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Our Future

Our Future


The story of a group of individuals and the events of their every day lives in a city where anything can happen. All seems normal on the surface, however not everything is as it appears, strange things seem to happen in the oddest circumstances.

1,469 readers have visited Our Future since Mr D created it.


Bay city is a wonderful place to live. Bright lights, warm sea air and teeming with life. it’s a vibrant city and well known tourist attraction over the summer months. However not everything is as it seems in the city, strange things seem to happen in the oddest circumstances. Talking animals, aliens, robots and magical girls are all par for the course, and the strangest part is no one in the city seems to notice!

Players take the role of various residents of the Royal Hotel, who for one reason or another take up residence there, much to the chagrin of its current owner. Your characters can range from the mundane to the fantastic. Bay City is a setting where, but where, despite it taking part in our world most of the inhabitants just accept the outlandish as part of life. So noone finds anything odd about a guy walking around in full samurai regalia with a sword. A talking alley cat is treated with an "I must be hearing things. Oh well." Nekos and what have you are seen as perfectly ordinary. "What, you've never seen someone with cat ears and a tail where you come from? Wierd.", Magical girls and the like are running around fighting monsters at night while trying to keep it a secret from the rest of the town.

Bay City:
Bay City is a large coastal city in an unidentified country with a tropical climate (though it often snows during the winter season.) The city is a melting pot of cultures and customs with elements from many other countries. Bay City is built around a large river which leads into the sea, with the two sides of the city connected via a number of suspension bridges. The city itself is divided between a number of locations.

Beachside and the Marina:
A tropical beach paradise complete with palm trees, golden sands and pristine clear waters. The beach itself stretches for miles in either direction and the city's seafront area is lined with resort style hotels, cafes, restaurants and other amusements. A large marina acts as the entertainment hub of the city, and is popular with young people as a hang out.

The City Centre:
The heart of the city. A hive of activity filled with shopping malls, office blocks and apartment complexes first developed as a commercial district on the north side of the river when the city began to expand rapidly during the 1900s. As a result many of the older buildings retain a distinct art deco style. A maze of streets and back alleys just like any other city. Skyscrapers and highways provide a backdrop of urban sprawl that hides surprises around every corner.

The Historical District:
Old town, as the locals call it, is a historical area to the south of the city and home to stunning architecture from the Victorian era. This area of the city hasn't changed since it was first built in the 1800s. The streets of Old Town are narrow and winding, suggesting little to no planning in their original layout. Quiet and peaceful by comparison it is home to a number of small, locally owned businesses.

Key locations and characters:

The Stray Cat:
A small, local jazz bar with a friendly atmosphere. Located below ground level in one of the many back alleys of the City centre, the Stray Cat is a hidden gem that acts as a watering hole for an eclectic and eccentric clientelle. The owner, known only as β€˜Chief’, is a friendly, grandfatherly sort always ready to dispense wise words to customers and employees alike. A former boxer and celebrated Jazz musician, he has since settled down to live out his dream, opening a bar. Chief appears to be friends with many celebrities and famous figures and often namedrops many of his famous acquaintances, some of whom have even been known to drop by and visit on occasion.

A fine dining restaurant situated in the Marina. The Oasis is a high class establishment that draws in a number of high profile clients from famous actors and musicians to politicians and rich entrepreneurs. Its renown chefs are drawn from the world over for their culinary excellence, providing the finest dining experience in the entire city. Its manager, Clara Emilla is a serious and level headed woman with a shrewd business sense. However her kind and mature appearances hide a mischievous streak that verges on the sadistic. Clara loves teasing others and pulling pranks on them, especially if they are someone she deems as β€˜cute’. Her attentions have been known to drive people to the brink of insanity, all of which Clara finds highly amusing.

CafΓ© Emilla:
A small, independently run cafΓ© and bakery in the Old Town area. The cafΓ©, though not widely known, much to its owner’s despair, is nonetheless a popular hangout for the young and hip. The owner, Sara Emilla is the younger sister of Clara. She took over the running of the family business after their parents passed away, and enjoys nothing more. Sara is typical of a girl her age in most ways, however she is far more grounded than her sister, arguably being the more mature of the two and is often the only one who notices the odd happenings that occur around Bay City.

Future publishing:
The publishing house for Bay City’s local newspaper and a number of magazines. The office of Future publishing is located in the 99th storey of Imperial Plaza and is abuzz with rumours and hotshot reporters looking to get their name in the by line. If something is happening in the city, someone at Future will know about it. Its owner, media mogul George Spawls is an old fashioned entrepreneur in the mould of the Media barons of Fleet street. A larger than life character, Spawls has a fiery temper and curmudgeonly attitude.

Imperial Plaza
The large art deco skyscraper in the middle of the city centre. A major landmark and one of the city’s crowning achievements, it was reputedly built a former mayor of Bay City after a bet with the mayor of New York. For this reason Imperial Plaza stands precisely one inch taller than the Empire State and rumour has it the very tip of the flag pole is inscribed with the words β€œBay City #1” The building itself is largely offices nowadays, though several floors are rented out to private owners, presumably as apartments, though no one has ever checked to make sure. The very top floor is open to the public, acting as a viewing platform and public museum.

Bay City Tower
Another of Bay City’s imitation landmarks, the Bay City Tower is a scale replica of the Eiffel tower, built for no apparent reason other than it could be done. The top viewing platform has now been modified to function as a restaurant, its position granting it an unparalleled view of the river and beach. For this reason it is a popular destination for romantic nights out. Rumour has it the tower has seen more break ups than any other location in the city…

Union Bridge
The largest of the suspension bridges built to connect the two sides of the river. The Union Bridge is a popular place to confess ones love, as legend has it that confessing on the bridge will ensure the couple stay together forever. The bridge is also known for its high suicide rate. Though the two are believed to be unconnected.

The Quays Mall
An enormous shopping complex on the Marina. The Quays has everything you could ever need all under one roof, along with a number of things you don’t really need but are kinda nice anyway. A popular meeting point for all ages due to its proximity to the beach, the Quays is where most young people wll spend their free time in Bay City.

Springhill High
The main high school in the Bay City area. It runs classes from the typical (maths and English etc) to the more… eccentric (advanced arctic survival techniques and underwater cookery) Despite the name, the school actually takes on students of all ages, with separate wings for Kindergarten, middle school and High school students. Criminally understaffed despite its enormous funding, the school often employs part time teachers from the local community. One long suffering teacher, Yuki Fujimura is currently tipped number one in the sweepstakes for the next teacher to have a nervous breakdown, due the sheer workload forced on her by her superiors and her class of troublesome students.

