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Derrick Blackthorne

0 · 240 views · located in MA

a character in “New Beginnings: Last Chance”, as played by X64

So begins...

Derrick Blackthorne's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fenris Curavine Character Portrait: Karne Nevaidos Character Portrait: Kiran Nevaidos Character Portrait: Atryom Bravinski Character Portrait: Andri Nav'iadar Character Portrait: Derian Mors
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#, as written by X64

Darius Grimlocke and Atryom Bravinski

Muralia Academy- a place where Supernaturals of all ranks can come together and learn how to hone their abilities. Created by Tobias Grimlocke, whom is both the Leader of Demons and the Council Leader, this school is one of a kind.

Darius stood in the hallway of said school, looking at a piece of paper in his hands. It was early morning, when students would be waking up to go to breakfast. I know they had to rearrange the dorms due to all the transfers, but.....THIS?! WHAT THE FLYING FUCK IS THIS?! Darius unconsciously shook the paper in his hands as he headed towards a billboard on the wall, conveniently located just outside of the cafeteria where everyone could see. He used a tack to put it up as a few people already started to crowd around. Then, he took another piece of paper out of his hands and tacked that one up too.

The first paper was a dorm listing. Because there were so many transfers out of Muralia Academy during the first week of school, they had to rearrange everyone's rooming situations. Darius had put up the new arrangements, although very reluctantly.

New Dorm Arrangements

Room 101- Darius Grimlocke and Kiran Nevaidos
Room 102- Atryom Bravinski and Sirius Veneziano
Room 103- Roan'n Escavela and Kyouki Shimizu
Room 104- Rei Lic're and Andri Nav'iadar
Room 105- Mikala Dutch and Damien Rivera
Room 106- Derian Mors and Derrick Blackthorne
Room 107- Tzar Kohla and Karne Nevaidos
Room 108- Fenris Curavine

Note: Rooms cannot be switched or changed, with the exception of Special Privileges.

The second piece of paper was a notice.


To assess your initial power and mastery of your abilities, there will be a tournament held today.

What: Team Tourney A (in groups of three) [MANDATORY]
When: Noon, after lunch
Where: The practice field behind the school.

Awards and Prizes: Because this is a practice test to gauge the student's initial level, there will be no prizes awarded.

Students may choose their own partners- however, to do so they MUST notify the Student Council in writing of all team members. Those who do not submit their team members in writing will be put into teams at random.

Done with his task, Darius left the billboard and went into the cafeteria. He was lost in thought as he grabbed some random food and sat down in an inconspicuous corner of the cafeteria. I can't BELIEVE it! I'm roomed with THAT GUY?! AGAIN?! He quietly seethed as he bit into a banana muffin, unaware of the stares he was getting from some of the girls in the cafeteria. So lame....I haven't seen him since I got here though, I wonder if he's even here...? Darius's train of thought was broken as someone sat next to him.

"You look very thoughtful today, Darius. I assume it is because of the new dorm arrangements?" Atryom smiled at him as he set down his tray and sat next to him. His seven tails twitched and writhed of their own volition as they always did as he continued, "I see that you were roomed with Kiran again. I wonder if it's fate? I mean, after what happened in the summer...."

"Do not speak of the summer, or I swear I'll make you call me Master for the rest of your life." Darius responded quickly, the curtness in his voice showing he meant business. "Nothing happened this summer. Got it?"

Atryom just chuckled and nodded. "As you wish, Darius. Although, I wonder if he remembers differently?" Atryom went on playfully, nudging Darius's shoulder. Darius just shook his head, looking a bit troubled.

"Shut up, stupid fox. Oh, by the way, you're on my team for the tournament today." Darius notified him matter-of-factly, the usual haughtiness in his voice apparent.

"As expected. Do we have a third member as of yet?" Atryom inquired. Darius shook his head once more. "I see. Perhaps we should ask-"

"We are NOT asking that Misfit." Darius quickly cut him off, answering perhaps a bit louder than what was necessary. "Anyone but that guy."

