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Constance Ness

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a character in “Secrets Beyond the Wall”, originally authored by rosehart, as played by RolePlayGateway

So begins...

Constance Ness's Story


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Character Portrait: Brandon Michaels Character Portrait: Constance Ness
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Constance stood the at gates walking back and forth before looking at the time. "It's been over an hour and Samuel is no where to be seen." Stopping, she slid her phone back in her pocket and crossed her arms, "He probably got himself into trouble again." Looking over at Brandon she realized he wasn't even paying attention to her. "Hey, can you leave your phone for one minute.. Remember there isn't any reception up here!" Just rolling her eyes, she grabbed his wrist and pulled him inside toward the castle. Once being emerged with the town, her eyes widened at the sight. It was almost like she was zipped back in time to a town that hasn't been touched by the future. Not noticing that was the case, she pulled out her camera and began to take photos of everything.

"Amazing, look they even dress up!" This was all a game to her but she had to stay focus. Letting her camera drop around her neck, she walked over to another person. "Excuse m-" Being cut off, the person pushed past her, acting like they were afraid of her. "That was.. weird." She rubbed her arms while the breeze of dusk chilled her body. Finding a small bench, she sat down to rest her legs. "By now who knows where he is! All I know is he can be some sort of dungeon." Laughing at the thought she scratched her nails against her jeans. "With his curiosity, he get's caught in problems while dragging us along!" The best thing she do right now was call his name in hopes of catching his ear. Yelling over and over again, she pulled Brandon to join her. After a while, she stopped with not luck of him responding and just got strange looks from people passing.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daenerys Thrate Character Portrait: Brandon Michaels Character Portrait: Constance Ness Character Portrait: Samuel Wright Character Portrait: Demetrius Thrate Character Portrait: Loretta Franchesca Thrate
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As she waited for the words to spill out of the man's mouth she couldn't help but notice his odd appearance. Where ever this stranger was from he wasn't from around here. This quality about him peaked Daenerys interest in him, she found those who weren't from her kingdom to of utmost interest. As he bowed to her she did nothing but smiled it least he showed he had enough sense to bow in respect to those who could leave him to rot in the dudgeons.

"I would kiss your hand, alas I am afraid your guards would behead me should I take even a step closer."

Letting out a small giggle she liked this man so far, even in the worst of situations he showed a good sense of humor. Before the man could speak her sister entered the halls. As the man repeated his bowing in respects to her sister she watched as Loretta sent Sebastian off to track down their still missing in action brother before taking her seat at her throne.

"Please Daenerys, at least be civil." Daenerys let out a simple chuckle as she turned her head to look at her sister "Do not worry dear sister, for as long as this man has a reasonable explantation for his actions this evening I see no reason for harsh actions to be taken." Turning back her attention to the man in question she said "Please do explain."

She listened intensively as the man spoke his side of the story once he was done she said nothing as her sister choose to speak first. "That is a reasonable explanation. Melaous, could that have happened?" As the unnerved guard confirmed the man's words her sister dismissed all servants and guards. As they began to leave her brother ever fashionably late finally made his grand entrance. "What has this man done that was so bad that I just had to come down here and take care of it?" He said as he approached his sisters. "Good evening, Dany," he greeted her, "Evening brother."

As the hall cleared out leaving only the royal siblings and the unnamed stranger Dany looked at her brother "Your sisters have the situation well under control if you still wish to leave you are free to do so," Dany knew her brother didn't care for things such as this which is why she was slightly surprised that he had showed up at all. Watching her sister descend from her throne she walked over to the man "What is your name and where are you from?" These were two questions that Daenerys herself wanted the answers to.


Brandon stood up against the gate messing with his iPhone 5s, he wasn't getting any service which was pissing him off. He hated himself for letting Samuel talk them in to traveling on the road after the old lady had warned them to turn back around, but of course him not wanting to debate with Sam and cause trouble he had agreed. "Hey, can you leave your phone for one minute.. Remember there isn't any reception up here!" Constance yelling at him caused him to look up from his screen "Oh, sorry" he said tucking his phone into his pocket. Before he could say anything else he was being whisked away to the castle.

