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Nevermore Asylum

Nevermore Asylum


a part of Nevermore Asylum, by CookieCupcake.


CookieCupcake holds sovereignty over Nevermore Asylum, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Nevermore Asylum is a part of Nevermore Asylum.

11 Characters Here

Goldilocks [14] "Just give me the darn bear!"
Tinker Bell [13] "....I don't wanna talk...."
The Cheshire Cat [12] "Isn't it terrible not remembering? Or is it more of a gift? Or perhaps you really do remember but are merely supressing it? Hmm, curious now, isn't it?"
Hook [11] "I'd rather have ten people who are mad for it than ten thousand who aren't."
Pinocchio [10] "There are no strings on me..."
Wendy [8]
The White Rabbit [7] "What time is it?"
Mad Hatter [6] "We're all mad here."
Alice [6] "You're entirely bonkers. But I'll tell you a secret. All the best people are."

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Character Portrait: Hook Character Portrait: Wendy Character Portrait: Pinocchio
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Pinocchio followed the girl inside and sat beside her, though he was still looking at Hook, having not received an answer to his earlier inquiries. "I would like tea as well, if it isn't too much trouble." Glancing about at the room, it occurred to Pinocchio that it was rather odd that an asylum would allow its patients to have things such as a hot water machine, if they were truly insane enough to have to be separated from ordinary society, then wasn't there a good chance of them using such things to harm themselves or others? Pinocchio made a mental note to ask Dr. Good about this during their next session.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tinker Bell Character Portrait: Goldilocks Character Portrait: The Cheshire Cat
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Golidlocks, although expecting very much, did not appreciate the silence from Tink. She did, however notice the girl did not continue to eat her food. She shrugged at the thought and took another piece from the plate. She wasn't exactly hungry, but she figured, why waste it eh? She smiled and leaned back in the chair, barely tipping the from feet off the floor. She thought a moment and realized she could fall back and look a fool. Gently she laid the feet back down upon the ground.

Chess then decided to speak. She smiled, attempting to recreate the smile the cat-boy was most famous for. At least, she considered him famous for that large smile. She always recognized it, so she classified it as that. Each character here, she gave a specific about them to help remember them the most. Chess had his smile. Tink had her silence. After listening to Chess' comments, she chuckled a moment. Swallowing her food quickly, she too responded. " Have you ever just thought you're crazy? You have to be here for a reason. Do you remember everything of your past? You really think you're well enough for the world out there?" She chuckled again and shook her head. " They don't want us, Kitty. They want us locked away as they have done. We might as well make the most of it. " Another smile and she took another piece from Tink's plate and tossed in her mouth.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tinker Bell Character Portrait: Goldilocks Character Portrait: The Cheshire Cat
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Chess chuckled as Goldilocks tried to imitate his smile. She would never compare to him, nobody would. It was just who and what he was- the Cheshire cat. And all one of the Cheshire cats in existence were smilers. Smile, grin, smirk- whatever you wanted to call it. He listened as Goldi spoke, her tone and questioning annoying him. He wasn't sure why he was here and he admitted that, but some people still had yet to realize they didn't know a thing.

"If I'm crazy my dear, then we all are and we surely belong here." He nodded and glanced at Tink, feeling bad that she had pretty much just lost her breakfast. He took a sip from his glass and then set it back down on the table. "I remember nothing, but maybe I have nothing to remember. Everything I think that I forget is actually all I have to forget, but I have not yet forgotten it." He shrugged and then smiled even wider. "Of course, I'm just a silly little kitty. What do I possibly know?"

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hook Character Portrait: Wendy Character Portrait: Pinocchio
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Hook nodded his head to the newly invited guests. He walked over to the mini kitchen and started boiling some hot tea. "Hmm..should I offer some sweets? Sure, why not be a good host." He thought to himself. He quickly paced to the fridge and grabbed the sweets, and cake he had in his fridge that he got the other day. He held the package with his one hand and brought it to the table. Here you go, let me go get some plates. Hook was used to walking back and forth, since he only had one hand. On his second trip he came back and brought the plates and silver wear. The kettle started to boil, he calmly walked to the kettle and poured the hot water into cups, he put the sweet strawberry tea packages and put the cups onto a tray and brought it to the table. He sat down and grabbed a cup of tea and took a sip. "I believe we haven't met formally. Hello my name is Hook, and I have been here for a while, how about you two?" He asked taking another sip.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hook Character Portrait: Wendy Character Portrait: Pinocchio
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Pinocchio briefly considered attempting to help, but decided against it as he didn't know where anything was, and would therefore likely just get in the way. Besides, if the red-haired man had wanted help, he'd have asked. With a thanks and a nod, Pinocchio picked up his own cup of tea, before taking a sip. He wasn't terribly concerned with checking the temperature of it, mainly due to the fact that he'd likely suffer no ill effects if it was scalding. In reply to Hook's question, he answered honestly "As stated, I'm Pinocchio. I've been here since about a month after they brought in Red and the wolf." This actually made him the person, if that word really applied to him, who had been here the third longest, at least to his knowledge.

