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Race for the Embrio



a part of Race for the Embrio, by tallyrebel.


tallyrebel holds sovereignty over Japan, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

523 readers have been here.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:!


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Japan is a part of Race for the Embrio.

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Skylar Viello [36] "Hearts are just love's toy for breaking."
Akuryo Itazura [27] "..."

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Character Portrait: Skylar Viello
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Riiiiing, RIIIing, RIIIINg, RII—

A hand slammed against the top of the alarm clock, cutting its wailing off. The small form curled in the bed stretched out from the ball she’d curled into a sad up with a cat-like yawn. Strands of red hair stuck our here and there, giving her already sleepy appearance and even more messy outlook. Skylar rolled out of bed and trudged across her room towards the door. She paused once there, a hand on the door-knob. Downstairs she could hear her father roughing up the kitchen as he sought to find something he was missing. Licking her lips, she pressed through the door which led into her bathroom.

“Good morning~!” came the voice of a chara.

The redhead glanced groggily over at the floating creature. “Rue. Good morning,” she answered shortly before turning to the mirror.

It took only around ten minutes to get herself prettied up. Her hair looked messy brushing it or not, but she did her best to make it look relatively normal. She slipped into her uniform – a checkered black and red skirt, a white button-down, and the black long-sleeved sweater she always adorned – and revised her appearance. Unsatisfied, she unbuttoned the top of her white shirt, fixed it to look relatively normal against her sweater, and stepped out of the bathroom.

After pulling on black knee-socks, Skylar skipped down the stairs and quickly toasted some bread. Her three guardian characters slowly crept down after her, all looking equally as groggy as their bearer. Bread in mouth, she slipped on her shoes and headed out the door, holding her bag in a fashion that draped it over her shoulder. The walk to school wasn’t so bad, just around ten minutes – she made it there quickly and quietly.

Students had already started filling the campus, smiles on their faces and laughter in their eyes. The redhead brushed past without a second glance. She was fairly popular among her class – Junior, to be exact – though she didn’t exactly enjoy all of the attention. It was a good thing her characters couldn’t be seen either; it would only attract more trouble.

“Ah, good morning!”

Skylar glanced to her left and immediately stopped in her tracks, eyes glued to Percy Thorne, the King of the Guardians. He was a foreigner but could speak smoothly and was always kind to her. She waved lightly at him, unsure exactly how to respond. He floated over to her with a smile.

“Have a good weekend?” he asked, blue eyes holding hers eagerly.

“Yeah, I guess,” she replied, forcing herself to look away, face a little flushed. “Class is starting soon. I should go.” Without waiting for his response, she headed onwards, only stopping when his hand grabbed hold of her wrist.

It seemed to take him a moment to realize that he’d grabbed her. He immediately released her and took a step away. “The Guardians would like to see you after school in the green-house. We have a request.”

She frowned lightly, eyebrows knit. “Maybe,” she replied indifferently and once more began on her way.


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Character Portrait: Akuryo Itazura
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Light poured in from the window of the giant room, streams of it dancing upon the made bed of dark sheets. The boy of whom the bed belonged to, lay upon them as opposed to under them signifying that he had come in late and was much too tired to do such a task as pulling back covers. The soft light woke the boy. Akuryo Itazura opened his eyes automatically shutting them again as he squinted at the light sneaking into his unusually dark room. After a moment he sat up and stretched, dropping his arm only to stifle a yawn.

“Good Morning young Master” Said a voice somewhere to the left of him. Akuryo glanced at the object which had made the sound. A small box attached to a dresser there was the source.

” Hello..mornin He replied yawning again. The box however was silent, and spoke to him no more. Akuryo turned his green-blue eyes away from it and stood up. The window’s light seemed inviting Akuryo couldn’t help but walk towards it. Seconds before reaching it however, his hand froze in mid-air and grasped the curtain instead pulling it closed throwing the room into darkness once again. All that could be seen were Akuryo’s glowing eyes, the only thing that stood out in the darkness.

Shortly after that same boy stepped out of a long car onto the yards of his High School he was a senior, top of his class in both appearance and knowledge. He glanced back at the shadowed faces in the car.

“Goodbye” He said kindly. The people just stared back and shut the door, driving quickly off and out of sight. Akuryo turned with a sigh to the school. Just then a group of students surrounded him. Short and tall, male and female.

“How are you?”
“Morning Itazura-sempai”

Voices called out from all around him. His face brightened as he smiled and returned their greetings.

“Hello!~ morning to you all, I’m fairly well. Yourself?”

The group bustled around him all making their way up to the school building. He followed or led it casually, smiling at everyone.
“So Itazura-sempai I was wondering if you could help me with this little thing” One student began. Akuryo’s attention turned fully onto that student

”What is it?” He asked slightly curious

“Well you see” the student went on “I’m in a bit of trouble and I need someone to get me out of it if you know what I mean”
Akuryo waited for the student to explain thinking ”Another, one with trouble these are the hardest to solve
“You’re in good with the Principal, could you know get him to let me off”
Akuryo’s eyes opened wide. What did this student do? He wondered.

”I’m not sure
 Akuryo said and all the students froze around him empty looks on their face. Akuryo stared back, I really don’t want to but If it makes them look at me like that just for trying to object I guess I have to, being mean that’s not what they see me as

“Oh! It’s not a problem at all I’ll get that covered right away Shikaura-kun” He smiled nervously and looked back at them. The scene from before had vanished the students were back to their happy cheerful selves.

“I Knew you would!”
“Itazura-sempai never fails us”
“He’s soo sweet”

Akuryo sighed as the students dispersed into their groups into the school. His smile faded. Why can’t I just be mean


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The hustle and bustle of the morning was all but exciting to Skylar. People greeted her, admired her, smoldered her, idolized her. Icy daggers reflected in her sharp amber-red eyes as if daring someone to approach her. She was the it girl. She was the rich girl. She was the girl who dared to stand against the iron fist of authorities. Everyone wanted to know her, to befriend her, to date her. But she was also the lonely girl. She was the distant girl. She was the girl who felt like nobody truly understood her, only seeing her for her outward appearance.

“Ohayo, Vi-chan~!” squeeled a trio of girls at her left.

The redhead paused in mid step and glanced at the three of them with lips lightly purse. That nickname – damn it was annoying. It was just another reminder of why people liked her; for her sustenance, not for her; for her family’s wealth, not for her. And they stood there smiling so innocently at her as if they hadn’t a care in the world.