Derrick Blackthorne

Derrick slowly opened his eyes, reluctant to face the new day. He hated waking up. Nevertheless, he fully opened his eyes and sat up. He stretched, got dressed, and left to the cafeteria.

He, like everyone else, took a look at the billboard. He noted with relief that he was roomed with his master, but frowned at the thought of a tournament. What was the point in fighting if you weren't allowed to kill anyone? It just took all the fun out of it. Yawning and getting grumpier and grumpier, Derrick went into the cafeteria in search of his master.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Derian Mors Character Portrait: Derrick Blackthorne
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#, as written by Fencer
Derian was unsettled as he walked restlessly in the empty hallway, has been a week since he entered the Academy and apart from the many transfers hadn't ocurred anything particularly interesting, well if there was somthing worth of mentioning was that now the Undead boy was the Treasurer of the Student Council and his first act as such was use some of the money to buy sweets, at the time seemed like a good idea considering that he had run out of sweets and was getting excessively impatient but now that was the reason why he felt uneasy even if he was going to replace it don't ceased to be a vile theft.

The idea of ​​the tournament didn't reduce his anxiety, fighting is one of his favorite things but when there is a rule that prevent you to kill your opponent becomes somewhat difficult to enjoy it, what's the point if you can't dismember, broke bones and crush skulls, tear out the internal organs, or tearing throats while your opponent pleads for mercy, plea that would never be heard because your mind is lost in your own personal hell, a sinister smile appeared on Derian's face while the old bloodlust began to peek.

He ate a sweet.

The tournament was a good idea, at least for would serve to know the overall of the students, of course about the teammates random was the best choice, though in a second thought he should pick Derrick as partner, though in a different way his guardian also could lose control in the middle of the fight and it wouldn't end very well, they should support each other to prevent the worst situation.

He went to the cafeteria to eat something and quickly identify Derrick, his military attire wasn't what one could call discreet, "Derrick, remember what we were told about the fights," even before a greeting he reminded him the warn that his Father gave them about don't kill a classmate "Morning" he said "We need a third member, We leave it at random or do you know someone?" Spoken loud and didn't cared about the others who were in the cafeteria, the sad reality is that he don't have any friend.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Derian Mors Character Portrait: Derrick Blackthorne Character Portrait: Kyouki Shimizu
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#, as written by X64

Derrick Blackthorne

"Derrick, remember what we were told about the fights," even before a greeting he reminded him the warn that his Father gave them about don't kill a classmate "Morning" he said "We need a third member, We leave it at random or do you know someone?"

"Master~!" Derrick jumped up with glee as soon as he spotted Derian. However, at the reminder of Derian's Father's warning, the smile on his face was quickly replaced with a scowl. "But it's just no fun if you can't at least open them up. Haven't you ever wondered if demons have the same anatomy as a ghost or even a werewolf?" Derrick sighed. "Oh well. I guess we'll have to do with their screams of agony...great music, really, but not all that filling....."

At the mention of a third member, Derrick perked up. "Oh, I know! There's another zombie at this school, her names, uh, Kyoko? Kiki? Kola? Something like that. We should see if she'll join us." Derrick gave a big grin. "At least she'll understand our little....troubles, right?"

Suddenly distracted, Derrick dug into his pockets and pulled out a small bag of yellow candy. "Before I forget, here." Derrick took Derian's hand and put the bag in it. "I made a new batch for you. Aren't I just thoughtful, Master?" He smiled at him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Derian Mors Character Portrait: Derrick Blackthorne Character Portrait: Damien Rivera Character Portrait: Sirius Veneziano Character Portrait: Kyouki Shimizu Character Portrait: Mikala Dutch
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Three sets of black boots clacked on the floors of the school. Kyouki, Sirius, and their 'Leader,' Damien. Like puppies following their mother, or sheep following sheep, they tailed Damien. Not straying so much as a few meters.

His coat trailed mere centimetres behind him, his hair moved ever so slightly. A look of content was on his face as he walked towards the notice board, his face dropping when he saw who he was roomed with.

