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Olive Tree

Olive Tree


A Private Role Play Place for Belladonis and Mateo

8,624 readers have visited Olive Tree since Kaerralind created it.


A place where the supernatural roam around freely.
This Roleplay is for our personal use

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raven Summers Character Portrait: Mateo Christiani
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mateo
Mateo struggled a bit with an armful of groceries as he made his way up the steps to the townhouse that his recent charge called home. He nudged the door with his foot a few time, unable to knock normally with arms full of bags, and waited for the cat inside to undoubtedly ask who was there. Mateo had been coming by a few times a week to cook for the young cat, since he couldn't care for himself very well, so he knew he was expected. That still didn't keep him from wondering what was taking his charge so long to answer the door though.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Belladonis
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0.00 INK

Belladonis yawned as he walked to the noisy door. He wasn't sure what time it was, he really never did. To be honest he didn't even know what day it was. All that he knew is that he had approximately forty-seven days to his deadline and he wasn't even sure how long it had been since he checked his email. He'd been up all night working on the latest few chapters on his manuscript and had passed out in his chair. It's a good thing he saved. "Hello." He murmured as he opened the door to see the tiger that helped take care of him.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mateo Christiani Character Portrait: Belladonis
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mateo
"Good morning.", Mateo replied rather brusquely as he moved passed Belladonis and into the house. The living room was messy and cluttered as he made his way through it and into the kitchen, which wasn't really any cleaner. "Really Bel?", he asked, a tad annoyed as he sat the groceries he'd brought with him on the table. "What did I tell you about cleaning up after yourself?", he called behind him as he started to pull things out of bags and put them away. He frowned distastefully as he walked passed the sink and saw all the dirty dishes that Belladonis had left out. "...and how long have the dishes been in the sink?", he asked with a slight grumble.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mateo Christiani Character Portrait: Belladonis
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0.00 INK

Bel wasn't sure if he was fully awake stood at the door a good two minutes before he closed it and walked io the kitchen. "I dun know... a day maybe?" He questioned looking at the clock. It was almost five in the afternoon. "I was working." He added as he walked past Mateo and opened the fridge. "...It's been more than a day." He mumbled as he noticed the lack of food in the fridge. "It's a good thing your here... I think I'd starve if you weren't." He said as he grabbed a bottle of water and closed the fridge before sitting at his table to drink it.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mateo Christiani Character Portrait: Belladonis
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mateo
"No doubt.", Mateo replied with a sigh as he went about putting food in the fridge for Bel. And he stocked he pulled out a few questionable things that smelled terrible. "...have you been trying to cook?", he asked as he chunked the stuff in the nearly empty trashcan by the fridge. "Didn't I tell you to only eat the already prepared food?", he added as he gestured to the Tupperware containers he had stacked neatly on one of the fridge shelves. "I fear you'll burn your house down otherwise...."

"Now.", he stated as he finished stocking the fridge and threw his bags away. "Have you even eaten today?", he asked as he looked over the red-haired cat lounging at the table. "Obviously not since it looks like you just woke up... and your more pale than normal too." Mateo sighed again and shook his head as he went over to the sink and start running some water to clean the dishes. It seemed like all he did was sigh when he was over there. "Help me clean up and I'll make dinner, alright.", he said after a moment.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mateo Christiani Character Portrait: Belladonis
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0.00 INK

Bel yawned again and took a rather large drink of his water before setting it down and going over to the sink. He was used to this... helping the tiger when he asked. It's not that he really wanted to do the work he wasn't even sure why he did it. If it was one of his books he'd simply skip over the work and go to the after unless there was important information in the scene and he was careful not to do that. His ears drooped against his head a bit. He was still so tired. How long had he stayed awake anyway? When did he pass out? Better yet, how long had he even been asleep? "What day is it?" He asked as he picked up a sponge and began to scrub a plate.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mateo Christiani Character Portrait: Belladonis
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mateo
"Saturday." Mateo replied as he glanced over at Bel out of the corner of his eyes. "Doesn't that computer of yours tell you what day it is?", he added as he scrubbed who knows what off of a plate before setting it aside to be rinsed. "The last day I was here was Wednesday if you were wondering that too.", he stated, as he continued watching Bel. The cat look a bit sick in all honestly. He was pale and looked tired, but that was usually a normal thing with him. Mateo sighed and looked away as he scrubbed off another plate. "Come on, get the lead out so I can make you food. You look like you need a good meal...."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mateo Christiani Character Portrait: Belladonis
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0.00 INK

