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Olive Tree

Olive Tree


A Private Role Play Place for Belladonis and Mateo

8,605 readers have visited Olive Tree since Kaerralind created it.


A place where the supernatural roam around freely.
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#, as written by Mateo
Teththther frowned and packed up a bit before shaking his head slightly. "Oh, not at all.", the dragon replied, relieved that he had finally woken the wolf. "...the King wishes to speak with you... and I was also to inform you that we will be holding a feast to honor the return of the prince." Teththther smiled and stood up slowly, waiting for Fen to get up as well. "I am to assist you in preparing."


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Fen frowned. "Preparing how, exactly?" He asked. "And just what does Rys want with me now anyway? I thought he was done talking to me earlier." The wolfcat stretched and gave a yawn as he stood up, straightening out his new outfit, that he still had to get used to. He looked over at his jacket and frowned. Man, he really missed wearing it already but it was much too hot for him. "Lead the way I guess." He said to the dragon once he was awake enough to get going.


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#, as written by Mateo
"You are responsible for helping the prince find his way back, the feast is in your honor as well.", Teththther replied with a small smile as he looked over Fen. "...I.. quite like your outfit.", he stated. "...but I believe you need a bit of ornamentation." He removed some small golden chains from his own attire and reached over, clipping two of the chains to either side of Fen's top on the front and back so that they draped down his arms. "That will do for now, I think.", the dragon stated, nodding to himself. "Now, this way please." Teththther motioned for Fen to follow him, before leading the guest out of the room.

It was a rather short trip, but the halls were much busier now than they were earlier. The was an excited buzz that seemed to liven up the entire place. Word had gotten out that the prince had returned and everyone was excited to see him. "In here, please.", Teththther stated as they reached a large, ornately decorated door. He cracked it open and waited for Fen to go inside before following him in and shutting the door back behind them.

"Fen?", Ryseza asked, turning his head slightly to look towards the door as a servant went about attaching trinkets and bobbles to a rather delicate looking set of robes he wore. As always, more skin was showing than not... this time, partially due to the transparent nature of some of the fabrics.


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Fen crossed his arms and slightly glared at the king. "I don't particularly enjoy being woken up from a good nap, so I hope what you have to tell me is important or I'm going back to sleep." He stated with a rather unamused frown. Hopefully the dragon had something overly important because the wolfcat didn't feel very patient at the moment. He was having a rather good dream and he was comfy. Not only that, he rather enjoyed laying next to Kim in such a nice bed after having to sleep on the hard ground for months at a time so that didn't really help his mood either. Where was Riam when he needed him anyway?


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#, as written by Mateo
Ryseza frowned and motioned for the servants to leave. "I wished to inform you that I have spoken with my advisers.", he stated once they were alone. "Frightfully, it seems as if there is no way around a war... though no one here is keen on fighting." The king sighed and turned towards Fen fully, his jewelry chiming as he moved. "My king is few in numbers as well... however, you said that we would not fight alone. ...I would implore that you contact your allies so we may rally our forces. Are you able to do that?"

Ryseza looked over Fen, a bit of his seriousness lost as he noticed that Fen was wearing on of Kiminith's older outfits. He smiled and shook his head slightly. " lighter news. There will be a feast tonight to honor my son's return. He should already we preparing for it... and I have asked Teththther to assist you... however, I see you have already clothed yourself." The king smiled a bit more and strode across the room to a rather large, ornately carved armoire. He opened it carefully and motioned for Fen to come over. "...these belonged to my mate. I.. believe that you are similarly sized..." Ryseza looked down a bit, the clothing bringing back a few bittersweet memories. He shook his head and cleared his throat after a moment though, regaining himself. "..if you are to be mated to my royalty, you must look the part... particularly at a social gathering that is in your honor as well."


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Fen frowned. "Am I not wearing something good enough now? I feel mostly naked as it is." He stated, looking at the clothing. Despite his hesitation, the clothes did look rather nice, though he wouldn't dare admit it out loud. "Also, I can send word to my allies." He said, making sure Riam was able to hear it as well. "It will take them a while to get here as most of them are across the water and have to come by boat. Some won't be able to come at all due to their living climates though, but they will still do everything possible to assist us." He explained. "Besides that, have you finally accepted me as Kim's mate then?" He questioned, watching the dragon closely. "I may be 'petulant', but that doesn't mean I won't do what ever I can for Kim, even if it means putting myself in danger for him and he would do the same for me, as he's done on multiple occasions. I'm sure having your blessing would mean a lot to both of us."