“Tch,” Skylar chided and continued on her way.

As she walked down the second-story hallway – the West Hall to be exact – she glanced out the window and set her eyes upon a long car that had pulled up. She halted once more, blank eyes finding the young man who had exited the vehicle. His name was escaping her, but if she was correct, he was one of the other popular rich kids, a nice one too. Skylar gave a sharp, almost inaudible laugh. Nice? She doubted the rumors.

“Viello, why didn’t you clean up the classroom yesterday?” her teacher scolded as she entered her home-room. “It was your duty! Everyone else has done their duties, why can’t you?”

“Unlike you, Sensei, I have a life outside of school,” she retorted coldly. “If you’ve got a problem with me, why not fight me?” She met her teacher’s eyes with icy intensity, gaze never wavering until the man looked away. “That’s what I thought,” she muttered and sat in her seat.

------(I’m skipping classes. Going to after school) ------

The day couldn’t have gone any slower. Class after class her teachers droned on about subjects she could have cared less about. Skylar had ditched halfway through her last class, using the excuse of an upset stomach to leave without question. She was sitting under one of the trees in front of the school, nearly asleep, when the school bell brought her from her close slumber.

“Ah, Sky-chan, I found you~”

A frown upon her lips, the redhead opened an eye to inspect Nick Ling, the Jack of the Guardians. They’d never really gotten along, but it seemed as if lately he’d become interested in her. She stood, leaning lazily against the trunk of the tree. “What do you want, Nick?” she demanded.

“His Highness asked you to visit the greenhouse after school, I presume?”

“That is correct.”

He smiled. “You aren’t going to show up, I presume?”

“That is also correct.”

“Then take this.” He took her by the wrist and so easily twirled her around so her back was facing him. He proceeded to clasp a necklace around her neck, one that had a large and strangely alluring lock charm. “Don’t lose it, Sweety,” he chuckled, ruffling her hair and departing without a backwards blance.

“What the hell,” Skylar murmured, straining to see the lock from its short chain.


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The day went by pretty much the same as the morning. Akuryo surrounded almost to the point that he couldn’t breathe, by people who seemed like they lived off the light he gave off. He didn’t feel light at all though. What he felt was more like, choked, uncomfortable, not belonging. That summed up every school day for him. Akuryo didn’t understand if he was so “smart” why he couldn’t just leave.

Because people need me He thought as someone once again asked him to help for a problem they couldn’t possibly solve without his help and he so “graciously” agreed. The teachers, you’d think would like him a little more. But , no they were just like everyone else only saw him as a nice guy who would do anything for anybody without question or complaint. He hated that he appeared that way to everyone.

There was nothing he could do but deal with it, at least school was better than the alternative. His after school “project”. If anyone here saw what he did the entire school would turn against him and nothing would be remotely “nice” enough to cover it. Akuryo continued through school accepting more favour’s from students and carrying them out as he went. You’d never think school could be this stressful. Apart from being so tired Akuryo wasn’t sure if he could do this today, that’s about when he caught a whiff of it.

This wasn’t just any normal egg but a freshly hatched one. His eyes flickered as he turned towards the scent stopping the group who he was guiding

“what’s wrong Itazura-sempai?” one of the students asked. Akuryo’s attention snapped back into the present.

“I’m sorry I forgot I was supposed to talk to the Principal about something
He said suddenly.

The looks of contempt were slowly appearing back on the student’s faces.

“oh” they said in empty unison

“I’ll be back soon. Have a wonderful day everyone” He smiled not looking to see if their expressions changed and turned and ran off in the direction of the principal’s office. Once out of sight however, he turned towards the scent. It was his job to follow it. Easter would kill him
 or someone else
 if he didn’t. Akuryo hurried on up to the rooftop. The town spread out so vast yet so small below him. A familiar voice appeared next to his ear

“Fuuu this place is nooo fun why do you come here Akuuuuryo” It said, a high pitched bored yet excited sounding voice.

“Because It’s required of me Trix” Akuryo answered calling the critter by name. Trix, a tiny chibi-like boy dressed in a red and black jester’s attire floated above Akuryo’s left shoulder.

“But its soo boring fuuuu” the little one pouted. “let’s have some fun.. dontcha smell it eggs are nearby”


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Character Portrait: Skylar Viello
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Skylar was about to be on her way home when she noticed someone on the rooftop. It was that boy again, the same one she'd noticed that morning. She watched him for a moment, trying to see if she could determine what he was saying - the distance was making her task challenging, but she tried none the less. Perhaps it was while she was busy attempting to read his lips that she noticed the guardian character at his shoulder. A stifled gasp and a step-forward later and she hadn't moved from under the tree. She was well aware that the Guardians seemed to know something about the characters, but she hadn't realized there was another member of her school who had one.

"Sky," came an uneasy voice from her bag. Jinx crawled onto her head, tugging lightly at her hair. "Something's wrong. The atmosphere doesn't feel right."

"Do you think it could be one of them?" Rue asked, face riddled with concern.

"Them? Who is them?" their bearer asked blankly. "What are you talking about?"

The three characters looked at her sadly though remained silent. Skylar gritted her teeth. Judging by the path of their eyes, whatever was wrong was coming from inside the school. Part of her wondered if the boy on the roof had anything to do with it. She poked Jinx, gazing up at the chara with a frown. Silent words were spoken and an instant later, the redhead was gifted with cat ears and tail. A calm expression upon her face, she cross around to the back of the school where she easily scaled the building. She stopped on a window-sill before reaching the roof, taking a cautious thought to tuck the lock underneath her shirt. Then, after a moment of preparation, she climbed up to the roof.

"Hey, you," she called to the boy, eyeing him with icy amber-red eyes. Her character change with Jinx had ended a moment before and all three characters had disappeared into her bag - it was a precaution; for all she knew, if this boy found out she had characters then she could be in trouble. Skylar pretended not to notice his character altogether. Then again, her bullet-proof precautions were a little sunk by the fact that she'd suddenly appeared behind him.

"There's a commotion downstairs. Are you the one who started it?" It was a lie, obviously, but it wasn't as if he knew that. Perhaps it would make him talk. Perhaps he knew about what her characters seemed so upset about. About... them.