"Mikala? Really? Mika-Mi?!" He shouted, shaking slightly. He wasn't sure if he was happy or not. Sirius frowned, along with Kyouki. The two looked at eachother and smiled slightly. "Joy." Kyouki muttered.

Kyouki shuffled forwards, and saw Derrick and Derian. She smiled. "Oh, I know! There's another zombie at this school, her names, uh, Kyoko? Kiki? Kola? Something like that. We should see if she'll join us."

She stepped forwards, smirking. "My name is Kyouki. And yes, Flippy, I'll join you. Infact, I'll be glad. I get to see what the other zombies are made of. Y'know, besides bones, blood and guts."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Derian Mors Character Portrait: Derrick Blackthorne Character Portrait: Kyouki Shimizu
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#, as written by Fencer
Words couldn't express the gratitude that Derian felt towards his guardian when he presented the bag with the yellow treasure, was a time of great joy practically unbeatable, he'll probably would put on his knees and worship Derrick if his father hadn't banned it expressly saying something along the lines that Derian exaggerated too much when it came to sweets and needed a bit more of self-control in that matter.

Before he could react Kola appeared, the zombie that Derrick recommended to join their team, luckily if she said that had no problems in joining the team but unfortunately she was Kyouki, Derian liked much more the name Kola since was was much shorter and easier and sounded better, the young Mors looked at the girl from head to toe without restraint and lifting a thumb declared "You're fairly well preserved for a corpse, nice to meet you Kola" the mystery of his lack of friends revealed immediately.

Now had the required quota to form a team and participate in the tournament, the good thing is that since everyone in his team was a corpse it didn't really matter much what could happen to them in the middle of the fight.

"We should look for a student council member to sign up",


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atryom Bravinski Character Portrait: Derian Mors Character Portrait: Derrick Blackthorne Character Portrait: Kyouki Shimizu Character Portrait: Darius Grimlocke
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#, as written by X64

Derrick Blackthorne

"My name is Kyouki. And yes, Flippy, I'll join you. In fact, I'll be glad. I get to see what the other zombies are made of. Y'know, besides bones, blood and guts."

"You're fairly well preserved for a corpse, nice to meet you Kola"

"Master is right, you are well-preserved." Derrick added, siding alongside the female zombie and looking her over head to toe, "Although 'preserved' isn't really the word I would use...." He added once more with a smirk, obviously talking about something else.

"We should look for a student council member to sign up",

After a moment, he stopped ogling her and smiled. "Though you don't have to wait until the tournament to see what we're made of! Just watch, Kiki. I'll go get that Student Council Member." He winked at her, then turned away and scanned the crowd. It wasn't hard to find Darius and Atryom. With a wicked grin on his face, he headed over...

Darius Grimlocke, Atryom Bravinski and Derrick Blackthorne

"I see..." Atryom went on, confused. "I do not really understand why you wouldn't want him to join, considering-"

Darius suddenly stood up, his chair scraping against the floor. "I have to go to the student council room to get some work done and receive teams." He interrupted, a scowl on his face, "Come see me when you've found another team member." Atryom nodded at Darius's command, and stood up. He moved a step to stand beside Darius, keeping his eyes on something...

Suddenly, Atryom pushed Darius to the side, deflecting what looked to be thin, red needles. The needles of blood liquidized as Atryom hit them with his bare hands, making it look as if he had been injured. In another instant, Derrick had taken out one of his combat knives and rushed at Darius, seemingly intent on physical harm.

Without even batting an eye, Atryom stepped in Derrick's way. In one fluid motion, he grabbed Derrick's arm (the one with the knife of course), twisted it behind him, put his foot to Derrick's back, and broke the arm clean off from the shoulder. Blood splayed across the floor as he did this with an almost murderous look on his face. "What is the meaning of this?" Atryom asked coldly, keeping his foot pressed firmly on Derrick's back, "I do hope you know I cannot forgive anyone who attacks Darius."

