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June King

"The cycle of life continues. Even after death."

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a character in “Remorseless Evolution”, as played by Damioa


June King


❝The type of people who kill for the sake of killing. Destroy families just for the hell of it. Those are the type of people who need to die.❞

Born to die | Lana Del Ray

▐ The basics▐

June King



♄Sexuality and relationship status♄
Heterosexual and Divorced


June is quiet and more of a "don't speak, unless spoken to" type of person. This makes him come off as antisocial and hard to get along with. In his mind he doesn't care what anyone thinks of him since most of the people whose opinions have mattered to him have died. Being in the sight of many of his dieing loved ones, death isn't really all to much of a big deal to the man. In fact, he wishes day in and out that someone can come along to take his from him. Though, until that happens the man will keep on walking the earth searching for his own answers.

June has a thing for animals, which is quite surprising to most people. Of course most of his favorite animals come off as dangerous to most. For example, tigers, lions, and wolves.

One major quality about him, is that he always works hard on whatever he does, whether its hunting someone down, or transporting a small object to someone. He is also known as the type of person who will do anything for money, though, to this day it has yet to be determined if anything really means anything. Though most people will tell you he is notorious for his use of a gun and he rarely pulls them out without intent to fire. More than anything, it seems he doesn't outwardly try to get to know people either. He is definitely a hard nut to crack too, seeing as some have tried. You know, just the annoying friendly types. If that's not a good enough example, lets just say that even those who think they're close to him don't get the pillow talk they were quite hoping for. Though, to children, he seems to show a little more of his kinder side. In no ways is he a bad person. Most would tell you this. As for him, he could care less if he seemed like a good person or a bad person. At this time, that wasn't the main objective. Even though there is a main priority in his life, no one knows what it is. Though maybe, just maybe, he'll come out of his box and tell someone someday.

▐ Aesthetics▐

♞Body build♞
Toned, but not really muscular. Lean, but not considered small. June stands at about 5'11 bordering on to 6 feet. His body is painted with scars from his face down to his feet. His skin is tan and his hair, usually worn down, is an un-brushed black fluff.

â˜ȘFace descriptionâ˜Ș
Aside from the constant glare that seems to have stuck itself on his face, his eyes are narrowed and his eyebrows are thin. He has a couple scars on his face, one that is very noticeable and also one he doesn't like talking about. Aside from that scar, his skin is smooth, meaning that he keeps himself well maintained. His eyes are red do from his mixed heritage. Though it should be noted that this is a doctors opinion. It has never been proven why he has red eyes.

Even though one can tell he's been through a lot of ordeals and would expect him to wear armor, he doesn't. Instead he wears a simple business shirt, tie and pants. If anything would be considered armor, it would be his steel toed boots. Though he doesn't use the boots for protection, more because they're comfortable, they have saved his toes from being cut about a dozen times. The first thing people who don't know him notice are his scars. Some from burns, others from cuts, and the rest from bullets. As for jewelry he doesn't wear any, except for the pair of hawk feathers that he has tied to his hair.

â–ČPets/none weaponry devicesâ–Č
People have seen him with two different animals on more than one occasion. One being a wolf and another being a bird. On single occasions he was once seen feeding a bear, sleeping with a lion, and yelling at a tiger. Though these were mere rumors.

▐ Skills and flaws▐

✘ Weapons ✘
His only weapons are his fist, his boots, and his two enhanced guns. Guns that usually roll in for a high price that shoot not only normal bullets, but charged energy shots as well.

His only defense, if you'd even call it a good one, is his instinct and quick reflexes.

☠Skills and techniques ☠
June is highly skilled with his guns. Wasting bullets have never been a problem to him. He is also quite skilled in hand to hand combat and can take a pretty bad beating.

A major flaw to note that June has is that he goes into things without thinking. If the favor sounds good, if the money looks good, and if a situation looks dangerous, June usually signs the dotted line without thinking. Maybe this is because of his lack of care for his own life, but whatever it is, it gets him into a lot of sticky situations and probably will continue to do so. Another flaw of his is that he cast himself free of fear. The main fear that he cast away was death, and even he knows that those don't feel death, often meet it sooner than those who do.

