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Pet Resort: Neko and Inu

Pet Resort: Neko and Inu


Neko and Inu are here at fancy resort waiting for human companionship and maybe some romance

1,148 readers have visited Pet Resort: Neko and Inu since Lambie created it.


For the last couple of decades has made an advancement that has improved lives the most recent is the creation of Nekos and Inus. These creatures have all the senses of the there cat and dog counter parts, but with human intellegents. Right now only a select few humans know about these creatures. As of now they are kept on a small island far from civilization, but now is the time to test these new creations to see if human can coexsist and build possible friendship or maybe even a little bit of romance. The small problem is there might be some competion between the nekos and inus since some are still heavily in the cat and dog rivalry.

The selected few humans will stay on the island the creatures created in a large resort built a year before as plan leading up to this expirement. Humans will have one neko and one inu staying with them in the apartment like resort. Everything is provide for the human excluding personal clothing. The experiment will last for a month and if the human truly enjoys the companionship of one or both, then they will create more to be released to the public. However, not known to humans, neko, or inu if one group favors more than the other the loosing group will be terminated, but if both groups have the same or rather equal favoring then both will survive and allowed to live and be sold to the public.

Dear Mr. or Miss

You have been selected to participate in a month long, resort experiment. We have recently made a huge development in human companionship, and selected you to partake in seeing that our new companions may fit into the human home. We introduce you to our neko and inu companions that are anxiously waiting to meet you and form great friendship. We give you an all expense payed and 5 stars resort for you and your possible new companion. You will have 3 course meals, entertainment, and all comforts you need.

Now as I am sure you may not know what is a neko or an inu? Both are specialy created pets that are human and cat or dog mix. They are highly intellegent and are anxious to learn and have fun with you. We want our fluffy friends to learn from real humans and enjoy the love and affection from a real human. All our companions are very intellegent they are caple of human speech, emotion, and yes they are house broken each one has there own personality, but will enjoy your company please send the returning paper and envelope with a check on yes box if you would like to come. We will send you plane tickets to your address to have you come to this limited time offer of a lifetime.

The resort

The 3 bedroom suite:

All 3 bedrooms
Living room
Restroom in each of indiviual room


Dinning room


Music room

Bar with a dancing floor

Nature trails on island



Neko Boy 1: (Taken by GothCake)-Kou
Neko Boy 2:(Taken by lilwolfygirl)-Katsu

Neko Girl 1: (Taken by Lifecharacter)-Aria
Neko Girl 2:

Inu Boy 1: (Taken by Me)-Hunter
Inu Boy 2:(Taken by NovaleeTehNinja)-Gionni

Inu Girl 1:(Taken by GenericUserName)-Shin
Inu Girl 2: (Taken by Duskhorse)-Leia

Human Girl 1: (Taken by Leito)-Reina
Human Girl 2: (Taken by Vigm0th) Carmen

Human Boy 1: (Taken by Gamer_Templar)-Edward
Human Boy 2: (Taken by Nightshade10)-Loki

Character Skeleton

Age(18-22 years old):
Species: Human, Neko, Inu
Apperance: (Image or Description)
History: (Doesn't have to be to long)

Theme Song: (Optional)

Toggle Rules


Cussing allowed but don't over use it.
YOU MUST BE ACTIVE! Ihate it when people sign up and never show up
Romance is allowed, but don't blind us.
Gay love, lesbian love, and 3 ways are allowed.
If your leaving for any reason let us know.
Be respectful!
As an added bit so no one is left out if humans have already selected there Neko or Inu feel free to hook up with another neko or inu. And yes inu and neko can hook up too.
If you've read the rules put woof(Inu), meow(Neko), or Cheese puffs(Human) on Character Skeleton.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 8 authors


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#, as written by Lambie

Hunter had woken up early to go for his usual play. He was excited since today was the day when new humans came. The scientist reminded everyone the night before to be nice and try not get into to much trouble. Hunter was running through a new trail that had been constructed by some workers the year before. He took the long winding trail far from the lab until he came across the resort. It was grand place towering at least 16 stories high and very long. "So this is what a hotel looks like" He said excitedly his black german shephard ears perked high and his tail wagging. "I wonder when the new humans are coming?"