((note* them meaning the x-eggs; Sky has yet to come upon them))


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Character Portrait: Skylar Viello Character Portrait: Akuryo Itazura
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Akuryo closed his eyes thinking, or smelling, or some combination of both. This way he could sense his surroundings a little better than normal. To the left children playing in a playground 
it must be after school
 and to the right cars on a street and a woman yelling
 he could almost hear what the woman was saying but it was irrelevant he turned to another direction

“Akuuuuryooo” Trix groaned floating upside down with his chin in his hands, watching Akuryo with a bored expression. Where is the egg? Akuryo’s thoughts asked himself. The teen paid almost no attention to the little one above his shoulder. Then with a deep breathe he focused more on the surroundings below almost nothing but silence
 something seemed off though although. He opened his eyes for a second, he had sensed something but it disappeared before he could lock onto it. What could that be? He refocused but too late.BEHIND!

"Hey, you," A voice said closely behind him, one he didn’t sense. Akuryo jumped a bit then flipped around, a normal reaction to being caught in an act of being somewhere he wasn’t supposed to be, which made sense the roof was off limits. His act of turning , however, was to hide the fact that he was looking for Trix, to make sure he was hidden. Lucky for Akuryo, the little chara had been more alert than him and had vanished in time. Just in case the newcomer could spot him.

Akuryo stared at the girl who stood on the roof with him. Her long red hair blew in the wind like flames. It was intriguing. The way she stood was so strong so brave and confident. Like nothing could knock her down. Who is she

"There's a commotion downstairs. Are you the one who started it?" The girl asked.
Her voice was like ice, fire and ice an interesting combination. Akuryo just stared wondering. A few seconds later he recovered.

“A commotion? Downstairs? It didn’t add up he had sensed below and there was no such thing, actually he barely sensed anything from downstairs, and as school had ended unless students had gone onto their clubs, there should be no commotion. Akuryo found this all odd but decided to play along.

He frowned “If it is my fault I’ll take the blame. I didn’t mean to cause any trouble for anyone, I just wanted to come up here it’s such a nice view wouldn’t you agree Miss” He smiled. A fake smile the one he used for others, the one that could take someone’s breath away.


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Character Portrait: Skylar Viello Character Portrait: Akuryo Itazura
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The boy turned to face her and Skylar realized in an instant that how he had turned had been a tactic for hiding his guardian character. Up close, he was ten times more attractive - perhaps a hundred at that. He was much taller than her, a head or so, and had a dazzling appearance. She unfocused her gaze in the slightest, unnerved and suspicious of those ocean colored eyes. He kept silent for a couple of moments as if sizing her up, or something along those lines anyway.

His response surprised her to be quite honest. She'd expected him to blow her off or even show minimal guilt. She opened her mouth to retort but the instant he smiled her heart gave an involuntary jump -- no, an involuntary leap. The redhead immediately averted her eyes, a soft "tch" escaping her lips. She crossed her arms and instead inspected their surroundings. Well, nothing was out of the ordinary out here anyways aside from the guardian character.

"The view is fine," she replied coldly. "But you aren't supposed to be up here so you could go downstairs."

"Sky!" The urgent whisper from her bag cause her to turn her head from the boy, pretending to take in the view.

Her red hair caught the wind and covered her face. "What's up?" she asked almost silently.

"An egg! In the trees to your right."

"Egg? What the hell are you talking about?"

"Dammit, Skylar, an X-egg!" Jinx cursed, temporarily losing her composure. "Go capture it!"

Skylar's head snapped to her right, amber gaze quickly surveying the trees. There... was something moving about. An X-Egg, was that was her chara had called it? "Excuse me for a moment, would you?" she told the boy across the roof from her. In an instant she'd character changed with Jinx and was racing towards the edge of the roof. As she jumped, the redhead glanced back at the boy, seeking his expression, but in a flurry of hair she couldn't see it. She landed in a tree beside the school and then dropped to the ground. "What the hell, Jinx? That kid is going to think I'm a nutjob," she muttered, a little embarrassment flushing her cheeks.


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Akuryo knew instantly that his smile had worked the same magic it did on everyone else. Although the odd look she was giving him made him a little uneasy, it was hard to focus on anything else. What was I doing again
She uttered a soft "tch" Turning away and crossing her arms. There was something about that act that Akuryo found adorable, but he wouldn’t let himself think that. Just what is she doing up here anyways, since what she said was obviously a lie. He watched the girl as she looked around

"The view is fine," she replied coldly. "But you aren't supposed to be up here so you could go downstairs."
He almost laughed. Same to you he thought. Who gave her the authority to choose who was allowed on the roof? Was she somehow immune to this? He was watching her so closely for a sign to give her real reason away when he noticed her turn her head to her bag, an odd choice. He watched the red head a little closer also pretending to be paying attention to something else. She was speaking. Speaking to her bag? How peculiar Akuryo thought staring down at the playground.

"Excuse me for a moment, would you?" the girl said. Akuryo turned his face back to her and almost jumped again for not only was the girl running for the edge of the roof, but he was certain she didn’t look the same anymore. He definitely sensed them too, chara’s. This girl has a chara? More than one? She didn’t seem like she was in league with Easter. Akuryo wasn’t sure he saw her looking back before disappearing from sight. In perfect tact he acted like a normal boy would when seeing someone leap off a roof
“HEY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!” he cried running forward a hand outstretched. The girl had vanished into the trees below instantly Trix was back on his shoulder.
“Akuuuuryoooo!” He groaned, but his voice had an edge of excitement. “Didn’t cha see, she’s got chara’s.”
“I noticed
” Akuryo replied with little feeling.
“Do you think she’s the enemy?”
Akuryo didn’t exactly invite that thought. “We’ll find out” he replied
“hehehe Lets go than! This’ll be fun” Trix giggled as Akuryo’s eyes turned aqua and gained a yellow plus sign in them.


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A small grin touched the corners of Skylar's lips. Ah, what great acting skills he had - as if he hadn't noticed her characters at all. A blatant lie. There was no way in hell he couldn't have seen her characters, or at least just Jinx. She kept up her pace, legs carrying her easily through the winding trees. The egg she was hunting seemed to be moving further into the depths of the trees. Gritting her teeth, she followed it as best she could, taking dangerously narrow turns at tree trucks and underbrush. A calm expression painted across her face, Jinx' personality taking hers over in an instant. Oh egg~ Where could it be? She paused at the edge of a small clearing, watching a small black dot flying around the non-wooded area. Gotchya~

"Sky, switch with me instead," Vin said, floating out from her bag to her left.

"Why?" Jinx stepped in, meeting her friend's eyes with cool indifference. "I'm more powerful."

