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Part Of Me!

The doorway


a part of Part Of Me!, by renka~~.


renka~~ holds sovereignty over The doorway, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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The doorway is a part of Part Of Me!.

7 Characters Here

Jamie [8] Jamies very smart and athletic
Juuya Akita [7] Juuya is a mysterious, smart, and athletic bishounen that almost everyone likes. Hiding behind a cool exterior, juuya actually yearns for a normal life without hidden secrets. Playing the kind, thoughtful prince in school.
Anabel Stone [4] I had a hole in my heart, so I threw away my plate. Nothing would fill me up, whatever I ate.
Kai Arazeal [3] Kai is a girl that isn't to be messed with, otherwise she could suddenly change... for the worse.
James [2] James is very athletic and protective
Yuki [1] umm..hi?
Andre Fallow [0] Just let me be.

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#, as written by renka~~
Juuya stood up, forgetting about his sketch bad, laughing as the kitty burried himself in my shirt carries him as I head back to the apartment complex grinning madly at himself and at the fluff ball rubbing against his chest as he walks "awaaah kuro silly fluff ball!"

Juuya wandered past Yuki, chuckling gently nuzzling his face against the kittens back poking up out of the top of his shirt, walking carefully across the road he disppeared quickly into the apartment complex eager to settle the kitten in and to feed himself and the kitten.


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Another small giggle escaping when the kitten buried itself into Juuya's shirt, Yuki shrank back when the older boy went past him, ducking behind a group of parents, who were watching their kids play in the park. Confident he hadn't been seen, he looked back to where Juuya had been sitting, having noticed the lack of sketchpad when the boy walked past him.
Seeing the book on the bench, Yuki walked over and picked it up, curiosity forcing him to flip through a couple of drawings. They really were quite good. Brilliant in fact. Much better than Yuki could ever do.
Though Juuya would probably want this back, right? That would be a problem, if Yuki gave it back then he would have to admit he'd been following him...Then again, he knew which apartment Juuya lived in, so maybe he could just leave it at the door? Yeah, that would work.

Nodding to himself, he went back to the complex and stood in front of Juuya's door for a few moments, before knocking lightly and quickly dropping the sketchpad on the floor and bolting round the corner, before the boy came to the door. Once he felt he was 'safe', he poked his head back around the corner to see if Juuya had come out yet, shifting back when he saw the door opening.


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#, as written by renka~~
Pushing the door open Juuya picked the kitten up and stepped out blinking he looke down and saw his sketchpad "ooh...I thought I had this...well never mind2 Juuya bent down and picked the book back up looking around to see if he could find th person who had given it back to him, smiling a little he slipped back into the apartment, took his spare pad made a little drawing of a cat with a large thank you under it, he set it down outside his front door and let it swing shut once he was safely back inside, staying by the door he peeked through the peep hole waiting.


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Once he heard the door closing again, Yuki peeked back round, a little frown crossing his pale features when he saw the note on the ground. Curious, he crept forward and lifted it, being careful not to make any noise, not realising that he was being watched. As such, he was a little less cautious, and had let his hood fall back, though his hair still covered much of his face and his eyes. He slowly opened the note, smiling when he saw the drawing and the 'thank you.'

"...Y-You're w-welcome...", he stuttered quietly, not really saying it to anyone in particular, since he didn't know that Juuya was behind the door.


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#, as written by renka~~
Juuya smiled at the younger boy chuckling gently he pulled away and slipped the door open "your pretty cute...why are you hiding from me hmm?" Juuya couldn't help himself the boy reminded him of the kitten he had just adopted, he watched quietly from the crack in the door not wanting to scare the boy away.


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Yuki damn near jumped out of his skin when Juuya spoke to him, and he squeaked a little in surprise, before darting away from the door, pulling his hood back up to hide his odd appearance.
"I-I'm...s-s-sorry...I...d-didn't m-mean t-to...", he whispered, hating himself for stuttering. But then, he'd always done that...he'd never been much good at talking. It wasn't as though many people spoke to him anyway, so there was really no need for him to talk much. Even his own family tended to ignore him, if they weren't teasing him that is. This boy though? He looked kind, and had called him cute?! That was new, Yuki had never been called 'cute' before. 'Weird', 'freaky', 'abnormal'...that was what he was generally called. But never 'cute'.


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#, as written by renka~~
Juuya smiled softly, keeping behind the door as to no scare the boy too much "I apologise I didn't mean to scare you....are you a permenant resident here? I don't know your name I'm Juuya I'm new here...what is your name cutie?" Juuya wasn't sure if he was taking things to quickly but he didn't want the young boy to run away from him.
"You don't need to apologise or hide, your so cute...would you like to me kuro? I found him at the park..ahh well you must of seen..oh well I guess you wouldn't really want to touch a stray until i get him check out huh?" Juuya knew he was rambling on but what the hell he really didn't want the little 'cutie' run away from him again like he had nearly done a moment ago.


