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Pucker Up!

Pucker Up!


In a high school, there's this game the students play, reminiscent of a childhood game called "Kiss Chase". One gender against another, who will come out with unkissed lips and win the prize?

1,741 readers have visited Pucker Up! since Dovahkiin created it.


Pucker Up!


Wikipedia says:
"A Kiss chase is a tag variant in which tagging is performed by kissing.
All members of one gender are 'it' at once and chase the opposite sex until everyone is caught, when the roles are reversed.
A variant is that the player chosen to be 'it' will, with assistance from those of the same gender,
chase all members of the opposite sex and kiss one of them, who is then 'it' on behalf of the other gender."

In Treaty View High School, the students have created a game years back that involves what would be the childhood game called
"Kiss Chase".
Basically, the Freshmen and Seniors are automatically involved in this game, where you have to kiss another student that is taking part in the
Game, and the last student to end up not being kissed is the winner.

The prize?
Anything your heart desires, be it the girl of your dreams, or a scholarship for college!

Character Skeleton
Code: Select all
[center][img] put image URL here! [/img]
Hi! I'm [u][b]FULL NAME HERE[/b][/u].
But you can call me [u][b]Aliases - Nicknames here. If there are multiple nicknames, separate them with a hyphen surrounded by spaces[/b][/u]!
I'm [u][b]Age[/b][/u] years old, and I was born on [u][b]birthday here![/b][/u], meaning I'm a [u][b]Horoscope (e.g. - Leo, Virgo, and Scorpio to name a few)[/b][/u].
I'm a [u][b]put high school year here, preferably Freshman or Senior[/b][/u], though I may not seem like it, I do quite a lot of things outside of school, such as [u][b]list hobbies here[/b][/u].

In my school ID, there's quite a lot that may have been missing, like [u][b]What doesn't your picture show?[/b][/u], it doesn't matter too much, though.

I'm the kind of person that [b][u]personality description[/u][/b].

Anything else that's needed to know about me?
[u][b]Extra facts[/b][/u]

If you've discussed it with me beforehand, you don't have to use the skeleton.

I'll even keep tabs on stuff like this in specific posts if you would like.

- Isabelle Valverde -
- Isabella Valverde -
- Tanner Forrin-DeLaney -
- Cassandra Keypass -
- Henly Lassiter -

- Abigail Yank -
- Megan Foster -
- Avia Oad -
- Christine Marie Mcarthy -
- Aki Sora -
- Fuyu Sora -
- Maxin Sybert -
- Annabelle Locking -

Now for the Rules!

Toggle Rules

- Un -
Use past tense third person.
If you don't know what that is, let me give you an example;

If you use this tense:
"I totally LOVE this color" I shriek with glee as my twin, Sue, dances in a dress.

I will seriously hurt something. Like, I really will. Or at least judge you silently.

I suggest you do something along the lines of this:
"I like this color as well." Sue smiled at her sister as she twirled the fabric between her thumb and forefinger.

- Deux -
I don't really want to be a party-pooper, but I do want at least a solid paragraph that gets the point across, I think around 200 words sounds about right, but if you don't have anything to work off of, you could at least give us a vivid description of what's happening, right?

- Trois -
I would like it if you used a picture of an actual person, no anime or manga, PLEASE.
It's also a deciding factor on if I accept you or not.
Meaning, if you have an anime or manga character as your character, I'm hitting reject unless you change it.

- Quatre -
Swearing is allowed, but keep in mind that it would kind of be frowned upon in school.
Out of school however, it's all right, just, y'know...
Keep it under control.

- Cinq -
I'd like it if you were able to post once every day or so, but I can be flexible, as I usually can't reach a computer myself.
So at least twice a week at least.

- Six -
Be mindful of the other characters, don't just go ignoring others unless that's what your character does,
like, the Queen Bee and a Nerd interacting, it would either be out of school usually or in small instances, like projects or something.

- Sept -
Keep chatspeak or text talk out of here.
I will punch something if I see it during a post unless your character is actually texting.
even then, make it obvious that they're texting someone.

- Huit -
NO ONE is to be perfect.
Make your flaws every day flaws.

