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Wallace Green

0 · 262 views · located in Thanatos Island

a character in “Reaper's Game”, as played by Outcast-Angel


Full Name: Wallace Green
Nickname: Willow
Age: 21


Description: Wallace stands at six feet even with a very slender frame for a twenty-one year old man that lives the lifestyle that he does. His hair has always been the short or shaggy dark blonde, and only tends to comb it back to look proper as he had always been taught. His face always has made him look a few years younger, and though that may be nice in the future, as a 21 year old guy that makes you look like you're a high school student still. His eyes tend to vary, or so based on what he is told. Sometimes it is green, others it is blue. Mostly that ranged based upon what he wears. His posture is a bit bad though, he tends to hunch his shoulder a bit.

There isn't all that much variation as to what he wears; his preferred colors of choice are black & white. On those rare outings with formal wear it changes a tad bit with the colors from all over the spectrum; a blue blazer and tie with some tan formal pants, a dark red shirt with the black and red tie, or a mostly white full suit. The last one being his favorite.

Personality & Quirks: Let's start off with saying he is artsy fartsy. Though not exactly an artist himself he much appreciates the art around him such as the music, portraits, plays, musicals, and more. He likes to write his own things, scribble down some doodles and comics, and whenever the opportunity is before him painting is fun as well. He enjoys taking the chances he can make the best as well as experiencing the new things that he can. Though he doesn't have many friends - or at least any people that he considers to be a "friend" - he is quite contempt with his social standing. Being in solitary are good times to improve oneself and to delve into the mind for all the creative manners and thinking that you have to do. In an everyday manner, he appeals to being a gentleman and courteous to those around him. He also like to learn just for the fact that it's learning, though of course this varies from each subject.

Due to his bad posture he tends to straighten his stance while sitting in public as to hopefully improve his problem with that. Some part of him usually tend to be moving, whether that's his finger tapping against something or a foot moving. Being quiet is just his nature though Wallace's ability of speech ranges from those he talks with, more of on the relation between himself and them. Though being sarcastic is a thing of importance in most of his social outings, you can tell when he is serious and when he is not. Well, unless he wants you think he is serious. Maybe he wants you to think he is bluffing? He is a devious one, and loves to play with the mind of those around him. Seeing how far he can go is always a pleasure. Of course being caught is a downer, so he tend to play it safe when he has to. As a final note, when alone he tends to talk to himself, this helps him think clearer and soothes him a bit.

A Brief Background: Wallace's background really isn't too complicated or odd as you may expect it to be. He was born and raised in a big city but within a not-so-well-off family. His father worked hard in his job and his mother had to work on and off within his life as well to make end's meet. Soon enough they moved from the big city to a small one near it, father commuting to the same job he's had and Wallace losing whatever friends he had in his previous school. He grew up learning how to treat people right and how to take care of himself. While young he was placed i Boy Scouts and learned the basics of camping and the like; though there he learned something he much enjoyed, Archery. In most scouting events he would go along with the leader who had all the equipment and learned what he could. He knows his basic cooking skills, a few kitchen herbs and what's good to mix with what. Currently in college due to the help of some scholarships and a grant he is making his family proud, and also raising his own pride to be on his own now. With his own life came new opportunities, though a small few of those chances led him to a jail cell. The burning of one's home tended to be a frowned upon thing in society, who knew? His parents were displeased with the finding of this, though he had convinced them that is was all blamed on him and it had really been his roommate's fault.

Abduction Scene: There were an abnormal amount of cars in the apartment complex's parking lot this evening, Willow noted as he walked past a few to climb the steps to the door marked "95". He thought not much of it and retrieved the key from his pocket as his legs went up the stairs two steps at a time. As he entered his room and threw his messenger bag on the couch in the middle room he went over his evening again, out loud since he was alone. "Into the restaurant, ask for the table, waited not too long;" he extended his white gloved hand to an imaginary place in his memory as he went to his room. "Shook her hand... that's normal for a blind date. Yeah. Got her chair, sat down, small talk, orders." he let out a sigh as he removed the gloves and tossed them on his own bed. His room was as plain as could be; white walls, old carpet, single bed, nightstand with a lamp on it, dresser, and a closet with a mirror. It always looked quite bare but he wasn't planning on staying here forever so what was the point in making it his own? As he removed his tie he went on, "Erika, Erika something. Into music. plays the... the piano. Undeclared major. Seemed nice." He let out a sigh as he placed the tie on the bed beside him when he sat down. The mirror across from him shown his slicked back blonde hair and a the thin figure of a man in a pure white suit.