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When asked if he lived here, Yuki simply nodded, not trusting himself to speak. He'd just end up making a fool of himself anyway. Well...more than usual, at least.
Then came the inevitable question. His name. A question that didn't involve a 'yes' or 'no' answer, which was something Yuki was always nervous about.
"M-my n-name? I-It's...Yuki...", he answered, his unusual eyes to the ground, avoiding eye contact, as was his habit.
He was just going to attempt to answer the question about 'Kuro', when the animal in question poked it's head around the door, curious as only a kitten could be. A tiny smile forming on his face, Yuki crouched down and held his hand out, inviting the kitten to investigate him. Which it did, it's back arching up into his hand so that the albino boy could stroke it, to which he complied, earning a low purring sound from the small animal. Which only made Yuki's smile widen. Just a little bit though, not enough to really be noticed.


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#, as written by renka~~
Juuya smiled at watching the younger boy, laughing softly "would you like to...come in and look after the kitty with me yuki?" Juuya waited for the small nod or shake that the little boy would probably give him, chuckling juuya slowly leant down and cautiously picked the kitten up and disappeared inside leaving the door open sitting on the sofa he waited for the small albino come inside, curious of finding the kitten.


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Character Portrait: Yuki Character Portrait: Juuya Akita Character Portrait: Anabel Stone
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#, as written by Lyndie
Anabel sighed as twilight began to fall over the park. She got up, dusted off the back of her pants in case any grass stuck to them or anything, made sure she had everything, and started walking back to the building, more quickly this time, because she wanted to make it back before it really got dark. Walking alone at night always made her paranoid, even if she didn't have a reason to be. Every now and again, she checked her purse to make sure she had her key, always having it. She finally made it back to the building, opened the gate and shut it quietly behind her. She started to walk to her apartment, but two guys were blocking the hallway. "Excuse me," she said quietly, keeping her head down and avoiding eye contact.


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Blinking a few times in confusion, Yuki scrambled back a little, to allow the girl to pass. She was another one who interested him, though it was more her motives that intrigued him more than anything. Like why she bought things, only to throw them away...Yuki found that odd.

While he waited until the girl had left, then considered whether to take Juuya up on his offer...he'd never been invited inside anyone's house before, such an honour was reserved for people who actually had friends. Which Yuki didn't.
Could Juuya be classed as a 'friend'? It would be nice if that was the case...
Even if it wasn't, he wanted to play with the kitty some more. And it would probably be better if he stayed away from his home for a while. Yeah, he'd pay for it when he eventually went back, but at least he might have the chance to be a bit happier before then. That pretty much decided for him, and he slowly crept into Juuya's apartment, only going as far as the doorway though, unsure of what was expected of him.


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#, as written by renka~~
Juuya looked over at Yuki and smiled softly and tilted his head offering the boy to take his shoes and coat off "come inside haha I won't bite you cutie, I promise" Juuya winked softly at Yuki trying to make the boy comfortable.
Juuya set the kitten down and let it pad off through the apartment towards the smaller younger boy chuckling Michael watched intrigued with how the kitten was interacting with Yuki


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Still very nervous about being here, Yuki took his shoes off and set them neatly at the door, though he was hesitant about taking his jacket off. If he kept it on, then he could hide, like he always did. But it was expected of him to take it off...
He didn't get a chance to consider it more, before Kuro plodded over and started rubbing up against his leg, obviousy wanting petted again.
"Alright, alright...", he spoke quietly, not realising that he hadn't stuttered for once, and knelt down and lifted the kitten, cradling it against his chest and rubbing behind it's ears. Something it seemed to like, an impression given from the fact that it started purring again.


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#, as written by renka~~
Juuya smiled gently at Kuro "Kuroo be polite to little Yuki, don't scare him off before he even sets foot onto the hallway.." Juuya smiled at Yuki gently and laid his head back hoping nobody would knock on his door expecting keys or anything else, sure he was the part-time janitor here but it didn't mean he wouldn't need time to himself...that he deffinatley didn't mind share with the cute little albino stood in his apartments porch cuddling his kitten.


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Yuki let out a small giggle when Kuro, obviously ignoring Juuya's request to behave, buried himself in the front of his jacket, his little claws digging into his shirt. Not enough to hurt though, so it was okay.
His confidence around the older boy increasing slightly, Yuki moved further into the apartment with the kitten. Just a little bit though. He still wasn't really comfortable with being around other people.


