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Project Splice

Futuristic Sci-Fi


a part of Project Splice, by HeavensReject.


HeavensReject holds sovereignty over Futuristic Sci-Fi, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Futuristic Sci-Fi is a part of Project Splice.

12 Characters Here

Dr. Daniel Enstad [0] "It's time for your shots."
Littlith Desmod [0] My bite is worse then my hiss.
Freefall [0] "What good are wings if you can't use them?"
Cross [0] Losing your family comes with a price...
Kaien Brand [0] Hunter
Illia [0] "N-Needle? No thanks!"
Alexandros Jager [0] A hunter that does not stop until he gets his mark
Jezzil [0] Cold and calculating, he's always on the prowl; mess with Joslin and you'll find yourself tangling with a completely unpredictable beast.
Remington [0] Wise, playful, funny. The characteristics of a killer?
Leander Zarek [0] He has the heart of a lion.

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'Canada, huh? That's not far from New York. If I flew, I could be there in no time.'

And yet... why did the thought of leaving the others behind make feel so guilty? She didn't know them. What were they to her but complete strangers who happened to be in the same situation? She wasn't a social person to start with, and falcons were solitary creatures. Put those components together, and you got a Splicer who didn't play nice with others.

But despite the altered DNA, she was still human. And her humanity wouldn't let her abandon these people just because she could without putting her on a guilt trip from here to who knows where. Heaving a sigh, she looked around at her new companions. "I'll stay, too. So, as long as we're gonna be hanging with each other, we may as well get aquainted. I'm Freefall. Falcon Splicer."

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"I'm Littilth Dessmod. I am alsso a Black Mamba Ssplicer." she said as put her outer clothes next to the man, and turn to the rest of the group. She push back her long silver hair away from her face and smile softly to everyone. Her dark purple eyes gives off a calming feeling to the people around her.

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Darkogeio was the first hunter to show up for the mission. He tried to lighten the mood a bit but Alexandros was in no laughing mood. He just nodded at Darkogeio and waited for the others to arrive so he wouldn't have to repeat himself with the mission. Shortly after Darkogeio, Alyss arrived with a smile on her smile. "I don't know why you are smiling this is an outrage." He said through his teeth at Alyss. "I'll tell you the plan once Kaien arrives so I won't have to repeat myself like an idiot." Alexandros looked to the ceiling to clear his head when he heard footsteps coming down the hall he looked hoping they were Kaien's. "Ahh damn it" Alexandros said to himself as his hopes were crushed when he saw it was a scientist. He wanted an update on the current situation. "Ha ok here's the update for you. All of your damn pets have escaped. O and it seems there are some people dead." Alexandros said in a low voice as he looked back up at the ceiling hoping the scientist would leave. "But don't worry we will bring them back, dead or alive" He said this with a slight smile.


"North? Hmm I don't know any places up north, actually I don't know to many places at all, so i guess i'm sticking with the pack if you don't mind" Leander said this with a smile as he rubbed the back of his head, which still ached from his fall. He walked over to where everyone was gathered and saw the kid holding the cat. "O cool! I'm a cat too!, but not that small haha I am a lion" He attempted to put on a scary face which turned out to be more silly then scary. "O and my name is Leander." he said with a big smile showing his teeth that were slightly pointy. He plopped himself down on the ground and waited for everyone else's introduction.

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"That much I gathered." Daniel replied and crossed his arms. "I see I'm going to have to make this simpler for you."

The irritation wasn't clear but heavily implied. "Please tell me, if you can, how many of the subjects are loose and how many we have lost in the chaos. Then I would like for you to, quickly and with haste, tell me what you plan to do. Finally, it would be appreciated if you could, somehow, give me an idea on how you want the science team to assist you because you're obviously not going to succeed on your own. We know things they didn't cover in basic training and that I think you will find very helpful."

"Unless, of course, you still haven't been able to gather all of this information." He continued, his eyes still fixed on the captain in a cold stare. "In that case I suggest you go and do that with all due haste, Captain."

His eyes went around the room slowly. The Hunters looked like a bunch of kids, playing soldier in their parents' basement, but they had proven useful in the past. Best of all, if anything went wrong they wouldn't be missed like actual soldiers would be. Nevertheless, like all humans, they needed to be pushed into the right direction sometimes. Even if that direction was simply forward.