Getting up and going to the kitchen he muttered to himself, "Maybe I was overdressed." Grabbing the jug of water from the fridge as well as a glass from the high cabinet next to it he poured himself a small refresher. Wallace swigged it down in a few gulps and took another look at the room. His roommate must have came in and cleaned cause this place was spotless compared to yesterday. His head began to tingle and he found his breathing beginning to become harder. He simply thought it was the room or something in his mind making him feel this way, so perhaps a breath of fresh air should solve the problem. Opening the door though revealed a team of men waiting for him, and when he slammed the door on a guy's hand which held a cloth he spun back into the "safety" of his own room. Not making but ten steps though he fell to the ground gasping for air, soon to be muzzled by the rag putting him into a deep sleep.

So begins...

Wallace Green's Story


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Wallace awoke to a numbed body and blind sight. He felt that his eyes were open and he didn’t feel anything placed up against his head so that ruled out the blindfolding. He certainly wasn’t back in his room due to the fact that he was lying up against something. Finally a little bit to go off of; his vision of darkness blurred out to a green and blue. As all the senses slowly came back into Wallace’s body he realized that he was most assuredly far from home. Grass, trees, and blue skies were in his direct line of sight in the position he awoke from. That position as it were, was placed up against a tropical tree as if he had only dozed off beneath it and awoke to this new life.

Oh god, did that woman drug me…? Then as he scavenged through his memories for the last things of the night he remembered the men crashing through his doorway and smothering his face with a rag. Come on, what did I even do? It’s been months since the last burning. As he pushed himself off of the tree he had been laid to rest on he jumped immediately at the sight of a girl which apparently had been standing there to the left of him for some time – or at least he assumed so because he didn't hear her approach him.

With a heavy breath due to the scare he spoke “Goodness, I didn't even notice you there. Been there long- know what, never mind that. Where are we?” Wallace spoke with a few waving hand gestures and now ended waiting for the response.
She stood about four inches shorter than him with dark hair and in a school uniform. The uniform was black and red and seemed to be a bit tattered though and she looked a bit of a mess at the moment which led him to believe that she was in the same exact predicament he was in. “I don’t know,” she stated quite simply and made it sound like it was an idiotic question for him to ask. “Building there though that’s worth a shot,” she pointed to a decent looking structure that had the same tropical trees surrounding it. It was indeed worth a shot, since the other ways that he looked to proved to be nothing promising. When she put her hand down from the pointing she began walking towards it without giving Wallace a second thought in her mind, the man simply nodded and followed behind her.

As they entered the doorway some multitude of voices came from the inside. They were clearly not afraid to let anyone know they were here so his first thoughts didn't exactly pose the voices to be the men who had taken him in the first place. Alas as they entered there were a variety of men and women before them looking as confused as they both were. Wallace noted the few folks with green hair, a big strong man, and a few others who seemed to be more drawn away from the bigger crowd of the questioning strangers. The girl he had entered the building with walked right up to the first person she had the chance to, a green haired man with a brown heavy jacket and glasses, and demanded to know what he had found out about the place. He looked a bit startled of her existence for one since he had not even been looking in her direction at the time and he answered pitifully with an “I have no clue.”

Simply shaking his head at the situation Wallace left the doorway and went off to join the multitude in the middle. He walked to the biggest man who introduced himself as John and asked hopelessly, “I assume you haven’t the foggiest idea of where we are either, do you?” He only replied with a shaking of the head and then didn't much speak due to the fact that he was eyeing the women around them. Well this is wonderful. Just wonderful. What were we just placed here to talk to each other?


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Character Portrait: Wallace Green
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“I guess we should go around introducing people." called out the little girl from before. “My name is Rika, everyone, starting talking."