Champion’s Gym
A small time boxing and martial arts gym owned by a former rival of Chief’s. Frequented by a number of up and coming stars of the fighting world, Champion’s gym should be famous by now. And it would be if it weren’t for a series of bizarre coincidences that hamper its fighters progress in the ring. From heavy bags taking out experienced boxers to gloves exploding on impact, it seems like there’s a curse on Champion’s gym. The proprieter, Geoffrey Briggs was a hot shot boxer with a mouth as fast as his fists in the old days and his rivalry with fellow boxing superstar now known as the Chief is the stuff of legend. Geoff still continues his end of the rivalry ot this day, frequently challenging his old adversary at everything from drag racing to peanut eating contests. Not that Chief seems to care or even notice.

The Royal Hotel
A long abandoned hotel in Old Town. The hotel itself is rumoured to be haunted and as a result has stood empty despite a great location and potential value. However just recently a young out of towner has purchased the hotel with the intent of using it as his home and office. Guy Ashton is a young photojournalist who recently moved to Bay City with his younger siblings. While honest and good natured, his laid back attitude means he is often seen as a lay about or a slacker. He, along with Sara Emilla seems to be one of the few people who notice the odd occurrences. Recently though the hotel has become home to a number of other characters, who for one reason or another have taken it as their home. Most of them against Guy's wishes. Nevertheless he treats these 'freeloaders' as he calls them, as members of his own family.

Toggle Rules

  • All site rules apply. (No god moding, keep romance PG etc) You should know these by now.
  • Try to keep the tone light hearted and comedic. Drama is allowed (it'd be a littel boring without it) but try to keep it to a minimum.
  • As with drama above, no overly serious 'badass' characters. If your character is too 'badass' expect them to be taken down a peg or two on a regular basis. Such characters should be played with tongue firmly in cheek. :)

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 9 authors


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"Ooooooh! What a pretty place this is... And it's HUGE!"

Of course, this comment was based off of the eagle eye view Raven was afforded as she crouched on top of the topmost spire of the Bay City Tower, the base of her forearms resting casually against the meaty portion of her thighs. It'd taken her a bit to scale the monstrosity of a structure, but she rather enjoyed the challenge, and the visual of the expansive city at night more than made up for her having to break a little sweat.

"I can certainly see why you came here, brother," she continued out loud to no one in particular as she raised both hands in front of her, making an 'L' with both index fingers and thumbs before connecting them together in the form of a rectangular window. She panned the makeshift camera this way and that, stopping every once in a while as she happened to land upon something she deemed interesting. It was the same routine she'd endeavor in with each new city or town that she'd come to. She'd always find the highest vantage point, and use the unobstructed view to scope out the area, picking out the major places she would begin her search and any possible hideouts that she might be able to make use of.

A rather strong gust of wind blew through the atmosphere, buffeting against the woman and causing her to teeter dangerously to the side. Raven crouched down lower, shifting her hands from making the box to gripping what she could of the spire, waiting for the wind to subside as the long, tied ends of her metal-plated headband snapped back and forth from the force of it. "And that would be my cue to leave," she commented with a cheery grin, doing a precursory pat around her body to ensure she still had all of her gear before propelling herself off the side of the tower just as the wind completely died away. If anyone had been looking out the window of the tower's restaurant at that moment, they would have only seen an indistinguishable streak of black. Fortunately, the corners of the tower curved in a way that Raven was able to slide down the top half of it before reaching one of the two bottom platforms of the tower, the one that was further away from the ground. She did much the same for the second and third stretch of tower, until she'd made it back to the ground, accidentally startling a tourist in the middle of trying to photograph the structure.

Unwittingly, the middle-aged male lost his grip on the camera, and Raven managed to snag it a few inches before it smashed into the ground. "Ah, sorry, sorry!" she apologized with a sheepish grin, thumping the man jovially on the back as he still clutched at his chest from the alarm, murmuring bewilderedly about random ninja girls falling from the sky. She handed him his camera back once he seemed to calm down, and saluted cheekily in his direction before partially turning away from him, entering into a bit of a crouch. "I'll be out of your way, now," she called in farewell before darting forward... and thudding face first right into the side of a light post. The resulting THONK that resounded through the air was enough to draw the attention of several others in the area, and the man with the camera visibly sweat-dropped as the girl groaned in pain, taking a few staggering steps backwards as she patted tenderly at the front of her face before disappearing properly the second time around.

"What a weirdo," the male mumbled to himself before color rose in his cheeks, accompanied by an unexpected expression in equal mixtures of goofy and lovesick. People passing through the area gave the man a wide-berth as he fell eerily quiet, more than likely re-counting the entire encounter in a manner that was no doubt exaggerated in its salaciousness. "Awfully cute though," was the last thing he said before turning back to his interrupted picture-taking.


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#, as written by Mr D
"Well actually..." Jezzebelle explained the situation, speaking quickly so that Guy had barely a chance to understand her, let alone get a word in himself. "SoifitsOKwithyouwe'dreallyappreciateitiifyoucouldletKenziestaywithyouforashortwhile.Thankyouverymuchgoodbye." She finished and by the time Guy had fully parsed the sentence she had hung up. "Um. OK." He said simply into the reciever, hanging up. He sighed and shook his head, walking away from the phone.


Maria looked back at Christopher as she led him by the hand down the street. "Oh, he won't mind. He's a big softie. He'll do whatever I ask." She said, waving off his concerns. "Now. First things first. We need to get some breakfast. Its going to be a long day." She said, stopping outside the cafe. She looked up at the sign and nodded to herself before swinging open the door. "Hello!" She yelled enthusiastically, nearly causing Sara to spill the tray she was carrying.

"Oh. Hi Maria. Who's that you;ve got with you? Another boyfriend?" The young woman asked, setting the wobbling tray down on the counter carefully.


Guy burst into the bar through the front door, slamming it shut behind him he slumped to the ground with an exhausted groan.

"What was it this morning?" Chief asked him and Guy rubbed his forehead.

"Bees." He replied simply. The older man nodded sagely. "I hate bees."

