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Midnight Rebellion



a part of Midnight Rebellion, by chris45.


chris45 holds sovereignty over Tiberen, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Tiberen is a part of Midnight Rebellion.

16 Characters Here

Lamont [0] A infamous thief with an hate for Lytherens
Siluvaine [0] Edwin's Faerie
Arlyn [0] A young elven girl born on the outskirts of Lavernith
Suleika [0] lytheren that loves a thief
Kazi [0] A swordsman who trusts no one but helps all he can
Brom [0] Sword master and ex soldier
Pain [0] A child theif with a painful and mysterious past.
Selvaria [0] A lonely knight who wanders the woods of Angria
Hashfana [0] A gypsy who acts in the city of Angria, famous among the citizenry for her dances of steel.
Giasha [0] A squire who is still recovering from wounds she suffered along with her dragon companion

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#, as written by chris45
Edwin walks through the market place of Angria studying all the crops the farmers have grown. Edwin smiles at the farmer who was in front of him, the man’s name was Gregory, Edwin had come to him to buy food often. Edwin then looked at Gregory’s wife Thea, who was a very kind woman and gave him extra food for him and Sil to share. Edwin smiles at both of them and says “ I’m happy to see you two today how are you.” Gregory smiles and says “ it’s a fine day, the crops are doing well, the animals are feeling good and we have our health. I don’t think I could ask for a better day.” Edwin feels those words in his heart and he says “well that just sound beautiful, so what do we have today.” Gregory smiles and says “ I got the usual for you, there are beans, peas bread, corn and a few apples.” Edwin smiles and Gregory hands a basket with all the foods just mentioned. Edwin smiles and takes the basket and he then hands Gregory a bag of coins and Gregory says “ you know this is way to much.” Edwin chuckles and says “ don’t worry about it, I got a good job in town and it pays well. So this is for you guys treating me and Sil so well, he then looks at Sil sitting on his shoulder. He then starts to walk away when Thea says “ hang on!” she walks over to Edwin and places a few what look like cookies in his basket and she says “ I made those so enjoy them, ok.” Edwin smiles and nods, he then starts to walk. When he is bumped into by a soldier who falls to the down purposely after hitting Edwin. The soldier says “ Don’t you know your place boy, you stand aside when you see a Crimeth soldier coming. And you’re an elf to, oh that just adds to the punishment. “ the soldier looks at the other three who are with him and says “ what do you say boys twenty lashes.” one of them shouts “ give him thirty! I just want to see the elf squeal.” one soldier grabs Edwin’s shirt and rips it. And another soldier takes out a whip and holds it high in the air. They then look at all of Edwin’s scars that cover his back completely. Edwin then puts down the basket and yells “ you get a good look you monsters! Yea your not the first one to want to hurt me cause of what I am, you humans need to get over yourselves! None of us are different than you we bleed the same blood!” Edwin grabs his ripped shirt and slings it over his shoulder. Edwin picks up the basket and then starts to walk away. One soldier yells out “ what! Is that little speech supposed to stop us from beating you boy.” The soldier who yelled grabs the whip and readies it but one stops him and says “ let the boy go, he has more scars than most generals, lets not add to his pain.” The soldier with the whip pushes the other off of him and run toward Edwin, Edwin does a pushing motion with his hand and a large gust of wind sends the soldier with the whip flying backward, the soldier lands in a pig pen covered in mud and other things. Edwin looks at Sil and says “ I think we should run.” Edwin runs toward his house, he quickly opens the door and places the food on the table. Edwin looks around the small three room house, the first room was the living room and the kitchen. The second room was the bathroom. The third was the bed room. Edwin hates how small the place is, but he has to live there it is the only place he can afford.


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#, as written by chris45
Mina sits down at a table in a small tavern in Kalya. She is wearing a cloak and robes to hide that she is a Lytheren. She looks around at some of the people and then a young waitress walks up to her and says “ can I help you?” Mina looks at the young woman and says “can I have some water please.” The woman smiles and says “sure thing, and you should take of the cloak, makes you look silly, this place is a nice place so get comfortable.” The woman walks away with a smile and she goes over to the bar and talks to a man with a large beard. The man has a scar on his face and Mina can’t stop staring at it. The man stares at Mina and then she looks away. The woman comes back and gives Mina the glass of water, she smiles and then goes to the back of the tavern. Mina then looks around and sees that most of the people in the tavern are leaving. The man who was behind the bar and goes to the front door and locks it. Mina smiles and then takes of her cloak and her robes and she says “thanks Donald, I can’t take the feeling of wondering what people would think of me if they saw my ears and stuff.” Donald laughs and says “ no one would care Mina, you do a lot for the people, like the time you drove of that band of thieves. Or that time you stole food from the soldiers because the poor kid was going hungry. You do to much to not be thanked for it. And stop staring at my scar all the time its just weird.” Mina stares at him and Donald says “see your doing it again.” she laughs and says “I only do it because it annoys you.” the girl who went in the back and lets out a gasp when she sees Mina, Mina stares at her and says “what’s with that face Rose.” Rose laughs and says “what I wanted to see if I could be a good actor.” Mina gets up from the table and walks over to Rose and the two hug. Rose then says “hey you want to go to the market today, I need to buy stuff for dinner tonight. “ Mina says “ why can’t I make dinner this time.” Rose responds quickly “ because you always buy fish and I’m sick of fish.” Mina laughs and says “ but fish is good for you.” Rose shakes her head and says “ come on lets go.” Rose walks by Donald and hugs him and says “ make sure you don’t go eating before I make dinner again.” He motions for her to leave. Mina grabs her robes and cloak and before she walks out Donald stops her and says “make sure you two don’t get into trouble ok, your both like daughters to me remember that.” Mina smiles and nods and then heads out. Mina and Rose walk to the market and look at all of the foods and other things the venders are selling. Mina and Rose get ready to leave when Mina sees something. She stops and walks over to a vender who is selling clothes, She smiles at the vender and then goes back to staring at the clothes, Mina then turns around and sees that Rose is gone. Mina runs off to the direction Rose went, Mina then sees a group of guys in a dark area near a abandoned house. Mina runs over and pushes one of them and sees Rose in the middle. She grabs Rose and holds her and yells to the guys “ what do you think your doing to my sister!” Rose looks at Mina and then the guys walk toward her and Rose. Mina steps in front of Rose and as one guy gets close mina scratches his face with her claws. The guy yells in pain the men rush at Mina and grab at her clothing ripping some of it. Mina changes into her animal form in defense and then she attacks with her claws scratching at the men, the men all run in fear screaming loudly. Mina changes back and looks at Rose and says “ are you ok? They didn’t hurt you did they?” Rose shakes her head and then Mina turns around and says to Rose “we have to run.” Rose says “why?” Mina watches as some soldiers run towards them, mina then says “ that’s why!” Mina grabs rose by the hand and then runs. Rose trips and Mina picks her up and then says “ run home, I’ll handle this.” Rose runs off towards her house. Mina stands in front of the soldiers with eyes ablaze with flames of rage. One soldier says “well isn’t this sweet trying to protect your sister, well you know what we do to girls who cause trouble.” Mina chuckles and says “ oh I know exactly what you monsters do, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to let it continue. This ends today.” the soldier says “ oh you have quite the mouth on you. Well we will just have to see if you still have that attitude after we are done.” Mina takes the ripped cloak and robes and rips them off, reviling her ears and tail. Mina is now only wearing a black shirt and pants. The soldier says “ oh so a beast dares to hide in our city! Now we can just execute you.” Mina yells “this isn’t your city! And I’m not the real beast here you are.” Mina changes into her cat form, she stands about as high as the soldiers waists. Her size scares the soldiers a bit and they draw their swords. Mina jumps at one soldier knocking him to the ground. She does the same to another and then another. She tries not to kill them and when she forces them all to the ground. She says “ maybe you boys need to train a little more before you face me again. And the next time you lay a finger on anyone in this city, just know my eyes see all, my ears hear all and my claws are always hungry for soldier flesh.” Mina then runs off and heads home. When she gets home she sees that Rose is safe and Donald is with her. Mina changes back to her human form. And Donald then yells “didn’t I tell you girls to be safe, I swear you two are going to cause so much trouble! But I’m happy you two are safe and that’s all that matters, now come one lets make dinner.” Mina smiles and then nods at Donald, she walks over to Rose and Rose whispers to her “ I’m happy your always here for me, if it wasn’t for you who knows what could have happened.” Mina smiles and says “ I’m always here for you, cause we are sisters now.” Rose chuckles and then the two hug.