Sure, there are characters that can fit into any clique, but your character
by no means is perfect.

- Neuf -
Romance is allowed, and actually encouraged, makes it harder to keep your lips from kissing.

- Dix -
You cannot force a kiss unto someone else unless you're allowed to by their author.

You can have one girl and one guy, exceptions are if they're related.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 7 authors

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Character Portrait: Tanner Forrin Character Portrait: Haydn Forrin-DeLaney
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[The Forrin-DeLaney Siblings]

"TANNER. WAKE UP. YOU DUMB NUTS. WAKE. UP." something shook him, and soon pushed off of his bed. Tanner let out a small groan as he kicked the offender, smirking as he heard an oof! in response to the connection between foot and sibling. "You almost hit my face man."

"You deserve it little bro." Tanner smirked as he pushed himself up, only to be stepped on by his brother, Haydn. A grunt left his mouth as he rolled over, tripping Haydn in the process.
The two brothers continued to wrestle until five minutes later when they smelled a burning stench, "What...?"
"Shoot! The pancakes!" Haydn raced out of the room only to find the "pancakes" burnt to a crisp.

"Too late now, brother, time to go to school."
"But... breakfast..."

Tanner only grimaced, "Mom already said first impressions are key, man up." He paused as he say his brother's face sadden before adding, "Look, I'll buy you some food at school, unless we don't get a move on and we end up late anyways."
Haydn brightened up immediately, "Deal!"

The older sibling was glad that the absence of their parents wasn't mentioned, it would just give Haydn leeway to have his way. Shaking his head, he grinned and grabbed his keys off of the kitchen counter, which were dangerously close to the stove.
A soft pathetic whine was heard from behind Tanner as Haydn ran upstairs to find a required reading paper that was supposed to be turned in today.
"Bear cub? Oops, breakfast's in the bowl already, right?" The Yorkshire Terrier pawed the empty bowl, causing Tanner to groan, "It was Haydn's turn today." He sighed as he stooped down to grab the dog food under the sink, the dog tackled him with sloppy kisses.

"Ugh, not today." the action earned another sigh from Tanner as he emptied a small bag into the bowl.
"I'm here! Let's go!" Haydn landed on his feet, successfully sliding down the railing from the second floor,

"Forgetting something?" Tanner patted his brother's shoulder and threw a full backpack into his chest, receiving another oof in reply.
A few minutes of rushed preparations later, the brothers were biking to the school, Treaty View High.
Great, I actually have to participate in this... Game they hold this year... Tanner thought to himself as he waited for his brother to lock his bike to the rack, and sighed, "Ready for your Freshman year?"
Haydn only nodded and followed Tanner through the already crowded hallways, the older leading the younger towards the cafe...

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To more or less everyone who had the misfortune of being within a mile of the massive, smoke-belching muscle car, the lyrics to Suffocation's most beautifully named Entrails Of You--a song currently being blared from within the vehicle at obscene volumes--were incomprehensible grunts and growls. To the occupants of the car, quite well-versed in the art of deciphering extreme metal's often nigh-unintelligible vocals, they painted a very clear picture--an artform that only one of the two within, it was clear, was enjoying. As always, Izzie had taken immediate command of the car's sound system.

"How the fuck can you tolerate this shit?" Izzy Valverde demanded of her twin sister. Years of argument and invective about the nature of their respective outrageously loud music had enabled Izzie to easily discern her sister's complaint from amongst the atrocious assault of death metal, prompting her to turn her head from the road ahead and towards Izzy. "There's no feeling. Except for feeling like someone's giving the singer a colonoscopy with their guitar."

"My sincerest fuckin' apologies, princess, I forgot your delicate ears were too used to spineless pussies in corpse make-up who can't play for jack shit screeching about Satan." Izzie accompanied her spiteful retort by shoving the music up to greater still volumes. "I had to tolerate your emo black metal bullshit all day yesterday. Today, we're listening to some real fucking metal, and if you don't like it, well you can get the fuck on out and walk the rest of the way." The 'elder twin' (as Izzie was fond of referring to herself) shook her head and muttered under her breath, "First she fuckin' burns the breakfast, then she has the gall to bitch whenever I turn on halfway decent music..."

