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June King

"The cycle of life continues. Even after death."

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a character in “Remorseless Evolution”, as played by Damioa


June King


❝The type of people who kill for the sake of killing. Destroy families just for the hell of it. Those are the type of people who need to die.❞

Born to die | Lana Del Ray

▐ The basics▐

June King



♥Sexuality and relationship status♥
Heterosexual and Divorced


June is quiet and more of a "don't speak, unless spoken to" type of person. This makes him come off as antisocial and hard to get along with. In his mind he doesn't care what anyone thinks of him since most of the people whose opinions have mattered to him have died. Being in the sight of many of his dieing loved ones, death isn't really all to much of a big deal to the man. In fact, he wishes day in and out that someone can come along to take his from him. Though, until that happens the man will keep on walking the earth searching for his own answers.

June has a thing for animals, which is quite surprising to most people. Of course most of his favorite animals come off as dangerous to most. For example, tigers, lions, and wolves.

One major quality about him, is that he always works hard on whatever he does, whether its hunting someone down, or transporting a small object to someone. He is also known as the type of person who will do anything for money, though, to this day it has yet to be determined if anything really means anything. Though most people will tell you he is notorious for his use of a gun and he rarely pulls them out without intent to fire. More than anything, it seems he doesn't outwardly try to get to know people either. He is definitely a hard nut to crack too, seeing as some have tried. You know, just the annoying friendly types. If that's not a good enough example, lets just say that even those who think they're close to him don't get the pillow talk they were quite hoping for. Though, to children, he seems to show a little more of his kinder side. In no ways is he a bad person. Most would tell you this. As for him, he could care less if he seemed like a good person or a bad person. At this time, that wasn't the main objective. Even though there is a main priority in his life, no one knows what it is. Though maybe, just maybe, he'll come out of his box and tell someone someday.

▐ Aesthetics▐

♞Body build♞
Toned, but not really muscular. Lean, but not considered small. June stands at about 5'11 bordering on to 6 feet. His body is painted with scars from his face down to his feet. His skin is tan and his hair, usually worn down, is an un-brushed black fluff.

☪Face description☪
Aside from the constant glare that seems to have stuck itself on his face, his eyes are narrowed and his eyebrows are thin. He has a couple scars on his face, one that is very noticeable and also one he doesn't like talking about. Aside from that scar, his skin is smooth, meaning that he keeps himself well maintained. His eyes are red do from his mixed heritage. Though it should be noted that this is a doctors opinion. It has never been proven why he has red eyes.

Even though one can tell he's been through a lot of ordeals and would expect him to wear armor, he doesn't. Instead he wears a simple business shirt, tie and pants. If anything would be considered armor, it would be his steel toed boots. Though he doesn't use the boots for protection, more because they're comfortable, they have saved his toes from being cut about a dozen times. The first thing people who don't know him notice are his scars. Some from burns, others from cuts, and the rest from bullets. As for jewelry he doesn't wear any, except for the pair of hawk feathers that he has tied to his hair.

▲Pets/none weaponry devices▲
People have seen him with two different animals on more than one occasion. One being a wolf and another being a bird. On single occasions he was once seen feeding a bear, sleeping with a lion, and yelling at a tiger. Though these were mere rumors.

▐ Skills and flaws▐

✘ Weapons ✘
His only weapons are his fist, his boots, and his two enhanced guns. Guns that usually roll in for a high price that shoot not only normal bullets, but charged energy shots as well.

His only defense, if you'd even call it a good one, is his instinct and quick reflexes.

☠Skills and techniques ☠
June is highly skilled with his guns. Wasting bullets have never been a problem to him. He is also quite skilled in hand to hand combat and can take a pretty bad beating.

A major flaw to note that June has is that he goes into things without thinking. If the favor sounds good, if the money looks good, and if a situation looks dangerous, June usually signs the dotted line without thinking. Maybe this is because of his lack of care for his own life, but whatever it is, it gets him into a lot of sticky situations and probably will continue to do so. Another flaw of his is that he cast himself free of fear. The main fear that he cast away was death, and even he knows that those don't feel death, often meet it sooner than those who do.

▐ The past and present▐

♚Basic history♚
"I'll always love you. No matter what your past was like."
"Just like my name, I want to be king of the new world."
"Well cousin. One of us has to die here, and since I came here with the intent to kill you, you seem like the perfect match for the situation."
"This boy isn't a boy anymore. We shouldn't even consider him human."
"In the end, what's done is done. All we can do is give him treatment and hope all is well. By law, he is still a living being. Considering his age. Ladies and gentlemen of the court.... I ask you. Would you want a mere child to suffer life in jail."
"If it weren't for the laws kid, you'd be facing far worse than the death penalty. I'm surprised you're even able to get out."
"You don't seem like a bad person to me."

"...... I'm not a kid anymore."

"And these are the quotes that I hold most dear in my life. As well as the words that I wish were never spoken. All of them."

June King. A royal of sorts. A murderer in his own right. A lost child. A vengeful spirit. The lover of the dead flower. Lots of things could be said about him. However, it should be noted that anything said about him, is true. Anything.

Part one: The false King
It was the day he was born. As glorious as it was. The doctors looked upon him as a becon of hope for humanity. Finally, from a long line of homosapians, came a new twist inside of his heritage. Though, almost as if God was playing a trick on his mother, the secondary blood test came back in a negative round. He wasn't a homoneco at all. Just another run of the mill person. Pushed off as a miscalculation. His mother, and probably most of all, his father, were saddened. However, just as the he loved her, a human who would have been otherwise be labeled at lesser value than him, he loved his child. Though it only meant more words of hate and distaste from his own family. It was not only bad enough that he, a homoneco, would love a homsapian, but he had a child that was not a homoneco. For his mother, going back to when she was first preganant with the boy, she wished that he would have the same blood as his father. That nature would probably give him the same status, just for the sake of regaining her husbands family ties. Though, to her dismay, her son was just a lesser human. Still, she loved him.

So it was. They had left their home and city all together to escape the hate and forked nature of his family. They wouldn't give them the chance to cast judgement upon the child before he had a chance to talk for himself. However, no matter how far they went, they couldn't escape the families eyes. Being one of the most wealthiest families they had the connections to track them down and dragged her husband back many of times to do the tasks that, as his brother put it, were his birthright, no matter what type of "company" he kept. That's all they saw Monday and June as. Company. This of course was all before the war had started.

Still, during the times of peace, Junes father, Jewlin, would be visited by his brother to do things that June himself would never figure out. His father claimed it was just putting up appearances, but the more he left, the longer the time was before he returned. He had heard his mother whisper one time that his family were just trying to seperate him from his family. From them. Though the boy never minded any attention to that. He had his cousin, a boy that, to the dismay of his own father, had befriended him. He had even snuck out of his home territory, just to visit him and play with him. While on his visits, he taught June many things. None of it could be found in any book, but the young man, who had currently been a teen had so many views on life. Far past anything the kids or teens in his neihborhood knew. He had wanted to bring back the kings name in a form where he would actually be king. He always said that he'd be king of the new world. Not that June, who was around seven at the time, could actually comprihend the meaning of the words his older cousin spoke. It all seemed like something out of a fairy tale. Though soon, once the war started, and Kriste, his cousin had come to him once more. He finally told him. June was nothing more than a homosapian. A human that lived in a world past his time. Most of all, he was his cousin and he loved him. He loved him and Deci, his youngest cousin. As Kriste put it, the three of them were the next in the lineage of the king family. Not only that, but all three of them would be the kings of the new world. Not only him. It was sudden, but for the eight year old boy, and his six year old counterpart, the sixteen year old young man was speaking the truth. Nothing he said could possibly be a lie.

Around that time, his father had gone somewhere and hadn't come back for a few months. His mother was acting as if everything was posing danger to the boy, even threatened his elder cousin not to come back to their house. Though, as if the boy had farther and greater insight than she had, Kriste was able to convince her to give up June and place him and his care. The last thing June remembered seeing of his mother, was the tears that had trickled down her face as she watched him leave. They left his small house in the countryside, headed into the city. A place where Kriste had told him to never speak to anyone unless spoken to and always stay near him. They lived life like that for a while. Stuck inside of a city appartment. Men knocking on doors for security checks. Deci seemed to have a better grasp on the situation than June had. He would just stare at the men, imotional and nod his head at their questions, while June hid inside of his room. Though of course, the men never reached him. Kriste and Deci were both enough to get the men to walk away. They were able to show the men that they weren't the "people" they were looking for.

While Kriste wasn't staring at the window, waiting for "that something" to happen, he would gather both June and Deci together in the furnitureless living room and teach them ways to defend themselves. Whether it be with a knife, or with a gun. Deci had picked up much faster than June, but it seemed like June had gotten more out of it somehow. It could have been because he was older, but even his older cousin was surprised at the abilities he had recieved. At late nights he would take them to shoot cans in the outskirts of the city, always making sure to get them back inside before daybreak. The young man worked as hard as humanly possible to keep both boys safe. Though it seemed, even though he was safe at the door because of his genes. The dogs who would knock at their door had stomachs that weren't full by appettizers. Their eyes weren't satisfied anymore by looking. They had needed proof. Word had gotten out that more than two people lived in the apartment. Thus, they were going to look for the third. That is when everything started going downhill in Junes life.

It happened so fast. One moment, men were breaking through the doors. The next, gunshots were fired and two uniformed men were dead inside of their sanctuary. Kriste had given Deci the gun that was currently in his hand and opened the door to the room June was inside of, handing the boy another fire arm and yelling for both of them to follow him. They proceeded to run out of the building and straight toward the underground, a place that was full of people. People more like June than anyone else. It happened to also be a demilitarized area, full of crime and the most discusting acts of humanity one could ever see and even though he had wanted not to go this direct route, Kriste had ran out of options. Together, the three of them slept nights on the street, begging from no one, but stealing from a few here and there, just to survive. It wasn't anywhere close to living the life of a king. A life that Kriste had first promised. This the boy knew, but it was the life that allowed them to live.

Many questions came up in Junes mind. Why were they running from the start? Why did they need to learn how to fight? Why weren't they allowed out during the day? What was it? What was it that they were running from? Most of all, what had happened to his mom? Those questions were answered one night while Deci was sleeping, nothing but an old set of box scraps covering the boys for warmth.

"June. I couldn't tell you before, but you're getting older now. I suppose this is as good as time as any," Kriste said, looking up at the sky, which through the darkness of the ally was showing the stars in the clear sky.

"For what, Kriste?" June had looked at his older cousin, but it seemed he was avoiding eye contact with him.

"The reason we had to leave the countryside. The reason we had to leave the appartment."

It was then that Kriste explained to him the kind of position that he was in. June had been unfortunate to be a homosapian. Someone who, during the start of the war, was looked down upon as nothing more than a dog. In their area, it seemed they were also being exiled. This place seemed no different. Even though there were still people like him living around in the slums of the city. They were slowly being taken away and shipped out. June also had one other exception about him.

"Our grandfather, High March King, is head of the armed forces at the moment. Your father was supposed to take his place, but.... but.... It seems that even his own son wasn't able to escape the wrath of the war. Your dad tried to stop the order, mostly for you and your mum, but grandad was having none of it. My father also ended up siding with your father. In turn, they both were murdered in their sleep. Though they told me it was due to an illness that they both had. Hehe. They really expected me to believe that kettle full of shit."

Though he was laughing, there were hints of sadness in his tone. "You know maybe they weren't murdered by one of our own. I'd like to believe that myself. However, once the order was cast to kill you, I... I just couldn't let you or Deci live through that. Your mom agreed too. Leaving herself behind, she let me take you and Deci with me here. Though I was naive to think that we could ever find a way out. Believe me I tried."

