know you're lying." She winked, trying to brush off her discomfort at what he had just done. Don't take everything so seriously, just brush it off. She thought to herself, but there was a new tenseness in her shoulders now.

When there was talk of a second round, she needed, hoping to try and kill whatever uneasiness within her there was even if it meant getting wasted as hell, so long as she could still play alright. She knew she better make sure she didn't start blabbing about her life though, that would be bad, she thought. No one knew too much about her and she wanted to keep it that way.

Kasei listened silently as they spoke of Legion, yeah, she'd heard of them and listened to a few songs. They were pretty good, but she wasn't a big fan or anything. She did glance at the band however for about five seconds before she began slowly drumming her fingers on the bar, a smooth rhymn which had eventully become a habit, though usually it only came out when she was nervous. Her soft, pink lips twitched into a smile when she heard the comment about Giles being a zombie, she said nothing however and ducked her head so that her black hair which was still damp from the shower fell into her face in attempts to hide her amusement.

When the man, Rick, if she remembered correctly fell though after the zombie comment she couldn't help it anymore, she started laughing. This was sure going to be the highlight of her day, she thought to herself. Her laughter faded quickly, but her smile remained. The man apologized for the joke and offered a pint of guinness, which she waited for Giles to accept or decline. She glanced at the singer and then turned her eyes back to the bar, she knew already that Harlyn disliked the woman, but she personally had nothing against them. I guess we'll see how this all plays out. She thought to herself.

Not even a second later, Kasei's phone vibrated as a call came in, "I'll be right back." She told her band and got up to go answer it. It was coming from an unfamiliar number.

She stepped outside and answered the call, "Hello?" She said, leaning up against the hotel wall, brushing her hair behind her ear.

"Oh, god, Kasei is that really you?" A woman's frantic voice asked, freezing her in place.

"m-m-Mom?" Kasei stuttered, not sure what else to say. She hadn't spoken to them in years, she hadn't thought she'd ever speak to them again...

"Kasei! It's is you. We thought we'd lost you! We haven't seen you in so long, and then police told us they couldn't find you, that you weren't in Alaska anymore...they gave up and then we heard all of this talk about you being in some rock band and that you had become this...this..." The woman didn't even know what to call her lifestyle. Kasei just couldn't find the words to speak. The woman said her name one more time, this time a question, and she reached for the red button that would disconnect their call.

A man's voice spoke up then, gruff, "Kasei? Where on earth have you been? You've had your mother worried sick about you!" He said, angrily.

Kasei paled significantly, she had never been able to stand up to her father, "Where the hell have you been? You called me only once in years it shouldn't have been that hard to find me, my name is on the fucking internet! And how the hell did you get my number?" She demanded, trying to put up her tough front but failing slightly, her words sounded weak to her own ears.

"We called the person doing your tour." He stated, "And don't you dare use those words! If you continue to use those words you will be no daughter of mine you little satan worshipping whore!" He spat. Ah, the famous devil worshipping line. She heard the woman's voice in the background telling him not to push her away and that they'd just found her. "May god have mercy on your soul and forgive your sins..." He murmured.

"I am no daughter of yours and I'm never coming back." Kasei hung up before her voice cracked and she shoved her phone into her pocket irritably before taking a shaky breath and running her fingers through her hair, trying to compose herself.

It took her a few minutes before walking back into the hotel, some people in the lobby giving her strange looks. They had been coming in as she was standing outside talking. She assumed they'd heard some of her father's loud conversation. She kept her head down, almost shamefully and went back into the bar, taking her seat next to Zack, trying to portray the look of everything being completely normal with her.