As they came to the town Brandon stood in awe as Constance began to take pictures as she also did when they came face to face which such amazing sights. "Where are we?," he asked thing out loud. "Amazing, look they even dress up!" Brandon looked at the people as the walked pass them some of them looking back and giving them strange looks as if they were the ones who looked weird. He watched as Constance tried to ask some one a question but before she could even get out the words the woman pushed past her running away. "That was.. weird." Brandon nodded as he walk over to so they were now standing side by side, "Really weird." As Constance took a seat on a bench he noticed she was cold, looking up at the sky night was quickly approaching and he didn't know where they were or where they would be sleeping tonight.

With the outfit he chose to wear today he had put on a sweater with it which he handed to Constance as he took a seat beside her on the bench. "By now who knows where he is! All I know is he can be some sort of dungeon. With his curiosity, he get's caught in problems while dragging us along!" Brandon let out a laugh but said nothing as the thought of Samuel sitting in some creepy dungeon crossed his mind, he really hoped none of them would be spending the night in a cell. As Constance again led him off he to joined her and calling out their missing friend's name as he did his best to ignore the strange looks they were getting.


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Character Portrait: Brandon Michaels Character Portrait: Constance Ness
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Constance was angry, even more then she was a few minutes ago. Trying to hide it, she began to hum like nothing had happened. They had stepped in another world, the people and environment were something that was different and uncomprehending to Constance. Letting out a slight breathe, she looked over to see Brandon handing her the sweater he was wearing earlier. Taking it, she smiled and bowed her head just a bit, "Thank you." Feeling for the head hole, she crunched it up and slipped it over her body pulling her arms threw the sleeves. Hugging herself, she felt the warmth that came off of Brandon's body and packed into the fibers of the sweater.

Letting out another sigh, she looked at Brandon with a uncertain face. She wasn't sure what to do from this point on other then wait it out and see if they spot Samuel. This again wasn't the first time Samuel had done something like this, but not to this extent. They would find him within minutes, or an hour or so.. but not this long. He is an adult but sometimes she feels the need to watch over him, just to make sure he's okay. Turning away from Brandon, she looked up at the tall castle that stood not so far from them. What did you need to do in order to enter a place like that? But now she thought it was just some circus act or a tour they do for visitors, but the history.

Shrugging, she unhooked the camera she had around her neck and looked threw the photos she took. At dusk, this town and castle just looked amazing, perfect. Crossing her legs, she skimmed threw the pictures she took earlier in the week. Ever when there is plaques that were carved to tell history or information about the structure, she would snap a photo and read them when she had the time. History and stories were the best things her opinion. Shutting it off to save power, she turned back to face Brandon again, "Okay we can't wait here all night, what should we do?" She was fresh out of ideas and was hoping he had a few up his sleeve.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daenerys Thrate Character Portrait: Brandon Michaels Character Portrait: Constance Ness Character Portrait: Samuel Wright Character Portrait: Demetrius Thrate Character Portrait: Loretta Franchesca Thrate
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"I was dragged out here, so now I am staying. I walked all the way from my room." Dany rolled her eyes at her brother's words as he continued on "I didn't even make Sebastian carry me!" Giving a sarcastic clap of her hands she said "Wow you did all that work? On your own? You must be just so exhausted! Maybe I should have Amelia draw your bath so you can soak all your aches and pains away," her voice was full with sarcasm.

She at times envied her brother not because he was the one who inherited the throne but because he got to enjoy freedoms that she could only dream of. The only time she ever got to truly live was when she defied her father and while she always relished in her temporarily moments of freedom but it always ended the same. The guards would find her where ever she was and bring her to her father would scream and yell for what seemed like hours. Then she would be sent to her room for the night and by morning the number of guards would be increased to watch and follow her every move.

