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Nyan Koi

Nyan Koi


Something has caused the neko-jizō-sama (guardian deity of cats) to be angry with you. You find that you can now understand what cats are saying, and if you fail to grant them 100 wishes, you will turn into one yourself! (Play as a cat, human, or both!)

1,097 readers have visited Nyan Koi since Panda!AtTheDisco created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:!



This is an RP based off of the anime/manga Nyan Koi!

In the original series, a boy accidentally breaks the local neko-jizō-sama statue and ends up getting cursed. He has to grant 100 wishes to cats or else he will turn into one and die from his allergies.

Well in this RP things will be a tad bit different. Your character, if you choose to be a cursed human, will have to do something to anger the cat deity and get cursed. It’s up to you whether or not you want your human to break the curse or turn into a cat entirely, OR you can play as a non-cursed human or cat.

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Other: (If human, you might want to mention if they are/will be cursed)

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This RP is meant to be taken lightly, so have fun with it!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cocoa Character Portrait: Savannah Character Portrait: Hiromi Character Portrait: Alaska
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Savannah walked along the crowded sidewalk. Her destination: the icrecream parlor. She wiped some sweat from her brow as she waited to cross the street. Suddenly, she felt something fuzzy bump into her leg, followed by a meow.

"Hm?" She looked down to see three cats by her ankle.
"Don't you think it's too hot to be wearing that?" She giggled softly as she bent down to touch the smallest cat's scarf.

The small white cat reared back and flashed Savannah a warning glance, and Savannah's friendly expression disappeared.
"Ok then," The girl scoffed before standing back up and crossing the street.

For some strange reason the three cats followed, but turned in the opposite direction once they made it to the other side of the street. Savannah shrugged it off and entered the ice-cream parlor. Much to her dismay, the line at the register was incredibly long. The blonde girl sighed, blowing some hair out of her face as she waited with her arms crossed.

"Next time don't bump into it," Cocoa scolded.

"I didn't mean to!" Alaska whined.
She looked down at her paws guiltily.

Hiromi rolled her eyes.
"Ok guys we made it back to the park."
The old shecat leapt onto a bench and yawned as she lay down.

"So Hiromi, have you sensed anymore cursed humans yet?" Cocoa asked.
He began sharpening his claws on a rock.

Hiromi narrowed her green eyes and scanned the area.
"Not yet."

Alaska giggled as she played with Cocoa's tail.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angel Character Portrait: Yin Character Portrait: Cocoa Character Portrait: Hiromi Character Portrait: Alaska
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#, as written by Lambie

Angel had been in a rush all morning and all it caused him to do was break things. Today he had broken a plate, a vase, 2 glasses, a bowl, and a cat statue. The old man who had the statue near one of the old temples says that he would be cursed by the cat deities, and we would have to help a hundred cats. When Angel had arrived at the park he sighed, it was not a good day and he was very superstitious about these things. He began to look around nervously. "I didn't mean to break that statue it was an accident."


Yin was asleep up in the tree in the park. He was snoozing away when he heard voices.

"Next time don't bump into it," Cocoa scolded.

"I didn't mean to!" Alaska whined.
She looked down at her paws guiltily.

Hiromi rolled her eyes.
"Ok guys we made it back to the park."
The old shecat leapt onto a bench and yawned as she lay down.

"So Hiromi, have you sensed anymore cursed humans yet?" Cocoa asked.
He began sharpening his claws on a rock.

Hiromi narrowed her green eyes and scanned the area.
"Not yet."

Yin opened one of his bright green eyes. "Do all of you have to be so loud?" He yawned as he slink down the tree. Licking his paw and drawing it over his face, once he was firmly on the ground. His tail swished back and forth in a casual motion. He then heard Angel on the other side of the trail and purred slightly.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angel Character Portrait: Yin Character Portrait: Cocoa Character Portrait: Savannah Character Portrait: Hiromi Character Portrait: Alaska
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The three cats stopped conversing once another voice chimed in.

"Well we are outside," Cocoa retorted. "Maybe you should try sleeping somewhere less...Oh, I don't know. Public?"

Alaska's ears flattened against her head. She didn't like confrontation. The small white shecat hid beneath the bench Hiromi was ontop of.

The large calico shecat drew her attention to the boy Yin was staring at.
"There's one," She muttered.

Cocoa looked over at Angel as well and smirked.
"Maybe we can mess with him!"

"Aaw, let's not be mean," Alaska mewed quietly.

"Come on, it'll be fun!" Cocoa snickered as he made his way over to the human.

Hiromi sighed and jumped off the bench, following closely behind Cocoa.

Alaska remained where she was.

Savannah let out a sigh of relief as it was finally her turn to order. She payed for her cookie-dough icecream and left the shop to go eat it at her favorite spot at the park.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angel Character Portrait: Yin Character Portrait: Cocoa Character Portrait: Hiromi Character Portrait: Alaska
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lambie

Yin chuckled a bit. "Its quiet here most of the time." He then watched everyone except for Alaska who were going over to the boy. Walking up to Alaska he sat a few feet away from her. "So are you going to help or watch?" He asked calmly.