"K-Kriste? What are you saying?"

His cousin turned to him and grabbed his head pulling him closer. "This might be the end of the line for us as well, you and me. Deci should be fine, but, I at least wanted you to survive as well. I had never cared for myself through this whole mess. You hear it don't you?"

June could here the soft beating inside his cousins chest.

"Your heartbeat?"

"Yeah. We all have a heart that beats to the same tune at least one time in our life. This heart keeps us all moving. We all bleed the same blood June. Remember that. Don't let anyone tell you different, 'kay?"

"Yeah. . . Okay. . ."

June spent that night crying in his cousins arms. The tender age of nine, the boy was growing up faster than he should have.

It wasn't long before one of those cold dark nights were interupted by the lights of the ones they were running from. They didn't even seem light military men, but instead they looked as if they were a private force. They came with their guns at the boys faces and yelled out muffled words that June couldn't remember. Deci tried to strike first, drawing his hidden gun, but the men had subdued him in a minimal amount of time. They tried to grab June as well, but Kriste had came in front of them. Together, the two watched as he faught to the best of his ability against them, but the lack of food and energy seemed to get the best of him. They gave no remorse to him at all and beat him as if he were not a human at all. He yelled, not out in pain, but for June to run. He said that Deci would be okay, but he had to run.

June looked at Deci who was looking in horror at Kriste and then back at him. Though his expression changed from horror to hatred. As he ran the oppisite direction, he could hear the boy yelling our his name.


It rang in his head as he ran. It continued as he continued to run over and over again. He ran until he had no energy left to keep on running. Until he ran out of nerve. Turning around he had decided that he didn't want to leave. Not if that meant losing the people he really cared about. So the boy ran back. Though, by the time he got back, everyone was already gone. Everyone except for the body of his elder cousin, Kriste.

"Kriste..... Kriste are you.... Wake up.... I'm sorry for leaving. I'm sorry!!!! Wake up!!!" He yelled and shook his body hoping that he would open his eyes.

Slowly opening his eyes, Kriste looked past the red that blurred his vision. He looked over to the person who was shaking him. "J-June. You have to be the one. Be the one in my place to take Deci and with him.... Make yourselves true kings.... Of.. The new....."

He wasn't able to finish his sentence though. His life had already left his body and June was left to cry over his passing. However, he didn't have long. It seemed a few men were waiting for him to return. They tried to knock him out, but as soon as he hit the ground and everything went dark, something happened. Something that would impact his life forever. When he opened his eyes he was surrounded by blood and the dead bodies of not only his cousin, but the two men who stayed behind for him.

It was apparent to him what he had done. He not only had gotten his cousin killed, but also killed the two men. Worst off, he didn't even remember doing, but he knew, deep down that he was the one to have done it. Once again, he ran. This time, instead of turning back he ran outside of the city borders. Outside all the way back to the baron areas of the grasslands. He ran for years, running away not only from his past, but also himself. Kriste was wrong. He decided that the same heart that ran inside of Kriste did not live inside of him. They weren't alike at all. After awhile, he couldn't even feel his heart beating anymore, and soon, he even forgot what the sensation of a heartbeat felt like.

♛History with the war including thoughts♛
Part: 2 : Lost in the dreaded ocean

It had been years since he had even spoken more than a word to someone. Why would he, thinking that he was a monster. He had slowly come to realize, that it was his fault his father had to die. It was also his fault that his cousin died, and for all he knewm, it was also his fault if his mom was dead.

Sure, he had made it back to his old house eventually, but the sight of the place was in shambles. Every picture and every ornament was thrown on the ground and the blood marks on the walls implied that there was a fight of some kind there. Though he found a lot of things that he wish he hadn't there, the one thing he was looking for hadn't shown itself. His house was in shambles and it seemed like his mom was nowhere in sight. He had spent a few months in that wrecked island, but soon he decided to move on, traveling in no apparant direction and searching for nothing anymore. Just moving with the world in what seemed to be one big circle.

Along the way is where he met another traveling person. To this day he can still remember her name. Maya. She was as beautiful on the outside as she was on the inside. Her voice was that of an angel to him, even though it might have been a normal girls voice to anyone else. Though he remembers she was kind of rowdy with him the first time they met.

"Hey. Hey why are you following me?"

He looked over to her, having barely noticing they were walking the same way. Though, having not talked to anyone in a long while he didn't know how to respond. So in turn he didn't say anything and continued walking the long stretch of road.

"Hey. Hey you. I know you heard me." She stopped and he continued to walk. "Oh. I guess you're just going along the road like me huh? That's cool. I don't mind having some company."

Thus they walked for hours until nightfall where it seemed that she was getting tired. She let loose a long yawn and stopped walking, watching him as he continued on walking.

"Uhmmm.... You know. It's getting dark."

The unusual words caused him to stop in his tracks.

"You haven't ate anything at all since I met you this morning. Are you gonna be alright to keep walking?"

He didn't answer, but looked back at her, turning his head and moving his pupils to the corner of his eyes.

"I have some sandwhiches if you want one. I kinda don't want to stay out here alone just to eat you know. I here this area is bad around this time."

He turned his whole body around and looked at her with his tired eyes that seemed devoid of happiness. "How do you know that I'm not the reason this area is bad?"

Her answer almost brought tears to his eyes. "You don't seem like a bad person to me."

Years of thinking of himself as a bad person. Years of thinking he was the cause of everyones pain. It seemed that until that moment, no one had ever told him he was anything else. No one besides his late cousin.

It was weird to say the least. He stayed with her that night, eating with her and even watching over her as she slept, which seemed to start their relationship. they traveled the road together, in search of what seemed like nothing in particular. They traveled for two years and soon he even fell in love with her. From the ages of fourteen to sixteen, this girl became the angel who delivered him from his death. Saved him from the dreaded ocean of sorrow he was drowning himself in. Though, it was long, it was also short lived.

Part 3: Old demons that never go away.

They had found a city to live in. It wasn't a major one, but it was big enough for them. They both worked to keep up with their home's bills and were pretty happy. In the time that she had known him, he told her of the events of his past. In turn she said, "I'll always love you. No matter what your past was like."
In turn, he took care of her the best he could. Even changing his attitude to a more happier one before he had made the full transition. At the end of it all, it was probably because of that, that he was able to turn into a happier person. That he was able to become a better person than he thought he could be.

He was coming home from a hard day of work at the fish yard, a place where they processed fish for other cities in the countryside. Usually, she was waiting outside for him so they could go out to eat somewhere, but this night was different. He noticed she wasn't there. He passed it off as her running late, or needing to go inside of the house for her own reasons.

Just as he was about to open the door to check if she was inside, he felt a pressence around him. Turning back towards the entryway he saw somehting that he was only expecting to be a ghost.

"It's been a long time. Cousin."

In front of him stood an older, even taller than himself version of Deci. It was Deci, his cousin who he hadn't seen for over six years. Not since that fateful day that changed his life.

"Deci?" He asked just to make sure his eyes weren't playing tricks on him.

"Oh. So you do remember me? Hehe. I'm flattered that the dog of our family remembers me."

The words coming from the boys mouth had made it seem like it wasn't quite the happy reunion it seemed to be. The dumbfounded look on June's face became serious and cautious. He immediately ran into his house to see a horrible sight. One that was followed by the ominous sound of his cousins laughter.

"Hehehe.Hahahaha. You probably are wondering what had happened here. Can you believe the woman? She said that you were her husband of all things, and guess what she said when I told her that a man who abandons his family and kills his older cousin; one who put his own life on the line for his sake, couldn't possibly be the man she loved? Guess."

June was speechless. All of the scenes of that day. The scenes of his old house. The scene in front of him at the moment. It was all to much to wrap his head around.

"She said I was wrong. Can you believe that. A dog like her told me that I was wrong. So you can guess what I had to do."

It may have been from the tears, or from the anger, but June's vision had become blurred. He could only move his body to face his cousin.

"I did what any human does to a dog when it goes blind. I put her down."

June charged at Deci in a blind rage, not knowing what he would do once he reached him. As if he was expecting it, Deci side stepped him, letting him trip on the floor. Leaving him to cry on the ground, which made him sneer at the sight.

"I don't get it. Where was all this when Kriste was being beaten in front of us, huh? Where was all this anger and ruthless passion when I was being taken away? Pfft. Well no matter. It wasn't like I was tortured or anything. No. I was actually reunited with the rest of our family. It seems, I was kept in the dark about you. You were nothing but a dog from the start and your father was a great man, who seemed to fall for an animal just like you. Though I'm supposed to bring you back alive. It seems, that even though you're an animal, you have some humanity in you. Some sort of genetic quirk that the old man cares about. Yeah right!!! Like I would bring you back to that old shit. Not after he crafted me this way. Not after I spent the majority of my life hating everything you are. No. You see. One of us will die here. Sorry to say, but by the looks of it, you seem to be the name on the reapers list."

Deci presumed to kick at his cousin until June fought back at him. He was almost on even ground with the boy. Maybe he even would have beaten him if it wasn't for Deci's personal men shooting him once the fight got too heated. Though it seemed, through the anger, he couldn't be stopped They fought unto the dark of the night going back in forth with their attacks in a bloody fury.

"I can't loose to you June. I am cut from a higher cloth. I am evolved and you... you'r primitive."

Halfway through the fight, June had regained his consiousness, though he continued trading blows with his cousin. He even tried to reason with him multiple time, but the boy wanted nothing of it. He was so hell bent of killing him that he called off his men, wanting to do the deed himself. It was truly a horrific scene. However, when the two had picked up their firearms and decided to get serious, Deci wasn't able to fire. Though June... he pulled the trigger almost without thinking. As Deci crumbled to the ground from the fatal shot that he could have easily dodged if anything, June ran to him, wandering why he would go so far just to die in the end.

"What the hell? Why do all this just to let me kill you in the end?" The screams in the rain could be heard from the neihborhood to the next one, cities over.

"Hehe. Why should I have to be the one to live with losing both of the cousins I loved..... When I could... I could just have you live with it. You see. Even for people like me, the world isn't all sunshine and rainbows. I never wanted to live during a time of war. I wanted to live as a king of the new world, like Kriste had once wanted. Though because of you.... Because of you and that old man that is our grandfather. I have to live one of Sovereinty in a world where even I am nothing more than a pebble. I don't know about bringing forth a new era. No. Not in your case. However,.... I do know, that if you and I... We .... From the start.... Were born just to die. To die in this world of hate. I don't want it anymore. No more."

Deci then took his own gun and shot himself and June could only watch as his cousins bloody corpse was covered by his men. Watch and be dragged away by those men. His body was limp and he was done. Done running and done fighting.

Finale: The man you are allowed to become.

"In the end, what's done is done. All we can do is give him treatment and hope all is well. By law, he is still a living being. Considering his age. Ladies and gentlemen of the court.... I ask you. Would you want a mere child to suffer life in jail."
"If it weren't for the laws kid, you'd be facing far worse than the death penalty. I'm surprised you're even able to get out."

These were both words of his representative in court. His grandfather had hired the man to keep him alive for whatever reason. Both the murders of his cousin Kriste and his cousin Deci were pinned onto him and he was to spend the rest of his childhood years in a correctional facility. One where he would be operated and tested on to see what was it about him that made him so close to a homoneco even though he was a homosapian. In the end it came to be that he wasn't even human. He had met the man once. The old frail man who had run out of heirs to his umpire. He told him of what had happened to his father, who had run off with his mother and killed by soldiers who supported the hate towards "his kind". He told him that he wished that he could have proved the test wrong. That he was more of a neco than a sapian. Though, because he only proved to be a failed mix of both, he was no more than a dog to him.