Turning her attention back to the strange man she listened as he spoke,"Samuel Wright and, though this is sort of obvious, I'm from Ireland." Daenerys was just as confused as the twins. As far as she knew there were only six other kingdoms not including her own in existent and none of them were called Ireland. "Metri, where is this Ireland?" Dany looked from her sister who had asked the question to her brother who answered saying "I've never heard of it." Daenerys gaze yet again fell on the Samuel as she considered what to do with him, before she could come to a decision her sister had already decided,"All right, Samuel. We do not want to be rude so I would humbly like to offer you a room, here, in the castle as a guest."

Giving her older sister a wary look Daenerys did not feel this was the wisest cause of action, "Loretta I don't think this would be wise. This man hails from lands we have never heard of and you offer him a room within the castle." Her brother who agreed with her added in "Loretta, we should keep him in the dungeon. We don't know what he's here for." Loretta ignored them both as she ordered for a room to be prepared for him. Daenerys let out a loud sigh, both of the twins were both stubborn as could be and at times that made them impossible to put up with.

Demetrius snapped at their sister "Loretta, he goes in the dungeon." It was late now and Daenerys didn't have the time or the energy to listen to her siblings go back and forth. "For tonight Samuel should stay in the dungeon and tomorrow after much rest and thought we can decided what to do with him until father and mother return home."


The longer him and Constance called for Samuel is more pissed off he became. Was Samuel know for wandering off yeah but he had never gone off so long and at such an hour. It seemed like they had been calling out for Sam forever when Constance turned and looked at him, "Okay we can't wait here all night, what should we do?" Brandon sighed as he took a moment to think which wasn't his strong suit. Looking at the castle in the distance he looked at Constance "Tonight we find somewhere to stay and tomorrow will head to the castle and hopeful someone there can help us locate Same and find a way out of here."

Standing up he began walking through the town. There were still many strange looks but Brandon didn't have time to care to think about how people were viewing him. He began knocking on doors of random houses and as most were either unanswered or slammed in his face one old lady listened. He told the woman that he and his friend got lost while out looking for another friend of theirs and now it was dark and they had no way of getting home or a place to sleep. The woman looked skeptical but after a long moment of just eyeing the two teens she allowed them into her home. Brandon thanked the woman as she gave them access to two single beds that she said once belonged to her sons that had since left home. He was happy that they had found a place to stay the nite but he was still worried about what tomorrow would bring.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brandon Michaels Character Portrait: Constance Ness
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Constance just listened and nodded her head, noticing how angry Brandon was, but she didn't add anything about it. Just a list of stupid scenarios Samuel could have gotten himself in played threw her head before getting up and following Brandon. Everyone was ignoring them and staring down as they passed but neither of them seemed to care. Finally, an older woman stopped to listen to their story, even offering them a place to stay. When walking in, she smiled as her head peeked around the walls, keeping note of everything. Picking her camera up again, she turned off the flash and began to snap, trying to be discreet. She was amazed, and picked up every little thing but saw the older lady in the corner of her eye spying on her. Giggling in embarrassment, she set them down and continued into the room the woman was leading them to.

Two single bed rested on either side of the room, with little to no furniture. Bowing her head down to the woman, Constance thanked her profusely. Walking to one of the beds, she sat down down and sunk into the cotton stuffed mattress. Thinking of how dedicated to the role they were playing enough to not even have spring mattresses. Jumping off of it, she walked over to Brandon and turned his whole body to the door of the room, "Stay like that, I'm going to change." After that, she slipped off her clothes and put something on that was loose and more fitting to sleep in. "There you can turn around now." Stretching, she walked to a small chest that rested in the middle of the room. Tilting her head at it, she opened it up to a few set of clothes for her sons. Laughing a bit, she just closed the top and sat down on it.

