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Protozoa Angels

Protozoa Angels


When The Angels And The Demons Have Created Two Strange Beings, Will the Angels Succeed In Destroying Them, Or Will The Demons Be Able To Protect Them?

1,430 readers have visited Protozoa Angels since Annalysa Jones created it.



An angel and a demon have broken the first law of the realms, demons and angels can not fall in love with each other. Because of the Angel and the Demon, there are now two beings that have been called "Protozoa Angels." These beings are now being hunted down by the angels, because God doesn't want any part in these tainted beings. While on the other hand, the demons are trying to protect these beings because Lucifer wants to witness what powers they have and try to turn them evil and join his army of demons. It is unknown at the moment if their powers are lesser or greater than the demons or angels.


Their parents were destroyed for disobeying the number one law.


Demons: There are 2 demons. They have a humanoid form and a demon form. They have been sent to Earth to protect the Protozoa Angels from the angels. Will they just protect the Protozoa Angels, or will they grow fond of them?

Angels: There are 3 of them They can make their wings disappear to look human. They have been sent to destroy the Protozoa Angels. They act like humans to get close and personal with their targets. Will they end up succeeding, or will they grow fond of their targets?

Protozoa Angels: there are 2 of them, one is a male, one is a female, and they are brother and sister. The brother is older than the sister. They know what they are but they do not know that the Angels are trying to kill them until their demon protectors appear to them and tell them exactly what is going on. will they be evil like their demon protectors, or will they be good like their angel enemies? Their last names MUST be~Sexton

Human: There is only ONE human, the human must be male, and he is the best friend of the Protozoa Angels. He knows what they are and has not told anyone. But will they angels convince him of the dangers of letting them live?


Male Protozoa Angel: [shmband]
Female Protozoa Angel: [Annalysa Jones]
Demon Protector 1: [Akantha]
Demon Protector 2: [CarmellaScarlet]
Angel 1: [RamsesTheFirst]
Angel 2: [ScaryGuy]
Angel 3: [citylights]
Human Best Friend: [Jaegerjaquez]


Human Skelly:

Sexuality: [straight, gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, bi-curious]
Role: [angel, demon, human, protozoa angel]
Appearance: [small description]
Love Interest:
Biggest Fear:
MANDATORY PICTURE: [anime please]
Theme Song:
Personality: [can put "To Be Revealed In RP"]
History: [put at least one or two facts, the rest you can leave to reveal in the RP]


Angel Skelly:

Sexuality: [straight, gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, bi-curious]
Role: [angel, demon, human, protozoa angel]
Appearance: [small description]
Wing Span:
Love Interest:
Powers: [can have up to three, but no less than one. Be creative and don't make them so powerful that they can auto-kill someone]
Biggest Fear:
MANDATORY PICTURE: [anime please] [a picture of the character, and a picture of their wings]
Theme Song:
Personality: [can put "To Be Revealed In RP"]
History: [put at least one or two facts, the rest you can leave to reveal in the RP]


Protozoa Angel Skelly:

Sexuality: [straight, gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, bi-curious]
Role: [angel, demon, human, protozoa angel]
Appearance: [small description]
Love Interest:
Powers: [can have up to three, but no less than one. Be creative and don't make them so powerful that they can auto-kill someone]
Biggest Fear:
Amp Level: [more on the evil side, more on the innocent side, neutral]
MANDATORY PICTURE: [anime please]
Theme Song:
Personality: [can put "To Be Revealed In RP"]
History: [put at least one or two facts, the rest you can leave to reveal in the RP]


Demon Skelly:

Sexuality: [straight, gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, bi-curious]
Role: [angel, demon, human, protozoa angel]
Appearance: [small description]
Wing Span: [only fill this part out if they HAVE wings in their demon form]
Love Interest: [yes, demons CAN feel love in this RP]
Powers: [can have up to three, but no less than one. Be creative and don't make them so powerful that they can auto-kill someone]
Biggest Fear:
MANDATORY PICTURE: [anime please] [one picture of their humanoid form, and one picture of their demon form]
Theme Song:
Personality: [can put "To Be Revealed In RP"]
History: [put at least one or two facts, the rest you can leave to reveal in the RP]

Toggle Rules

1.) Romance is encouraged, but follow the site rules please.
2.) No GM or PP
3.) Everyone has to contribute to the plot if we are going to keep this going and keep it fun and interesting
4.) If you are going to drop out you MUST kill off your character, they can NOT just disappear
5.) If you are going to be gone for a couple days, tell everyone in the OOC so we know why you aren't posting
6.) No one liners please
7.) Give characters a chance to react please, especially Jericho and Raine. I'd rather they not die before they even get a chance
8.) Lets make this fun for EVERYONE! :D
9.) If you read all the rules, put your favorite candy bar in the EXTRA part of the Skelly