His face pressed against the floor, Derrick laughed. "That....was....AWESOME! You guys saw that, right?! He tore my arm clean off!" He called over excitedly to Derian and Kyouki, "See Koko, we are made of just blood, bones, and guts. Hahahaha!" Derrick laughed excitedly for another minute or so, then wriggled under Atryom's firm foot. "Er..." He said to him, "Do'ya mind lettin' me go now? I kinda hafta go submit my team...."

Atryom narrowed his eyes, obviously not amused. "You just attacked my charge. How do I know you won't do it again?"

"Well....firstly, ya kinda got my arm there. I'd like it back sometime. Second, I just wanted to show that hottie over there," Somehow, he lifted his now-only arm up and pointed discreetly at Kyouki for a second, then put it back down, "what we zombies are made of. I mean, I couldn't just open up my insides now, could I? Wait.....dangit." Derrick sighed, pouting as he realized he could have just opened himself up. But then again, that wouldn't have been any fun either....

Atryom sighed, releasing his foot off Derrick's back and stepping away so he could stand. However, he did keep Derrick's arm, holding it to his side and trying to be very careful not to get too much blood on the floor. "Submit your team, and then I'll give you your arm back."

Derrick stood up, dusting himself off as much as one could with one arm, and scowled at Atryom. "Stuffy ass...." He muttered under his breath, then turned to Darius. "Yeah, I got a team to submit." Derrick began as Darius stared at him with a most disapproving glare, "Derrick Blackthorne, Derian Mors, and....uh....and..." What was her name again? Kiki? Kokori? Steve? "Kyouki Shimizu!" Derrick finished proudly. "Yeah! That's our team. They're over there." He pointed to where Derian and Kyouki were.

Darius had taken out a pad of paper and a pencil, writing down the names as Derrick said them. When he was done, he put it away. "Fine. I'll give you your team, but save the fighting for the tournament, if you know what's good for you." Darius nodded at Atryom, who tossed Derrick's arm back to him.

Derrick caught it and attached it to himself, letting it set before moving it. "Gee, thanks!" He smiled and answered excitedly, then ran back over to where Derian and Kyouki were.

Darius Grimlocke and Atryom Bravinski

Darius sighed as Derrick ran off all-too happily. "Fucking zombies." He muttered under his breath. Then, he went back to the table, took a step on the chair, and stood on top of the table. He cupped his hands and yelled out for all to hear.

"HEY. LISTEN UP. If there's anyone who would like to submit their teams, talk to either me, Fenris, Roan'n, Damien, or Derian. Teams with student council members must talk to me and CANNOT submit their own teams. You can find me in the student council room."

When he was done with his little announcement, Darius hopped off the table. Without even single word of goodbye, he simply walked out of the cafeteria.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atryom Bravinski Character Portrait: Derian Mors Character Portrait: Derrick Blackthorne Character Portrait: Damien Rivera Character Portrait: Sirius Veneziano Character Portrait: Kyouki Shimizu
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Kyouki eyed Derian up and down. "I'm well preserved? Wow. Look at me in a bikini, then you'll see the gaping hole in my chest. Heh..."

She looked at Derrick with a raised eyebrow of curiosity as he attempted to fight the pureblood and his guardian. She waved slightly to Atryom and Darius.

Damien and Sirius shuffled around thinking who would be useful in their team. "We could have Kyouki?" Sirius mumbled, looking at his boots. "Nah. Kyouki's going with Derian and Flippy."
"Really? Flippy? Wait - Do you even know his real name?"
"Er.. Ofcourse I do, Sirius.. I just.. No. I don't."
"Ha! Knew it - Oh, we could have Darius."
"Good idea."

The two smiled at eachother, and instantly made a beeline for Darius. They caught him just as he left the cafeteria. "Hey, Darius. Want to help us kick ass in the tournament?" Sirius laughed, fist pumping for emphasis. Damien smiled slightly, and in his wussy, whispery voice, muttered "Yeah. We'd take out anybody in our way. Eheh."
