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Revelation: Fallen

The World, 3017 A.D.


a part of Revelation: Fallen, by TwiliDragon.


TwiliDragon holds sovereignty over The World, 3017 A.D., giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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The World, 3017 A.D. is a part of Revelation: Fallen.

10 Characters Here

Kameron Walker [0] Michael, protector of Nella and the warrior
Mystery [0] A source of power to the dragon
Lily Mohaln [0] Luriel, protector of Demitri and is good at gathering info
Satan [0]
Demitri Johnson [0] He specializes in Emotions and the Bow and Arrow
Jake Walker [0] Remiel, protector of Rain and has the power of foresight
Zethya Walker [0] Zeruel, protector of Allen and able to sense an enemy attack
Rain Loren [0] She specialises in Dreams and the whip.
Allen [0] He Specializes in Darkness and the Claymore
Nella [0] She specializes in Light and the Claymore

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Taking her time Mystery waited and watched, she wished Disappear was ere, but then again she wasn't much for mundane things. Where Mystery had to do those things and be punished if not done. She failed once, she wasn't going to fail again. Seeing her opportunity even if he hadn't gotten far, she moved. Mystery went feeling for those that her master nearly died from, or so it seemed. She moved feeling and hearing hiding her own presence. Leaving lovely little traps in magic. A snare here, a hand there. A few presences that would go away after startling others awake. Mystery even riled up the ghosts in the area causing a few angry ones to come haunting. She moved spreading her magic here and there. As was her name, Mystery was left behind. The darker it was,the more sleepy they were the better her magic worked, its where mystery cam from. Something that held interest without knowing, or just plain not knowing. Instead of sending a pulse she let her energy creep and crawl all along every floor and wall, going to end up becoming an overwhelming presence. Mystery left when she needn't be there anymore.

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Nella sighed as Kameron left the room. If there was one thing that she hated, it was being treated like a little kid. Then she remembered something she had read in the book from before...something about her spirit being able to leave her body...

Five minuets later, Nella's spirit walked through the door. Litteraly. Her body was left lying onthe floor of the bedroom, and her spirit was walking freely. She didn't have a limit to this eaither, acording to the book. And others could see her, she could intereact with things, but she could not sustain damage while in this form. Well, not immeadiate damage. There would be some on her body when she returned, but it wouldn't be the same as directly receiving the wounds. She wandered back the way she had come, comming out into the lobby.

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Rain spun around sharply at the sound of the voice.
She stared at Jake in astonishment. Partially because boys very rarely spoke to her at all but mostly because he said he was there to protect her. Could it mean that he knew?
"Um... I'm Rain." She said softly, stepping back slightly.
She wasn't sure she could trust him but if he could help then surely it was worth the risk. Besides, it was nice to have someone to talk to her.
"What do you mean protect me?" She asked warily. "Does that mean you know about my dreams? Why do you care about me anyway?"
Rain waited patiently for his answer, hoping that she was doing the right thing by talking to Jake.

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Lily sits quietly and just thinks. She isn't paying attention to anything around her. She just sits quietly and hums to herself. She feels as though she my fall asleep, but doesn't want to at a time like this.

(Sorry i haven't posted in two days! I've been busy and i have to share my mom's computer because mine broke!)

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Jake understood her cautiousness. It’s not everyday someone walks up to you and says they are here to protect you.
“It is ok if you do not believe me at first, all I ask is that you trust me.” He began, “I am an Angel sent to protect you from the evil that is building. There are three others, like you, born with a cross. I am here to protect you because the fate of the world rests on a delicate balance.” He decided that he wouldn’t get any closer, as that might appear weird, but he didn’t retreat either.

“Your dreams give you your powers. That is your special power. You cannot deny that bringing that flower through your dreams is normal.” Jake said. “I would explain further, but I think we should go to meet the rest of our little group.”

“As for why I care, I am an Angel. Is it not in our nature to care for everybody, no matter who or what they are?”
He changed back into Remiel in front of her, to aid with the credibility of his speech. However, he made no move to pick her up and fly back to the others, he wanted to wait for her to take it in first.

