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Moon Wolf: Dawn of a Hero

Aurora Forest


a part of Moon Wolf: Dawn of a Hero, by dawnfire07.


dawnfire07 holds sovereignty over Aurora Forest, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Aurora Forest is a part of Moon Wolf: Dawn of a Hero.

12 Characters Here

Sanse [0] "We will prevail."
Tsuyomaru [0] "I'll take you all on, by myself!"
Stan [0] "Well hello ladies~"
Black Rose [0] "Every rose has it's thorn. . . ."
Snow Mistero [0] " Why must I choose?"
Sora [0] "Everybody dies, but not everybody lives."
Okari [0] "Fortune favors the Bold!"
Sunshine [0] "Live like your dying, and never stop trying. It's all up to you, use what's been given to you."
Silver Moon [0] "Hey! Maybe I don't have my memory but I bet I can beat you in a fight, Okari!"

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Silver Moon walked back into camp and laid down in her den. "Those wolves... and that wolf Drake.. Who are they? I know the black one is Shadow, though how I know him is a complete blank. And my amnesia.. What caused it? I have so many questions I could go on for hours." Silver Moon sighed and drifted into a dream. She was in a field of flowers, and a huge tree stood in the middle. Not far off, there was a waterfall with a ledge in front of it. A red wolf sat in the tree, and a silver one was on the ledge. Silver Moon blinked. "Is that.. me?!" The pup Silver Moon went down the ledge, soon joining the red wolf. "Hey D!" It barked. "D", rolled his eyes. "Silver Moon, I've old you a thousand times not to call me that." 'So that is me!' The younger Silver Moon leaned against him and laughed. "Come on D!" She said teasing him. "Have a little fun!" She swatted his back with her tail and jumped off the tree, starting to run around in the flowers. "Your it." The red wold chuckled, then followed the younger Silver Moon. They chased each other in the field, laughing contently without a care in the world. Silver Moon woke. "That memory and that wolf...." Silver Moon widened her eyes and gasped. "No, it couldn't be... Was that Drake?" She connected the puzzle pieces. What that wolf had said, "Would you really stay if you knew who he was? I bet if you did you would be running towards him as if your life depended on it." And that the pup Silver Moon had called him D as in Drake.... She had known him! She stood up. "I better tell the others did. It might not help much, but at least we know who he is, and how he knows me."

While Sandy was knocked out, she felt herself being lifted in the air. ".... I got knocked out, didn't I? *sigh* I'm such a good hunter, but a lousy fighter. Well, I got no choice to wait in this place until I really wake up. Where is this anyway? It's all just black. Ma, who cares. I'll count how long it takes for me to wake up. I want to see if Silver Moon wasn't lying about me being a deep sleeper.."


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#, as written by Lurelle
"Yeah, sure," Golden Cry responded. Golden Cry trotted over to Sandy and helped Okari to support her. She twitched her ears. Sandy was still out cold. "Hey, Okari. You know those wolves, how they said it wasn't over? They seemed too confident for only the two of them. I think there might be more," she let the words sink in, and then thought about it. Why did they just come now? Did they think they could pick off the apprentices easily? They might have, if Sanse hadn't come.. She began the walk to camp, following the paw prints left in the snow.
Speaking of which, Sanse had lingered around for a moment to make sure everyone was safe, for the time being. He didn't want the cowards to return and try to attack an apprentice on their unawares. Sandy was going to receive help from the healer. Besides that, no serious injury. He began to pick up a faster pace. What was he going to tell the pack? They'd see a wounded apprentice, and they'd smell blood. He'd have to make an announcement. Just the thought made him incredibly anxious. The wolves of Moon's Water would either become frenzied and attack any wolf that strayed onto their border, with that protective instinct. Their young are in danger, and that spurs them into aggressive mode. Or they'd panic, and that was not what Sanse needed right now. He arrived at camp.
The white wolf went to the center of camp and climbed to the boulder where his den lay. He went to the front area and sat down; his tail laid neatly by his side and his paws align. He didn't give the call, yet, to summon the higher ranked wolves to speak. Or to gather the wolves around to let them know. He'd have to tell them. But he'd give the apprentices a moment to settle down and get the help they needed.


