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Primeape (Abner)

"You sure you want to attack me?"

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a character in “Primeape and Goldeen”, originally authored by ZacharyTC, as played by RolePlayGateway


He looks like a normal human being, except for how his arms and legs are colored dark brown while the rest of his skin is more like a tan. His hair, short and curly, is completely white. The narrow, japanese-like eyes alternate between brown and bronze, depending on his mood. (Bronze when angry, brown otherwise.) Seemingly no blemishes appear on his skin, possibly because of his active lifestyle and healthy diet. Abner (aka Primeape) is about 4'5", slim, and muscular. He appears to be eighteen years old. He often wears khaki cargo pants and a sleeveless beige shirt, for maximum movement and storage.


Abner is one to let his actions do the talking. Socializing is not in the top ten list of what he is skilled at. Do not be fooled, he is intelligent! He can think rationally (mostly when he is not angry and fighting)! As far as romance goes, he will not sweep a lady off her feet, but once the relationship starts, he is heavily loyal. People who befriend him get to see his more docile side. Otherwise, Primeape tends to be rough around the edges. Threats are #1 in his hate list, so do not be surprised when he responds to them with a full-force attack. When not training in an arena, Abner enjoys leaping from tree to tree, swimming, and other activities that keep him active. Other than that, he likes to read a book here and there.

He knows no fear, except when he meets psychics and ghosts, the only kinds of pokemon that can best him easily in a battle. He has a phobia for them due to how close to impossible they are for fighters to beat. However, anyone can easily override that phobia of his when they present him with a piece of fruit. (That's his favorite kind of food! He goes "bananas" for it! Get it?) It will take time for Abner to actually trust a psychic or ghost, though it is well worth the time and effort, in the long run, given how loyal he can be to his companions. Whenever you need someone to bonk some heads, Primeape's the first to answer the call, and he favors being up close and personal, rapidly attacking the opponent with fist and foot. He will at the very least buy you the time you need to charge up your burst attacks, should he still be fighting.


Aside from his khaki cargo pants and beige sleeveless shirt, Primeape favors a backpack which can carry as much as half his weight, strengthening his back and shoulders. No pain is apparent on his face when doing so. His pants have up to six pockets, capable of handling whatever he can find in the forest that can fit in them, if not his medical gear (which he is skilled at using, should the need for medical attention arise).


There is not much to tell about his life, other than his parents taught him as a mankey how to survive in the forest in addition to how to fight up close. Whatever else he was brought up to do, he will not say. (Except, maybe, to Goldeen). He is currently showing Goldeen around the forest he grew up in, describing what he used to do in each location. (Or offering whatever fruit he finds from trees to her. XD )

So begins...

Primeape (Abner)'s Story

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Character Portrait: Goldeen Tosakinto Character Portrait: Primeape (Abner)
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Abner held Goldeen's hand as they walked towards the old gate to the forest he was raised in as a Mankey. This was his first time back in years. "It's so great to be home, again!" He guided her through the gate and looked around. "I wonder if those berry trees are still here..." Surely enough, he spotted them. The look on his face would make you think he was a kid in a candy store as he let go and leaped onto a branch. "Whoo hoo!" One taste, and he clenched his fist in delight. "The perfect balance of sweet and sour!" Abner did not hesitate in picking those berries from the branch in a jiffy, not even crushing any. He put them all in a bag he had just for that fruit. It did not take long before he leaped off the tree and landed in front of Goldeen, holding out the bag. "Want some?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Goldeen Tosakinto Character Portrait: Xatu Makentruy Character Portrait: Primeape (Abner) Character Portrait: Liligant (Lily Hanabiru)
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Goldeen smiled as she and Abner walked through the forest where he grew up. It was indeed a beautiful place. Goldeen pondered as she saw the lush trees and green leaves. “This would be a Grass and Bug pokeperson’s dream place.” She thought to herself. Goldeen herself felt more at home in the water of course, however this place was still very comfortable and lovely. Abner was very excited to be home. Goldeen had never seen Abner so excited before. It was very cute and she couldn’t keep from giggling.

Abner jumped into the trees and began picking luscious looking berries. Goldeen watched him agilely maneuver the tree branches above. She was very impressed at his gracefulness. She swiftly trailed him as he moved about above him. Trying to keep up with him in his excited state. It was all sweet and fun to her.

"Whoo hoo!" One taste, and he clenched his fist in delight. "The perfect balance of sweet and sour!" He said. he leaped off the tree and landed in front of Goldeen, holding out the bag. "Want some?"