Izzy's dark brown eyes flashed irascibly. "I only burnt the panqueca because you didn't come and get me when they were done. And I do all the fucking cooking, and seeing as you couldn't make yourself a sandwich if you were about to die of hunger, your ungrateful ass would've starved a long time ago if I weren't there."

"Don't forget that most of our money? Comes from me." Izzie sneered triumphantly as she commandeered their mutual vehicle closer and closer to its destination. "You hardly make any fucking money at that useless bookstore of yours--maybe you could suggest that they pick up some books anyone would be halfway fucking interested in, that might get you some actual business--FUCK!" Izzie unleashed yet another immediate obscenity as Izzy's responce, arriving in the form of her fist slamming into Izzie's arm, forced the twin to swerve to avoid their car getting turned into a pancake by an oncoming truck. "Christ," she muttered angrily. "Add 'nearly getting us fucking killed' to that list..."

It was in much that same fashion that the Valverde twins arrived at their destination--an educational institution by the name of 'Treaty View High'. Actually, by the time they'd arrived, it just so happened that Izzie decided--in what others would undoubtedly see as the non-sequiter of the century--to switch from brutal death metal to Minor Threat. This was, as it were, one of few territories of rock where the two sisters could possibly come to a semblance of agreement, and so as they exited the old car, the last few notes of Minor Threat's 'I Don't Wanna Hear It' striving to make themselves heard before Izzie silenced the music, they were no longer arguing.

Not about music.

"I still say the whole damn thing is straight-up bullshit," Izzie declared to her sister, who crossed her arms across her chest and raised an eyebrow at this. "'Kiss Chase'? What is this, second grade?"

"It's necessary," Izzy pointed out bluntly in typical laconic manner. "Scholarship? We need that. If we don't--"

"Yes, yes, I get it, you gave me the depressing 'we'll be fucked for life' speech so many times I've lost all will to live, whatever," Izzie cut across her sister irately as they departed the parking lot for the halls of the school building itself. "But a fucking kiss game? Whichever genius jackass devised this bullshit direly needs a beating."

Izzy remained silent in responce to this as they transitioned from the wide-open asphalt expanse of the parking lot into the hectic hell of the halls, whereupon Izzie, as always distressed by the crowds, subtly expressed her discontent by angrily shoving everyone out of her way, clearing a path for herself and what looked like a second 'herself' trailing behind her unapologetically. Indeed, it was nigh impossible to distinguish Izzy and Izzie by their appearance--for where many twins sought to distinguish themselves from one another, Izzie and Izzy went out of their way to look alike, right down to the multi-coloured dreadlocks, towering statures, metal-covered leather jackets, bullet belts, the whole shtick. Had anyone here known the least damn thing about metal, they could differentiate the twins based on their selection of band tee--for whereas Izzy was clad in a shirt proudly bearing the insignia of black metal pioneers Burzum, Izzie wore the name and logo of Napalm Death--the seminal band of grindcore, that most abrasive genre which Izzy could not for the life of her tolerate. This was a non-issue to most present, who recognised the senior twins and didn't care much which was which as long as neither came their way--instead keeping their distance, watching irritatedly, amusedly, disgustedly, or just plain curiously as the two twins argued, yelled, fought, and carved their path through the gathering crowds.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Abigail Yank
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Abigail walks up to the sound of a howling german sheperd and a trembling american bulldog under her sheets. "Anika! Shut up,you'll wake the whole damn neighborhood!" She groans and throws her Dark Vader pillow at her howling german sheperd,Akita. She hears a whimper as her large dog dives under her twinsize bed. "Abigail Jennifer Yank,get yourself out of bed." She hears her mother yelling. She groans and rolls out of bed and onto the floor. After a second,she gets up and heads to her closet grabing her outfit that she picked out last night.

