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Medice Bellua

"Insane? I prefer the term "delightfully intelligent."

0 · 1,758 views · located in Paragon Academy, Excelsior Valley, Nevada

a character in “Our Hero Academia”, originally authored by phantasms, as played by RolePlayGateway


Crawling β™« Rapsody Rage β™« November 11 β™« Mirai Nikki | Track 06 β™«
{"For me, insanity is super sanity. The normal is psychotic. Normal means lack of imagination, lack of creativity."}

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| N A M E |
Medice Bellua

| H E R O N A M E |

| N I C K N A M E |
Doc - Used by his fellow heroes that don't know his real name.

Dice - A nickname for his first name.

| A G E |

| G E N D E R |

| E T H N I C I T Y |

| B I R T H D A T E |
November 13

| S E X U A L I T Y |

{"You need a little bit of insanity to do great things. "}

| H E I G H T |

| W E I G H T |
145 lbs.

| E Y E C O L O R |

| H A I R C O L O R |

| A P P E A R A N C E |
Doc is a giant of a man. His most defining feature is his height. Usually almost a whole foot above his peers. His body type isn't all stick, but the only hint of muscle lies within his chest and shoulder area. Doc's stitches are another one of his standoffish characteristic. It would seem he fell in a wood chipper and sewn himself together himself. Stitches line his clothing and face. A large screw of his own invention, sticks out of his head. His skin tone is fair and his expression is rather laid-back most of the time.
Clothing-wise, he is usually seen with a white lab coat. Like most of his peers, a hero costume is something he doesn't find necessary and he usually saves the day with his everyday attire. Though, when the times calls for it. He'll wear gloves that he can freely change the material of, switching between latex and wool to better harness his power., along with a mask

| O D D I T I E S |
His stitches due to many experiments on himself and a large screw that emits a sharp noise that helps center his swaying thoughts.

{"It is not the strong or the smart that survive, but the ones who can bring about change."}

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| P E R S O N A L I T Y |
✦ Outgoing ✧ Insane ✦ Intelligent ✧ Outdated ✦

Have you ever met an insane person? Most of them will flaunt their madness to no end. However, the intellectual ones will keep it under bars. Doc sports an extroverted persona, friendly and talkative. Doc acts as a gentlemen, but maybe Doc has gotten so good at donning this mask that it would seem he has two personalities. He switches this on and off if he wants to show different people his different sides. Most of the community will see the Doctor as a warm young man, but there is no doubting what lies beneath.

His 2nd side, you can find Doc talking to himself in a mirror, swearing that his own reflection isn't him. He sees a wide smile and eyes twitching, he mutters that this isn't him, but his cracked reflection is what he is without his mask. Doc wasn't always like this, but his delusions got the best of him, starting from his viewpoint of God. Doc specifically believes that God is cruel. He believes that a higher power exists, but he will find any way to suppress it. That is the main reason why Doc experiments on himself, striving to become the perfect human. This idea of a perfect human being created by man instead of God is one of the only things that drives him, giving him a purpose of experimentation and observation on everyone and everything, including himself. With this and his rare fits of madness are what make up Doc's true face. He didn't become a hero for glory, he became a hero to show that humans only purpose is to defeat God.

Doc is of the intellectual insane breed. Doc is no doubt bright. If he hasn't succumbed to madness, he is always one to spout out random facts or finding answers to problems most have scratched their head on. Even before he had insanity in his veins, he was always one to think outside the box. When stuck between his two masks, he sometimes ends up in a limbo. He turns his screw clockwise and his thoughts are straight. When he has a face of tranquility, he will finally think straight and part his two masks of fake and mad.

Outdated and old-fashioned, Doc isn't the most up to date with current technology. He uses an outdated Dell and cell. Doc also has a tendency to quote "Is this what humans do for enjoyment?" as most of the things normal people do for amusement are vastly different then anything Doc has ever thought of doing, much less enjoying.