Goldeen was pleasantly startled, “Oh!” She said and began to giggle as she placed her hand daintily in front of her mouth. “Why I’d love to try some of them!” Goldeen received a few berries and tasted them. They were delicious. She had never had berries like those before. “Oh these are delicious!” Goldeen exclaimed. She looked around, “This is a beautiful place Abner. I can see why so many would fight so earnestly to protect it. I wish I could show you around the sea but I don’t think that would be very possible.” Goldeen said sheepishly. She then placed another berry in her mouth and munched on it quietly.


Lily had returned home to her plantation. She finally calmed her parents down as they were very upset at her for running off into danger before. They could never stay mad at her for long, her charm attack saw to that. She soon arranged for tea with her two friends Weepinbella and Vileplumette. They were very worried about Lily and would always send lily things if she needed them when on her travels. They could have helped out but they felt they’d get too much in the way rather than be useful even though they were pretty handy to have around in a fight.



The three ladies sat and chattered away. Lily had many stories to tell about the lovely people she met and worked with. She was reminded of Mr. Xatu. Lily began to stare off into space as she pondered about how Xatu was doing after all the fighting.

“What’s the matter lily dear? Having trouble photosynthesizing?” Vileplumette asked.

“Hmm…?” Lily motioned after Vileplumette’s question.

“Uh Oh… I know that look… Lily is preparing to run on off again!” Weepinbella assumed. She remembered Lily’s disposition the last time she ran off. “What are…. You thinking in that blossom of a brain of yours?” Weepinbella asked.

“Oh lil me? Well I was wondering about a friend I met on my journey. He’s kinda the lonesome sort and I want to check up on him just to make sure he’s alright. “ Lily replied.

“Let me take a guess. You wanna go see that he’s alright right?” Vileplumette asked suspiciously. “If yes, then we’re going too. We felt bad last time you were out on your own so we’ll go with you honeycomb.” Vilplumette continued.

“Oh really?! Thank you!!” Lily cheered. She had another reason to start an adventure of sorts, even if it’s short.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Goldeen Tosakinto Character Portrait: Primeape (Abner)
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Abner nodded slowly, remembering the time when Darkrai's top troops invaded. "Yeah..." Suddenly, he was grabbed into an armlock and noogied. There was only one pokeperson he knew who would make such a gesture.

"Abner, my boy! I knew you'd come back home!"

It was his father, Aaron. He would always do that to him whenever they met. Aaron was taller, with blue eyes instead of brown. Other than that, however, the overall appearence was the same.

"Dad, did you really have to do that in front of Goldeen?"

Aaron let go and laughed. "Oh, what fun would it be if I didn't?" He glanced briefly over at Goldeen. "I take it she is your girlfriend?"

Abner smiled and blushed, which made his father playfully slap him on the back. Somehow, everyone in the forest knew this Primeape would find the right girl, sooner or later. The only pokeperson who did not know it before arriving at Claris town was Abner, himself.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xatu Makentruy Character Portrait: Primeape (Abner)
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#, as written by ceh12
Xatu sighed as he walked down to the tattered village and sighed and kicked a small pebble then took flight about halfway down and glided down and landed in the square, a once vibrant town which was now little more than a graveyard. He started to clear out the rubble, the bodies already destroyed by the soldiers and used for dark magics. Xatu let out a breath and started to move the rubble out of them empty plots using his telekinesis attack.

He had cleared a spot and happily moved the rubble to a large crater left from the meteorite like shadow ball, capable of holding the whole town. He smiled and rubbed the ground and asked for it to be blessed by lord Groudon. He started to keep doing it for all of the houses eventually getting the square emptied of rubble, only leaving the empty plots and the cobblestone path untouched.

He sighed and sat down crossed legged in the center of the town. He would need to get more people in the town which would be a problem with the recent explosion. He thought of Abner and knew he could probably round up a few survivors and would be his best bet for getting new houses up too. The thoughts went foggy as a pick aura surrounded his body and he floated a few feet off the ground and hummed. His hood lowered over his eyes eerily showing only his mouth which was shut and content.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Goldeen Tosakinto Character Portrait: Xatu Makentruy Character Portrait: Vileplumette Tsukiakari Character Portrait: Primeape (Abner) Character Portrait: Liligant (Lily Hanabiru) Character Portrait: Weepinbella Greenleaf
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Goldeen was very pleasantly surprised to see abner's father. He was very friendly and it definitely showed that the two were close. Goldeen smiled and introduced herself. She was realizing that the people of Abner hometown were all expecting him to find a girlfriend in the near future. She wondered how Abner felt about that. It was a cute gesture but it must have also put some pressure on Abner as well, she thought to herself. He was such a simple poke-guy. Goldeen decided to step forward and introduce herself.