Hunter looked at the mid day sky it was beautiful, bright, blue, sunny day with few white puffy clouds. In the mix of sky and water a grey dot appeared. "What's that?" He squinted his eyes it was a plane or more less a private plane. "That must be them!" Hunter began to head inside to the resort towards the back door where the other neko's and Inu's should be driven to for briefing. Hunter headed back room that was seperate from the kitchen since the kitchen door was blocked by food supplies. Once in the back door he saw the scientist who was dressed in a nice grey skirt and a purple silk blouse. "You look nice today Emily." Emily looked up and smiled "Thank you Hunter. I see your always ahead of the pack." Hunter just smiled. "Yes ma'am."

Hunter then took his seat where his name was at, and noticed the other seat belong to a male neko name Katsu. As he looked all the names on the seats had been grouped two male neko's and inu's or two female inu's and neko's. "What's this all about Emily?" Hunter asked holding the chair next to him. "Its a suprise!" Emily said cheerfully. "You'll have to wait till everyone gets here. Which will be in about two more minutes."
On the Plane

The Captain had been flying for the past 12 hours and after several drinks of coffee he was tired at last they had reached the island. "Attention all passangers." He announced through the intercom. "I've hoped you slept well because we have reached Pet Resort Island! Please fasten your seatbelts as we come in for our descent." With that they began to descend on mini launch pad. As they landed the passangers where released from the plane and escorted into the hotel lobby.

One of scientist was there, of course dressed in a very nice suit and tie you would never know he was a scientist. "Welcome guest! My name is Gergio." Gergio smiled happily with his white teeth. "Thank you all for coming and accepting our inventation to meet our friends. Now as I am sure you're all exhausted from your trip so I'll be brief." He said as he grabbed a box from the table filled with an envelope and a key. "Each one of you will get your own room that will have everthing you need including three bedrooms and an indivual bathrooms. One is for you and the other two is for one neko and one inu. Both of them will stay with you, so that you all can get to know each other. Everything we provide is free so feel free to do as you wish. We will introduce to you all your companions in about hour so you can freshen up a bit."

Gergio then paused briefly as he passed out the keys and the attached envelope to everyone. "That envelope has the name of both inu and neko that you'll have staying with you. Also every other night we'll have special entertainment, but tonight it about getting to know your two new companions and relaxing. So please relax and we'll meet you down here in about an hour." He smiled once more, pointing down the hallway. "The elevators are just down there. All your luggage has been taking to your room. Please enjoy your stay."


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Kastu stirred softly in his bed, his ears perking up as he felt the warmth of the sun coming from his window. His eyes opened slowly adjusting to the bright light of the afternoon sun and he suddenly stiffened. Today was the day that the human’s would arrive on the island and Katsu remembered that there was a special announcement this afternoon. He got up hurriedly from the covers and shook himself off and proceeded to clean his ears. Katsu was extremely excited about the arrival of the humans but equally as nervous, he wanted to make a good impression upon their first meeting. Katsu quickly pulled off his night clothes and replaced them with the simple white shirt and shorts he had been given. He picked up his glasses from the night stand and put them in his pocket and proceeded to the front of the building where he was told to go last night.

When Katsu reached the front of the building, he saw a few other nekos and inus waiting along with a petite woman who he knew as one of the scientists he worked with. Katsu perked his ears and sniffed the air as he turned towards to an inu girl with scruffy blonde hair next to him and smiled. She smiled back and then he heard the voice of the women instructing them onto a small bus. β€œPlease choose a seat where ever you’d like” she smiled and got onto the bus. Katsu watched the other nekos and inus intently as he boarded. He noticed an empty seat behind an inu and slid into it. He peered at the window into the blue sky and watched the clouds slowly drift by. He snuggled himself into the corner of the seat and yawned softly. Katsu closed his eyes and drifted off into thoughts of his old master hoping that the humans would be like him.

Katsu’s ears perked up as he was woken up by the halt of the bus. He looked outside the window and saw a massive building standing before them. β€œWow, this place is amazing!” he whispered to himself. He slowly got up from his seat and followed the group through what looked to be as the back door to the building. Once inside, he spotted Emily, a scientist he had been working with. Katsu smiled at her β€œGood afternoon Emily!” he said cheerfully. She looked back at him and smiled β€œHello Katsu, my, your ears look awfully clean today.” Katsu beamed and was happy that she noticed his good cleaning job. He saw a seat with his name on it next to a cheerful inu boy. He smiled at the boy and took his seat next to him while watching as everyone in the room got settled in for the announcement.


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Kou met up with everyone in front of the buses like he had been told to the night before. When he got outside and saw Gionni he instantly made a B-line for him, placing himself right next to his only friend. He glared at the scientist, they knew he hated waking up early, that he hated bus or car rides, surprises and leaving his bed in general, but they decided to force him to go by getting his other enthusiastic little Inu to go, knowing that Kou would follow that dog anywhere. He rubbed his eyes and lit a cigarette, taking a long drag before expelling the smoke from his lungs.