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 7 authors


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Azuel started to walk away, still in his angel form then said to Zera "Actually on second thought, just find a safe house for us, I'll get Jac and the Protozoa's" And in that instant Azuel jumped off the roof, unfolding his wings, starting to fly off, searching the area for Jac, and hopefully the dead or captured Protozoa's. Azuel spotted Jac, in the Protozoa's arms! What was going on, Azuel pissed and not in the mood for wasting time, uses his shockwave to clear the area of trees, meaning he had a nice landing spot. Azuel landing in front of them says "Come with us, like i said earlier we're here to save you, the demon wants to take you to Lucifer, for, well not even God knows why, i mean don't get us wrong we're not doing it out of the kindness of our hearts, just because whatever Lucifer wants, we don't want him to have" Azuel lying quite convincingly "Sure we are not the shining white knights you believe, but all God wants is to stop another uprising, which protects you after all, so it's a win win" Azuel walking slowly towards them now folding up his wings still with his weapon on his hand.


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#, as written by shmband
Jericho took a few steps back away from the pool, still holding the dripping and spluttering angel, to get under the cover of the trees. He rolled her slightly toward him in his arms so she wouldn't choke as she evacuated the water from her lungs. Looking at Raine, he shook his head.

"It makes no sense." he said to his sister, "God...Lucifer...all this? Don't they exist to sway us into or out of morality? And if they aren't going that, then maybe doing the right thing now is the only way I'll ever win a victory over them, even if they want me dead and even if they get what they want..."

He looked down at the angel, who was starting to come to, and added in a low voice, "...I won't regret it."

Just then there was a thunderous pulse through the air, which stripped the trees of their foliage, and had it not been for them would certainly have knocked Jericho off his feet. He smarted and staggered back, before looking around to see a male angel touch down in front of them. He glanced again at Raine, to see if she had any ideas, but then was surprised when the angel seemed to extend them a proverbial olive branch.

There was something not right about what he said...not very much about the whole situation seemed to add up. Somebody was very interested in himself and Raine, and he didn't understand why.

"We've no interest in being 'acquired' by Lucifer." he answered Azuel, "And tonight we've shown that we're capable of defending ourselves. If your interest is our protection, then grant us to be left alone."

He didn't hold much hope that his words would have the desired effect. Almost subconciously he considered his options. The easiest thing to do would be to sent another electrical pulse through the angel in his arms, stunning her completely, then dropping her so that he could escape. Whether or not the male angel would attend to his incapacitate colleague would certainly show once and for all who represented the virtue of mercy around here and who didn't...

But he couldn't bring himself to do it...she was harmless and defenseless, and had only just started to breath without considerable effort.

They needed a distraction...just enough to dip out of sight and get to that motel. Jericho wondered where Flouise had gotten to...this would be a great time for her to leap out from the shadows...


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Raine looked at him as he spoke and she just stayed quiet, he had a point. She looked at Jac and felt bad for a second, she was just doing what she was told, right?

But then Azuel appeared and sent out sent out a shock wave before landing and her feelings of feeling bad, went away. She looked at him, "can't you just leave us alone? We can deal on our own, really."

She tried to think of something, some way for herself and Jericho to get away. But only one thing came to mind. She could use the pool and attack the angel with it to distract him and make an opening for Jericho to leave. Then she could break for it, or phase into some building when the angel wasn't exactly at focus and wait until he was gone and then make her way to the motel.

She looked around for the demon, Flouise, had they gotten rid of her. But if they had, where was the other angel.

She looked at Jericho, wishing he could hear or see her thoughts, then she could run her idea past him without the angel having a chance to even know what was going on.


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#, as written by Akantha
Flouise trailed the angel and sighted Azuel right where the bone met muscle on his wings. She was going to send him to hell and back if it was anything she could do. Pay back was a really bad bitch. She fired the blast jolting up her arm as the bullet hit home. She was seriously pissed and things were going to be hell for that angel if she had any say in it tonight or later.

She quickly pulled out the other gun to save the trouble of having to reload and aimed for the other wing not bothering with sighting down a specific place. She let off two shots very close to the wing then another three near his legs emptying out a magazine. "Well it seems that shock you gave me, mister angel, made my aim much better. Thanks!" She laughed and scooted around the angel keeping out of reach and giving a good berth just in case he was still able to swing while hurt.

"Hey guys. Sorry I'm late. That angel gave me quite a scare. His other friend should have some bullets in him but eh what can I say. Poison keep them out of commission for a while." She glanced to the angel with red hair and debated on telling Jericho that he was way too close but then she figured the girl was there for a reason. Maybe a hostage? Sounded like a plan to Flouise. She pulled out her extra clip and unhooked the gun's original magazine, empty shells falling to the ground. She slipped the clip in the barrel and aimed her gun with both hands towards the angel.

"Now then. If you want poison in your angelic system so that later you can suffer even more than you already will, I'm ready. Otherwise, get out of here and don't come back."