Dragging her bag closer to her by her toes, she unzipped it to look for her phone. Opening it, she sighed at the fact it only had one power bar left and still no signal. Closing it she threw it on her bed and placed her head in her hands out of frustration. Hearing the steps of the woman, she looked up to see her with a wooden tray and bowls rested on top. The woman introduced herself as Abigail, and to only call her by that. Assuming they were hungry, she offered them some soup she had made earlier. Ever since her sons had left, she always made to much of every meals she prepared. Thanking her again for the offer, she took it off the tray with high hopes. "If you need anything just ask, it's the least we can do." Constance said with a smile. Looking over at Brandon, she nudged her head for him to take the other soup from her tray.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daenerys Thrate Character Portrait: Brandon Michaels Character Portrait: Constance Ness Character Portrait: Samuel Wright Character Portrait: Demetrius Thrate Character Portrait: Loretta Franchesca Thrate
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Brandon gazed around the room he couldn't help be amazed by the fine detail involved in everything. From the way people dressed to architecture of the buildings to the furniture in the rooms, every piece of it made him feel as if he was dropped into another place in time. Who ever was responsible for this creation needed to be given some kind of reward.

As Constance came over to him she turned his body so he was facing the door, "Stay like that, I'm going to change." Brandon nodded "As you command my lady," Brandon said jokingly as he waited for Constance to finish changing. Once she had finished he started stripping out of his own clothes leaving on his boxers and undershirt. Walking over to the dresser as Constance opened it he took a look at the weird looking clothes "I can't believe people still wear stuff like this."

Picking up the clothes he had just taken off he placed them into his bag before zipping it back up. He glanced over at Constance who had her phone "Still no signal?" he asked as if he didn't already know the answer. He wished that their phones would work so they could just call Sam and ask him where the hell he was. With a sigh he sat down on his mattress, today had been one hell of a day and he just wanted to go to sleep and wake up in place where technology was something that worked.

Turning to the door as he heard it being pushed open the old woman named Abigail entered holding a wooden tray with bowls of food for them. In all their efforts to locate Samuel Brandon hadn't realized that they hadn't eaten. While just the smell of food made his stomach rumble he was skeptical of the woman's soup. Nothing of this place was like the world he knew and he wasn't to sure about eating food from here. As the woman left them yet again he thanked her as she exited the room then looked at Constance who was offering him his soup. With an unsure look on his face he took the soup for her and eyed it suspiciously before looking back up at her "You try it first."


Dany just sat but in just watched as the scene before her continued to unfold. Loretta respecting Demetrius's word as heir to the throne left the decision up to him which meant Samuel would be spending the night in the dudgeons. On one hand she felt bad for the man as the dudgeon wasn't a place anyone wanted to be. However, she didn't know anything about him other than his name, the fact that he had been arrested and he was supposedly from some land that she didn't really think existed. In all honesty she felt much safer knowing he was going to be under confinement while within the castle.

Before leaving Loretta made mention of Samuel's friends that the man had brought up. The though of this made her wonder if these people looked at weird as Samuel did. She figured so. With her sister gone Dany felt like it was time for her to finally go to bed. The decision had already been made as to what would be happening to Samuel so he presence was no longer required. "Well with all taken care of I shall turn in for the night. Good nite Metri," she said taking her leave before the argument between her brother and Samuel took place.

Walking the distance to her bedroom she couldn't be anymore happy when she finally got into bed. The arrival of Samuel had her mind racing of all the things that could exist out there that she had never discovered before. The feeling that she was missing out on life is what caused her rebelliousness. She wanted to explore and discover and just sitting in the castle all day everyday was not allowing to do either of those things. As she allowed her mind to settle she was soon asleep and much needed slumber.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brandon Michaels Character Portrait: Constance Ness
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Constance noticed Brandon was acting fishy about the food given to them by Miss Abigail. Looking down at the bowl, she sniffed it and spun it around with the spoon. Glaring up at him, she gave him a upsetting look, "What do you think this nice woman is here to poison us? Come on, they might be putting on the act of being in another Era but they wouldn't kill us with salmonella bacteria. That's just bad reputation for them!" Taking the biggest scoop she could, she plopped it in her mouth and swallowed. A few seconds after really taking in the taste, she let her tongue drop form her mouth. "Bleck, She's a nice woman but needs to work on her cooking skills." Setting the bowel off to the side, she shook her head for him not to eat it. "I'm so hungry! I can really go for a hamburger right now." Looking off, she noticed Abigail has also left them half of a loaf.