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#, as written by Nogond
Nogond sat down in a corner cleaning his weapons when Daniel starting his rant. Not paying much attention since he hadn't gotten his pay yet for the last subject he brought back. When Daniel was done ranting he stood up and walked to him. In his cold voice he said, "Daniel, I would like to discuss my payment regarding this escape and for past service. If i don't count wrong you owe me 375.000 dollars. Also I want to get payed per splicer i capture. lets say 400.000 dollars each? For this price i guarantee that I will do my utmost to retrieve them.

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"I am a "Hunter" I do not keep records of all your pets. This is something you should be telling me. I just hunt them down." Alexandros had a strong tone of anger in his voice. "But since you insist on knowing our plan to retrieve you animals i'll tell you. The animals broke free from the northern side of the compound. More then likely they will keep running that way, so that is where we head first. As for scientist help, we don't need it but if you have people you insist on taking a field trip with us radio them now and gear them up." Alexandros looked at his 3 hunters standing before him " Do you all understand your orders? We go north, on foot, guns ready. We will have three teams. We will spread out each team will be 50 yards apart. And i guess will be accompanied by a scientist." He shook his head at this. "Gear up and meet at the northern perimeter in fifteen minutes. We got hunt then." He nodded to his hunters and then directed his focus back to the doctor. "Well if you have anyone willing to tag along i suggest you radio them now and tell them to hurry or i will leave them." He then walked away to the armory. He got fresh clips for his guns and went to the meeting point and waiting for the rest of the group.

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"Very well, Captain." Daniel said calmly and then nodded his goodbye. When he turned to the Hunter who had spoken to him his expression was still neutral but with a hint of something more sinister. "Don't you have a contract, Mister Sword? We have people to take care of such things. If they are still alive, I suggest you speak to them."

"Think, Mister Sword." He said. "Do you really think I have nothing better to do? Goodbye."

He walked away, not really caring about how the man would respond, and made his way to the closest intercom. Once there, he asked the operator to make sure that both Dr. Othelo Bok and Annamarie Jay Lune would meet him at the northern exit as quickly as possible if they were still alive.

The Doctor took his time getting there himself, making sure that everything was in order and that they would be ready to take in and secure the Splicers once they were caught.

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#, as written by Kravos

It seems that he had to go along for this one, perhaps next time he could just relax at the base and view over the files. He followed the captain down to the armory and took up his guns before going out to find the scientists. He thought it would bring a little more enjoyment if he cruised around with them before going to the meeting point. Soon enough he located the head scientist once again. "Yo Daniel, you wouldn't mind a Hunter playing a little tag along would you? "Maybe he could get the files a little quicker by talking with him for a few, since he was the head scientist there was no doubt that he could easily access all the Splicer files. "Might as well have a little chat correct?"

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Annamarie was just heading back to her lab as her radio went off. She hit pause on her iPod and caught the end of the operator informing her to go to the Northern exit as soon as possible. Responding that she'd be there in a moment, Mari hurried to the exit, pulling her long blonde hair into a messy ponytail as she ran and fixing it when she got there. Since Dr. Enstad was yet to arrive, she took the time to listen to some more music, stifling a grin when The Elements by Tom Lehrer came on. Absently, she noticed a hunter she recognized as Alexandros, the hunter captain and she cheerfully waved hello.


"I'm a Rat Terrier splice," Illia grinned, talking fast, "half Chihuahua and half Fox Terrier!" She announced proudly, "So I don't really mind cats. I think Rat Terriers are more meant to attack... Rats?"
"I'm Illia by the way," she smiled cheerfully, "and I'm staying."

Finished with her 'announcement', Illia planted herself neatly by the entrance of the cave, where she began periodically sniffing the air, making sure there weren't any hunters coming or nearby. However, she quickly discovered the wind was blowing the wrong way, meaning that if the hunters had any means of tracking scents, the splicers had their smell blowing right to them.

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Daniel was about to make his way to the northern exit when he encountered one of the Hunters from earlier. When he suggested that they talk, the Doctor nodded in assent. "Of course, though I prefer Dr. Enstad."

"I am the senior scientist in this base." He explained slowly. "I need to assert my authority. I'm sure you understand."

He continued walking but motioned for the Hunter to follow him. "Walk with me."

"Now, what was your name again?"

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#, as written by Kravos
((That was a highly annoying RPG server error.. But I am back up and running))

He grinned slightly, listening to the scientists reasoning of calling him Dr. Enstad. "Oh formalities, they are such a nuisance, making communication take effort. That is not fair at all." He spread out his arms, wondering if his half jokingly fact even struck through. But when the scientist began walking he followed obediently. When his name was asked he slightly cut in front of the scientist bowing. "Darkogeio Blaze at your service, hopefully the little buggers aren't to quick huh?" He turned back around joining the scientists side before he walked to far past. Perhaps this way he could even meet some of the other scientists that would be helping with the mission.