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Jac was having a difficult time keeping her attention on the action at hand. She could breath without very much difficulty now, but she was still seeing spots. Oh God, what was she going to do? She couldn't keep trying to kill the two, they didn't really seem bad. They weren't mosnters and it wasn't really their fault who their parents were. On the other hand, she couldn't stay, could she? They had no reason to trust her, she been trying to kill them just a few minutes ago. Jac despaired, they really was no solution, was there? Still, she was safe for now, in the arms of her enemy. Was he still her enemy? She didn't know anymore and she was in no fit state to be pondering anything.

Jac felt herself get shifted closer to Jericho as the back up under the trees. Oh, how helpless she must look now. The thought almost made Jac cringe. Her helpless? That was a new low. Jacquette Babins was anything but helpless. She contemplated jumping out of his arms and standing, but was fairly certain that it would probably fail and she'd fall to the ground. That wouldn't help her case much either. Besides, she felt relatively safe in the protozoa's arms and it didn't hurt that he was quite attractive. She shivered and realized that she was dripping wet and was fairly chilly. Nice.

Jac started wondering if the others were stilled tied up with the demon when Azuel came down and cleared all the trees out of the imediate vicinity. She was sure he wouldn't be very happy about her being in Jericho's arms. He started talking about how the angels were there to protect the two and prevent another uprising. She shook her head and bit her lip. It was right. All of this, it wasn't right. They didn't need to die. They weren't horrible creatures bent of destroying everything or abominations before God. They were just people. She looked up at Jericho as he replied, amazed. How could he be so calm, so confident? True, Azuel wasn't exactly threatening the two right now, but he did command a certain respect that left people at least a litte nervous.

Jac tugged on the Protozoa's sleeve, tryiong to get his attention. He had to know the truth, well, as much as she knew. "No. He-he's lying," Jac said, her voice sounding scratchy like she hadn't used it in years, "We're not here to protect you. We're here to kill you, both of you. They won't stop until they hunt you down. The demon is trying to protect you, but I don't know why. You have to run. Now." Jac winced as she dry swallowed. It seemed that too much chlorine wasn't too good for the esophagus.


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Azuel heard Jac tell them that he was lying, and Jericho saying that they could defend themselves,Azuel laughed at that comment "You think you can defend yourselves from heaven, this is nothing at the moment, and if not for the demon, you would of died already, and if not for the odd orders of god to do this quietly and to get to know you first, you'd already be dead" Azuel didn't know what to do he could kill them all quite easily, but he was not the kind to kill his own, just then the demon followed him. He felt a sharp pain in his legs, and a slight scratch on his wings, Azuel tilting his head slightly looking at his wings, then at the demon " You truly are evil creatures, i spare your life you try to kill me. Oh well, for most angels that poison takes 5 minutes to take effect, me and Zera, 15 maybe 20, oh and that's not going to stop me flying" Azuel unfolding his wings showing how insignificant those bullets on his wings were, Azuel turns to the other three and says

"Okay, This is the truth... yes we are here to kill you, and yes the demons do want to protect you to take you to Lucifer, where he will see how powerful you are, if you are more powerful than most, you will lead his army's and cause another uprising, killing, let's see" Azuel thinking, doing sums in his head "About 7 billion humans, and whatever the causalities are on heaven and hell, and if your not so powerful, then i honestly don't know, probably will let you live in hell, so if you think your life's are worth the human race and those of angles, then walk away and i will let you once, because I'm not like you demons and humans, and you protozoa's i don't kill my own unless can help it, but i can't guarantee Zera will let you go so easily, because I'm the polite one of the two, but of course if you finally see sense, and want to offer up your life's and save us all the trouble, then please step right up" Azuel then looked back at the demon, making his one hand go red hot with heat, and getting in the fighting position "So you curios what happens when demons die, where do they go" Azuel trying to freak out the demon before he attacks, Azuel placing his hand on the floor, creates a line with the shockwave then with his other hand melts the ground, leaving a line about a meter thick, with lava spewing underneath.


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#, as written by shmband
Jericho shook his head at Flouise, and was about to explain when he felt the tug at his sleeve and tilted his gaze down. He felt a relief that she was alive - and not only because he would have hated to be carrying dead weight - and an astonishment that she was apparently trying to help them. Even though the being standing in front of them was an angel, he wasn't surprised to learn that he was telling lies. The devil looks after his own they say, and it seems God does the same.

He looked back at Azuel, fighting back the fear at his display of power, which clearly excelled anything he or Raine posessed that he knew of.

"7 billions humans..." he grunted, "...they've managed to ignore us our entire lives. And we intend to repay the favour. And if we can broker the same arrangement with God and Lucifer, we will; to ignor and to be ignored. That's all we want."

With that, he darted sidewise, and in a single movement leapt forward, swung the angel around so she was held with one arm and balanced on his hip, and grabbed a handhold in the wall with his other hand, pressing his feet onto the wall. He hoped that Flouise could keep the male angel busy for long enough, because right now he was completely exposed and somewhat encumbered. Pushing up the wall with his feet, he quickly grabbed a higher handhold, then another, and then with one last push grabbed the top of the wall. And then, hunching down and launching himself up, he flipped over the wall and landed on the other side into the grass and into a commando roll keeping the angel from taking the brunt of the impact.