Those words caused a deep hate to swell inside of him. He had hated the man and anyone connected to his family. He had hated those who looked down on people, just because their genes were a little different. Though, most of all, he spent the next six years hating himself. Now, that the years of running seemed over. Now, that the years of pain and confinement were over. He was just shoved off into the world.

With his first steps out of confinement taken, he was nothing but a broken, scarred version of what he used to be. Though, he was also a new stature. One of hate and vengence. Would this current world accept him? He didn't care. He only cared about one thing. As long as he got it, he'd be okay. Okay with dying. Though, not until that goal is finally reached will he allow himself to die.

As for thoughts on the war, of course he hates it in general. Doesn't matter which human is fighting for what reason. The war in itself is a major part in the troubles of his life. As so, he hates the idea of the war and its supporters, but because of his own goals, he isn't considering himself the one that'll end it. Instead he works with it, adapting this time of war into his current lifestyle.

♫Events to note so far in the RP♫
Answer Here

June is a Gemini.

So begins...

June King's Story


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Character Portrait: June King Character Portrait: Akira Theron
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#, as written by Damioa
June King

"Why did you kill your first victims? You must have had a pretty big reason. I don't think you are the kind of man to stereotype as a coldblooded murderer who went crazy for no reason one day. I'm sorry your life has been rough so far."

Victims.... A rough life.... June had always wondered how he came off to most people. However, instead of saying considerate words like that, most would classify him as a monster. Only a few times in his life had he had people look at his life that way. He was used to the usual banter of hate and disdain from people, but he wasn't use to people looking at him with something he would classify as compassion. While it would probably make most people in his situation feel relieved. Feel human. He didn't feel that way at all. In fact, he hated it. He knew well enough the type of life he led. He almost had the nerve to walk away from the girl, pretend to go to bed, and leave her there going back on his own lonesome road. However, he couldn't. Not yet. He was too interested in hearing the woman's past than anything else. He thought that maybe, if he knew her past, then he could make sense of the way she thought. The words she said. The actions she took.

"You know June maybe instead of giving yourself to others as a assassin you should try living a simpler life and attempt to fix yourself. I don't think you are too happy doing what you do, even if it comes naturally."

Again with the compassion. Her and Cortez. If he had the right mind and it wouldn't have defected from his goal, he'd had left him too. Though, the man did have connections. Still, June made sure to keep his emotional distance. Something that he had realized was being shortened by him, just so he could just get to know a woman whom he just met today. It was dangerous. Not for only him, but also for her. Still, he stayed quiet until she went on to talk about her past. A past he could relate to in some way. It was too convenient how he would meet someone like that. Someone who also lost someone they cared about because of the difference between Neco's and Sapian's. His head began to become clouded as he too remembered how his life was changed around, moments at a time. Thinking about it, he did realize that she seemed to have something against Neco's in some type of way. Now he knew why. It angered him that the world was cruel enough to not only hit him, but a lot of the people around him. Even through the small fantasy and escape that he allowed himself to be in that night, he was reminded, yet again, why he did what he did. Why he couldn't take his own life yet, even though he wanted so badly to do it in the past. He could feel the past hate and anger welling up inside him. Anger, the feeling that he had tried to get rid of in order to focus on his cause. Glancing at Akira from time to time, he realized that she had began shedding tears and immediately regretted asking her such a personal question. It proved to him, that even though she had experienced in some way, similar things as he did, it had affected her differently. The tears on her face at the moment were his fault. His fault for letting his guard down once again and trying to get close to someone. Life was sure a bitch. No matter what way he did it. No matter how hard he tried. He could never get close to someone without hurting them a certain way. On top of that, he also couldn't stop himself from wanting to get close to someone. It was the way of man as they say. No man was an island. No one could live in solitude forever without trying to grasp another persons hand. It was like drowning. Not even June could drown in the ocean of his life without trying to connect with another person for air.

Listening to her words, he had imagined that she was seeing everything over again as she spoke. Something which June noted he'd probably do once he told her of his "first victims". She seemed to tire herself out by doing so. It appeared as if it wasn't her head that was lying on the table, pouring clear liquid, but her heart instead.

"That is my past. You happy now?"

June looked at her green eyes. Seemingly different in appearance than the first time he had met her. He could only guess that just like his past, not many people got to witness them in this way. June had made up his mind as to what he would do. Taking out a cigarette and burning it as it lay on the bridge of his mouth, he decided that after what she had told him, she deserved to hear the rest of his story. A folly of words that presumed might have been the last set of words he'd speak to her.

"I'm sorry about your love. I'm not going to sit here and act as if I know where you're coming from, but as you asked. I'll let you know what happened to those first set of people." June began by telling her the basis of everything that had to do with his past. How his father was a Neco and a heir to a lead industry that may have been one of the backbones behind the war. How his grandfather grew mad as his relationship with a Sapien woman, and even more angered at the fact that the offspring of a so called taboo relationship and the fact that the offspring wasn't on a level equal to that of a Neco. How his family was exiled and his father was made to travel back and forth between both worlds. Then he told her of his cousin, who had cut ties with the family just to get June and his younger cousin out of that world of hate. June went on about the promise that they'd be kings of a better, fairer world where no one was separated based on their DNA. His dad went missing and then his cousin took him to a place where they would think all three of them could be safe. Though of course, he noted, they were wrong. The man explained how everything caught up to them and just like a tidal wave, wrecked the mindless ship they were sailing. He didn't even leave out how he acted as a coward by running when asked to instead of fighting only to go back anyway to see his oldest cousin was murdered by the soldiers sent to get them. He counted his death as his fault, for not having the strength to stay and fight and though he did tell her that he ended up killing the men that were left over, he didn't tell her how he did so for being a kid. Though, he supposed she could guess. Already knowing that the information he had given her so far was enough to make her think more negatively about him, he continued.

After each cigarette was finished, June chased it with another one, making sure that as he told the tale he was always smoking. "So after that I was on my on. I went back home only to find out my mom was no longer there, but.... I could tell why she wasn't. Based on the state of the nice house we lived in. How it was battered. I could tell she was probably dead. After a few months there I went out to walk the world, trying to abandon my past. Sometime in that journey of mine, I met her. Her eyes shined with optimism and at first glance I suppose I could confuse yours for her own." She was the love of his life, he explained. Someone who made all the negative events of the past go away and also, someone who accepted his past. In both their eyes, even though there was no official document, they were both married at a time. Though, he also told her that because of him she died as well. In more ways than one was it his fault. His younger cousin came back for him because he left them and didn't come back in time to take him with him. That and he also blamed June for Kriste's, their older cousins death. So of course, he took it out on the one June was closest to. That's the second reason why her death was his fault. Without thinking, he invited the girl into his life and forgot about the past. The past which forgotten or not, she too was apart of. In the end he explained that he had to fight his younger cousin, not just out of anger, but out of defense. He told her how the scar on his face came from Deci, his cousin, and how he couldn't help but to let other wounds occur. For he never intended to kill Deci. He couldn't. Even if the boy killed the one person that saved him from ending his life years ago. June also noted that he didn't need to kill Deci with his own hands to end the boys life. True, Deci did take his own life, but it was only because of June that he did so. After that event, he was charged with the murder of Kriste, Deci, and the girl he loved. The verdict was six years in incarceration. Most of which, he spent getting more scars, both inside and out, and developing a hatred for the man who had put everything all together. Joseph King. The same man, who for whatever reason, made his sentence as lenient as it was for the amount of lives charged with it.

"You see now. Even if I should be living a simpler life. I can't. Not until that man is dead. Now that I've also heard your story, I know more than ever that I have to kill him. I thought, only if just for a moment. I thought that when I met you and hung around you, that maybe I could actually get to know you, put my past behind me and do as you said earlier,but..... After hearing about your past.....After sharing mine. I now know that I was a fool to think that. Deci's last words to me was that we were born to die. I use to think that was true, but now I know, that I can't die until I kill that man." Junes face scrunched up as he was trying to withhold his anger. He could feel the heat of it flowing inside his veins. He practiced the calm breathing technique Cortez had taught him to calm himself, but he just couldn't stand it. Standing and hanging his arms over the railing he continued trying to regain his composure. "I also realize that meeting you was probably a test of fate. Trying to get me to lure in another victim to my life. It was also a reminder of my goal in a way. Though I ......" before June could get out the rest of his sentence, his phone rang, causing him to pause and pick it up on reaction.

"Hello," he said in a mild pissed off tone.

"June. I'm glad you're still doing well."

"Who is this?"

"Hahaha. You seriously can't remember my voice. Ah well. You'll remember as the talk goes on. Listen boy, you will not speak anymore during this conversation got it. I know you have someone with you right now. Known since you met her. Pretty isn't she? She's a Sapien right? you know my men wont hesitate to kill her if she's with you."

June's eyes shot open as he looked around, seeing a truck parked outside the gas area about a half mile away. After seeing the mannerisms of those around the vehicle he could tell who he was speaking to.

"Is suppose you got it now. So listen carefully. I know you've been targeting people I work with. I'm not dumb you know. I can gather that you want my head. I accept your challenge June. Why wouldn't I? I mean, it's not everyday I get someone who is close to the same level as myself and my men gunning for me. Hmmhmm. Listen to this old man speak. Reminds me of my better days."

"Why you!!!" June yelled.

"What did I say boy!? If you continue to disobey my rules, I'll take another precious Sapien from you. Damn. You and your father. I can't understand how you two think. Equals you would call them. They are nothing more than animals. No, let me take that back. At least they have a title. You're the only animal here June. Anyway. As of now, they are waiting for you to come. If you beat them, then you're safe to hunt me for another day. However, if you die, then I've won the hunt. Sounds fun right?"

June hung up his phone and stormed inside his room grabbing his guns, ammunition and jacket. Once clothed he returned outside, readying himself to leap over the railing before turning to Akira. "I guess you were right. I would end up getting rid of you in the end. But, I wouldn't kill you. I'd never take a meaningless life even if you probably think otherwise. I'm sorry." With his hair covering his eyes it'd be hard for one to get a glimpse of his face. However, if the woman was to see his face, she would probably see the moon contrasting in the moonlight. June always wondered what his red eyes in true light would look like to someone, but he would never ask to find out.

Without another word, June leaped down from the railing to land only to run toward the truck with the armed men surrounding it. He didn't know or care how much of chance he had against them alone, but he did know that if he had to get through them to get to the old man, he'd take whatever chance he had to. Leaving the girl behind, June imagined that maybe one day, he might have been able to meet her again to apologize for leaving her alone and remembered her face. For once in a long time he felt a drop in his stomach that would have without a doubt caused him to shed tears if not for the current circumstance. Instead, he transferred it into his anger and hatred and moved on, deciding to use it as his strength instead of a weakness. Coming to terms with the situation, he realized that there was no chance in hell. No chance for the armed men to survive the night.


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Akira Theron

"I'm sorry about your love. I'm not going to sit here and act as if I know where you're coming from, but as you asked. I'll let you know what happened to those first set of people."

Akira began listening again, her head resting comfortably on her chin with an elbow on the table as the words soaked in. It was a long conversation but she held onto everything he said with curiosity. She did not blame him anymore for his actions and did not really consider them wrong doings at all. He was just a good man who had a bad start at life really. "So you are a crossbreed then? It was no wonder I could not tell your race. Ain't you a rare little nugget?" The black haired woman chuckled lightly before playfully tapping him on the nose with her finger.

"So after that I was on my on. I went back home only to find out my mom was no longer there, but.... I could tell why she wasn't. Based on the state of the nice house we lived in. How it was battered. I could tell she was probably dead. After a few months there I went out to walk the world, trying to abandon my past. Sometime in that journey of mine, I met her. Her eyes shined with optimism and at first glance I suppose I could confuse yours for her own."

