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Kaylee Mei C. Schaefer

A very hyper and happy telekinetic half demon whom really thinks she has a poltergeist.

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a character in “New Kids in the House! (Lyle House Role Play)”, originally authored by Forensic_Anthro, as played by RolePlayGateway


Name: Annamarie Mei Aarune Kaywinnit Mei Contessa Schaefer
Image Image
Kaylee stands at five foot tall, weighs about 100 pounds, is curvy and thin, and has light colored skin. Blue eyes, rainbow blond hair which is now long and usually braided with flowers tucked in as an accent. Her normal outfits consist of brightly colored jeans, neon T-shirts with equally bright tank tops underneath, and multitudes of neon bracelets and necklaces called 'kandi', and sometimes she'll wear odd dresses, like a light and airy knee-length blue dress with purple streaks along with white boots and if it's cold out a light blue cape. She also wears a lot of her piercings at once and likes playing with them. She currently has:
7 ear piercings on each ear and 3 lip piercings (A lip ring and two studs. Studs seen in images).

Nicknames: Kaylee, Kay, Tessa, Kaykay, Mei, Meimei

Age: Eighteen

Personality: Kaylee is a pretty crazy girl. She loves dancing, music and anything to do with bones. She'll probably back down from a dare and is sometimes willing to do crazy things to make others happy. She hates seeing others
down, as it makes her sad as well and even if it wasn't her fault she feels guilty. Kaylee is constantly listening to music and sneaking into raves.

She is the kind of kid when her mom told her not to put her fingers in the electrical socket, she would instead get a Pixie Stick and pour it in there.
Some of the most commonly heard phrases from this girl are song lyrics and "Want some sugar?" "There's a RAVE?? GUESS WHERE WE'RE GOING!" She loves music more than anything though, and she isn't comfortable unless she has some sort of musical device accessible. The wind around her is oddly filled with life and scents, and she's pretty weird too, I guess. Kaylee loves anything that could be considered a freak.

She's a music junkie, and she always has something playing, and if you aren't good with noise I would just suggest getting a new room mate if you get paired with her. Be prepared to be attacked by posters if you come into her room, they all vary from Cinema Bizarre, Scooter, Cascada, and O-Zone posters and more, but you should expect lots of techno, trance, dance, and electronic music playing. She also loves horror movies and stuff like that, she has a vast collection of stuffed animals and likes to make kandi as well as finger-knit neon yarn and tie it into a bracelet, anklet, or necklace. With her you should expect lots of music, hyperactivity, and randomness, and trust me, it can be hard to deal with at times. She can be serious though, and will do anything for what she believes in.

Sex: Female

Role: The amazing telekinetic half-demon with a poltergeist!

Bio: At the age of 12, Kaylee met Carsten Schäefer, and she spent most of her time with him and the rest of Cinema Bizarre, which broke up soon after. She became like family with the Schäefers and eventually began spending most of her time there. She grew up with her mothers, Jennifer and Amy Aarune, two women who dreamed only of motherhood.


Jennifer and Amy looked down at a two month old baby girl with brown hair and hazel eyes.

"Oh, Amy, she's perfect! What should we call her?" Jennifer asked, hugging her wife.

"Annamarie." Amy smiled.

Jennifer nodded in breathless agreement and stroked the child's face lovingly.

Three year old Annamarie stumbled around the warm inside of her mother's Germany home.

She giggled and looked out a window at the snow. "Mommy! Mommy!" She called to her mothers.
"Look! A puppy!" She giggled again and pointed at a gray dog lying in the snow.

"Oh my..." Blonde Jennifer jogged over and looked out the window while Amy went outside to see if it still lived.

"Dead." Amy came back in and Jennifer picked Annamarie up from before the window and whisked her upstairs for a nap.

That's not my name! (How Kaylee got her name)

"What should we call her?" Carsten asked, smiling at the thirteen year old girl.

Annamarie played with her bracelets nervously as Strify analyzed her like she was a girl he had just found dancing around his room, which was in fact the case.