Wasting no time he picked her up again and started running as fast as he could in the direction of their chosen meeting point. With any luck Raine would find a different route...they would be safer if they stayed seperate for now. He deliberately chose an indirect route, using alleys wherever possible, so that when the other angels managed to take to the sky, they wouldn't be guaranteed an easy line of sight.


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Raine looked at Azuel as he explained that Flouise was telling the truth, the angels were trying to kill them. But Lucifer wanting to to see how powerful they were to see if they could lead an uprising, she was a bit confused on why he would want them, only half demons, to do so. When she saw him putting out one of his powers she thought, "damn this is crazy." She saw Jericho make his way out of the scene and she figured she would do the same. She took a quick glance at the angel and the demon girl and took off, deciding to take 'building' routes to get to where herself and Jericho were headed. She ran and phased through the first house, hoping that people would still be asleep, she didn't really feel like getting arrested for breaking and entering tonight. She continued to phase through houses and other such buildings, hoping it would make it harder for the angels to find her if they did catch up.


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Zera winced as Flouise shot a bullet near his wings, this was his sensitive part, but he was more pissed off with the fact that the demon had gotten red on his white wings. Slowly, with his two fingers he picked the bullet out and threw it on the floor and came down from the sky. He needed for his wings to quickly recover the wound. Looking at the red stain, he looked back at her and walked towards her and he whiped out his sword as he watched Azuel attack her and cut off one of her snakes. The second he was about to cut her throat, Azuel stopped him and told him to keep her alive for now. Orders were orders and Zera wasn’t one to disobey. As he clenched his jaw he leaned over to the demon and whispered, “you got lucky,” as he walked off.

After finding a safe house in the middle of the forest, Zera got another precognition where he saw Jericho and Jac running, but it wasn’t one running after another, they were running away… together. Fumingly, he spread his wings and flew around as he tried to remember the surroundings where abouts they were from his future sight. Then, he saw a girl, running into houses and buildings then coming out the other end. Oh, what a coincidence this was. If the Protozoa Angels were using Jac as a hostage then the wise thing to do was get Raine, she was on her own and probably more vulnerable than Jericho. Zera jotted down as he read the way she was going. As Raine made her way to the next building she was to phase through, Zera powered through the air and made it just in time as he stood in front of the wall and watched as Raine ran into him. Zera made sure that the timing was perfect so that she wouldn’t be able to realised he got into that position. “Hello,” he said sarcastically.


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Jac squeaked in surprise as the protozoa took off running, then covered her mouth with her hands. Did she really just squeak? No way that was happening again. She was about to insist that she really could walk, but before she had the chance she found herself being carried over a wall. She clung to Jericho, not wanting to fall. Was this kid crazy? He couldn't escape Azuel and Jericho once they recovered, especially if he kept carrying her like this. Madness, this was. Pure madness. She prepared herself for impact as they jumped down the other side of the wall, but was spared from taking most of the impact thanks to the protozoa. He wasted no time in picking her back up and taking off.

Jac kept her eyes up as they took the alleyways, hoping that neither of her former colleagues recovered yet. After a few minutes of seeing nothing, Jac started to antsy. They could go so much faster if she would walk- er, run. "Um, I pretty sure I'm alright now. Mind if I walk, kid?" She asked offhandedly. She really couldn't stand being carried anymore. Oh, If the guys back in heaven could see her now. They'd never let her live it down, even if she almost died a few minutes ago.


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Jac squeaked in surprise as the protozoa took off running, then covered her mouth with her hands. Did she really just squeak? No way that was happening again. She was about to insist that she really could walk, but before she had the chance she found herself being carried over a wall. She clung to Jericho, not wanting to fall. Was this kid crazy? He couldn't escape Azuel and Jericho once they recovered, especially if he kept carrying her like this. Madness, this was. Pure madness. She prepared herself for impact as they jumped down the other side of the wall, but was spared from taking most of the impact thanks to the protozoa. He wasted no time in picking her back up and taking off.

Jac kept her eyes up as they took the alleyways, hoping that neither of her former colleagues recovered yet. After a few minutes of seeing nothing, Jac started to antsy. They could go so much faster if she would walk- er, run. "Um, I pretty sure I'm alright now. Mind if I walk, kid?" She asked offhandedly. She really couldn't stand being carried anymore. Oh, If the guys back in heaven could see her now. They'd never let her live it down, even if she almost died a few minutes ago.


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Raine had kept her eyes straight ahead the entire time, not really watching to see if any of the angels were following or not, she just wanted to get away and to that motel. When she made her way through one of the buildings and came out the other end she ran right into someone, throwing her off her concentration and her balance a bit. She looked up to she it was one of the angels and she looked at the building right behind him, she figured if she ran fast enough she could make it into that building, and it would be faster than turning around and going into the building she just came out of. She took a few steps sideways watching him and ran past him to try to get to the building, almost running right into the side of him. If she could have she would of just attacked him with some water to distract him while she ran to the next building, but from what she could tell there was no water around the buildings she was between at this point.