"Everyone hates bees." Chief said. "So what can I get for you today, young'in?" He asked, leaning casually against the bar. His white hair was slicked back and his friendly, ruddy looking face smiled happily. Guy felt instantly at home.

"Ah, nothing today. I just came in to get away from the bees." Guy explained. Every day for the past few weeks something had chased him. First it was birds and dogs and cats, then kindergarteners. Now bees. He was beginning to wonder if it might be best to leave the house in riot gear next time. But where would he even get some riot gear? "Is it OK to get out through the roof?" He asked, already climbing the stairs to the bar's second floor.

"Sure. Just make sure to close the window after you''ve gone. Don't want a draft getting in." Chief said, shaking his head.

As Guy slipped down the fire escape he turned the corner cautiously, waiting for the tell tale buzz of his pursuers. Nothing. Good, he grinned happily, taking his camera in his hand and stepping out into the street. He barely had time to notice the girl shaped blur shooting in his direction and it was already too late for him to get out of the way as she came careening towards him...


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Chris found himself being taken by the hand and led like a kindergartener with a plan being set out ahead of him. This managed, somehow, to work it's way under his skin. He liked making his own plans and doing his own thing. This was his job after all. But he kept telling himself that it was just a woman trying to help out. Admittedly, it was a very independent, confident, head-of-the-pack woman who'd managed to raise both eyebrows and a grin from him in the few minutes they'd known each other.

At the mention of breakfast all thoughts washed away and any question he had about her organisational skills went with it. He realised he was famished from the flight and had been looking forward to getting something to eat after checking in. With all the confusion at the 'hotel' he had completely forgotten about it and he allowed himself to be practically dragged into the cafe without a second thought. "Sounds like a plan Maria" he said, trying but failing to match her enthusiasm. He felt maybe he'd met his match in that department. Although that wasn't something he came across often and so he put it down to the incident of embarresment that had occured prior. He'd make it up soon enough. After something to eat.

Then again.... Maybe not he thought as Maria swung open the door and bellowed into the cafe, startling a nearby waitress. He didn't know whether to rush to her aid or burst out laughing. In honesty he didn't know what he'd got himself into but if the rest of Bay City was like this then he expected to be giving top marks all over.

"Oh. Hi Maria. Who's that you;ve got with you? Another boyfriend?"

Chris felt colour rise in his cheeks and he stepped forward. "Oh no, I'm just a tourist, she's just showing me around a little is all. We just met." He didn't know why he felt the need to explain himself so quickly but the words fell out of his mouth so fast that he got tongue-tied halfway through and was sure he said 'around' twice.


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"The mystery is what makes Old Town so much fun though don't you think?" Kenzie replied as they got truly caught up in the line of traffic. Not that there wasn't room to get around on the bike. It was one of the reasons she liked it when she wanted to go fast, you could get through places that a car couldn't, or between them. She looked around a little bit. "I like a good mystery, it keeps things interesting. I wonder what happened to that gargoyle, they don't usually just fall like that. It takes a real decrease in mystical energies." The last was muttered in a half dazed way as Kenzie tried to make sense of it.

Ariana's suggestion that they should go talk to the traffic officer seemed like a good one, after all, he should know more about it. Police were often good for information like that. At least that's what her aunts suggested. She didn't think too long on how they got that information. "No problem, have us there in a sec." Just like that, she pulled out of the line of cars, and popped them up onto the sidewalk. There was no congestion there. The traffic officer looked over their way, and then looked around panicked for back up. Kenzie grinned as she gunned the engine, only to come to safe, quick halt less than an inch from him. "Didn't mean to scare you there," She said cheekily pulling off her helmet with a grin. "We've got a few questions. I promise to be a good girl if you answer them." She batted her lashes just like she'd seen her aunts do. She blinked as the officer turned an odd shade of red, but was distracted when an odd shadow fell over the road for a moment.

She looked up just in time to see something that looked disturbing like a large bat fly over head and disappear into the skyline. No one else seemed to have noticed though. Typical, but that makes my... My aunts job that much easier I guess. Still, she'd never seen or heard of anything quite like that before, and it left her very curious. What had happened here, was it anything to worry about or just some debt that needed to be settled? Inwardly she shrugged, she had more important things to worry about right now, like being a kid so that her aunts would get the hell off her back. Maybe this young cop would be a good person the make friends with?


Jezzebelle smiled smugly as she hung up the phone, certain that she'd managed to get him to capitulate. Now all that remained was to wire a decent chunk of change into his bank account, after all taking care of a teenager certainly couldn't come all that cheaply, even one like Kenzie. Not that she knew, that's what she had an accountant for, who had the time to bother with numbers and what not? Certainly not her that was much to tedious. She didn't know how her charge did it personally. School had never been anything other than a bore for her, well, other than the boys.

Her mind mused back over the happy memories. Was it really so bad that she wanted the girl to have a few of them of her own? They were one of the only upsides to pretending to be human those memories. Life could be so tedious. Then her mind wandered to the up coming conference and she smiled again. Those conferences where always so very fun. It was time to start packing... Right after she made that call to the accountant.


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Raven caught a glimpse of the outline of a man just a split second before she crashed bodily into him. The resulting force of the collision caused her to bounce several feet across the pavement before she finally managed to skid to an ungraceful halt, clothing now askew and shredded in minor places due to the concrete tearing away at it.

β€œO… owwww…. Dammit…”

She grimaced painfully as she pushed herself back into a standing position, immediately foregoing any discomfort she was feeling as her attention was diverted back towards the other victim of the crash. β€œAre you okay?” she inquired, and apologetic grin on her face as she moved closer to the male’s form to see if there was anything she could do to help. β€œI’m really sorry! I didn’t sense you in time enough. Really gotta work on that.” The last part was said in a bit of an undertone, more so meant for her own thoughts than the benefit of anyone else.

β€œI’m still pretty new to town, so I haven’t gotten used to all the nooks and crannies yet, but that should change soon! After all, what better person to ask for as a tour guide than one who’s skulking about all the dark alleyways and whatnot? They’d know all the good hiding places!” She beamed brightly at the male, silvery orbs shining brightly at the prospect of making a new friend cum tour guide. β€œI need to find someone. And maybe an affordable clothing store too…” she added, picking dolefully at her now tattered garments. β€œSHOPPING!”