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#, as written by Mateo
"I am still make my decision.", Ryseza stated, frowning slightly as he looked at the clothes. To say he had a lot on his mind was an understatement... and decisions took time. "How soon do you estimate your allies can arrive?", he asked as he reached up into the armoire, pulling out a silky, white draping of fabric. He held it in his hands and looked it over and stroking it gently, hardly paying Fen any attention anymore. "...I would like to get this over with as quickly as possible.", he stated softly, sighing as he replaced the silky, white outfit back in the armoire and turning away, "Pick what you would like to wear.", he added on as he made his way back across the room, his back still to Fen.


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Fen frowned. "It took Kim and I almost five months to get here." He stated. "I don't know how quickly they can reach this place." He admitted and looked at the clothes that were hanging before him. They were all so... feminine, he wasn't sure if he'd even pick any of the outfits really. He missed his pants. Everything there was so... revealing. He lowered his ears and started to look through the clothes. Was what he was wearing really not good enough? He wasn't used to these fancy things and he certainly didn't know how to act with them. "What's wrong with what I'm wearing anyway? Can't I just pick this? I mean not to offend your culture or anything, but I just don't think any of these will work for me... I'm not really one for flowy things." He stated.


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#, as written by Mateo
Ryseza looked back at Fen before sighing and turning away again. "It should be fine.", he said simply. "....and I suppose we will have to wait." He looked down, a frown still etched on his features. "Do as you wish for now... the feast will be soon. I will have Teththther come find you when it is time." Though the king didn't want to admit it, the more he talked to Fen, the more the wolf's personality reminded him of Kim's mother, and it was more painful than he cared for. Perhaps it was a good thing that he didn't care to change his clothes.


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Fen frowned and shook his head. This dragon couldn't make up his mind could he. With a sigh Fen made his way out of the room. Rys said that Kim was getting ready as well, which meant he was awake, so why not go greet him and show him the clothes he found for himself? With a small smile he started off down the hall, though poking at Riam on the way there. "Riam, are you sending out the information?" He asked in his head. He knew the demon would reply, so there was no use in bugging him more than he needed to.


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#, as written by Mateo
"I'm working on it.", Riam replied, his voice sounding winded. "There are a lot of minds to work myself into, so give me some time.", he continued. He was also currently working his way through Fen's memories in order to find allies.

Kim stood perfectly still as a servant draped jewelry over his horns and layered bobbled on his clothing. They had already helped him dress into what they called finery... and though Kim had to admit that he enjoyed flashing clothes, the outfit he was stuck in was quite garish. It was also quite revealing, but thankfully he was quite used to that. He still wasn't used to all the help though, and he didn't think he would ever be. It, along with the fact that it had been quite awhile since he had seen his mate, made him quite uneasy.


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Fen nodded and smiled. "I have faith in you Riam. Take your time and don't rush yourself." He stated, sending the demon a mental smile. He didn't feel the need to knock when he reached Kim's room again and simply walked right in, startling the servant a bit when he did. "Glad to see you awake, Kim." He said with a happy smile. "Though I would've like to stayed in bed with you for a bit longer." He sighed and shook his head. "Can't be helped though, at least I'm hungry enough to eat for the feast. Oh, what do you think?" He asked, showing off the outfit. "I found it in here, I'm guessing it was one of yours that's too small for you now so I just figured I'd wear it. It's really hot here after all." He admitted.


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#, as written by Mateo
"Fen.", Kim stated, a smile coming to his face as he was quite relieved to see his mate. He waited for the servant to finish decorating him before he made his way over to stand before the wolfcat. "You...", he blushed the slightest as he looked down over Fen's new, revealing clothing. "You look quite ravishing.", he answered honestly. He was quite unused to seeing his mate like this, but he would be lying if he said he didn't enjoy. "I believe it looks better on you then it could have possible ever looked on me." He smiled and stepped back slightly, spreading his arms a bit so that Fen could see his outfit. "..I am told that this is formal attire.", he stated. "It is quite a bit more revealing than my other clothes though." It was true, the outfit consisted of little more than an ornate bolero, with wide, flowing sleeves, and a jeweled loin cloth, along with copious amounts of jewelry and ornamentation.