The sapien found her cheeks flushing slightly as he said this though she felt like they should not have been, after all he was talking about a past lover rather than herself. It was just a statement for gods sake. Like herself he had also lost his most treasured person and had his world stripped bare. It was depressing really, it was very common to find someone ruined by warfare. "June. I don't think you are a bad man. I don't think you should blame yourself. This world is disgusting." Akira stated simply, tempted to get to her feet and give him a hug, but instead she remained seated awkwardly in the seat. Now that she knew the whole truth, the negativity surrounding him had vanished.

" I can't. Not until that man is dead. Now that I've also heard your story, I know more than ever that I have to kill him...I thought that when I met you and hung around you, that maybe I could actually get to know you... I can't die until I kill that man."

The raven haired man seemed angry and Akira did not particularly blame him one bit. She pressed her lips together and began rubbing them, thinking of something to follow up with but all she could find was silence.

"I also realize that meeting you was probably a test of fate. Trying to get me to lure in another victim to my life. It was also a reminder of my goal in a way. Though I ......"

"I AM NOT A NOT A TEST OF FATE. Don't you dare see me like that June! And again you are making it out as though I can't take care of myself. I'll prove to you one day I damn well can!" Akira spat, almost sulking after finishing her rant. As he answered his mobile to girl listened carefully to the conversation, trying to pick up what it was about. Even at the end of it she was unsure due to his quick cut sentences but she realized it was not pleasant.

As he raced back into his room, clothing himself and grabbing his weapons Akira felt a horrible feeling role over in her stomach. "Tell me what is going on!? Who was that?...June?" She pleaded though clearly was rather unsuccessful with her questions. His ignorance somewhat angered her but it made her more afraid than anything. It was obvious he was running ring into trouble; more than likely more than what he could handle.

"I guess you were right. I would end up getting rid of you in the end. But, I wouldn't kill you. I'd never take a meaningless life even if you probably think otherwise. I'm sorry."

Akira turned to quickly dash for her rifle and armour but once she glanced over her shoulder the stranger who picked her up in a bar before spilling his deepest secrets to her in one singular night had vanished into thin air. She scowled and ran to the balcony, watching him sprint away to whatever had got him so flustered. "You bastard. Please come back..." She hissed, choking slightly on the lump forming in her throat. He made her feel alive, he was the interaction that she needed to feel human again, she needed him. It was now likely he was going to die in whatever he had thrown himself into.

"Please come back."


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#, as written by Damioa
June King

June rushed by through the outer part of the lot, looking back once more before he headed along. Since the lot was nothing but open space, he figured he'd have to come at them straight on. By heading through the outer area, he would still have a little dose of surprise on his side, figuring that the men would expect him to come from the direction of the inn. Thinking he had managed to reach the back of the station without being seen, the man crept towards the corner, trying to get a count of how many bodies he was up against. As far as he counted, there were six of them, though judging by the size of the van, there could have been at least double. His eyes sketched an image of the vans make in his head. Judging by the design, it had to be that place, meaning that his grandfather still operated in the same locations. The foolish old man.

Having all the details he could obtain of the situation, June grabbed his gun and walked out the corner, shooting one of the men he counted. As soon as he left his cover spot, he realized that his theory was right on the money. It seemed that the count had doubled and he slid back towards the wall to avoid an overload of fire. Sucking his teeth, he ran along the wall towards the air vent of the building and slid himself inside. Upon reaching the first grate, he forced it down and exited, almost dropping on the floor. Though the fit was tight, it was effective enough to lower their detection of him. He guessed he had five minutes before they realize his exact location. That meant four minutes to think and thirty seconds to get some better cover. Though, that was all being a little too technical.

Pulling out a cigarette and lighting it, June checked to count his ammunition one last time before taking his jacket and putting it on correctly. Though he usually just wore it slung over his arm, he didn't prefer fighting heavy armed soldiers with a shirt hanging off of him.

After counting time to a couple hundred seconds, he slowly walked outside the closet room of the station. As he figured the lights weren't on, which meant the man was just about to close shop. Passing through the door, June dropped his arms, so that they were to his side, causing his shadow to grow smaller. He stayed close to the wall walking slowly, listening out for any footsteps. Once to the corner, he poked his head out just a tad bit to see if they were even in the building yet. It was a short glimpse, but long enough for him to register in his brain all of the men who had guns pointed in his direction. The firing started just as soon as he pulled his head back.

They knew where he was now. If he stayed behind the wall, the fire wouldn't cease until they completely ran out of bullets. In that time, some of the soldiers would probably get the drop on him by entering through the back entrance. Either way he looked at it, he would still have a better chance of fighting from the other side of the room, where he could take cover at the checkout counter. He knew there was only one thing he could do at this time. He waited for a slight pause, hoping they wouldn't be too fast to reload. During their reload time, he'd be able to jump pass them. He hoped that the small stands of food and whatever else the owner sold would provide enough cover for him. Though, he guessed he would just have to find out when the time came.

He dived, hoping to at least be able to have a good enough stretch before having to roll the rest of the way. The men were trained well. Their reload had to be at half a second, something which only those who are seasoned to firing their weapon can do. June managed to get behind the the small walls of the counter, but he had a feeling a bullet passed right by his face. It was a close call, but it didn't slow him down. He poked out in fast increments to have a gun fight with the well armed men, but it was mostly void of any achievement. He realized that he'd probably have to get them into a state of panic if he were to have any chance of winning. Looking around he found one of the spare propane tanks that gas stations used inside the under cabinet. Next he took a small fire cracker out of his pocket, something which he carried around from time to time if he knew he'd be out alone a long time. After lighting it, he through it in the mens direction and heard one of them call out, "Move back!!!! It's a bomb!!!" Though after the poppers went off, the men gathered around it setting there guard back in place, but at that time it was already too late. June had already thrown the propane tank which was rolling at the mens feet. Flicking down the release on his gun, June pulled the trigger, sending a charged beam to towards the tank. Then men didn't even have time to scream before they were caught inside the explosion, one which reacted drastically with the gas, making for one big red mushroom of fire and smoke. From a distance it would seem like nothing would walk out of an explosion of that magnitude.


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Akira Theron

Anger. Anger was the biggest emotion pulsing through her body at that moment in time. How dare he just run of like that with no explanation after all they had just been through? Akira found it somewhat disrespectful but the main issue was that this stranger of a man was clearly leaping into something that may be a little too large for him to handle. She knew he was a tough nut but he did not seem like the type to way up his actions logically; someone to be possessed by emotions all the time, even though he would never admit it. Although of course, she was exactly the same. "Bastard, bastard, bastard!" She spat furiously with a cold tongue, dashing back into the hotel room to quickly slide on her armour and sling the rifle across her back.

Akira had hoped for a shower that morning but it now seemed questionable to whether she would have the pleasure or not. The sapien vaulted over the balcony with ease and landed securely on the ground before following in June's footsteps. Even though she was unsure where he was exactly headed, she knew it would be likely that trouble would find its way to herself. Akira jogged, keeping her body somewhat hidden in the undergrowth aside the roads. She wondered if she had missed the male or headed in the wrong direction before suddenly a fury of bright light and heat came from the right of her. Akira fell to the ground out of sight before allowing her pupils to search for June's whereabouts.

She spotted him almost instantly and began quickly crawling behind cover before lining a shot up to pick off those fleeing from the explosion. They did not seem to have been injured massively as such from the situation as they seemed to be backup hanging around the outskirts, still it was clear that the sheer heat of it had charred and burnt their flesh. The sapiens movements from then on were almost robotic and her eyes did not so much as twitch. They fled in plain sight and it was pretty easy for Akira to kill them with first hit back of the head shots. It was pretty smooth going. 4 new corpses now lay in the dirt. She did not stand. Not yet.

After a few seconds of silence the black haired slowly rose to her feet before dashing towards the man. "You have a hell of a lot of explaining to do Sir!" She hissed with a unfriendly tongue, but her eyes began quickly scanning his body for any fresh wounds. It took her a good few moments of looking before she was actually anywhere near satisfied.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: June King Character Portrait: Akira Theron
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#, as written by Damioa
June King

In the midst of the explosion, everything went dark. It was only for a quick second, but the fear that came with feeling things fall over top of you while you're eyes were closed, made most men leave their protection bubble, just to be blasted or have a building piece fall on top of them. June, on the other hand, hugged the small surface of the main sales cubby. Even with the small bit of dubree falling down on him, he could feel his spot would prevent him from being crushed. After regaining his composure, he moved from around the table and dove through and exit, rolling on the ground until the burning sensation was muted of its reminding presence. It was very much tempting to his senses to stay on the ground and sleep there in the now quiet night. If he concentrated hard enough, he would have probably imagined the flames being no more than a camp fire next to his resting spot which happened to be the cold moist ground. The mix of temperatures was rather enjoyable to experience. Of course, this feeling was short lived due to the sound of gunshots and footsteps coming from a location not to far away from him. He stood up, realizing he had been shot in his shoulder, due to the snap pain and misty feeling coming from its location. It wasn't something that needed his attention at the moment, so he left the matter for later.

"You have a hell of a lot of explaining to do Sir!"

June almost jumped and cringed, like a kid who had just got by parent for sneaking out of the house. He was going to say something to follow up on what was said to him, but he couldn't help but notice she was looking him up and down. Almost as if she were.....checking on him? Needless to say, it made the man feel a tad bit uncomfortable and he moved his jacket off of him, just to sling it over his shoulder to hid his wound. "You shouldn't have come down here," he said quietly, looking around to see if anyone else was left. He couldn't tell why, but he had the feeling that they were being watched. "Hmmm. I didn't want to drag you into my problems. Now they're going to try to use you to."

It wasn't like June wasn't expecting her to follow him down there, but he really hoped she hadn't. Now it was like she had become his new responsibility. His new job. Until he could guarantee her safty, he'd have to stay by her side and the rest of his matters would have to wait. He was trapped once more and she had barely any idea what she was doing to herself. "Don't worry though," he said. "If I get you to a safe place you wont be in any trouble. I'll just leave you there, take care of the problem and ..... No that wouldn't work.......Follow me."

Through his sporadic words, he hid thoughts on the easiest way to avoid being followed. Somehow they knew of their exact location. The man knew that going back to their rooms would be a no go. So instead, he continued on walking along the off road path, holding onto Akira's wrist so that she wouldn't go off anywhere else. Though, if she did, he had thought he'd have to go with her to protect her.

When he finally stopped, he looked around seriously about a good twenty times. Time wasn't on his side. If he continued to detour because of people, he'd never reach his end goal, but on the other side of things, he'd never forgive himself if someone died because of him. He could feel the woman's nagging vibe slowly engulfing the area. He had already known that she didn't want him to see her as someone who needed to be protected, but it wasn't because she was weak or anything else of the matter that made him feel that way. Mostly it was do to his feeling responsible. He initiated contact with her, made it so that she was seen with him, and most of all, put her on the list of people that could be harmed to get to him. Even if that wasn't enough, she through herself in it too, with her killing of those men.

Still the fact of the matter still stood. He knew leaving her in a protected spot wouldn't work and he hadn't the time to find another way.

"Okay, a train should be here any moment now. I at least hope we didn't miss it. You should have stayed in your room. Now you're going to be identified along with me. Are you okay with that?" June groaned a little bit, grabbing his shoulder and wondering when it was going to go numb. "I can't stop doing what I do you know. So that means the danger is going to get worse from here on out. You sure you want to hang around someone who is basically poisoning you with their presence. You could get hurt you know?"

