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Part Of Me!

The doorway


a part of Part Of Me!, by renka~~.


renka~~ holds sovereignty over The doorway, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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The doorway is a part of Part Of Me!.

7 Characters Here

Jamie [8] Jamies very smart and athletic
Juuya Akita [7] Juuya is a mysterious, smart, and athletic bishounen that almost everyone likes. Hiding behind a cool exterior, juuya actually yearns for a normal life without hidden secrets. Playing the kind, thoughtful prince in school.
Anabel Stone [4] I had a hole in my heart, so I threw away my plate. Nothing would fill me up, whatever I ate.
Kai Arazeal [3] Kai is a girl that isn't to be messed with, otherwise she could suddenly change... for the worse.
James [2] James is very athletic and protective
Yuki [1] umm..hi?
Andre Fallow [0] Just let me be.

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#, as written by renka~~
Juuya smiled "please don't call me san..I'm not that old" Juuya laughed and sat back down closes an eye a litle he watched kuro the kitten eat laughing at his head being right in the bowl smiling a little he watched the boy silently from the corner of my eye tilting his head back Juuya shut his eyes and sighed standing up.


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#, as written by Lyndie
Anabel walks back into her room and sits on her window seat. It was her favorite part of her room when she was little, simply because Wendy from Peter Pan had one. She curls up against the window and stares into space, trying to figure out a way to loose more weight. She needed to get thin as fast as she can. She had people comment and say she had lost weight, but it seemed like she was just on the tip of the iceberg. She sees herself in the mirror, the way the fat bulges everywhere. She can't do anything right like this. People are meant to be skinny. Once she's skinny, she'll be able to concentrate on schoolwork, she'll dance well, and maybe people won't hate her as much.


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Yuki, starting to feel very awkward about just standing around, sighed a little and knelt,on the floor next to the table, carefully picking up the coke and taking a small drink, before placing it back down on the table. Just to be polite really. He turned his attention back towards the kitten, who had now finished the food and was padding over to him, clambering onto his lap and curling up, purring softly.
To look at the pair, it would make for an interesting picture, due to the contrast between the black ball of fur, sat on top of the completly white boy. If Yuki had any sort of skill with drawing, and was thinking of art at the moment, he might have considered doing something like that in a sketch.


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#, as written by renka~~
Juuya watched them both from the corner of his eye slipping forward a little he picked up his art pad and pen, and slowly started to sketch the outlines he needed smiling a little he kept his voice to himself and just sat in silence drawing t he younger boy and the kitten loving the way they perfectly fit together in the ways of tones and colours, chuckling softly he smiled more and continued to draw.


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Yuki didn't realise that Juuya was drawing him and Kuro, as the fur ball in question had started to bat at his hands, playfully nipping at the long fingers with those tiny little teeth, seemingly facsinated by them, as only a kitten could be. Well, it was really his watchstrap that Kuro was most interested in, as he had discovered that the dark leather was fun to chew, causing Yuki to giggle a little and start petting the little thing behind the ears again, in an unsuccessful attempt at distracting it. Nope, not working, Kuro had decided, this human was fun. Different to most other humans, different to 'Daddy', but loads of fun anyway.


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#, as written by renka~~
Juuya smiled gently and watched them softly chuckling "Kuro don't chew his watch silly kitty..." Shaking his head he looked back down to his sketch pad smiling at the picture started to come alive under his pen "mmn..amazing...your both so great to draw" Juuya looked up and smield at the younger boy and his kitten nodding his head as he flipped the page over and started another one, vowing to go back later that evening to finish the first one he had started on the other page, chuckling more as he drew the kitten trying to eat the other boys watch. "That's amazing....soo good your amazing yuki.."


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#, as written by renka~~
(welcome aboard new commer)~


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#, as written by Lyndie
Anabel took awhile to calm down, but eventually she did. She needed to prevent herself from eating anything, somewhere where there isn't food. She picked up her book and purse and went down to the lobby of the building. There were large, comfy couches there that she liked, she felt like she could sink into one completely and suffocate and die and not have to worry about anything anymore. She plopped down on the one closest to the hallway and picked up her book. No one would pay any attention to the fat girl sitting in the lobby reading, they just didn't care.


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(Hey, thanks! ^.^ :D)

In the nearby park, Andre Fallow sat beneath the shade of a gentle willow tree. His back fit perfectly into the curves of the tree, partly because it wasn't the first time he had sought comfort in the weeping willow. Partly because he was lanky and tall enough to fit in it. The breeze kissed his scars, a memory he chose not to remember. The action was futile, however, as he turned to watch the children on the swingsets and the slides, a painful reminder of Arabell.


