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My Dark Knight

My Dark Knight


Rich Demon Hybrid and street fighting human. Two different world's collide in the most unlikely way but no one and change their destiny. (no roles needed)

1,679 readers have visited My Dark Knight since DyLAn:D created it.


Ever wonder what is real in life anymore?
Are those stories about vampire's, werewolves and demon's real?
And if so who are they? what do they do? Do they ever fall in love?

Well it all depend's on the person
Like Grayson Everett, owner and CEO of the world's wealthiest company in the world. But not only is he successful in the human world but he is also the Prince of the Underworld. He is half Demon and half werewolf.

Then there are people who have just had in hard their whole live's, like Charlotte Jackson (Charlie for short). She's had it hard her whole life and she's only human.

So what happen's when these two unique individual's meet?

Do sparks fly

Or does the hard time's just keep coming?


Demon's are selfish creature who pray on the soul's of the weak. They have the power to posses mortal's, give off desire's, grant certain desire's for the cost of a soul and have the power to use the element's at their liking. They are also immortal.


Werewolves are possessive, over-protective creature's who care to much. They can shift into horse sized wolves and have the power of enhanced, hearing, sight, smell, strength, speed and agility. They aren't immortal but they age 1 year every 10 human years.


Vampire's are the immortal enemies of werewolves, they are cold creature's who love warm blood but despise sunlight. They have enhanced speed, sight and hearing.



Name:Grayson Everett Age: 23 Species: Hybrid Demon&werewolf Status: CEO of Everett's Enterprises Holdings.Inc Face Claim: Matt Bomer (reserved by Wolfspirit)

Name: Charlotte Jackson (Charlie) Age:21 Species: Human Status: Street fighter Face Claim: Amber Heard (Taken)

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1. have fun
2. i am GM here but since this is only a one on one both of us are the writers
3. only un-detailed sex scenes
4. If i think of anymore i will inform you

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors


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Character Portrait: Charlie Jackson Character Portrait: Grayson Everett
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I listend to Charlie go on about lovers and angels, Her words were true, But I knew what was best for her, I let this mistake happen once... I can't let it Happen again... Not to Charlie. I looked at her for a while, I had never been short of words, but I struggled to think of something to say.
"Challenge accepted" I managed to say, I walked down to where Charlie was held, I knew I would regret this... I let my mind wonder, This is what I said to Bell, but she stayed and She ended up getting killed... Maybe that was my mistake... No she would be safer her with me. But my heart won.
I didn't need keys I opened the cell door, letting Charlie be free "Trust me... You would be safer here..." I wouldn't be surprised if she spat at my face and left, "I ll see you soon" I knew I would if she stayed, I would protect her with everything I had... But if she left... I would still be watching her, Vampire didn't mind a unlimited soul and blood blessed angel.
I grabbed her hand, I meant what I said, I wished I could pause than and there, where I was... Well I felt like I was human and Charlie was safe. I turned my gaze to Parker and watched him lay limp... He can stay there for a while I thought, I had to keep checking him... Parker was not one to be over looked. I studied Charlie's face... I could hear distant thunder.
"Shit" I cursed Vampires. I pulled Charlie close to me and pulled out a gun I had hidden under my tee and handed it to Charlie "Stay behind me, I want hurt you" I knew what I had to do, I just hoped Charlie wasn't going to scream and panic when she saw a horse- sized wolf in front of her.


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Character Portrait: Charlie Jackson Character Portrait: Grayson Everett
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#, as written by DyLAn:D
I nodded my head and followed him, falling slightly behind cause Grayson was faster then me. When i reached the top of the stairs i haulted at thee sight before me.
A horse sized black wolf with blazing yellow eyes stood in front of me and we were surrounded by vampires. I surpressed a scream leaving a lump in my throat as i saw the vampires lick their lips.

"blessed delicious" a blonde male vampire hissed, his glowing red eyes made contact with my teal green eyes and a cocky smirk grew on his face.
"My Demon Prince please step aside so we may feast on this delicate human" the blonde vampire hissed smoothly and took a step towards me but in a flash i was directly beside Gray. I wrapped my arms around his huge neck and buried my fingers in the soft under layer of his midnight black fur, i hugged him tightly enjoying the warmth that came from him. I love the fact that Gray is werewolf, its the demon part of him that scares me.