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Rain listened carefully as he spoke.
Her eyes widened when he said he was an angel. She had no idea they really existed. Then again, if she could bring flowers through from her dreams to the real world why wouldn't angels exist?
"Others like me? I had no idea." She said softly. Wow, so she wasn't alone. "But how do we effect the balance of the world?"
Powers. She didn't really understand how getting cut off from the real world for days at a time because she was living in a dream counted as a power. Unless she could actually bring back useful objects.
"I know it's not normal, I just don't see how it's helpful." She said honestly, nodding as he talked about meeting the group. At least she wasn't alone. "I suppose." She murmured when he talked about Angel's nature, it made sense after all.
Rain stepped back slightly as he changed, staring in disbelief. He really was an angel. This was... incredible. She was thoroughly enchanted. Taking a few hesitant steps towards him, she smiled gently.
"Alright, I trust you."

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A friendly smile appeared on Jake’s face when she told him she trusted him.
“I promise, Zethya, my sister, will be able to answer any question you might have that I can not answer.”
Jake took a few steps forward and placed his hand on her shoulder gently. “No ability is useless, you just need to find a use.” He said, “You would be surprised.”

But he remembered that Mystery could soon be approaching and that the others could be wondering where he had gotten to, he decided it was probably best to take Rain back before Mystery found them. However he did not immediately pick her up, instead he asked,
“Do I have permission to pick you up and fly?”

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Alex kept on messing with using the shadow to grab things making sure that Zetya didn't come by to bust him but frankly now he wasn't looking so anyone could catch him he turned his arm into a shadow and turned it into differnt things he smiled again he was feeling exhusted but he just shook the feeling off and turned himself into a complete shadow he was silent now he ran up a wall and what blew him away is that he was attached to the ceiling he was upside down on the roof he wanted someone to come by so he could scare them.

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Rain smiled back at him.
"I have so many questions that I don't even know where to begin." She said truthfully.
This was such a strange situation, how could any of this really be happening? She spent so long questioning whether she was in reality or not that it was hard to believe this was real.
She looked at him, feeling an immense warmth towards him.
"I hope your right, it would be nice to know that leaving reality for days at a time could actually be useful."
She blushed slightly at his question.
"Um... yes."

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Zethya walked past allen's room. She had a smile on her face, she knew what he was doing. He would have to learn that he really couldn't get much past her.

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#, as written by WICBAT
Kameron turned around, having a feeling that he was followed out into the Lobby. And an even greater feeling that Nella was using her powers. He saw Nella's spirit wandering into the Lobby area. "Well, I guess you didn't exactly disobey my request for you to stay put." Kameron said, remembering about her power to leave her body. "Even with an Angle spirit sharing my body, I still don't understand women." He remarked, playfully.

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"Will you ever?" Nella asked. "This is really cool..." She remarked. She basically was a ghost. She could float through things, fly, go invisible, and be completely silent.
"So...what's going on?"

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Lily sat outside Demitri's room. She was a bit worried and wanted to stay with him. She also didn't have much else to do.

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Jake gently picked up Rain. She was lighter than he thought, almost feather light even. However, Remiel was probably taking most of it so that Jake could concentrate on flying.

He took to the skies, he didn’t go too high though, he was pretty sure Rain wasn’t used to flying, especially outside of a plane. It was only a short distance to the others and upon entering he put Rain down.

“I am sure they are all in there, I will be right with you after I make sure Mystery did not see us.” Jake said. He quickly took back to the sky and scanned around. He couldn’t sense her and that was good enough for him. He landed again and closed the door.
“And I am back.” He said, somewhat needlessly.

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Alex got bored and landed when in shadow form he was silent undectable he opened the door and saw Zethya he turned back "Hey I have a question what else can I do can we start my training now I just want to get the basics down you know?" he gave a smile he was getting used to transforming back and forth now along with extending shadows to grab or touch things.

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"I can see that no matter what we say, you and your sister will only just keep trying, so we might as well just start." Zethya said with a smile. "Come, get your body and follow me, Allen."

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Alex shrugged he transformed back to normal he smiled "Ok lets go." he was right behind her

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#, as written by WICBAT
Kameron walked towards Nella's spirit. "Probably not." He said, amusing himself by passing his hand through her arm. "As for what's going on, we're probably just going to start training you, seeing as you and your brother keep trying to use your powers." He said, giving Nella a knowing smile that said he could almost see exactly what his twin sister saw. Kameron knew from that gut-deep, twin connection that Zethya was about to start training Allen. "Let's go get your body, come on." He said, as if he were talking to someone way younger that he needed to tell them twice.

Demitri opened his bedroom door and saw Lily sitting just outside it. He leaned up against the door frame and smiled at her, mezmorized yet again. By beauty alone this time. "Do you ever, oh, I don't know, talk?" He asked her, playfully. He thought maybe if he could get her to smile and laugh maybe she would start talking more often.