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Ariana watched her friend work her long pale lashes on the traffic warden--he seemed to be eating it up. Ariana had never seen that move from Kenzie before. To be sure, she wasn't sure she'd seen it from anyone in real life before. She'd have to try it some time, like now that Kenzie was looking at the sky instead of continuing her easy seduction of the young officer. "May I have your hat?"

The man stared at her. It was his turn to blink spastically. "Pardon? No."

"It doesn't fit you properly. It would look much better on me, don't you think?"

The man frowned. "You should wear something over your eyes when you're on a motorcycle."

She stopped batting her eyelashes. "Oh, I didn't realize. Is that a law?"

"No, but it'll help you keep dirt and bugs out of your eyes next time."

Ariana's face flushed. "I'll keep that in mind." She looked around at her driver, whose eyes were now back on the officer. "We were just wondering what's holding up traffic." Now that they were closer to the beginning of the traffic, it was evident that it was a gargoyle which had fallen. Ariana stared at it. It was hideous, beaked and goggle-eyed. As she turned, she thought she saw movement out of the corner of her eyes. She would have sworn the thing had licked its lips--its hooked beak. Did gargoyles even have tongues? It was a stupid thought; the statue had obviously not moved. "What I mean is, how did that gargoyle get there?"

"It fell."

"Surely. But it isn't broken or anything and it's on its feet or hooves or what have you. How did it get there undamaged?"

The young man opened his mouth just slightly, but then clamped it shut, gritting his teeth against an answer that seemed determined to out. He looked as if he might lose consciousness.

"I think you were getting along with him better than I am," Ariana admitted in a whisper to her friend.


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Ariana wanted his hat? That's what this had been about? No, that couldn't have been it. That must have been a new development. The officer didn't seem so very forthcoming with information either for that matter. This would never do. For that matter, why wasn't the man shouting or something he'd seemed about ready to have an aneurysm when she'd first started talking to him, or had she read the scene wrong? Apparently, if Ariana was correct.

"You know, it's not nice to talk to a young lady that way," She informed the officer, handing Ariana her helmet and getting off the bike kicking down the kick stand and crossing her arms under her breasts. "Or to frown at her when all she did was ask a perfectly logical question." She gave the man her nearest imitation of her aunt Jezz's grumpy face, lips pouty and turned down at one side with her eyebrows pulled low over her eyes. "So, tell me Officer..." She looked at the fellow's uniform where it proclaimed him 'Smith'. "Tell me officer Smith, what would your Captain say about you treating a girl so badly. Ariana here's not even out of high school you know." It didn't seem wise to point out that she wasn't either. The fellow didn't seem to know what to say, and so she took advantage of the situation by walking closer.

"Why don't you just answer the girl's questions, and then we won't have to go over your head," She smiled sweetly, hand going up to his cap. "Would it really be so bad if you lost this old thing?" She tried batting her eyelashes as she snatched it from his head and tossed it back to Ariana, he looked almost as if someone had hit him. What was it with guys?

"Uhhh... We're not really sure ourselves ma'am. It wasn't here, and then it was. Almost like it flew down or something. Someone tried to go up to see what happened, but they couldn't get up there. Figured no one else could either," His face flushed as his eyes went past her to Ariana, "Sorry I was rude miss. You just looked like you were in a bit of pain." His eyes landed on his hat, and he frowned, face clouding. "How did..." He shook his head shrugged and returned his attention to Kenzie. "No more riding on the sidewalk now ma'am I'm sure you didn't mean any harm so I'll let you off with a warning this time, but if I catch you again..." He left the threat unspoken.

"Yes sir," Kenzie replied giving him a jaunty little smile. She doubted he knew anymore than he'd just told them. Rookie's rarely did. "Now, if you'll just excuse us?"


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"Thanks," Ariana said, now with a jaunty little orange felt helmet safely in her Mary Poppins-like purse. She batted her eyes at the officer one last time for good measure. The man flinched and then shooed them onto the street.

Ariana waited to speak until Kenzie had maneuvered them back onto the street. "I don't know how you do it, but I appreciate it. And all that eyelash waggling has me peckish. What do you say we get a bite to eat and then look into some shopping, unless you'd rather us do some gargoyle investigating? After all, I already have a new fashion accessory." She smiled, mischief in her eyes. "Don't think I didn't feel your heartbeat quicken at the sight of that gargoyle thingy. I'm holding on tight, remember?"


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#, as written by Mr D
Guy's eyes widened and he opened his mouth to utter something but before he had the chance he was knocked off his feet, tumbling to the pavement in a heap he wound up sprawled, spread eagle on his back, staring up at the sky with a dazed expression on his face. He saw a shape overhead and his blurred vision slowly began to coalesce into recognisable shapes. There were two girls... No. Wait. Just one. He let blinked as his double vision subsided, but the light above her flared around her head in a corona like a halo and he shielded his eyes from its glare. He heard her speaking. She was apologising.

"Don't worry about it." He groaned, sitting up and rubbing his head gingerly where it had landed hard on the concrete. "It's as much my fault as yours..." He looked over his shoulder with a smile only to see that the girl was lost in her own world, talking to herself.

β€œI’m still pretty new to town, so I haven’t gotten used to all the nooks and crannies yet, but that should change soon! After all, what better person to ask for as a tour guide than one who’s skulking about all the dark alleyways and whatnot? They’d know all the good hiding places!”

Guy's expression dropped into one of muted irritation. "Who's skulking around?" He uttered with a frown.

β€œI need to find someone. And maybe an affordable clothing store too… SHOPPING!”

He looked at her sidelong and raised an eyebrow. Was this girl alright? Maybe the tumble had hit her harder than he thought.


Maria patted Christopher boldly on the back with a laugh.

"That's right. A new tourist to show around. And he's a travel writer too, so if you're good he might even mention you in one of his articles!" She grinned, turning to Christopher and gesturing for him to take a seat. "This place makes the best baked goods in the entire city." She proclaimed proudly. "I should know, I taught her everything she knows." The woman said proudly, her hands on her hips. Sara rolled her eyes and returned to her work.


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Completely oblivious to the odd expression she was receiving, Raven continued on with her rambling, arms flying through the air in accentuation of her words.

"The fashion in this town seems to be very vibrant and interesting, at least from what I've seen of some of the citizens here. On that note, I probably look a sight for sore eyes by said citizens' standards, eh?" She chuckled heartily at this, her silvery eyes crinkling at the corner as she slapped her hand against her thigh in further sign of amusement. "Ahhh, yes... Anyway, I suppose I should get around to introducing myself, huh? The name's Raven. A pleasure to make your acquaintance, albeit a very awkward and sorta painful one."