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#, as written by Krypt
Struggling slightly under the weight of Sandy, Okari considered her idea. "Well, they would be fools if they just waltzed into our lands by themselves, unless they knew that they knew their words had some weight behind them, like say, a whole pack ready to attack. If so, I think they will do a little more than talk tough and break a few defenseless apprentice's jaws" Okari said carefully, slipping in a hint of pity at the end for her blood covered maw.
As they neared the gathering spot, Okari carefully noted which wolves were in the grounds. He kept a keen eye out for his mother, he did not think she would take it well to see her blood-covered son with a limp heading back into camp carrying a second passed out wold with the help of a bloodied third. Though it may help boost his ego as a mighty warrior, he didn't want to sit through a lecture on top of never leaving her sight again. Realizing the coast was clear, Okari continued at his subnormal pace, trying to act like nothing had happened.


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Silver Moon walked into the alpha's den, and told Sanse about her dream. She knew it was forbidden to enter the den with an invatation, but it was important. She detailedly described Drake's white and red fur, as well as his emerald-green eyes and left the den. She walked towards Falling Ash, Sunshine, and Okari. She lifted her head and looked at all three of them. "I'm going hunting. You guys wanna come?"


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#, as written by Maybe?
Snow ( in Moon's water land ) have already cought two voles and buried them by a tree. " Now for one more then get going before anyone finds me." She sniffed the air for some more voles near by, but didn't smell anything so went to search furture. The messanger knew shouldn't be hunting here but didn't borther to rush.


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Silver Moon sighed and walked to the enterance of the forest. "Guess not." She padded in and quickly caught a squirrel. She carried it in her jaws and buried it under a large oak tree. She looked at it just a snowflakes fell around her. One landed softly on her nose, but she didn't mind. Instead, she looked at the tall and proud mountains in the distance. "Why do I feel as if I belong there? Like I have a strong connection to it? Could that be my true home? But even if it was I couldn't leave my tribe... Though it isn't that far away. I always could come and visit." Shaking her head, she walked away from the lone blue bud that stood directly at the base of the oak, waving in the wind. Silver Moon began to pad towards it to brush away the large amount of snowflakes falling on it, then turned. "That bud'll be okay. It may be alone, but it can stand just fine. It doesn't need anybody else, it just needs itself. Like me." Silver Moon caught a bird and a rabbit and buried both at the oak. She soon saw a snowy-furred wolf. "Hey, you're Snow right? I'm Silver Moon, nice to finally meet you."


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#, as written by Maybe?
Snow Mistro was in the middle in eating her vole, intell Silver Moon interduce herself. Snow shrugged and shallowed her last bite. " Yes, I am. Now do have messange for me to said or what?" Snow didn't talk to other wolves unless she was in trouble or had to deliver a massage or answer a question but something. Other than no involment with others. In alll honestly if she wanted to join a group, she wouldn't know how to act.


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Silver Moon shook her head. "Nah, just wanted to talk to somebody, all my friends are at camp. Were you hunting? I could help you get a piece or two if you like. "


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Silver Moon looked at Snow. "Gotta go, bye!" Silver Moon quickly grabbed her prey and ran towards camp. She put down the prey and walked towards Okari. "Did you get Sandy to the Healers den? Sandy popped out of the den, followed by the Healer, Ruby. Sandy smiled. "I woke up and walked myself to Ruby. My leg feels better now. But I feel like taking a nap." Sandy yawned and padded into the woods. "I'm going home. See you guys tomorrow. Come on Stan!" Silver Moon looked as Sandy disappeared, then glanced back at Okari. "Well, since that's cleared up, want to have a battle?"


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#, as written by Arcanus
All Tsuyomaru did since they'd returned was lie still in one place and let the thoughts flow through his mind like a river. He caught a glimpse of Silver Moon hunting, and heard her conversing with another wolf, Snow, a little way off. He soon decided again that he should get to doing something, and he decided on Silver Moon's idea. He wasn't bad at hunting, but he wasn't all that great either. And considering that his black fur contrasted with the snow, he would be very visible.