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Giles had just received his order of burgers and fries that he heard someone make a zombie comment. He smirked as he tried to find from who the comment came from and grinned - showing teeth - when he saw the commentator on the floor. The man got up and offered him a drink as an apology. Before he could accept the offer Kasei left the bar to answer her phone and Zack invited them over to a drink. As he no longer needed to answer back he turned back to his food and lifted up his burger to take his first bite in days. Before his mouth making contact with the sesame seed bun the woman from the Frasier's band made a comment on Harlyn's guitar skills.
"Oh shite, smells like a bar fight. Its a pity to mess up such a fine establishment. O Harlyn mind if I accept the drink before I get my arse kicked?" Giles said to Harlyn jokingly in order to stall the physical confrontation for some time. Knowing chances of a fight was rising by the second he started to wolf down his burger as if he didn't eat now odds were he couldn't find time to get another meal if he was to spend the rest of his day before the show in an emergency ward. Kasei also returned in a seemingly foul mood and Giles sensed she was failing to pull a poker face thanks to the absinthe shots.
He whispered to Zack "If things get out of hand you will handle that woman. I know its still not fair but you are the only one who has a chance of landing a hit on that monster. Let the girls handle the the guys and I can then enjoy my meal."
He then stood up, forced a smile, turned to Rick and said "I must admit your zombie comment was funny. What I'm concerned about is what happened to that pint, mate?"

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In an attempt to distract herself from the daggers being shot in her direction from down the bar, the blonde tapped her long, manicured fingernails against the empty shot glass in front of her. In retrospect, the beginnings of the rivalry between the two women seemed to be a little childish – a mere slip up on Harlyn’s part on a talk show that unfortunately happened to be broadcasting to nationwide. No big deal, right? She hadn’t said anything other than the fact that she thought the band was horrid within themselves… and their music? Well, that was another story. With this thought fresh on her mind, a smug smirk slipped onto the blonde’s lips as she turned, her blonde curls tumbling with the movement, to glance over her shoulder and down the bar, directly into Vivian’s eyes. The opposite woman’s eyes held a gaze that instantly set one aflame if the ability were available; even still, it held the intensity to make someone think twice before standing up to the woman. Even still, Harlyn matched her heated gaze, crossing her arms over her stomach in an attempt to hide it, as if Vivian could tell her stomach was cramping painfully with nerves.

Zack’s reply echoed in her ears, though she never turned her gaze away from her counterpart. ”But who gives a shit?” he rumbled, joining her in her gaze down the bar as he toyed with his beer.

’Yeah… who gives a shit?’ Harlyn echoed within the confines of her thoughts, her head tilting slightly as she continued to gaze down the bar. As she stared, the larger woman’s face contorted with a vicious smirk, causing Harlyn’s stomach to clench painfully, forcing herself to look away just as Giles had turned to her.

Grateful for a friendlier face, Harlyn smiled at the thin man and raised a hand to tangle in her blonde locks as she raised a curious eyebrow, awaiting his lingering inquiry.

”How about that second round?” Giles asked before turning back to his other drinks.

”I’m up for it!” Zack exclaimed, snapping back from his study of the band down the bar.

”Let’s do it. I’m gonna need more alcohol to deal with this shit,” Harlyn replied, speaking with a gentle smile lingering on her lips as she motioned to the barkeep for a second shot of Jose for herself.

Before the group could throw back their second round of shots, a loud exclamation sounded over the low rumble of the bar, something about a zombie amongst them. The blonde wasn’t paying attention to the dilemma – instead, her bright eyes were scanning over Vivian’s tall and muscled form. Her blue orbs washed over the faded black dreads on Vivian’s head, her nose wrinkling as she noted that the dreads resembled the snakes of Medusa. Her eyes definitely held the strength to scare off a less daring soul, but Harlyn didn’t think they were strong enough to turn a person to stone. Shaking her head at the thought, Harlyn raked her gaze over Vivian’s form until it met her tattooed knuckles. At the sight of the woman’s strong, scarred, and inked knuckles, Harlyn couldn’t help but shudder a little at the memory. It had been after Harlyn’s televised back handed comment about Legion, the band had decided to go out that night… where, unfortunately for the blonde, Legion and their very angry front woman, Vivian, had decided to go out as well. Long story short, the two got into it and sure, Harlyn had gotten a few hits in, but not as many as the tall woman had before the fight was broken apart.

Movement from her left side caught Harlyn’s attention as she snapped back from her flashback, turning slightly in her seat to look at Zack, who had stood from his seat and was raising his shot glass in the air. ”What the hell are you doing?!” Harlyn hissed, her voice slightly panicked as she peered up at her friend, but her words fell on deaf ears as he spoke to the other band, his deep voice echoing in the bar while he asked if their co-headliners would take a shot alongside ‘em. Jesus, she loved Zack, but sometimes, he was just outright stupid. What in the hell was he thinking? Had she not just told him that Vivian was making her uncomfortable less than five minutes ago?