The five boys went through an entire list of names, unable to agree on any.

"Kaywinnit?" Shin asked, thinking of the sweet engineer from Firefly.

"Kaylee," Annamarie said, crossing her arms and standing up.

Yu grinned, "Okay, Kaywinnit."

She stuck her tongue out at him and rolled her eyes.

Got A Late Night - Early Morning Mission (Two weeks later)

Kaylee smiled at Carsten and Strify, "You sure you can get me in?"

"Positive," they returned her smile and got into the driver and passenger seats of Carsten's car.

Kaylee grinned wider, playing with the multicolored bracelets that covered her wrists as she got into the back seat.

Once they arrived at their destination point, the trio got out. Kaylee adjusted her belt so that it was tied on her hip and played with her bracelets.

"ID?" Asked a man in mismatched clothes and bracelets covering his arms like they did Kaylee's, Strify's, and Carsten's.

Strify sighed, rolling his eyes at the man though he held up three IDs. Kaylee's was of course, fake, as she wasn't old enough to get into a rave.

"Alright, go ahead." The man said, gesturing them in.

Jumping All Over The World! (Kaylee's first trip to California!)

Kaylee and Carsten stood at the airport. She sighed, leaning against a pillar.

"Carsten, what's taking so long?" She complained, not being very patient, "Who did you say was going to pick us up again?"

Her friend grinned, "You'll see, Kay. Just wait."

She was a bit tempted to wipe the grin off his face, but she decided against it. Kaylee sighed as a fan girl scurried up to them and begged for Carsten to sign every part of her he could. Living with Carsten Schäefer and Cinema Bizarre, she had gotten used to the constant attention from fans and their need to appease them.
All of a sudden a black van whipped around the corner, making Kaylee's eyes go wide.

"You hired a party bus?" She giggled and ran toward it, grinning 'from ear to ear' so to speak.

"Hell yeah!" Carsten laughed at her reaction and chased after her, sweeping her up, he tossed her inside and hit a button on the stereo system in the back.

Techno music pounded into the car as it drove off, tires squealing.
Kaylee cast a glance at Carsten as if saying that he was her best friend ever, and was rewarded with his usual smile doubling in size.

"Welcome to California!" He said, flicking on the blacklights and turning off the normal lights, he tossed Kaylee some glowsticks and cracked his own bright green ones.

She squealed and lunged at him, hugging him.

"Best big brother ever!" She laughed, pulling away and cracking her glowsticks, she closed her eyes and danced to the pounding music in the speeding party bus.

I'm Raving! (New hair!)

"That's comforting..." Kaylee stared into the pitch black alley and turned back to Carsten, "You expect me to go down there?

"Yeah. Why not?" Carsten raised an eyebrow.

"There could be some creepy homo-rapist guy?" She suggested.

"Oh come on, Kaylee!" Carsten pulled her down the alley to yet another rave.

After a long night (and morning) of dancing, Kaylee fell asleep, her long brown hair hanging in front of her face. Carsten sighed and carried her to the car and drove her back to their hotel.

"She looks so peaceful when she's asleep..." Carsten sighed, watching Kaylee sleep on her rainbow blanket that she had insisted on bringing.

Carsten stepped over to his bed and pulled hair dye from his bag. He carried Kaylee carefully into the bathroom and quickly dyed her hair, bemused that she didn't stir. Afterward, he put her back on the bed with her hair on a towel. She continued sleeping.
The little brunette squirmed in her sleep and Carsten was positive she was going to wake up. He sighed and then raised an eyebrow as she continued in her rest. He set his camera on video and hit record, positioning the camera so that it would see her throughout the room.

After a few hours of rest, Kaylee opened her eyes slowly and got up, hurrying into the bathroom for a shower. Kaylee gasped, speechless, as she stared in the mirror. She now had rainbow hair.

"Carsten!" Kaylee squealed, "I love it!"

Carsten walked in, obviously still half asleep, and smiled at her, "Knew you'd love it."

Kaylee took a quick shower and fixed her hair up in a ponytail afterward. About an hour or so later, the duo went shopping.