▐ The past and present▐

♚Basic history♚
"I'll always love you. No matter what your past was like."
"Just like my name, I want to be king of the new world."
"Well cousin. One of us has to die here, and since I came here with the intent to kill you, you seem like the perfect match for the situation."
"This boy isn't a boy anymore. We shouldn't even consider him human."
"In the end, what's done is done. All we can do is give him treatment and hope all is well. By law, he is still a living being. Considering his age. Ladies and gentlemen of the court.... I ask you. Would you want a mere child to suffer life in jail."
"If it weren't for the laws kid, you'd be facing far worse than the death penalty. I'm surprised you're even able to get out."
"You don't seem like a bad person to me."

"...... I'm not a kid anymore."

"And these are the quotes that I hold most dear in my life. As well as the words that I wish were never spoken. All of them."

June King. A royal of sorts. A murderer in his own right. A lost child. A vengeful spirit. The lover of the dead flower. Lots of things could be said about him. However, it should be noted that anything said about him, is true. Anything.

Part one: The false King
It was the day he was born. As glorious as it was. The doctors looked upon him as a becon of hope for humanity. Finally, from a long line of homosapians, came a new twist inside of his heritage. Though, almost as if God was playing a trick on his mother, the secondary blood test came back in a negative round. He wasn't a homoneco at all. Just another run of the mill person. Pushed off as a miscalculation. His mother, and probably most of all, his father, were saddened. However, just as the he loved her, a human who would have been otherwise be labeled at lesser value than him, he loved his child. Though it only meant more words of hate and distaste from his own family. It was not only bad enough that he, a homoneco, would love a homsapian, but he had a child that was not a homoneco. For his mother, going back to when she was first preganant with the boy, she wished that he would have the same blood as his father. That nature would probably give him the same status, just for the sake of regaining her husbands family ties. Though, to her dismay, her son was just a lesser human. Still, she loved him.

So it was. They had left their home and city all together to escape the hate and forked nature of his family. They wouldn't give them the chance to cast judgement upon the child before he had a chance to talk for himself. However, no matter how far they went, they couldn't escape the families eyes. Being one of the most wealthiest families they had the connections to track them down and dragged her husband back many of times to do the tasks that, as his brother put it, were his birthright, no matter what type of "company" he kept. That's all they saw Monday and June as. Company. This of course was all before the war had started.

Still, during the times of peace, Junes father, Jewlin, would be visited by his brother to do things that June himself would never figure out. His father claimed it was just putting up appearances, but the more he left, the longer the time was before he returned. He had heard his mother whisper one time that his family were just trying to seperate him from his family. From them. Though the boy never minded any attention to that. He had his cousin, a boy that, to the dismay of his own father, had befriended him. He had even snuck out of his home territory, just to visit him and play with him. While on his visits, he taught June many things. None of it could be found in any book, but the young man, who had currently been a teen had so many views on life. Far past anything the kids or teens in his neihborhood knew. He had wanted to bring back the kings name in a form where he would actually be king. He always said that he'd be king of the new world. Not that June, who was around seven at the time, could actually comprihend the meaning of the words his older cousin spoke. It all seemed like something out of a fairy tale. Though soon, once the war started, and Kriste, his cousin had come to him once more. He finally told him. June was nothing more than a homosapian. A human that lived in a world past his time. Most of all, he was his cousin and he loved him. He loved him and Deci, his youngest cousin. As Kriste put it, the three of them were the next in the lineage of the king family. Not only that, but all three of them would be the kings of the new world. Not only him. It was sudden, but for the eight year old boy, and his six year old counterpart, the sixteen year old young man was speaking the truth. Nothing he said could possibly be a lie.

Around that time, his father had gone somewhere and hadn't come back for a few months. His mother was acting as if everything was posing danger to the boy, even threatened his elder cousin not to come back to their house. Though, as if the boy had farther and greater insight than she had, Kriste was able to convince her to give up June and place him and his care. The last thing June remembered seeing of his mother, was the tears that had trickled down her face as she watched him leave. They left his small house in the countryside, headed into the city. A place where Kriste had told him to never speak to anyone unless spoken to and always stay near him. They lived life like that for a while. Stuck inside of a city appartment. Men knocking on doors for security checks. Deci seemed to have a better grasp on the situation than June had. He would just stare at the men, imotional and nod his head at their questions, while June hid inside of his room. Though of course, the men never reached him. Kriste and Deci were both enough to get the men to walk away. They were able to show the men that they weren't the "people" they were looking for.