June rested back against a tree. The tracks were a few feet away and getting onto a moving train was hard, but he was beginning to feel heavily tired. He stopped stalking just to try to regain his composure, but it seemed only to put him to sleep. His eyes closed and opened, each time making his vision more and more blurry. It was probably from the blood loss, do to the wound he tried to hide. Then again, it could have been for a dozen other reasons as well. That night had definitely been one of crazier ones.

They escaped the snouts of his grandfathers dogs, but their trail was still warm.

"Affirmative. June will only last two more weeks. At that time, I will end his meaningless life. I'll also take the woman's to if you don't mind."

Junes grandfather was looking towards his umpire, as he'd call it. The city was never any more beautiful than when it was seen from his office room. He looked toward the communicator on his desk and smiled. "Do try to get to her first. Take away a mans joy and you leave him in a broken state. I wish to see if June can be broken again."

"Aknowledged. June will be broken."


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Akira Theron

Akira chuckled lightly at his reaction to her yells, watching his body flinch violently. Still this was more than likely a good thing as it proved his reactions were top skill. Still it made her nervous as it did display that June did not feel safe enough to fall into usual comfort.

"You shouldn't have come down here,"
"Hmmm. I didn't want to drag you into my problems. Now they're going to try to use you to."

"Oh what a honor!" Akira hissed, half sarcastically while pulling an expression similar to swooning. She was somewhat annoyed about all this talk of her being pulled into something she did not need to be involved with. Being honest the raven haired woman did somewhat what to be put into danger. She wanted to live her life on the line once again, it was what she had experienced her whole life and now with the thrill of this lifestyle greatly minimized she felt somewhat dead. As sick as it sounded a red painted world was much more interesting then one with only shades of grey. It would be wonderful to risk her life for just some company. It would make her life worth something even if she lost her life due to walking along side him. "You don't understand June." Akira said, her voice falling to a whisper. "I. Don't. Care."

"Don't worry though,"
"If I get you to a safe place you wont be in any trouble. I'll just leave you there, take care of the problem and ..... No that wouldn't work.......Follow me."

"Would you actually just prefer me to leave? Really." She asked sternly, somewhat hurt even though her point of view would be seen as something idiotic in anothers eyes. Akira was offended about him wanting to leave her somewhere and end this relationship rather than seeing that he only wanted the best for her. The sapien almost growled as he grasped her wrist tightly, squirming and thrashing. Of course this mans strength was far superior to her own, as she was someone who relied on accuracy and agility rather than hand to hand combat. It took her a good few seconds to finally submit and follow him, grinding her teeth in frustration.

"Okay, a train should be here any moment now. I at least hope we didn't miss it. You should have stayed in your room. Now you're going to be identified along with me. Are you okay with that?"
"I can't stop doing what I do you know. So that means the danger is going to get worse from here on out. You sure you want to hang around someone who is basically poisoning you with their presence. You could get hurt you know?"

She stood with her head lowered and her eyes refusing to meet with his own. This was quickly becoming irritating to her. Why did he even care about her life really? Akira was not his family, his lover, or even a close friend. She was just someone he had picked up at a bar for a chat. She was almost disposable. "Stop talking to me like I am a child." The raven haired woman ordered. "I already explained, I don't care and I need a little poison in my life to keep me sane. If you want me to leave, tell me to leave, if you want me to stay, tell me to stay. It really is that simple."

They waited for the train in silence. She felt somewhat bitter due to the last occurrence and conversation, but slowly her bad mood began dissolving away along with the night. Akira began to feel a small amount warmer as the sun poured onto her skin and armour. She always favored early mornings and the sunrise. It sure was a beautiful and rare sight to see.

She turned her vision to June to find his body leant in a awfully unnatural posture against the tree along with his eyelids falling heavy across his irises. Akira stepped towards him and patted him lightly upon the arm to try and keep him awake. "June.." She whispered, shaking him a little more before she slipped her hand along his back to try and pull his body upwards into a more alert position. A wet warm sensation met her palm that caused her to quickly pull backwards and examined her hand. Crimson. She felt her heart fall into her stomach, creating quite a nasty sensation. "Oh god!" Akira cried. "June handsome...You should bloody say something! You can't just ignore this kind of thing!" She spat, suddenly pacing the floor wondering what to do.


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Character Portrait: June King Character Portrait: Akira Theron
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#, as written by Damioa
June King

The feeling of exhaustion the man was feeling was only to be blamed on by himself. He opened and closed his eyes only to see a blur each time. The sun wasn't helping any either, but it at least reminded him that he was still awake, him being able to see hints of light from beneath his eye lids. It had seemed that even though the man was used to walking around with wounds, his lack of sleep and heavy drinking the night before didn't help his current situation.

Reaching into his pocket, June pulled out a piece of cloth, long enough to tie around his arm to stop the bleeding, as well as put pressure on the wound. Though, he knew that he would need to take out the bullet before covering the wound. He listened with his eyes closed, rested in a semi-feverish state. Once he was sure she was done with her worry he slightly opened his eyes, looking towards the ground and resting his posture. "C-come here for a sec," his voice called under a whisper. Slightly pointing to the cloth set beside him, he reached in his coat to pull out a small thick flip knife. "When I'm done, can you wrap that around my arm?"

He didn't really feel the energy to give much warning to his actions, but he was sure she had an idea of what it was he was meaning to do. With the way he felt, he wondered what hassle he'd have hitching onto the train when it finally came. However, he knew that at the moment that really didn't matter. What needed his attention was the bullet in his arm. It was a bother to dig the bullet out of his arm, but he knew it was for the best that he do it quickly. So, with his hand on his blade, he moved passed his shirt and dug into his wound, trying his best not to worsen the wound. Once he found the bullet, scooping it out was painful, but quick. With a few grunts and a couple minutes of pausing and stabbing, he successfully removed the bullet. Breathing heavily he looked over to Akira, motioning her to wrap his arm.

It worried him how he would succumb to such a small wound. So much so, he kept the bullet, so that he could inspect it later. Usually, losing a few drops of blood wouldn't hinder him as much as his current injury. He had no choice, but to think that maybe, the bullet was coated with a type of poison that would work quickly against him. If so, it would mean that the preparations made against him. Which would mean that he'd need to also start being more cautious.


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Character Portrait: June King Character Portrait: Akira Theron
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Akira Theron

June was clearly sliding in and out of consciousness and it made Akira feel guilty due to the fact she did not even realize he was wounded before. Was she actually that oblivious? She watched as he pulled out his cloth, and soon quickly after a clean blade. Of course she understood, she had been through warfare, but it still made her heart sink and her heart thud fast at so much as the idea. Especially since it was someone she actually gave a toss about.

"C-come here for a sec,"
"When I'm done, can you wrap that around my arm?"

She nodded in silence and grasped the cloth tightly, before also pulling a arm around his waist and holding him. Akira did not exactly know why she did that but it was somewhat a sign of comfort, affection and support. It was horrible looking at him like this, with somewhat ill appearance. She began to wonder if it was just due to the pain of the injury or something more, as his warm fiery skin was not something she had commonly seen in victims.

As he began to dig around in the wound with his knife Akira turned away, not because it was gruesome or anything, just because it was a nice thing to see someone to go through. With her arm still clasped around him, she rubbed his side softly as he let out moans of pain and distress. Once the sounds stopped she turned to quickly wrap the nasty looking wound it did it pretty well due to her knowledge about first aid. She did not remove her arm from around his waist, but was now using it to support his body. She was afraid he could collapse at any point.

"Good job." The raven haired woman praised him before quickly rummaging in her bag. She pulled out a flask of cold water, unscrewed the lid and splashed liquid on his face to try and perk him up as well as keep his flesh cool. "Stay awake and take these." Akira ordered, handing him two strong nutritional pills and the water; all thought they would not do much to whatever was happening to him they would most certainly boost his immune system fighting it. "What is with that bullet!? I have some healing ointment in my bag but its no use until the bleeding stops. Maybe we should wash it or let your wound bleed out whatever is doing this to you but I'm not sure if that would only make things worse. This is why you can't try hiding things like this June!" She scolded, now glancing over her shoulder to see if anyone was in sight. Akira was starting to get rather paranoid as it could be completely possible that other men had been sent to find them. Not only was she paranoid but rather afraid.

"When does the train come handsome? Tell me what to do! Please!" She pleaded desperately, tapping at his side lightly incase he was struggling to keep his attention on her.


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Character Portrait: June King Character Portrait: Akira Theron
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#, as written by Damioa
June King

It wasn't his intention to kill the man. He didn't even want to come in contact with him. Instead he watched as his men fell one by one to the assassin like tricks of the man. Every move, which he personally, thought was predictable. Oh how he envied the idiocy of others at times. This of course not being one of them. In the end, he received all the information he needed and decided to let the man go. For he knew that the next time he laid eyes on the him, his target would be dead.


"How was it?"

"Entertaining if anything. He's too reckless. Like a beast or something other. Which in turn, I suppose, makes your assumption right."

"Nothing but a tasteless animal eh? Though still worthy of your affection?"

"That remains to be seen. In any case, since you were the one who requested it, I will bring his head to you."

"Fine then. Commence with the final test and exterminate the test subject."

"As you wish."

After putting pressure on the wound and taking out the bullet, June began to feel a little better. Akira's pills may have helped too, but June wasn't the one to belive in man made medicine. Of course he felt obliged to accept, not having the strength at the time to decline. The woods that made up the outskirts of the beautiful city they were just in, along with the open area where there were no trees and only dirt made June wonder about the rest of the world. It was like this in most places. Woodland areas which should flourish for hundreds of miles cut down by humans who have nothing better to do than to populate the world and destroy its beauty. Sure he knew that in a lot of places the opposite happens, but he couldn't help but wonder if one everything will be flat and open. In any case, it was almost a certain thing that the next time he returned to this place, the trees would all be cut. At least that's what building transports in the middle of these areas usually mean. Not that he'd really mind either. He'd much rather bourd a train legally than have to hitch a ride.

Even though the man heard her question and the alertness in her voice, he didn't say anything to it, still feeling a little heavy in his breathing. She patted him as if he was going to die. Was he going to die? He thought not at least. He didn't feel that way at all. Though he did feel the sensation of fever.

"Calm down," came the slow, but calm words from his mouth. He reached his hand over and patted her knee to give her a little contact to know he was okay. "Train should be here any time now."

Honestly to say, he didn't mind waiting for the train. It wasn't often that he was able to rest in the arms of another. In fact, he couldn't remember the last time, even when he was with a woman romantically, that he let someone hold him. It wasn't even really a matter of letting. He couldn't explain the barrier he had around him, nor how it got there. Maybe he just didn't feel the need to let someone hold him so. In any case, now that he was being held, he felt a sober feeling. One that would have put him in a deep sleep. Though, of course, right when he was getting use to the comfort, it was time to move. His eyes opened as he listened to the sound of the train, coming not to far off away from them.

Letting loose a sigh, he moved to sit himself up so that he could eventually stand.

"Alright. You should hold on to me. I'm going to grab onto one of the side rails and we'll go to the cargo hold. Later I'll find an empty cabin for us to stay in so we can order from the train attendants. Though, if there aren't any empty cabins, we'll probably have to find another means of food."

It was a smooth sounding plan, but anything could happen on public transportation. Still, as June grabbed onto the train, leading Akira to one of the supply cabins, which for one smelled of farm animal(mostly because of the cows), he was sure they wouldn't have a problem.

"Are you okay," he asked, sitting against one of the animal cages. "You seemed a little too worried there for a moment."
He turned away from her for a moment, thinking about what he just said. Of course she'd be worried. He did just introduce him to his world. Hell, practically pulled her into it and almost had some type of biological attack on her. He knew if he didn't take her into consideration and at least try to be a little open with her she'd be worried. Anyone would. People don't like walking around in the dark.