At this, she stuck her right hand out, offering to shake his hand. "I'm your friendly neighborhood ninja, if the gear wasn't enough of a giveaway already. Got any odd jobs need doing? I'm your girl. At least, for the time I'm in this city. Kinda hard to catch up with me when I'm elsewhere." She smiled at him then, a less goofy and more genuine smile, as she waited patiently for his response.


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"Food definitely sounds like a good idea," Kenzie replied absently. Ariana had been right, the hat did look a lot better on her friend. It was a nice bright vibrant color, she did love color. "Where's the best place to eat around here? I actually didn't get a chance to eat breakfast this morning."

Kenzie kept her pace with the bike slow, giving Ariana a chance to reply before they got too much farther. She would really hate to have zigged when she should have zagged. "As for the gargoyle, I'm really much more interested in the thing that knocked it off. It looked like a big bat, but I really shouldn't..." Kenzie sighed mournfully. "My aunts would kill me." Then again, she was being rebellious today.

"Let's talk about it over food." Kenzie nodded. "Where are we going anyway?"


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"Well, no promises. I'll have to see how good it is for myself first" Chris said back, not wanting to commit to mentioning the place in his notes. He couldn't be sure if Maria was joking or not but he didn't want to ask so he settled for giving her a quick smile to reassure her that he wasn't being serious. Or maybe it would have looked like he was. He didn't know. So to move things along he looked around for a table and saw one by a window.

"Shall we?" he asked, gesturing with an open palm to the empty table. But his mouth dropped open a little at what he saw outside. It was only a flash of an image but he could have sworn it was a swarm of bees flying around in a circle as if lost before giving up and taking off over a roof on the other side of the street. He stared, enrapt at the scene that no one else seemed to have noticed yet, the other customers were too interested in their bagels and other (Even though he was stunned to the core he could still smell them) delicious products. He leant forward, almost like he was starting to bow to the waitress, and cocked his head up to look out of the window and across the street, suddenly not caring what he looked like here.

"Did you... Did you see that?" he asked no one in particular in a confused voice.


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Verity smiled and thanked the waitress for her suggestion before taking a sip of her tea. It wasn't too long before the poor woman was startled by the quick entrance of two more people, though apparently she knew them. Or... at least one of them.

Eating her bagel, she watched them talk with mild interest, every so often taking a turn to glance out the window as she sipped from her tea. Though, her interested shifted into a higher gear as she heard one of the women mention that the male with her was a writer.

'Writer, eh?' she thought to herself. 'I wonder if writer and journalist are interchangeable these days. Don't want to start off here on the wrong foot...'

Finishing up her last few bites of her bagel, she washed it all down with the rest of her tea. Standing from the table, she gathered her things up, and began heading towards the door, letting out a quiet "thank you" to the waitress who had brought her her food.

Pushing open the door of the cafe, she stepped back outside into the bright light, immediately thankful that her "disguise" included sunglasses. It wasn't a long walk to her car, as it was parked just outside of the cafe. Fishing around in her clutch for her keys, she quickly hit the unlock button, before getting in and starting up the car.

Within minutes, she was back onto the road again, now circling around the city looking for a place that she might possibly be able to stay at. It wasn't long before she found herself hauled up in traffic though. Apparently some gargoyle had fallen and hit the pavement. She could hear some people in the cars ahead of her shouting about it.

"Thats funny..." she mumbled to herself. "Wonder how it got there..."

As she was finally able to move past it, she finally got a good look at it - it was rather unnerving. And... very much in tact.

Shrugging, she continued on, simply glad that she was finally out of the traffic jam. Now, it was time to find a place to stay at.


Verity gave an exasperated sigh as she walked down the steps of yet another full hotel. She hadn't really been looking at the "normal" ones - no, she had been checking the bed and breakfasts, and anything that looked old and something like home.

Getting into her car, she rested her forehead against the steering wheel, drumming her index fingers along the bottom curve of it. "Alright, just one more. This next one has got to be it..." she muttered to herself, and she started her car.

It wasn't much of a drive from where she was at until she pulled up slowly in front of the hotel she had sort of been imagining. It was old - very old. And it looked like it has seen better years. But it wasn't ugly or run down; it actually reminded her slightly of the house she had grown up in, which is what she liked best about it.

...Only, her house hadn't been nearly this big.

Glancing up at it, she killed he engine, before stepping from her car, her eyes not once leaving the structure before her. No... she would definitely not take no for an answer this time. This place had inspiration written all over it.

With a new bout of confidence in her step, she walked up the front walk and towards the door of the very large house before her. Glancing around for a bell, but not immediately spotting one, she rapped on the main door a few times, before tucking some of her long hair behind her ear.


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#, as written by Mr D
"Ninja?" Guy said aloud, incredulous. "Aren't ninja's supposed to be sneaky? You seem a little... conspicuous." He asked, scratching his head while he looked at her with curiosity. True, she wasn't dressed like a typical person, but in his experience ninjas were always acrobatic, stealthy and well... graceful. Far from the clumsy looking girl stood in front of him. He sighed. Well, it's not like this was the strangest thing he'd seen in the city. "So what's your mission at the moment? Or will you have to kill me if you tell me?" He joked.


"See what?" Maria asked, already eagerly stuffing her face with a chocolate croissant. Sara followed Chris' gaze through the window and noticed the swarm of bees haphazardly hovering around one of the buildings in the city center.

"Wow. He's made it pretty far today." She said, already suspecting the culprit. "Normally he only makes it as far as the school." She hummed happily as she continued on with her work.

"Another croissant please!" Maria cheered over the counter.


Back at the hotel the door creaked quietly ajar for Verity as though someone had opened it for her. The door opened onto an empty hall which, in the dim light looked rather foreboding. There was no sound inside and no sign of life as the door slammed shut behind her.


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"We could always go to Cafe Emilla," Ariana suggested to Kenzie. "No one makes a chocolatine like Sara, but my brother might be lurking around there. He has a sweet spot for the cafe and, unless I'm misreading the signs, for Sara too." She thought about chocolatines for a moment and ran through a map of the city in her mind. "We could go down to the beach and get some quick and rather greasy tasties, but whoever knows what we'll run into on the way there. There's probably a mermaid in the market or something that would delay us for hours. You realize that I never used to run into such peculiar things before I met you, don't you? I'm not blaming you, you see. It's just, well, peculiar is all. You'll have to tell me how it is you've come to know so much about everything. After we get something to eat, of course."