"Why hello, my name is Goldeen. You must be Abner's father! It's a pleasure to meet you!"

Liligant, Vileplumette, and Weepinbella

Liligant, Vileplumette, and Weepinbella set off toward the tattered village that was once Claris town. Lily remembered the horrible scene that they would soon approach all too well. however Vilplumette and Weepinbella had not seen all of the damage for themselves yet.

"Are we nearby yet? We should have sent for someone to take us into town! This walking is wearing out my roots!" Weepinbella complained.

"Hush now Honeycomb. You could use more physical activity." Vileplumette replied calmly.

"Were just making it here now ladies. Now I'm tellin’ ya'll now it's bad. So get those pretty little eyes of yours ready for shock." Lily warned the group.

They walked through, Vileplumette and Weepinbella were astounded by the damage. It was much worse than they had thought.

“We’ve got to put whatever we can into rebuilding this place. It would be shameful to all those that died to not do at least that for them. It would be nice to honor their memory in that way.” Vileplumette suggested as she surveyed the area.

“I think that’s a lovely idea!” Lily added in an excited tone.

Weepinbella looked off into the distance and spotted Xatu. She didn’t know who he was. She pointed in his direction. “Um… It looks like I’ve spotted a living pokeperson over there! He’s also kinda dashing too…”

Lily looked around and then she saw him. “It’s Mr. Xatu!!!” Lily cheered. She grabbed up her dress and ran toward him. “YooWho Mr. Xatu!! It’s lil’ ole me, Lily!! Remember me!?” Lily’s dainty voice called out to Xatu. She didn’t think finding Xatu would be that easy honestly.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Goldeen Tosakinto Character Portrait: Primeape (Abner)
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Aaron, Abner's father, bowed his head. "Aaron. Feeling's mutual!" He gave his son another noogie. "We always knew he'd find the right gal! He was just too focused on training, at the time, to realize it!"

Abner shrugged, still blushing. "I always wondered what all the whispering behind my back was, but they never told me."

"Well..." Aaron playfully jabbed at Abner's shoulder. "Now, you know!"

Abner decided to hold Goldeen's hand and walk on over towards the village. It was a rather simple place, with everything needed coming from the forest. "As you can see, we live much like a tribe would." He guided her toward the waterfall at the edge of the village. "This spot is one of my favorites. There are always swimming contests that start here, to keep us in shape."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Goldeen Tosakinto Character Portrait: Xatu Makentruy Character Portrait: Vileplumette Tsukiakari Character Portrait: Primeape (Abner) Character Portrait: Liligant (Lily Hanabiru) Character Portrait: Weepinbella Greenleaf
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Aaron, Abner's father, bowed his head. "Aaron. Feeling's mutual!" He gave his son another noogie. "We always knew he'd find the right gal! He was just too focused on training, at the time, to realize it!"

Abner shrugged, still blushing. "I always wondered what all the whispering behind my back was, but they never told me."

"Well..." Aaron playfully jabbed at Abner's shoulder. "Now, you know!"

Goldeen blushed as she smiled. Soon afterward, Abner took Goldeen toward the village. It was a neat and seemingly simple place. Goldeen thought it was quite different from the underwater towns where many of the water poke-people population lived.

"As you can see, we live much like a tribe would." He guided her toward the waterfall at the edge of the village. "This spot is one of my favorites. There are always swimming contests that start here, to keep us in shape." Abner said.

Goldeen’s interest peaked when she heard the words swimming and contest. The water poke-people would often hold swimming contests and it was one of their most prominent sports. “I would love to see the race!! Actually I would like to race as well but I don’t think it would be too fair. Us Goldeen swim at a speed of five knots.” Goldeen said in a giggly manner.

Liligant, Weepinbella, Vileplumette

Xatu dropped back down to the ground and bowed. "Lily!" he said happily and bowed. He then removed his hood, showing his shaggy dark hair and soft smile under a pair of mismatching green and blue eyes. "It is good to see you again." he smiled and saw the two girls behind her. "Who are your friends?"

Liligant spun around and grabbed Weepinbella and Vileplumette by the hand, bringing them forward toward Xatu. “Oh these are my close friends Weepinbella and Vileplumette. They couldn’t come with me the day the meteor struck down here, in little ole Claris town.” Lily said.

“Hi there! I’m Vileplumette! Lily brought us all the way from Green Greens Plantation to look for you. I’m glad to know that you are well.” Vileplumette said as she introduced herself.