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Hashfana was on a small stage in the Marketplace. She wasn't doing an act but she was quietly practicing with her wheels. Her movements were slow and deliberate. She sped up and slowed down moving to the right and swinging her arm in a standard swiping motion. She continued to speed up and noticed a few people pausing to look at her. Her outfit billowed behind her unable to keep up with her. When she stopped she was breathing hard and she smiled to see a few people dropping onto the edge of the stage. She walked over and pocketed the coins when she saw a few soldiers harassing a young elf. The elf finally got away and took off through the market place. Hashfana was pissed. How dare they do that to that poor boy. She snuck off into the marketplace and and accidentally ran into the soldier who had harassed the boy, knocking him down. "OOPS, I am so sorry, let me help you up." She extended her hand to the soldier who looked just absolutely enraged. He was about to scream at her but looking at how well armed she was he thought better of it. "I don't need your help gypsy, get out of her now." Hashfana ran off laughing and juggling the soldiers fat purse in her hands. She quickly caught up to the elf and followed him to his house. When he went in she knocked on his door.

Giasha flew over the city of Kayla with Auknard. The city was her home but her real home now was with Auknard. She held herself closer to him as the cool night wind sliced through her clothing. Auknard put down outside of the city and let Giasha slide off his back. "Little one, are you sure you want to go inside the city. I could easily catch you food or care for you or anything." Giasha sighed, she knew the dragon would but she needed a new pair of shoes and she needed to get a job. Her purse was nearly empty and she needed to do something, even if she was afraid too. She put her head against Auknard's. "I know, but I can't live in the forest with you forever, I need winter clothing and what will we do if we have to go someone and I can't pay for anything. You know I'm scared but I have to go." Auknard looked down at her. "Alright little one. If something happens though call for me. I will rip the city apart if anything happened." Giasha looked into Auknards large blue eyes, her face full of love for the large creature. "Nothing will happen to me. I promise you, Keep yourself safe from the soldiers." With that she walked off towards the city, arriving shortly before the gates closed for the night. She made her way through the streets until she saw a small tavern. Figuring this was a better place then any she approached the door and knocked on the door. She could hear laughter from two girls inside and hoped this place wouldn't charge to much. Hey if it was nice enough she might get a job. One can only hope.


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As Lamont slowly crept along the back house's of the market place looking for the market place guard captain. He has been tasked with the theft of the guard captains family crest. The group of people that gathered around a elf child made perfect cover to steal blindly from the guard captain. as Lamont sunk in to the group, he moved closer and closer to the captain. The captain turns violently to ward of the group. Lamont took this opportunity to try an snatch the captains crest. The captain quickly turns and grabs Lamont hand and lifts him slightly into the air. " Bahahahaha, I finally got you damned thief!" the guard captain yells. "crap" Lamont thought as he pulled the sliver dagger from his pouch and sliced the captains fingers. as the scene unfolded more guards covered the area, lamont quickly tares the crest off the captains neck. "stop right their thief" the rest of the guards commanded. "bye bye" lamont says, he plants his right foot opens his hips slightly to the left and sprinted away from the guards. "stop him" the infuriated guard captain out lashed, the archers and crossbowmen started to fire at lamont. the sliver tipped arrows flew quickly throe the heavy damp air, two arrows grazed his right arm and shoulder. with the pay he would receive from returning the stolen item to the contractor, he ran toward the auction house with were the contractor awaited his arrival, he felt the warm blood drip down his arm. the archers were as equally fast catching up to lamont as he ran throe the auction house's crowded of people. the leading archer known that lamont would do this due to past experiences when it came to chancing down this thief, he ordered the two archers beside him to take positions in the near by houses to gain a clear shot at lamont. the lead archer fallowed the trail of blood that lamont left. the archer leaps on to lamonts, then proceeds to remove his dagger stabbing lamont in the lower part of his shoulder. woman and children fled the seance, lamont weakly punches the archer in the face to stun him. Lamont's hand stuttered when he drew his sliver dagger, the archer try to move in quickly for the kill when he lunges, lamont ready s his blade and party's the attack, stunting the archer for a split second. lamont quickly slice's at the archers throat, cutting his jugular artery, the archers blood spares in lamonts face blinding him for moment . as he was blinded the two other archers fire their arrows in to his back, lamont stumbled to were his contractor said to hide the crest under the alter of the auction house and collapse's on the spot. the rest of the guards close in to capture him

[OCC: this is my first attempt to RP in this style]


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#, as written by chris45
(everyone, tell me if this is to much, not in length, but in what it talks about, i tried to keep it vague, but this is somewhat what is happening in just about every city, so i though you guys should see. hopefully it isn't to much. if you don't like it you don't have to read it. so give me your opinion on this if you wish.)