Angel was sitting on the bench his mind in a swirl of thoughts going a million miles an hour. "Oh!" He covered his eyes in frustration. "What am I going to do?!" He asked himself loudly.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angel Character Portrait: Yin Character Portrait: Cocoa Character Portrait: Hiromi Character Portrait: Alaska
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Alaska looked warily over at Yin.
"I think I'm just gonna stay here and watch for now," She murmured.
"Um...I'm Alaska. What's your name?"

Cocoa sat by Angel's feet and looked up at him, letting out an innocent meow.
He wouldn't speak human. Not yet.

Hiromi stayed behind Cocoa. She wouldn't ruin his fun immediately. The calico shecat looked over her shoulder to check up on Alaska, who seemed to be having a conversation with the black cat they confronted earlier.


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#, as written by Lambie

Yin nodded gently. "Its nice to meet you." He says with a small purr. "My name is Yin." Looking over slightly as he saw Cocoa near Angel and Hiromi not to far away but still hidden.


Angel nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard something near him. He calmed down when he saw a brown cat near him. "Oh hello there." Angel says embarrassingly realizing he was just been spooked by a cat. "Well aren't you very good looking cat." He looked over the cat who seem to have no collar. "I am not having a good day." Angel says as he plants his elbow into his knee and lays his head on his hand. "It seems I've knocked over a very important statute and something bad will happen to me. If I don't do something good about."


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angel Character Portrait: Yin Character Portrait: Cocoa Character Portrait: Savannah Character Portrait: Alaska
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0.00 INK

Cocoa witheld his laughter. This human was talking to him and all he hasn't even spoken english yet! The brown tom smile and puffed out his chest as Angel complimented his good looks. Suddenly, the human began mentioning a statue. 'So that's how he got cursed,' He thought.
"Well I wouldn't consider turning into a cat such a bad thing," Cocoa replied looking rather nonchalant. "Except for the fact that you won't have thumbs anymore...but hey, you can go to the bathroom whever you want!"
The cat had completely forgotten that he was going to wait for the right moment to speak until now. He mentally slapped himself for being so straightforward, but waited anyways to see the boy's reaction. Either way it would still be humorous. He went silent as another human approached them.

Savannah made her way across the street and into the park. Her favorite bench was currently occupied by a familiar looking boy. Perhaps he went to her school and she just didn't know him personally. Still, she refused to back down from claiming her spot simply because he was there and it might be awkward. She quietly took the seat next to him and began eating her icecream when she noticed the cat she saw earlier was eyeing her.
"Is he yours?" She decided to ask Angel.
Although she saw that it had no collar, many people still let their domesticated cats roam free around the town.

"Hi Yin." Alaska smiled meekly as her shyness began to fade. "Do you live in this park? I've never seen you before."


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angel Character Portrait: Yin Character Portrait: Cocoa Character Portrait: Savannah Character Portrait: Alaska
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lambie

Angel sighed deeply when he was in his thoughts he then looked to the cat right as it spoke. "Well I wouldn't consider turning into a cat such a bad thing," Cocoa replied looking rather nonchalant. "Except for the fact that you won't have thumbs anymore...but hey, you can go to the bathroom whenever you want!" He replied. "Yea that's-" Angel stopped mid sentence as he went completely pale. His mind seem to stop working as the cat just spoke to him. Angel had a very disturbed look one that he looked like he may pass out, however his mind started working again when he heard another voice. "Is he yours?" She decided to ask Angel. Angel almost jumped out of the bench he was scared already three times at this rate he would have a heart attack. When he noticed Savannah who was talking to him did he gain a little color. "No he isn't mine." He says as he looked back at the cat curiously. "Did that cat seriously just talk right now or am I going crazy." Angel thought to himself.


Yin smiled. "Yes you can say that I live here. Its calm and peaceful there are so many places to nap and sun bath." He purrs happily. "So where do all you live?"


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angel Character Portrait: Yin Character Portrait: Cocoa Character Portrait: Savannah Character Portrait: Hiromi Character Portrait: Alaska
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Alaska shuddered a bit. She could never live in a place surrounded by so many cars and people. Her ears perked up as Yin returned the question.
"Oh, well...Hiromi, the calico cat, lives in this park as well. She usually sleeps in the bushes surrounding the gazebo. Cocoa, the brown tom with a short temper, lives in an alleyway nearby. And I live in a house with my human, but spend most of my time outside."

Now that she got a good look at him, the boy looked quite pale all of a sudden. She ignored it and brought her attention back to her icecream for a while, but couldn't help but feel inclined to make sure he was okay.
"Are you feeling alright? You look a bit...under the weather."

Cocoa watched the boy with an amused grin on his maw.