As the names went round the place from the burliest to the green haired ones it came upon Wallace to sound out his own. "Wallace," he stated plainly and simply without the bother to add in his last name. People then begun to form little groups and a smaller one of four (three girls and one guy) left the bigger room to investigate. Others talked of following them or not and also the degree of safety of searching further. Wallace walked past the group debate and called out with a gesture "Not finding anything out standing around making noise," and so he too followed behind the four with the others slowly trickling behind him. After a minute or two he had caught up with the priest and the girls. "Well? Anything of interest?" he asked the lot of them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Scarlet Katryiana Character Portrait: Wallace Green
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#, as written by Rarikou
After leaving, Scarlet had just chosen a direction and stuck with it. "It's best to see just where we are, if we're near any villages or something like that, it should become obvious, shouldn't it?" She reasoned out with the others.

"That's as good an Idea as any." Lea agreed, though it could have been Rhea. "I mean, this place looks pretty summery, doesn't it? All tropical and the like?"

AFter a while of walking, they stopped. It was mostly forest, though there were plenty of clearings that seemed man made. Other than that, there seemed to be nothing around for a while. "WEll, where on earth are we? A rainforest?" Rhea asked.

"Aren't rainforests pretty dark, though?" Scarlet asks. "I think I remember something about how trees can block out the sunlight there...or something along those lines." She said with a look around.

There came footsteps behind him as a man in the suit... what was his name, Wilbert?... No. "Wallace, right?" She asks, looking around. "WE've been walking for half an hour, and absolutely nothing in this direction... i would guess this place is uninhabited but... "

"But we were in that building. Rhea protested.

"I think that's what she means." Lea said. "Hey, i can see a clearing up ahead. There seems to be something there.

Curiosity got the better of them, and they looked forward, to where a pretty big wall was formed and, on the other side, buildings. "ALright, we found a cityu!" Lea and Rhea shouted, highfiving each other and dashed off ahead.

Scarler looks at Wallace with a slight smile. "WEll, that was amusing." She said. Shen then noticed that people from the building were coming in behind him. "Oh my, the Cavalry joined us." She said with another slight laugh


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Character Portrait: Scarlet Katryiana Character Portrait: Wallace Green
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#, as written by Rarikou
"Hm, do you now?" Scarlet aid, giving a sweet reply. "Most people would be terrified at them I usually wear contacts, but they seem to have disappeared.

"Shall we, then?" She says, and begins to follow the twins to what appears to be the gate to this place. "It won't budge!" The twins shout in tage, trying to pry and push the door open in a multitude of ways "This thing's gotta be electronically sealed or something!"

"Lea, let's do it!" Rhea said, lowering her body and cupping her hands. Lea nodds, gets a distance, then runs, using momentum to vault over the fence. Midway in air, she meets an electric cackle, and is repelled. "Owie!" She says, as a few of the peopl3e surround her, examining her.

'A force field?' Scarlet blinks in complete surprise. She goes to a tree, snapping off a branch, and throws it at the fence. It goes through cleanly. 'Bioorganic? I thought that was an imprecise art, it must be electromagnetic.... she must have something on her that didn't agree with it.' She thought

"Well, now what? It's obvious we aren't supposed to go this way." Oliver says, looking at the place. "Should we rregroup? We never really checked that building out throughly?"

"Oh, you didn't?" Scarlet asks. "Maybe there's someway to unlock this gate from there." She says. She then notices the one thing they have in common...they're all wearing those plastic bracelets. "Hey guys... does anyone know what these bracelts are?" She asks as the walk back to the building continues."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scarlet Katryiana Character Portrait: Wallace Green
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#, as written by Rarikou
Scarlet watched Wallace for a few seconds. "Alright then, I'll go on ahead." She smiled, turning and following a path down. Along the way, she chatted with some of the people. most notably Maria and Eve. Maria worked as a full time Nurse in the hospiralnear where Scarlet lived. Eve didn't really have a job, she lived life day to day. According to her, it was so she and a lot of people could go have some fun' all day. 'I bet I know what kind of fun too...people like her are worse than scum.' Scarlet thought behind innocent eyes.

When they returned to the building, Scarlet looks around. "Well, we all woke up here, so shouldn't that mean we're all supposed to gather here?"She asks

"That's a good point." Maria said. "So, should we split up to look around, or...?"

"As much as I would like my privacy...who knows if those stalker people are nearby." Eve said. "We should probably stick together while we search."

"I can agree with that." Scarlet said with a smile. "Shall we then?"