Ferren walks into and looks at all the drunks and the mercenaries that stay there all the time. They all then break out into a cheer and yell “ look it’s the great demon bounty hunter!” Ferren chuckles through his scarf, Ferren is wearing a clock to cover his ears and a scarf around his nose and mouth like a bandit. Ferren walks up to the bar and pulls down the scarf and says “ What’s the next job, old man.” The bar keep who was a man about in his thirties, with long hair and a scruffy beard, says “ well kid, I got the job you have been waiting for, listen up. There is this guy named, Norman. He is the ring leader of a trading group.” Ferren asks “ what kind of trading?” The bar keep says “ do I need to tell you, slave trading boy. Now there is a large under trading ring, and there is a meeting tonight and buyers, traders, and the slaves will be there. Your job is to take it all down by tonight.” Ferren looks at the bar keep and says “ well, do you think she will be there.” The bar keep says “ if she isn’t then you can be sure she isn’t a slave, so what will you do if she isn’t there.” Ferren starts to walk away and says “ the same thing I would do if she was there, kill all the monsters.” the bar keep chuckles and watches Ferren leave. Someone walks up to the bar keep and says “you think he is going to be alright?” The bar keep stars at him and says “ the kid has been doing this for years, I have no doubt he will be fine. He is our cities demon hero.” Ferren walks through the city and then he stops at a rundown house. He kicks in the door and sees a man, he grabs him by the shirt collar and shakes him, Ferren then yells “ where is the underground traders meeting being held.” the man screams and then Ferren hits him and he says “ I wont ask nicely again.” The man says “ ok, ok, can you ever just come to my house to have a pleasant conversation about life.” The man takes out a book and says “ it’s being held, oh,, this is quite interesting. It’s being held at Sir Walter’s cottage, it’s the only home in the southern part of the city, you can’t miss it.” Ferren says “ thanks” The man says “ give’ em hell demon.” Ferren walks out and says ’ I plan to.” Ferren goes back to the bar and sits down at a table, the bar keep says “ what are you doing here!” Ferren says “ waiting till night fall, then I can sneak in kill the traders, free the slaves, maybe kill the buyers and then go to sleep.” Ferren waits for the sun to set and then he heads out of the bar. He walks south to the cottage of Sir Walter and then he sneaks in through a window and is confronted by a guard, Ferren dodges the guards sword takes it and uses it to stab the guard. Ferren then sneaks up on another guard and slices the man’s throat with his claw. Ferren then looks around and sees a door guarded by a large man. The man says to Ferren “ you know, your not bad. To bad I have to kill you.” Ferren chuckles and turns into his wolf form. Ferren stands at about eight feet high while the man is only about six feet. Ferren swipes his claw at the man killing him instantly. Ferren changes back to human form, he opens the door to see a flight of stairs. He walks down them and into what looks like a dungeon, it is well lit, but there is still a few shadows in the room. Ferren hides in the shadows and watches as the men talk and torture the slaves. He only sees human slaves and he is relieved that his sister is not there. Ferren then starts grabbing people and pulling them into the shadows. The people start to notice that their numbers are dwindling then Ferren comes out and says “ ok, the party is over.” the men draw their swords and Ferren changes his form and kills them all.” Ferren frees the slaves and they all run Ferren shakes his head and then as he walks toward the stairs he hears some yelling. He turns around and presses his ear to the wall. He changes his form and then presses his paw to the wall and it breaks. Ferren then sees Sir Walter with a female Lytheren who is chained up. Ferren runs up to the man and slams his paw into his chest. Ferren stands over the man crushing him. Ferren then looks down on him and says “ you are a horrible monster, your not worth being killed by my hands.” Ferren frees the female Lytheren who turns into a snake and wraps around Walter and crushes him. Ferren looks at the woman and says “ I’m sorry that happened to you.” she says “ I’m sorry you couldn’t have helped the others who didn’t come to this one.” Ferren’s heart sinks now knowing that this was the only place like this. Ferren changes his form and runs out of the cottage and back to the tavern. Ferren sits at a table and the bar keep walks over to him. He says “ hey, kid she wasn’t there was she.” Ferren shakes his head and the bar keep says “ good.” Ferren then says “ but that wasn’t the only place where they were doing that, I can’t keep doing this. I can’t keep seeing my people like that. I know it happens to humans as well, but why does it have to happen at all.” Ferren begins to cry and says “ I’m just one kid, I try my best to help, but I am no demon I can’t stop this at least not alone. Please just don’t give me any more jobs like that I don’t think my heart could take it again.” Ferren puts his head in his hands and cries. The bar keep pats Ferren’s back and says “ just let it out kid, I’m sorry I should have realized your still a kid.” Ferren gets up and walks toward the door and says “ after the king is gone, then everything should go back to normal. I’m tired of seeing this. See you tomorrow Jack.” Jack, the bar keep smiles and says “ see you kid.”


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Siya was taking a flight over the city, it was very dangerous but it was night, it was dark, there was no one but small fry guards in the city. She sighed, the city below her was beautiful but she could only see the blood running down the streets from it's sacking. When she was over the southern part of the city her eyes picked out a figure making his way very quickly over the roof tops. She saw him enter a small building through a window. "well that's not normal" she muttered to herself. A few minuites later she saw a collection of humans making there way out of the door and finally two figures. One went away but the other was the first figure that had entered. She smelled blood and so landed nearby and peeked into one of the windows. It was a blood bath, her eyes were full of fear and horror she looked over the room, it was a slaver's room and she was filled with hate at both the slavers and the person who had done this. Suddenly she recognized one of the bodies. It was of a poor city boy who had been being letting himself be hired as a guard for money to help his ailing grandmother. He had been nice to her, protected her at times and had been a good friend. Her eyes filled with tears and she took off flying over the city.

She spotted the first figure coming out of a tavern and she lighted down in an alley further up the street. She turned to her human form and and readied herself. When the boy passed by she stuck her tail right in front of his neck and held it there touching him. He was much bigger then her but her talon was deadly, if he moved she would kill him. "why. Why did you do that, WHY DID THEY HAVE TO DIE!" Tears were filling up in her eyes and the moon light reflected off of her golden wings. "You could have released them without killing. I KNEW ONE OF THEM. HE WAS INNOCENT AND YOU KILLED HIM!" she was crying and quivering with rage and fear. She spat at him. "You are no better then those slavers."