“Weepinbella is my name!! And I am MOST pleased to meet you!! Xatu is it!? I hear that you were a key leader in the effort to rid the land of those NASTY Poke-menaces and my sources never lie. You are such the hero.” Weepinbella flirted with Xatu. She was always trying to wrap her vines around any poke-man she found remotely handsome.

Liligant moved weepinbella aside in a superficially annoyed manner and stood in front of Xatu. “What are you doing here in Claris town Mr. Xatu?”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Goldeen Tosakinto Character Portrait: Primeape (Abner)
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Abner's grin grew wider. "Yeah, water poke-people have an edge in that sort of thing."

Suddenly, a feminine voice shouted, "Eeeeyah!"" as she pounced him, forcing him to let go. Just moments later, Abner had her in a headlock. "Hah! Nice try, Aarika!"

The Mankey, with long waivy hair and a rather feminine figure, grinned. "Aw, c'mon, big brother! Can't you go easy on me once?"

"In your dreams!" He let go of his sister. "Well, Goldeen, you've seen my mischevious sister, now."

The girl held out her hand. "I'm Aarika! Nice to meet ya!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Goldeen Tosakinto Character Portrait: Xatu Makentruy Character Portrait: Vileplumette Tsukiakari Character Portrait: Primeape (Abner) Character Portrait: Liligant (Lily Hanabiru) Character Portrait: Weepinbella Greenleaf
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Goldeen heard a sudden shout from a feminine voice. A Mankey pounced Abner and
He soon put her in a headlock. Goldeen was surprised by the sudden happening. She placed her hand over her mouth in a dainty manner. Goldeen began to think that she was quite different from the fighting pokemon family of Mankey and Primeapes. They were so rough, tough and raw and their ways. In contrast to Goldeen who are generally elegant, subtle, and very composed in their ways. The contrast would definitely be something that Goldeen would work at getting used to.

"Hah! Nice try, Aarika!" Abner said.

The Mankey, with long waivy hair and a rather feminine figure, grinned. "Aw, c'mon, big brother! Can't you go easy on me once?"

"In your dreams!" He let go of his sister. "Well, Goldeen, you've seen my mischevious sister, now."

The girl held out her hand. "I'm Aarika! Nice to meet ya!"

Goldeen looked less shocked now and smiled. She reached out gracefully and shook Aarika’s hand. “Why hello Aarika. I’m Goldeen. It’s indeed a pleasure to meet you as well.” Goldeen smiled and looked toward Abner, “Abner you didn’t tell me you had a sister. I must soon arrange for our families to meet. My parents would much like to know who it is I’m dating.” Goldeen was a tad bit worried when she thought of her parents and Abner’s family meeting. It could be either really nice or really not so good…

Liligant, Vileplumette, and Weepinbella

"Well miss Weepinbella I am not a hero in the slightest trust me." he said sighing then looked up at Lilly. "Well I was cleaning out my home from the troops who were looking for the portal and once I finished I decided the town needs to be rebuilt." he turned and pointed to the northeastern half of town which was simply empty plots now. "I cleared out a lot but I may need some help." he turned back to the girls. "would you mind helping moving some of the rubble I would really appreciate it." he said in a sweet manner as to try and be polite.

Weepinbella looked around the destroyed town as she turned around full circle. Her disposition began to drop slightly. “Oh Pumpkin pie, I’m not fit for manual labor,” Weepinbella said in a dainty manner, however before she could finish her statement Lily cut her off.

“But of course we’d love to help! It’s the least we could do.” Lily said excitedly.

Vileplumette nodded in agreement with Lily. “It would be an honor to rebuild the town. I will see about calling in some favors of a few poke-people that would love to contribute in this effort as well. Mr. Xatu, I’m sure you’d like to spearhead the project would you not?”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Goldeen Tosakinto Character Portrait: Primeape (Abner)
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((I just love romance comedy, don't you? XD rofl))

Abner nodded. "That would be great." He half-grinned at the thought of the first impression that was given, thus far. It began to embarrass him, considering how proper Goldeen was. "We Primeape and Mankey may be rough, sometimes, but that doesn't stop us from being formal when we have to." He blushed a little. "I know, it's kind of hard to imagine fighters in a formal setting..." Shrugging, Abner continued. "Anyway, sorry if we gave you the wrong idea about us. We're just used to being tough because of all the deviants we have to deal with who disrespect the forest. We kind of have to be that way in those scenarios. We can be formal, though, like I said."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Goldeen Tosakinto Character Portrait: Xatu Makentruy Character Portrait: Vileplumette Tsukiakari Character Portrait: Primeape (Abner) Character Portrait: Liligant (Lily Hanabiru) Character Portrait: Weepinbella Greenleaf
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Goldeen Tosakinto

Abner seemed a bit flustered at the thought of the difference in formality levels with regard to Goldeen’s family and his own. Goldeen didn’t mean to make him feel that way or to seem as if she was turning her nose up to Abner and his family at all. She found them all to be very warm and loving. She liked that a lot. Her family was a tiny bit stuffy in comparison. Goldeen was treated like a princess at home, similar to how female Goldeen are known as “water queens”.