He silently began his solo hunt, relying on the thickest of cover and his own natural silence to catch the prey. Even then, he caught little. A single crow who got too reckless. The crow certainly gave him some trouble, cawing derisively at him to both taunt him and alert the other residents. Tsuyomaru leaped at the crow just as it made for the sky, but the wolf was too fast. He brought the bird down easily, and triumphantly devoured it, though realizing that if he had moved a second earlier, the powerful peck would likely have struck his eye. As it were, he ignored the slight current of pain in his forehead and stalked the forest for another good while before he concluded the noise had alerted every animal in the forest. He quickly but quietly returned, in time to see Sandy walking as if the wound never existed. She had recovered that fast?

"You all right, Sandy?" he asked as he passed her.


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#, as written by Krypt
As the sun waned and the shadows began to lengthen, Okari was in the process of biding his time by the frozen river, curiously watching the bubbling brook beneath the thin layer of ice that seemed to trap the energy within. So much potential, held back by the limits of that fragile layer of glass. As Silver approached, he was shocked to hear she wanted to battle. "Battle? Now? Aren't you at least a little sore from the actual fight we had had?" Okari asked, a little suspicious. He himself had been favoring his forepaw, so much so that it took a supreme effort to make his limp less recognizable. Unless she had not taken the brunt of the beating in the fight like he had feared, partially the reason he intervened, she must have made a miraculous recovery. Just another strange item to attach to the character of the mysterious Silver Moon.


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Silver Moon

Silver Moon had actually forgotten about the battle, and had not thought about her injuries. She turned her head and lowered her ears a bit, thinking. "Well, I actually hadn't thought about it. I was really sore back then, but I don't feel anything now. I feel like I'm brand new, so I must have healed fast. Ruby really is an amazing Healer huh? Where I used to come from, there was no one around to help you. Besides your family, you were on your own. I had a friend there though." Silver Moon looked at his injured leg and flattened her ears before perking them up again. "You should get that checked by Ruby. We'll have that battle later, k?" Silver Moon dashed downhill alongside the river, enjoying the feel of wind in her fur and the sound of running water beside her. She soon saw a tiny gem in the ground. "Wow, that's pretty." She tried to move it with her paw, but it wouldn't budge. After several more failed attempts, she sighed and placed her paw on the jewel, pushing it down in a last attempt. The gem sank into the ground. Silver Moon blinked. "W...What?" The sand around her started swirling. "Eeep!" Silver Moon was swallowed by sand, but soon felt stone under her paws. She looked around. "Another cave? I'm getting sick of this." A flash of movement appeared in the corridors, followed by a dark red and white wolf with green eyes. Silver Moon stepped back. "W-Who are you?" The wolf smiled and walked closer. "You really don't remember me, do you?" Silver Moon gently shook her head. The wolf smiled again, his eyes filling with amusement, remembering, and regret. 'He was in my dream... This is Drake? No, he couldn't be, Drake is supposed to be cruel and dangerous. This wolf isn't. He is someone else. But... is he really?' The wolf pressed his nose against her forehead and padded away. He turned once and said, "I'll find you again Silver Moon." before padding into the darkness. Silver Moon saw a blurr and found herself back beside the river. Confused, she stalked to camp. "You know, sometimes I think my life is a friggin fairy tale."


Sandy glanced at Tsuyomaru. "Me? Oh yeah, I'm okay. Your healer heals really fast, you know that? Probably better than mine." Sandy laughed. "So, what are you doing? I'm going back home. It's getting late."


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#, as written by Krypt
Meanwhile, Okari the wolf was making do with his injury. One of the reasons he procrastinated his visit to Rose is because he was a little vain, as well as the fact that his mother would find out that he was injured. Didn't want to be locked in the den with the pups for a week. Alone at last, Okari decided to take a 'stroll' through the woods, in order to exercise his leg the natural way. Following a game trail through the forest, he noted the natural beauty of the winter wonderland. It was truly a sight to behold, a pristine sheet of white covering the terrain, majestic spruces and pines with a light dusting of snow, the awesome sight of the gray winter sky mixed with a few splashes of red from the imminent sunset. Okari realized there was truth to the phrase that you don't have to go to far away lands to find beauty, it is all here. But there was always that tugging feeling the back of his mind that somewhere, the grass is greener, the flocks are sweeter, and everything lives in peace. With a sigh, Okari began to limp back to camp.