"Listen.... I.... Well.... You don't have to worry so much." He took a pause for a moment, looking back towards her, "What I mean to say is that I'm not going anywhere. Even if it looks bad. Even if it seems like I'm gone. None of that matters because I'll always be here, okay? You need to have more faith in me Akira. I'm stronger than I look." A small grin formed across his face. Though he was still feeling tired, he tried not to dose off. Least he leave the girl to her own boredom.


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Character Portrait: June King Character Portrait: Akira Theron
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Akira Theron

"Calm down,"
"Train should be here any time now."

Akira was so on edge that when he reached over and brushed his palm over her knee she flinched as it was not expected. Even though his touch was warm and comforting she felt like every bit of contact had faded away into something meaningless due to the overpowering paranoia within her. She did not reply to what he had said and continued switching from looking down the tracks for the due train to examining his condition.

When finally their ride arrived she stood back to let him stand.

"Alright. You should hold on to me. I'm going to grab onto one of the side rails and we'll go to the cargo hold. Later I'll find an empty cabin for us to stay in so we can order from the train attendants. Though, if there aren't any empty cabins, we'll probably have to find another means of food."

Akira grasped his unwounded shoulder and clutched to the material of his jacket and with a free hand grabbed a second rail to secure their landing. It was smooth enough but as they made contact Akira's chest slammed into the side of the train knocking the wind out of her. It would have even been noticeable to a Neco, but of course she was a Sapien and her body bruised a lot more easily. Still after a few heavy inhales, Akira dusted it from her shoulder.

"Are you okay,"
"You seemed a little too worried there for a moment."

The raven haired women just let out a little "Hm" sound as a reply before sitting facing a cage full of pigs, quickly becoming more comfortable with thin environment but not with the conversation. She seemed a little irritated by these comments and could not understand how he expected her not to be worried, but did not yet voice it. "I am fine, I knocked myself a little on the landing but it was nothing." Akira explained, now examining the pigs with interest before patting one on the head softly. "Oink oink!" She exclaimed in a overly cute tone, to which the creature grunted happily.

"Listen.... I.... Well.... You don't have to worry so much."
"What I mean to say is that I'm not going anywhere. Even if it looks bad. Even if it seems like I'm gone. None of that matters because I'll always be here, okay? You need to have more faith in me Akira. I'm stronger than I look."

Her fists then clenched tightly and she concealed a icy snarl, she broke the silence after a few seconds. She glared hard at the floor. "Do you know what happened to the last people I saw shot? I mean not the people that I have killed at my own hand, I mean MY people." Akira met with his pupils holding a stern expression. "They died. My Asher died. My friends died. I don't doubt that you are amazing, impressive and powerful June, but the fact is even with your skills you are still very lucky to be alive. I don't let God roll a dice for my life everyday."

"You should be pleased to have someone looking out for you. You are less reliant on luck then. I'm here for you June. I know what you are saying and I will try my best to not fuss you but maybe its good to worry. It's programmed in our mind to worry and fear so that we don't get ourselves and those we care about killed."

Akira stopped ranting and leant against the animal cage with a sigh. It was odd when she talked like that. Her idiolect was missing the usual seductive comments and informalness and she sounded more like a tactician with many stories to tell. "So where are we heading now my love? You look like you need some rest." She questioned.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: June King Character Portrait: Akira Theron
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#, as written by Damioa
June King

"Do you know what happened to the last people I saw shot? I mean not the people that I have killed at my own hand, I mean MY people."
"They died. My Asher died. My friends died. I don't doubt that you are amazing, impressive and powerful June, but the fact is even with your skills you are still very lucky to be alive. I don't let God roll a dice for my life everyday."

June would have apologized if it would have changed anything in her words. He even would have told here that he just wasn't use to someone caring about him enough to worry about a bullet wound. Instead he decided to remain silent. In the end words wouldn't prove anything alone and personally he wasn't expecting much from life after he had completed his goal, much less living. Especially since suicide after killing his only living close family member was a thought he had been pondering. He was of course now having second thoughts about that plan. Since he started talking to Akira, her and her words of living a normal life were kind of getting to him. So he stayed quiet, pulling out another cigarette and decided they'd just find out latter if he would be able to keep his word.

"You should be pleased to have someone looking out for you. You are less reliant on luck then. I'm here for you June. I know what you are saying and I will try my best to not fuss you but maybe its good to worry. It's programmed in our mind to worry and fear so that we don't get ourselves and those we care about killed."

He was actually thinking if he should have been pleased. If his luck was even worthy of its title. He used to think it unlucky to be the survivor of a battle between his life and someone elses. What made him so special? Why, with everything he had done and had gotten people mixed into, Akira even mixed into, would he be special enough to live on and even have someone look out for him? It was one of the many questions in life that eluded the man of an answer. Maybe it was a continuous sign that he should just stop what he was doing. A second chance maybe. Either that, or a sign that his goal was a rightous one and he'd live on to complete it. Fear? Fear for others..... He did know how that felt. Couldn't deny it either. Though, he wondered. Stil.... he wondered.

"So where are we heading now my love? You look like you need some rest."

June blew out smoke and left his mental cluster of thoughts to answer the woman's question. "Now we're going to Moi Delim. You've heard of it right? A town that isn't actually kept up with the times so to speak. It's pretty dirty and the people there will stare you down to your grave, but it's probably the most genuine place on this massive rock we call earth. I don't know. The wine's good at least."

When it came to rest, June didn't think much of it. There was a time earlier when he wanted to rest for a while, but now he was seeing it as more of a crutch than anything. Besides, what would happen if he fell asleep and she was gone? The thought itself drawing a question in his head of why would it even bother him.
June smiled. "You know, if you keep treating me so nicely I might start thinking of you as my wife on accident."

Standing up slowly, grunting a little from the pressure on his arm, he went over to the door. "I'll be right back," he said, opening the door, leaving and beginning his search for an empty passenger cart. It took him a while, but he ended up finding one and returned, putting his cig out on the wall. "Let's go to a better location. If you stay around farm animals and their.... leavings for too long in a boxed area, it'll strike you with fever."

With a wave of his hands to beckon her, June lead the way to the empty quarters and stretched out on the couch seat. He sat in silence for a while, staring out of the window at the passing trees that seemed to be endless despite the renovation. Something was on his mind though. It was a question that he was pondering, but didn't even exactly know the whole feeling of it.

"So why do you dote on me? If you don't mind me asking. I'm not really that special of a person to be given the gift of affection from a young woman such as yourself. You're also not naive. You must know how I live my life by now. Still you show me such kindness. Why is that?"

His words were calm, as his usual manner of speaking, but he couldn't leave his thought cloud while talking to her this time. Whatever was going on in his head, he was starting to feel different. So much so he couldn't even remember how he felt about anything the day before. It was too obscure for him.

"It's just that, it feels like I'm dreaming."

Maybe it was from the loss of blood. Could have also been from the poison. Junes face displayed a mellow grin. The same as someone who had not a care in the world. He didn't care. He knew it was temporary, but at this state, he wouldn't have minded if the train had never reached a destination. If the ride continued on going forever.


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Character Portrait: June King Character Portrait: Akira Theron
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Akira Theron

She sighed and sat back against the bar, watching him puff generously at his cigarette and ponder her words. Akira longed to know what he was thinking of, but it seemed like she never would find out as he remained silent.

"Now we're going to Moi Delim. You've heard of it right? A town that isn't actually kept up with the times so to speak. It's pretty dirty and the people there will stare you down to your grave, but it's probably the most genuine place on this massive rock we call earth. I don't know. The wine's good at least."

"Oh." The raven haired girl hummed before pausing for a while. "I have passed the place a few times on my travels but never really visited. I wish I had something to cover up with..." Akira tutted looking down at her breasts with a frown. Of course she dressed in a provocative manner to attract some amount attention but what she most certainly was not asking for was harassment. "I'm pretty sure a gun in their mouths gets the message across in a better manner though." Her lips began curling into a venous smile before quickly falling back to something flat. "Is this place a Neco town or?..." If that was the case, she would be more worried about her life than her body. She would also have to resist the temptation of slaughtering every being in sight; she would more than likely fail.

"You know, if you keep treating me so nicely I might start thinking of you as my wife on accident."

"W...what? June!" She stammered clumsily. The woman’s cheeks almost instantly began flushing a dark red. As much as Akira could have easily battered back a confident witty comment to sexual flirtation, this kind of thing made her weak at the knees. It took her a few seconds to pull herself together before she began asking questions. "Why do you say that? Was she and I somewhat alike?"

"I'll be right back,"
"Let's go to a better location. If you stay around farm animals and their.... leavings for too long in a boxed area, it'll strike you with fever."

Akira nodded before waiting patiently, with her right hand brushing against her handgun while he was absent. She followed him once he returned and seemed pretty pleased with the new cabin in comparison to the filled with pigs. The sapien sat alongside him, drumming her fingertips on the window ledge rhythmically, finally feeling peaceful.

"So why do you dote on me? If you don't mind me asking. I'm not really that special of a person to be given the gift of affection from a young woman such as yourself. You're also not naive. You must know how I live my life by now. Still you show me such kindness. Why is that?"

Akira smirked before letting out a soft laugh, leaning her head on the side of the chair and meeting with his eyes. "You are very skilled and prove a worthy acquaintance in battle, you spill your stories as though you have known me forever, you provide me with an adventure that is finally making me feel alive again, not to mention the free drinks and the fact that you are devilishly gorgeous too..." She purred, finishing with a wink rather than a full stop. Akira then turned away from him and continued to have her pupils scan the outside world; the trees, the cities, the ruins.

"I hope you realize after I lost my home I was pitifully lonely walking about the place on my own. Sure, I met decent people but it was only ever a short term thing, whether it be trade, sex, or help, they all moved on or died very quickly. Of course 3/4 of them were Sapiens like me so it was not all that surprising that many lost their lives. Me and you are likely to be a short term thing, but I hope it does not have to be." She explained with a heavy sigh, trying to pick up the memories of these people in her brain.

"It's just that, it feels like I'm dreaming."

"I..I don't really get what you mean by that June. Are you sure it is not something in the bullet?"


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Character Portrait: June King Character Portrait: Akira Theron
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Damioa
June King

June let a small chuckle out as the woman suggested there was something in the bullet effecting him. "I don't know," he said stretching his arms wide. "Maybe there was some type of aphrodisiac."

Of course it was a joke seeing as he didn't really feel like his mind was being altered by some type of drug. Though he had to admit, there was something making him feel a little aloof at the moment. Soon enough, a knock at the door caused him to release his stray thoughts. "Come in."

On signal, a man in a blue dress getup with a workers cap on opened the door and poked his head inside. "Sorry to bother you sir," the man said while looking around, "and mam. I was just going around seeing if anyone wanted anything off of the menu."

"Sure," June said taking pieces of paper made money out of his pocket. "I'll have the bacon sandwich with egg. Oh, and a bottle of vodka. Here, I'm sure this will cover my meal and hers." June handed the man his money and rested back in his chair, closing his eyes as if he were about to go to sleep.

"Um... Sorry sir. I'm sure this is too much for any reasonable order."

Opening one eye, June looked at the man with a grin on his face. "It's okay. You know me and my wife were just talking about what an amazing trip we've had while aboard. Isn't that right Aki?"

The man looked over at June, then he looked over at Akira. June watched him over with his opened eye wondering if he was going to give them any problems. Finally the man folded the money he had in his hands and placed the currency in his pocket. "Well, I shouldn't be rude in neglecting your thanks. So what will it be for you mam?"