Much to Harlyn’s dismay though, Vivian raised her head, her ever present, over-confident smirk lingering on her lips, and accepted the offer before setting her glare on the blonde herself. ”I know Harlyn won't..." Vivian began as she locked her gaze with Harlyn’s own. ”Since last time I came across you in a bar, you had the constitution of a blind mole. Not to mention the guitar skills of one too.”

”Listen, you behemoth bitch, just because you’re still pissed off about that petty comment back then doesn’t mean you need to talk shit every time we come in contact with one another,” Harlyn mused as she stood from her chair, a scowl evident on her visage as she glared daggers at the other girl. Her heart was racing and she was itching for a fight, but the night before kicking off a tour with the bitch and her minions wasn’t the time or place. With this thought, she forced herself to smile and take hold of her shot glass. ”‘Sides, you should be thanking me for the free advertising shout out,” she added, lifting the shot glass in salutation to the others. ”To a good night and a better show,” she offered as a toast, forcing herself to smile again as she tossed back her shot, her elbow promptly colliding with Zack’s ribs in collateral for inviting Legion to drink with them.

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Even though Vivian was being insanely rude, Zack smiled at her. Smother them in kindness. That was what he was trying to do, instead of provoking a fight.
He knew about Harlyn and her but right now, he seriously wasn't in the mood to start fighting. Even the verbal abuse was getting on his nerves. Why couldn't they just have some fucking drinks and have a good night?
Kasei's phone rang and she walked away to pick it up. Giles and that other guy from Legion were chatting away. Something about that drink. When Zack's drummer finally came back she looked like someone who'd just seen a ghost. Pale. Keeping her head down, looking at the glass in her hand.

"If things get out of hand you will handle that woman. I know its still not fair but you are the only one who has a chance of landing a hit on that monster. Let the girls handle the the guys and I can then enjoy my meal." Giles said and Zack tried to hide a laugh.

"It won't come to that!" he hissed and looked at Giles shortly before shifting his gaze back towards the members of Legion.

Zack had decided not to comment on Kasei's foul mood and instead ask her on a later point since they were all in the process of ruining their evening already. What the fuck was Vivian's problem? Zack wrinkled his eyebrows and looked at his glass, grateful for the fact that one of her bandmates had the sense to try to calm them down. Would it come down to Zack and him to stop the potential fight?

”Let’s do it. I’m gonna need more alcohol to deal with this shit,” Harlyn said and Zack closed his eyes. "Don't," he whispered in a low, warning voice. That was just all the more provoking and Zack knew Harlyn didn't take any shit, from anyone. But right now, she really needed to shut up.

As he stood up and offered them to drink along with him, right after Vivian's comment on Harlyn's guitar skills, Harlyn turned and said: ”What the hell are you doing?!” in a hissing voice. Zack downed his shot and sat down again. "Trying to avoid a fucking bar fight." he said and looked at her seriously, with one eyebrow raised. This didn't bode well at all.
However Zack tried to calm them down, both women were to proud to back down or be the wiser. They had to throw shit at each other. Zack shot a glance at the Legion man who had tried to calm the situation as if he was begging him to do something. He seemed to have the most influence on his lead singer. The other one didn't really have an influence on anything, as all he could do was look tired and lazy. Alas, the next comment flew out of Harlyn's mouth. She just had to retaliate. What she said was so rude that Zack feared for Vivian's reaction. It was true what Giles had said. If any of them would be able to stand against that woman, it would be Zack himself.
Thank God for working out... he thought to himself. She was extremely tall for a woman, and strong too. That was obvious.
When Harlyn was done throwing foul words and deathly stares at her opponent, she hit Zack in the ribs with her elbow. He was just about to tell her that he was going to start this tour with a fight, but apparently whatever he said had no effect on her. He'd have to talk to her in private later.
"I apologize on my bandmates' behalf," he said. "It has been a long trip and we've hardly gotten any sleep on the road." Zack knew that was a lie. Just moments earlier Harlyn had told him that she had slept for fifteen hours straight. He leaned back and gently grabbed Harlyn's arm. "Don't..." he said firmly, but calmly. His eyes looked straight into hers, and he hoped they had the effect he meant for them to bear. To keep her from provoking a woman twice her size any further.