She held on tight to Kenzie and guided her through the street (and the occasional sidewalk) until they reached the cafe only a few blocks away as the crow flies but intolerably far away as the one-way streets of tyranny and discombobulation would have one drive on an empty stomach. Ariana's stomach churned as soon as they parked outside of the little ivy covered brick building; she could smell the rich cocoa already.


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"A ninja indeed!" Raven confirmed with a jubilant nod that caused her spiky ponytail to bob back and forth somewhat comically. "Make no mistake about it! I've just... gotta work on a thing or two, is all. But I'm really good at what I do, I swear!"

As the male continued to look incredulous, the girl tapped a finger to her chin thoughtfully for a few seconds before snapping, her face lighting up at the epiphany. "How about a trial, then?" At this, she held up three fingers.

"There are three main physical feats that all ninja are expected to have. Those are to be noticeably stronger, faster, and sneakier than the average person. Of course, there are more specific and complex attributes, but those three serve as the basis for all the others."

She took a moment to glance around the alley, a triumphant smile gracing her features as she spotted a slightly bent, but noticeably very thick, medium length metal pole leaning up against the side of a large dumpster. "I can prove that I'm all three in one shot," she commented as she made to go grab the pole, cursing slightly as her foot caught the edge of the dumpster. "Will you humor me by holding this out in front of you? With both hands, just like this." She demonstrated by gripping either hand firmly on the pole, about a foot away from each other so that there was a decent gap between them. Raven would wait and see if the guy complied before she made her next move. "If you're still skeptical after this, then I'll challenge you to challenge me by finding some other way to prove it." She grinned toothily at him, still holding the metal pole out in front of her.


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"Sounds good," Kenzie agreed as she followed Ariana's directions. Though she was curious as to what exactly chocolatine was. It sounded like there was chocolate in it though, so she figured she'd find out by trying it. Her friends assertion that she had only started having strange things happen around her since they'd met caught Kenzie a little off guard however. "Yes, food first," Kenzie agreed again as she mulled over how exactly to explain what she knew without giving away all of her families secrets in one fell swoop.

The rest of the trip was circuitous but uneventful. She really couldn't understand why the streets all had to be one way, despite having spent her life here. It was one of those things that she never really thought about before. Her stomach decided to growl, and her mind returned to the task at hand, getting to the cafe so that they could eat. It wasn't long, though it felt like it, before they pulled to a stop outside of a quaint older building. It looked a little like an old fashioned pub, Kenzie smiled. It was a pretty little building. She made sure Ariana got off the bike safely, and followed her in noting the swarm off bees and hoping she wouldn't have to deal with another mob today. The animals had been bad enough. She really didn't like bees.

They came into the cafe to a woman demanding another croissant in a cheerful voice as a man seemed to be bowing to a waitress. Kenzie blinked. She'd seen many strange things in her time in the city but this was certainly one of the more odd. It was a little cute though, especially with the shocked look on the man's face. Maybe he'd seen the bees too? Kenzie shrugged off the supposition now wasn't the time for that. Now was the time for food, she turned to Ariana. "What do you suggest? I'm starving."


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Ariana's face paled at the sound of aunt Maria's calling for another croissant. She turned back toward Kenzie and whispered that she would sit outside on such a fine day. "I'm sure the bees won't be a bother. They seem to be hovering safely away on the other side of the street. You know, that is rather strange?" She didn't have time to ask for anything special before she dodged back through the door, but she was hardly hungry any more, what with Maria there. Her aunt was a sweet woman but more of an authoritarian than Guy by a mile.

Outside, Ariana tried to find a seat, but Sara had positioned them for comfort in the sunshine and exposure to the rest of the city, not for avoiding one's aunts through the enormous windows at the front of the cafe. Ariana made her way to the edge of the seating area, out of sight of Maria's all-seeing eyes, and sat on the short brick wall of a small garden. She'd never noticed it before, but it reminded her, powerfully, of the meadows behind her family's home in England. On a whim, a rather stupid one she would later realize, she plunged her fingers into the dirt. There were all sorts of bugs and things in that dirt.


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"Okay," Kenzie said right back, it was a nice day to sit outside. "But what am I supposed to..." She trailed off as Ariana darted off, not bothering to request anything in particular. Well, that was odd. "Umm, excuse me," She called to the lady behind the counter. " I don't mean to be a bother, but I'm quite hungry, and my friend has suddenly decided that she wants to be outside very badly. She mentioned chocolatine, and I thought that two of those might be nice, but what do recommend for someone that hasn't eaten breakfast yet?"

She smiled at the two other customers near the counter. "I'm terribly sorry, I don't mean to interrupt. I hope that I'm not being rude."

One of those people was a man, but she was thankfully too preoccupied with why Ariana would have fled like that without a word of explanation to think about that at the moment. Which was good, not only was he a man, he was also a reasonably attractive one, even if he was about twice her age, that always made it so much worse. She looked around, frowning a little, she didn't see anything out of the ordinary. Did Ariana know someone in here? Well, it was best to be on the safe side, and not mention her name just in case. Her stomach chose that moment to growl again, quite audibly, as if to remind her what was truly important in life.


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#, as written by Mr D
Guy's eyebrow remained firmly raised as he tentatively reached out to grab the pole, holding it as instructed. He sighed.

"This better be worth it..." He said, shaking his head. He waited for the strange girl to perform whatever trick she was going to try. Perhaps if he was lucky he might get something worth photographing.


Maria's ears twitched and she felt a sudden urge to turn around. She spun her head to look through the window where Ariana had been standing just moments earlier. The woman peered out of it, her eyes narrowing. She was sure there had been something... Her instincts were never wrong. Her imagination went into overdrive. Mischief was afoot. But who was behind it, she wondered.


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Chris was baffled by the answer he received from Maria. "But... The bees!" he said in a voice that was a mixture of fear and utter confusion. "What do you mean the school? Who gets there? Why is there a giant swarm of bees outside? Should someone call the police?" But before he get an answer he watched her turn her head and stare at the entrance. The instant thought to assault his conscious mind was The bees are coming in but he immediately knew they weren't. Not only had he just watched them fly away in another direction, he also had a sneaking suspicion that there couldn't really be that many more swarms of bees in the city, let alone near this cafe. So he, still with some difficulty, tore his eyes from the door and looked around, saving a quick glance for the window which was bee-less once more.