After flipping on her outfit,she walks into the bathroom and puts in her contacts and to brush her now shorter hair. She looks in the mirror smiling at how diferent she was from eigth grade last year,yea she was what you could call a nerd...a really bug nerd with braces and glasses But,with her braces off and new contacts she felt like a new person. After combing her chestnut brown hair, Abby walks in her family's kitchen and grabs her car keys and an apple from their small wooden table. "Bye mom,dad. Love you too." She rolls her eyes,her parents were never with her in the morning but what else was new? She walks outside and lets the warm sunny hit her olive skin as she sits in the front seat of her dad's old car.

As she pulls in the school parking lot she has her black sunglasses on and her korean music blasting. She knew it probably pissed a few people off mostly because she was 16 and a freshmen when most were sophmores or juniors. She parks where mostly no one else did and takes the keys out and into her skinny jeans pants pocket. She exhales learning about their "little game" over the summer by her sister,but she was up for anything. She grabs her ipod out of her locker and slips one of her black skullcandy earbads in her ear listening to the same that she was in her car. She walks into the crowded hallway being overwelmed at frist,then she got used to it after a while. She lets the music blast in her ear as she walks around looking fo her locker. After about ten minutes,she finds it and opens it throwing all her books in not being able to get her mind off the whole game thing. Remember I could have gone to that religous school uptown,but then I would have had as much fun. She smirked at the thought.

She also started to think of a way to make friends,being a big loner geek last year she had maybe at the most six friends that humg out with her everyday but they got their parents to take then to the other school. Now she was wishing she asked to go there. But,it was too late now so looked around for anyone that might be as big as a dork as her. As in like star wars,Harry Potter,anything they had in common. Because basing on their appearances most of them wouldn't like her.

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Annabelle woke up to the sound of her alarm clock ringing incessantly. She groaned and tried to find it without lifting her head off of her pillow but couldn't find it. She finally came in contact with it and slammed the top of it down, stopping the noise from the vintage thing. "More sleep." She said to herself and began to doze off again when her brothers face popped into her view. "Get up!" He yelled and she yelped in suprise then fell off the other side of the bed. "Owwwww....." she mumble and got up slowly. "You are lucky that I'm lazy in the morning. Why did you have to wake me up anyways?" He snickered like it was funny she didn't know, and she frowned then realized what it was. "Oh no, school starts today!" She ran back to her bed and jumped in it, but was tugged out by her brother. This happened almost every year, she tried to avoid school and would run to her bed, she would be dragged out, then ate breakfast. By then she would face defeat and get ready.

This year was different though. The highschool had this game, a kissing game, where you had to not be kissed. She had a feeling she knew what would happen when she got there. Boys would flirt, girls would flirt, it would be a mess of unreal love. Belle herself always had a love for tue old romantic movies, where they would take you to a canival and guide your hand as you rolled the ball into the hoops, or they would stand out your window with a boombox on their shoulder. Nobody did that anymore so she was fairly certain she would not be kissing anyone, but she was also certain that people would try and get her to kiss them.

As she was brought to the table she ate her breakfast of fruits. Pinapples, grapes, bananas, and apples. She ate slowly, dreading the day to come. She finished not saying a word to her little brptuer, because she suddenly envied him. He was in sixth grade. Far away from this game. Maybe it woud be canceled by his time to enter highschool.

Going back to her room she looked in her closet and picked out the first shirt she saw. It was a dark grey color and had a tribal sogn on the center of it. The shirt itself ended right at her waist, making it so she would expose her stomach if she lifted her hands up. Then she found a pair of bright red shorts to match some of the color in tue tribal sign.

As she fi ished getting ready she looked at the time and found she still had an hour before school started. "I guess I'm walking then" and she started to walk to school.

She really did like to walk and run. She was

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(Sorry, post cont.)
on the track team last year and had one plenty of first place ribbons, even broke a few records. She adjusted her strap on her bag as she approached the school. The place where she would be in a game that sounded pretty awful. She saw already talking and hanging out, making her realize that she needed to make some friends in the older years so she coulfd find out exactly how this gake worked. They had been in the game before, they would know how to beat it wouldn't they? She also realized that it would be harder to be friends with boys now. The game would make it hard to trust one another. The majority of her friends had been guys, now what was she supposed to do?