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Character Portrait: Charlie Jackson Character Portrait: Grayson Everett
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I protectively stood in front of Charllie How dare they take what is mine I flashed my razor- sharp fangs at three blood- suckers. "My Demon Prince please step aside so we may feast on this delicate human" Travis took a step towards Charlie and I growled but it died down as Charlie wrapped her arms around me. Travis smirked at me "Don't tell me the Great Prince Of The Underworld has feelings for a human" Travis laughed and turned back to me "Which will make it more pleasant when we kill her."

I snarled at them again, I didn't want Charlie to see this side if me... But I needed to do anything to protect her. Barley taking my eyes of the vampires I nuzzled Charlie behind me, I couldn't talk to her but only mind- talk, but Charlie wouldn't understand me. I stood staring down the three Vampires This will be fun I thought to myself, Before I could think Travis lunged towards Charlie but I blocked her with my body, To easy I picked up Travis in my mouth and threw him across the stair case, He would have a few broken bones, two left. Harry, the eldest threw himself at me while Tristan darted for Charlie, I growled and caught Harry in my mouth and threw him on the floor beneath the stairs, I jumped again in front of Charlie, I whimpered a little as Tristan's nails tug into my pelt. Tristan walked towards Charlie, I got up faster than I should of and grabbed Tristan in my mouth as I did with the others.

He scratched my eyes and I threw him across the stairs, I blinked a few times before I turned back to my regular self Grayson Everett. I was bleeding in a few places and I nearly ran towards Charlie holding her in my arms "You Ok?"


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Character Portrait: Charlie Jackson Character Portrait: Grayson Everett
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#, as written by DyLAn:D
I looked down when Grayson turned back to normal my face heating up.
" n..n..naked" i stumbled over my words. In my defense i'm a virgin and i had never seen the male part before so it was quite a shocker.
'it.......' i could finish that thought

"I'm fine, no cuts" i said quietly. I was pretty sure i was as red as a tomato.
"Could it at least cover your...... wiener........ with something please my virgin eyes cant handle it" i asked quietly. I did manage to get a look at his naked chest and torso though, now that i didn't mind what so ever, actually he's yummy around that part.
'and mine' a strange voice echoed in my head and i blushed deeper. He's not mine, why did i just think that? he?
No he's this Bell's, not mine. A pang of jealousy coursed through me and the thought of Grayson being with anyone else. Just then my phone rang and without even looking at the screen i answered it.

"hello?" i asked and groaned as i relieved who was on the other end.
"hey baby! what to fuck?" Fin, my first and last boyfriend whom dumped me when i wouldnt give him sex, said lazily into the phone. I scoffed in disjust.
"No Fin i dont want to fuck! i'm with someone at the moment and are you drunk? you sound drunk" i growled into the phone.
"Drunk on you baby" i could hear Fin smirk when he said that.
The worst thing of this conservation is that with Grayson's werewolf hearing he can hear all of this.
"Go away" i snarled
"fuck no! you find me or i'll find you" Fin threatened


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlie Jackson Character Portrait: Grayson Everett
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I blushed when I relised that I was naked, but it disappeared when I saw Charlie check out my chest. I walked up to my room and Listend to her conversation with someone named Fin, I quickly out a shirt on and black jeans and walked to the door, I couldn't help but feel jealousy, but there was anger in her voice.
The next thing I heard was a threat No one threatens Charlie I growled and had to stop myself from killing who ever this Fin is.

I walked outside like I hear nothing, I walked passed Charlie helping her toner feet. "Sorry about that........ It doesn't usually happen," I couldn't stop this next part "This guy, Fin, is he giving you trouble?" I tried to say that in my kind voice, I hoped she would say no other wise I want be able to control what happens next. I lead her down to the couch, and I sat close to Charlie wanting her to myself.
"Since the Vampires know you have endless blood and soul... You might see a few in the next few day" Endless soul I hated to admit it but those words got me excited but I knew how to keep myself under control. "Vampires despise sunlight so if there is one lurking in the shadows go to sunlight, never turn your back to them as they will be drinking you blood before you can say 'Grayson"

I smiled at you before I got up "Now your room is next to mine" I hated to say it but I knew we would be getting some... Visitors, Vampires come out at night and were driven mad by blood.
"Now how about that ride?" Before I locked Charlie in a cell and we were attacked by Vampires I promised Charlie a ride, and I never broke my promises.