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Selvaria returned the greatsword Valkyrie to its place at her back as the bandit in front of her collapsed bleeding. Around him lay five other fools who had attempted to terrorise a nearby village; but they would do that no more. She sighed, her beautiful face drawn back, as ever, in sorrow as she looked up at the moon shining down on her, or so it seemed to her.
"What is there in this..." she murmured to no one in particular. "Bandits and brigands. I can't fight them forever. They'll always come back to prey on the villages..."
But now the world was changing. Rumour had spread, and even the secluded Selvaria had heard of the battles that were being fought now, and the people who fought to defend the very ideals she herself had dedicated her life to protecting. Perhaps she would have some use, but she herself could not venture out. Perhaps it was conceited of her, but she hoped, with her reputation as a faceless defender across the world, she would be approached.


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#, as written by chris45
Rowan sits down at the table and looks at the food in front of him. He quickly eats and says “ I have to go train.” His mother stops him and says “ you train everyday, can’t you just rest for once.” Rowan shakes his head and says “ Brom never rested he became a great swordsman through hard work, if I can’t do the same with my lance then I will fail to keep my promise, and I’ll never go back on my word not ever.” Rowan’s mother lets him go and says “just be careful.” Rowan runs out the door and heads to the stuffed sack he made as his dummy. Rowan spins the spear in his hands and then he jabs at the dummy causing the sand to pour out. Rowan’s friend John walks up to him and says “ training again Rowan, come on don’t you just want to have fun.” Rowan says “ this is fun, I’m training to protect the whole town.” John says “ well at least come with me and my dad today. We are going to Lavernith and he is going to take me to some kind of trading spot or something, he says he is buying me a pet Lytheren. Rowan looks at him and says “ why would you want a pet Lytheren, that’s like having a pet human it’s just weird and feels wrong.” John says “ oh don’t be crazy Lytherens are noting like humans they are just like wild animals.” Rowan shakes his head and says “ no way am I going, you shouldn’t go either, but if you really want to I can’t stop you.” John pats rowan on the shoulder and says “ I’ll show you my pet when I get back.” Rowan shakes his head and goes back to training.

Rowan then hears some soldiers talking to each other and they say “ hey, did you hear, there is this huge lion up near the mountains it’s supposed to be one of the biggest in the whole region and who ever kills it gets the lion’s weight in gold.” Rowan watches as the soldiers pass and head toward the mountains. Rowan follows after them wanting to see the lion. When they reach the top of the spiraling mountain Rowan sees it, the lion’s large mane whipping as the wind blows. The soldiers surround it and point their weapons at it. One stabs it in the leg and the lion jumps and attacks the man cutting at the man’s neck till it gets a vain and the man starts to bleed out. Rowan becomes afraid of the lion’s power. The lion tries to balance on it’s other legs as the men come at it. Rowan then runs toward the men and he pushes one and says “ leave it alone, you guys are just torturing it, it hasn’t even hurt anyone other then the fool who attacked it.” the men look at each other and then ignore Rowan. One man gets ready to stab the lion and Rowan thrusts his lance into the man’s leg and the lion then attacks the man killing him. The lion then jumps over the man’s body and escapes the group and stands next to Rowan. It nudges him as if saying thank you. Rowan removes the spear from the man’s leg shaking after what he had just done. The other men try to escape but the lion blocks their path. It approaches them slowly making them walk backward. The men then walk all the way to the edge. The lion then roars and charges and then men back up in fear and fall down the mountain to their deaths. Rowan walks over to the lion and places his hand on it. He then rips some of his clothes and wraps them around the lion’s wound. Rowan then says “ you can come back to my house and my mom can take care of that for you.” The lion seems to understand, and then it places it’s forehead against Rowan’s and then a mark appears on Rowan’s head, the lion had bonded with Rowan and he could now hear it’s thoughts. The lion says “thank you for helping me Rowan, now I think we should go before more soldiers come.” Rowan nods and the two then head down the mountain back to the city.


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#, as written by chris45
Ferren looks at the girl and yells “ You dare to but me in the same boat as those monsters! You of all people should know how I feel, seeing people enslaved like that. And if your friend was there then it is his own fault for taking a job guarding people selling slaves. Granted if he was truly good he wouldn’t have been there in the first place. Everyone in there was allowing what was happening to go on. What if it was you down there would the boy stop what he was doing just for you. He is a human and they do what they need to, to survive. In the end a human can be friends with a Lytheren, but they will never treat them as though they are the same. And if you judge me for saving people then maybe you should look at your refection and tell me you don’t see a monster who defends other monsters for doing wrong.” Ferren stares at the girl with eyes full of anger, he was holding back the tears, because she was right he had not taken the time to think who could have been there and wanted to leave or were there trying to help. But Ferren wasn’t going to look back now. He had done what was necessary, if he hadn’t done it who would have. If he didn’t stand up to the slave traders then who would.


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#, as written by Ninade
Adaness strolled through the back allies of Kalya. It was quite the eventful day. She had fought several guards for beating innocent people, and in turn got beaten herself. She always managed to escape after a few blows though, she was too good for them. She hated how the gaurds treated these people. It just wasn't right. She couldn't just stand by and watch, it was completely against her nature. She sat down to rest for a bit against a dark alley wall.
Ada yawned and mumbled to herself, "Guards are so stupid. They know nothing of fighting and only enjoy the 'beating other people' part of their job. They have no honor or respect for anyone else but themselves. Egotistical jugheads."
She sat quietly and aided her wounds for a bit, until she heard a noise in the distance. She got up suddenly and cautiously moved forward and stood in fighting stance.
"Who's there?" She called out.
Then, a guard charged out of a halfway closed door and tackled her to the floor.
"Ha! I got you you little elven rat! You're pathetic. You thin kyou're being a hero by rebelling so much?" He slapped her across the face so hard that her nose started to bleed. He continued, "Well, you're not doing anything. You know why? Because us guards are superior to you ELVES." He said the last sentence slow and deliberate, like talking to a two year old.
Ada couldn't take it, she spat in his face, "My opinion about you jerks does not change."
The guard got angry and threw her against the wall, this furiated her. She immediatly got up and jolted towards him. Using her new Jujitsu skills, she jabbed him in several spots on the body that would cripple his arms and legs. He collapsed to the floor and looked up at her in horror.
"like I said, you're all talk but have no real skill. You can't stop me. Unlike you, I have a purpose. So say goodnight." Ada then kicked him in the head and he passed out. She made sure there was still a pulse, which there was and moved on. Fueled by anger she trudged on. Her nose was still bleeding and her head hurt from being thrown up on the wall. She walked and walked until her steam was almost out. She spotted the local tavern, and another girl walking up to it. She looked a bit nervous. When Ada was close enough she called out to the stranger who carried a Naginata at her side.
"Hello mam'? I am Adanessa, but call me Ada for short. And who might you be?" She asked as she approached the girl. Ada was sure she still looked bloodied up for her recent brawl,a nd from previous ones today. She wiped her hand across her nose to clear the blood quickly and flashed a bright-happy smile.