"I don't remember much after you left..." Bel mentioned a bit wide-eyed. He kept scrubbing dishes though as he spoke. "You left, I worked. That's it. That's all I really remember. I don't even remember eating anything really." He said, scrubbing away. "What if I haven't eaten since you left?!" He said suddenly, his ears perking up. "I dun wanna die from starvation!" He exclaimed, scrubbing a bit faster. The more he scrubbed, the fluffier he got. The more he thought about how much he'd missed and couldn't remember, the wider his eyes became.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mateo Christiani Character Portrait: Belladonis
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mateo
"Oh not again...", Mateo sighed exasperated as he looked over at Bel. He turned to the smaller cat and took him by the shoulders, pulling him away from the sink and setting him down force-ably in a chair at the table. "Look... calm down.", he stated and he crouched down a bit so that he was eye level with Bel. "Getting yourself worked up isn't going to make you feel any better... and it's only been two days. You'll be fine." He held Bel's shoulder's for a few more minutes, trying to be patient as the cat processed everything. "Now just calm down and I'll make you dinner in a minute.."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mateo Christiani Character Portrait: Belladonis
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0.00 INK

Bel's pupils narrowed as he defluffed and calmed down. Okay he wasn't going to die from starvation, that was good news to him. It had only been two days. Also good news. Mateo was going to make him dinner. That was the best news. "Should I...still help?" Bel asked curiously. What else was he supposed to do? Play with his tail at the table? He couldn't go back to work, he wouldn't stop for dinner. Now that he thought about it though, he wasn't sure where he left off in the first place. Somehow that didn't bother him though.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mateo Christiani Character Portrait: Belladonis
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mateo
Mateo smiled a bit and patted Bel on the shoulder lightly before standing back up straight. "Only if you want.", he replied before going back over to the sink to finish up on the dishes. Thankfully there weren't many left and he cleaned the rest of them while Bel was still collecting himself. Thankfully Mateo was getting the hang of how to deal with him when he got worked up or it would have been a whole lot messier and melodramatic. Once he had the dished rinsed and sat on the counter to dry, he went over to the fridge and pulled out a tubberware container, emptying it's contents onto one of the freshly cleaned plates before letting it go for a quick spin in the microwave.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mateo Christiani Character Portrait: Belladonis
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0.00 INK

The cat watched for a moment, opening his mouth to say something. Nothing came out for a moment and he had to take another breath before speaking. "How are my parents?" He asked curiously. His parents didn't tend to call much anymore. Or maybe they did? He didn't even know where his phone was... how was he supposed to know if they'd called or not. Was his phone dead? Did he even have a phone anymore? He shook his head, trying to gather back his thoughts enough to pay attention to the tiger.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mateo Christiani Character Portrait: Belladonis
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mateo
While the food cooked in the microwave, Mateo busied himself with pouring his young charge a fresh glass of milk. "Your parents are fine.", he replied. "You mom told me this morning that he called you yesterday. Said you sounded off though, which is why I'm here today instead of tomorrow." The tiger smiled a bit at Bel's expression as he sat the milk on the table in front of him. His surprised didn't take Mateo off guard, the tiger imagined the cat didn't even remember the phone call in his current state, but he knew it would come to him in time. Bel had a good memory from what he knew and he usually caught up with himself after a little while.