I remembered I had Parker in my cell... I was guessing he would be pissed off by now... "I will be back" I hated leaving Charlie but I needed to do this.
I walked down the cells and fund Parker sitting down playing with his knife "You can't protect that little brat forever" He spat at my shoes. "I will" I walked closer to his cell "In a few days, I will kill that bitch like I killed Bell" He got up with his knife,
"Over my dead body" I spat back. I wasn't losing Charlie. Never


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlie Jackson Character Portrait: Grayson Everett
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#, as written by DyLAn:D
"Umm... Gray i have alot to take in from today do you think we could just head to bed? i'm tired and its 1:46am" I begged then i realized what i had said.
I said 'we' didnt i?
shit, he's going to think i'm a weirdo......
I sighed when he went downstairs, probably to see that man. Deciding i would just wait instead of follow i went to his living room and sat down on the couch, flicking on the tv, which went straight to some business channel.
"of course" i giggled quietly. I laid down and rested my head on a fluffy decorative pillow and i felt my eye's begin to close but i didnt fight them. I was so tired, all the stress finally getting to me as i slowly fell asleep.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlie Jackson Character Portrait: Grayson Everett
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I left Parker in his cell and returned to Charlie, I found her asleep on my couch, I watched. Her for a minute almost melting at her beauty.
I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her silently caring her up to her bed.
I laid Charlie down on her bed and whisperd a good- night and closed her door and returned to mine. I wasn't tired after all I couldn't even if I wanted to, I had to protect Charlie so I fired myself back up and sat down in a chair next to where Charlie sleept and happily watched her, I still wanted to know how this Fin was, I was tempted to leave Charlie and search her phone but that's not what lovers do.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlie Jackson Character Portrait: Grayson Everett
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#, as written by DyLAn:D
Charlie opened he eyes to see Grayson sitting in the chair beside her bed, laptop in hand.
She never really took interest in work but she was interest to know what he was doing.
She sat up and without even thinking about it she lifted the laptop, crawled into his lap, placed the laptop on her lap and examined it. Random numbers and letter where here and there and she didnt get any of it.
Him being so much taller then her it just worked. His arm's easily wrapped around her and reached the laptop still and he could easily see over her head.
"What are you working on? it looks like a contract but i'm not sure" Charlie asked and watched his long skilled finger's skim across the mouse pad.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlie Jackson Character Portrait: Grayson Everett
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I listened to Charlie enjoying the closeness between us, I slipped my hand around her waist, I don't want to tell her what I planned to do but I couldn't lie to her. "Is a letter to a friend of mine" I put the laptop down near my feet and let Charlie dig into me, "Charlie... As you witnessed last night vampires know your scent... We should go to my safe house... Just to be safe" I didn't care if she said no, I would just knock her out.
I got out not willing to give up Charlie, I slipped my hand down to her hand and grasped it gently and lead her down stairs "Before we go, You should eat" I left out the part were I already ate. "Help yourself to anything... I have to take care of something" I turned back to Charlie I didn't want to leave her... I swallowed and blushed a little dam it "It can wait" I sat next to Charlie holding her hand once again.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlie Jackson Character Portrait: Grayson Everett
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#, as written by DyLAn:D
I couldnt help but smile. He doesnt want to leave me.
"I will take you up on the food offer i'm starved" i giggled and blushed as my stomach agreed with me.....loudly.
Tugging Gray along i went into the kitchen and raided his fridge finding the left over broccoli Alfredo i didnt get to eat last night. I took out the container and asked Gray to get me a plate. He did so quickly, not letting go of my hand, and handed it to me.
I shoved a pile of food on my plate, heated it the microwave then pulled Grayson to the couch.
I let go of his hand and pushed him down and climbed onto his lap again, making myself comfortable.
I dont know why i left like i could do this i just had a feeling i could and he wouldn't care.