"Yes, but I'm better built for this situation." After a moment, the two charas exchanged a nod and Skylar's appearance returned to normal, her necklace charm changing to a father.

The red-haired bearer glanced at her characters. "What is an X-egg?"

"The shattered dreams of a child," Rue said in an all too cheery voice. "You should try to capture it, Sky. Maybe we can fix it."

"Fix it? How the hell am I going to fix it?"

The three characters simultaneously shrugged. Skylar released a frustrated groan. "No bother, I can't blame you guys for not knowing," she murmured, her personality slowly forming to that of Vin's. Her amber eyes flickered back to the clearing. What to do, what to do...


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A wicked yet excited grin spread over Akuryo’s face as he leaped over the trees the girl had disappeared into. He stayed above her moving faster, sensing lightly where she was. Leaping from tree to tree as if he defied gravity. Almost laughing as he did so. Trix flew by him in circles looking much like a trapeze artist. Then Akuryo’s plus-sign eyes darted to what he could sense most below and he spotted it.

An x-egg, the shattered dreams of a child Akuryo thought grinning madly his black hair obscuring his face and making him look slightly Mad. He landed, on one hand, on a branch slightly above the little bouncing black egg. Trix cackled behind him.

“Oooo Akuryo it looks like such a fun toy can I play with it” The chara begged the same madness in his own eyes.

“Playing sounds like fun!” Akuryo whispered back excitedly in a voice not entirely his own. The two watched the eggs movements getting ready to jump out of the tree. Akuryo’s blue-green and plus-signed eyes flashed with excitement. The two yelled

“ATTACK!!! In unison and Akuryo flipped off the tree landing on one side of the egg as Trix sped to the other. They surrounded it going in circles drawing in closer to the unexpected target.

“No one likes me
.” It cried “they always leave me out of their games”

“You can be in ours Akuryo approached it speaking childishly “We’ll have lots of fun”

“you’ll be the center of attention!” Trix added floating up to the eggs other side. The usual trap, give it exactly what it dreamed. Next step crush the dream. It never failed. Akuryo smiled mischievously.


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Character Portrait: Skylar Viello
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It was a sad sight to see. That poor egg, mumbling to itself lonely words that Skylar's heart couldn't comprehend. She'd never been lonely, never been rejected. Ever since she was a child there had been someone there for her to watch over her, to keep her company, to hold her when she cried. But what was this? Was there a soul out there who did not have that comfort? This person was... left out? Her heart throbbed with an empathy she had yet to understand. Her chest felt hot, stuffy, as if something heavy was weighing down on it. No, she did know what it felt like. To not be liked. To be alone. To feel left out. Nobody deserved to live like that. No-one.

"W-what the hell are they doing?" the redhead gasped as the boy and his chara began to float around the egg. They spoke kind words but those words were edged with malice, trickery.

"I'm not sure, but they don't look like their up to any good," Rue murmured, a long, sad expression on her face.

Jinx shifted uncomfortably beside her bearer. "That boy's guardian character is scary," she murmured. "He looks like he is enjoying the egg's pain."

Angry, frustrated tears prickled at the corners of Skylar's eyes. "Get away from that egg!" she yelled with a voice that was on the verge of a scream. "Do you think its alright to play with other people's emotions? Do you even know what it feels like to be alone? Nobody should ever feel that way! Not you, not me, and dammit, not even that egg!" She felt as if she had no energy. A day full of character changes had left her at rock bottom. But her chest was hot. Scorching - and the heat was coming from under her uniform.

A sudden bright light burst forth and the lock that Nick had given her floated from out of her shirt. The light sprang outwards, consuming both her and her characters. Yet as soon as it had come forth it was gone; or at least, that was how it was in real time. For Skylar, it felt strange. Warm. She could have sworn she said something but her mind was fuzzy and shocked. The redhead stumbled from where she'd been standing, blinking viciously to clear the dots from her vision. What--

"What the hell is this?!" she cried, amber eyes wildly looking over her appearance. She was dressed in a small white dress and her shoes had gone who knows where. Sky twirled around in bewilderment for a couple of moments before she paused and looked back up at the boy and his character. Her face was suddenly calm, controlled. She examined him quietly, head cocked to the side. "Step away from the egg," she said softly though her words were like a sharp sword, "before I make you."


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Trix toppled over in circles arms over his stomach with how hard he was laughing. The x-egg in Akuryo’s complete control floated closer to his outstretched hand, an inch from his fingertips, when suddenly.

"Get away from that egg!" A voice yelled so loudly it almost broke Akuryo’s transformation. "Do you think its alright to play with other people's emotions? Do you even know what it feels like to be alone? Nobody should ever feel that way! Not you, not me, and dammit, not even that egg!" The girl from earlier, only she looked slightly different was yelling at him, standing in the clearing yelling. She yelled with such a passion for the useless egg that it startled him. He stared in shock as

A sudden blinding light burst forth from the charm at the girl’s neck. The light sprang outwards, consuming both her and her characters. What the? This girl can Akuryo’s thoughts were cut off as he shielded his face from the light until it faded. She can character transform? And fully? Akuryo’s eyes got wide, trix struggled to keep the plus signs in them.

“Akuuuuuuryoooo” he groaned

"What the hell is this?!" The girl suddenly cried, she was staring at herself as if she didn’t understand. Twirling about in confusion. And obviously this is her first one Akuryo regained composure. She’ll be easy to defeat eh Trix?

The little one cackled and floated by him “hehehe Yeah! Lets have some fun with her!”

But the girl seemed to have gotten over the shock of her sudden clothes change

Her face was suddenly calm, controlled. She examined him quietly, head cocked to the side. "Step away from the egg," she said softly though her words were like a sharp sword, "before I make you."

Akuryo laughed lightly, tossing his hair out of his plus-signed eyes and grinning at her “Make me? Hmm sounds fun! But let’s play a game”

“yes yes a game!” Trix cried spinning in a circle and clapping

Akuryo’s hand closed over the egg “See if you can catch me He almost sang and turned heel jumping into the trees and dashing off.


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Skylar felt, well, strange to say the least. She felt like a whole different person. It was as if her soul had been thrown into someone else's body and her new body was rippling with energy, with power. Oh the look on that boy's face when he laughed. His heart-stopping smile had changed to a cheshire's grin; that was good news. It had absolutely no effect on her. But why was he doing this? For what purpose did he seem to think that he could go play around with someone's hurting heart? It infuriated her. It made her want to hurt him. Yet this new body made her calm and composed. For once her mind seemed to be able to think straighter and not focus on her angry emotions.

