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Persona: Imagine

Shadow Olympus


a part of Persona: Imagine, by Astro_B0Y.

The manifestation of a city's inhabitant's dark emotions.

RolePlayGateway holds sovereignty over Shadow Olympus, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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The HQ of the other Persona-User's lies in the highest skyscraper of this place.
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Shadow Olympus

The manifestation of a city's inhabitant's dark emotions.


Shadow Olympus is a part of Persona: Imagine.

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Desmond Santos [0] "What kind of world do you wish for? I just want a better one."

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Tsuki leaned up against the wall of the elevator, on either side were her clown escorts. Hands behind their back, eyes shifting back and forth in the room they remained completely silent, still nervous at the scolding they received earlier from their master. Jun, the white jester was nervously eying the ‘gun’ strapped to the girl’s leg, just what about the instrument made him so nervous?

The last time she used that she…

The jester shook his head, and stiffened his body.

It wasn’t long before the ping of the elevator sounded, as the LED light above them indicating their stop at the lobby she followed the others off looking around as if she had never seen the place before.

The lobby was large, with several different sign up counters and a carpeted seating space far out to the side. The glass walls on the north end allowed one to see the area outside, a foggy space, with shadowy silhouettes that stalked the grounds like zombies. It was easy to lose sense of worldly time here, because this place was bathed in perpetual darkness. As a Shadow should be though.

“It’s right…here!” Tsuki pointed to a red circle in the center of the room, it was wide in diameter with a carefully crafted star in its center. As she stomped down onto the glyph, it glowed with a soft crimson light. She turned to the others, hands cuffed behind her back she waited patiently for them to follow. ‘Heat’ (as Henderson demanded he be called) and Seth were into their own conversation, which Tatsuya and Jun seemed to be very interested in.

"What's Bernard worried about this time?" Heat asked his comrade, concerned at the blonde haired boy’s sudden fixation on the stuffed animal.

"Umm he's worried 'bout Tsuki" Seth replied, " This being her first time out an' all". The two jesters stepped closer to the boy’s, both were frowning, but you could only tell that the white one was.

“No harm will come to her, so long as we all do our jobs right correct?” The one with the flower chimed in, with a subtle forcefulness in his tone.

The light from the red glyph grew from just a weak glow, to a dazzling pillar that cut through even the ceiling of the complex. Tsuki looked at it with wide, awe filled eyes. She had only seen the phenomena once, when she was first brought here, and that time was very foggy now, so this was completely new to her.

“This is how we get to Olympus?” Her mouth was in the shape of a giant ‘O’.

“Yep.” Tatsuya strolled over to the girl, phasing through the shaft of white light and entering the circle.

“Seth, Henderson, come on!” She waved for them to follow, oddly excited. " something the matter?" The girl looked at them closely from inside the circle, noting their (well, at least Seth's) troubled looks.

((I can’t resist having Tsuki get on Heat’s bad side XD))


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#, as written by Iandak
Finally, some peace and quiet Seth thought to himself as he went to push the double doors to his room. After they had gotten back to HQ they checked in with the Boss's secretary then took Tsuki back to her room. Following that it was one long ass elevator ride full of Heat's ramblings bout one thing or another.

"Home sweet home" Seth said to Bernard as he closed the double doors behind him. This place must have been some concert/ presentation hall back up in Olympus but here it served as Seth's quarters and training area. It was one of the only rooms in this place where Wendigo could fully materialize without wrecking part of the building. He slowly made his way over to the balcony stairs. "So what do think of Tsuki?" Seth asked Bernard. "She seems nice, though her black clown has a dirty mouth". "Heh, Yeah that he does".
"Oh! I have an idea!".
"Go on, I'm listening".
"We should give her one of the hats you made."
"Hmm, that could work it'd be better than having the lass wearing Heat's hat."

Seth's main hobby was sewing so he would often made tons of random articles of clothing, most of which he just sold on online auctions. He found it a good way to unwind and keep his hand-eye coordination in check for boxing. Seth had reached the top of the balcony stairs. It was a pretty basic setup for a room just a bed, desk, sewing machine and a drawer . Neatly scattered about his place were some random possessions of Seth's boxing trophies, photos and two boxes for sewing materials. Seth quickly hopped into bed with Bernard in hand and grabbed the remote for the light control and turned off the lights. "Night Bernard". "Good night Seth" as the both of them drifted off into sleep.


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#, as written by Iandak
Shadow Eos Building -Cafeteria : 10:00am

"You probably shouldn't eat so fast" Bernard said, sitting across the table from Seth as he devoured his breakfast.

"You worry a lot, you know that Bernard?" Seth got in before stuffing a piece of bacon into his mouth

"I can't help it, since we've been here your missions have gotten more and dangerous. This isn't like Boston, we don't have the family to fall back on for support."

The bear was right: since Seth had joined the organization he had to minimize contact with the Boston family. Uncle Charlie wasn't thrilled at the idea of not knowing where Seth was and what he was doing. The only day Seth could call Charlie would be on the anniversary of his father's death.
"Seth!" A voice shouted from behind him.

Seth almost choked on his food due to surprise , he had been lost in thought and didn't notice Ivy come into the cafeteria. As he turned to face her, she quickly pointed at his shoes.

“You left your aglets on your shoes again. What if the DPS was tracking you on satellite?”

Oh, god; not this DPS crap again, Seth thought to himself. Ivy was pretty nice to Seth, but the amount of DPS stuff that came out of her mouth was almost enough to drive someone insane.

"Yea, sorry about that, thanks for reminding me Ivy" Seth decided to play along with Ivy, he hated having friction between teammates. So he bent down and started peeling the aglets off his shoe laces.

"How did your assignment go?"
Finishing peeling the aglets off he walked over to the garbage and tossing them in. As he turned back to face Ivy, Seth noticed Desmond entering the cafeteria in the corner of his eye. Seth had barely talked with the guy in the couple years he been with the organization. Desmond was always off doing something big for Eos or the boss so it was a rare sight to see him this early in the morning. Seth raised his hand and waved to Desmond.


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#, as written by Iandak
Shadow Eos Building -Cafeteria : 10:05am

"Damnit, Seth, buddy, you reek. C'mon, guy." Seth didn't expect that almost the whole team was going to be eating right now so he wanted food before his shower.

"This coming from the guy who refused to shower so you wait in line for three days for some stupid movie" He quickly replied back before putting a piece of toast into his mouth. Seth and Heat had their differences and arguments , but the truth was Heat was the closest thing Seth had ever had to a "real" friend. Back home in Boston, most people he knew were working for Charlie and sooner or later they would be working for him so a-lot of sucking up happened. However, Heat wasn't afraid to speak his mind to Seth and though it mostly annoyed him, he had to respect the guy.

Desmond had finished grabbing his breakfast and sat down across from Heat and next to Bernard. He quickly sat down and started eating his meal but not before quickly saying "Hey." Seth looked towards him and said "Good morning." It was around then he had noticed Sette walk in. She had taken her shoes off again when entering the cafeteria. It was quite an odd way of getting around Ivy's obsession, but it was effective none the less.

"Wow, everyone is here today" Bernard said sitting across the table from Seth. He quickly nodded, then did a quick glance around the table while everyone ate in silence, saw that the table was full. He decided that Bernard could just sit with him, in order to give Sette some room if she wanted to eat with them. Seth quickly got up walked around the table and grabbed his bear. Sitting back down he called "Hey Sette, there's room over here if you want to join us."