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Tapping her foot against the ground, Freefall eyed her companions individually. A redhead, a snake, a cat, a dog, and a lion. What a ragtag bunch of outcasts. She wasn't sure how long they'd been sitting in that cave, but it was probably a much shorter amount of time than it felt. Spending years in a cage tended to make you lose track of time very easily. Finally, they falcon Splicer couldn't take it anymore. "Alright, that's it. There's no way I'm sitting her in silence for one more minute. I'm going out there to make sure those guys haven't started tracking us yet."

With that, she marched out of the cave and shifted to her animal form, leaving her clothes in the bush she'd changed in previously. She'd most likely come back anyway, though the thought of leaving the others and finding her own way back to New York had crossed her mind. It wasn't an ideal choice, though. Not only did she have no idea where the hell she was or how to get back to NYC, but the Hunters would be looking for them, and there was always safety in numbers. So her flight was solely for reconnaisance, to make sure no one was following them.

Hopefully she'd see them before they recognized her.

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"They are definately quick." Daniel said, nodding thoughtfully. "Whether they are too quick is really up to the Hunters. I'm hoping we, that is the scientists, can help make it a little...easier. I would hate for all of this to leak out to the public. That could be catastrophic."

The scientist glanced to his side. "The government shutting us down would be the least of our worries."

"So," He continued with a less ominous tone. ", do you have any ideas of your own on how the scientists could assist in the capture of the escaped subjects?"

They were getting closer to the gate where Daniel had told the other two scientists to meet him and he could see Annamarie was already there. As usual, she was listening to her music. Daniel found it to be blatantly disrespectful but there was no denying her genius. Also, it was something he could fix with enough time.

"Ms. Lune, I'm glad to see you are still with us and punctual as always." He said to her. "Now if you would please turn off that music, then I can introduce you to Mr. Blaze."

"Mr. Blaze, this is Annamarie Jay Lune." He said and turned to Darkogeio. "She's our anthropologist."

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As a song ended, Annamarie vaguely noticed Dr. Enstad and a hunter on their way over. Absently, she turned her music down some to listen to them, she obediently turned off her iPod when she was told to, but kept the buds in her ears.

She smiled cheerfully, 'Hi, Mr. Blaze, and please, call me Mari."
A thought coming to her, she retrieved her notebook and a pencil from a pocket, and with her pencil poised over the paper, she looked up, "Do we know which subjects escaped?"


"We need to get moving," Illia was talking fast again, "before they get moving. Our scents are blowing right to them, so if they use something to track our smells, we're done for. Best to get somewhere now rather than getting caught right away. Do any of you remember the outside world?" Distracted suddenly, the Rat Terrier splicer was practically bouncing with excitement.
"I'm going to go watch and try to smell them," Distracted once again, she shifted into her Rat Terrier form with a yelp and expression of pain and pulled her clothes into a semi-mouth-sized bundle that she pushed against the wall of the cave, which she promptly went to sit outside of, ears perked and nose twitching.

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#, as written by Kravos

"Scientists will be of much importance to capture them. Without their help I'm afraid our escaped friends would end up mere corpses." He smiled slightly, looking at the scientist.

" The most helpful way is to identify whichever creature is standing before us. If they can inform us with what we are against, when we are facing it. Then we would have an advantage, and know what equipment to use. As well, it would be nice if I could get a few files of the escaping Splicers." He looked ahead towards the other scientist, at least there would be multiple personnel on the field that knows what they were going up against. "With any luck, we can catch them all before even the slightest word spreads. We have a skilled commander in these things.."

When introduced, he took a slight bow, "What a delight it is to meet you Mari. Things get boring without a little theme music do they not?" He smiled lightly, it seemed like he would be able to get on the scientists' good side after all.

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Mari smiled brightly, "The pleasure is all mine, and yes they do indeed."
Remembering something Mr. Blaze and Dr. Enstad had said previously, she spoke up, "I apologize for my previous eavesdropping, but I believe I can be of some assistance in identifying the species of the escaped splicers if I see them change or by some unique marking that might identify them, like spots, feathers, and possibly by their canines. Their method of movement would also clearly identify them."

Happy that she might be of some assistance on this 'mission', she began thinking again for a moment before restating her previous question. "Do we know which Splicers escaped? Just to give me an idea on what traits to look for?"

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"Yes, I imagine that we are a great deal more skilled at recognizing Splicers." Daniel said and nodded approvingly. "Studying their psyche profiles will also enable us to understand and predict their actions. I'll be sure to send them and other information which might be of use to you, Mr. Blaze."