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Kasei downed a shot real quick, hoping to relax a little bit and then looked at the chaos she'd come back to, "Damn, what'd I miss." She muttered, raising a brow at everyone. It looked like it was going to be bar fight. Rivalry between the bands, fucking great. Giles and the guy from Legion seemed to be dicussing the drink that would be an apology, but Harlyn looked like she was going to go try and pick a fight with the singer of Legion which frankly made Kasei kind of want to laugh. Harlyn stood absolutely no chance against Vivian, she'd be thrown across the bar, Kasei thought. Vivian was a bloody warrior and Harlyn was like a twig before her. Zack appeared to be trying to smooth things over with some man, "Harlyn, don't start shit. You won't be able to finish it and don't expect us to finish it for you. It just won't end well. It's foolish. I know there's a lot of pride and such involved, but we won't have much when we leave bloody." She said evenly, not caring if she sounded like a bitch. It was true, if Harlyn started a fight, they would all end up in it. Kasei had never been close to Harlyn in the least, but that didn't mean she wouldn't try to defend her if it came down to it. In the end, Kasei was a loyal girl who didn't like fighting, if she could avoid it, she would typically. There was the rare occasion when she had a few too many drinks that something would push her over the edge, but that was very, very rarely.

Shaking her head she sighed, "I side with Zack, let's just have some fucking drinks. We don't need to fight and get blood all over the fancy hotel." Her lips twitched into a tiny smirk at the last line, brushing her waving hair behind her ears and looking at Legion, absolutely no fight in her eyes, just genuine curiousity, she didn't want to be fighting with anyone if they didn't need to be. She knew there was some rivalry between Harlyn and Vivian before over something but that should be in the past, right? Couldn't they just relax and deal with it instead of being at each others throats over something that could probably be forgiven. Kasei doubted it, this would probably be going on for some while as both women seemed very opinionated and the thought made her want to sigh that this may go on for longer than a night. She really didn't want to deal with this, but she wouldn't dare leave now.

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The constant sound of his lowtop sneakers meeting the concrete walkway rang throughout Ascelin's eardrums. The repetition of the noise was annoying but threatening; the darkness of night appeared to engulf his pale figure as he faced the opponent of time with his feet as a weapon. He'd left his skateboard on the tour bus - out of forgetfulness rather than respect for hotel staff - and was mentally scolding himself for doing so. Was it really that hard to remember? No, he had just been too preoccupied with his recent... endeavours. His 'party' life usually got in the way of his musician career, but there were times when they collided together harmoniously. This, however, was not one of those times.

Aside from a tired just-woken look, he looked surprisingly well-groomed for having been without access to ideal means to make himself so. His dark hair was slicked back into a slight pompadour and his clothes appeared to have only been worn once or twice before. The formal black suit jacket that surrounded his torso matched neither his casual fan-made white t-shirt that featured the graphic outline of a rose, nor his dark jeans. His color scheme was consistent, however. White and black. The only spark of color that drew attention to his appearance was arguably his blue eyes. The outline of the dove on his neck and 'mischief' along his knuckles were the only tattoos to be seen.

Without hesitant action, Ace entered through the door of the bar. It was only then that he slowed down, coming to a complete stop as he attempted to pick out his band mates. He'd been called -- three times, two of which went to his voicemail as the drummer slept in a stranger's bed -- by hotel staff, alerting him that he was missing out on some quality band time. Ace rose to the occasion -- literally, jumping out of bed -- when the mention of free drinks was tossed into the dialogue.

It took a long moment of looking dumbfounded before he caught glimpse of the crowd near the bar itself. The lot of them weren't all familiar, but he approached them anyway. Crowds were easily faced by the young drummer; his ... noticeable ... behavior usually kept unwanted attention at bay. Not that he really dismissed any type of attention; he was one to bask in the glory of being seen and heard. He made his way behind Vivian -- a very recognizable woman -- panting heavily.