"Make me? Hmm sounds fun! But let's play a game," the boy proposed, his hand closing around the egg. "See if you can catch me."

"That bastard," came Vin's strangely calm voice from within her bearer's mind. "Let's go teach him a lesson."

"I couldn't put it any better way," the redhead grinned. At surprising speed she shot off after the boy, her feet seemingly floating above the ground. She felt like the wind, strong and powerful and completely invinsible. But she knew that wasn't the case. She wasn't used to this form - anything could happen.

Teeth gritting, Skylar managed to close the gap between them, now running directly underneath the boy. "Hand over the egg," she commanded in the same strong yet soft voice. "What a man you are, running away from a girl. Where is your pride?" She jumped suddenly, kicking off a tree and hands attempting to grab his feet.


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Akuryo continued on, not exactly running he kept turning to look back, lightly leaping and bouncing on the tree’s never touching down for long. He wanted Her to catch him. His hair flying in the wind almost hid his eyes completely but the yellow in them shown through. To some he could look like a wild animal, fox-like even. What fox can fly? he thought, turning around again. The girl wasn’t in sight yet. how boring
he frowned then closed his eyes to sense her, as he leaped off another tree. BELOW! his eyes flew open and he grinned as she shouted

"Hand over the egg," from directly below him Wow she’s fast he thought mildly surprised. "What a man you are, running away from a girl. Where is your pride?" Akuryo was about to retort when the girl jumped suddenly, kicking off a tree and threw out her hands attempting to grab his feet. Akuryo jumped higher, bouncing off another tree branch. How? She almost caught me? he frowned. It was irritating, but also exciting, this girl.

He tossed the egg to Trix who juggled with it a bit, then grinned at the girl.

“You said hand it over you didn’t say to who” he grinned, widely laughing again as Trix vanished with the egg. Akuryo wondered what more this girl could do, but another part of him wondered. Why is this egg so important to her, why is she trying so hard to get just one egg? It made him think.
Remembering her earlier words

    "Get away from that egg!" she yelled with a voice that was on the verge of a scream. "Do you think its alright to play with other people's emotions? Do you even know what it feels like to be alone? Nobody should ever feel that way! Not you, not me, and dammit, not even that egg!"

And what was it the egg was saying oh yeah

    “No one likes me
.” It cried “they always leave me out of their games”

Being left out
. Akuryo knew exactly what that felt like. Soo caught up on that fact he was completely unguarded when Trix threw the egg back to him as had been planned. He dived but missed the egg slipped through his fingers and sped towards the ground. Akuryo’s eyes grew wide unsure if he should go after it as the eggs words echoed in his head.


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Her heart was hurting, though she wasn't sure if it was from running or from the emotions flying around her head. What poor child out there felt like they were alone? Skylar felt a sense of responsibility to help the kid but wasn't exactly sure how she could help out at all. For all she knew the kid didn't live anywhere near here - aside from that, her rough personality had never made kids like her. Just trying to calm a sobbing child was easier said than done. She was too busy concentrating on understanding other people that she never took the time to understand herself or how she should hold herself in certain situations.

Speaking of understanding others, her mind was split between two important individuals: the egg and the boy. Who was this boy? She recognized him, knew what grade he was in, knew his social status and wealth, but his name escaped her and his personality was unlike anyone's she'd ever seen. It angered her but also drew her closer. All her life she'd been able to understand what was going through the minds of others and yet one boy was standing in her way. How infuriating.

The fact that she'd missed his feet urked Skylar even further, however her personality change kept her focused on the more important issue. She was waiting for another opening when the guardian character tossed the egg back to the boy. Her heart leaped as it slipped through his fingers. With a short cry of "NO!" she dove towards it, grabbing it inches before it hit the ground. The redhead rolled several times over before stopping on her back.

"Sky! Are you alright?" Jinx and Rue sped up to her with worry painted across their tiny faces.

"I'm fine," she groaned in responce and sat up with aching posture. Dirt marked her skin and leaves stuck in her hair. Skylar gripped the egg close to her chest, feeling it writhe in her grasp, crying out words of anguish. "Shhh~" she soothed quietly. "It's alright now, nobody is going to hurt you now. I've got you." She rubbed the egg affectionately with her thumb, her cool amber eyes soft and gentle. "In this world there are going to be people who leave you out of their games. There are people who are going to hurt you and tease you. But there are also people who love you and cherish you. Just because someone doesn't want to play with you doesn't mean you don't mean the world to someone else."

Feeling an odd obligation tugging at her lips, Skylar gave the egg a kiss. The response was immediate. The egg calmed, its voice fading from a shrill cry to a soft sniffle. It lifted from her hands and changed from its dark appearance to that of a beautiful egg. She watched it quietly as it giggled, circled around her twice, and sped off into the sky. How satisfying. How refreshing. But her work wasn't done. She stood on wobbly feet - after a moment she leaned her back against one of the trees - and looked directly at the boy.

"You. What's your name?"


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Akuryo watched as the egg fell, torn between diving after it and remaining where he was. His eyes opened wider as he saw the red haired girl swoop down crying out

"NO!" diving towards it. Her fingers grabbed it inches before it hit the ground. She then rolled on the ground a few times before finally stopping face up. Akuryo watched clenching a fist in what? Fear? For the girl Unheard of Her chara’s flew up to see if she was alright. From above he could hear their panicked voices.

"Sky! Are you alright?" there were two of them, but he sensed another. Part of him made him want to go to the girl’s side as well as Trix floated up next to him. Sky? is that her name?

“Akuuuuryoooo what happened? How did you miss?” he asked astounded

But Akuryo’s eyes were only for the red-haired girl on the ground. To his relief she sat up groaning
"I'm fine," What shocked him was the little concern she showed for herself, her hands tightly gripped that egg close to her heart.

“No one likes me no one want’s me they all hate me!” it was crying over and over. Pain crossed Akuryo’s face and his transformation finally broke. His eyes fading to their usual green-blue. He couldn’t tear them away from the girl as she comforted the egg What is she doing?