“I’m very sorry if I put you off Abner. I didn’t mean to. I was just a little worried because my parents are very rigid in comparison to your family’s warmth. They would no doubt love you all but it would take some time for them to get over the initial shock that I’m not dating a water poke-person. However it’ll be fine, I’m sure.“ Goldeen reassured Abner as she patted him on his shoulder.

She knelt down near the water’s edge and submerged her legs in the water. She was much relieved to have the feeling of water on her. Being on dry land for too long was always a strain on her. She’d been walking about for quite some time on the land and much needed to return to a body of fresh water. “Care to join me Abe?” Goldeen motioned playfully.
Liligant Hanabiru, Vileplumette, and Weepinbella

The ladies were in the middle of clearing away the various debris when Xatu became fatigued. He went into a meditative position. They were worried about his health and safety. “We need to take care of him else he’s gonna run his lil ole self ragged!” Lily said in a concerned manner.

“Well, there’s not much we can do. And this is still a lot of work for us lil ole dew drops to handle on our lil own. I’m simple tired of struggle bugging through all of this manual labor.” Weepinbella complained.

“I think we need a good plan. I’ll call some friends to help. With the right hands on board this will come to a speedy finish.” Vileplumette said as she pulled out her pokegear. She made several phone calls. In a few moments a figure of a lady in a pink dress appeared in the distance. “Blissey gal over here!!” Vileplumette called out. Blissey came over pulling a large meal cart.


“Hey hey now ladies! Mama Blissey was told that somebody here needs a good home cooked meal and a visit from the nurse!” Blissey said. She seemed to hone in on Xatu. Blissey was drawn to those in need of care and she was most always chipper. She opened up her cart and spooned out a nice hot bowl of rice porridge. Blissey walked over to Xatu with the porridge and spoke, “Hello there Sir. You need to eat to restore your strength, nurses’ orders.”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Goldeen Tosakinto Character Portrait: Primeape (Abner)
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Abner felt a little better when Goldeen reassured him things would be alright. Whatever worry he had disappeared. He also felt relieved when she finally got in the water and recovered some of her strength. Water pokepeople experience fatique from being away from water for too long. How she managed to go for so long without it was a mystery to him, leaving him impressed.

"Care to join me, Abe?"

Abner did not have to be told twice, he just plunged right in. As quickly as he did so, he reemerged to the surface of the water. Being so strong, he could swim at a speedy pace. Thus, he could come close to keeping up with her, at least.


Meanwhile, Aarika already made her way to the Guest Longhouse, a rectangular wigwam much like what the Iroquois would live in on Earth. There waiting for her was a fire/fighting pokeperson, Blaziken Harrison. This was the same Blaziken who faced Abner in the Claris Fighters' Division Championship before Claris Town was destroyed.

"Blaziken, Abner is here. You want me to deliver the letter once he is finsihed swimming?"

Blaziken nodded. "I would appreciate it. I know he had his eyes set on that Goldeen a while back. Is she here, too?"

Aarika nodded. "Yeah, I met her. She is rather nice."

Blaziken chuckled a bit. "Figures. Either way, we may need to head back to what is left of Claris soon to help rebuild." The fire pokeperson stroked the female Mankey's hair. "Perhaps you can come with us, beautiful?"

Aarika giggled while blushing. "You talked me into it!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Latias and Latios Tadakatsu Character Portrait: Goldeen Tosakinto Character Portrait: Primeape (Abner)
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#, as written by ceh12
Latias and Latios sped through the sky trying to get to the forest. It had been a long flight even though they flew faster than the speed of sound. They were looking for Abner and wouldn't stop unless ordered my the mistress Cresselia. They flew over the mountains and saw the hut and they both saw the inky aura leak out and they shuddered. They needed to get their faster.

After five minutes of flying they reached the forest. Abner was a guardian there so there had to be someone who knew him. They landed in the center and the resident pointed then as the twins looked around they started to bow, showing respect to the gods. "We are looking for the one named Abner. " she said and they all started to say the pond. They nodded and walked over elegantly.

They looked upon the pond and saw him swimming with a girl. "So you're Abner huh. You're kinda cute. " said the girl as she lifted the visor revealing the predator like eyes.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Latias and Latios Tadakatsu Character Portrait: Goldeen Tosakinto Character Portrait: Primeape (Abner)
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((It's a river, not a pond.))