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christine Marie McCarthy
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Kris awoke with a start, sitting up on her bed before flicking her tired hazel eyes to the alarm clock. It was nearing a quarter after, and if she didn't hurry up she'd be late for her first day of high school. She suppressed a yawn before blinking a few times, and pushed her legs to the other side of her bed. Sunlight was streaming through the bedroom blinds already, and if Kris didn't know it, she'd probably guess it was already noon. She hated the summer, and hated the fact it was already so hot and bright despite it being so early in the morning. She was glad summer was almost over. She headed over to the bathroom to wash her face, and threw on a pair of shorts and a blouse. She put up her hair in a sloppy bun, sticking a couple bobby pins inside to keep it intact.

The house was quiet since her mother had already left for work, and with Sam and Daniel being gone, the house seemed strangely quiet. They had dropped Sam and Daniel to their colleges last weekend, and, Kris didn't want to admit it, but she was already starting to miss them. She missed the way they'd start such a ruckus in the morning before school, and how they'd constantly teased her. After all, they were family. She would never tell them she missed them though, hell she'd rather be caught dead then tell them that. Finding her school bag in the back of her bed, Kris threw inside a couple of notebooks and pencils before heading out her room. She found her cellphone by the foot of her bed and tossed it inside too.

Kris's brothers had warned her about Kiss Chase before they'd left. She had already known about the game though, because the both of them had been complaining about the year before. It was something that only the freshman and seniors of TVHS were involved in, and was sort of a game of tag where you had to avoid getting kissed at all costs. The reward was anything your heart desired, whether it be a scholarship to a school or a date with the person of your dreams. Honestly, Kris questioned how the game came to existence in the first place. Did she really have to play? She'd much rather watch. Despite her protest, it wasn't as if she could get out of the game anyway. All the freshman and seniors were required to participate.

After grabbing a granola bar from the kitchen, Kris found the letter of acceptance from the school just in case and tossed it inside her bag too. She pulled on a leather jacket over her ensemble, and brought her backpack over her shoulder. She wasn't exactly nervous for the first day of school, but she could really do without it. None of her friends from her old school were going there this year, so Kris was all on her own. Unlike her brothers, she wasn't exactly the best at making friends. She walked out the door after putting on a pair of sandals and braced herself for the worst. It was better safe than sorry, right?

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Megan Foster
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Megan awoke to her phone playing β€˜Stronger’ by Kelly Clarkson. She rolled over on her bed and groaned. It took her a few seconds to realize that it was her phone not her alarm clock. She shot right up for bed and quickly grabbed her phone. She had caller I.D. so she knew it was her mom.

Her mom and dad got divorced five years ago, Megan was always at her dads on the first day of school. So Megan’s mom called her every first day of school morning to awake her up and wish her a happy first day. It was a nice wake-up call but it was about an hour before she usually wakes up.

Megan pressed the answer button and before Megan could say anything her mom started talking, β€œHey Meg! Good morning!”

It was too early to be morning Megan though but she said, β€œHi mom did you know it’s 5 in the morning?”

Her mother laughed even though nothing was really all that funny, β€œOf course I know that! But I thought you might need extra time to get ready this morning.”

It was kind of nice of her mom to think of that but mostly Megan was annoyed, she put on a nice voice though, β€œThanks mom.”

Her mom was quick to reply, β€œYour welcome not I have to go, love you, bye.”

β€œBye,” Megan said just as her mother hung up the phone.

Megan got up and stretched. Then she went to go take a warm shower.

Taking a shower really wakes you up, though Megan. She had to robe secured around her and she was drying her hair. Once her hair was dry she walked over to her closet which was a huge mess. She had to dig through a lot of clothes to find something that she wanted to wear.

She found a pair of light pink shorts, short sleeved lose blouse, golden chained necklace with a big pink flower on the middle, and a pair of golden sandals.

She curled her hair into beach waves and then braided and pinned back about an inch of her hair. As for make-up she had one pink eye shadow, brown eyeliner, pink blush, pink lip gloss, and brown mascara.

She looked very pretty thought looking at herself in the mirror hanging from her bedroom door. She gave herself a little smile knowing it was the first day of her freshman year, her first day in High School.