"Shhh~" she soothed quietly. "It's alright now; nobody is going to hurt you now. I've got you."Her words were gentle, no longer made of ice. Her tone was soft. Akuryo was slightly jealous of the egg but didn’t realize why. He listened to the girl below him speaking

"In this world there are going to be people who leave you out of their games. There are people who are going to hurt you and tease you. But there are also people who love you and cherish you. Just because someone doesn't want to play with you doesn't mean you don't mean the world to someone else." Her words cut through him. Even though the words were meant for the egg. Akuryo could relate them to his own problems. It felt as if the girl was speaking to him.
The next thing she did was bring her face close to the egg, and kiss it softly. Akuryo lightly leaped from the tree landing just as soft on the ground below. He stood about a few feet from her still watching silently. Trix floated down beside him. The two witnessed the change that overcame the egg.

It lifted from her hands and changed from its dark appearance to that of a beautiful egg. She watched it quietly as it giggled, circled around her twice, and sped off into the sky.

Akuryo watched the egg fly away. Is this what happens when an egg isn’t destroyed? he wondered. Her voice startled him and he turned back.

"You. What's your name?"
He stared at her in silence. Trix sitting on his shoulder with the same expression.


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It urked her that he'd been watching her so carelessly. Only a moment ago he'd been doing his best to keep the egg out of her grasp and now he was watching her as if nothing had happened. But what was that emotions in his eyes? What was he feeling? The fact that she couldn't read him made her even more distressed. Yet above all else, the fact that he wasn't responding to her question bothered her the greatest. Instead he just stared at her in complete silence, his character regarding her with an identical expression.

With a sudden poof, the strange transformation ended end Vin appeared beside the other two characters. Skylar staggered slightly, her energy drained. What had that transformation been? After all this time of having her characters and she hadn't done that even once? Despite her incredible mind, she didn't even take into consideration that the lock might be what was responsible.

"What's your name?" the redhead repeated, amber-red eyes searching his face. "Why did you go after the egg?"

"Skylar, don't push yourself," Vin murmured lightly. "You've used up a lot of energy today."

Her bearer didn't seem to hear her. Instead, Skylar forced herself from the tree and headed towards the boy. "Speak, dammit, I at least deserve that much!" She stopped a yard in front of him, a frown curving her lips. Closer to him now, she was reminded of his surprising good looks. How could someone with such features be so bad? Despite her lack of energy, she character changed with Vin. Her personality was better for such a situation. A sigh escaped her and her angry features softened slightly. "Please tell me your name?" she tried once again.


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Akuryo contemplated telling her. Would it be bad or good Trix shrugged as if to answer him. “fuuuuu” Trix muttered bored again. The little chara got bored so easily. She’s sure getting upset that I’m not telling her, actually I’m kind of shocked she doesn’t know, finally someone who doesn’t know me, maybe she won’t be like the others. he thought then again we’re enemies now aren’t we? He watched as the girls transformation broke too and a third chara floated up. she has the power over three chara’s? Akuryo couldn’t stop being surprised at this girl. Should I tell her, or should I lie?

The girl didn’t seem to do so well after transforming, making her look weak but the power she displayed made him second guess that.

"What's your name?" the redhead repeated, amber-red eyes searching his face. "Why did you go after the egg?"

"Skylar, don't push yourself," the new chara murmured lightly. "You've used up a lot of energy today."
Skylar? I thought it was sky
.oh I see a nickname
hmm Skylar pretty

The girl surprised Akuryo even more when she forced herself up from the tree and marched directly towards him "Speak, dammit, I at least deserve that much!" She froze about a yard away from him, and frowned. Next she character changed with one of her charas to improve her personality. Making it fit better for her situation. please as if that would work

Her features softened slightly. "Please tell me your name?" she tried once again.

Akuryo blinked, she was suddenly so sweet. He almost stumbled backwards.
“Akuryo..” he said without a second thought

Trix gasped beside him shaking his head like Why did you tell her

she would have found out anyway Trix, girls are like that he replied to the fretting chara. Trix pouted and flew off to play somewhere else once he realized Akuryo wasn’t going to anymore. “fuuu”
Akuryo was left alone with the red haired girl and her charas. He stood by his own tree calm and collected wondering who she was. He wasn’t even sure if she knew.


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It was extremely surprising when he seemed more willing to respond when she talked in such a way. Was that surprise on his face or was she just imagining it? Skylar inwardly grinned at herself. And this was why she put up with three crazy little characters following her around every day. In a sense it was more rewarding than anything, though she'd always liked being alone and this sort of stopped her from obtaining that alone time. Her characters had there own tastes, but in the end they were there to please her. They wanted to make her happy. Actually, now that she thought about it, they were her only true friends. Other people used her for her brilliant mind or for her wealthy family.

So she had been right. He was that boy that had so many damn rumors swirling around him. If one thing about those rumors was right it was that this boy was definitely mysterious. Aside from that, though she couldn't tell if any of the other rumors were true. Then again, she honestly didn't care all that much. Rumors only led to hurt feelings in the end. Meeting him like this, she wanted to know more about the truth instead of the lies. He was an interesting character, someone she'd never encountered before.

"Akuryo," she repeated quietly, the name slipping delicately off her tongue. The name had a certain feel to it, a certain taste.

She liked that taste.

"Well, Akuryo-kun, you have some explaining to do," Skylar said, cocking her head slightly to the right. "But that'll have to wait until tomorrow. After all of this - whatever this is - happened, I think I'll actually go fulfill the Guardians' wish for once and meet them."

"Sky, that isn't a good idea," Jinx muttered. "You're out of energy and you're a mess."

The redhead seemed unmoved by her chara's words. "How unfortunate, eh?" She ran a hand through her auburn locks, knocking out the leaves that had entangled themselves. A gentle look on her face, she pressed forward, walking directly past Akuryo. "Let's meet outside the school tomorrow," she said, voice commanding but soft. As she passed, she dragged her fingertips along his jaw, perhaps inviting him to follow.


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The girl, Skylar seemed to think about it for a while. It’s just a name he thought nothing more but a name then again perhaps she knew him from somewhere, as one of the schools “idols” he was pretty well known. There was something that bothered him about how long it took her to respond though. Something that both bothered and made him have some sympathy for her, he was not used to the latter feeling.

"Akuryo," she repeated quietly Akuryo drew in a breath, the way she had said his name. It was different too, sweet with a mixture of something else. That latter feeling increased

He liked that feeling.

"Well, Akuryo-kun, you have some explaining to do," Skylar said, cocking her head slightly to the right. "But that'll have to wait until tomorrow. After all of this - whatever this is - happened, I think I'll actually go fulfil the Guardians' wish for once and meet them." She said a lot and Akuryo listened to every word. Noticing how tired she was he was about to object when her chara did before him.