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#, as written by chris45
Mina looks at Rose and says “ there is someone at the door, go to Donald, it could be a soldier, if it is then he might be here to get me, if he is I will defend this place to the end ok.” Rose looked at Mina and says “ ok, just be careful.” Rose runs to the back and Mina goes to the door and opens it, she sees a girl with a spear in her hand and another girl who was beaten up. Mina says to the beaten girl “ oh my, what happened to you!” Mina runs out, her ears and tail no longer covered. She helped the girl inside and placed her by a seat, she then looked at the girl with the spear and says “ Oh, I’m sorry is there anything I can help you with.” Rose came out of the back with Donald and says “ Mina is everything ok?” Mina looks to Rose and says “ Rose your good at bandaging people up, help her out please.” Donald then walks over to the girl with the spear and says “um, miss are you with this girl or are you here for some other reason.” Donald gestures to the young girl who is being taken care of by Rose. Donald walks to the door and closes it and locks it, to make sure no soldiers walk in. Mina’s eyes got wide as she saw that the girl who was beaten up was an elf, Mina knew a soldier had to be the one who hurt the girl and Mina says to Donald “ I think I’m going to have to get my hands bloody now.” Donald looks at Mina and says “ don’t say such things, you should just relax for now if the soldiers really wanted they could corner you.” Mina stares at him and says “ I don’t care, the soldiers are doing to much wrong in this city, what have we really done to stop them, nothing! The soldiers walk around feeling like because they could take a town of farmers and kids. They are strong! Well I want to show them how strong they really are.”

Donald slaps Mina and yells at her “ you would get yourself killed! And there is no way I’m letting another member of this family die because of the soldiers! And look at all the good you have done for this city, you really want the people to lose what little hope they have, yes you are the people’s hope, if you would stop running off during the day when people are here you could here them talk about the cloaked person who gave them food or money. That’s you Mina, and you need to start realizing that.” Mina presses her forehead to Donald’s chest and says “ you do realize that we have guest and your making things awkward for them right.” Donald looks around and says “ I guess your right, well everyone gather around the bar and I’ll make you some drinks, nonalcoholic of course.” He smiles and walks away. Mina shakes her head and then chuckles and looks toward the guests that the tavern now has.


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Siya was infuriated and her eyes were streaming tears now.

“ You dare to but me in the same boat as those monsters! You of all people should know how I feel, seeing people enslaved like that. And if your friend was there then it is his own fault for taking a job guarding people selling slaves. Granted if he was truly good he wouldn’t have been there in the first place. Everyone in there was allowing what was happening to go on. What if it was you down there would the boy stop what he was doing just for you. He is a human and they do what they need to, to survive. In the end a human can be friends with a Lytheren, but they will never treat them as though they are the same. And if you judge me for saving people then maybe you should look at your refection and tell me you don’t see a monster who defends other monsters for doing wrong.”

She would have slapped him if she was tall enough to reach his face without losing her tails pin on him. "He was using the money to keep his two little sister's alive. You are no better then the soldiers because you are out for blood like the soldiers. If my life would have kept them alive and happy then by god I would have turned myself in. You do not think, you kill. YOU say a human can not treat a lytherin as the same yet look around you. There are lytherin hiding out all over this city being cared for and accepted and even adopted by the humans as their own children. ORPHANS LIKE ME. I defend monsters, HAH. I look and I see one and I can slit his throat. You could have released the slaves and killed the slaver only." She was not stopping now, she would not let this monster get away with this. "Look at your hands. LOOK AT THEM, they are stained red with the blood of those they needn't have died. Sure you freed those imprisoned, I like anyone in this city thank you for that. But you are a beast, Things like you is why some humans hate us. You have now killed more then just a few humans. I know for a fact you just killed that boy's sick mother. And what is to happen to his sisters, they are 5. You think they can survive out there on the streets on their own. You have ruined their futures at least. You are not a lytheren, you are a beast."

Her ranting stopped and she was breathing hard. The boy was crying but so was she, so would the sisters, and their sick mother. Maybe others of those now dead would be in mourning. She slammed her tail into the wall next to his neck and nicked his neck deep enough so that it will leave a scar. It would hurt but it would not kill him. "That will scar, The scar will be a reminder, a reminder that there is a line in the ground between lytheren, or human, or any other race, and a beast. You were a beast at one point." she watched as blood trickled down his neck and began to stain his shirt. "Your hands are stained, your soul is stained. It is stained red with those you have killed. You will work to make it pure or I swear to you I will kill you and you will have died having only brought pain into this world." She retracted the tail from his neck. "Leave now before I change my mind"

She took off flying over the city and arrived at a tiny one roomed house in one of the cities slums. She knocked on the door to be opened up by two other little girls. They were only slightly shorter then her and with tears in her eyes she fell down and the three of them cried while the moon continued it's silent travels across the night sky.


An older girl walked towards Giasha as she waited for the door. As she got closer she could see the elf was bleeding but was doing her best to hide it. Giasha almost couldn't stomach it because this was obviously done by a soldier.
"Hello mam'? I am Adanessa, but call me Ada for short. And who might you be?"

Giasha returned the smile to her. "My name is Giasha, It's nice to meet you Ada." She dug into one of her pockets and brought out a handkerchief "Here, you can use this to help with the bleeding." Just then the door opened and a very concerned Lytheren rushed out and quickly brought them both in. While Ada was being tended too the innkeeper walked over to her. "um, miss are you with this girl or are you here for some other reason?" Giasha was quick with her response. "No sir, I actually just met Ada outside your door. I am here to stay the night, purchase some supplies in the city, and maybe if you would be willing to see if you would be into hiring me or directing me to a person who would hire me. I have been staying outside the city with a companion for awhile now but it is difficult to secure necessities out there." She was very careful not to reveal to much and remain as vague as possible. Suddenly there was a commotion with one of the girls and she began to feel a little awkward. It was quickly recovered. From what she could see and hear this family was one she could trust. "Sir, My name is Giasha, If it makes you more comfortable to know I despise the soldiers." and she did, more then anything in the world. they had ruined her and she still felt the pain from that day. It had been her worst but if it had never happened she would never have met Auknard. "They have brought me more pain then anything.........but also my hearts greatest joy." She said the last part in almost a whisper wishing that Auknard was here, even if it was impossible. She was very quiet and fiddled with a dragon ring she had on her finger, It was cheap and really just made out of scrap copper but it made her feel as if somehow Auknard was with her and helped calm her fears.