She ate a piece of toast with jelly on it for breakfast then grabbed her bag and left. She was in walking distance of the school so she would walk there until she got her license.

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Character Portrait: Maxin Sybert
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"Shit!" Maxin swore aloud. He had woke up late again, he knew that there would be no time for breakfast.

Max threw on the nearest pants he could find, grabbed his phone and mp3 player, and ran out the door without even making sure that his hair looked half-way decent. Between his music blaring in his ears and the fact of being late running through his head, he barely remembered to put his shoes on the right feet.

"God dammit! Why me? Why is it that things like this always happen to me?"

Max had always had a problem with waking up in time, whether it was forgetting to set his alarm or hitting the snooze one to many times. His mom worked the early shift at the plant and was always busy, his dad could give two fucks less about him, so he could only rely on himself to wake up on time.

As he approached the front doors of the high school, he noticed a few girls that he thought were cute and wondered to himself what grade they were in. He recognized one of them as a girl from last year. What was her name again? Oh! Yea!

"Hey! Megan!"

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Character Portrait: Abigail Yank
1 sightings Abigail Yank played by .euphoria.
"I have never been kissed,but a scholarship rules out a kiss anyday in my book."
Character Portrait: Avia Oad
0 sightings Avia Oad played by Fiery-Temper
Character Portrait: Hailey Rogers
0 sightings Hailey Rogers played by WoahItsKarlee19
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View All » Add Character » 15 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Cassandra Keypass
Character Portrait: Tanner Forrin
Character Portrait: Christine Marie McCarthy
Character Portrait: Aki and Fuyu Sora
Character Portrait: Maxin Sybert
Character Portrait: Annabella Locking
Character Portrait: Henley Lassiter
Character Portrait: Haydn Forrin-DeLaney


Character Portrait: Haydn Forrin-DeLaney
Haydn Forrin-DeLaney

I'm not sure that I should be doing this...

Character Portrait: Henley Lassiter
Henley Lassiter

I'm just in this game for the beautiful photographs I can capture...

Character Portrait: Annabella Locking
Annabella Locking

What ever happened to kisses being romantic?

Character Portrait: Aki and Fuyu Sora
Aki and Fuyu Sora


Character Portrait: Christine Marie McCarthy
Christine Marie McCarthy

"Do we really have to play this game?"

Character Portrait: Tanner Forrin
Tanner Forrin

I've never been kissed and I intend to keep it that way.

Character Portrait: Cassandra Keypass
Cassandra Keypass

I can't wait till graduation


Character Portrait: Annabella Locking
Annabella Locking

What ever happened to kisses being romantic?

Character Portrait: Tanner Forrin
Tanner Forrin

I've never been kissed and I intend to keep it that way.

Character Portrait: Christine Marie McCarthy
Christine Marie McCarthy

"Do we really have to play this game?"

Character Portrait: Henley Lassiter
Henley Lassiter

I'm just in this game for the beautiful photographs I can capture...

Character Portrait: Cassandra Keypass
Cassandra Keypass

I can't wait till graduation

Character Portrait: Haydn Forrin-DeLaney
Haydn Forrin-DeLaney

I'm not sure that I should be doing this...

Character Portrait: Aki and Fuyu Sora
Aki and Fuyu Sora


Most Followed

Character Portrait: Tanner Forrin
Tanner Forrin

I've never been kissed and I intend to keep it that way.

Character Portrait: Christine Marie McCarthy
Christine Marie McCarthy

"Do we really have to play this game?"

Character Portrait: Henley Lassiter
Henley Lassiter

I'm just in this game for the beautiful photographs I can capture...

Character Portrait: Cassandra Keypass
Cassandra Keypass

I can't wait till graduation

Character Portrait: Haydn Forrin-DeLaney
Haydn Forrin-DeLaney

I'm not sure that I should be doing this...

Character Portrait: Annabella Locking
Annabella Locking

What ever happened to kisses being romantic?