While he still really wanted an answer about what that noise had been, Pinocchio refrained from asking for the moment, and instead gestured to the girl who hadn't told them her name, in an attempt to non-verbally convey that it was her turn to introduce herself.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tinker Bell Character Portrait: Goldilocks Character Portrait: The Cheshire Cat
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Goldilocks chuckled as Chess spoke in his most mysterious way. She enjoyed listening to his rants because they needed time to decipher. This was a puzzle she enjoyed. However, she hardly showed that ideal. She shook her head and shrugged simultaneously, " I don't mind being called crazy. We all are in some way or another. "

She too, of course, had forgotten so much. As each day went by he tried her hardest not to think about it. Being in here she felt tossed away like trash. If only her friends would help her then it would have been better. She would want to remember. But instead she was thrown into a crazy bin with an odd doctor. She did not feel cared for here, and so she acted the way she did. If she was forced to be somewhere she did not want to be, she would do her best to cause the most ruckus.

Eyes darted back to Chess after snapping from her thoughts. " Have you ever thought that they are actually poisoning us? Giving us drugs to forget and that is why we have something to forget? Perhaps we know something they do not want us to know, and so we're all here." It hardly made sense to her, but it just oozed from her mind. Chess was probably the best one here to relay your thoughts too. She fully believed he was the craziest of them all and for some reason that comforted her.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tinker Bell Character Portrait: Goldilocks Character Portrait: The Cheshire Cat
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Chess sighed, disappointed by her simple answer. He stood up and jumped off of the table, landing softly on his feet before sitting down in a seat. He set the glass down on the table and frowned a bit. He almost wished he could remember what he had forgotten. He was curious as to who he really was, but more so who every other patient here was. The doctor said they were making progress, but were they really?

He came back to reality as Goldilocks spoke up again. "I personally doubt your theory. I think at least one of us would realize we were being drugged and it is quite possible one of us would have an extreme reaction to such a drug, which would lead to suspicion. So far, all of our cases have been quite uniform: we were attacked by a dark shadow and upon waking could not recall who we were except for our names and our basic personalities. If there is something not to be known, then risking it to be known would be endangering said mission of keeping whatever it is we shouldn't know." He paused before continuing, this time considering her view on things. "Then again, I guess it wouldn't be hard to slip us something in our meals. Some sort of sedative would keep the crazy or whatever it is inside of us on the quiet side and risk less behavioural issues for them. But we're here because we cannot remember, which apparently is a crime. It's not necessarily that we are mental unstable, but rather we have no idea what mentality we have."

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tinker Bell Character Portrait: Goldilocks Character Portrait: The Cheshire Cat
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Tinkerbell watched the talk between Chess and Goldilocks. They talked about if everybody were crazy or not. Chess said that were drugged to forget, or that's what she thought he said. She wasn't paying attention to the bickering between the two. Her food was gone and now the property of Goldilocks. Tink was a little upset at that. Who goes around touching other people's food and expect them to share? She shook the thought out of her head and listened in on the conversation. Only catching a little bit of words at the time. One that really got her eyes to pop out their sockets was 'Dark Shadow'. It made her feel slightly better knowing she wasn't the only one who knew about it.

"I'm still the only one who has nightmares about it." Tink thought to herself. Which is something she does more than talking. "I'm to quiet to even say anything about it." Tink shook her head and shifted a little in her seat. Her wings were so delicate. Like flower petals in the pouring rain. It was uncomfortable to a fairy. Tink grabbed the knife -which by the way shouldn't be there because this is a asylum for crazy people right?- and reached over her back and started sawing on the fabric. Tink continued to do this until she made to slits her that her wings can slip through.

Slowly Tink slipped her wings through the holes she created and sighed in content as they stretched. This was a rare thing for Tink to do. Almost as rare for her to talk. She flapped her wings slowly letting the air wrap around them and let them breath. Slowly she laid the wings on her back downwards so they wouldn't be a problem if someone were to run into her. Like she said, delicate as a flower on a rainy day.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tinker Bell Character Portrait: Goldilocks Character Portrait: The Cheshire Cat
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Goldilocks nodded to Chess' response. Not that she agreed, but simply because she was attempting to show him she was listening. Eyes darted at the quiet Tink who began cutting her shirt. Brow raised in confusion at this until she saw the wings slip through the slit she created. With the wings flapping gently, she chuckled. " Need some air, Tinker? I'll open the window if you want." she chuckled agian, knowing there would be no response from her, but also knew she at least heard.

