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Problem Children



a part of Problem Children, by creewolf.

The neighborhood pub and usual meeting place for the members of Mythos.

RolePlayGateway holds sovereignty over McCain's, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

200 readers have been here.


A friendly neighborhood pub located in Old Belfast, McCain's is know for it's amiable atmosphere, classic rock, and cold beer. The members of Mythos often come here to confer or just to blow off steam.
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The neighborhood pub and usual meeting place for the members of Mythos.


McCain's is a part of Old Belfast.

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Rei Koudo [0] Neutral just trying to get by.
Ballista Tengaki [0] Neutral and alone.
Medens [0] A quiet, mellow guy

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"And I'm Jack Wilder," said Jack, "I..." he stopped. He hadn't really done anything recently. The last job he had really done was working a store near the Haven Forest, but after an incident with a fritzy slurpie maker...

"Do absolutely nothing," said Jack sarcastically. I should find another job... Now really wasn't hte time to be thinking of that, since he might have a problem child that wants his head. Jack took another drink of his usual, and finally realized what it was.

He was drinking grape juice.


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#, as written by Zuratul
Speaking to Paul, he says "Burger and fries, if you've got them... It's been forever since I tasted fast food, and I kind of miss it. And could I get some water? Thank you."

His order taken care of, Medens turned to the other two. "It appears we have that in common, Jack Wilder... I really don't do much. Some rumor has started about me being able to cure people, and if I can help them, I can. They pay me if they can, though I help either way, and I've managed to get by on that..." He pauses a moment, as if to think, "For as long as I've been in the city."


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Emily walked into McCain's wearing a short black dress. Off the shorlders, but long sleved. She walked proud in heals, and spotted Donavan. She walked over to him, and as she walked closer, she saw two others were with him. Her eyes narrowed on him. She took a seat across from him and waved her hand to order a drink. When the waitress came, She ordered a coke a rum. She brushed her bangs from her face, and just stared at Donavan. Taking in all of his features. Feeling the awkward in the air. "Hello."


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Donovan paid little heed to the woman who stepped into the haze of the neighborhood bar. His senses had been turned down, his guard was off. So, when she sat down across from him and addressed him, the shock was on par with a heart attack. His first thought was that he was hallucinating. The stress, the booze, hell maybe even the cigarettes must have mixed in his system with dangerous results. But as Jack and Medens seemed to be able to see her too his hopeful assumption was quickly torn asunder. No, this was her, the one who'd brought him back from the brink of madness so long ago. She was older now but still as beautiful as he remembered, even with her patchwork of scars that even Mary Shelly would envy.

Yet, even with the gravity of the situation all he could manage to say was, "Hey."


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#, as written by Zuratul
Medens looked every so often between the woman and the man, though he was occupied by the food that had now been brought to him. He calmed them both slightly and tried to ease their minds, to facilitate conversation... Hopefully not enough to be noticed, but if these were normals anyway then he doubted they'd notice if he squashed their emotions with everything he had, and even if they did they couldn't know it was him... This was going to be interesting.


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"Unforeseen circumstances," replied Donovan to the woman's statement.

He didn't know why, but his emotions seemed to be less forceful. They felt dulled, subdued in a way. Could it be this newcomer, Medens? Donovan pushed that to the back of his mind, something to be cataloged and revisited later. This sudden development was too significant to ignore. Did she remember him as the beast from the facility or was this just a cruel coincidence? His mind was in knots as it worked through the possible scenarios. Donovan decided to approach this as if they'd only just met, a flimsy mask but the only one he had at his disposal.

"If you'd like to talk someplace more private I'm sure a booth would suit our needs," said Donovan, composure regained. "May I buy you a drink first?"


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Emily welcomed the relaxation, but knew where the sorce was coming from. This power was much like her own, that, and her posistion with time made it mre easier to pick out the users. Her gaze shifted to an unknown man at the table and she asked in a hushed tone, "Could you please not do that? I much rather feel my own emotions."

When Donavan's words hit her ears she was quick to agree to the booth.

Her eyes could see His mind was racing too. He seemed to be panicked almost. Her own ideas were in wonder of how she met this man.


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#, as written by Zuratul
Acting as if he hadn't heard Emily, he pulled away from her emotions. She hadn't exposed him, had asked politely, and seemed to be in complete control of herself. Probably a child of Olympus since she noticed him. The other, though... He wasn't sure how in control he was, and a fight here would hurt someone, which he couldn't allow. He pulled back from him as well, but looked at him every now and again, checking his mood.