"I dont know Gray, what about my animal's? my home? my.....job, i dont know if i could leave that all behind and where is this safe house anyway?" I asked and shoved food in my face, waiting for him to answer.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlie Jackson Character Portrait: Grayson Everett
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I watched as Charlie made herself comparable in my Lap and I wrapped my arm around her again, "Well... It's a little cottage..." I didn't know if I wanted to tell her the rest "Lets just say I hope you like winter" As for the rest I had answer, "Charlie-" Before I could say anything I was cut off by Charlie's phone ringing, I left her phone down- stairs last night when she fell asleep. I growled and had to stop myself from tearing Charlie's phone in half as I saw Fins name appear on the screen. I was jealous to be honest and I got the hint that Fin wasn't treating Charlie as she deserved.
"Your phone" I realized I said that a little more Harley than needed, I gave Charlie an apologetic look before she went into the other room. I sat there for a minute thinking, This literally pushed me harder to get Charlie out if this house... But it would be fun kicking that Fins ass.

When Charlie returned I smiled at her like nothing ever happened, "I promise that you can come back every month and you can take some animals too... If they aren't afraid of wolves" I had a feeling I would be needing my horse- size wolf.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlie Jackson Character Portrait: Grayson Everett
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#, as written by DyLAn:D
"do you not remember me saying that i love wolves?" i giggled. Fin had phoned again, telling me he loves me and that he wants to get back together but i just hung up when he started.
"Hey i'm sorry about Fin, he's being an ass lately i dont know whats wrong with him.....wait yes i do he's a prick" I snapped angrily. Fin just pisses me off.
"And to be truthful i love the snow, we get so little here" I smiled. A cottage sounded cute but i wonder what Grayson's version of small is?
"And dont apologize, I've always like over-protective jealous guys, i think its hot when you get possessive" I grinned once again placing myself on Grayson's lap. Dont ask i just like his lap, it makes me feel safe.
"Gray i'm sorry for what i did when i found out, its not you its just what i have been told about you but i've realized that instead of making me feel threatened and in danger you make me feel safe" I smiled softly up at him and curled into him.
"Ok i'll go to your safe house if thats what you want" I agreed
"you know Gray, you have 3 you's. There's werewolf Grayson, wolf Gray is included in that, and wolf Gray is sexy. Demon Gray is hot and human Gray. I know you dont have human blood in you but you still act like one sometime's and he's cute" I spoke quietly and lightly kissed the side of his neck and voice in the back of my head saying it was ok, that i could do this.
Its been there ever since i met him......and that was a few days ago.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlie Jackson Character Portrait: Grayson Everett
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It was good to know that Charlie liked possessive men, I froze when her lips touched my skin. I once again wrapped my arms around Charlie and let her curl around me.
"Charlie, your not so bad yourself" I winked at her and tried to figure out what to do next. I decided to let Charlie get some stuff from her house.
"We can go and get some stuff from your house" I smirked as I snuck we into almost every sentence. I lead Charlie to my car and smiled as she entered it.
I let my foot fall on the accelerator, "Where do you live?" as Charlie told me I went a little faster, I think I saw her house coming up. Charlie's house was like a cottage, I parked the car and got out, I didn't trust Charlie alone.
I slipped my hand around Charlie's neck and found two dogs and I could smell a horse, "Hey guys" I smiled and kneeled down to the ground rubbing the German shepherds head. While I waited for Charlie I walked over to the horse stroking the beats neck "Fantasy would like you" Great... Now I was talking to horses.
"You ready?" I lead Charlie back out to my car by once again wrapping my arm around her, I popped back into my leather seat and still had my hand around Charlie.