{"The world is one big moral gray area, it just makes you feel safer that it can be categorized into good and bad, but that's not how it actually works."}

| Q U I R K |
Energy Transfer - Doc is able to use energy transfer in three forms.
First use - Doc's first method is more or less super strength. When a normal person punches, potential energy while winding up and gravitational energy from the ground transfer into kinetic energy to punch someone. Doc is able to not only use Potential and Gravitational energy, but he is also able to transfer thermal energy from his body heat and electric energy from his electrons to kinetic energy, which allows him to punch with up to 300000 newtons of force. As F = MA, he is basically increasing the acceleration by 100 times. Doc will usually only use 10000 newtons as he wouldn't want to run out of energy and collapse.
God Slaying Palm - As Doc is still a hero, it would make sense to name an attack. God slaying palm is basically using all of his energy, making him hit with 300000 newtons. It will drain him and leave him unable to move for a few days.

Second use - When someone is hit by something, their body absorbs kinetic energy which results in the internal and external damage. Doc is able to migrate up to 50% of the force into the air instead of his body taking the full force. If something would kill him even after the force migration, he will obviously still die. This has no effect on sharp objects or any kind of sorcery. Magic and weaponry is better dodged than taken.

Third use - By rubbing his hands together, he conducts kinetic energy which can turn into a high amount of Thermal or Electric energy. This is strictly used as a coating and it is only able to cause damage from impact. It's function is to disperse the energy into the person, causing a high degree of external damage. He is only able to use his 1st use and his 3rd use simultaneously if his 1st use is only on 10000 newtons.

| S T R E N G T H S |
✦Martial Arts - Doc is a skilled user of ju-jitsu and Baguazhang. He is a master at both, though he hasn't been in much fights. His quirk makes up for the experience gap in fighting experience.
✧Intelligent - With a mind for problem-solving, physics and human anatomy. With an IQ of around 180 and was previously a sophomore in collage.
✦First-aid - As his name applies, he has knowledge of basic doctoral practices. He doesn't keep in mind the pain he puts his patients in, but "Oh well."
✧Calm - With the ability to keep his cool in most situations, he isn't one to succumb to emotion or impulse. At least if he isn't delightfully mad at the time.
✦Flexible - Doc is able to adapt to most situations on his own due to his high intelligence and versatile quirk.
| W E A K N E S S E S |
✦Insanity - When inflicted enough pain or being inflicted enough pain, he will experience something that can only be known as true madness,
✧Thin - The Doctor is rather thin. Even with his power, he isn't able to take a big hit.
✦One-track-mind - Doc is able to completely outsmart one opponent, but doesn't have a mind for tactics. He will focus on one guy and his battle plan is usually to kill people one at a time without thinking about strategy.
✧Not fit for teamwork - Doc is completely willing to fight with teammates, but his quirks and skills don't give him much use besides another fighter. His best match is another fighter.
✦Experimentation - Doc was always one who liked different outcomes. "Maybe the battle would end differently if I only use my feet," is a thought that could likely get him killed.

{"To define true madness. What is it to be nothing else but mad?"}

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| H O B B I E S |
✦Experimentation - When something intrigues him, observation and sometimes dissection.
✧Smoking - As someone who got addicted at a young age, he can safely say, he is hooked.
✦Reading - Doc is a man who values intelligence over physical health and any-type of exercise

| H A B I T S |
✧Twisting his screw - The screw on his head doesn't twist itself. He straightens his thoughts before they disperse
✦Zoning out - It isn't rare to see Doc retreat into the recesses of his own mind.
✧Generating electricity - As some people when bored, they fiddle with their hands. Doc will make electricity dance around his hands when disinterested.

| L I K E S |
✦Animals - "Apparently, according to the rules of this society. Dissecting humans is illegal? Any kind of animal will make a satisfactory replacement."
✧Electricity - Something about being shocked just makes him feel alive.
✦Anything instant - Doc's taste-buds aren't hard to please. Efficiency and fulfillment are the the only factors he considers.
✧Daydreaming - As a man with a lot on his mind, laying down and thinking is relaxing to him.
✦Riddles - Doc is a veteran in problem solving. Anything that makes him think, he will enjoy.