He turned to Jack since they seemed to be left alone. Speaking softly so as not to be overheard, he said "So... why is it you are one of "his" men? I know it's not really my business, but I'm just... interested. He looked like he was going to tear me limb from limb if I'd hurt you."


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Donovan's phone began ringing just as he began to stand up. He pulled it from his pocket and flipped it open.

"Donovan Blackstone," answered Donovan curtly.

A panicked voice began speaking hurriedly. Jarvis had a hard time making out what the person was trying to say. He caught only bits and pieces, the words: explosion, deaths, panic.

"Wow," spoke Donovan soothingly. "You need to calm down, what happened?"

The voice became more familiar as the initial panic began to fade from it's tone. He recognized it as Mary, a department secretary.

"There's mass panic Det. Blackstone," said Mary. "There was a massacre in the Basin district. A bunch of officers were killed or wounded and the suspect got away. There was also an explosion in the office of one Mr. Bushido. There were a large number of casualties, but they were apparently all killed before the explosion. Witnesses claim a man leapt from the office after the explosion, but no body has been recovered. They need you down to take a look at the scenes. The chief is hysterical. Please hurry."

Donovan hung up the phone and shoved it into his pocket. Before he could be allowed a moment to gather his thoughts the phone rang again. He answered it, greeted by a voice camouflaged and distorted.

"Clean this up 034," was all the voice said.

Sweat was beginning to appear on Donovan's forehead. He didn't know what the hell was going on, and he hated that. He quickly punched a brief message into the phone and forwarded it to all known Mythos members.

It simply read: McCain's Now.

He turned to the woman who'd called him here.

"I suggest you tell me what you want now," he spoke. "and fast. I'm afraid time has become a luxury I can no longer afford."


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#, as written by Zuratul
((Going to assume Jack's not here to answer me, as it's been 19 days...))

Keeping an eye on the two who were talking, Medens looked past them, to a confrontation going on down at the other end of the bar. Unfortunately it devolved into a brawl, but there was nothing Medens could do until it was over... Interfering now would only get him hurt, and his pull on their emotions would be pointless as the fighters already appeared to be in a frenzy of punches and kicks. Expecting the one that the other three had singled out to go down, Medens readied himself to walk over afterward and help the man. But things didn't go at all as he thought they would, with the loner seeming to display some kind of resilience to the blows of the three men. Then the man started screaming something about tests and things went ugly...

During the aftermath of the fight, Medens just gaped at the bodies for about 10 seconds as the lone man ran from the bar. Then he ran over to the first man who'd been injured and started healing, not seeming to notice the dozen or so people screaming around him. Luckily, the brain continued functioning for a few minutes after the body started shutting down, so healing was possible. The broken spine mended, and Medens, gasping, moved on to the second man, but there was nothing he could do for him as his brain was gone, smashed onto the ground.

The third man's injury was the least fatal, but would require removal of the chair leg. Praying the man was unconscious, Medens wound his shirt around the end it had entered the body and pulled. With a sucking sound it parted from the body and was thrown aside. Adrenaline keeping him going, Medens healed the third man who then lay, unconscious, on the ground. He stared at the second man's face, memorizing it, then his body decided he'd asked too much of it and he shut down, passing out on the floor.


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The scene was over and done with it before Donovan was able to understand what had happened. This maniac had been another child of Olympus, and a problem child in the making. The man had just annihilated 3 men, in his bar. Thankfully, the people present were all privy to the circumstances surrounding these situations. At least, everyone but the victims. This newcomer, Medens had thankfully been able to save two of the fools but at the cost of his own well being. Donovan's two sides were raging at what to do next. On one hand his rational mind told him he needed to stay and help Medens, but on the other hand the beast was raging at such a blatant incursion into its territory. Either way, this night was not getting any better.

Donovan made up his mind rather quickly, the beast was becoming near impossible to contain. He placed the unconscious form of Medens against the bar and asked the bartender to clean up the mess, than to take care of Medens to the best of his ability. The good samaritan had earned it. So Donovan took off out the door, before the changes could take hold. His hair was growing longer, his hands becoming claws, his fangs elongating, and his muscles expanding. He caught the scent of the intruder and took off after his trail. Only one thought echoed in his head like a mantra.

Not in my bar!