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Cailean MacIosaig

Born to Fight

0 · 200 views · located in 500 BCE Scotland

a character in “Road to Ruin”, as played by RavensOath


Name: Cailean MacIosaig
Age: Around 19 years old
Gender: Male
Tribe: Cantae
Location: Cantae
Parents: Maon and Caoimhe both deceased
Class: Warrior
Magick: can change his appearance into that of any animal he chooses
Appearance: Standing at 6 foot 2 inches tall. Cailean is very well built from fighting but not too big. He usually wears pants and a vest like shirt that are light so he has full mobility. He has a belt that he hangs two sheaths on. His hair is brown and hangs down to his shoulders in a wavy fashion. He has a tattoo of a triple spiral right below his neck, he also has a couple of tribal bands around his body.
Weapons:He carries two swords that are big enough for him to use both at the same time but not too big. Sometimes he only uses one sword.
BIO: Cailean was born on a night of a full moon. when he was young he used to go out into the forest with friends and play in the forest and the meadow. one day Cailean's parents had to go out to fight a rival clan that was threatening Cantae. One night when Cailean came back from playing in the woods and one of the villagers told him that his parents had died fighting in the battle to protect Cantae. From that night on he stopped doing all the things that he did before and spent all his free time training in the woods. he vowed that he would destroy anyone who tried to destroy his village.
Other: He does not spend very much time hanging around other people.

So begins...

Cailean MacIosaig's Story

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Character Portrait: Sorcha Ceàrdach Character Portrait: Cailean MacIosaig
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Cailean could not sleep the entire night so before sun up he left his house. everyone else was asleep so he just slipped out unnoticed. when he was on the outskirts of the village he dropped down to his knees and started to change. He had an ability to change his form into that of any animal. He turned into a pitch black raven and took off into the air.

Cailean loved changing forms into that of a bird because he could soar through the sky and have some time to think about things. Cailean decided to land and take some time to train. He loved this meadow right next to a small waterfall where he could focus. He landed and took out his swords and started training.

After a bit of time had passed and the sun was starting to come up he finished his training and went under the waterfall to wash all the sweat off his body. He again took the form of a crow and started flying towards the village. on his way back he saw one of the girls from his village in the cemetery. He swooped down and landed on the tombstone of his parents and watched the girl. it seemed like she was just visiting some of her relatives.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cadeyrn Caileanach Character Portrait: Cailean MacIosaig
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after Cailean was done with his business he transformed back into his original form and started back to the village. the walk back to the village took only a short while and when he got back the town was moving and everyone was working. Cailean decided to go back to his house and get ready for the oncoming day. everywhere he went he heard whispers of the oncoming attack. Cailean was not phased by the oncoming attack but he rather enjoyed the thought of his first actual battle. Cailean wanted to find the kill the people who killed his parents and this battle might bring him closer to achieving his goals.

On his way back he ran into one of his fellow warriors in the tribe. This warriors name was Cadeyrn. Cailean nodded respectfully. "hello brother." he said and took Cadeyrn's arm in a friendly shake. "are you ready for the oncoming days?" Cailean knew that it would take all of their warriors at their best to defeat these invaders. "i have been training non stop since i heard the news of the attack and i am ready to protect this village." he said hoping to give Cadeyrn some reassurance. "they are no match for our might."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cadeyrn Caileanach Character Portrait: Sorcha Ceàrdach Character Portrait: Cailean MacIosaig
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The warrior in front of Cadeyrn was young and from his excitement of the coming battle, rather brash.
The fires of war will forge him into a man soon enough. he thought to himself as he took the young warrior's arm in an embrace.

''i have been training non stop since i heard the news of the attack and i am ready to protect this village." The Tribesman said with confidence. "They are no match for our might."

Cadeyrn forced a smile." Indeed, we will kill many of them". He said with his own forced enthusiasm.
"I must be off. Continue training for now, for the day will come when we need every able-body warrior we can muster." The Champion said before turning and continuing on his way to his dwelling.

Upon arriving in his small home, Cadeyrn immediately began packing dried meat, bread and vegetables into a smaller satchel, then he placed a long sleeve tunic and wool leggings for cold weather into a large sack, along with tools needed to repair damage to his equipment.
After arranging the large sack and satchel on his bedding, he grabbed a a few leather and cloth pouches. One had a flint and tender in it for starting a fire, another had herbs that could combat a fever and illness, and the last one had another mixture of herbs that slow bleeding and reduce pain when applied to an injury.
After laying the pouches next to the sack and satchel, he moved over to an area of the hut where he kept his battle gear. There, Cadeyrn equipped his belt, which had a large horizontal oval piece that protected his lower stomach and another long piece that ran from his left hip, across his chest and connected at his right shoulder, there he sheathed his dirk. The piece continued over his right shoulder, across his back and connected at his left hip which is where he would sheathe his long sword.
Next he pulled out a pair of leather boots insulated with rabbit fur and a pair of finger less leather gloves.
At the other side of the room, he already had his large oak and iron shield leaning against the wall, along with his Lancea long spear resting behind it. He would leave them there until time to leave.
After making a mental note to fill his water skin after leaving the village, he began to inspect his blade for any damage or blunt areas on the blade, and after being satisfied that he was keeping his promise to Sorcha about taking care of the blade, he sheathed it on his back strap.

All there is left to do is wait, he thought to himself. Dusk would be arriving in a few hours. Gods guide our path.