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Selvaria looked over at the small city of Kalya. Her black steed, Vincent, was standing on a hill overlooking the town, and from atop Vincent Selvaria could see much of what went on down in the city.
"Is this where it is happening?" she murmured to herself. "I haven't been in Kalya before..."
She set Vincent at a good pace down the hills to Kalya, and soon reached its gates and passed through them. She was going no where in particular; just looking around at Kalya, and possibly get something to eat, as she hadn't eaten all day. A few people glanced at her and muttered to each other, but Selvaria didn't think she would be recognised; no one had seen her out in the woods anyway. But she was rather nervous of the apparent talking and pointing that her arrival had may attract unwanted attention.


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#, as written by chris45
Ferren looks at the girl, he realizes what is truly going on, the girl wasn’t directing her anger at him, it was at herself for knowing what her friend was doing and not trying to help him find a different way of making money, or if she was directing her anger at only him then she was foolish, the girl was still a child, Ferren was still a kid as well, but at seventeen he has seen things that have caused him to grown up. Ferren doesn’t feel pain from the slash, he no longer feels much pain at all. Ferren has suffered more than this girl would ever know, Ferren watches the girl leave thinking how this would make her do one of two things grow up and except that nothing in life is fair or want to try and kill him, because Ferren will not feel sorry for what he did he may seem like a monster, but each one of those humans got what they deserved, it would be an example to all humans, if he had let any of the buyers or guards live, they would just go back to doing it again. So their lives had to be ended.

Ferren walks home he can smell the girl and she isn’t to far. He thought about if he was to see her again, Ferren chuckles knowing that she would never willingly come at him again, the girl was young but not foolish, she should know she stands no chance against him even as a dragon. Ferren opens the door to his house and lays in his bed. Ferren sees the faces of the people he has just killed. He breathes deeply and then closes his eyes, he can hear the men yelling, the sound of blood hitting the cold floor. The men never stood a chance. Ferren then sees the young Lytheren girl, he sees her crying, he feels himself cry. Ferren felt sorry for the girl, he felt how she was alone and couldn’t see the whole picture. But then something strikes him as odd, this young girl was trying to defend the humans in someway. She was trying to make it seem as if all humans aren’t naturally drawn to want to do something bad. The girl doesn’t realize that the humans are the only race who capture, trade and buy slaves. This girl needs to know how little she really knows. But Ferren doesn’t plan to speak with the girl again at least not this night. He would probably wait till the day and sneak up on her , maybe get revenge for the scar. Ferren laughs and then slowly falls asleep, while he sleeps his ears twitch listening for intruders.


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As lamont awoken with multiple sharp pains from his lower back to his arms, to his surprise he was bandaged .The darkness of the cell was like a second home to him but this was different, it was more like a cage, confining his movements, making him feel alone and useless. He blankly glared into the darkness as if it was an lost friend, it washed away all the pain that was withstood. the whisper of the wind gently push's the sound of the guards foot steps, the flickering light of the torch that was carried illuminated his cell. "ha ha thief you thought that you would get away with the crest " the shorter guard proclaims. "your lucky that you hiden captain dracoins crest very well or you would be put to death" he adds in. lamont ignores the guard and stares at the wall for a short period of time, then turns back on his side to get some rest. while he slept the event that killed his mother and father keeps replaying in his mind making him uneasy and restless. for now the only thing he can do his to lay their to recover his wounds


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#, as written by Ninade
Ada chuckled when she noticed Giasha being slightly taken back by her wounds.
"Oh don't worry about these..." Before she could finish they were both dragged in and pulled in seperate directions.
'Well that's rude' Ada thought sarcasticaly.
She couldn't quite hear what the girl was asking her, probably what happened. So when she sat Ada down she explained the whole day in a nutshell.
"Well, I have this hate for soldiers and it bothers me that they beat these people. So I protest and ocassionally kick ass, well more like I kick ass all the time. Seeing as I'm an elf, the punishments tend to be worse than most, but I usually get away. They're so pathetic. One just personally attacked me while I was resting in an alley. He's probably still on the floor passed out." She sighed frusterated.
Then the stranger started to tend to her wounds and it made her edgy. She wasn't fond of strangers being this close to her. Ada protested to her help, but they insisted. So she immediatly stood up and told her, "It's okay. I'll take care of it.", and walked to the other side of the room. She used Giasha's hankerchief to clean up. Which reminded her...
"Thanks for the hankerchief Giasha!" She waved the bloodied cloth in the air to catch her attention.
As soon as she cleaned up a bit, she started to pace the room. Everything on her hurt, but she didn't show it. Her strides were strong and deliberant. The girl that tried tending to her wounds seemed to get in some kind of arguement with the keeper. Her name was Mina, apparently, and she also hated the soldiers and guards. Well, Ada decided she would have a word with her later and maybe strike up a deal. She seemed pretty willing, although the man she had been speaking to did not want her to go anywhere.
Next, she overheard her new friend, Giasha, talking to the keeper, and discovered that her and Giasha shared a hatred for guards too. She also noticed how she fiddled with her copper ring. She was either fudging the truth a bit, or wished someone was with her, or maybe even both. She then caught herself wondering who her companion was, maybe they could be of help to her. She would talk to her about it when she was done talking with the keeper.

Just then a brilliant idea formed in her head. Ada was not the only one that wanted to help the citizens, and she wasn't the only one that wanted to beat up guards on a daily basis. If she found two companions so far, who knows who else might be out there that are maybe just scared to admit that they want to rebel. It was final in her head that she would make a team of people that shared her interest and cause a little stir int he government. It wasn't much, but she had to do something. All they needed was this shared passion to get by, and that was already taken care of.

Adanessa stopped pacing and sat right on the floor and stretched out her muscles while she thought this through more.


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"Hold it. You can't go any further."
Selvaria's massive horse stopped as four soldiers stepped in front of it.
"What is it?" she hissed at them. She knew their intents could not be anything but wicked.
"There are no horses allowed in Kalya. You'll have to leave your horse here."
The greed in the soldier's eyes betrayed him. Selvaria knew that soldiers loved to steal horses, and Vincent, a great, black steed, would be a treasure for one of these cretins.
"Over my dead body...there's no such law," she snapped at the soldiers.
The soldiers's eyes narrowed in anger. One of them drew his sword.
"Then we'll have to do this the hard way," he said with a fiendish grin.
"It will be, for you," Selvaria murmured.