They found Eren on the next floor, which seemed to be a massive library of sorts. "Oh wow, I've never seen so many books. "Eve said with awe

'That's because you're too dumb to read' Scarlet held back, keeping that smile up. "Any good books in here, Eren?

"Oh yes, plenty of books...even some long thought to be destroyed. There is even a police archive in the back, completly up to date.

'Up yo date police information?' Scarlet thought, her eyes narrowing in thought. 'That narrows the list of suspects way down. Case Files are classified information... only higher ups in the government, and some criminal organzations could have that kind of acces. "That seems pretty strange, aren't all those files , like, supper secret?" She asks aloud.

"Hey, she has a point." Eve said. She must have realized it by now, thanks to that. "No way, is this some sort of goverment crap? That's totally not right!"

"Hey guys, check this out! I found something!" Came a shout from upstairs... that was... Leo? Scarlet looks at everybody, who goes up to meet him

There is a classrom like building upstairs, each with their own media center, and in the middle, a giant tv screen. "It looks like those behind the scenes for a media event." Scarlet says out loud.

"Yeah, but check this out... there are boxes with our names on them. Leo said, holding a oc with his name around. He looks around. "YOur last name is Katryiana? That's a weird name for such a sexy lady."

"Shut up!" She said."It means 'Frozen Snow'! It's a great name!" Scarlet says, catching the box and opening it. "A PDA?" She asks, looking at it. The others seemed to have gotten one of them, looking through it..

On the welcome screen was a folder, and on it was two files. One said 'Read Me First' and the other said 'Your motivation'... what was all this crap about?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scarlet Katryiana Character Portrait: Wallace Green
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#, as written by Rarikou
Scarlet was checking the pda, turning it over as if looking for a bug or something, then shrugs. "Guess it can't hurt to"

"That's right pumpkin! Aren't you ready to play a fun little game at that?" Comes a voice...not male, but not female either. It was defiantly mechanical. "Whose there!" Rika shouted out

There didn't seem to be anything at first, then from the shadows jumped a figure, landing on top one of the desks...a mechincal grey and white tabbym only one of his eyes were red. "Pukukuku. Hello. Konichiwa, Hi, Hola, Bonjour?" The cat asked, tiliting his head... ah, it was a mechanical cat..

"What the...." John asks, blinking, and Scarlet couldn't help but agree with that feeling

The cat licks his mechanical clup, then stands up on two feet. "Yes yes, I'm a mechnical cat. Deal with it." He says. "I am the director of this island. YOu may call me Mr. Fuzzy."

There was a moment of silence, and no one was quite sure to respond to that. "YOu're...te director? Percy asked, blinking.

"YOU brought us here?" Oliver says. "I don't remember some weird cat at the scene."

"It's obviously remote controlled." Scarlet pointed out. "Well, you brought us here, now how do we get out?"

The tabby cat looked at Scarlet, giving a mechanical laugh. "YOu want to escape. That's good! We WANT you to escape! Really, we do! But well, there's something you should probably know about those bracelets your wearing."

"So there IS something to them." Eve says. "This is hardly a pickup accessory...what the hell are these things for?"

"I think our green haired friends learned that for themselves." He says, looking at the twins. "I went easy on you that time because you hadn't read the rules yet, but there's a special electro field all around this place, if you go somewhere you aren't supposed to...or try to leave altogether..."

The cat laughs. "I'll kill you did. Spark! Buzzz! Ahh, im dead!" He says

"Is that even possible?" Leo asked, shouting at the cat.

"...It is." Maria said, taking a step back. "The human heart can only handlyt a joule of eletricity... a single stream across it, and we're dead... it's certainly possible to set up something that could trigger that."

Mr. Fuzzy does a triple front flip, landing on the ground. "She's right, you know! Those things are your reminder. As long as you got them on, you belong to me." He laughs. "There are threee ways to get out of this place, porkchops. The first is to survive an entire year here, alone." Hey says , "After that, you're free to go, but i bet you all have issues with that.

There was a general shout of dissent. "Of course, even then, only the team that does the best gets to go free, but never mind that...the second reason is better...why, you could leave today, if you have the skill!"

"And that way is what exactly?" Percy asks

There comes another chuckle. "HehhehhehKIKIKIAHAHAHAHAA. Maim, stabbing, strangulation, poison, slashing, blunt force trauma starvation despair... the garunteed way to escape is by killing, my dear Sacrificial Sheep."