____________________________________________[bTime Skip[/b]________________________________________________

Before I knew it I was driving through white snow, "It's safer to walk from now on" I grabbed Charlie's hand and started walking, I was quite cold and my blood was warm... I couldn't imagine how cold Charlie was, I was proven right when I saw her shake. I turned into my giant wolf and nuzzled Charlie and like a mother wolf picked Charlie up by the back of her hood and put her on my back, Keeping her warm.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlie Jackson Character Portrait: Grayson Everett
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#, as written by DyLAn:D
I snuggled into Grayson's thick black fur resisting the urge to shiver from the cold. I had 4 layer's on and i was still freezing and all Gray had on, when he was in human form, was a thin cotton sweater.
He started to run making the icy wind hit my back and i snuggled into Gray's warmth. We stopped and i looked up to see a big wood cabin. It looked to be about 2 floor's plus a basement, it had a huge window right in the front allowing me to slightly see the decorative inside. I could see a big log fire and i instantly yearned to be in front of it.
Grayson dropped me off at the front door and nuzzled my pocket then took off who know's where, probably to shift back. I reached into my pocket and took out a house key.
'when did he put that in my pocket? when i was sleeping in the car?' i asked myself but it was all forgotten when another strong blast of chilling wind's hit me. This was alot more snow then i thought, we must be in the mountain's.
I quickly opened the door and ran inside setting myself in front of the fire. I took some log's from the container beside it and built the fire then took a match from the log container and through it in along with some newspaper. The fire sparked to life and i instantly felt warmer.
I heard a thud by the door and looked to see human Grayson carrying our bags into the house. I giggled slightly at a thought.
"So this is your version of 'small cottage" i giggled then grabbed my bags from him.
"Thank you" i said softly then turned back to the fire. I put my bags down, took a quilted blanket from the couch and snuggled up by the fire and i heard Grayson close the door. I heard the beeping sound of an alarm activating then a sudden clank all around the house.
'what was that?' i looked around the open living room but nothing seemed to change. Grayson's nearing foot falls made me look up at him.
"Join me? and where are we?" i asked


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Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Charlie Jackson Character Portrait: Grayson Everett
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"Join me? And where are we?" I looked around, I moved towards Charlie and snuggled up next to her. "We are in the Misty Mountains" I thought I should explain more since she probaly had no idea what the Misty Moutains were "It is the homeland of my people... Werewolves" I turned to Charlie smiling.
"They won't hurt us, Plus they can help me protect you from any bloodsuckers" I heard the clang in the room again it was starting to worry me, "I'll make us some hit chocolates," I was warm but Charlie was probably freezing still.
I got up and entered the kitchen, and looked out the window trying to see into the forest, but soon enough I gave up and made Charlie and I a warm hot chocolate.
I snuggled back next to Charlie and handed her one of the hot chocolates smiling at her "What happened... When you got endless blood and soul?" I tried to ask naturally, I felt a little anger towards the angel that did this, it may have saved Charlie's life... But she will be on the run forever now.
I a far distant growl "shit" I muttered and walked towards the window, "Just when you want a holiday" I turned to Charlie and smiled at her. I leant down and grabbed a gun out from my belt I had been hiding, I gave it to Carlie and saw her shocked face and I laughed a bit.
"Stay here and hidden, don't come out no matter what you see" I grabbed Charlie's hand and kissed it before I walked out side in the dressing cold, I closed the door and locked it.
I turned back into my wolf from and growled at who ever was hiding, I turned around back to the house and just as I did a big thing landed on me pudding me over, Grayson, haven't seen you in a long time, And how's that lovely meal you have brought me? The white wolf hissed through his teeth.
Shes with me, back off before I chew you into nothing I growled and snarled, I found a few more wolves exit the forest, Shit, I was out numbered, but I enjoyed it that way.
You want Charlie? You're going to have to go through me first!


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlie Jackson Character Portrait: Grayson Everett
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#, as written by DyLAn:D
A shiver ran down my spine. I thought he said the werewolves would help, not hurt!
A bang came from the back off the house and me being me i went to see what it was. What surprised me is that i saw a little brown wolf pup.
'Alpha! huh?' the little pups voice echoed in my head.
'who are you?' he asked
'I'm Charlie, i'm here with Greayson' i thought back to him
'My pack thought we smelt Alpha Grayson, he's the leader of the Shadow Mountain Pack, we are the biggest pack in the world' the little pup said proudly.
'then why are those wolves out front attacking us?' i questioned and he growled slightly
'those are rogues, evil wolves, the white one hates Alpha Grayson' the pup snarled protectively for his Alpha.
'where is your pack?' i asked
'they are on their way' the pup said happily but then he whimpered when snarls and growls echoed through the house.
'its ok Grayson will protect us' i told him, knowing that Gray would.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlie Jackson Character Portrait: Grayson Everett
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The white wolf pounced on me but I easily threw him off
I relised he was a rogues, they have white fur to blend into the snow. I turned to see at least ten other wolves My pack I had to stop myself from joining them and nuzzling them, that had to wait.
I snarled at the alpha of the rogues "Leave now and we let you live" My pack walked behind me snarling too. The rogues growled but slowly turned away leaving us, I threw my head back and howled, My pack soon joined, It sounded beautiful but hunting at the same time.
I turned back to my human self, I was thank- full I had cloths on this time, My pack followed me and I ran to them hugging each one, I smiled at them and ran to join Charlie. I found a little pup at her feet, I smiled and the little pup changed into a little girl "Gray!" She threw herself on me, "Charlie meet Ashley, Ashley meet Charlie" I smiled at Charlie and picked Ashley up.