He closed his eyes and let his bangs fall over face, letting out a small sigh. He must not think of that.


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Yuki jumped, having nearly forgotten Juuya was there, he'd been so concerned with (half heartedly) trying to stop Kuro from using his watch as a toy.
His head snapped up to look at the older boy, a look of shock and worry, and oddly...fear?, crossing his face.
"Y-you...w-were d-drawing?", he managed to ask, though it took a few attempts to get his voice to work past his nerves and fear. Why would anyone, much less Juuya, want to draw him? He wasn't exactly much to look at, a fact his family seemed to enjoy reminding him of. He was weird, unnatural, ugly. A freak.
He started to curl up into a ball, wrapping his arms around his knees, while Kuro, sensing something was wrong, climbed off his lap and started pawing at his feet, mewing as if to ask if Yuki was okay.


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#, as written by renka~~
Juuya blinked and set his pad down and wandered over shaking his head he gently moved kuro aside and leant down stroking the boys head carefully "I'm sorry I should of asked for permission...I'm and idiot please can you forgive me?" Juuya watched the smaller boy curl into the ball closing his eyes he smiled softly "would you like to see my's best yet I promise".
Juuya pulled back and wander over to pick up his sketch pad, slowly wandering back over he set it down so the boy could see the nearly finised drawing of himself and the kitten.


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Yuki flinched away when Juuya touched his hair, not used to the sudden contact, and tensed even more, pulling his head away from Juuya's hand.
"D-Don't...don't t-touch me...please...", he whimpered, then when the older boy moved away, the small albino seemed to relax a little bit, not that the other boy was out of the protective bubble he had around himself. Or at least, what he wanted to form around himself, had he that ability.

When Juuya came back with the sketchbook, Yuki stared at the drawing curiously, not quite believing that the boy in the drawing was him.
"T-that's...m-me?", he asked, looking up from the sketchbook to Juuya, making full eye contact for once, searching for any form of lie or joke.


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#, as written by renka~~
Juuya smiled softly keeping all eye conctact nodding his head slightly "yea....your please don't think other wise...and who ever told you otherwise are idiots and have no heart" Juuya stood up straight and smiled again picking up kuro ruffling the little kittens head, making his way through to the couch "would you like me to use the jantors key to let you into your apartment yuki?"


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Me? Gorgeous? Does he really mean that? He must doesn't seem like he's joking..., Yuki frowned a little, trying to figure this out. He'd never been called that was...nice? He supposed that was the word...even if it was slightly weird for another male to say it.

"I-I d-don't wanna go home...c-could I-I stay here p-please? J-Just for a little while...I-I'll leave if y-you w-want...", he asked, his voice just shades away from pleading with the older boy, as much as he hated that.


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#, as written by renka~~
Juuya smiled softl and sat back down "if you want to stay thats ok, I don't mind...would you like another pepsi?" Juuya looked to yuki again and chuckles softly patting next to him on the sofa "or would you care to join me and watch a bit of television?"


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After considering Juuya's offer for a few moments, Yuki nodded slowly and carefully stood up, moving over to the sofa. Instead of sitting next to the older boy however, Yuki sat at the opposite end of the sofa, as far away from Juuya as possible. He sat bolt upright, his thin hands clasped on his lap, staring straight ahead. Although his shoulders and hands were trembling slightly. It wasn't by much though...hopefully Juuya wouldn't notice how scared he was...


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#, as written by renka~~
Juuya nodded slightly, closing his eyes he stood up set the kitten down and sat in the arm chair creating a greater space between them both sighing a little he closed h is eyes and counted to 10 bobbing his head softly and hums picking up a little remote he picked up and turned on the tv watching it silently. "hmm...haha" Juuya changed the channel to anime, glancing to Yuki to see if he likes it.


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#, as written by Lyndie
Anabel twirled a lock of her hair around her finger as she read. Her hair had always been her favorite feature. It was a bright, flaming red color that was impossible to get out of a bottle. Unfortunately, it came with freckles, a tendency to turn red a lot, and skin that burns easily. But whatever. It was the only pretty thing about her, so she'd take it. She continued to read.