"Sky, that isn't a good idea," it muttered. "You're out of energy and you're a mess."

She’s so strong, even after that many transformations she’s still willing to do more. Akuryo admired that.
"How unfortunate, eh?" She ran a hand through her auburn locks, knocking out the leaves that had entangled themselves. A gentle look on her face, she pressed forward, walking directly past Akuryo. "Let's meet outside the school tomorrow," she said, voice commanding but soft. As she passed, she dragged her fingertips along his jaw
Akuryo froze as her soft fingers touched him. It was something he didn’t expect and he didn’t know how to react. SHES THE ENEMY!!![ a sudden voice in his head screamed. Akuryo stumbled back bumping into the tree. Shocked and disappointed in himself but also confused he turned his head away.
”Yeah, see you
” He wasn’t sure if he should add her name. He knew it but she didn’t exactly give him permission to. It felt
wrong. He walked off in the opposite direction not looking back.
What am I thinking? This is crazy right? I mean she’s the enemy


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Skylar ended her character change with Vin a couple of yards away from Akuryo. Her immediate response was to glare angrily at the chara, her cheeks filled with color. "What the hell was that, Vin?" she babbled in embarrassment. "I'd never do that! I don't casually touch people I've only just met!"

The character laughed quietly. "Oh come now, I was just helping you out. You're obviously into him."

Her bearer turned away abruptly from her chara, a fisted hand raised closely to her mouth to hide her ever reddening cheeks. But... his skin had been smooth, delicate. Her fingertips felt hot where she'd touched his jaw. Wait, what was she thinking!? The redhead shook her head in an attempt to clear out her thoughts. Whatever. It wasn't like he'd even see him again. Unless, well, he decided to meet her outside tomorrow. Pft, like she'd even go! She had no obligation, especially after he'd been teasing her by keeping the egg out of her grasp.


She looked up in surprise. Oh. In her mixture of thoughts she'd made her way to the guardian's greenhouse. From the doorway of the greenhouse stood Percy and Nick, each looking surprised to see her - or... they were surprised at how she looked.

"Sky-chan... what happened?" Percy asked, concern riddling his features.

"She probably got in a fight," Nick put in dismissively and trotted back into the greenhouse with a wave over his shoulder.

Skylar made a soft tch and averted her eyes. "I ran into trouble. It's no big deal. What did you want to see me for?"

There was a pause as the King took a moment to collect himself. He obviously hadn't realized that she'd even think of coming upon being summoned. "We want you to join the Guardians." He spoke quickly, wanting to finish what he had to say before she blew up. "All of us have guardian characters, you see, and we're trying to stop the production of x-eggs. So if you wanted to join--"


"Please, Sky-chan, it would be-- Wait.. what?" Percy looked absolutely shocked. It was quite amusing, actually.

"I said fine!" Skylar said in frustration. "I understand. Great. Whatever." Ruffling her hair in confusion, she lurched off to her left. She wanted to get home. Today had been a long day already and she still had so much to do.


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Akuryo stopped and turned back after having walked a bit into the trees. He contemplated following her, though he pretty much knew what she was going to do. She’s going to join those other kids he thought. Enemies of Easter, the school’s guardians. Each of which had a chara, she Skylar just had more than one. Probably wouldn’t be good to be caught over there, plus I’ve got stuff to do Which was the truth, meeting with that girl and the whole mess with the egg had put him behind schedule. Not just with the student’s demands or “requests”, but with Easter.

Akuryo jumped into the trees glancing at the school again, seeing Skylar enter a greenhouse Must be where they meet
 he thought. He turned his head without another thought and continued through the shadow of the trees to the ground below. A car was already waiting for him. Someone opened a door for him as he arrived; he climbed in without a word. The woman in front frowned at him from behind her dark glasses as he settled himself within the vehicle.

“You’re late Akuryo” she said emptily.

“I know I’m sorry..” He replied staring at his hands.

“May I ask what you possibly thought was more important than Easters demands,” she paused “another trifling students request perhaps?” Akuryo looked up for a moment, wondering if he should tell them about the girl. If he did it was possible that they might deem her as a potential threat and send someone to attack her. Then again it was in Easters best interests to know something like that. Still Akuryo didn’t give her away, maybe he would have if it were anyone else. but not her
 he thought. His words contradicted his thoughts.

“Yes, I’m sorry it won’t happen again” he said solemnly, his outer emotions showing that he was truly sorry.
The woman in front sighed, “I don’t know what it is you like about them, they don’t even really like you, humph” she spoke no more but her words rested in the air. Akuryo couldn’t forget them. I know
 but still The ride continued in silence until they reached the building Akuryo knew as both home and work. The building looked normal to anyone who would pass it but to anyone in Easter, it was their headquarters. The doors opened and the woman got out walking up the steps leaving Akuryo behind.

He stepped out of his own looking back at the direction the school was in. or perhaps what direction Skylar had gone she’d be home by now he thought. Turning back to the steps he started to walk up them. Should I meet her tomorrow? Or is it a trap? Did she tell the other guardians about me? things like this he had to know, but also more.
”Trix!” he said speaking to his chara through thoughts.

“Hmmm?” the little chara appeared right next to him.

”Wanna have some fun? It’s a new game”

Trix’s eyes lit up and he smiled bouncing in the air to the front of Akuryo “Ooooo like what” he asked.

” a game of cat and mouse, I want you to be a detective and find out some information for me however, you can’t be seen and you can’t tell anyone but me sound like fun?”

The charas face blazing with excitement told Akuryo that Trix had liked the idea and fallen for his trap. “Like what? Who? Where? When? Can I go now! Fuuuuuuu! Akuuuuuuryooooo tell mee, maybe that girl, can I go to spy on her hmm Akuryooo?!?”

” calm down Trix, Akuryo almost laughed “of course you can find out all you can don’t fail me ok!”

Trix saluted Akuryo grinning widely “I promise I won’t! I will carry out my duty if it kills me”

”Don’t go that far Trix”

The little chara just grinned in response and took off. Akuryo continued up the steps without a word and entered into the building”

OOC: Good time for the Easter girl? Or no?


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Skylar sat in front of the school with a solemn expression upon her face. To be honest, she was dead tired. After everything that had happened today she felt breathless, strange. Not only had she accepted to become a part of the guardians, but she'd done some sort of odd transformation. It was awkward in a sense. Footsteps to her left her caught her attention. She blinked, meeting eyes with who she realized was someone familiar.