"Oh lookie!" picking up the bread, she split it in two, giving it to Brandon. "I don't see any mold, plus it feels fresh." Taking a bite of the bread, her eyes rolled back. She was in bread heaven, but she didn't know if her dieing hunger had anything to do with the taste. "I would kill for some butter right now." The one thing she loved about traveling was sampling all the foods from around the world. No matter how fattening it was, she would be the first one to stuff her face it in within seconds. Savoring her only edible piece of food, she ate it slowly. Before finishing it, she looked at the bowel with the tasteless soup and dipped in a small part of her bread. Eating it, she smiled and nodded her head fast, "I think I found the solution!"

Taking the bread back from his hand, she ripped a piece off and dipped it in his soup. With one swift move, she stuffed the bread in his mouth. "Nom nom nom." she was acting weird, maybe it was the fact of having no internet connection for more then five hours or they lost their friend in a world unknown to them. Snapping out of it, she sat on her bed and crossed her legs again. "Okay enough of this, what if he's dead or something! Who knows that these people are capable of. Let's say tomorrow does come, then where do we start? How do you even think he got into that castle and if he did.. Samuel wouldn't do this to us, just leaving us to the dirt. I really think he is in trouble, more then that time in Greece!" Sighing, she felt scared plus with the no reception, they had no way of contacting him. "What if he had returned back to the cottage, the one down the road?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brandon Michaels Character Portrait: Constance Ness
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"What do you think this nice woman is here to poison us? Come on, they might be putting on the act of being in another Era but they wouldn't kill us with salmonella bacteria. That's just bad reputation for them!" Brandon didn't care what Constance said he wasn't putting this stuff anywhere near his mouth until she tried it first. He watched her intensively as she picked up her spoon and ate from the bowl. As her face twisted with a look of disgust Brandon bursted out laughing, he knew he had made the right choice not eating the soup. "Bleck, She's a nice woman but needs to work on her cooking skills." Brandon chuckled while nodding as he set his bowl of untouched soup aside, he would be skipping dinner tonight.

As Constance noticed the loaf of bread left from them she broke it in two and gave him his portion. He again waited for her to eat first and after she took her bite he started eating his piece of the bread. People here may not know anything about making soup but when it came to their breads he had never tasted anything better. Part of him wished Miss Abigail had forgotten all about her soup and just giving them a bunch of bread. While Constance was right about how much better the bread would be with some butter he wasn't about to complain. He was in the middle of enjoying his food when Constance took the bread back from him, "Aww!" Without warning she ripped off a piece from the bread and dunked it in the soup before jamming it into his mouth, "Nom nom nom." Brandon chewed slowly before finally swallowing "Not to bad," he said was he started eating what was left of his bread with the soup.

"Okay enough of this, what if he's dead or something! Who knows that these people are capable of. Let's say tomorrow does come, then where do we start? How do you even think he got into that castle and if he did.. Samuel wouldn't do this to us, just leaving us to the dirt. I really think he is in trouble, more then that time in Greece!" Brandon just stared at Constance with a blank expression on his face as he finished what was left of the bed. The girl was in the middle of a melt down. "What if he had returned back to the cottage, the one down the road?" Brandon shrugged "Well if he just went back without saying anything to us he is the biggest dick in the world and I'll kick his ass next time we see him." Placing the bowl aside he looked back at Constance "Look, in all honesty I have no idea what's gonna happen tomorrow. All I know is that we have both had a long day and we need to sleep. Hopefully where ever Samuel is he is safe and has one hell of a good explanation for his disappearance." Getting comfortable in his bed for the night he glanced over at Constance "Get some rest. Well discuss plans in the morning," he said turning over and closing his eyes as he prepared for a well deserved sleep.