While Akira ordered, June fell asleep against his window and didn't wake up until the food arrived, upon which he asked when they would reach their destination.

"Oh. I suspect within an hour or so," the man said.

Once he left for the last time June looked at his watch and pulled out a stylist and his phone, probing folders and crossing off information that only he knew about. Within his work flare he had almost forgot that there was someone else with him. It was tedious work really. Basically he was seeing how long it would take him to get ready for his next job. He hoped that he wouldn't have to wait long for his man eater, otherwise he'd be stuck for a good week in one place, something he never liked.

"Hey," he said upon glancing away from his work. He was startled by the girls presence at first until he reminded himself of the situation. "Did you want to go anywhere after we stop here? I probably wont have to do much for a week, so it might be best if we find something to do until it's time for my next job."


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Character Portrait: June King Character Portrait: Akira Theron
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Akira Theron

"Maybe there was some type of aphrodisiac."

A devilish grin instantly rose on Akira's face as he said this and her eyes lit up like emeralds. At first she simply let out a soft laugh before pausing for a moment and deciding on her next move. She did not even know what exactly she was doing or what she was planning but due to a bold mind frame she went with it anyway. Slowly the raven haired woman pulled herself towards the man before straddling his crotch steadily. "Oh really?..." She purred quietly in a rather seductive tone, waiting for a reaction to light up on his face. Akira did not know if she expected this to go any farther than this really, but either way the situation was enjoyable and amusing. "Is that so June?"


"Come in."

She gasped and quickly leapt from him, now sitting awkwardly a meter or two away from the male. Her movements were fidgety and there was a small colour difference in her face but she managed to compose herself rather quickly.

"Sorry to bother you sir,"
"and mam. I was just going around seeing if anyone wanted anything off of the menu."
"I'll have the bacon sandwich with egg. Oh, and a bottle of vodka. Here, I'm sure this will cover my meal and hers."
"Um... Sorry sir. I'm sure this is too much for any reasonable order."
"It's okay. You know me and my wife were just talking about what an amazing trip we've had while aboard. Isn't that right Aki?"

Akira clenched her fists tightly, now feeling under pressure as she was pulled into this. Aki?! What the? Her mind spat. She was also rather annoyed at how much June just tossed away without a second thought. His job was something so dangerous and horrible yet he did not seem to be exactly in it for the money. It made her feel disgusting as he once again offered to pay for everything. " yes. Utterly amazing!" She announced with a polite smile.

"Well, I shouldn't be rude in neglecting your thanks. So what will it be for you mam?"

"Pasta salad with a bottle of red wine. Thank you sunshine." She told the man in the same tone she spoke to anyone else who she was unfamiliar with in.


Akira enjoyed her meal and wine in silence after coming to the conclusion that June had decided against speaking to her due to her actions. Possibly? She did not take much notice to what he was doing until he finally made his presence noticeable again.

"Did you want to go anywhere after we stop here? I probably won’t have to do much for a week, so it might be best if we find something to do until it's time for my next job."

"Oh so you have not fell out with me after all? Am I too much for you to handle?" The raven haired woman asked with a light snigger yet the way she looked at him did make it appear like she was legitimately asking a question. It was quite possible he found her actions rather offensive and she would have liked to know if that was the case. Akira then thought about his question and pressed her lips together before once again holding the blue plant up which she had been dragging around with her all this time. "I need to visit Asher and give him this at some point, but I don't mind when. You lead. I follow." She explained simply.

"Why do you throw money away so much? I get that you have a lot of it and it is your choice and everything but do you never plan to save up for anything nice or useful? I feel really bad when you buy me things you know. Especially considering that so called job of yours." She questioned with her hands holding her head and her elbow on the table, along with a glass of red wine in her other palm, and green eyes fixed on his own. It was just like when they had met at the bar.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: June King Character Portrait: Akira Theron
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Damioa
June King

Upon hearing the woman's desire to visit her loved ones grave site June grinned, closing his eyes and leaning back into his seat as if he were about to take a nap. He admired that in people. For it was truly a brave and respectable thing to visit someones resting place, especially when a lot of people would wish to be laying right next to the ones they've lost. June only on one occasion visited a grave in his life and that was when he had gone back home to find his mother had been long since dead. In truth, he wasn't sure what ever had become of her body, but he was sure, especially now as an adult, that someone's grave didn't have to have their body inside of it. He remembered the pain he went through upon resting in that empty beaten down house. Oh, how he had wanted for her to return and yet, it was inevitable that she never would. Though of course he got over that hump in his life and he thought that he had matured from the whole experience.

June sighed and scratched his head, already counteracting the thought. It was only because he wasn't fully matured yet. Sure he was older than the Akira, but if asked, he'd call her more mature and possibly more brave than himself. Even after all these years, he couldn't stand thinking about certain people, let alone go to their grave sights.

"Why do you throw money away so much? I get that you have a lot of it and it is your choice and everything but do you never plan to save up for anything nice or useful? I feel really bad when you buy me things you know. Especially considering that so called job of yours."

June opened the eye he was sure he'd be able to see he with more clearly and portrayed a lazy smirk. "You shouldn't feel bad cupcake. When a man does nice things for a lady it's usually received with joy, not regret. I'm sure the queens of old would love for their kings to shower them with many of things," June jested. "Though, I suppose if you want a more straightforward answer..... Hmm...." Once again he closed his eyes and actually thought about what he was going to say, for he didn't know if he wanted to completely stop teasing her yet, or give her insight to his inner thoughts. "Well, I guess I can answer that in many a ways. One being said by yourself already. My line of work. You see, that train stooge would eventually do a ticket check. You and I have no tickets, meaning we would probably be thrown out on our butts. Let me tell you, this train isn't going to miss its schedule just to stop to let us off and I don't want to know how it feels to be flung off of a moving train. So you see, giving him a little money in his pocket keeps us off his radar. Not only that, but it will probably give him something nice once he spends it. Heavens know he would enjoy it more than me."

Fidgeting steadily trying to find a comfy position, he continued answering her question, making sure to choose his words as carefully as possible. "As for myself, I have no need for such things as money at this time. You make it sound like I'm old." To the very thought of such, he frowned, though he knew it wasn't her fault if she thought him so. He said he had been to a incarceration unit, he has many a scar, and he probably talks funny compared to most men his age. "I'll have you know that I'm only twenty-two and I have a lot of time, plus a lot of things to adjust before I even think of saving for an old mans retirement. So don't worry so much kid. Let me take care of you and I'll let you take care of me."

For some reason, June felt a sensation in which he hadn't felt in a long time. It was probably from knowing that that's how things were going to be for a while. A side by side transaction of care. One in which he hadn't really thought about until now. The thought of him caring for another person or even them caring for him, in even the smallest regard, made him feel flustered. He couldn't tell whether he was blushing or not, but he did know that he was done talking for now. Not being much of a talker do to the fact that most people didn't talk to him, he didn't know how much he could expose in his words. Not so much to her, but to himself as well.

"Well then," he said taking off his coat and throwing it over his face. "I'm going to sleep. Please wake me up when we get to our destination. I'd hate for this train to take us past our target point. That would be... heinous. To say the least."


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Character Portrait: June King Character Portrait: Akira Theron
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Akira Theron

"You shouldn't feel bad cupcake. When a man does nice things for a lady it's usually received with joy, not regret. I'm sure the queens of old would love for their kings to shower them with many of things,"

"I'd love to be a Queen. I think that title would suit me just fine. What do you think?" Akira responded, smiling widely as through she was a small child being told a fairytale story. She then paused pressing her lips together tightly but the edges still curled into a grin. "You won't shut up refering to me as your partner. Have you not noticed that? I'm pretty sure it's something you are doing on purpose June..." She pondered.

"Well, I guess I can answer that in many a ways. One being said by yourself already. My line of work. You see, that train stooge would eventually do a ticket check. You and I have no tickets, meaning we would probably be thrown out on our butts. Let me tell you, this train isn't going to miss its schedule just to stop to let us off and I don't want to know how it feels to be flung off of a moving train. So you see, giving him a little money in his pocket keeps us off his radar. Not only that, but it will probably give him something nice once he spends it. Heavens know he would enjoy it more than me."

The raven haired woman listened to his explanation and seemed pretty satisfied with it. "Your first point is logical and your second one is kind. I guess you are just more of a selfless person than I since it would have never come to my mind." She told him but it was as though her words were trailing off into thought somewhere. "You sure are an odd one."

"I'm going to sleep. Please wake me up when we get to our destination. I'd hate for this train to take us past our target point. That would be... heinous. To say the least."


So Akira kept an eye out for where abouts Asher's grave was but after a while of travelling her own eye lids began to fall heavy and even though she was still awake, the world around her blurred into something unrecognisable. A sense of familiarity snapped her out of this tired trance and got her heart racing with adrenaline.

"Shit. Shiitttt!" Akira yelled before basically pouncing onto a tired June and tugging at his clothes frantically. Her eyes were ablaze with anticipation and worry. "It's here! Get up!" She hissed loudly, clearly freaking out about the situation. She did not even know if the train stopped around where his tree was but this was definitely around the location they needed to be. "June I don't know where it stops!! Look its slowing down anyway. Lets jump? that a good idea? No? Yes? Fuuuuuucckk." Akira stammered before basically tugging him into a compartment they could escape from. The blue Rena plant remained tucked under her arm tightly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: June King Character Portrait: Akira Theron
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#, as written by Damioa
June slept calmly on the moving train. With all the excitement of the past night, he went into a deep dreamless slumber. Still drowsy upon being woken up, he looked at Akira with sleepy eyes, listening to what she was saying, but only registering some of it.

"June I don't know where it stops!! Look its slowing down anyway. Lets jump? that a good idea? No? Yes? Fuuuuuucckk."

At first he lunged forward, but when she said it was slowing down anyway he eased back in his seat. Honestly, he didn't see what the big deal was. It was about to stop right? Only reason he could see for a train to slow down is to stop. He wasn't sure, but he stood up and let her lead his tired body to the last carrage.

Thinking about it for a moment, June was wondering if maybe he should have just waited for the train to stop. He decided to let it go, seeing as he was already up anyway, wrapped his arm around Akira and jumped down, skipping on the ground a little in order to prevent from falling. Now outside, June could see that they were about half a mile from the stop, though he didn't mention it to the woman because getting off early was a better idea anyway, considering ticket checks and the fact the town was closer to their current location. Like usual, the man began to smoke as he fixed the rest of his messy attire. "Come on," he said. If we go this way then we can reach town in two hours. I think."

Just as he was about to start walking towards the town, a ghastly scream came from the other direction. It was faint, but it was still wretched. "Did you hear that," He asked, looking around to see if any sign of location could be seen. It had seemed that he wouldn't have to look for long since the screams were getting closer and closer. June pulled out one of his pistols and pointed it in the direction of the screams, ready for whoever was running to come out with there antagonist behind them.

Once a man came out of the woods that lead into the valley, a monstorous feline predator with fur as white as snow bathed with black stripes and a striped main lunged after the man, roaring proudly in the air.

The man would have ran towards June and Akira if June hadn't been pointing his gun towards him. Instead, he banked a hard right and ran towards the trains destination. The Liger would have followed him if June hadn't shot a bullet into the sky, cracking the air and causing a loud shockwave around the area.

"Come here," he called firmly and gently.

The beast was to his face in moments, leading in with a growl that would make any man flinch, before licking June continuously on his entire face.

"Hey," June jumped, pushing the animals face away from his. "Be still. Be still. What were you hungry. I told you not to chase people when it's not part of a job. No dessert for you tonight. This is why I usually leave you home."