"Hm?" He paused in step, admiring her from a distance. "You're Mr. Viello's daughter, are you not?" he asked curiously.

"Yeah," the redhead replied, though her voice sounded unsure.

He smiled. "I'm Mr. Myoto's son. Kengi. Remember me? We used to play together when we were younger."

The bleached hair had caught her off guard, but yes, if she pictured him with naturally dark hair she could definitely see him in the boy she'd once known. Skylar stood, surprised, and gave him a little bow. There was a strange silence which fell between them before he cocked his head to the left and smiled slightly.

"You have guardian characters."

"I-- Y-yeah," she said with perplexity written across her face. Ah. Now that she looked more closely, she could see a small character cradled in the nook where his shoulder and neck met. How strange that she'd run across him at a time like this. Before she could ask him about his character, a long black car pulled up and a man in a suit exited from the driver's side to open the back door. Generally she didn't like being driven around in the limo, but she was tired and the walk home was something she didn't want to have to deal with. "Kengi-kun, I'm sorry, perhaps we'll have to talk some other time." Another little bow later and the car drove away with her inside.


The instant Akuryo stepped into the building May had latched herself onto his arm. She looked up at him with an innocent, deer eyed smile. "Welcome back, Aku-sempai~!" She then took it upon herself to give him a little room. "Slow day? That's alright, tomorrow should be better." Her bubbly personality whipped out a childish yet charming sort of giggle. "Kengi just called in," she continued, her lips pursing lightly. "Apparently he just ran into an old friend at your high school. A girl with guardian characters. You haven't met her?"

Despite the way she'd said it, May obviously didn't believe that he hadn't met the flaming haired bearer. "Anyways, I have to go shopping. We should go together!" She grabbed one of his hands in her own and laced her fingers through his, a cheeky smile on her face.


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Trix flew happily through the air it had been a looooong time since he had been given an assignment without Akuuuuryoooo there. It was both exciting and sad, but Trix was not one to dwell on such feelings, he flew back towards the school, fast as a bullet just in time to see the girl from before walking.

“Oooooo Gotcha Fuu!” he cheered, but so high above her she wouldn’t have heard him. His words were for himself. Quick as a flash of light he darted downward zigzagging for pure enjoyment on the way soon he was behind her, not close enough to be spotted but not far enough for him to spy. That’s when he saw him come up.

Fuuuu Akuuuuryooo hates him he grinned even though the words didn’t seem to mean such. The little chara stared at the newcomer, Akuuuuryooo’s rival Kengi. And from the looks of it he was making nice with Akuuuryooo’s girl. he can deny it all he wants Trixy knowssss Akuuuryooo likes he grinned widely hidden within a flower bush as he listened in.

"You have guardian characters." hmmm? Oh he knows tooo what fun fuuu! trix continued to listen

"I-- Y-yeah," not good for Akuuuryooo no no no no fuuu Trix pretended to take notes while watching the red haired girls confusion. Then she added "Kengi-kun, I'm sorry, perhaps we'll have to talk some other time.” She climbed into the long car that had come up. Trix stuck his tongue out at Kengi and his chara though he knew they could see him and sped off after the car.

“Akuuuuryooo won’t be happy at all hehehe”


Akuryo didn’t have even a second of time to spare before he was nearly knocked over, he looked down blinking to see a pink haired girl smiled up at him sweetly.

"Welcome back, Aku-sempai~!" She backed up then continued "Slow day? That's alright, tomorrow should be better." She sure is excited, but then again when is May not excited? May giggled and babbled on "Kengi just called in," Akuryo went tense[/b]

"Apparently he just ran into an old friend at your high school, a girl with guardian characters. You haven't met her?" Akuryo’s mind was still on Kengi. that jerk he thought and said.

”what?!” sort of irritated. May seemed not to have heard him as she went on

"Anyways, I have to go shopping. We should go together!" She grabbed one of his hands in her own and laced her fingers through his, a cheeky smile on her face.

Akuryo blinked and shook himself out of the irritation with a reminded calm down its not in your character to act as such. he smiled kindly,

”Whatever you want ^^” he thought for a moment “Although would it be possible for us to see the Boss first I’m afraid he’ll be terribly mad at me for being late? Unless you think its ok to just go” Akuryo REALLY didn’t want to see the Boss about anything, and hoped May would just drag him off as she usually did, something really did irritate him though What does Kengi wan’t with Skylar?


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May tilted her head, seeing the annoyance on Akuryo's face briefly before it disappeared and molded into his usual kindness. Maybe that was why she liked him. He was so good at holding that mask over his face like nothing was truly bothering him. What she liked most, however, were those instances like the moment before when his true emotions colored his eyes, lighting them like fireworks.

At the sound of his words, a sly smile curved May's lips. Oh, he didn't want to see the Boss, huh? Well, nobody did, but this was a good excuse to whip him into the night and steal him away. Ah, she liked the sound of that. All hers. All of him.

"Spend the night at my house and I'll make sure he is told that you were late because you were chasing the embryo," the bearer said, sharp reddish eyes seeming to smile at him. She reached up and played with his hair, all the while giving him a serious look. All hers. "Or, instead, I could tell him that you were communicating with the enemy," she said with an innocent pout.

Not bothering to wait for his response, she gave his hand a squeeze and pulled him towards the exit.


Once back at home, Skylar raced up the staircase and down the long corridor which led to her room. She closed the door quietly despite no-one being home. On week-nights her father didn't return home from the office. Then again, she didn't really know where the man worked in the first place. He'd never once talked about work with her. Actually, he never really talked to her in the first place. It was the servants who had done much of her upbringing.

"Hey Sky," Rue piped up with her hands on her flushed cheeks. "I hope we meet Akuryo again. He was dreamy."

"He was dreamy because you're dreaming," Jinx snorted. "That kid was a mess."

When Vin remained silent, the other two characters glanced in her direction. "You guys aren't taking consideration of Sky's thoughts on the situation."

"I don't really care," Skylar muttered, her own face a little red. "Just leave me alone for a couple of minutes. I've got to get ready to go out."

She opened two of the windows in her room as well as the balcony door before heading back towards her closet. The redhead stripped off her uniform and into something more comfortable: a black mini skirt and a long green sweater that sat on the edges of her shoulders. She brushed out her hair, slipped on some black sneakers that looked to belong to a boy, and headed back down the stairs, her characters in tow.