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Zera groaned as she disappeared again, he wanted to do this the easy way but it seemed like the protozoa wasn't going to co-operate. With his wings, he pushed up as he soared through as he hovered above keeping an eye on her. Getting his bow and arrow out, he aimed carefully just above her ankle so she couldn't run away, he timed it carefully and let go as it shot into her right where he wanted it. As he lowered down onto ground level, he bent down and took the arrow out, with his two hands he grabbed onto her and threw her over his shoulders. Zera held on tight to her so she couldn't escape, even if she did try and struggle, he was a lot stronger than her. "Don't try anything. I will get you back twice as bad," he said as he darted above high into the sky in seconds and flew over to the house he had found. Zera didn't let go of her until they walked into the house, and without wasting any time, he forced her on a chair and tied her up so that she couldn't move. Grabbing a chair, he sat opposite her, crossed his arms and just looked at her. With no interest in starting a topic, he waited for Azuel to come, Zera certainly was not going to be the one in 'finding more about the Protozoa Angels', he was just here so he could kill them. This was hard. The more he looked at her the more she reminded him of her and it was harder to block out the past. Moving his eyes away from her, he looked towards the bookshelf and fixed his eyes on Ham on Rye bye Charles Bukowski, he raised his arm to face the bookshelf and opened his hand and then *bam* the book was in his hand. One moment on the shelf, the next in his hand. Pretty sweet skill and yes, he knew that it was only meant to be used for self-defense and God's orders but this was, in a way, self-defense. Zera was defending himself from utter boredom. Turning the first page, he placed his foot on top of her legs as he crossed them over and used her as a foot rest. With the book still in front of him, he said in an intimidating tone, "I'm not allowed to kill you, yet. It's just a matter of time. If you run a way, I'll catch you again, if you hurt me, trust me, I'll make you feel a type of pain you've never felt before. Basically, whatever you do, the ending is a good one, for me, so don't waste my or your energy," he said bluntly. Always getting straight to the point.


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Azuel soon after left the demon, making the crack in the earth so that he can escape without any more bullets in him, he could of fought her and killed her then but God's orders were not to start the war and to not make the first move, as much as he wanted to fight he had to run. Hoping Zera caught at least one of the Protozoa's heads straight back to the hideout, Zera was reading a book called Ham on Rye by Charles Bukowski, and a the protozoa Raine tied up on a chair. "Did you make sure you wasn't followed" Azuel made special care not to be followed, but demons couldn't enter this place even if they wanted to, there were warding signs all over the place. Azuel walked over to Raine and pulled up a chair next to her "So answer me this, do you really think your life is worth more than earth and possibly heaven" Azuel this time asking on orders, this was part of finding out about her, which way was she leaning, towards heaven or hell "And do you need food to survive" Azuel looked at Zera obviously bored out of his mind, his talents could be used elsewhere, and gets him out of Azuel's way "Zera read up on some lore on ink demons, we want to know everything about our enemies"


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Raine freaked a little inside when he had shot her with the arrow and he threw her over his shoulder. She thrashed trying to get out of his grip until he took off into the air and she practically froze, she did not want to be up in the air but she also did not want to get dropped from up in the air either. When she saw the house they were going into she tried to figure out how far exactly it was from the motel Jericho was going to, she figured she could try and make a break for it, until he tied her up to a chair and she shot him a glare. She looked away as he sat opposite of her until he started using her as a foot rest and she looked at him, "how about you get your feet off of me?" She said in a very annoyed tone. She ignored his words of catching her and whatnot if she tried anything, because she was planning on getting out of this place, even if she did end up getting hurt in the process, she could care less at this point.

She turned her head as the other angel came in and pulled up a chair next to her. She rolled her eyes at his question and looked at him, "well at the moment i'm thinking my life is worth more than Heaven, but you can thank yourselves for that thought." She gave them a fake smile just to make her answer seem worse. She was a bit confused about the second question, considering it really had nothing to do with the first one, "yes, but what does that have to do with anything?" She thought for a moment, "my turn to ask a question now," she said, "Isn't God supposed to only look at the bad people have done and destroy them because of the bad? Well what exactly have i done bad? Because from what i can tell he only wants myself my my brother dead because of the 'bad' my parents did, so how does anything i've done tie into that in any way?" She used the term 'bad' loosely when she spoke of her parents, she didn't really see what was so wrong about it. She sighed, "cause last time i checked the person who destroyed stuff for no reason was Lucifer, so is God trying to be like Lucifer now?"