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Character Portrait: Brandon Michaels Character Portrait: Constance Ness
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Constance just sat back and listen to Brandon's explanation. Agreeing with everything he said, she nodded and sat her half empty bowel to the side. Sitting there for a while, just going over her thoughts she yawned and rubbed her eyes. Getting up, she walked over to the candle that dimly lit the room and blew it out with one breathe. Hopping over to her vacant bed, she flopped down face first. Lifting her head up, she took in a deep breathe and rolled onto her back. Staring at the ceiling for a while, she couldn't fall asleep. Her eyes followed the cracks before finding there way to the wallpaper, then getting lost in the man-made maze shortly after. Yawning once more, she sat up and went to her bag, setting it down at her feet. Unzipping it, she looked for something to entertain herself. Looking to the side, she wondered if Brandon had fallen asleep. To her surprise, he was snoring like a hound dog.

Laughing a bit, she dug her hand at the bottom of the bag and pulled out her notebook and a pencil. Squinting at the lines, she wrote down a few ideas, played a game of ticktacktoe by herself, and thought up a list of perfect words to use in a game of hangman. Closing her notebook, she smiled with high hopes of finding Samuel in good health. Wherever he is, she was sure he was safe, unless he was in a slaughterhouse.. then that's bad. Putting that aside, she slipped everything back in her bag and was bored again. Her eyes were glued open but her body was telling her to go to sleep. Now she just started to get mad, blaming Samuel for all this madness and she couldn't take it. Few minutes later, she was calmed and relax, humming soft 'it's okay' to herself. Pinning her hair back into a bun, she turned on her side to face Brandon and closed her eyes. Eventually she fell asleep, with little to no rest the next morning.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brandon Michaels Character Portrait: Constance Ness Character Portrait: Samuel Wright Character Portrait: Demetrius Thrate
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As soon as the command was issued, two guards stepped forward and took Samuel's arms. At first he fought, and was actually almost free by the time two more arrived. Still, they had to drag the man out of the room and down the to dungeons. Lucky for the ladies, they had already left and missed the string of curses that spewed from his mouth as he was dragged. Each word held a strike of venom that was meant to hurt, but probably only made the stuck up "prince" laugh. If this was a joke, it was a cruel one. Had the old lady known about this? No, she had seemed kind, she would have told them more if she really didn't want them going up there. Or at least wanted them to be safe. It could have been set up by his friends, for payback, but he doubted even they could do something so crazy as this.

Once they locked him up, he realized there really was nothing he could do. Though the guards were surely having fun with him, especially since he had successfully given one a black eye and thrown in quite a few good punches on the original two. Every insult was met with an offhand comment though, until they grew bored and finally let him be. That was nice of them, he thought somewhat sarcastically, finally pulling his phone back out. If the phones didn't work outside, he had high doubts they would work down here. Either way, he still typed out a text that was sent to both his friends phones. Or at least it would be, if he could get enough service to send it.

Stuck in a fucking dungeon, anyone feel like helping?

Sighing, he rested his back against the wall and slid down, knees up and he perched his elbows on them. He didn't sleep for even a moment.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brandon Michaels Character Portrait: Constance Ness Character Portrait: Samuel Wright
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Constance yawned and was woken up by a light streams coming from the holes of the tattered curtains. Sitting up, she found this the best opportunity to change while Brandon was asleep. Slowing getting up, she went to the end of her bed and pulled out a the clothes she had on earlier, high-waisted jeans, a sleeveless t and Brandon's sweater. Rubbing her eyes, she looked up to hear Miss. Abigale knock on the door. Tiptoeing over there, she slightly opened the door to see her with bread, cheese, and a few selects of fruits on the tray. Smiling, she bowed her head, and without another word spoken, she took it and mouthed the words thank you. Closing the door, she walked back to her bed and sat down the tray. Looking at Brandon, she slide to him and tapped his head, "Time to wake up, Abby brought some food for us. It looks good, just some cheeses, fruit and bread." Walking to the tray, she separated the fruit to being equally distributed to the both of them (but giving herself the better fruit). Taking a bite, she smiled at the juiciness of the fruit.