While Kriste wasn't staring at the window, waiting for "that something" to happen, he would gather both June and Deci together in the furnitureless living room and teach them ways to defend themselves. Whether it be with a knife, or with a gun. Deci had picked up much faster than June, but it seemed like June had gotten more out of it somehow. It could have been because he was older, but even his older cousin was surprised at the abilities he had recieved. At late nights he would take them to shoot cans in the outskirts of the city, always making sure to get them back inside before daybreak. The young man worked as hard as humanly possible to keep both boys safe. Though it seemed, even though he was safe at the door because of his genes. The dogs who would knock at their door had stomachs that weren't full by appettizers. Their eyes weren't satisfied anymore by looking. They had needed proof. Word had gotten out that more than two people lived in the apartment. Thus, they were going to look for the third. That is when everything started going downhill in Junes life.

It happened so fast. One moment, men were breaking through the doors. The next, gunshots were fired and two uniformed men were dead inside of their sanctuary. Kriste had given Deci the gun that was currently in his hand and opened the door to the room June was inside of, handing the boy another fire arm and yelling for both of them to follow him. They proceeded to run out of the building and straight toward the underground, a place that was full of people. People more like June than anyone else. It happened to also be a demilitarized area, full of crime and the most discusting acts of humanity one could ever see and even though he had wanted not to go this direct route, Kriste had ran out of options. Together, the three of them slept nights on the street, begging from no one, but stealing from a few here and there, just to survive. It wasn't anywhere close to living the life of a king. A life that Kriste had first promised. This the boy knew, but it was the life that allowed them to live.

Many questions came up in Junes mind. Why were they running from the start? Why did they need to learn how to fight? Why weren't they allowed out during the day? What was it? What was it that they were running from? Most of all, what had happened to his mom? Those questions were answered one night while Deci was sleeping, nothing but an old set of box scraps covering the boys for warmth.

"June. I couldn't tell you before, but you're getting older now. I suppose this is as good as time as any," Kriste said, looking up at the sky, which through the darkness of the ally was showing the stars in the clear sky.

"For what, Kriste?" June had looked at his older cousin, but it seemed he was avoiding eye contact with him.

"The reason we had to leave the countryside. The reason we had to leave the appartment."

It was then that Kriste explained to him the kind of position that he was in. June had been unfortunate to be a homosapian. Someone who, during the start of the war, was looked down upon as nothing more than a dog. In their area, it seemed they were also being exiled. This place seemed no different. Even though there were still people like him living around in the slums of the city. They were slowly being taken away and shipped out. June also had one other exception about him.

"Our grandfather, High March King, is head of the armed forces at the moment. Your father was supposed to take his place, but.... but.... It seems that even his own son wasn't able to escape the wrath of the war. Your dad tried to stop the order, mostly for you and your mum, but grandad was having none of it. My father also ended up siding with your father. In turn, they both were murdered in their sleep. Though they told me it was due to an illness that they both had. Hehe. They really expected me to believe that kettle full of shit."

Though he was laughing, there were hints of sadness in his tone. "You know maybe they weren't murdered by one of our own. I'd like to believe that myself. However, once the order was cast to kill you, I... I just couldn't let you or Deci live through that. Your mom agreed too. Leaving herself behind, she let me take you and Deci with me here. Though I was naive to think that we could ever find a way out. Believe me I tried."

"K-Kriste? What are you saying?"

His cousin turned to him and grabbed his head pulling him closer. "This might be the end of the line for us as well, you and me. Deci should be fine, but, I at least wanted you to survive as well. I had never cared for myself through this whole mess. You hear it don't you?"

June could here the soft beating inside his cousins chest.

"Your heartbeat?"

"Yeah. We all have a heart that beats to the same tune at least one time in our life. This heart keeps us all moving. We all bleed the same blood June. Remember that. Don't let anyone tell you different, 'kay?"

"Yeah. . . Okay. . ."

June spent that night crying in his cousins arms. The tender age of nine, the boy was growing up faster than he should have.

It wasn't long before one of those cold dark nights were interupted by the lights of the ones they were running from. They didn't even seem light military men, but instead they looked as if they were a private force. They came with their guns at the boys faces and yelled out muffled words that June couldn't remember. Deci tried to strike first, drawing his hidden gun, but the men had subdued him in a minimal amount of time. They tried to grab June as well, but Kriste had came in front of them. Together, the two watched as he faught to the best of his ability against them, but the lack of food and energy seemed to get the best of him. They gave no remorse to him at all and beat him as if he were not a human at all. He yelled, not out in pain, but for June to run. He said that Deci would be okay, but he had to run.

June looked at Deci who was looking in horror at Kriste and then back at him. Though his expression changed from horror to hatred. As he ran the oppisite direction, he could hear the boy yelling our his name.