Character Portrait: Aki and Fuyu Sora
Aki and Fuyu Sora


Fullscreen Chat » Create Topic » Pucker Up!: Out of Character


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Most recent OOC posts in Pucker Up!

Re: Pucker Up!

A couple of people haven't posted yet. I was giving them a chance to post first, but it looks like they aren't going to :c

Re: Pucker Up!

Well, it seems this RP has kinda ground to a halt, but I feel the need to note here that I will not be available to post (most likely) roughly between April 14 and 23.

Re: Pucker Up!

I like that little fun fact idea. It sounds cool. :D

Re: [OOC] Pucker Up!

All right~
Well, anyways, I think I'm going to go off, I'll

To go online during lunch, but no promises.
At best if I do go on, it'll be on my phone.

Re: [OOC] Pucker Up!

That works fine with me. And I'd post in such a thread except I think I've pretty much covered what I feel needs to be covered in their profile.

Re: [OOC] Pucker Up!


How about they just be the kind of friends that
know each other's name and greet each other if in the mood,

but don't actually know each other super closely?
Like something between acquaintance and everyday friend?

On another note,
I kind of want to make a OOC thread where people can put fun facts of their characters and tidbits.

Who would post there?
If more than two people would I'll open one up~

Re: [OOC] Pucker Up!

Up to you really. To be honest Izzy could probably get along with most people who don't get fed up over her abrasion/tendency towards quietness/whatnot, a much less degree :v Alternatively, they could both end up only having one another as friends. I'm just letting you know that if you think at some point Tanner could have ended up as a friend to either or both, that's fine with me.

Re: [OOC] Pucker Up!

It could be a friendship that starts this year?
I mean, to tell the truth, it doesn't seem like they would have interacted
during soph or junior year, judging by the different personalities..?


By the way, adding some material to my first post with the boys~

Re: [OOC] Pucker Up!

Whelp, if you want him to have been friends with either Izzie or Izzy, that's cool with me as long as you think it'd work. To be honest I'd figured they would have ended up in Treaty View High School about Sophomore year, so they too have yet to take part in this. And wouldn't if not for the scholarships it evidently can provide :v

Re: [OOC] Pucker Up!

Well, I think Tanner's open to being friends with anyone,
I mean, he moved to Treaty View his Soph year, meaning
he didn't experience the game first hand yet.

No awkwardness...


Anyone want to be Haydn's friend though?
He came to Treaty View in...
Seventh grade?

Re: [OOC] Pucker Up!

Well, if we're discussing friends, anyone wanna be Izzy/Izzie's friend? :D :D :D


Re: [OOC] Pucker Up!

Hey, I was wondering if my girl could have some guy froends(throwing it out to whoever wants to)

Her previous years she was friends with guys and she should have some this year too I think. Just PM me or put it in the ooc to let me know if anybody wants to be her friend.

Re: [OOC] Pucker Up!

By the way I'm a she.

Just putting that out there for future reference.

Re: [OOC] Pucker Up!

School tends to be...

But uh, no excuses really, I just haven't been going on during lunch.
I'll fix my first post since at this moment it's late and I'm half dead from today.

Re: [OOC] Pucker Up!

GM hasn't been online for the past couple days, but he did say he'd be unable largely to log on during weekdays, a few days, I'm guessing.

Re: [OOC] Pucker Up!

When are we going to start this?

Re: [OOC] Pucker Up!

I'm debating whereas I should make a senior guy. A nerdy/shy type of guy in addition to the freshman girl :3

I won't be online for about 2 days because of school, so if you guys start don't think I dropped out or anything. I'm very much interested. :> I'll be back by Tuesday. If not, Wednesday the latest since then I'm officially on spring break.

Re: [OOC] Pucker Up!

I just made a female Senior :D I might go make a male Freshman, too, I dunno me ;P

Re: [OOC] Pucker Up!

Just a heads up, I won't be on as much until summer break, I'll try to go on once a day at least, but like,
I can't usually go online on weekdays,
Only Saturday I can go on, and the Sunday I can't go on at all. :c

I think we can actually start now that we have a large enough group!

Re: [OOC] Pucker Up!

Well I made 2 freshman guys :0 sorry for being late though :)