Only a few dozen seconds later, the soldier was lying on the ground, a large gash on his face. Selvaria knew he was alive and well, because he was spitting and cursing.
"You damn b*tch!" he spat at her. "I'll get you for that!"
Selvaria shook her head, looking down sadly at the soldier, before stepping over him and going on her way.


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Sil had dozed off as they walked through the Market place. Sleep was a hard thing for her to find, more and more lately. She awoke as the soldier bumped into them, nearly falling off of Edwin's shoulder. She snuggled against his neck once more, so as to be more comfortable, and then listened as the soldiers tried to threaten him. She even gave a small scoff. Had that whip even come within inches of his back, It wouldn't have hit him. Like usual, they had not even noticed her. She was easy enough to over look being barely taller then the average adults little finger. "Stupid humans.." As they began to walk away, she turned around to watch. One of the soldiers seemed to attempt to stop the other but he charged them all the same. A small giggle erupted from her as he was sent flying by Edwin. He suggested running, an option she was fine with.

Back at home, she hopped down from his shoulder onto the table as he sets the food down. To her, their home was huge. A simple paradise, all be it not fancy, but still to her there was no place better. She had a good friend to spend her time with and three rooms to which she knew all the small nooks and crannies. "Mm, Your magic is improving well." She commented as she dug into the bag and lifted one of the cookies. It was small and yet still made her topple backwards onto her lap. "Thank you, Thea." Although she had been asleep, she knew they were from Thea because she was always very kind to them and Gregory certainly had not baked them.
A stream of curses escaped the young elf's lips as she stared around her. She had just arrived here in Lavernith and was overwhelmed. To every direction, it seemed there was a building. She needed to find a source of income and a place to stay but she couldn't even figure out where she was going. She slammed her fist against the side of a house, before leaning against it and sliding to the ground. "Sylvana Help me, I am useless!" Never in her years as a hunter had she gotten lost. She stepped out of the forest into the big city and within fifteen minutes, she was here. "I suppose this was my own doing." She grumbled as she took her dagger out, playing with it. Her shouting had gotten her a few looks from people passing by but no one was going to approach the flustered elf. Not while she had a weapon in hand.


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Lamont awakes from his slumber with a quick getaway plan, he runs his skinny hands though his sky blue hair pulling out two lock picks. "They never check the hair" he remarks silently, with the darkness acting as his cover he moved up to the locked gate slipping the first lock pick in. The clanking of the metal made little nose, with ease he pushed up the first 3 tumblers the last one was proving to be a problem when the lock pick sapped. "Damn it" he thought using the second lock pick to push out the metal left in side. he calms his unsteady hands and moves on to the last tumbler unlocking the gate slowly, the iron gate creeks loudly causing a sliver coated guard dog to wake. lamont stops dead in his tracks, after the dog begins to speak to him. " so you finally gotten out" the wolf says in a rasp voice, "transform to your human form lytheren, i don't speak to dogs" i replied harshly. the wolf transforms into a beautiful young woman with blackish blond hair even in the dark lamont could see her. the girls cheeks were a rose like color along with her perky lips her yellow eyes sparkled in the dark captivating Lamont's attention ,"is this fine with you" she asks "i would love to talk but I'm trying to get the hell out of here" lamont snaps "free me and i will not alert the guards that you've gotten out" she quietly demands him "sure" lamont quickly reaches over to unlock the brace's around her neck and arms "thank you, whats your name?" lamont turns his back to her " lets go we can talk when we get out" he whispers as he runs down the in to the dark hallway, the girl quickly follows him. the sound of the fires on a lilt torch crackling makes lamont press him self agenst the wall reaching for one of the iron pipes above him. with assistance of the lytheren girl he pulls him self on the pipe wrapping his legs around the it, lowering his upper body to grab the girls hand to pull her up were then she grabs the pipe and nimbly pulling her self up . by doing so lamont reopens the wounds on his arm causing him to bleed, the guard with the torch walks directly under them with in 30 seconds , lamont unwraps his legs from the pipe droping on the lone guards back breaking his neck on impact. the lytheren keeps following lamont, they silently creep thore the prison to get to the equipment room and steals an elfin dagger and 150 gold peaces. as they made their way to the last gate standing in their way of freedom the sound of a group of gaurds closing in on their position made lamont drop down to the lock to quickly try to unlock it. the girl smiles and hands him the key, lamont lets out a long sigh unlocking the gate with the key. they made their way in to the forest next to the prison, "can we talk now" the girl asks
[OOC: can i make a another character for the girl too]


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#, as written by chris45
Edwin hears a knock on the door, he looks at Sil and says “ hm, I wonder who that could be.” Edwin gets up and walks toward the door. When he gets there he sees a girl with a wheel in her hands and a bag of money. Edwin stares for a few seconds and then says “ can I help you with anything?” Edwin was a little confused why the girl was here, she didn’t look like she was working for the soldiers in fact Edwin could have sworn that bag of gold belonged to one of the soldiers. He then chuckles after he thinks about it, Edwin then looks at Sil who is eating the wondering if maybe this was a friend of her’s, but if it was then she would have told him.
Mina looks at Giasha, she then says “you look like someone who can do a good job, Donald hire the girl.” Donald looks at Mina and says “you don’t make the rules around here I do, and I say who gets hired.” Mina stares at Donald, giving him a fake angry stare. Donald then says “fine she can work here. Donald looks at Giasha and says “ you can stay the night, rooms are in the back, I’ll just take the stay out of your pay check.” Mina looks at Donald and says “why take it out of here pay check, you make that money ten times over when people drink here. Plus this girl is cute so she will bring in even more customers.” Rose jumps from her seat and says “are you saying I don’t bring in enough customer’s cause I’m not cute.” Mina laughs and says “ I didn’t have to you said it for me.” Rose walks up to Mina and pulls her ears, Mina yells and starts pulling Rose’s ears. Donald scratches his beard and whispers to Giasha “are you sure you want to join this weird family.” Mina and rose both look over staring daggers at him and yell “I heard that!”
Ferren hears something hit his house, he opens the window and yells out “ who’s out there!” he then sees the elf girl and says “hey!, what are you doing don’t you know people are trying to sleep here.” Ferren then jumps out the window and stares at the girl. He then says “wait your lost aren’t you, I can smell the fear of someone who is scared of being lost on you.” Ferren then chuckles, he was only joking with the girl, he couldn’t smell fear, but he could smell that the girl was sweating a bit, it must be because she was walking around the city all day looking for something. Ferren asks her “ so what are you looking for, I might be able to help you out.”


