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Antoni Grazif

"Never able to see my family again... forced to work as a blacksmith and now i'm a fighter for the army? Yeah, you could say my life is pretty interesting..."

0 · 218 views · located in Dasoon "The Holy City"

a character in “Scarkim”, originally authored by Cazuki, as played by RolePlayGateway



Name: Antoni Grazif

Age: 20

Sex: Male

Country of Origin: Minthold

Mediere specialty: Rock mediere

Physical description (normal/work):
-Blond, ruffled, hair which is singed slightly in some spots from the fires in his workplace.
- Lean yet toned figure, slightly tanned.
- Reddish-brown eyes.
- 6’0
- Light blue work trousers and a thin white shirt.
- A brown ribbon-like item with a white skull, he says it is the sign of his workplace.
- A gold, sectioned necklace.

Physical description (solider):
- Face cannot be seen, only the eyes.
- Plate armour, some chainmail for legs and arms, all grey with red stripes on.
- A star-like symbol on his chest.

Antoni has always been the care-free type, never letting anything get him down. He is very light-hearted with many people and so he is also quite popular. He can be serious though and when he is few people mess with him through either fear of being caught in the cross-fire or getting shouted at for distracting him. He is very loyal to both his work as a blacksmith and his side job as a fighter for the Minthold army when they are having small skirmishes.
He tends to act more serious when he is fighting in the army and doesn’t talk as much, leading to the conclusion that many people who see one version of him and then the other would think they are totally different people. He uses this to his advantage and is able to be a threat without being seen.

Making weapons and armour
His necklace
His suit of armour

People who threaten others
People who kill others for their own gain
People who talk to him when he is concentrating

People close to him being barred from him.
Water, his armour will start to freeze up when he is in water.

Antoni was born
in a rather normal family in Minthold. His parents were miners in one of the various large mediere quarries. It had always been back-breaking work for them and as soon as Antoni had been old enough to help he did, doing various odd jobs in the mining industry. In one of his odd jobs one day he was introduced to the refinement of mediere and, being as curious as he was, he absorbed some of the rock mediere into his body.

At his age this was forbidden, as he was only 12 at the time, but when he started to see the effects it had on him, making him more able to help others he continued to absorb rock mediere until he was found out at age 18. By this time he was completely accustomed to using rock mediere and was somewhat of a master in his own right.
When he was found out he should have been detained but his parents, and various other miners, stood up for him and so, instead of being detained, Antoni was taken out of the mines and was put into the blacksmith industry, where most people who were proficient at rock mediere were sent.

The punishment of this was that Antoni was forbidden from seeing his family or friends in the mines ever again, or until he was forgiven for his actions by the ruler of Minthold, which would be almost impossible for him. For days on end he kicked up a fuss about not being able to see his loved ones again and that is when he gained his weakness of not being near those he makes friends with.

A year passed and by now Antoni had accepted his fate to remain a blacksmith for the rest of his natural life, making friends with the other blacksmiths and the people who brought his goods. In that year, when Minthold was in a small fight with another nation people were asking for soldiers to be put forward to continue the battle. Antoni answered the call and for days on end made his own set of armour for battle, made of some of the best materials and crafted by his excellent use of his mediere.
That was when he became a fighter for the Minthold army. He only went into service though when there was a battle near Minthold and otherwise continued his work as a blacksmith. Only the army generals knew the two were connected.

Currently, since there haven’t been many battles that needed Antoni’s attention he has stayed being a blacksmith, his suit of armour gathering dust in a corner of his small shop, which he shared with another blacksmith. With war being expected though Antoni will probably have to don his armour once again and fight for his nation.


His black smith tools including a hammer (can be used as a weapon)
A small knife in case he gets some unruly customers.
A gold, sectioned necklace given to him when he left the mines for good.

His suit of armour crafted by himself. Majorly plate with some chainmail to cover areas which couldn’t easily be covered by plate.
A sword crafted by himself. Made from fine quality steel. Slotted into a sheath in his armour.

(Satchel, kept in both forms)
Food rations.
Sharpening tools for weapons.
A small journal where he can draw and write about his experiences both when he is fighting in the army and when he is working as a blacksmith.

- The original concept design for Antoni's armour. Later on the horns and large drills were removed as they were impractical.

So begins...