Eyes looked back to Chess who was still talking. When he did finally finish, she smiled. " Anything that we do is a crime. Mentally unstable or the loss of mentality is no difference." She was really unsure of what else to say. She too wanted to be out of this place, but she felt as if perhaps they were being held there. So, she decided to bring it up despite what repercussions it could have. Head canted to one side, looking at Chess with intent. " What do you think happened, Kitty? Did we all honestly snap thinking we saw this darkness, or did someone send it our way, hmm?" She had wondered this herself. What exactly was the darkness and why did it attack them? This was something the Doctor could not give her an answer on for all he did was ask her what she thought. He did not seem interested in her thoughts. At least, she didn't think so. He seemed more interested on how the drugs reacted to her. How she had changed since she had first been brought there. His most favorite question for her was...Why did you do that?. For which her answer was always a chuckle and no response. She did as she pleased, she felt. If she was going to be held up in this crazy place, she was going to give them what they wanted; Crazy.

At that thought she lifted the plate that was originally Tink's and waved it gently in the air; careful to not to spill what remained. Her voice emitted a bit loudly, " You can take this now! Yoohoo! Come on! Pick it up!" she then dropped it on the ground, causing the plate to crack, and a piece of it to fall off and bounce across the floor. The food remnants too sprawled along the floor. She looked down at it, then over to the chef. " See what you did?" She chuckled, looking back to Chess as if she had done nothing. Brows raised, showing interest in his answer to what she questioned.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tinker Bell Character Portrait: Goldilocks Character Portrait: The Cheshire Cat
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Chess eyed Tink as she slashed her shirt to release her wings. That was understandable, as he himself had requested specially tailored pants to accommodate his tail. It was a good thing his ears were on his head, or else he might have even more of a problem getting dressed. Either way, he wasn't the most conventional patient.

Goldilocks soon asked another question regarding the mysterious force that had attacked them. The only problem was that she had asked him for his personal opinion, something he rarely admitted to even himself. He preferred to ask the questions, not answer them. Be fore he answered though, Goldi dropped the plate on the ground and looked at him. He growled at her, knowing they'd both get into trouble for this.

He answered nonetheless, willing to give his thoughts for hers in return. "I believe we were attacked, though I wouldn't doubt that this was a planned attack. I don't believe it was a random act of savagery. If it were, wouldn't that mean the likes of Cinderella, Charming, and such may also be affected? Hmm, perhaps it's their scheme to dispose of us useless peasants. Or maybe it's not them all, and luck would have it that the unroyals were all that were subject to attack. You tell me." He chuckled, a mix of purring and quaint amusement. "Like I said before, I would think that nothing goes about unprovoked or without an agenda. It's how things work.

"For example, if one were to suddenly find their spouse dead, they may choose people who were close to or enemies of that man or woman as culprits. But in all reality, it could be someone he/she met only once on a rainy day. The sour weather did not make our victim happy and they snapped at a passerby. In turn, the passerby might just be crazy enough to vow vengeance on the rude soul and kill him. It would be seemingly random, but alas have a motive behind it as all else does." Chess smiled as he finished and felt a tap on his shoulder.

A staff worker had picked up the shattered pieces of the plate so that it could not be used by any of them as a weapon. Once he returned, he proceeded to determine who had caused a mess. It wouldn't surprise him if either Goldilocks, who was known to be quite the wild card, or the Cheshire Cat, who had a habit of never being very straightforward and disappearing, had done it. He highly doubted the quiet fairy Tinkerbell had. "Well?" he asked the two suspects.

"If I wanted to break a plate, I would have done so with more discretion than a certain acquaintance of mine with golden locks," he replied bluntly, which was a rarity for him. He glanced at Goldilocks and grinned.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tinker Bell Character Portrait: Goldilocks Character Portrait: The Cheshire Cat
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" Need some air, Tinker? I'll open the window if you want." Tinkerbell blinked at Goldilocks. Before narrowing her eyes at her. ”Who gave her the right to call me that?” Tink thought before turning to look at Chess who had peaked at her not to long ago. Tink sighed internally. This was going to be a long day for her. The morning was already wearing her out. But that wasn’t enough for, Goldilocks started to call for a staff and dropping the now empty plate to the ground. Instinct, she brought her knees to her chest, and her wings around her. Rolling her eyes she un balled herself and watched the staff come storming over to their table, obviously pissed.

The staff looked at each one of them. Chess, Goldilocks, and then her. Tink gave him a how-could-it-be-me look. He must have figured because he then turned to Chess. ” "Well?" He asked looking at the two. "If I wanted to break a plate, I would have done so with more discretion than a certain acquaintance of mine with golden locks," Chess said and the corners of her mouth twitched, trying to suppress a smirk. The man looked between her and Goldilocks and Tink groaned. She was getting tired and by the looks of it, Goldilocks wasn't going to confess. “It was Goldilocks you idiot.” Tink said and she sucked in a sharp breath. She just spoke.

It’s been awhile since she heard her voice, but she was eventually going to stop talking again by the next day. Her nightmares seem to shut her up everyday. Everybody seemed to look at her, especially the man and she glared at him. That obviously got him out his thoughts and sprang him into action cleaning up the mess then glaring at Goldilocks. ”Don’t dwell on it. She thought referring to the 5 words she spoke. ”Didn't count on it.” She thought in reply.