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Silver Moon walked to the fresh-kill pile and laid down, relaxing for the first time that day. She grabbed some dear meat and looked at all her friends. "Anybody want to share?"


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#, as written by Krypt
Returning from his walk, Okari approached the group from behind. He considered the thought of pouncing on Silver from the back, but he decided he would probably only end up hurting himself. Instead, he accepted her offer and took a piece of left over scraps from where the adults had eaten, and chowed down. He wasn't exceedingly hungry, the excitement of the day kind of rid him of his appetite, but he did love the taste of meat. "Can't wait until I'm old enough to chose the best portions for myself..." Okari commented, chewing on the remains of an unidentifiable animal.


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Silver Moon padded to her nest. "We better go to sleep guys. Stormy Sky told me we're going to be practicing advancing moves in battle training tomorrow!" Silver Moon curled up, hoping no dreams would come to her this time.


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#, as written by Arcanus
Tsuyomaru returned a little later than the rest, and looked around. Everyone was already asleep, and he decided that since it was rather late, he might as well join them. He lay down and curled up in his place, and stayed there for a long time before he finally fell into sleep. He slept well, and no dreams came to him. An uneventful rest.


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Silver Moon woke and yawned. She padded outside and splashed around in the snow. She was ready for a new day.


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#, as written by Lurelle
Sanse was curled inside his den, eyes half open as he observed the dust in the moonlight. The day had passed quickly. But there was much to think about. Perhaps he should order extra patrols. With the peace between borders, he hadn't seen fit to continue the stressful patrols. But a new threat had been proposed. And the pack must be protected. He shut his eyes, sleep soothing his mind as he slipped gently into the darkness.
Golden Cry had also been sitting in the den, staring outside. Her bright eyes reflected the lit snow. She sat alertly, as if waiting for something. She relaxed a bit as she saw more of her peers come into sight. Her stomach grumbled at the thought of food, but she didn't figure she needed it. She could catch something tomorrow, perhaps.
Golden Cry tucked in her paws as she lay down, still staring outside the den. Okari walked to camp - later than the rest. He was limping. Sudden worry came over her, but she stopped herself from springing upwards. There wasn't the scent of blood on him. Maybe it was something minor. She decided to ask tomorrow morning.

Sanse awoke, feeling strange. He shook his head, and got to his paws. He collapsed. His heart racing, he tried to get up again. With the same results. Suddenly fearful, he lunged forward onto his front paws - and fell face-forward. He scrambled into a sitting position. He wasn't in pain. His legs would simply not work.
Eventually he forced himself to stand, with his legs wobbling miserably. He took slow steps forward, extremely confused and terrified. This was unlike anything described to him before. He did not want to go and face his pack. He took pup-steps forward until he reached the spot where he usually bounded up the rocks to his den. He slid down, made a rough landing on the ground, and got back onto his feet. The whole way to the medic's den he was slipping or tripping or collapsing again. He felt the weakness in his muscles, too. He did not feel like he could jump, or run, or even trot. He did not feel like he could bite an opponent, lap up the tiniest amount of water, eat the smallest morsel of prey. He was completely and utterly weak. And weak alphas did not stay alphas. He plunged forward into the medicine den, to find it empty. His heart sinking, he turned back around and stumbled his way to the center of camp. He sat down, still perplexed, and watched his pack.

Golden Cry yawned widely. She got up, stretched, and walked out of the den. She saw Silver Moon prancing in the icy snow. Her attention was turned to the well-camouflaged alpha at the center of camp. She pricked her ears. "I wonder what he's doing." The practices of the older wolves was still a mystery to her.
She bounded to Silver Moon, and barked in greeting.