It rang in his head as he ran. It continued as he continued to run over and over again. He ran until he had no energy left to keep on running. Until he ran out of nerve. Turning around he had decided that he didn't want to leave. Not if that meant losing the people he really cared about. So the boy ran back. Though, by the time he got back, everyone was already gone. Everyone except for the body of his elder cousin, Kriste.

"Kriste..... Kriste are you.... Wake up.... I'm sorry for leaving. I'm sorry!!!! Wake up!!!" He yelled and shook his body hoping that he would open his eyes.

Slowly opening his eyes, Kriste looked past the red that blurred his vision. He looked over to the person who was shaking him. "J-June. You have to be the one. Be the one in my place to take Deci and with him.... Make yourselves true kings.... Of.. The new....."

He wasn't able to finish his sentence though. His life had already left his body and June was left to cry over his passing. However, he didn't have long. It seemed a few men were waiting for him to return. They tried to knock him out, but as soon as he hit the ground and everything went dark, something happened. Something that would impact his life forever. When he opened his eyes he was surrounded by blood and the dead bodies of not only his cousin, but the two men who stayed behind for him.

It was apparent to him what he had done. He not only had gotten his cousin killed, but also killed the two men. Worst off, he didn't even remember doing, but he knew, deep down that he was the one to have done it. Once again, he ran. This time, instead of turning back he ran outside of the city borders. Outside all the way back to the baron areas of the grasslands. He ran for years, running away not only from his past, but also himself. Kriste was wrong. He decided that the same heart that ran inside of Kriste did not live inside of him. They weren't alike at all. After awhile, he couldn't even feel his heart beating anymore, and soon, he even forgot what the sensation of a heartbeat felt like.

♛History with the war including thoughts♛
Part: 2 : Lost in the dreaded ocean

It had been years since he had even spoken more than a word to someone. Why would he, thinking that he was a monster. He had slowly come to realize, that it was his fault his father had to die. It was also his fault that his cousin died, and for all he knewm, it was also his fault if his mom was dead.

Sure, he had made it back to his old house eventually, but the sight of the place was in shambles. Every picture and every ornament was thrown on the ground and the blood marks on the walls implied that there was a fight of some kind there. Though he found a lot of things that he wish he hadn't there, the one thing he was looking for hadn't shown itself. His house was in shambles and it seemed like his mom was nowhere in sight. He had spent a few months in that wrecked island, but soon he decided to move on, traveling in no apparant direction and searching for nothing anymore. Just moving with the world in what seemed to be one big circle.

Along the way is where he met another traveling person. To this day he can still remember her name. Maya. She was as beautiful on the outside as she was on the inside. Her voice was that of an angel to him, even though it might have been a normal girls voice to anyone else. Though he remembers she was kind of rowdy with him the first time they met.

"Hey. Hey why are you following me?"

He looked over to her, having barely noticing they were walking the same way. Though, having not talked to anyone in a long while he didn't know how to respond. So in turn he didn't say anything and continued walking the long stretch of road.

"Hey. Hey you. I know you heard me." She stopped and he continued to walk. "Oh. I guess you're just going along the road like me huh? That's cool. I don't mind having some company."

Thus they walked for hours until nightfall where it seemed that she was getting tired. She let loose a long yawn and stopped walking, watching him as he continued on walking.

"Uhmmm.... You know. It's getting dark."

The unusual words caused him to stop in his tracks.

"You haven't ate anything at all since I met you this morning. Are you gonna be alright to keep walking?"

He didn't answer, but looked back at her, turning his head and moving his pupils to the corner of his eyes.

"I have some sandwhiches if you want one. I kinda don't want to stay out here alone just to eat you know. I here this area is bad around this time."

He turned his whole body around and looked at her with his tired eyes that seemed devoid of happiness. "How do you know that I'm not the reason this area is bad?"

Her answer almost brought tears to his eyes. "You don't seem like a bad person to me."

Years of thinking of himself as a bad person. Years of thinking he was the cause of everyones pain. It seemed that until that moment, no one had ever told him he was anything else. No one besides his late cousin.

It was weird to say the least. He stayed with her that night, eating with her and even watching over her as she slept, which seemed to start their relationship. they traveled the road together, in search of what seemed like nothing in particular. They traveled for two years and soon he even fell in love with her. From the ages of fourteen to sixteen, this girl became the angel who delivered him from his death. Saved him from the dreaded ocean of sorrow he was drowning himself in. Though, it was long, it was also short lived.

Part 3: Old demons that never go away.