"S-... So-... Sorry," his breath was loudly audible and he found it difficult to speak. He placed one hand on the surface of the bar and the other against his abdomen. "I was... getting... acqua-... acqua-... fuck... acquainted," Ace sighed, his Bronx accent heavier than usual, "...with... with.. a fan." His voice was quiet enough for only her to hear, but when he looked at Viv's face he saw a piercing anger. Admittedly, she usually looked angry -- he had learned that within the first week of knowing her, and even more so after four years -- but Ace had become a master at picking up small signs of oddity within her. Well, more oddity than she naturally called her own.

He had obviously walked in on something silently conspiring within the group. He didn't say anything about it; it was best not to do so with so many other people around. Contrary to his public-loving demeanor, he enjoyed consoling people in a more private way, and whether that was because he didn't want people to see he actually had a heart or because he did hold respect for other human beings was yet to be known. With that thought he looked up at the other faces among the group, immediately realizing who they all were.

"Hi," he introduced himself loudly once his heart had stopped pounding so fast. "I'm Ace." He climbed onto the top of the bar, making his way over to the farthest member of opposing band and offered his hand to each of them. His eyes glanced down at the poster that was in front of his own band's 'leader' and matched each face with the ones in front of him. Immediately he recognized the lead guitarist, which was odd because he'd never met him. There was something about him that seemed familiar but Ace knew they'd never really seen each other before. Next was Tweak, who Ace had been dying to even see in person. Prior to starting to start the shared tour, Ascelin had done his own research on Nerveshock and developed a fascination with how metal the bassist appeared to be. There were only two members left, and when he came face to face with the blond, her name had slipped his mind. He knew she had to be the lead singer since he knew what the drummer looked like.

His eyes eventually landed on said drummer, who he knew the most about and was bound to have the most in common with. He flashed a smile and hopped off the bar table, taking a seat next to her and calling over the bartender. He was still marveling at the idea of free alcohol as he ordered continuous shots of Tru Organic vodka.

"Ya know how many trees I'm'a save by drinkin' this?" Ace turned to Kasei after he'd downed his first. "Approximately zero."

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#, as written by Cypher
Rick was not a fast man, in brainpower or on foot. He had once challenged Ian to a three-block sprint down the center of a main Pittsburgh street at midnight after several pints at a nifty little Irish pub, both of them barely capable of standing, let alone moving at high velocity down the middle of a city street. Ian was just trashed enough to oblige, and what resulted was the most embarrassing defeat since the last time the French won anything. Rick passed out in the middle of the street that night, having run out of breath and decided sleeping was preferable to running. To date, it may well have been the only thing Lenchi had ever won. But regardless, despite his general calm lethargy, Rick knew when it was time to act.

He had remained zoned out for the entirety of the exchange between Vivian and Harlyn, waiting for things to lull before he made his move. Once they did, Rick immediately began. He started by physically lifting Vivian's old-school barstool away from the bar and replacing it with his own, which he then placed his own buttocks onto and firmly entrenched himself upon. He turned to Viv and raised one hand in a halting gesture, his face serious. "No bar fights tonight, Viv. If y'all really wanna start something, there's a place down the street but for now just drink an' be merry, or whatever. In fact, pint a' Guinness for the walkin' skeleton," Rick said, pointing at Giles and raising his voice to capture the attention of the bartender, "And the next round's on me, too."

He quickly swiveled away from the members of Nerveshock to face Vivian head-on. "Look," he said simply, eyes firm, "I don't wanna start nothin' tonight; 'specially what with the tour coming up the way it is. If you start a bar fight tonight, or if you piss her off and she gets drunk so far under the table it merits a hospital trip -" he glanced over his shoulder and back again - "which, lookin' at her, may be likely if'n you two get into i - an' that means th' tour's delayed or maybe even off." He cocked an eyebrow at this point.

"Now, I don't want this to happen to me 'cause I kinda like playin' this music." He tilted his head slightly to the site, keeping his eyebrow raised. "Do you?" With that said, he turned back towards the bar and awaited his next drink.

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The shot of tequila hit the back of her throat, bashing her taste buds with the awful aftertaste of gasoline as Harlyn wrinkled her nose, forcing herself to swallow the horrid liquid. She absolutely hated the taste of Jose, but he had been one of her best friends when no one else was around. Jose and Jack had been there in her darkest of days and longest of nights – Jose Cuervo and Jack Daniels, that is. Shaking her head, Harlyn swallowed a second time in an attempt to rid herself of the burning gasoline taste lingering on her tongue before snapping her attention back to the dark haired giant a few stools away.