Abner looked in the direction of the feminine voice, rolling his eyes at the flirtatious comment. "Sorry, miss. I'm taken." He looked towards Goldeen. "Is there anywhere you wanted to swim, darling? This river can..." He stopped when he thought on who he saw. Looking over the twins quizzically, Abner knew right away who it was. "Latias and Latios? Why are you here?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Latias and Latios Tadakatsu Character Portrait: Goldeen Tosakinto Character Portrait: Vileplumette Tsukiakari Character Portrait: Primeape (Abner) Character Portrait: Liligant (Lily Hanabiru) Character Portrait: Weepinbella Greenleaf
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Goldeen was really enjoying swimming with Abner. “He’d make a pretty awesome water Pokeperson.” She thought to herself. Abner was surprisingly swift in the water. He wasn’t far off from keeping up with her. Although if she went at full speed he’d have a lot more trouble. But on average he was quite fast for a non-water poke’. There were suddenly two poke’people standing near the river’s edge that addressed them.

"So you're Abner huh. You're kinda cute. " said the girl as she lifted the visor revealing the predator like eyes.

Goldeen stopped her advance and looked innocently at the woman who flirted with Abner. Her mermaid tail surfacing slightly above the water. Most of the time, when in water, her leg reverted back to her mermaid tailed state.


Abner, rolling his eyes at the flirtatious comment. "Sorry, miss. I'm taken." He looked towards Goldeen. "Is there anywhere you wanted to swim, darling? This river can..." He stopped when he thought on who he saw. Looking over the twins quizzically, Abner knew right away who it was. "Latias and Latios? Why are you here?"

Goldeen was quite curious about the two. “Can we help you sir, madam?” Goldeen asked politely. She simply ignored the lady’s flirting. If she dwelled on it for too long it would only bother her. However Abner handled the situation nicely so that was indeed a comfort to her. She wasn’t quite sure who Latios and Latias were but they looked to be important. She knew they best not be ignored.

Liligant, Weepinpella, Vileplumette

Blissey was glad to see Xatu eat. Her porridge contained lucky egg and that healed most illness in a hert beat. She immediately began to prepare accommodations in a building still standing for those there. “I’ll get this Inn set up in no time!” She exclaimed. She began to pull materials for beds and other things from her cart. She was quite the handy mama. Although she had no actual children of her own.

Soon Taro the Tauros arrived. He was strong and gentle. With him around they’d clear out debris in no time flat. “You ladies could sure use a hand. Vileplumette you should have called me much sooner. I feel bad for letting you dainty garden flowers do all the rough work. Leave it to me.” He said with a big smile. He began to carry a very heavy load off.


Not long afterward Nidoking arrived along with Torterra and Don The Rydon.




With these three on the job moving things and building work be quick and easy.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Latias and Latios Tadakatsu Character Portrait: Goldeen Tosakinto Character Portrait: Xatu Makentruy Character Portrait: Vileplumette Tsukiakari Character Portrait: Primeape (Abner) Character Portrait: Liligant (Lily Hanabiru)
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#, as written by ceh12
Xatu laid on the floor for close to an hour before he arose but, he looked nothing like he did usually. He walked out bare cheated with only a pair of black leggings to cover his body. He was filled with aura of a black shadowy nature so much as it could be seen from the naked eye. He stepped outside and looked upon the small town, busy with rebuilding. He scowled, this was going to make all seem happy as a begin of light, which wasn't good for him.

The aura twisted his thought and turned his psychic abilities from light to shadow. He cast the move which would be hail but thanks to the evil it turned to shadow storm. Dark clouds rolled in overhead, unlike anything ever seen before. They dropped basketball sized orbs of darkness which would fall at amazing speeds but when it hit they vaporized, or so it seemed.

They rained down hard they seemed like nothing until it hit the grass type worker. It caused him to fall down and him to sqeal like a child who had a broken arm. The energy kept raining as laughter could be heard from the mountain created by the new dark lord.

Latias sighed "Stupid mortals." she said to her brother who simply rolled his eyes behind his visor. He looked at her and shook his head. "Sis, just go and find him. He's probably fallen under. You locate while I explain. " Latias growled then nodded as she winked to Abner then flipped her visor down and jumped in the air as two pillars emerged through her back and shot off making a loud popping noise.