June scolded the Liger who wasn't looking towards him at all but at the sky, completely ignoring the man. June knew the animal wouldn't listen to him seeing as he wasn't its owner, but he thought it would at least behave enough not to attempt to eat humans.

"Galil, stay with me from now on. I can't trust you by yourself."

June looked towards Akira and was wondering if he should have said anything about the crossbreeded predator. He told her it was his friends pet and that he never usually uses it, but since it was a request he had to take him. "So yeah, he's a lion tiger cross breed I guess. He's not dangerous, but I'm not sure if he'll try to eat you or not, haha."

Sticking his hands in his pockets, June began moving forward, Galil at his side, growling.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: June King Character Portrait: Akira Theron
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Akira Theron

Akira clung onto him as they stumbled off the train and onto solid ground. It was always a weird feeling after getting off transport that you had been on for a while. It almost felt as though you were still moving in the world even though you could have been stood perfectly still. Personally it made Akira feel rather sick.

"Come on,"
"If we go this way then we can reach town in two hours. I think."

"But..." The raven haired woman started, holding up the blue plant she had clung to so dearly all this time. "I wanted to see Asher remember? His...grave is near by." She asked him, seemingly pleading for him to bend to her needs. "I promise we won't be long if its a burden to you. It's just I have not seen him in a while and he must be lonely." She explained, talking as though the man was still alive and fully concious. It was kind of depressing to hear.

"Did you hear that,"

The scream made her draw her handgun pretty quickly and fall still on the spot. The sounds were getting closer and closer and so Akira raised to weapon and began to aim, ready for as soon as anything unpleasant hit sight. She was quite suprized when it appeared that the horror was actually caused by a beautiful white feline, in fact it was the same one as before. Was she right to call it June's pet?

"Come here,"

Akira did not exactly seem to appreciate the animals presence and took a few steps away as it approached June and the sudden change of situation occurred.

"Hey," "Be still. Be still. What were you hungry. I told you not to chase people when it's not part of a job. No dessert for you tonight. This is why I usually leave you home."
"Galil, stay with me from now on. I can't trust you by yourself."
"So yeah, he's a lion tiger cross breed I guess. He's not dangerous, but I'm not sure if he'll try to eat you or not, haha."

"So you are a lonely cat guy? You need yourself a woman." Akira laughed taunting him with a sly wink, before letting out a slight 'oh' when he explained it was not his pet. "You could always adopt him? I mean if you wanted to have that responsibility, but you seem to have a lot of love for the animal." She told him with a soft smile.

"Lets head to Asher, he is just 5 minutes away. I promise I won't be long."

The tree was the largest one in the area and its leaves seemed to have grown greener than the rest. It over shadowed the area and the thick roots crawled up over the top of the dirt as though they wanted to get up and leave. It was a really nice area and seemed to be quite untouched by humans, that was apart from the great carvings of swirls and text in the trees bark. "Here we are!" Akira explained.

This world is sick, these people are sick. Have they lost their minds?
I hate being alone. Silence can send people crazy.
I love you.
I spent 4 hours trying to hunt down this deer today, it was fucking hilarious! I wish you were there to see how idiotic I am Asher.
Thank you for always having my back!
You are right, guns ARE a girls best friends.
I saw someone who looked like you today, made my heart flutter a little. Not half as sexy as you though!
I have got to say my hands are not half as clean as they were.
I miss you so much.

The words on the trees probably said a lot more about Akira than what June actually knew, and realizing this she began to become uncomfortable. Despite this being Asher's place of rest it was quite triggering to read what was on the bark and remember how he was slaughtered.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: June King Character Portrait: Akira Theron
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#, as written by Damioa
June sensed the girls original nervousness about the beast had dwindled away and he answered her question with a grin on his face.

Though when it came to the topic of adoption, June looked at the big cat beast and shrugged his shoulders. "If I let Galil follow me around everywhere, then all my pets would want to. Trust me, nothing blows your cover like a parade of wild animals following you. Also, I can't let Cortez stay by himself in this hell of a town." He petted Galil as it growled at it's owners name.

"Lets head to Asher, he is just 5 minutes away. I promise I won't be long."

June nodded and followed Akira, wondering why she felt the need to ask him to go. He was wondering how he came off at times, though he realized most of his words are empty and carry no feeling for someone to see who the real him is. One second I'm a lonely cat person, and the next I'm a tyrant who doesn't let people see their loved ones on a trip around the world. The more he thought about it, the more he didn't see how she would think that way about him, if she hadn't felt that way about someone else first. The hardest time to trust people is when you live in a world like this one. A world where no one is safe and, thanks to June, not even the wealthiest of people were safe. not to mention, he completely forgot they only met just yesterday. Thinking about it like that, the man took a load off himself with a sigh. Maybe in the future she wouldn't feel the need to ask.

Upon there arrival, June shot glances all around, initially looking for signs of ambush, then pausing to read what was on the tree that, by the look of it, was the mans grave sight. June read the words quickly and turned away as soon as he was finished. At first he wondered if she was really the one who wrote that, until she said, "Here we are!"

June looked around more calmly now and said, "Not a bad place. It's nice and green, and no one would come here to dig up a grave." His thoughts were on other subjects so the most he could do was pace, though after a while he stopped looking over his shoulders towards Akira and her message. He believed that in just that moment he found out more about her than anyone in such a short time. The thought that maybe she was just like him passed his mind for a split second. That was before he realized that they were probably more different than he even thought. After all, this was the first grave June had been to in six years. Or was it longer? He didn't remember anymore. He couldn't stop reading the writing on the tree over and over.

June stopped thinking of himself, for he knew that if he was feeling bad just by the air of the place, then she must also feel something deep inside. Something that maybe she has held onto for a long time. He pulled out a cigarette and lit it up before connecting his hand in prayer. Though he managed to also stay silent while doing so, June let out a line of small whispers and opened his eyes.June let a good ten minutes pass after that before he decided to break the silence.

"So, a bear huh?" His words were calmer than normal, carrying less of a manly girth, which he compensated for by making it as soft as he could. Though in order to do so he had to bring his voice just past a whisper. "You know, when I found Galil, way before giving him to Cortez, he was but a cub. I was about fifteen at the time and I was just trying to find some food for me and my...." He paused for a second to take a drag of his cig and also get his words in order. " family, my new found family, I didn't know a Neco's crap about hunting. So I was gone for about a week, surviving off of plants and tree leaves. I guess now that I look at it, it may have been a test. Well anyway, I came across a ligre, much larger than Galil. He was fierce and untamed and had sent me running with the rip of my clothing between my legs. I was probably more scared that day than I had ever been, which I thought was weird. So, I let it get to me. I told myself that I wouldn't be afraid of some animal. No, not after what I had already been through. So I went back out, which was against Maya's... and the small towns people's advice. I don't know. Maybe I just wanted to let loose something. Looking back on it now, it was idiotic, but still, I wandered back. I had a knife and went for the beast with everything I had. It was then I realized that it was better hunter, for it had not only allowed me to live, but also followed me around. I suppose since it just had cubs it was trying to protect them from me, but now I realize it was looking out for me. That's where the bear comes in. It was some mutation or something. Truly it was just huge. Though I had never seen a bear before, there it was in all it's glory. Must've been hungry too seeing as it attacked me. I didn't stand a chance. Escaping the bears jaw area was all I could do. It was apparent that I was going to die, but then that damned ligre came in with all its might. It was a rough fight, but in the end we each left with half of the bear. Ever since then, the day I met Galil's mother I became imprinted on him I guess. He remembered me even when he became the big boss of the wild and as a token of friendship I handed him to Cortez. Wait until you meet him."

For a moment June smiled until he remembered how eccentric the man was. 'Yeah... this should be really fun.' he thought. He crushed his cigarette in his hand not wanting to liter on the grounds so close to Asher's grave. June realized he didn't know anything about the man and thought maybe it would be better for her to talk about him. He wasn't one to talk of his past and the people in it, at least if it wasn't something goofy or funny, but he had always thought himself a good listener. "So, uh.... Was Asher teaching you how to hunt while he was alive?"

June wondered how long had it been since the war had a widespread end. He was in the dark for almost all of it, kept inside a place where war is just the same as breathing. Or rather, the violent part of war. It led him to think if there was any good part to war. It surely was apparent that it did bring a lot of hate and pain through people. Human evolution inside itself was enough to do that. However, June had just realized that until he met the girl, he was still living in his own little world. Still living in the dark.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: June King Character Portrait: Akira Theron
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Akira Theron

"If I let Galil follow me around everywhere, then all my pets would want to. Trust me, nothing blows your cover like a parade of wild animals following you. Also, I can't let Cortez stay by himself in this hell of a town."

"Hm..." She hummed, holding her tongue for a few seconds with a thoughtful expression before speaking again. "You say you can't leave your friend lonely, yet aren't you almost always alone June? You could do with company just as much as Cortez does. I know better than anyone that loneliness can drive you utterly insane." She told him, her voice low and seemingly careful before suddenly trying to cheer up the conversations tone. Akira seemed like she wanted to cut the topic of loneliness right there. "Maybe you could do with a little house cat for at home? I know your a softy underneath."

"Not a bad place. It's nice and green, and no one would come here to dig up a grave."

Akira began un-potting the blue Rena flower that she had been carrying with her and buried it along side the tree for it to grow and flourish. It looked a little out of place with all the surrounding greenery but she thought maybe one day it would spread and smother the place. "If people dig up bodies in their spare time I feel sorry for them." She chuckled lightly..

The raven haired woman turned to see that June seemed to be praying which warmed her heart greatly. Akira did not know if a God existed or not and who could blame her, the world had not exactly been all too kind to her. The fact that June prayed for him displayed he had a lot of respect. She did truly hope that Asher was happy some place else. The girl too did pray for a while but mainly just sat in the dirt, stroking the ground with her finger tips and holding back tears.

"...He remembered me even when he became the big boss of the wild and as a token of friendship I handed him to Cortez. Wait until you meet him."

Akira said nothing but smiled at his story, her eyes blazing with emotion. She then raised to her feet and turned to the Liger and slowly held out her hands which trembled a small amount before meeting with the felines ears, rubbing softly behind them. It was quite clear that she was afraid of the beast and she did not doubt that it was not likely to tear off her arm at any second, still she put her faith in the creature.

"Is he hot...I'm sure I'd love to meet him if he is hot..." Akira explained with a smirk, visualizing in her head and appearance and attitude that were rather unlikely to be correct. "Fitter than you?" She flirted turning to him, eye lids low and seductive before finishing with a soft round of laughter. "So he is a friend of yours? A colleague?" She questioned, now rather curious about this man.

"So, uh.... Was Asher teaching you how to hunt while he was alive?"

The girl fell silent for a second, feeling her heart beat quickly in her chest before swallowing to force out words. "I guess so. I was never bad with a gun but killing bad people and hunting animals are two completely different things. Me and Asher were actually rivals at first. Our town made a defence group against Necos trying to exterminate Sapiens and me and him were always the best and most competitive in training. One day, he found one thing he was better at than I and never let it go. Hunting required patience and I had none of it. So I pleaded him to start teaching me and it was round about that time that I fell in love with him. I started asking him to go hunting with me when we did... we did not really spend time a lot of time hunting..." She giggled softly before tears began absently streaming down her cheeks. It appeared like she did not actually know that she was crying at all and so just continued with conversation.

"T...They stole a good man from this world and I will never forgive them for that." Akira hissed, clenching her fists so tightly that her nails began to cut open her palm. Visions of the burning houses of her town and the horrid stench of metallic blood began to over whelm her senses. Akira always got a little triggered when visiting his grave but it was even harder to talk about it. She found herself slowly moving towards June before dumping her head on his chest in self pity. "I'd give anything at all to have him back..."