And as if the blonde’s gaze was the queue for Vivian to talk, she began, leaning forwards towards the blonde with a growl of a reply. "Huh, I wonder how far I'd have ta shove my boot up yer ass ta wipe that smug tone'a voice outta you.”

At this statement, the smirk lingering on Harlyn’s lips grew at a rapid rate into a smug grin as she drew in a deep breath. Before she could spit back a reply though, she felt a firm hand close around her forearm. With a raised brow, she turned towards the hand that’d grabbed her – Zack, of course – and glared daggers in his direction. She was already pissed at him for his stupidity; he needn’t not to add fuel to the fire.

”Don’t…” Zack said, his voice firm and calm as his eyes locked on hers.

”And if I do?” Harlyn replied, her voice even as she pulled her arm away from his hold. She couldn’t help but respect Zack for the way he attempted to care for her, but in times such as these, it came off as just downright annoying.

Then, as if Zack’s intervention wasn’t enough fuel added to the fire, Kasei had decided to throw in her two cents for a change. From the opposite side of Zack, her small, even voice flowed from her lips as she peered at the blonde. "Harlyn, don't start shit. You won't be able to finish it and don't expect us to finish it for you. It just won't end well. It's foolish."

Harlyn didn’t hear the rest of what her drummer had to say. Her ears had already been blocked with steam, like the old school cartoons, and her hands were balled at her sides. ”Was anybody talking to you, little emo bitch?” Harlyn snapped, her attention and heated glare focused on her band mate. “No. No one was talking to you in the first place, so why don’t you just shut the fuck up, go back to your drink and mope like you usually do?”[/b] she finished with a huff.

Before she could turn back to Vivian and their banter though, Harlyn was interrupted once again, this time by a man she didn’t know. He was perched atop the bar top and extending his hand out to her as he loudly introduced himself as Ace. ”Harlyn. Now move along,” she replied, her voice angry as she smacked his hand out of her face. Usually, she wasn’t a straight up bitch but with everything that had gone down in the past fifteen minutes (and the fact that those same events had chased away most of her high) at that same bar top, she couldn’t help but snap at the man; if only for the reason that she was simply baffled by his introduction.

Shaking off her confused expression, Harlyn turned atop her stool to find that Vivian had been moved from her seat and had been replaced by a band mate who was lecturing them both from a distance. ”If y'all really wanna start something, there's a place down the street but for now just drink an' be merry, or whatever. In fact, pint a' Guinness for the walkin' skeleton and the next round's on me, too." He said before turning towards his own band mates.

That was the last straw. Here she had been, having a good time before she had been interrupted by the behemoth bitch. And even in spite of her true self, she had attempted to set shit aside and take a shot, even toast to the well-being of the tour, but no, Behemoth Bitch wouldn’t have that, so the shit continued and just when it was about time to throw down, someone threw a wrench into the system. What the fuck. Now she didn’t even have The Chase to be happy about, the drama had chased the chase away – if that were possible. ”This is bullshit,” Harlyn spat under her breath, hopping down from her stool as the bartender slid a third shot over the bar top towards her. With a soft sigh, she took the shot in her hand and continued on her way toward the door, her steps quick. But with a second thought, she paused in front of Vivian’s band mate and gave her hand a light flick, tossing the small amount of tequila into his face. ”And I don’t want your fucking shot,” she spat before dropping the shot glass at their feet and storming out the door, her boots clicking angrily against the tile as she exited.

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Fortunately Kasei tried to calm her down as well. Harlyn was unstoppable right now, and Zack was growing more annoyed and more anxious with every word that flew across the bar. Vivian was not going to back down either. And definately not if her bandmate hadn't said something as well. He gave Kasei a look and a raised eyebrow as if to say that this was hopeless, but thanks for the effort. Harlyn pulled herself out of his grip and Zack bit his lip not to start shouting at them all, or smashing something. He was fearsome when you angered him, mainly because of his size. Or maybe it was because he was big compared to all of his bandmates. Two of them were female who were smaller by nature, and the other male was skinny as fuck. Harlyn seemed to outright mock him with what she said.