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Fen grinned a bit. "If we had time before the feast I would take advantage of the fact that you're hardly wearing anything." He stated bluntly. "However, I have no idea when... uhm... I can't remember his name..." he paused for a second before shaking his head. "Before someone comes to get us to go celebrate your return." He finished before reaching out to touch Kim's bare skin. "I do really like this though." He said, his grin widening.


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#, as written by Mateo
Kim blushed a bit more, but couldn't hide his smile. He quite liked it when Fen touched him. "I believe you mean Teththther.", he replied, smirking slightly. "...I was told the feast would not be for several more hours. There is much to be done..." He placed his hand over Fen's, before sliding both of their hands down slowly. He was still unused to being so bold, but he was starting to find that he could have a lot of fun with it. "We may have time.", he stated as he hooked Fen's fingers under the sash that held up his loincloth. "...only if we do it your way."


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A growly purr radiated from Fen's throat. "And just what do you mean by that?" He questioned as he played with the fabric. Kim's clothes weren't hiding much to begin with and since they were light fabrics, Fen was more than able to feel the overwhelming heat coming from the dragon's skin. He loved it when the dragon took charge, he really did. He loved his possessive, aggressive dragon, though at the same time he loved it when Kim was sweet and gentle with him. This however was one of those times where he wanted his aggressive dragon.


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#, as written by Mateo
Kim grinned and moved closer to Fen, pressing their bodies together as his hands found their way to his's mates hips. He really did enjoy seeing his lover in such little clothing, and he was sure Fen realized that. "I should not have to answer that.", the dragon responded as he lowered his head, bringing their faces closer together. "We are both aware of how you like it.", he added on, his breath warm on Fen's face as he leaned in and kissed him deeply. It had been so long since their last kiss, that Kim couldn't help but pour everything he had into this one, making it one of the more heated and passionate that they had shared.


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(づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ Explicit Skip!


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Arch 13

Fen sighed as he finished putting on the outfit that Kim had brought him. It wasn't exactly as 'masculine' as he would've liked, as it was quite flowy, but the dragon had said that it was hard to find something that suited the wolfcat since he was so small. His head hurt a bit from all the heat, but at least the fabric from the new outfit was more breathable than the previous one, though he still didn't like it much. He took a large drink of water from the cup he was given and straightened himself up. His back was sore from his and Kim's 'activities' but he was seriously ready for the food that he'd been promised, though he didn't know how far it still was all considering, he didn't know how long he'd been asleep.


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#, as written by Mateo
Teththther knocked lightly at the door of the prince's chamber, before letting himself in. He knew that Kiminith had already gone off to the feast, so there would be no worry of interuppting anything. "Fen?", he called, looking around the room and spotting the wolfcat rather quickly, staring at himself in a large upright mirror with a rather unpleasant look on his face. "Is there anything wrong?", he asked politely, going over slowly to stand by Fen and peer at him through the mirror. "You... look quite lovely.. if I may say." He smiled, hoping his compliment would cheer up the wolfcat, but Fen still didn't look too happy.


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Fen shook his head. "I'll be fine. I just... I don't much like this outfit. It's too... girly." He stated, playing with a bit of the extra fabric. "It's also hot in here." He added. "I'm not used to this much heat, it's making my dizzy." The wolfcat fixed his hair a bit and turned to the dragon. "So then Teth, is it time to eat? Because I'm starving." Despite not really wanting to be seen in such an outfit, he was a bit too hungry to really care anymore and he just really wanted to eat.


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#, as written by Mateo
Teth smiled and stepped back from the mirror. "You remind me much of the queen.", he stated, as he watched Fen. "Though with more of an aversion to... 'girly' clothing." He chuckled softly and covered his mouth before nodding. "Yes, though... the feast will be beginning soon. I have come to lead you to the dining hall." The young dragon smiled again and turned, motioning for Fen to follow him. "Just this way.", he stated as he led the wolfcat out of the room and down the hall.