| D I S L I K E S |
✧Rain - An irritating liquid that makes his lab-coat wet and his power to generate electricity or fire less effective.
✦Loud Noises - Doc is a man with sensitive ears.
✧Daylight - As Doc is a man who lives in the everlasting darkness, any kind of light will blind his eyes with ease.
✦Famous "Sane" Inventors - According to Doc, the scientists consumed by madness don't get enough credit.
✧Spacious Rooms- Doc prefers the coped-up place of his makeshift basement/lab back in Germany than the tremendous surface area of the academy

| G O A L S |
✦Becoming or Making the Perfect human - He has hung onto this goal for quite sometime.
✧Defeating God - As this stands as a goal that seems impossible to accomplish, you can't help but dream.
✦Intelligence - Doc's mind seems to be filled with impossible goals. The goal to learn about every single fact in the universe is one of them.

| F E A R S |
✧Death - If a man dies, he can't complete his far'fetched goals.
✦Insanity - Doc fears a half of himself he can't hope to remove. He worries which mask is really his.
✧Spiders - More of a mild irritation, actually...maybe an excessive irritation. Actually maybe all spiders should just go to hell as they are gross and sometimes bigger than your hand in China.

{"Experimentation and observation - that's all a true scientist cares about. And I am a scientist. Everything in the world is an experimental test subject, of course, that includes myself as well."}

Image| B I R T H P L A C E |
Germany | Berlin
| H I S T O R Y |
Many students at Paragon Academy have been breed or inspired by a hero. Though, some have been born from a villain. Edmund Bellua, or as he calls himself, Deus which directly translates to God. A bold villain name, but Deus lived up to it. He had the power to control energy, but was able to disperse it anywhere in his line of sight. He can overload a man with kinetic energy and crush him to death with a snap of his finger. Deus reigned over the city of Berlin as most heroes who challenged him were simply unable to stand against god or at least, a man who sees himself as one. Like every man, Deus found himself love-struck by a sweet girl and they soon married and bore a child. The child was constantly mistreated by "God" in a literal sense and figuratively as Deus beat his child while the wife stood close-by, not lifting a finger.

It would seem as Deus own hubris consumed him. As he was commencing his daily havoc, he felt a pain in his chest. Coughing up blood, he would find himself at the feet of his own wife. Deus was captured and put into maximum security. As they have found Deus as too dangerous of a threat as anyone who tried to interrogate him found themselves a pile of mush. He was executed a week later by lethal dosage.

The wife never loved her man, but was sympathetic to the child. She raised him, but he was forever known as the false God's child and bullied at school for being born from a villain. Dice didn't deserve it, he wasn't a monster, at least not yet. They weren't scared of him, but were scared of what he would become. It would seem that the constantly beatings he took from his dad and peers affected his mental state, while the wife's business as a agent prevented Dice from seeing his mother.

Dice was still a genius. He was born with high intelligence and since his father didn't let him go outside. He polished his mind with books. Dice would find himself advancing grades twice as fast as his peers, but the bullying never ceased. The fists hurt more in fact as they were being delivered by bigger and bigger people. As he was a sophomore in collage, he planned to advance into the science field, but was rejected as they feared Dice for what he would do. It's interesting. Most people drop out of collage because they are too dumb, but Dice dropped out because he was too smart.

He chased his passion elsewhere by developing his own lab. His mother disagreed to Dice doing such a thing, but he wouldn't listen. Dice had an undying desire for knowledge. Dice developed a weapon that he was going to sell off to the military, but the CIA barged down his door and arrested him before he got the chance. It was his mother, his mother ratted him out. As Dice sat in his cell, he felt abandoned and unwanted, by his mother and especially God.

As it would seem nothing was in his favor, he blamed God. His mind, not being able to obtain his only desire succumbed to the depths of madness. As he was released he had one goal in mind. He'll defeat God.
| F A M I L Y T I E S |
Edmund Bellua | 47 | Dead
Alice Bellua | 25| Alive

{"This is fear. That's good then, I had forgotten what it felt like."}

ImageImage| F C |
Stein | Soul Eater

| C O L O R |

| P R O T R A Y E D B Y |

Sheet β’Έ of CutUp

So begins...

Medice Bellua's Story

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#, as written by Deku
Character Portrait: Deku Deku says,
 “ H-hello? ”