"Come look at this, Kay!" Her brother called.

Kaylee smiled, walking toward Carsten, carrying a collection of shirts, jackets, jeans, and shoes.

"Fineee." She said, smirking a little.

"Cute?" Carsten inquired, smiling at her.

Kaylee smiled back, "Of course!"
She rolled her eyes. "However I must remind you that it wont go with any of your shoes."

Carsten smiled at the fourteen year old, "Don't worry, Kaylee, I already have it figured out."

Kaylee stared at the amount on the cash register, "I have no clue how you can pay for this, Carst," she said, looking exasperated.

Carsten grinned, "No worries, that's what I said once."

"But you're insane. So that makes it better."

Carsten smirked at her, "What are you talking about? You're pretty damn crazy. Remember, shop or die. Now make me proud, little sister!" He smiled.


Kaylee walked through the door to Jennifer and Amy's house. "Hey! I'm home!" She called.

Her mothers rushed to meet her.

"Annamarie! We've missed you so much..." Amy hugged her tightly and then Jennifer.

It had been a long time since anyone had called her Annamarie so it didn't feel like her name anymore, but she dealt with it.
A few minutes later life was as usual around the Aarune household. Kaylee sighed, walking up to her room and putting some of her stuff away.
Spending most of her time in Berlin had made her Cottbus home kind of odd to her at first but some she got back to her room it all seemed normal again. Not that normal was generally her style.

Amy knocked on the door, "Can I come in?" She asked.

"Yeah." Kaylee said, closing the overstuffed CD album that was plopped messily in her lap, she leaned against the headboard of her bed.

Amy walked in, smiling at her, "Can I talk to you?"

"Of course, mum." Kaylee said, sitting up more and playing with her bracelets.

"Good." Amy sat next to her.

"It's about Carsten, isn't it?" Kaylee didn't even really have to ask.

Amy made a face, "It isn't that we don't really disapprove of you hanging out with him, It's just that we were kind of worried. You spend more time with them then you do us. These two years have flown by and now when you come home for the summer, you've changed so much... It's made your mother and I worried."

Kaylee frowned, she didn't like her mothers. They were always so busy with other things that they seemed to ignore her. The boys were her escape from this.

Amy smiled sadly, "Alright."
She kissed her forehead when Kaylee didn't respond, "Just carve out some time for us, okay?"

Pretty Powers

Kaylee twirled around her room, her mothers looking through a big cardboard box full of movies. She jumped as her stereo was turned off and Jennifer yelled at her.

"Annamarie Mei Aarune! What is THIS?" Her mothers held up a movie that Kaylee had never seen before, one with an especially explicit title.

"I've never seen that before," Kaylee stated simply, but she realized her moms wouldn't believe the truth.

"You are GROUNDED young lady!" The two women got up, Amy carrying the box of movies out while Jennifer led Kaylee to the Box of Shame.

Kaylee stared at the little box with the slot in it and shivered as she stepped in. She hadn't been in it since she was a little kid and had sworn to never be in it again. She pressed herself against the bottom as Jennifer duct taped the box closed and walking away. Kaylee shifted, getting comfortable, and squealed as the box tipped over, the slot against the floor now. Kaylee, of course, panicked, trying to get back upright. Anger flashed across her mind and she let her emotions take control. Suddenly the box moved. Kaylee screamed as it floated into the air, anger disappearing, replaced by fear. The box broke. She fell through the bottom of the box and it fell with her, legs still inside.

Kaylee sat in a corner after that, eyes wide, "M-Mommyy! I... I have a poltergeist!"

Not believing her, her parents sent her off. After similar incidents occurred they sent her off to a group home called Lyle House. They constantly sent her little presents, but refused to visit. Cinema Bizarre, on the other hand, visited as frequently as they could, which wasn't often. They brought her candy, kandi, jewelry. and of course they brought her clothes. Well... Carsten brought her clothes.

Diagnosed with: Psychosis

So begins...

Kaylee Mei C. Schaefer's Story