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Felicia Haddon

0 · 336 views · located in Where the Rich Live

a character in “Rags & Riches”, originally authored by phoenixheart, as played by RolePlayGateway


Felicia Haddon

❝We're all in the gutter, just some of us are looking to the stars❞


The Inside

| Nickname(s) |

Fliss or Felicia will suffice

| Gender |


| Age |

| Face Claim |

Re-l Mayer- Ergo Proxy

| Master/Sevant Relationship |

He's new, but I guess he's not so bad

How long have you known your Master/Servant?

Not that long really

| Spot/Role |

Master 8


| Likes |
* Tea
* Books
* Sweet food
* Music
* Anything relating to the Arts

| Dislikes |
* Loud people
* Mice
* Jogging- just run for crying out loud
* Bullies


| Personality |

Felicia is a fairly laid back soul and it takes a fair bit to get her riled up. She usually just goes with the flow and lets the majority decide the action, only digging her heels in when something is hugely important to her, and then she can turn into a stubborn little madam. Felicia is very careful with people's feelings, and tries to find the best way not to hurt anyone's feelings. Felicia is a fiercely loyal friend and will always have your back in a fight unless she also likes the person you're fighting with, in which case, she will walk away and let you two figure it out, or someone else. She refuses to take sides among friends. It really is more trouble than it's worth. She tends to avoid arguments, but when she's in the wrong, she will apologise as soon as she can, sometimes, straight after the words have left her mouth. If she believes that the other person is in the wrong, she will hold a grudge until they've apologised and then, as far as she is concerned, that's the end of it. She can be the kind of person to give someone way too many second chances, but she does try to see the best in everyone, even if no one else can see it. While she does try to give off a confident aura, Felicia isn't that confident. Not to say she's shy, because she isn't, she's just not that gregarious, she prefers books to people. Also, she's never quite sure how to take a compliment, and generally just feels uncomfortable, smiles and says a polite 'thank you' even if she doesn't really believe it herself. She knows that she isn't a bad person, but she feels uncomfortable when people point out good things about her.


| Bio |

Felicia is the only child of Clara and Lucas Haddon. She's had a fairly comfortable upbringing and apart from the usual teenage angst, there's never been any major issues in her life. As an only child, Felicia found ways to entertain herself, lacking any siblings to interact with, and turned to books to pass the time. Her parents had always encouraged her reading and soon Felicia had acquired quite the library, which is still being expanded to this day. Felicia was always a quiet child, not really caring much for the rowdiness of the other children she attended school with. Valets came and went, Felicia hardly noticing, they were all dreadfully dull and could barely hold a conversation. She liked to think she was a decent mistress to those who worked for her, but she was determined to find a valet she could hold a decent conversation with when she wanted to. None of the previous valets had really cut it as far as she was concerned.


| Other |



So begins...

Felicia Haddon's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Felicia Haddon Character Portrait: Darius Arteria
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Well, to think I've the honor of telling you my tale! Well, I was at work in the kitchens, preparing breakfast for my new mistress, Miss Felicia Haddon. Due to my not knowing her tastes, I decided upon a simple morning brunch of rabbit moco loco, which is diced rabbit served under brown rice, topped with two eggs and bacon gravy. Not exactly the healthiest thing for a meal, but it leaves one pleased beyond all recognition(Except vegans, but they don't count).

With the dish prepared, I took the plate, lowered it onto a tray to be covered, and brought it to my Mistress' room. I knocked, and stood outside, giving her what I figured to be a proper amount of time to hide anything unsightly, and walked in. However, what my peers call my being a "bloody ninja" had apparently kicked in, and Miss Felicia apparently had no idea I had even knocked, much less noticed me enter. I tried my best to gently notify her of my presence. With a simple cough. When that failed, I simply spoke, hoping she wouldn't be too disturbed by my presence.

"Miss Felicia, your breakfast is ready."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Felicia Haddon Character Portrait: Darius Arteria
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0.00 INK

Felicia was sat in bed, reading, as she was often found to be doing wherever she might have been in the house. Lost as she was in her book, she didn't hear the knock at the door, simply turned another page. Nor did she hear whoever it was who had entered clear their throat.

"Miss Felicia, your breakfast is ready."

Felicia casually looked up from her book, taking in Darius's form. He'd only been here a few days and she was already getting used to the fact is was a distinct possibility that he was the child of a ninja clan. He had the disquieting habit of turning up seemingly out of thin air. She would have to get used to that if she wasn't going to have constant heart attacks whenever he appeared.