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Azuel listened to her comments about her life being worth more then heaven, although angry at that, he understood why she would think that and didn't show his anger on his face. Azuel then listening to her questions, turns back into his human form and then threw his weapon on the floor besides him, then answers leaning forward "I think your missing the big picture here, we are committing the lesser of two evils, if you were to survive Lucifer is going to use you to get revenge on us, and true it is not your fault but you should not of been allowed to exist" Azuel seeing that she doesn't think what their parents did was such a bad thing and takes a moment to explain " You see if we allow these things to carry on then it would happen more often, and demons and angles will start to work together, even though you may not see it, that would be a bad thing, it would make a full on war easier to trigger, and for betrayal" Azuel going back to his original point " So I'm sorry for having to do this but, ultimately God can't make things just go away, like i said lesser of two evils, also you only know stuff from the bible crap, they got it mostly wrong so Lucifer doesn't just destroy, so don't speak of things you know nothing about. God is trying to save the earth, but you people make it so hard to" Azuel then brightening up a little and asks "Do you like pizza"


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Azuel burst into the house but, like always, Zera paid him no attention and continued to read his book. Ignoring Raine's question, his feet remained on the Protozoa's lap and said "I'm not you Azuel," as an answer to his question. Questions were being exchanged by the two and Zera listened closely whilst pretending to read and turning pages of his book. When the protozoa mentioned the 'bad' parents, it caught his attention, this was wrong, in his point of view anyway, he cleared his throat and corrected her to "bad parenT," he said as he emphasised on the singular noun. This wouldn't have made any sense to either Azuel or Raine but Zera had his past which was a big part of him.

When Azuel told him to do something, this hit a nerve. Zera never reacted well when eople told him what to do. CLosing his book and taking his feet off the girl, he put his hands in his pockets and leaned back on the chair. "No," he glared at Azuel, "tell me this, since you gracefully took the leader position, what the fuck were you doing when one of our team mates were taken away? Having a stroll in the park? Checking out which colour eye patch compliments your hair? Once she was taken away, then what, what did you do? Did you have pizza with the demon too? Or did you just let her go? You're weak Azuel," he said trying to contain his anger. Usually, he really didn't care if Jac was here or not, but strangely, he did. Not just for her, but for this team, he cared about his kind as him and Jac were one of his kind, and he didn't really care if she was hurt but if she died, then he would feel responsible and that is an improvement to how emotionless he was before. This mission was harder than he thought it was going to be. It kept reminding him of the past and Raine particulary reminded him of a certain someone.

Without anymore words, Zera went to the back of the room to clean up. He could slowly feel the pain increase where the demon shot the poison bullet right where the sensitive part of his wings were. His brows furrowed as he tried to hide that he was hurting and he couldn't fold his wings back in because moving it would kill. With his hand, he touched the wound and looked back at his fingers to find there was deep red blood over it. Clenching his jaws together, he closed his eyes as he tried not to just burst out and destroy anything he could see and took a deep breath out. Ripping his top off, he revealed his extremely well built body of pale complexion, he looked at the back of his shirt and there were dark red blood stains and he threw it on the ground. "Cunt," he muttered under his breath, the pain started to rapidly increase and although he couldn't see it, his back was infected and the black poison running through his veins started to become visible. Taking deep breaths in and out, he grabbed onto the table, he leaned forward with his head down and squeezed it as hard as he could letting the pain out.


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Azuel not surprised by Zera's reaction, but felt like he needed to explain himself, normally he wouldn't but this mission was as a team so he needed to act like he was in one "Zera i didn't take the leader position, we're a team, none of us is the leader, and what was i doing, letting her get away. Because if i didn't i would of had to kill her there and then because she betrayed us, just ask her, so if you think I'm weak for not killing my own people, then I'm weak, but at least I'm not like humans or demons " Azuel nodded his head towards Raine then as he started to extract the poison from him, it reminded Azuel that the pain would start to hit him soon but he was just going to sit it out and wait for his body to solve the problem "Didn't i tell you Lucifer would get us to turn on each other, it's just like him" Azuel now getting back to pissing Zera off, one of his favorite pastimes "Plus do you really think i need a new eye patch, it is starting to wear out a little" knowing that Zera hates talking about stupid or non important things Azuel turning back to Raine "And answer me already about the pizza, i could die for a peperoni right now"

Back to Zera " And i only asked you because you enjoy reading, thought it might be more fun than sitting here, but whatever you can find out more about the protozoa, and I'll go read up on the lore" Azuel knew that Zera was probably already sold but then he added " I mean you never did tell me exactly what happened when you tracked down the protozoa's parents, and I'm sure Raine here would love to know what happened" Azuel still in his chair, trying to contain his amusement at this knowing full well Zera would be pissed at him but just couldn't.


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Raine rolled her eyes when Azuel said they were committing the lesser of two evils and whatnot and she glared at him, "then why weren't we killed when we were born instead of now?" She ignored the rest of his comments, not really wanting to listen to him or the other one for that matter. When he asked about her liking pizza she looked at him like he was some kind of weirdo, "yes."

When Zera was making comments to the other guy about strolling in the park and picking out eye patches, she couldn't help but laugh. She watched as he seemed to be in pain. She figured Flouise had gotten him good, she became curious as to if they got her good, she hoped not, considering she was trying to protect her and Jericho.