After eating most of it, she sat down to check her phone for the time. Her eyes widen at the text she received from Samuel, unsure if it was the fact that she even received one or that Samuel was stuck in a dungeon! She felt bad that she hadn't notice the text until the morning, a good 8 or 9 hours he must have been in there. Then she started to freak out and 1000s of questions popped in her mind, what if he was dead!? What could Samuel have done to get in a dungeon. Putting that aside, she looked in the corner of her phone to see one single bar. Happy she instantly replied back, but with little seconds a notification came back there was no service. Looking back up, she realized the bar was gone and the words 'No Service' mocked her. She was determined, Constance stood on her bed to get the highest spot in the room, no success so she ran outside. One measly bar appeared, and she sent the message that was in her drafts.

"Where are you!?! Dungeon?! We been looking for you forever, are you in the castle? Are you okay?"


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Character Portrait: Constance Ness Character Portrait: Demetrius Thrate
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Demetrius slept, but fitfully. There was light streaming through his window when he decided to give up. He rose from his bed sleepily and remained half-aware as hands prepared him for the day. He floated out his door and sought out Sebastian, finding him not too far from the throne room.

"Sebastian!" he called. "Have you found Samuel's companions yet?"

The old guard sighed. "No," he said wearily, "not yet." Metri nodded solemnly.

"Where haven't you checked?" he asked. "I'd like to have a look myself."

"The closer you get to the gates, the less likely we've checked." Metri nodded again, and he took off for the town. Already, the people were bustling about and beginning their day. Not many noticed him, and he preferred it that way. He had almost gotten to the town gates when he saw a flash of bright red. His head whipped to follow it, and standing in the street was a strangely dressed, redheaded woman. She was holding up a strange box similar to the one Samuel had. One of the companions.

"You!" Metri shouted to her, sprinting her way. "I need to talk to you!"


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Character Portrait: Constance Ness Character Portrait: Demetrius Thrate
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Constance laughed a bit and looked down at her stomach, it seemed to not have been satisfied by the snack this morning. She checked her phone sighed in relief when the was text sent on it's way, crossing her fingers that it got to him. Slipping the phone back in her pocket, she ignored the calls out to her, thinking it wasn't even toward her. Looking, she noticed someone coming up to her, so she turned around to see if there was anyone behind her. Turning back, she pointed to herself, seeing if he was talking to her. Looking at his clothing, it seemed more expensive then the rest of the towns people. Miss. Abigale peaked out the window, and was surprised by the sudden visit from the Prince himself.

She stepped out and bowed to him, "Oh Prince Demetrius, how are you this find morning? Anything seem to be the problem?" She smiled and assumed it was for the strange girl that she took into her own home. Constance tilted her head toward him. A prince? They even worship people, this place is amazing. It came to her mind that this man might be able to tell her were Samuel is. Bowing herself, she asked him, "I don't mean to bother you, but I was wondering if you knew where a friend of mine was. He's tall, has a bit of scruff, dark brown hair and blueish eyes.. He said there was a-" She looked at Abigale, she was trying to cut Constance off for being rude to the prince. Laughing a bit, she apologized.