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Rain was a little alarmed when they first took off, gripping onto Jake a little more tightly.
It was a bit more scary flying in real life than it was in her dreams, she hadn't even been on a plane before. However after a while she got used to it, even found it quite enjoyable.
Nevertheless, she was glad when he put her down.
She frowned as he spoke but before she could respond he was gone.
Myster? What did he mean by that.
When he came back and closed the door, she looked at him carefully.
"Who's Mystery? You didn't mention that name before." She asked, wondering if Mystery was one of the threats to the fate of the world.

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Nella grinned. "Awesome." She went back to her room, returning to her body. She was a little light-headed as she stood up, but otherwise she was just fine. She met Kameron back in the hallway. "All right, I'm all ready."

Zethya led Allen to a huge room, filled with training mats, weapons, boxing equipment, anything you could thing of. "Well, what do you think?"

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#, as written by WICBAT
Kameron let Nella return to her body. She came back out to the hallway. "This way." He said, giving a curt point with his head. He led Nella down the hallway. It was interesting how the building worked. Although all the hallways strected out in distinct, different directions and never turned, they all opened at the same door to the Training Room. Or what ever room was needed to be entered.
Kameron opened the door for Nella and saw Zethya and Allen on the other side. "Well, what do you think?" Zethya asked Allen.
"I for one, think that it's time to start training. I'll leave them in your hands sis. I'm going to go get Demitri, and something tells me the one of Dreams is here." Kameron shut the door behind him and jogged back down the hallway. This is where the building got tricky. It really did put you where you needed to be.
Kameron wasn't paying attention as he tripped over Lily. He sat up, rubbing his face and moaning. "Oww..." He looked back. As he stood up, Kameron spoke. "We're going to start training. Best get Demitri back there." He said, motioning down the hall.
Kameron continued down the hallway, back into the Lobby. He saw Jake and another girl there. "You must be the one of Dreams." Kameron said, absolutely needlessy. Kameron looked at Jake as he finally quit rubbing his cheek. "Umm, everyone else is in the Training Room." He looked back to the girl. "I hate to jump start you on all of this, but you should get back there too." Kameron said. "Your choice Jake. Bedroom or Training Room first." Kameron took off down his and Nella's hallway. It only made sense that his room was on the same hallway as Nella's. After all, he was supposed to protect her.

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Allen smiled "Well I say lets destroy somethings." he picked up a wooden form of a giant one edge claymore he swung it around a bit "Now this is what I am talking about I think theres a name for this form of claymore right I for get what is called though."

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Nella laughed at her brother. "You would pick the biggest sword of them all." She rolled her eyes, and grabbed the matching one. "En gaurde."

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#, as written by WICBAT
Kameron opened the door to the Training Room to find Nella and Allen with wooden claymores poised for a duel. "Hm. I see you two favor melee weapons. That'll be good for protecting yourselves from targets up close. But keep in mind, you also need to learn the distance weapons, such as bow and arrow." Kameron thought quickly about what he said. "But of course, I could be wrong. Perhaps my sister wants you two to start with this." He said, not trying to make himself look like a total critic. Even though he did do some of that quite often. "Oh, also, the one of Dreams is here. Jake is with her. He'll be showing her her room and then coming here. Or vice-versa. Not sure which."

Demitri started to walk towards Lily as one of the protecter boys tripped over her. Demitri gasped and quickly knelt next to her, to make sure she was alright. It seemed that the boy, Kameron, was hurt more. He hit the floor face-first and sat up rubbing his face. He said to Lily that she ought to get Demitri to training. Kameron took off again as Demitri help Lily to her feet. "I assume that he wants us to go that way?" He said, more of a statement than a question. Demitri walked down the hall and opened the door. Inside was Zethya, Allen, Nella, and.... Kameron? "What? How did you...? Huh...?"
"The building puts you where you need to be. Don't worry on it too much." Kameron explained. Demitri looked at him. He looked fine. That probably a good thing. He took quite a fall and if he heals that fast, then, well... Of course, Demitri could be wrong and Kameron never was hurt at all except for the pain. Demitri walked through the room. He saw some bows and he picked one up. Near the bows where the sheaths filled with arrows. Demitri strapped one on and walked over to the shooting range. He loved shooting things. He aimed down range and fired...

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"Actually...each Chosen specialize in a certian weapon. Allen and Nella, claymores. Demitri, the bow and arrow. And Rain, the whip." Zethya stated with a sly smile. Nella grinned, waiting for her brothers' reply.