Antoni Grazif's Story


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Character Portrait: Antoni Grazif
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Cazuki
Antoni smiled as he played with his necklace. It was beatiful, well it was to him at least. It was sectioned, with small, barely seen lines seperating each piece of gold from the other. It was the last thing which connected him with his true home, that and his abilites. He sighed then as he remembered his old home in the mediere quarries, the people, old and young, that he had made friends with, his mother and father, kind and hard-working, then himself as he learned to use rock mediere.
He continued thinking, his mind in a blissful embrace of memories when suddenly he heard the sound of someone saying something. The words were gurgled and not understandable at first but then they became more urgent and as Antoni finnaly focused he was shocked at the loudness of a man's voice.

"Antoni!! You're gonna burn yourself!" Antoni jumped back when he heard this, dropping the white hot piece of metal he had been crafting onto the floor and seeing as it hissed slightly before starting to cool down. His friend, and another blacksmith, Roman, sighed with relief as he walked over from his side of the workshop. "What were you doing, you could have really hurt yourself!" he almost shouted, his tone angry for a while then stopping as he visibly slumped and looked at Antoni with an exsaperated gaze, relatovely normal for him "be careful will you..."
"Sorry Roman" Antoni said, his tone apolgetic. At least he wasn't getting a lecture today.

Roman and Antoni had been working together for a year now and in that time both of them had established a good friendship with the other. Roman was older than Antoni at 24 but really you wouldn't guess it from the way he acted on occasion.
"...It's okay... thinking about the quarries again?" Roman said.
Roman, unlike many people Antoni had met, knew the most about his past, or at least as much as the generals of the Minthold army did. In short he was a previous quarry worker who had used rock mediere from a forbidden age. He wasn't detained but was instead barred from seeing any of the quarry workers ever again without a pardon from the ruler of Minthold and was set to work as a blacksmith. He also works in the army as a fighter and occasionaly is allowed to travel to other areas most fighters can't go to as a kind of scout. That was all he knew or needed to know.
Roman himself was quite normal, started as an apprentice and moved up slowly to becoming a blacksmith.

"Maybe" Antoni said, smiling a bit, his tone becoming slightly more uplifting again as he said "it's just been a little boring lately"
"It probably won't be like this for much longer you know" Roman said, more serious than Antoni had expected.
"Yeah... i know" Everyone knew a war was coming and maybe a reason Roman was serious when it came to that subject was when that time came Antoni would leave and fight for Minthold as his service contract stated.

The setting changes from Scarkim to Dasoon "The Holy City"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Antoni Grazif Character Portrait: Asuka Katsumi Scarlet
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Cazuki
Antoni's ears twitched as he heard a faint bang sound, discordant and out of rythym witht he banging that both he and Roman had been doing shortly before. At first he wished his mind to dismiss it as nothing, he didn't want to cause trouble today, or be on the scene of any for that matter. Normally Antoni wouldn't have minded a quick prank or two, maybe tripping someone up on a 'rock' to see how they reacted or just wandering the streets and listening to the sounds of the earth being pounded on again and again by many feet and sometimes paws, sensing it through the ground on occasion.
Then he continued to think about it, not concerntrating enough and almost burning himself again. Roman didn't notice this time though, he was like a rock himself when he worked, almost dead to anything on the outside except for either the shout of a potential customer or the smell of fresh food which was delivered to them by the local market. Antoni sighed, he wouldn't be able to work like this. With that he quietly slipped away from his work area and walked over to a cutained area near the back of the area, this is where his armour was. That sound hadn't just been someone's feet, it sounded more like something really heavy hitting a wall. He quickly put on the armour and checked to see if his weapon was there, it was. He the put on his mask and walked out slipping into the crowds, only his eyes able to be seen through his helmet and the armour, that he had crafted himself, making him look an inch or so taller.
He couldn't hear another pound so decided it was time he used a little 'magic'. He smiled and concerntrated. SUddenly the area around him seemed to darken and instead of people there were only multiple coloured foot prints, moving slowly. He could sense where the disturbance in the wall had been and walked towards it, turning off the vision.
As he reached the alley he looked in and saw a young women and a man.
"Hey, what are you doing?" he said in a clear voice.

[Passive Mediere used: Vision of Disturbance.]
[Mediere used this post: 1]
[Mediere left: 14]