Before long, the microwave began beeping and Mateo could tell the promise of food was exciting Bel a bit. "Careful. It's hot.", he stated as he sat the freshly heated plate of food in front of the cat, along with a fork. "And don't eat too fast... you'll get sick considering you haven't eaten in so long."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mateo Christiani Character Portrait: Belladonis
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0.00 INK

Bel lowered his ears and looked at the food intently. It was practically bubbling and he'd rather not burn himself. "I don't even remember where my phone is..." He murmured. "Maybe... you should come over more than three times a week?" He questioned. "What kind of job do you have again? Some big business thing? Right? Maybe you can stop by before or after work? I don't know. It's starting to seem like you should." He explained as he picked up his fork and began to eat slowly. Things were coming back to him about as fast as he was eating.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mateo Christiani Character Portrait: Belladonis
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mateo
Mateo raised an eyebrow and sat across from Bel at the table. "Your phone's probably on your desk in front of your keyboard where you usually keep it.", he stated as he watched the cat eat. "...and you know... your parents were trying to talk me into doing the same thing...", he admitted. "Even offered to pay me for it, but I told them it wasn't necessary." He smiled a bit and leaned back in his chair. "You're lucky your house is close to my job, you know..."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mateo Christiani Character Portrait: Belladonis
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0.00 INK

"You know your right... it probably is just sitting there..." Bel stated. "And my parents are right. I'm surprised they haven't asked me to move back in yet. Actually way... they have." He rambled a bit while he ate. "And yes I happen to be very lucky seeing as you can now come check on me everyday. It's not like I need to keep opening the door for you... there's a spare key somewhere... I think." He paused with his fork in his mouth, looking off toward the living room. "I don't remember where it is though." He said quickly, regaining his thoughts.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mateo Christiani Character Portrait: Belladonis
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mateo
Mateo nodded, already aware of where the spare key was as he had found it the last time he'd cleaned. "Why haven't you moved back in with your parents anyway?", he asked after a moment, genuiniely curious. He was a bit surprised Bel's parents even allowed him to live on his own, since he obviously couldn't take care of himself. The first time Mateo had come over about two months ago, Bel had looked half starved and lived in perpetual clutter. Things were better now, thankfully. Though the cat still didn't eat right half the time, so he was still scrawny as hell.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mateo Christiani Character Portrait: Belladonis
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0.00 INK

"I... I dun really know." Bel admitted. "I like living on my own. Not really having to worry about anyone bothering me while I'm working." He stated as he continued to eat. "I'm sure my parents understand. It's just somewhat easier for me to live on my own. I just can't... uhm care for myself properly." He paused for a moment before speaking again. "Besides, I kind of like you coming over. Just because I like to be alone when I'm working doesn't mean I want to be alone all the time."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mateo Christiani Character Portrait: Belladonis
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mateo
"You are an odd one, that's for sure.", Mateo replied, smiling a bit. "And well, you're going to get to see me daily now, so it's probably good you enjoy me coming over." He leaned back in his chair a bit more, getting comfortable as he watched Bel eat. In all honesty, he didn't much mind coming over either. His house was always empty and he was either there or work. It was a bit lonely, though he pretended not to mind. Odd as Bel was, he did make good company once you knew how to handle him.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mateo Christiani Character Portrait: Belladonis
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0.00 INK

Bel sped up his eating a bit, feeling more and more hungry as he went on. Two days and no food. Wait no. That wasn't right. He had tried to cook something in his haze. "Mateo..." He started as his eyes got a bid wide. "I'm pretty sure I tried to cook something at some point. I think I may have left something in the oven but I don't remember what it is and I'm not sure I really want to know." He explained, turning to look over at the oven like it was about to come alive at any moment.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mateo Christiani Character Portrait: Belladonis
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mateo
Mateo blinked a bit, snapping away from his wandering thoughts. "What...?", he asked, questioning at first before the words really sunk in. He frowned and got up quickly, going over to the over and peeking through the glass in the door. There was a dark lump inside from what he could see, and as close as he was, it certainly didn't smell pleasant. He stood up straight as looked over at Bel, giving him a disgruntled look before turning back to the over. He really didn't want to open the door, but he couldn't just leave the food in there.