They had found a city to live in. It wasn't a major one, but it was big enough for them. They both worked to keep up with their home's bills and were pretty happy. In the time that she had known him, he told her of the events of his past. In turn she said, "I'll always love you. No matter what your past was like."
In turn, he took care of her the best he could. Even changing his attitude to a more happier one before he had made the full transition. At the end of it all, it was probably because of that, that he was able to turn into a happier person. That he was able to become a better person than he thought he could be.

He was coming home from a hard day of work at the fish yard, a place where they processed fish for other cities in the countryside. Usually, she was waiting outside for him so they could go out to eat somewhere, but this night was different. He noticed she wasn't there. He passed it off as her running late, or needing to go inside of the house for her own reasons.

Just as he was about to open the door to check if she was inside, he felt a pressence around him. Turning back towards the entryway he saw somehting that he was only expecting to be a ghost.

"It's been a long time. Cousin."

In front of him stood an older, even taller than himself version of Deci. It was Deci, his cousin who he hadn't seen for over six years. Not since that fateful day that changed his life.

"Deci?" He asked just to make sure his eyes weren't playing tricks on him.

"Oh. So you do remember me? Hehe. I'm flattered that the dog of our family remembers me."

The words coming from the boys mouth had made it seem like it wasn't quite the happy reunion it seemed to be. The dumbfounded look on June's face became serious and cautious. He immediately ran into his house to see a horrible sight. One that was followed by the ominous sound of his cousins laughter.

"Hehehe.Hahahaha. You probably are wondering what had happened here. Can you believe the woman? She said that you were her husband of all things, and guess what she said when I told her that a man who abandons his family and kills his older cousin; one who put his own life on the line for his sake, couldn't possibly be the man she loved? Guess."

June was speechless. All of the scenes of that day. The scenes of his old house. The scene in front of him at the moment. It was all to much to wrap his head around.

"She said I was wrong. Can you believe that. A dog like her told me that I was wrong. So you can guess what I had to do."

It may have been from the tears, or from the anger, but June's vision had become blurred. He could only move his body to face his cousin.

"I did what any human does to a dog when it goes blind. I put her down."

June charged at Deci in a blind rage, not knowing what he would do once he reached him. As if he was expecting it, Deci side stepped him, letting him trip on the floor. Leaving him to cry on the ground, which made him sneer at the sight.

"I don't get it. Where was all this when Kriste was being beaten in front of us, huh? Where was all this anger and ruthless passion when I was being taken away? Pfft. Well no matter. It wasn't like I was tortured or anything. No. I was actually reunited with the rest of our family. It seems, I was kept in the dark about you. You were nothing but a dog from the start and your father was a great man, who seemed to fall for an animal just like you. Though I'm supposed to bring you back alive. It seems, that even though you're an animal, you have some humanity in you. Some sort of genetic quirk that the old man cares about. Yeah right!!! Like I would bring you back to that old shit. Not after he crafted me this way. Not after I spent the majority of my life hating everything you are. No. You see. One of us will die here. Sorry to say, but by the looks of it, you seem to be the name on the reapers list."

Deci presumed to kick at his cousin until June fought back at him. He was almost on even ground with the boy. Maybe he even would have beaten him if it wasn't for Deci's personal men shooting him once the fight got too heated. Though it seemed, through the anger, he couldn't be stopped They fought unto the dark of the night going back in forth with their attacks in a bloody fury.

"I can't loose to you June. I am cut from a higher cloth. I am evolved and you... you'r primitive."

Halfway through the fight, June had regained his consiousness, though he continued trading blows with his cousin. He even tried to reason with him multiple time, but the boy wanted nothing of it. He was so hell bent of killing him that he called off his men, wanting to do the deed himself. It was truly a horrific scene. However, when the two had picked up their firearms and decided to get serious, Deci wasn't able to fire. Though June... he pulled the trigger almost without thinking. As Deci crumbled to the ground from the fatal shot that he could have easily dodged if anything, June ran to him, wandering why he would go so far just to die in the end.

"What the hell? Why do all this just to let me kill you in the end?" The screams in the rain could be heard from the neihborhood to the next one, cities over.

"Hehe. Why should I have to be the one to live with losing both of the cousins I loved..... When I could... I could just have you live with it. You see. Even for people like me, the world isn't all sunshine and rainbows. I never wanted to live during a time of war. I wanted to live as a king of the new world, like Kriste had once wanted. Though because of you.... Because of you and that old man that is our grandfather. I have to live one of Sovereinty in a world where even I am nothing more than a pebble. I don't know about bringing forth a new era. No. Not in your case. However,.... I do know, that if you and I... We .... From the start.... Were born just to die. To die in this world of hate. I don't want it anymore. No more."