Raine had pretty much ignored what was being said after that until she heard Azuel mention Zera tracking down her parents. This automatically caught her attention and she looked at Azuel then Zera. "Is this angel the one who destroyed our parents," she thought to herself. She wanted to know, and she wanted to know now. She wanted to know if she was sitting in a room with the one who destroyed them.


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#, as written by shmband
Jericho was moving with such determination that he'd almost forgotten that his 'passenger' was now conscious. So when she spoke up he looked at her in surprised, and slowed down only briefly.

"Please," he said, "be my guest."

He set her down on her feet, feeling the burning sensation from having been carrying her so far and through so many exhausting manouvers, and trying to suspend any suspicion that with her strength back she would continue to try to kill him. If it happened, it happened. He couldn't possibly be any closer to 'screwed' than he already was with two other badass angels gunning for him.

He paused to look her in the eye, reading her response and eventually satisfied that she was not going to attack. He then looked back down the street...there was no sign of anyone persuing them, but at the same time there was no sign of Raine either. Maybe she had gotten to the motel already...she was, after all, taking a more direct route.

Turning and running once again, he got to the motel, slowed down to a more inconspicuous pace. He turned to the angel and muttered, "Let's go in discreet, huh?" Meaning for her to proceed in human form. He caught his breath and walked into the reception. The seedy little man behind the counter barely raised an eyebrow and Jericho and the angel walked in.

"Just an hour I take it?" the man said to the striking looking couple.

"The night please." Jericho said, scowling. The man tossed him a key and he walked back outside and found the door with the same number. The room inside was minimalist, but it was only needed to serve as a short-term hide-out and pit-stop.

Walking in circles around the room, he flexed his arms and legs working out the tension from them. He turned to the angel.

"So what do I call you?" he asked, "And what will your friends do to my sister if they've caught her?"


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Jac rasied her eyebrows at him looking her in the eye instead of running for it, but said nothing. Now wasn't exactly the best time time for one of her sarcastic comments, anyway. What was he searching for? Maybe some reason to trust her, she had been trying to kill him not to long ago. Poor kid, he was stuck between a rock and a hard place. Where was his sister anyway? Jac wasn't to sure to the layout of the city. Maybe she was there already? Know Azuel and Zera, though, she was probably captured.

She followed as Jericho turned around running, watching behind them for any signs of the other angels. She didn't think they were being followed, Jericho and she would be dead by now if they were. Jac nodded as they approached the motel and shifted back into her human form. There really wasn't anything more conspicuous than a girl with wings sticking out of her back and a halo abover her head.

They walked into the reception area and were greeted by a rather seedy looking man. Jac had to bite her tounge- literally- at the comment he made. Just an hour? Really? Honestly, people these days. She fixed her Death Glare on the man as he tossed them the key.

As they walked into the room she noted the less-than-spectacular decor, but mentally shurgged. Hell, she'd been in worse situations than this. At least this place was marginally clean.

Jac sat down and watched the Protozoa stretch and flex and walk around, and noted that he was very good looking, despite being half demon. Interesting.

"Jac, I'm going to guess that you're the one who's called Jericho and your sister is Raine?" she replied as the thought about his next question. What would they do to her if they caught her? Surely they wouldn't kill her, not without Jericho. "I'm not sure, but I don't think they'll kill her. The Big Guy wants you two gone at the same time, I think. Azuel- that's the one with the huge wings that you were talking to- is generally nicer than Zerachiel, so if he has her, she'll probably be okay. Zerachiel- he's the white haired one with the anger issues- is a bit more violent, but he follows orders. So, in general, she'll be safe. No guarantees, though. Sorry kid."


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#, as written by shmband
Jericho cursed to himself. She still hadn't shown up...she must have been caught up. Heck, he was lucky that he hadn't been caught, but at least if they'd been caught together he would know where she was. That said, if they'd been caught together - and if what Jac was saying was accurate - then there'd be an even greater chance of them being dead.

He stopped pacing and looked at Jac intently.

"How do you guys rationalise calling yourselves angels," he said, "when you are sent to destroy beings who are doing nobody any harm? I mean I never bought all the popular mythology and imagery...but I expected more than this."

He felt a particular tinge of sadness saying this to Jac, who to all intents and purposes looked like she should embody the sort of qualities traditionally ascribed to angellic beings; benevolence, mercy, and beauty,


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Jac couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt at what he said. It was true, how could they call themselves good if they were going to kill? Still, she kept an impassive face, her 'show no weakness' code still kicking in, even if she was technically on his side. "Because there was a chance you could've gone bad. I doubt even you know the extent of what you're capable of. You're new and we don't know anything about you. You could be insignificant, just minding your own buisness with no real power over anything, or you could be ridiculously powerful with unlimited potential. Potential that could be used to destroy everything in creation. Not just human lives, not just that of the angels and demons. Everything. Everything that ever was and ever will be. God couldn't risk it. Lucifer wants you two. He may be trying to protect you now, but once he gets to you he won't stop at anything to find out what you can do and how he can use it. You may think that you can resist him, but he is the ultimate tempation. He'll promise you everything you ever wanted. A world where you and your sister can be left alone, the girl of your dreams, whatever you most desire he will promise to you. Because he can do that. He can offer you whatever you want, but he would never give it to you. That's why we were- are- after you. The risk is too high," she said, "But, that doesn't mean what we're doing is right. You don't deserve to die, because once you die, I don't think you can come back. When an angel or demon dies, they don't come back. They won't be granted another life. You might be different. I don't know. None of us do. I don't even know if your parents knew anything about you."