"Hold your breath.", he said with a sigh as he glanced back at Bel before suddenly opening the oven door and pulling out what looked to be a decaying chicken. It certainly smelled like one at least. Mateo gagged and carried the entire pan over to the trash, dumping it in the bin before pulling the back and tying it shut tight. "...never.. never cook anything.", he grumbled, thoroughly disgusted as he looked over at Bel.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mateo Christiani Character Portrait: Belladonis
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0.00 INK

Bel shrank in his seat a bit. "I don't think I'm hungry anymore..." He muttered as he took his glass of milk into his free hand. "I don't even remember making that." He stated. "It looks like I tried to bake something to life in my oven like I'm some kind of freaky alchemist." He spurted as he took a rather large drink of his milk. "Sorry you had to uhm... yeah. Not cooking anymore." He agreed.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mateo Christiani Character Portrait: Belladonis
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mateo
Mateo sighed and sat back at the table, his stomach still turning over the smell. "Hopefully with me coming over every day, you won't get a chance to try.", he replied as he reached for Bel's half finished bottle of water and sipped at the rest of it. "That had to be one of the most disgusting things I've seen in a long time...", he groaned, shaking his head in disbelief. "After that, I'm starting to think you should just move in with me or something..."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mateo Christiani Character Portrait: Belladonis
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0.00 INK

Bel paused mid-drink to think before placing his glass down. "You have a big house don't you? What was it like two stories or something?" He questioned. "My mother would certainly enjoy that... me being so close to home. You go to work so I'd have the house to myself... it's a nice house isn't it? Because I like the feel of my nice little townhouse." The cat explained as he watched the tiger closely.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mateo Christiani Character Portrait: Belladonis
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mateo
Mateo raised an eyebrow and sat the bottle of water down. He was a bit surprised Bel was considering his half joke, but the more he thought about it, the better an idea it seemed to be. He didn't say anything though, instead opting to pull out his phone, flip to a picture of his house and push it across the table to show Bel. It was a nice two story, mostly open floor plan, three bedrooms and an office which was never used. Mateo supposed Bel would use it if he moved in... and he could sleep in the guest room. It was starting to seem more and more like a good idea.

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Arc 1: Village of Demons

Fen and Kim deal with a village that is trying to summon a powerful demon lord.

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Arius by Kaerralind


Uramachi RP Thing

Uramachi RP Thing by Kaerralind

Don't know what to put here, okay bye


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Welcome to Metropolis


Portland by Kaerralind

Welcome to Portland

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View All » Add Character » 4 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Belladonis
Character Portrait: Mateo Christiani
Character Portrait: Fennek
Character Portrait: Kiminith


Character Portrait: Kiminith

A mild mannered dragon and the traveling companion of Fennek.

Character Portrait: Fennek

A were-wolfcat in search of a special someone and just loves traveling in general

Character Portrait: Mateo Christiani
Mateo Christiani

A tiger kadora who finds himself caring for a young cat who has no idea how to care for himself.

Character Portrait: Belladonis

Crazy Writer


Character Portrait: Mateo Christiani
Mateo Christiani

A tiger kadora who finds himself caring for a young cat who has no idea how to care for himself.

Character Portrait: Kiminith

A mild mannered dragon and the traveling companion of Fennek.

Character Portrait: Belladonis

Crazy Writer

Character Portrait: Fennek

A were-wolfcat in search of a special someone and just loves traveling in general

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Fennek

A were-wolfcat in search of a special someone and just loves traveling in general

Character Portrait: Kiminith

A mild mannered dragon and the traveling companion of Fennek.

Character Portrait: Belladonis

Crazy Writer

Character Portrait: Mateo Christiani
Mateo Christiani

A tiger kadora who finds himself caring for a young cat who has no idea how to care for himself.

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