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Hashfana looked at the boy who opened the door and then saw a little faerie eating inside the house and nearly laughed at the cute little creature. She handed the purse over to the elf. "I know the soldiers and a pain in the ass, but I don't like it when they try to assault others. This will probably make that soldier be on the lookout for me but meh, it's worth it." she laughed at the thought. "all of that is yours, I just took out a few coins for myself, hey I need to live to you know." She waved her hand over at the faerie "Oh i'm sorry I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Hashfana, yeah I know weird name but hey I like it. So who are you?"

Giasha blushed at what was being said. She wasn't as outgoing as these girls were. She couldn't help but burst out laughing at the site of everything. I make no guarantees about bringing more customer but I thank you for the opportunity to work with you." She looked around for a minute at what might become her new place of work...or well her first. "Will I have time to leave the city though, it doesn't have to be long but...maybe 2 times a week?" she kinda shifted in her seat. "It is....well a bit of a necessity.... Auknard would get really lonely without me." Suddenly she put her hand over her mouth and looked almost sick. She wasn't supposed to mention Auknard....some people would just love the chance to get at the dragon. "Please don't tell anyone I said that. I.... I can't have anything happen to him."


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#, as written by Sirk
Kazi's eyes flash open as he hears a noise on the stairs of his safe house. He draws Enal and gets quietly out of bed and waits by the door. Moments later a group of thugs burst into the room. "Hello Gentelmen" Kazi said as he seemed to materialize out of the shadows. "Huh" the thugs said as they turned to face Kazi."Kazi you have angered the Leader of the Black Spider guild one to many times." The leader of the thugs Guldan said. "All i did was stop you guys from capturing a lytheren for your slave rings. Its not like I haven't done that before and im only helping those who need help becuase unlike you I have a conscience" "That does not matter you killed a lieutenant of the guild your life is forfeit for taking the lieutenant life." Guldan said angrliy. "Also if we kill you we will be rewarded" he said as he stepped forward and raised his sword. "Really how much maybe ill turn my self in." Kazi said as his blade flashed forward toward Guldan stoping be for his neck. "If you want to die Keep attacking if not run away far away. "Boys get him" Guldan said while jumping back from Kazi's sword. As the thugs rushed foward Kazi unsheathed his other blade Suzor and darted foward to slice Guldans neck. As Guldan lay dying on the floor, the other thugs stopped attacking to stare at Kazi with fear in there eyes. "Most of you are hired hands with families you care about only doing this for money." Kazi said as he wiped blood from his sword. "I will not attack if you leave now but if you stay and fight I will end your life." The Thugs turned and fled from the safe house yelling "Demom". Kazi bent over Guldans body and said, "Even though you were here to kill me I hope your soul finds peace and that you did not die too painfully." Kazi picked the body up and laid it in his bed with Guldans sword across the body's chest and the thugs cloak over the body. "What a way to start the day", Kazi thought, "Its still early I better find another place to stay as this place isn't safe anymore. He left the safe house and went out into the early morning. He saw it was a beautiful day in the city of Angria.

Kazi followed a route he knew well through the maze like alleyways of the city till he arrived in the market place. He waited around there looking for anyone who was in need of some help, as well as watching a good show by a preformer he threw the preformer a coin for the good show.. He was going to leave to find a safe house when he noticed some soilders about to whip an Elf. Kazi drew his blade and was going to cause a distraction for the Elf when he saw one of the soilders stop the other and the Elf ran away. Good i don't have to step in, I better find a safe house to stay the night in.


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#, as written by Ninade
Adanessa smiled mischeviously to herself. Her plan would commence now. She briefly got up from stretching and approached Gaisha and the keeper, Donald. She saw a little brawl go on between Mina and Rose whom she didn't know and chuckled softly to herself. Her body still hurt, but all she needed was some rest, and a good-long one at that.

When she was close enough, she smiled at Gaisha and tapped the keeper on the shoulder, "Hello, Donald is it? You think maybe I could spend the night as well? I have some money to pay for a room, and I can always be an extra hand if you need one."

Ada stood there waiting for an answer. She really hoped this worked out. However, she didn't look very presentable at the moment. All bloodied and battered up. So she gave her brightest smile to the man and put out her hand, "I'm Adanessa by the way, Ada for short, sir."


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Looking up at the door, she nibbled on the cookie. It was nice of the girl to do that but she was curious why? Her story made no sense to her but then people did strange things. When the girl waved and introduced herself, she smiled and stood up. Dusting herself off and waving back, she was silent. "My name is Siluvaine. Nice to meet you." Then with a happy smile she plopped back down onto the table.
Arlyn didn't actually notice Ferren was speaking to her until he jumped out of his window and approached. Putting away her dagger, she chuckled softly and stood up, dusting herself off as she did so. She was not afraid because she was lost, nor was she afraid at all. Frustrated and lonely perhaps but no fear. "Mm, I'm not really looking for anything specific. I just need a place to stay and get some food until I can find work." She said with a glance towards the city wall. The tree tops could be seen and already she was wishing she were back home.


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The dark crescent moon shined over suleika and lamont as the camp 10 miles in to the forest away from the prison they had escaped. Suleika stopped and yelled " can we talk now?" lamont looks over his wounded shoulder and replies sarcastically "sure why not" he slowly puts his back agenst the tree. Suleika stands near the tree adjacent to him " for starters whats your name" she asks, he glares in to her yellow eyes as he answers "lamont and yours". "It is Suleika, i heard the guards talking about you" she pause's "they said your some kind of thief" she mutters quietly. "and your a dog theirs a huge difference" he points out. "A dog" she yells "your comparing me to a dog" she repeats her self, her yellow eyes slowly turn blood red. lamont quickly notices her anger build, he chuckles "did i make the dog angry" Suleika transforms to her wolf form and charges at lamont slamming him into the tree, knocking him out instantly. "shouldn't have made me angry" she thought as she reverts back to her human form, Suleika walks over to lamonts limp body and picks him up. "I may like you but no one gets away with calling me a dog" she whispers in to his ear, Suleika traverse the rest of the forest carrying lamont on her back. the sun started to rise when she reached the walls of angria, "halt" the guard commands "what is your business here" "am just looking for a place to rest" she says avoiding eye contact with the guard " and him" he says pointing to lamont " hes my boyfriend" she pauses "we got attacked by bandits" she lies. "alright, move along" the guard says sympathetically moving to the side, Suleika quickly walks in to the city towards the Inn. she glances at a woman waiting outside the inn, she walks past suleika placing a sack of gold in her hand " that's for him" the woman remarks walking way, confused by the event she walks into the inn and pays for a room. when she enters the room she places lamont on the bed, and puts the sack of gold next to him "i will see you once more my thief" she says silently leaving the room