Sawyer, my beta and best friend ran up to us "Gray good to see you alive, Who is this lovely lady?" I nudged him playfully, but it was enough for him to know Charlie was mine, "This is Charlie, Charlie this is Mark" I walked protectively over to Charlie and popped Ashley down and wrapped my arm around Charlie. "Gray were happy to see you alive but where is Bell?" I let my eyes fall, I haven't to,d them that their Alpha female is dead yet. Shit.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlie Jackson Character Portrait: Grayson Everett
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#, as written by DyLAn:D
I stiffened when i heard the name.
"who's Bell?" i asked, turning slightly to look up at Grayson.
"Bell is our Luna and Grayson's lover" Mark said and i looked up to Grayson in shock and released myself from his hold.
"lover?" i asked, even i noticed the large amount of hurt in my voice.
But he said he wanted me to be his lover, he never told me he had one already! Anger surged through me, all i was to him is a play thing then he'll go home to his 'lover' and forget all about me.

"Your such a scum faced lying bastard!" i snapped at him and before he could respond i ran upstairs and into a bedroom not caring who's it was. I didnt want to look at him right now.
"GINGER! Put up a barrier by the door and window's i want to be alone" I ordered my guardian whom appeared at the sound of her name.
"Charlie...." she began but i glared at her, silencing her and she got to work. Once the barriers were up she disappeared and i let onto the soft bed.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlie Jackson Character Portrait: Grayson Everett
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"Your a scum faced lying bastard!" I leaned against the wall while Charlie raced upstairs.
My pack didn't seem to noticed that Charlie was missing "Where is Bell" Sawyer asked me again more seriously this time.
I let my eyes fall how could I tell them? "Bell... Died" Tears fogged up in my eyes, I couldn't look up to see their faces.
I heard a few sobs, I felt a hand land on my shoulder "I am sorry Grayson" It was Sawyer, I nodded to him, I wanted to grieve but I better go cool down Charlie, there was so much hurt in her voice now I had time to think about it. My pack sat down on any seats they could find and sat there in silence.

I walked up the stairs to find Charlie had some how barrier around the door and window, "Charlie, it's not what you think" I had no idea why I said that.
I could barley say the next words and I was glad Charlie couldn't see me "Charlie Bell died a few years back" I decided to let her cool down and come down when she wanted.

I sat next to Ashley and she hoped on my lap, I cuddled her and saw the fire slowly going out, "I better get some wood" I would take any excuse to leave the house, I got up and started walking to the door.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlie Jackson Character Portrait: Grayson Everett
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#, as written by DyLAn:D
'So just a replacement. ... i know it was to good to be true' i thought sadly to myself. I was just some replacement to deal with a broken heart. Tears slipped down my cheeks and a quiet sob escaped my lips.

I need to

"Ginger i want to go give me your wings" i ordered polietly and ginger appeared.
"Of course" she said kindly and i walked to the window. I just needed to get out of here.
Opening the window cool air blasted in and i shivered but ignored it as i jumped out. When you have blessed angel blood and a guardian angel the guardian angel can give their person their wings. The big white wings sprouted out of my back and i took off into the air. The wind chilled me to the bone and i know im not going far but right now a flu sounded 10 times better then being in that house at the moment.
I stopped a few miles away and landed in a tall pine tree and nestled myself in the branches then curled the giant wings around me so they could block out the wind and cold.

More tears slipped down my cheeks. Either way i put it the thought that he was just using me kept flashing in my head.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlie Jackson Character Portrait: Grayson Everett
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0.00 INK

I was walking trying to figure out Charlie, I felt bad that she had to find out that way, But thinking about Charlie just made me think about Bell. "Grayson" I jumped a little to say the least, It was only Sawyer, "Charlie is in great danger" I couldn't be bothers listening but when he said Charlie I perked up "The rouges are on there way to kill her" He didn't seem that botherd.