”Was anybody talking to you, little emo bitch?” As if the other things she'd said hadn't been enough, then this one came flying at Kasei.

Why the fuck... Zack thought to himself. He looked back at his drummer and gave her a look again, this time it said 'Ignore it.' And he dearly hoped she would.
Then the drummer from Legion crossed the bar and shook hands with them all, well... Not Harlyn. Zack shook it and looked at him for a second, wondering what the look of recognition apparent in the drummer who introduced himself as Ace meant. Then he turned his attention towards Kasei and they downed a shot. Zack drank the last of his beer and then heard more 'conversation' coming from his left. The man who'd tried to calm Vivian down was now offering drinks to them all again, but before Zack could agree, Harlyn stormed off after throwing curses and foul language around her. When she threw the shot in the Legion-eer's face, Zack closed his eyes and sighed. Fortunately she had the sense to storm off after that.

"Fucking... Oh.." he said angrily and walked towards Rick. "I'm sorry about that," he said genuinely. "I'll take care of her." Zack patted his shoulder in a friendly manner and handed the man a tissue from the bar. Then he looked at Vivian. "I don't know what your fucking game is." he started and pointed at her, eyebrows furrowed. "I just wanted to start off in a nice way here, but that's impossible, it seems." Zack took a step away from the bar, but decided he wasn't quite finished. He sighed deeply once and then continued in a calm and controlled voice (although it took a lot of energy). "Please don't take this as a threat," he said. "It's merely a warning. You can talk all the shit you want, to me, to my bandmates. But if you ever lay a finger on them..." Zack paused and clenched his teeth. "I'm coming for you."
With one last look at Rick, not one of anger but more of remorse, Zack hammered his shot glass down on the bar and then went after Harlyn.

When he finally caught up with her outside the bar -well out of sight- he grabbed her arm gently. "Harlyn!" he said and stopped her. "I know you're pissed at that woman, and so would I be if I was in the same situation as you." he started and took a deep breath. "But you went over the line." Zack let go of her arm and a tired expression came over his face. He cared for this girl and didn't want to do this, but apparently he had to. "Way fucking over."

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View All » Add Character » 13 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Devyn Demire
Character Portrait: Zack Vayne
Character Portrait: Richard Rayberg
Character Portrait: Harlyn Rae Julian
Character Portrait: Giles 'Goat' Kidd


Character Portrait: Giles 'Goat' Kidd
Giles 'Goat' Kidd

Tweak - Bassist of Band 2

Character Portrait: Harlyn Rae Julian
Harlyn Rae Julian

Lead singer/Rhythm guitarist of Band 2

Character Portrait: Richard Rayberg
Richard Rayberg

Co-Lead/Rhythm Guitarist of the as-yet unnamed "Band 1". He hopes the name will be Thunder Turtle.

Character Portrait: Zack Vayne
Zack Vayne

Lead guitarist of Band 2

Character Portrait: Devyn Demire
Devyn Demire

A quiet artistic young drummer


Character Portrait: Devyn Demire
Devyn Demire

A quiet artistic young drummer

Character Portrait: Zack Vayne
Zack Vayne

Lead guitarist of Band 2

Character Portrait: Harlyn Rae Julian
Harlyn Rae Julian

Lead singer/Rhythm guitarist of Band 2

Character Portrait: Giles 'Goat' Kidd
Giles 'Goat' Kidd

Tweak - Bassist of Band 2

Character Portrait: Richard Rayberg
Richard Rayberg

Co-Lead/Rhythm Guitarist of the as-yet unnamed "Band 1". He hopes the name will be Thunder Turtle.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Giles 'Goat' Kidd
Giles 'Goat' Kidd

Tweak - Bassist of Band 2

Character Portrait: Devyn Demire
Devyn Demire

A quiet artistic young drummer

Character Portrait: Zack Vayne
Zack Vayne

Lead guitarist of Band 2

Character Portrait: Richard Rayberg
Richard Rayberg

Co-Lead/Rhythm Guitarist of the as-yet unnamed "Band 1". He hopes the name will be Thunder Turtle.

Character Portrait: Harlyn Rae Julian
Harlyn Rae Julian

Lead singer/Rhythm guitarist of Band 2

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