Latois turned to the couple again and smirked flipping up his visor showing a completely different face than his sister's. His eyes were much softer and quirky showing less effort. "Well Abner were here for you. You're the last survivor we could figure and in short, Darkrai isn't dead. "

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Latias and Latios Tadakatsu Character Portrait: Goldeen Tosakinto Character Portrait: Primeape (Abner)
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Abner's eyes widened. "Wait! That can't be true!" It took a moment before a realization sank in. "The shadow energy passon on to Xatu, didn't it?" He heard tales of when one dark lord was defeated, the leader who killed him is filled with the shadow energy before filling the void and becoming the successor to the the rule of darkness. Whenever a dark lord rose, the fighter clans were required to rally and unite to combat the threat. A bold determination appeared onhi face, now, his eyes turning to bronze to signal his anger as he got out of the river. "Then, we must unite the clans, at once! The Ancient Fighter Pact must be upheld! So long as Xatu holds that shadow energy, we must fight, to victory or death!"

Just then, Aarika arrived. "Oddly enough, that is exactly what Blaziken wanted to talk to you about, big brother. He knew all this would happen, yet only our clan would believe him." She glanced toward Goldeen. "Sorry to cut your date short, but we should go to Claris before Xatu ends up killing someone."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Latias and Latios Tadakatsu Character Portrait: Goldeen Tosakinto Character Portrait: Tauros (Taro Kentauros) Character Portrait: Xatu Makentruy Character Portrait: Torterra (Daigo Toterra) Character Portrait: Blissey (Nurse Blissey)
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Goldeen was very distraught to hear that Darkrai wasn’t destroyed. “How could this be?!” She said.

Abner's eyes widened. "Wait! That can't be true!" It took a moment before a realization sank in. "The shadow energy passon on to Xatu, didn't it?" He heard tales of when one dark lord was defeated, the leader who killed him is filled with the shadow energy before filling the void and becoming the successor to the rule of darkness. Whenever a dark lord rose, the fighter clans were required to rally and unite to combat the threat. A bold determination appeared on his face, now, his eyes turning to bronze to signal his anger as he got out of the river. "Then, we must unite the clans, at once! The Ancient Fighter Pact must be upheld! So long as Xatu holds that shadow energy, we must fight, to victory or death!" Abner glanced back at Goldeen.

Just then, Aarika arrived. "Oddly enough, that is exactly what Blaziken wanted to talk to you about, big brother. He knew all this would happen, yet only our clan would believe him." She glanced toward Goldeen. "Sorry to cut your date short, but we should go to Claris before Xatu ends up killing someone."

Goldeen nodded and climbed out of the river. Her fins converting once again to legs. She followed the group. She just wanted the nightmare to end but that wasn’t yet possible. “I too shall accompany you all to Claris town. If you must fight, so shall I. Please allow me to assist you.” Goldeen said politely yet firmly. She was not going to take no for an answer. She help considerably the last time and she wanted nothing different this time.

[At Claris town]

Lily looked at the sky as it grew dark and ominous. “This is just like the day of the dark meteor shower… Oh no…” Lily knew this was not good. Yet she was still in shock that something seemingly as bad a Darkrai was surfacing again. Her hand covering her mouth, she was almost speechless.

The dark rain began and all the work swiftly came to a halt as everyone looked up into the darkening sky. “My my this looks down right ominous!” Blissey said as she stepped outside of the makeshift poke’ inn.

Taro the Tauros dropped the large load of construction wood to the ground. He didn’t like the feeling in the air. It was bad, and he could sense something coming. “What is this?” Taro cringed.

Don and Nido were carrying a load of bricks and the rain of darkness came down. They in a panic dodged back and fourth trying not to get hit by the dark hailstorm. They didn’t know what would happen until the unsuspecting Daigo Torterra was struck by the hail of darkness causing him yell loudly. He was in serious pain. Then everyone knew that this was an attack.

Blissey’s nurse’s instinct kicked in. she darted from the inn to Daigo. Once she reached him, she ordered Don and Nido to help her carry Daigo to the inn for shelter and protection. They made it safely back with the help of a light screen that Blissey erected to cover them. However the light screen didn’t stand long against the dark hail. “Here have a bite of this lucky egg Daigo. It should help you feel much better.” Blissey said kindly. The lucky egg helped soothe the burning pain he felt.

“Everyone take shelter!!” Lily yelled. Liliy, Weepinbella, Vileplumette, and taro quickly scurried to the inn as well.

“Did yall hear that!? Lil ole me thought I heard the meanest cackle round coming from that ole mountain!!” Weepinbella said in a frightened manner.

“This must be something related to Darkrai. Right Lily girl?”, Vilplumette asked Lily having heard Lily’s earlier comment.

“I’m afraid so you all.” Lily replied.