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As the sun slowly crept farther over the sky, Andre decided that it was time to stop thinking about his deceased sister, and the only way to do that was to avoid anything that reminded him of them. He stood up, ignoring the shiver that ran up his spine and the pricking in his eyes when he heard the children in the park behind him again -laughing as always, such carefree creatures-, and began to make his way to his apartment. He pulled down the sleeves of his dark trench coat -even though it was fairly warm out, he never took it off-, covering memories that aught to be left forgotten anyway. As he trudged up the stairs, he briefly debated visiting the coffee shop; there was nothing to do in his apartment, for he had only bought the apartment as a way to not have to face Arabell's room. He continued up the stairs, anway. He might as well grab his iPod or a book or anything he could focus on while he was there, and maybe stop by the coffee shop after.


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Juuya had obviously picked up on the fact that Yuki didn't want anyone near him, though Yuki felt bad about forcing the older boy to move, just so that he would feel more comfortable. The small albino watched Juuya out the corner of his eye as he channel-flipped, though he kept most of his focus on the screen. They were showing re-runs of a few popular anime, and though Yuki had seen them a million times, he couldn't help but get drawn into it again, leaning forward ever so slightly closer to the screen, pale eyes wide, not even noticing when Kuro climbed onto his lap and culed up to sleep.


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#, as written by renka~~
Juuya smiled and nodded slightly, standing up he quickly made his way around the back of the sofa to shut the windows so the heat woulnd't escape the room when the sun went down it got chilly and he hated loosing hear, noticing the door was still open he made his way over to it, poking his head out juuya smiled politely and bowed his head,, his smile a genuine happy smile with a polite hello to the guy next door.

Hmm I think his name was andre, I would have to check the list later when I have a bit more time. He nodded his head once more and noticed his sketch pad on the floor stepping out slightly he leant down and picked it up, smiling gently at the picture he had drawn moments before of the small albino boy and his very black kitten, chuckling he stood up straight, nodded a polite good bye and started to step back into the apartment, noticing that Yuki was faully engrossed with the anime, making the smile on his lips grow bigger.


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#, as written by Lyndie
Well, maybe Anabel was exaggerating a bit when she said her hair's the only pretty thing about her. Her face is nice. If she wasn't so fat, she could look okay. She's working on that, though. If she sees that she lost more weight when she gets on the scale tomorrow, she'll allow herself an apple. But if it's still 102, then she'll go another day without food.
Anabel had stopped paying attention to the book and was staring into space more than anything, but she kept pretending she was reading so she wouldn't look like some kind of creeper. She doesn't have any friends as it is, she didn't need people to have any more reasons to stay away from her. She really hated being so isolated, but everyone she knew or sees around often must already have some kind of negative opinion of her. She wonders if there was anyone in the building (because she doesn't go anywhere but school, dance, and home on a regular basis) that she doesn't see around much. There was that one guy who seems to keep to himself most of the time....what's his name? After thinking about it for a couple minutes and failing to remember, she decides that if an opportunity presents itself, she'll say hi to him.


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#, as written by renka~~
Juuya smiled softly at Yuki and told him to look at kuro while he went to the shop, slipping his flip flops on and grabbing his wallets and keys, he left the apartment and made his way to the elevator frowning at it being broken still shaking his head he mades his way slowly down the stairs humming to him self grinning happily, knowing now was the perfect time to head to the shop to pick up the necessary cat supplies and the necessary grocceries he always fails to pick up when he really needs them.
He chuckled to himself and nodded his head.
Finally he made it to the lounge and foyer of the apartment building, deciding to check his mail box first as he hadn't bothered earlier on when he had got home from the park having been to pre-occuppied by the kitten he had rescued, smiling to himself he walked past the red head and stood with his back to her looking through his mail box, glancing behind him he saw her reading and decided it was not best to disturb her, maybe just a short nod and a smile to show that he had seen her and that he wasn't ignoring her.
Turning away holding his maile he smiled gently at the girl and nodded his head ans he started to walk past and headed towards the door to leave the apartment complex.


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#, as written by Lyndie
Anabel glanced up at the clock, and noticed a guy smiling and nodding to her. She smiled and nodded back. He wasn't the boy she was thinking of. To be honest, the one (Juuka? Julia? (She didn't know who would name their son Julia, but whatever) Juuya? Something like that.) who had smiled at her seemed a little intimidating. A little too confident for her usual comfort zone. Her opinion was probably just her being a coward, but she can't change her opinions.


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Yuki, still mostly focused on the anime, gave a short nod when Juuya asked him to look after Kuro, and only really registered what was asked when he heard the door closing, leaving him alone. Juuya was leaving him here, in his apartment? On his own? Any other time, he would have loved the time alone, but because he was in someone else's home, it stressed him out a little.
He was almost scared to move, in case he ended up breaking something, which would make Juuya angry with him. If that happened, the older boy would throw him out, maybe even tell him mom...then there would really be trouble...