"I am afraid the Captain didn't bother to check who escaped." His cold blue eyes quickly scanned the surroundings. "I've put a team on it. We will be informed on their findings as soon as they have any."

"Speaking of the Captain, I'd better go and see him. I'll see you two again soon." He nodded as if in agreement with himself and walked off, quietly muttering to himself. "It seems mister Bok didn't make it. His expertise would've been most helpful. How unfortunate."

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#, as written by Kravos
"We don't even know how many escaped, well that seems saddening.." He muttered watching as Daniel walked away. There was only one more thing he could really do before checking in with the captain. Which was help identify which Splicer's actually managed to escape. "Well Marie, would you mind accompanying me? You see, I have no device to listen to music, and it would be rather boring to go without something correct?" He smiled lightly, placing his left forward forward showing that he was ready to go. "I figure we may as well lend a hand to identifying which of our friends our missing from their cells."

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Nodding, she listened to Dr. Enstad's comments, reaching for her iPod tentatively when he walked away. Her hand dropped as Mr. Blaze spoke.

Smiling, she nodded, "I can get you a rough estimate based on the number of deceased subjects collected and the amount of currently empty cells. And I would love to accompany you, and you're welcome to listen to my iPod as well."

Seeing his sign that he was ready to go, she stepped forward as well, letting him lead the way or talk once more. As a side note, she slipped her notebook and pencil back into her pocket.

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#, as written by Kravos

He began walking down the hall towards where some of the subjects were kept. Picking back up on the conversation he continued on, "It is quite alright, I am sure your voice will be enough to entertain me. However if you prefer then please do go ahead and listen to your music other then my horrible voice." He looked into one of the observation where a Splicer still remained. "I would rather find out which ones are missing, rather then how many." He knew after these rounds the seriousness in his job would have to take play. At least for now he could get on the good side of some of the various scientists.

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He began to grow impatient and kept looking at his watch. "15 minutes.." he said to himself as he looked around not seeing anyone. "Come in Darkogeio status report." He said grimly into his radio. Before he could get a response Alexandros heard a slight animal cry. He looked out into the dark wood, his eyes narrowed. "New report, I'm going in hot." He said in his radio. He checked his gun one last time before turning the safety off and started into the dark forest. He stopped at the edge of the right before the trees and took a deep breath. He knew this would be his most difficult hunt in his life. He was well prepared though. He had his two lucky custom 45 handguns and lucky knife, a p90, and his main weapon of choice the FN SCAR. He felt like he was forgetting something though. "shit" He said under his breath. He forgot to grab his thermal or night vision. He looked up at the moon, it was a third full but still fairly bright. "Eh my eyes will adjust" and began into the woods.


Everyone was was pitching in to secure the makeshift home. Leander couldn't think of anything to do. He sat on the ground for a bit thinking what to do. After awhile his ear twitched and he perked up. The feeling of an immanent fight had washed over him, making the hair on his neck stand. He stood up and walked to the edge of the cave and sniffed the air. He looked down at the terrier and smiled. He knelt down and patted her head "I'm sure you feel it too." he said as looked out into the dark abyss. He let out a low growl and stood back up. He looked back down at the terrier and gave another giant smile. "Well I have to protect us. Be safe." He said as he walked into the woods, not wanting to change into his animal form until he had to. He walked slowly and calmly, this was his job, this is what he was designed for. He had to become the true hunter and follow his instinct. He wasn't afraid.

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Annamarie glanced up at Mr. Blaze and couldn't help but smile, "Your voice isn't horrible!"
Regarding his last comment, a small frown found it's way to her face, "I would have to go through all of the stats on every single Splicer to find out exactly which ones escaped and we don't exactly have time for that."
Hearing Mr. Blaze's radio crackle to life and someone speak over it she stifled a sigh, "I suppose that's your boss, then? Calling us back?" From the next thing that she heard over the radio, she squeaked, "We've gotta go help him! He wont be able to tell what some of the Splicers are so he wont know their weak points or- or.. Anything!" She glanced up at Mr. Blaze, lightly grabbing hold of his wrist as she tried to pull him back the way they had come.


Illia hardly noticed the lion Splicer, Leander, step outside of the cave to stand next to her. When he patted her head, she stifled a growl, startled by it and put on edge by the waves of impending battle that were washing over her. When Leander began disappearing into the trees, Illia stepped into the cave and gave a bark and a motioning jerk of her head that meant she was going to follow the lion Splicer.