“WAIT!! You all don’t mean to tell me that another large meteor is gonna drop down on us!? Right?!? “ Weepinbella screamed. She then got down on her knees on the floor and began to pray. ”Oh great poke’mon trainer in the sky is this revenge for making that joke about Claris being boring the day of the meteor?? If so I’m really sorry now and please….. don’t kill us for lil ole me?!” Weepinbella prayed frantically.

Blissey frowned. “OH GET UP CHILD!!” She said with her hand on her hips. Weepinbella giggled nervously as she looked at the angry Blissey.

Tauros placed a hand on Lily’s shoulder. “I thought the freedom fighters got rid of Darkrai. Why is this happening? I may be a simple kind of poke person but this is just too much crazy to understand!”

“We fought and destroyed Darkrai. I was there! But… I don’t know maybe things didn’t go like we thought they did.” Lily said as she sat pondering.

Don added, “Well how the heck to we fight an enemy we can’t even see? There’s nothing but black rain out there. And some crazy laughter.”
Vileplumette looked around and noticed that Xatu was not to be seen. “Wait where is Mr. Xatu!? He could be out there!! ”

“Maybe he’s doing this.”, Blissey said. The others looked at her in shock. They couldn’t believe something like that would come from her mouth. She continued, “When I gave him food he seemed a bit off. I know we thought his body was tired but this pain of his was much different. I can sense it with every patient. That wasn’t fatigue he was suffering from. It seemed like a strange energy surrounded him that was the exact opposite of happy, good energy. I’m all about happy energy so to be around the exact opposite make me shiver. I think he might something to do with this unfortunately.” Blissey explained calmly. She stood with her arms crossed.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Latias and Latios Tadakatsu Character Portrait: Goldeen Tosakinto Character Portrait: Tauros (Taro Kentauros) Character Portrait: Xatu Makentruy Character Portrait: Torterra (Daigo Toterra) Character Portrait: Blissey (Nurse Blissey)
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Abner nodded. "We'll need all the help we can get, at this point." He turned to Aarika. "Little sister, light the unification fire. The clans must know that we should gather once again to protect the world from the dark lord."

"I'm on it!" The female Mankey was not as fast as her Primeape relatives, yet she was swift enough. It did not take long before the fire, its smoke burning blue and red patterns, alerted the nearby clans, all of them following suit with their fires. Each smoke was different, the colors and patterns representing specific clans. Many were joined together as alliances or nations, yet they all had one thing in common, they were all fighter clans. These clans stetched as far as the the other side of the mountains where Claris were, mening the unification fires' colorful smokes eventually became visible to everyone currently in the town. All pokeperson communities know that those smokes mean a new dark lord has risen and that the fighter clans are rallying to fight him/her. Such events are to be taken seriously, because of that.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Latias and Latios Tadakatsu Character Portrait: Goldeen Tosakinto Character Portrait: Tauros (Taro Kentauros) Character Portrait: Xatu Makentruy Character Portrait: Torterra (Daigo Toterra) Character Portrait: Blissey (Nurse Blissey)
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#, as written by ceh12
Xatu laughed as he saw the pitiful workers run into the inn. He watched and then smirked coming up with an idea. He walked down to the town slowly, looking pure evil as his shaggy hair flowed down and started to turn a white going down to his back. He made it to the base of the town then screamed loud as he faded in and out of the shadowy form before turning back into the evil form.

He saw a small girl who wore a flowing blue dress and walked up with a wicked smile on her face and curtsied. “My lord, my name is Shuppet I am here to serve you. My only request before I join is that you grant me the power to change so I may serve you better.” she asked then looked up before Xatu.

Xatu smirked and blasted her with a shadowy mist making her change into a sleeker form, and her dress to form tight around her small features and her hair in a small bun flowed down into a long black and into a crooked. She laughed and nodded. “Thank you my lord.” she said and Xatu nodded. “Take them out.” he said to her and snapped his fingers making the inky black gas surround the town and blast towards the inn, causing the windows to break and the gas hitting the nurse inside. Xatu laughed a hearty laugh “Fear me you weaklings.” he shouted before trekking back up the mountain with his new lackie.

Latios sighed and nodded not wanting to speak as he answered Abner. He then spoke in a low voice only for the fighting type to hear. ”Listen, you can save your friend and rid him of the darkness.” he said then clasped his hands over his mouth knowing he revealed the secrets. He wasn't supposed to tell mortals about Celebi but he wanted to help the boy knowing he shared a bond with the shaman.

Latias flew overhead of Claris town watching the chaos and horror hating every minute of it. It was wicked to see the man of the mind like herself become twisted and attack people. She cringed and started back knowing there was nothing she could do once he left for his home.