Hiromi sighed and waited for Savannah to leave before making herself known.


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#, as written by Lambie

"So you live with humans." Yin says gently. "That must be nice. I use to live with humans at one point in time, but they aren't here anymore." His voice wasn't sad or anything it still had calmness around it.


"No I'm fine just had a busy day." Angel says as he takes a deep breathe. He was a little on edge after what just happened to him.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angel Character Portrait: Yin Character Portrait: Cocoa Character Portrait: Savannah Character Portrait: Hiromi Character Portrait: Alaska
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"Really?" Alaska cocked her head to the side curiously. "Same with Cocoa! ...Where are your humans?"

"Alright," Savannah shrugged. She leaned back in the bench as she finished the rest of her icecream.
'No sense in sticking your nose into someone else's business.'

Cocoa glanced at Hiromi who was still hiding behind the bench.
"Hey, why don't you come out here and introduce yourself?"

Hiromi flicked her tail angrily and crawled out where she could be seen, but said nothing.

Savannah looked down at the two cats with an unamused look on her face.
"Yeesh, this town is filled with strays, isn't it?"


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#, as written by Lambie

Yin smiled. "You know I can't recall." He says slightly embarrassed. "I think they were killed in an accident or something."


Angel knew he just heard the cat talk again and he looked at Savannah who didn't seem to notice. He then saw another cat come out it was calico she-cat who didn't look please. "Yeesh, this town is filled with strays, isn't it?" Angel shrugged a bit. "It wouldn't be filled with strays if people took them in."


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angel Character Portrait: Yin Character Portrait: Cocoa Character Portrait: Savannah Character Portrait: Hiromi Character Portrait: Alaska
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"Easier said than done," Savannah shrugged. "Cats can be kind of annoying."

"Yeah? Well so can be humans," Cocoa hissed at the blonde girl.

Savannah finished the last bit of her icecream cone and pointed to the brown cat.
"I rest my case."

Hiromi finally batted Cocoa on the head with her paw.
"Would you stop talking? You're probably making it very hard for the poor boy," She whispered.

Cocoa simply chuckled. "Alright, alright."

"Oh," Alaska looked down at her paws sadly. "I'm sorry..."
'I don't know what I'd do if I ever lost my human!'

Savannah grunted as she got herself off the bench, her stomach now full. She stretched her back and a bit and glanced at the strange boy beside her.
"Well, nice chatting with you. See you 'round."
She gave him a curt wave before leaving in the direction of the beach.

"Finally," Cocoa sneered as the girl left.
He smirked at Angel with a mischevious gleam in his amber eyes.


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#, as written by Lambie

Angel waved good bye to Savannah and looked to both cats his face was pale again. "So why am I the only one who can understand you?" He asks nervously, as he was totally freaking out right now.


Yin smiled gently. "Oh! Its alright." He says soothingly. "I was a young kit when it happened so I can't recall very well."


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Alaska nodded somewhat gravely, but tried not to show anymore pity. She turned her attention to the others.
"Should we join them?" She wondered aloud.

"You've been cursed," Hiromi replied to Angel. "By the looks of it, it was because you broke the statue dedicated to the guardian deity of all cats."

"So now you can understand felines!" Cocoa chimed in.

Hiromi put a paw over his muzzle.
"The only way to break the curse is to grant the wish of one hundred cats...if you fail to do so in a limited amount of time..."

Cocoa spat out Hiromi's paw.
"You'll turn into one!" He chuckled evilly.


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#, as written by Lambie

Yin smiled gently. "Of course." He says as he stands up to walk over to the others.


Angel almost passed out as he heard what they say. "This is worst day ever." He says with sigh as he leans back againist the bench. "So how long do I have before I turn into a -" Angel just couldn't say the words as he was completely terrified at the moment.


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"Oh don't worry," Hiromi meowed assuringly. "I'd say you have at least a year."

"That should be plenty of time, right?" Cocoa grinned. "You could do one wish per day and still have 265 days left over!"

Alaska followed Yin quietly.

"And look," Cocoa gestured to the others. "You already have your first five customers."


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#, as written by Lambie

Angel sighed a bit. "Well its not to bad. A year to help a a lot of cats." He looked as he saw two more cats come to them. "Well its better to get started than to start late, so how can I help you all?" Angel asked with a smile.

Yin walked with Alaska to the new boy. "Looks like he's over the freaking out part." He says gently.

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Character Portrait: Yin
Character Portrait: Angel


Character Portrait: Angel

OMG! I'm so sorry! It was an accident! >.<

Character Portrait: Yin

*purrs* So you're cursed?


Character Portrait: Yin

*purrs* So you're cursed?

Character Portrait: Angel

OMG! I'm so sorry! It was an accident! >.<

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Character Portrait: Angel

OMG! I'm so sorry! It was an accident! >.<

Character Portrait: Yin

*purrs* So you're cursed?

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