He put the butt out under his boot and stepped onto the bus after Gionni, taking the seat next to the bright, happy boy. It would probably look weird to people who saw them, a grumpy one eyed cat and a bubbly energetic puppy. One all rain and clouds, the other sunshine and rainbows.

Kou leaned ever so slightly against Gionni during the ride, not enough for anyone else to think something romantic was going on between them, but enough for the Inu to the Neko's body heat against his arm and hot breath on his neck as Kou looked out the window. The cat let out a impressed whistle when he saw the massive building come into sight, maybe this place wouldn't be so bad...

He and Gionni got off the bus and headed for their seat, Kou frowned when his seat was on the other side of Katsu and Gionni's was on the other side of Hunter. Damn these scientists he thought bitterly, crossing his arms over his chest as he sat down.


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Leo had woke up before sunrise as usual, went through the motions of her Ki Do routine her long silver hair flowing behind her, then sat down for meditation. She felt her ear twitching, listening for the slightest sound. Nothing. After a few minutes she heard others waking and smiled. She didn't like complete silence unless she was meditating, and she today didn't have enough patients to sit and breath without doing something.

"good morning sunshine" she said under her breath as she felt the tingle of excitement. Today was going to be a good day, she could feel it.

She had been shuffled onto the bus and had lost herself in her own thoughts, worries, and emotions. She didn't even realize they had stopped, though she had been looking out the window, that is until a woman touched her shoulder.

"Time to go inside" she said in a almost kind voice.

"Yes ma'am" she said with a smile that flashed her canines and stood, before stepping off the bus. She was led inside, through a back door with all the rest of the inu's and neko's, before being told to sit. She nodded and put on a pleasant smile as she stretched and yawned, her tail swishing back and forth in excitement. She couldn't wait for the day to begin. She sat there and waited patiently, her silver eyes flicking around the room, hoping to find a friend.


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As the bus approached, a smaller inu girl watched the others board with a downed expression. She wasn't very excited, more scared than anything else. The idea of meeting humans, and being forced to live with them... It wasn't one she was exactly fond of. She looked down as a scientist walked by, the one called Emily. She had replaced her beloved scientist when he was fired, therefore, she wasn't one to be liked. That didn't stop her from attempting to talk to the little scruffy inu though.

"Good morning Shin." Emily didn't say much before moving on. Shin looked away and toward the others. The nekos had her interest, particularly the one that was currently boarding. She waited until it felt safe and moved to the bus, taking a seat near the back. Her ears pressed flat against her head. She saw the neko boy and considered moving to sit next to him, but he took a seat next to the black German shepherd inu. Her ears pushed further back and she growled a little to herself. She looked down again and mumbled a few things to herself, mostly complaints about the outfitting. So very boring. She wished she could wear what she wanted, it always looked so much better! And if represented who she was. How were the humans supposed to know who she was when she looked like this? She scruffed up her hair angrily. It had been flattened a little bit by another scientist, who had wanted her to make a good impression, but she didn't like it flat. It was supposed to be scruffy, like her fur when she was a dog. She looked up at the group, noticing the strange neko with an eyepatch sitting next to yet another male inu. She growled slightly at the inu, hoping no one would really notice. Maybe she would start a fight on this bus, it could be fun...

She turned away though, noting that it would mean nothing but trouble for her. She would just have to sit around and wait. Hopefully, it would be a nice neko that sat next to her, not a male inu. Because if it was a male inu, even a female one, she might just attack. For fun if not for being angry at them. She growled a little to herself. She wanted to go for a run... And to go play with some squirrels or something...

"I hate cars...!"


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Aria had been a bit later than the others. When she had been woken by one of the female workers the others were given the extra challenge of separating her from said worker. When they had accomplished their task she gave in to them and complied with their request. Upon arriving at her transportation to her new home she spotted a slew of new faces. One of which happened to be a rather interesting looking puppy. This inu had been standing alone while many of the others had apparently paired up. The clothing was a bit boring but they had all been forced to wear this plain garb that she didn't find fitting for either her or this new target of her affection. The ones who had escorted her here had long gone and now only a lone scientist seemed to remain in the area. Emily wasn't one to be overly controlling so she assumed that a little freedom would be allowed.