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Character Portrait: Scarlet Katryiana Character Portrait: Wallace Green
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#, as written by Rarikou
The cat just turns his head all the way around to his back to look at Wallace...which was kind of creepy, actually. "Hm? The rules? You have those lovely little devices, don't you. It's marked 'read me first' in bold letters...or do you not read English?"

Scarlet blinked, looking at her pda, and hit the app on it. There was an annoying picture of Mr. Fuzzy, then a somewhat decent length of rules. 'Let's see. Rule Number 1: Do not attack the direct. Number 2 : Don't destroy property. Number 3: Don't steal from other players. Number 5: No losing or breaking yours or another's person's PDA.... what's with all this crap?' She asks.

'Well. the teams will be decided in just a few moments." Mr. Fuzzy said with a smiile... or was it a smile? Scarlet couldn't really tell... and the cat began to do a tap dance. "If you don't want to kill each other, You have to remain here for a year... and even if you all do that, at least 3/4ths of you will die anyway." It said. "So whether you want to chance or not is completly up to you... oh, i DID give motivations as to why you want to kill on your phone's though, so please take a look at it at your earliest convenience."

"This is BULL!" Eren said, looking at his PDA. "You think I'm just going to sit here and let you get away with THIS?!"

The cat blinked. "Well...yeah, actually."

He cursed, charging at the cat and grabbing him by his throat. "Let us out RIGHT now, you stupid cat, or I'll crush this ridiculous toy!"

"Oh no. I'm in danger. Save me." Mr. Fuzzy said in a monotone voice, so it was obvious he wasn't threatened in the slightest. "But hey, this works out, now I can show you all how serious I am! Thanks for breaking Rule 1, there, Eren My boy."

Eren blinks. "Wait, wha-" He said. ?There was a beep from his wrist...and he collapsed to the floor. Everyone took a step back for a moment, then Maria approafched him, checking his pulse... her faced turned white, and that's all anyone needed to know.


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Character Portrait: Scarlet Katryiana Character Portrait: Wallace Green
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#, as written by Rarikou
“Any luck with your passcode?” Evie asked

Scarlet shook her head. “Still trying to figure it out. What about you? Do you have yours yet?” She asked. She noticed that Wallace person next to him, seems he was to be her neighbor, unless he was a total idiot. She watched as he looked at his pda, and entered a combination, only to be rewarded a schorched finger and a humiliating buzzer sound, and Scarlet tried not to laugh it out. She turns back to Evie. “Let’s see your’s, and we’ll try to figure it out while I consider mine.”

She nods, showing her message to her and Percy.

I started out on the journey from the badlands with a full tank of fuel, 12 gallons exactly.However, the moment I started out, the fuel tank sprung a leak. I travelled at 50 mph until I ran out of fuel exactly 4 hours later.I know that the car does 25 miles for each gallon. How much fuel had I lost through the hole?

Scarlet groans. “Enough with the math problems!” She says, burrowing her frow as she begins to ponder this question, She really hated math, but at least it was something she could puzzle out without too many hints, unlike her own door puzzle. If I’m right, Four.” She says. “What about the passcode.

Evie blinked looking away. “I-um, already figured that part out.” She says, running off to the room, and entering it after a few moments.
Scarlet nodded, returning to her own thought patterm. Alright, it’s obvious that this passcode equals a number, so the question is how death translates into a number… let’s seem for French, goes zero, un, duex, trois, quatre, sunq, six, sept, huit, neuf… can’t really see anything with that, though… Spanish? Uno dos tres cuatro cino seis siete ocho nueve… no… Japanese? Ichi-ni-san-shi … shi… shi-ni… shini means ‘death’ She smiles triumphantly. She pauses, entering in-42-42-564, and the door blinks and unlocks. :Annoying little cat.” She swears, going in and fetching her key… the rooms looked pretty nice actually, like a mini suite, complete with shower and Jacuzzi, so she really couldn’t complain. As she walked out. She stook a breath, and kicked her door at the bottom twice, creating two small dents to identify her room.

“Looks we all got it.” Scarlet said. “I’m rather hungry after that t
hinking though… let’s go check and see if that cafeteria has any food.” She said. The other two agreed, and they began to make their way downstairs..