Pictures of Charlie dead flashed before my eyes "Those bastard just won't quiet" I mumbled to myself "Go back to the house.." I pushed Sawyer back to the house and he obayed.
I turned back into my wolf self and sprinted, It wasn't that hard to locate her actually, her scent gives her away... I might need to work on that. I found Charlie she was in a tree, crying, It felt like a knife stabbed me, I could sense at ,east three rouge near-by, Charlie I didn't know if she would understand me but I had to try, I looked up at her with my soft eyes.

The next thing I felt was knife like nails going into my fur, I couldn't help but yelp a little, but I shook my head getting up, There was more than three, I growled Charlie was mine... Even if she wanted to call me a bastard. I snarled at them but they weren't after me they were after Charlie, They seemed distracted so I took my change and pounce on one if them and crushed his windpipe. Charlie's mine! I snarled again claiming my treasure which was Charlie.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlie Jackson Character Portrait: Grayson Everett
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0.00 INK

#, as written by DyLAn:D
A yelp caught my attention and i glanced down to see Grayson's big black wolf.
"Go aw....." i was cut off as a wolf attacked and Gray killed it but more were coming and from the looks of it Gray's pack didnt follow him.
"Fuck" i cursed under my breath. Ginger had taken back to wing's but i didnt care i didt need them anymore. I took the silver dagger i had tucked away in my jean's out, the cold metal burned my skin from the arctic weather but i fazed it out as a red wolf got under my tree. He snapped and barked at me but i was to high up for him to reach. Ignoring the warning's in my head i jumped from the tree, slamming my foot into the wolf's head. He was dazed and gave me enough time to cut his throat open, the silver blade slices through it easily. The burning smell of it flesh entered my nose but i ignored it as another wolf lept at me. I slide underneath it, cutting through its under belly from beneath. Its torso spilled out its inner's and the beast was dead. Another wolf lunged at me but i jumped over it and landed on its back. I plunged my dagger into the back of its skull and i heard the sickening sound of the bone cracking. The wolf fell loudy to the ground and i jumped off.

I glanced over at Grayson to see he had taken care of the other 5 wolves, their bloody bodies littered the white snowy ground. See Grayson i can take care of myself like i always have.
"Leave me alone Grayson" I snapped angrly and started back towards the house.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlie Jackson Character Portrait: Grayson Everett
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0.00 INK

I watched amazed as Charlie killed about three maybe more rouges,
"Leave me alone Grayson" I watched her start walking back to the house Grayson that proves my point that she is pissed off. I put my ears back and trotted to Charlie and walked behind her unsure of what to do.
It wasn't long till we reached the house, I turned back to my human self, Thank go I had cloths on again. I followed Charlie like a pup and watched her walk up back to her room. Sawyer walked to my side "Why don't you chase her Gray" They had finished grieving and like that Bell meant nothing to anyone. I turned to Sawyer "She doesn't need me, I only made it up in my head, She can survive in her own, I only made her weak so I could spend time with her" I didn't realize I said that aloud. I sat down on a couch "We better get back...see you tomorrow?" Linda, Ashley's mother asked I nodded and bid them good bye. Charlie and I were alone now and that meant I was free to lose my temper, I got up and walked to my room, I found a photo of me and Bell, but before I could admire it I threw it in the floor, tear caught in my eye as I took the photo and put it back in the table. I couldn't be bothered cleaning the glass up.

I flopped on my bed, nothing seemed to mean anything to me... Nothing made sense everything good in my life is slowly slipping away. What would I do if I found out Charlie had a dead lover? I would be jealous but I would try to comfort her, actually I would probably filled with jealousy. I grabbed my laptop and started returning to my 'Contract'


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlie Jackson Character Portrait: Grayson Everett
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0.00 INK

#, as written by DyLAn:D
I flopped down on my bed as the tear's escaped my eye's
'Damn him, making me care' i thought bitterly. I was about to give into my sobs when i heard the sound of glass shattering and instant worry latched itself onto me, gripping me tightly.
'GRAYSON!!' my subconcussious shouted at me and i shot up out of my bed, flung my door open and raced to Gray's room. I entered Gray's room to see him working on his laptop, an unpleased expression on his face but when he looked up and saw me his eyes held confusion. I glanced down at the glass, which now i see belonged to a broken picture frame.
'Ugh i over reacted' i mentally scolded myself and hardened my expression again and felt his room without a word.
Suddenly the door bell rang and i walked down stair's and opened the door.
The person i saw i thought i would never see again.