"Thank you Darius," Felicia said, her voice a little croaky given that she hadn't spoken to anyone in a while. She gave a small cough to clear her throat, placing the book on the bedside table. She indicated for Darius to bring the tray to her, wanting to eat breakfast in bed that morning. It smelled divine. "It tastes wonderful," Felicia commented after taking her first mouthful, " Do I have any important appointments to attend to today?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Felicia Haddon Character Portrait: Darius Arteria
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0.00 INK

My chest swelled a bit with pride from her compliment, but she had a question to which I had an answer. I closed my eyes, recalling the list I had been given the evening prior that dropped to the floor of galas, fundraisers, soirees, and other fancy ways of saying you were giving away free food going on in the next few days that had asked for Miss Felicia's attendance.

"Absolutely nothing worth making a show of, really. Personally, I'd say sod the lot and stay in with a good book, but society dictates that we must make ourselves known on a regular basis. So I agreed for you to attend a ball tonight, and a fundraiser for some project tomorrow afternoon. I've prepared your dress for the ball, the car to get you there, and a quick little excuse saying you were feeling ill and could not attend, if that is your desire."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Felicia Haddon Character Portrait: Darius Arteria
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0.00 INK

Felicia nodded as Darius reeled off her itinery for the next few days. A ball and a fundraiser. Yes, she could live with that. She neer understoid these social butterfly people who were never away from such events. No, that wasn't for her. Darius had only been here a few days and was already proving himself to be head and shoulders above her last valet. What was his name again? Nevermind. It wasn't important. Darius had everything under control.

"Excuses aren't necessary Darius, but thank you. I should probably show my face at some event or other before people start questioning my wellbeing," Felicia blew a lock of hair fom her face, "As appealing as a life of a hermit sounds, I doubt wider society would allow it."

Felicia finished her breakfast, thanking Darius once again for the meal. She found it paid to be polite to the staff, they stuck around longer. The incompetent staff were dealt with in the upmost discretion. She dismissed Darius and slid from the bed, beginning the daily ritual of getting washed and dressed. Felicia left her room, now fully dressed, fiddling with the cuffs of her shirt. She sighed in frustration. In reality, you probably needed four hands to be able to do your own cufflinks. God, the angle was so awkward.

"Darius?" Felicia called for her valet who, once again, managed to appear out of thin air, "Could you help me with these please?" She asked, holding the cufflinks in the palm of her hand.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Felicia Haddon Character Portrait: Darius Arteria
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0.00 INK

I simply smiled as I took each cufflink in one hand and fed them through to their places in Miss Felicia's sleeves at the same time, a little trick I picked up while working for a tailor.
"Before I forget," I added, snapping the cufflinks into place, "Your father is curious as to if you plan on changing your mind on the thought of marriage, and has said he wishes an answer. Dare I inquire on the subject, or shall I keep mum about it from now on?" Bear mind that at this point I had no concern about my standing in my job, but merely the best interests of my Mistress at heart. As I awaited her answer, I took care of a few spots she had gotten loose on her outfit, and tucked a loose strand of hair over her ear while adding on a few light touches of powder to accentuate her already beautiful face without making it look like I was masking anything. By the time I was done thirty seconds later, she looked like a goddess, with one heavenly valet to match.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Felicia Haddon Character Portrait: Darius Arteria
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0.00 INK

Felicia watched Darius intently as he snapped her cufflinks into place. She should probably start dressing more like a young woman, god knows her parents would be pleased if she did. "Before I forget, your father is curious as to if you plan on changing your mind on the thought of marriage, and has said he wishes an answer. Dare I enquire on the subject or shall I keep mum about it from now on?"

Felicia let her shoulders sag a little while Darius fussed over her. Marriage? Already? For crying out loud she was only eighteen. Darius pushed a lock of hair behind her ear and powdered her face. Felicia crinkled her nose slightly, the powderpuff tickling somewhat. Felicia had no idea how Darius knew all this stuff about makeup or what colours suited her and which ones didn't, but she was glad he did. "He's still going on about marriage?" She asked, a little disappointed her father hadn't let the subject drop, "Well, you can tell him that I'm in no hurry to settle down. In the highly unlikely event I find someone I wish to spend the rest of my life with, I will let him know. Until then, I have no desire to enter into an engagement." She knew she should probably tell him herself, but anytime Felicia and her father had a conversation, it almost always escalated into an argument, something Felicia found exhausting and a little saddening, "It's the twenty first century for crying out loud, hardly anyone gets married at eighteen anymore."