He saw the counter with a variety of goods on display and a girl that seemed to have just arrived, he couldn't remember seeing her on the way in. He felt a wave of hunger rippled through his stomach and found thoughts of bees pushing themselves out of his mind despite the absurdity of the situation. He figured it must have been a freak incident, bees weren't exactly rare in summer and he wasn't an expert on the furry little things. Could he honestly say he was 100% sure they didn't travel in packs? No, he couldn't.

Still with a nervous glance every now and then to the window he took a couple of steps over to Maria and helped himself to a croissant while he waited to see what she made of his outburst. He instantly felt stupid after getting so freaked out while everyone around him seemed so calm about it all. Usually he was pretty good at blending in to most places he visited, only the camera gave him away as a tourist, but he knew he'd have attracted some strange looks.


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According to Joshua's schedule, today was the day to be a punk rocker. Nodding slowly to himself, he donned his gear - a bright pink wife beater over a black tank top, a pair of black skinny jeans and his fingerless gloves. Grabbing his guitar, Joshua hummed quietly to himself as he paused in front of the mirror.

He grabbed the eyeliner, using it to bring out the darkness of his gaze. Blinking his eyes a few times, he nodded, satisfied with his appearance. But then he frowned, reaching his hand up and re-messing his hair. It was a fine art, the messing of hair.

Nodding in satisfaction, he headed outside, slinging his guitar over his back, amp in hand. He headed down towards the cafe on the corner - it seemed to be rather busy this morning, he thought.

Opening the door to Cafe Emilia, Joshua looked around.

Was there anybody he knew here?


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Elijah sighed and rubbed his eyes bofore looking down at his lesson book, boring english. he turned to a clean page in his note book and began doodleing out a comic scene. he yawned and looked up at the teacher as she tapped him on the shoulder.'' What?'' He asked as he looked up at the teacher, keeping his tone light and joking.'' detention!'' she said with a sharp turn on her heels as she began to return to teaching her lesson. Elijah just groaned and sank back into his seat. His brother would not be happy about this.

As soon as the bell rang he jumped up and ran to his locker, grabbing a few of his books and heading off to his next class, Art. his favorite!


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Never having been quite so ignored by a shopkeeper she was trying to buy something from before, Kenzie turned back to the door. Things seemed a little busy in here right now, besides, she really shouldn't leave Ariana alone for too long with something that could unseat a gargoyle flying about. She hadn't even asked if she could stay with them yet. No, letting her friend get hurt was something she wasn't going to do. Even if her stomach was begging her to push her way up to the counter and flash cash until someone fed her. So it was that she turned for the door just in time to see a new entry come in.

The person was tall, very tall, and skinnier than she'd ever seen a human before. Well, at least a reasonably healthy human. The person was also male, but given that he looked like a strong wind could break him in two, that didn't bother her much. She gave him a slight smile as she approached the door. "It's a little busy in here right now. If you're hungry, you might want to find another cafe. Those two over there seem to be monopolizing the proprietress' attention. Friends I'm guess. Anyway I've got one of my own to find. Have a nice day." Then she moved through the door, pausing on the other side to look around for the likeliest place for Ariana to have secreted herself.

She wasn't that hard to find, sitting in a small garden off to the side, and she didn't look very happy. Having no clue why, Kenzie made her way quickly over. "They seemed a little busy in there. I tried to order, but I guess no one heard me, so, no food," She finished mournfully as her stomach made it's most plaintive complaint yet. "Are you okay?" She looked alright. No bruises or blood, good color, but that didn't always mean anything. Had she gotten out here too late, had something already happened to Ariana?


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Verity had been waiting for an answer to her knock, when the door seemed to slide open on its own. She put on a bright smile, and began to let the word "hello" slip from her mouth in greeting when she realized there was no one on the receiving end of the door. Her words died out almost instantly in her mouth, and her smile faltered slightly before disappearing completely.

The female stood there, awkward and motionless for a few moments, before making the decision to step inside the hotel. "Hello, is anybody here?" she called out, her eyes glancing around her. She took a few more steps inside, before letting out a yelp in surprise - the door to the hotel had slammed shut behind her. Whirling around, her eyes searched for a culprit. But they found none.

Her mind instantly chalked it up to an open window somewhere on the first floor. Drafts could do that, as she had experienced it many times in her life.

Pausing slightly as she turned around, she made note of her surroundings. There didn't appear to be anyone here at all. The place seemed relatively dead, although she knew that someone had been inside the building recently, for she could still smell the after-aroma of breakfast. Her eyes eventually came to rest on the front desk, and she felt a smile rise to her face. There had to be some kind of bell or button to push for service. But as she searched, she came up empty handed. There wasn't even a ledger to sign in.

Slipping her sunglasses off her face, she closed one side while tucking the other side into the top of her dress, to let it rest on the collar. "Hello?" she called out once more, a bit louder this time. "Is anyone around?"

She felt a chill rise up her back at that moment, her body becoming rigid for a moment, before she shivered, her arms moving to rub slightly at her arms. Yes, a draft has most definitely been the cause of the door closing, she thought - why else would she be cold?

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Bay City

Bay City by Mr D


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Character Portrait: Christopher Cyclax
0 sightings Christopher Cyclax played by A Rubber Chicken
"Never thought I could fall in love with a city... Just might stay here forever"
Character Portrait: Kenneth Edwards
0 sightings Kenneth Edwards played by RolePlayGateway
A socially awkward student of engineering.

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View All » Add Character » 11 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Guy Ashton
Character Portrait: MacKenzie "Kenzie" Metzer
Character Portrait: Ariana Ashton
Character Portrait: Verity Chrysanthe Lahey
Character Portrait: Raven Zeminoba
Character Portrait: Joshua Levy
Character Portrait: Elijah Ashton
Character Portrait: Anna Ichbin


Character Portrait: Anna Ichbin
Anna Ichbin

I can turn into a puppy! Don't tell the kitties though...

Character Portrait: Joshua Levy
Joshua Levy

A starving painter every other day, a punk rocker the rest. Sundays are days where he sleeps.

Character Portrait: Raven Zeminoba
Raven Zeminoba

A 19 year old, oddly clumsy yet voracious kunoichi on the hunt for her twin brother...