Deci then took his own gun and shot himself and June could only watch as his cousins bloody corpse was covered by his men. Watch and be dragged away by those men. His body was limp and he was done. Done running and done fighting.

Finale: The man you are allowed to become.

"In the end, what's done is done. All we can do is give him treatment and hope all is well. By law, he is still a living being. Considering his age. Ladies and gentlemen of the court.... I ask you. Would you want a mere child to suffer life in jail."
"If it weren't for the laws kid, you'd be facing far worse than the death penalty. I'm surprised you're even able to get out."

These were both words of his representative in court. His grandfather had hired the man to keep him alive for whatever reason. Both the murders of his cousin Kriste and his cousin Deci were pinned onto him and he was to spend the rest of his childhood years in a correctional facility. One where he would be operated and tested on to see what was it about him that made him so close to a homoneco even though he was a homosapian. In the end it came to be that he wasn't even human. He had met the man once. The old frail man who had run out of heirs to his umpire. He told him of what had happened to his father, who had run off with his mother and killed by soldiers who supported the hate towards "his kind". He told him that he wished that he could have proved the test wrong. That he was more of a neco than a sapian. Though, because he only proved to be a failed mix of both, he was no more than a dog to him.

Those words caused a deep hate to swell inside of him. He had hated the man and anyone connected to his family. He had hated those who looked down on people, just because their genes were a little different. Though, most of all, he spent the next six years hating himself. Now, that the years of running seemed over. Now, that the years of pain and confinement were over. He was just shoved off into the world.

With his first steps out of confinement taken, he was nothing but a broken, scarred version of what he used to be. Though, he was also a new stature. One of hate and vengence. Would this current world accept him? He didn't care. He only cared about one thing. As long as he got it, he'd be okay. Okay with dying. Though, not until that goal is finally reached will he allow himself to die.

As for thoughts on the war, of course he hates it in general. Doesn't matter which human is fighting for what reason. The war in itself is a major part in the troubles of his life. As so, he hates the idea of the war and its supporters, but because of his own goals, he isn't considering himself the one that'll end it. Instead he works with it, adapting this time of war into his current lifestyle.

♫Events to note so far in the RP♫
Answer Here

June is a Gemini.

So begins...

June King's Story


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Character Portrait: June King Character Portrait: Akira Theron
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#, as written by Damioa
June King

June stayed silent as the woman went on about how he might have needed some kind of company. He didn't want to say much on the topic, neither the one about Cortez being hot. "I-I don't know," the man said feeling a little awkward towards the question. "He's looks good for his age I suppose."

Listening to her recollection of the past, June began to feel bit of empathy for the girl. She had lost everything she had, which was much more than he could ever dream of having. She lost not only her family, but her home as well because of the war. He wished he knew more about it. Deep down, June even wish he was able to experience it. Only six years had passed since imprisonment and the world changed in so many different ways.

She had been trying not to let her tears go, but the man knew it was probably only a matter of time. While she talked to him, the tears were already forming in the corners of her eyes and June automatically felt like he was suppose to console her some way. Soon he realized she was leaning against his chest and he could feel the wet tears through his shirt.

"I'd give anything at all to have him back..."

There was nothing June could really say. He didn't have any type of way to bring people back to life. Nor did he have words that he was sure would make her feel better. He wouldn't be a hypocrite anytime soon and until he figured out his own problems he wouldn't be able to offer much solace. Still, June felt the need to help her feel better. So, he put his hand on her head, and patted her softly as if he were brushing her hair with his hand. The memory of his parents came into his mind, for they would also hug him and pat his head when he was sad. He figured most children's parents did. Either way, it was the least he could do at the moment.

Like most times June didn't know what to talk about, he talked about something he was comfortable with sharing with people. "Cortez had been in the prison longer than I. He saw me when I killed the prisoner to save the kid. Hehe. The man's first words to me were, 'Are you crazy?', but I knew then. I knew he was a good person. I never did find out what Cortez was in for and I never asked. I think him and I are okay with that. Anyway, he watched me after I got out the reformation chambers. Watched over me when I stopped talking, and even became something like a father to me. I learned a lot of great things from that man. Needless to say, some of those things had to do with self defense."

He ceased his words there and looked down towards the woman, who's face was hidden over his shirt. "You okay," he asked calmly.