"CHRISTIAN!!" i squealed at my long time best friend whom had moved away when i was 15. I thought i would never see him again. I jumped into his arm's giggling as he hugged me back.
"It is you, the pack was saying Alpha Everett's brought a human named Charlie here i just had to make sure" Christian said softly and hugged me tightly. I drew back from him slightly.
"wait you'r in Grayson's Pack? i knew you were a werewolf but.....oh who cares!" i giggled and hugged him again.
He let me go but there was a huge bright smile on his face.
"Not only am i in his pack i'm his 3rd in command pretty cool hey!" Christian said proudly then swiftly he through me over his shoulder and playfully smacked my butt.
"You ass put me down!" i giggled trying to sound mad but its always been hard to be mad at Christian.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlie Jackson Character Portrait: Grayson Everett
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0.00 INK

I gave a brief look to Charlie but she left my room before I could speak.
God I felt like an old married couple, "CHRISTAN!!" I heard Charlie squirl and I got up to see Christan smacking her butt. I leaned against the door fram, I couldn't help but feel jealous.
"Gray, hey, you never told me that your were bringing this lovely lady with you" I smirked but it wasn't out of kindness. I smiled at Charlie, "I didn't expect to be coming here" I couldn't think of anything eles to say, jealously nipped at me and I never thought I would be jealous of one of my closet friends. I tried to lift my factual expressions so no one would no I was jealous of how close they were.
"I'll let you two catch up" I didn't realize what I was saying gave them more time to connect but I couldn't stand seeing them smiling at each other and giggling anymore.
I walked down stairs into the kitchen and made myself a milkshake.

I couldn't help it, I felt glum and jealous, I sipped my milkshake and sat in the breakfast bar like a kid. A cold hand on my shoulder disturbed me, "Gray, good to see you again" It was Parker and I greeted him by punching his face, he fell on the floor but got up like nothing happened. I frowned at him and he sat next to me "Something troubling you my prince?" I let my eyes gaze up to the room were I heard my giggling.
"Oh... Charlie has a new boyfriend" Parker teased me and I went to punch him but he disappeared into thin air.
I opened my fridge and found some beer, I hated the stuff but I felt like getting drunk for some reason I couldn't understand myself.
I sat myself down again and drank a sip, god this stuff tasted horrible, but I heard more gigging and that only made me want Charlie more.

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View All » Add Character » 2 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Charlie Jackson
Character Portrait: Grayson Everett


Character Portrait: Grayson Everett
Grayson Everett

"If you only knew what I was"

Character Portrait: Charlie Jackson
Charlie Jackson

"Dont mess with me unless you feel like being black and blue for the next week"


Character Portrait: Grayson Everett
Grayson Everett

"If you only knew what I was"

Character Portrait: Charlie Jackson
Charlie Jackson

"Dont mess with me unless you feel like being black and blue for the next week"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Charlie Jackson
Charlie Jackson

"Dont mess with me unless you feel like being black and blue for the next week"

Character Portrait: Grayson Everett
Grayson Everett

"If you only knew what I was"

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Re: Dark Knight

Thanks for letting me know :)
Ps you are doing great writing, the highlight of my day!! :)

Re: Dark Knight

hey the clanking noise was suppose to be like a magically barrier is all :) just incase u didnt understand

Re: Dark Knight

May I reserve the male role?
Thanks :)

Re: Dark Knight

Unfortunately, and I'm so very sorry for this, I don't believe I will be able to participate in this roleplay. My schedule is booked heavily until about mid-May so I wouldn't really be able to roleplay until then. So sorry...

Re: Dark Knight

yes i can reserve it for u :) i'm happy u like it and this is my first 1x1 to so dont worry :)
i'll be happily waiting for your character :)

Re: Dark Knight

Wow, this seems really interesting! I'll submit a profile for the male slot, but I don't know if you take reservations so yeah. If you do, I'll reserve him then.

P.S.- This will be my first 1x1 roleplay if accepted. I do hope I'll be a good partner for it, though!

Dark Knight

This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "Dark Knight"

You may edit this first post as you see fit.