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#, as written by renka~~
Juuya sighed and shook his head letting his eyes close "mmn,.,Kuro won't have any fish for dinner to ngiht...i should just go and buy him horrible cat food"bJuuya waited for the meow and the scrambling paws of a tell tail kitten being angry with him for going back on his promise for feeding him nice fish to fatten him up.


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#, as written by Lyndie
Anabel passed them, on the way back to her apartment. Once she got there, she took off her jacket, set her purse down, and puts the book on the coffee table. She goes off to the bathroom. She closes the door behind her and steps on the corner of the scale, so it comes up to 0.00 pounds. Then she steps on and waits for it to tell her how fat she is. 102 again. Why didn't she loose any more weight? She hadn't eaten for two days, she should've lost something. She decides that she must not be trying hard enough and decides to skip all food tomorrow, too, even though she never really fasted for more than two days in a row.


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At Juuya's statement, Yuki was suddenly devoid of a black fluff ball in his arms, as it scampered across the floor, towards the older boy, and started 'clawing' at his trouser leg, mewing in protest.
Yuki, panicking without Kuro near him (the small animal had been the only thing actually keeping him in the general area and not, say hiding somewhere.) followed him into the living room, though he was point blank refusing to go anywhere near the other male. Even if Kuro was there too...


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#, as written by renka~~
Juuya chuckled softly and leant down scoopping the fluf ball up into his arm with only one hand "well well look who decided to cme back to daddy...all you can say is mew? what about an apology mr...daddy was lonely " Laughing Juuya set the kitten down next to an empty dish, standing up he move two steps into the little kitchen took some fish and set it down into the bowl "I will have to go shopping tomorrow for you mr.kuro"


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Yuki watched the pair silently, as was his way, anxiously tugging on a few strands of his silvery hair. He'd relaxed enough to lower his hood, but he still kept his head low, looking up at Juuya from under his fringe. It really was amazing, Juuya hadn't called him strange, or made fun of him for his odd appearance. Instead, he'd been nice, even going so far as to say that he was cute. It was as if the fact that Yuki was albino didn't matter to the older boy at was...kinda nice.
"I-I'm s-s-sorry...I, a-and I...I w-wanted t-to play...a-and it...k-kinda likes m-me...s-so...", he apologised, standing near the kitchen door, shaking from nerves, and the fear of what Juuya might do to him if he was angry with him.


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#, as written by renka~~
Juuya smiled gently at Yuki and shook his head "That's ok cutie, you can play with him in a minute when he's finished eating ok?...would you like some juice or maybe some tea?" Juuya was unsure of the boys age and so thought it wise to not offer him a beer, In case the boy was deffinatley Underage, in which case he would deffinatley tone down the flirting, unless the boy showed him other wise.


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Character Portrait: Kai Arazeal
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Kai woke up and sighed. "Well, there's my sleep for the night." She stood with a yawn and rubbed her eyes walked to her room. She pulled an outfit from her closet and then took a quick shower. She changed into the clothes and left her apartment, locking the door behind her. She pulled a ringing cellphone from her pocket, flipping the old fashioned phone open and listened to the person talking. "Got it. I'll be there in a few minutes." She practically ran out of the apartment complex, slowing to a walk and heading in the direction of the club she worked at.

Kai smiled as she stepped through the back entrance of the club, the only place she could find that suited her boyish, older appearance and voice. She waved to her boss and then took a seat in her booth. She was a host to both girls and boys, and the only people in the club who knew she was a young girl were the other employees and the occasional customer. She settled down in the booth, waiting.


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Yuki quickly shook his head, not wanting to impose on the older boy.
"I-I'm fine...I don't want anything...", he muttered, staring down at the floor. It would probably be best if he left Juuya's apartment. But at the same time, he didn't want to go home. In any case, his parents weren't in, and he didnt have his own key, so he wouldn't be able to get in anyway...His mom wouldn't be in until much later, and his dad was away on buisness. And it wasn't like his older brothers would let him in, even if they weren't going out with friends tonight...


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#, as written by renka~~
Juuya watched the boy waiting silently "scared to go home?" Juuya walked away and re-appeared with a small diet coke and some crisps setting them down juuya quickly pulled away chuckling gently as to not scare the smaller younger boy "It's ok...drink and eat"


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Yuki flinched away a little when Juuya approached him, then visibly relaxed when the older boy pulled back.
"I'm not s-scared....not really...a-and t-thank y-you...Juuya-san...", he whispered, using the polite way of speaking he'd been taught. He would always get in trouble if he forgot to do that. There wasn't much that Yuki didn't get in trouble for...the main thing that got him in bother though, was the one thing he couldn't change...