It was a quick trip to the feasting hall, and when they arrived, it was already nearly filled with people. The king was seated at the head of the table, seemingly trying to draw Kim, who sat next to him, into a conversation. There was an empty seat next to the prince that Teth knew was reserved for Fen, and that was exactly where he led him. He pulled out the chair and waited for Fen to sit, before standing idly by his chair waiting for further instructions.


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Fen made his way over to Kim a bit quickly, sitting down and thanking Teth before turning to Kim. "Are these really the only clothes that you could find for me?" He questioned with a raised eyebrow. He didn't want to interrupt the dragon and his father, but he wanted to know for sure. However, looking around and seeing the other dragon's clothing, he started to not mind his own so much. The clothing just seemed to get more and more flowy the more he looked and he started to thank his mate for picking something that was much less than the others.


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#, as written by Mateo
Kim looked over at Fen and offered his mate a small smile before nodding slightly. "Unfortunately, yes.", he replied. "It was the least feminine attire I could find that would fit you.." He smiled a bit more and placed his hand on Fen's thigh under the table. He was thankful for his mate's arrival... His father had been incessantly trying to get him to remember things, and it was wearing on him quite a bit. The dragon prince still didn't quite feel like he belonged, and it was odd that so many recognized him when he could not ever remember seeing their faces.

"Good evening Fen.", Ryseza stated, smiling as politely as he could manage at the wolf. He was a bit ticked at Fen's untimely arrival. It seemed as he was just making progress with getting to know his son all over again, but nonetheless... there would be another time for that. There were other things bothering him as well, but that too was a matter for another time. Tonight was supposed to be about feasting and celebrating. So before Fen could reply to him, the king stood, with all the grace a centuries old ruler could possess and raised his hands, indicating that his guests should quiet down. "Greetings everyone.", he spoke, his voice low and deep, as a king's should be. "I am certain that many of you are already well aware, but for those of you that are not... Tonight, we are all gathered here to rejoice over the return of your prince, and my son, Kiminith." He smiled and turned to Kim, motioning with his hand that he should stand.

Kim frowned and hesitated before standing a bit awkwardly. He looked out over the table and around the room, and all he saw looking back at him were happy, excited faces, full of admiration, and more importantly, recognition.

"I am certain that I am not the only one who has missed his presence terribly." Ryseza continued as he motioned for Kim to sit again. "And his return would not have been possible, without the aid of a very unlikely ally." He turned his head to Fen and smiled before motioning for him to stand as well. "Fen... though you are a stranger to my kind... I owe you my gratitude. Despite the danger, you freed Kiminith, a stranger to you, and accompanied him here.. back to his home."


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Fen stood up slowly, unsure if he wanted to do so. He didn't like how many eyes were on him already. He felt like meat to be honest and he didn't really like it much. He gave the dragon king an awkward smile before sitting back down, trying to hide himself the best he could in the given situation. Dragons. There were dragons everywhere. He did his best to keep calm but really the only thing keeping him together was the fact that Kim was next to him. Even still, he listened to the king's words. Sure, the wolfcat was happy that he'd brought Kim back to his home, but they couldn't stay there forever. Well he certainly couldn't anyway.

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Character Portrait: Belladonis
Character Portrait: Mateo Christiani
Character Portrait: Fennek
Character Portrait: Kiminith


Character Portrait: Kiminith

A mild mannered dragon and the traveling companion of Fennek.

Character Portrait: Fennek

A were-wolfcat in search of a special someone and just loves traveling in general

Character Portrait: Mateo Christiani
Mateo Christiani

A tiger kadora who finds himself caring for a young cat who has no idea how to care for himself.

Character Portrait: Belladonis

Crazy Writer


Character Portrait: Mateo Christiani
Mateo Christiani

A tiger kadora who finds himself caring for a young cat who has no idea how to care for himself.

Character Portrait: Fennek

A were-wolfcat in search of a special someone and just loves traveling in general

Character Portrait: Kiminith

A mild mannered dragon and the traveling companion of Fennek.

Character Portrait: Belladonis

Crazy Writer

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Kiminith

A mild mannered dragon and the traveling companion of Fennek.

Character Portrait: Fennek

A were-wolfcat in search of a special someone and just loves traveling in general

Character Portrait: Mateo Christiani
Mateo Christiani

A tiger kadora who finds himself caring for a young cat who has no idea how to care for himself.

Character Portrait: Belladonis

Crazy Writer

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