With her tail swaying back and forth, Aria leaned forward and perked her ears. She stopped her tail from its excited swaying and she slowly moved forward from an angle the scruffy little inu wouldn't see her from. Scent was impossible to hide at this point but there were plenty of them here to mask her own and hearing wouldn't be much of a problem either. Unfortunately her target had moved onto the bus, increasing the difficulty of sneaking up on her but it was still possible and she still wore that confident smirk of hers. Then the chance of pouncing, at least in the conventional way, became nil when the girl sat down. Aria straightened up when she noticed this and casually walked onto the bus, looking at her prior target only in her peripheral vision.

When she had barely passed her intended seat she spun around and leapt towards the inu, wrapping her arms around her. "Now how could anyone let such a thing sit by herself?" She held the girl close and swung her once quiet tail around happily. "What name did those scientists end up giving you?" She loosened her embrace slightly and looked down toward the inu's face, her smile still very present.


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Loki yawned and woke up as the pilot announced their descent. It had been a rather uneventful flight, he had exchanged cursory greetings with a few people, but he had been really tired, sleeping for most of the flight, and he wasn't sure he could remember who was who. He stood up and stretched, looking around. As the crowded on to the bus, he contemplated what lay ahead for them. Staying on an island with, nekos and inus. Lets see, nekos were ones, and inus were the ones with canine DNA. One month in a resort, and he didn't even have to pay for any of it. He had jumped at the opportunity to get out of that dirty, grimy, unfriendly city. That wasn't all though, he was very interested in the inus and nekos, this would represent a new turn for humanity, and he was sure he could help spearhead the efforts to acclimate the three groups, humans, nekos, and inus to each other. They were even getting a small sum of money for their work here. Maybe after this was over, he could move out of the city and to a more secluded area in a more...natural environment. He snapped out of his reverie as the bus pulled up to the hotel. He took an elevator up to his room after the introduction was made by the scientist. Room...755. He looked out the window, gazing at the expansive island sprawling out below. This would be a good month. He was looking forward to meeting the inus and nekos later. He went to his room, finding his bags at the foot of his bed. After unpacking, he stretched for a moment, then launched into a few taekwondo forms. He had to improvise, the room was a little too cramped to do the forms properly. "Guess I will just have to find some space outside to practice later." He said to himself. He took a quick shower to refresh himself and changed into some clean clothes, a loose-fitting, green t-shirt, some black shorts, and sandals. He took the walked leisurely down the stairs to the lobby, enjoying the chance to walk around after being on the plane for twelve hours. He arrived in the lobby just before the appointed hour had passed.


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Most of the time he was on the plane, Edward kept to himself and only engaged in a few bits of light conversation at most. This was mostly due to his excitement. After all, how many people were given a holiday like this, while aiding the cause of science? His dark blue eyes scanned each room he went in, as if trying to take in every single detail all at once. Once the key to his allocated room was in his possession, Ed went up there and quickly unpacked. Taking out a laptop, he switched it on and started on a diary entry, of sorts...


Have just arrived at resort. Looking forward to meeting neko and inu people. Very excited, in fact. Especially with added bonus of helping science and getting decent sum of money afterwards. Best. Holiday. Ever.

Will write more entries later. Meeting is nearly starting. Hoping there'll be a buffet.


When Edward reached the lobby, he saw another person standing there. Immediately, his spoke his thoughts. It wasn't something unusual for him, but the other guy probably didn't know that. "Hmm... Human, not one of the researchers or hotel staff. I assume you were from the plane, yes? Wait, of course you were on the plane. Wasn't really keeping track of things going on back then. Name's Edward, by the way." With that said, he looked like he'd zoned out again, although if anyone looked in his eyes then they'd know how attentive he was at the moment.

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Character Portrait: Leia Harold
0 sightings Leia Harold played by Duskhorse
An Inu girl created for a world strange to her.

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View All » Add Character » 14 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Hunter
Character Portrait: Katsu
Character Portrait: Gionni Ezra
Character Portrait: Carmen Wise


Character Portrait: Gionni Ezra
Gionni Ezra


Character Portrait: Katsu

-yawns- "Nyah~want to snuggle and take a nap?"

Character Portrait: Hunter

*Barks* Why are you on my territory?!


Character Portrait: Gionni Ezra
Gionni Ezra


Character Portrait: Katsu

-yawns- "Nyah~want to snuggle and take a nap?"

Character Portrait: Hunter

*Barks* Why are you on my territory?!

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Katsu

-yawns- "Nyah~want to snuggle and take a nap?"

Character Portrait: Hunter

*Barks* Why are you on my territory?!

Character Portrait: Gionni Ezra
Gionni Ezra


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