Character Portrait: Verity Chrysanthe Lahey
Verity Chrysanthe Lahey

A 22 year old musician trying to find a place to settle down and write some new music...

Character Portrait: Ariana Ashton
Ariana Ashton

A teen girl blessed by a fairy but cursed by high school

Character Portrait: MacKenzie "Kenzie" Metzer
MacKenzie "Kenzie" Metzer

A strange teen with a knack for getting into places that she shouldn't, trying to figure out how to be "normal".

Character Portrait: Guy Ashton
Guy Ashton

A young photojournalist and all round average guy.


Character Portrait: MacKenzie "Kenzie" Metzer
MacKenzie "Kenzie" Metzer

A strange teen with a knack for getting into places that she shouldn't, trying to figure out how to be "normal".

Character Portrait: Raven Zeminoba
Raven Zeminoba

A 19 year old, oddly clumsy yet voracious kunoichi on the hunt for her twin brother...

Character Portrait: Anna Ichbin
Anna Ichbin

I can turn into a puppy! Don't tell the kitties though...

Character Portrait: Verity Chrysanthe Lahey
Verity Chrysanthe Lahey

A 22 year old musician trying to find a place to settle down and write some new music...

Character Portrait: Joshua Levy
Joshua Levy

A starving painter every other day, a punk rocker the rest. Sundays are days where he sleeps.

Character Portrait: Ariana Ashton
Ariana Ashton

A teen girl blessed by a fairy but cursed by high school

Character Portrait: Guy Ashton
Guy Ashton

A young photojournalist and all round average guy.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Raven Zeminoba
Raven Zeminoba

A 19 year old, oddly clumsy yet voracious kunoichi on the hunt for her twin brother...

Character Portrait: Joshua Levy
Joshua Levy

A starving painter every other day, a punk rocker the rest. Sundays are days where he sleeps.

Character Portrait: Ariana Ashton
Ariana Ashton

A teen girl blessed by a fairy but cursed by high school

Character Portrait: Anna Ichbin
Anna Ichbin

I can turn into a puppy! Don't tell the kitties though...

Character Portrait: Guy Ashton
Guy Ashton

A young photojournalist and all round average guy.

Character Portrait: MacKenzie "Kenzie" Metzer
MacKenzie "Kenzie" Metzer

A strange teen with a knack for getting into places that she shouldn't, trying to figure out how to be "normal".

Character Portrait: Verity Chrysanthe Lahey
Verity Chrysanthe Lahey

A 22 year old musician trying to find a place to settle down and write some new music...

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Most recent OOC posts in Our Future

Re: [OOC] Our Future

I like yo' style. -thumbs up-

As for plot progression. I don't think It'd be too bad to make something actually happen. We need a little action from time to time. -fist clench-

And hey, perhaps Ken'll bring out his gadgets.

Re: [OOC] Our Future

I haven't figured that out yet. I pulled it out of nowhere. The majority of the plot for this thing is rather collaborative. just figured it would be a good way to get something to happen.

Re: [OOC] Our Future

Well, I'm interested now. I wonder what sort of plot tie ins it will have...

Re: [OOC] Our Future

The thing that knocked the gargoyle down... But you came in after that, so it's okay that you don't know.

Re: [OOC] Our Future

Bat-like creature...? o-o?

Re: [OOC] Our Future

It could just be the mood I'm in right now, but it seems like we could stand to have something happen to move this diner scene along a little, add a little action to it. At the same time, with some of the characters right across the street, I'm a little hesitant to write in something big, like the reemergence of the weird bat like creature. It would kind of force everyone into the same time frame, and as we're posting at different rates may cause a few issues. Then again, I could just be being overly cautious.

Re: [OOC] Our Future

Its cool. This is an RP for chilling out and having fun. Relax, take a load off and post when you feel like it.

Re: [OOC] Our Future

I apologise greatly for not being around and posting, had a manic week. Went away and was supposed to be gone for 4 days and have internet access then plans changed and I ended up away for a week with no way to get online. Gonna go through and see what's what and see if I can squeeze myself back in. Sorry again.

Re: [OOC] Our Future

No worries. We all hit a rough patch now and then. :P

Re: [OOC] Our Future

Okay, that was like the crapiest post in the history of crapy posts I have made, but hey, at least introductions are out of the way.

Re: [OOC] Our Future

I had planned on her taking the notebook, actually. With proper emphasis on certain items, you can make anyone do anything you want, in terms of writing. ;D

Re: [OOC] Our Future

O.O Kenzie ruined his work... *shameface* She's not gonna be happy with herself, but I'm gonna give the others in the diner a chance to post before I go into that whole thing.

Re: [OOC] Our Future

No worries, Phoenix, and thanks for the ferry onto storytelling island. Everyone get's busy from time to time, and it just so happens that I'm not at the moment. I guess I'll fire off a post.

Re: [OOC] Our Future

Okay, so the post didn't turn out exactly how I'd intended, and sorry that it took so long, I got busy yesterday, but skawaffle, you have most definitely been dragged into interaction land. : D

Re: [OOC] Our Future

Involvement! Hooray! :D

Re: [OOC] Our Future

After seeing your newest post akai, I must say that I very nearly squeed. :D. It's gonna be fun to write, but to do what I've got in mind, and yes Skawaffle it will drag you into it too, I'm gonna have to wait until tomorrow. I've been up since 5:30 this morning, it's currently in the 9pm hour for me, and being both the first of the month, and a Friday, today at work was CRAZY. I want to make sure that I can do it justice, and I'm not sure my writing skills are up to it at the moment.

Re: [OOC] Our Future

I've discovered that it's a tad slower, but that's perfectly alright. :P

Re: [OOC] Our Future

Don't worry about that. I doubt I'll have a post up before work, because I have some stuff that I have to do, but I'll figure out some way to drag him into it all now that things seem to be moving along again. Do be warned, that this is a slower moving RP though, so sometimes things like this are going to happen. It's not dead, and it's not you, it's just the RP pace.

For instance the fact that he seemed to start staring at them is a good place to start I think...

Re: [OOC] Our Future

Uhh, I'm not exactly sure where to jump in. Just having him walk up and start talking would be slightly awkward, and against Ken's personality somewhat... Any ideas?

Re: [OOC] Our Future

Mediocre... But better than bad, I suppose. :B