She ran a hand through her hair in frustration. There was just so much unknown and that made people scared. Not just humans, they weren't the only people who persecuted things that were different, everyone did. There was no escaping it. And here she thought that angels were the divine species. That they had all the answers. Ha. They were just like everyone else, but pictured to be better. The wings, the wisdom, the guidance; it was all for show. In the end, they were just like humans, only worse. Angels could do whatever they wanted, as long as it wasn't against God's Will. Humans were so limited, they're potential for bad squashed only by the fact that they could only do so much.


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'There he goes again...' Zera thought as Azuel started to speak, he never understood the fact that just because he is very mute doesn't mean that other people are and often forgets the communication is vital. But once again, Zera was stubborn and looked apathetic to his explanation, but this changed when he mentioned Jac's betrayal. As his eyes narrowed and brows furrowed, he directly looked at Azuel in the eye with his piercing and serious look, he looked like he was about to kill someone. If this was Azuel's way of trying to piss him off, it definitely worked. He could feel the anger circulating in his body as he clenched his jaws and his hands turned into fists as he tried to calm down. The pain from the poison hurt much less now that he heard about Jac's sneaky move. To be hoenst, Zera wasn't that surprised, before going on the mission, he thought that Jac was way too inexperienced to be dealing with such an important mission like this one that he knew she was going to mess up somewhere along the line, but Zera had no idea it was going to be this bad. Now, the Protozoa's had a demon and an angel, this gave the two angels a huge disadvantage. Without saying anymore, he rolled his eyes at the eye patch comment, Azuel always came out with the stupidest comments that pissed him off.

Azuel's attempt at extracting the poison failed, it wasn't as easy as that and the pain was gradually increasing as it spread through his veins. Walking over to the book shelf, he got a book about ink demons out and started to read it, "I'm reading because I want to. Not because you told me to." he said, once again, in a blunt and serious tone. As he concentrated on his book, his colleague's next comment made everything about Zera freeze. This was one topic he wanted to avoid. Not just because of the fact that he killed the parents of the protozoa who was in the room but because there was one secret that no one knew about the old situation. No one, only God, knew the other reason why he was sent to kill the demon and the angel who went against the law, why this was the mission that would show that he was truly committed in being an angel. If people knew about this, they would probably see Zera in a better way, they would know why he was so bitter and always so angry, but he would never of it and never even wanted to think about it. This was why it was so hard to look at Raine and it was why he was so desperate to finish this task as quick as possible. With the book in front of his face, he could feel the Protozoa angel looking right in his direction. Closing his eyes with frustration, in the time of a split second, he put the book down and ran over to Azuel as he rammed him against the wall and held him up by his collar with one hand and but a sword against his neck with the other. He did this in extremely fast motion so it looked like he was reading one second and was just about to kill Azuel in the next. "Don't. Push. Me," he whispered as his hand was shaking as he pulled back his desire to kill him. Zera was so close so that if he wasn't that disciplined, then he might have just killed Azuel right on the spot. Avoiding Raine's eye contact, he sat back in his original seat and continued to read the book trying to find out as much as he could about their opponent.


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Azuel was not surprised by Zera's reaction, it was typical, and was the exact response that he wanted Zera would never kill him, because if he did he would get banished again, and when he was held up against the wall, with Zera staring furiously at him, Azuel just laughed "We're still not even Zera" Azuel pointing at his eye "Quite a nasty scratch you gave me" Now Azuel was going to ask Zera do to for him, really all that he wanted all along "Zera, I'm going to pop out for some Pizza, that is unless you want to go" This was a win win situation for Azuel, if Zera stays he knows that it will piss him of because of Raine asking questions, but if he goes, then he gets a pizza. Azuel could start to feel the poison creeping through his body, but this was not his first time facing a ink demon and it will not be his last, outlasting the poison is better in the long run, it acts like a vaccination kind of, it still bloody hurts every time, but they have to use a more deadly dose every time Azuel was hoping eventually he would become completely immune, but that is as much as he knows about ink demons. Azuel walked over to the couch and started to lie down, the pain would be easier to deal with this way.

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Character Portrait: Zerachiel de Campo


Character Portrait: Zerachiel de Campo
Zerachiel de Campo

I do what I am told; I am not going back there. So I will destroy.


Character Portrait: Zerachiel de Campo
Zerachiel de Campo

I do what I am told; I am not going back there. So I will destroy.

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Character Portrait: Zerachiel de Campo
Zerachiel de Campo

I do what I am told; I am not going back there. So I will destroy.

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