Keeping her hand on her pocket, she waited for it to vibrate with a text from Samuel. Her only lead was the man that stood in front of her and she wasn't going to lose it. "I don't want to be rude, I just need to know where my friend is.. If you don't wish for us to be here, then we have to find him and be on our merry ways." The first thing she was going to do when she saw Samuel was punch him really hard, this was a world they couldn't even comprehend, let alone being accepted in it. But if Sam was stuck in a place that he needed help, then that wasn't all his fault.. unless he did something that he deserved to be imprisoned, then she would just leave him in there to learn a lesson. She just needed to know.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daenerys Thrate Character Portrait: Brandon Michaels Character Portrait: Constance Ness Character Portrait: Demetrius Thrate
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Feeling someone tapping on his head Brandon made muffled groans as he did his best to ignore it and stay asleep, "Time to wake up, Abby brought some food for us. It looks good, just some cheeses, fruit and bread." Hearing the mention of food he suddenly perked up as his stomach began to growl almost instantly. While Constance separated the food Brandon got up out of his bed and put on a fresh pair of clothes, it felt weird putting on fresh clothes without bathing first but he didn't like re-wearing dirty clothes.

Taking the food Constance had left for him off the tray he sat back on his bed watching her as she messed with her phone. Brandon had official given up on his and he didn't see the point of trying anymore, there just wasn't service in this place. Brandon wasn't aware with what was going on as he was far to involved in his breakfast to notice get up and leave. Abby's breakfast was far better than the dinner she had provided them with last night. Devouring the meal wants his food was gone he had finally noticed Constance was gone. Did I really just lose her too he though to himself as he went to search the house.

He saw some that there was some action taking place outside of the house as Constance, Abigail and some new guy all stood outside. "I don't want to be rude, I just need to know where my friend is.. If you don't wish for us to be here, then we have to find him and be on our merry ways," walking in from behind Constance he stood there trying to get caught up. Tapping her shoulder he asked "Does this dude know where to find Samuel?"


"Daenerys. My lady it is time to wake up your breakfast is waiting" a muffled moan could be heard coming from the princess. She could hear Amelia laughing as she started to gently shake the princess awake, it was the same thing with Danereys every morning. Before long Amelia managed to awake the formally sleeping beauty and nudge her in the direction of the bathroom.
Bathing her, then dressing her and finally brushing her natural soft waves once dressed she headed downstairs to where her breakfast awaked her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Constance Ness Character Portrait: Samuel Wright Character Portrait: Loretta Franchesca Thrate
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For a long time, Samuel remained silent. He did not want to talk to the princess, he didn't want to talk to anyone. Even the guards that passed by and tried to get him fired up- nothing. Currently, he was in somewhat of a blank state. Everything was still getting through to him, but he wasn't able to respond to it. Either from the lack of sleep or the fury that had built up in him overnight. Sometime in the morning he had checked his phone to see that his message to Constance had sent, but nothing had been received from her. Though that likely meant she was either ignoring him or not cared enough to keep searching for him and instead went to sleep, he didn't mind. In her place, he might have actually done the same thing. It wasn't like this was unlike him, he often disappeared for days without notice. After awhile it just sort of became normal. Even when he was young, he did things like so. His mother just stopped worrying about him, because he always came home. Perhaps with a few scrapes and cuts, but nothing ever was terribly wrong with him. And he supposed that even though that probably made her a bad mom, it sort of made him like her more. She let him have his freedom, so long as he respected the rules that she did have.

"I don't want any food."

Though he stomach growled in protest, he still refused to go back on his words. His lips hardly moved when he spoke, neither did his gaze- which was currently aimed at the wall. When he did shift though, it was only because his leg was becoming numb. After awhile more he allowed his eyes to flick over to the princess, and he regarded her with a dry smile. "I've come here on a trip with my two friends. We're back-packing across Europe. I took a year off of college for it." Though he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, he did not withdraw it from his coat, not wanting her to question it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brandon Michaels Character Portrait: Constance Ness Character Portrait: Demetrius Thrate
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"Oh Prince Demetrius," the old woman said, bowing to him, "how are you this fine morning?"

"Very well, ma'am, thank you," Metri replied dismissively, but the woman continued.

"Anything seem to be the problem?" she asked with a smile. The redhead seemed to catch on and bowed to him as well.

"I don't mean to bother you, but I was wondering if you knew where a friend of mine was," she said. Metri was about to say that yes, he suspected he did know where her friend was when she kept going. "He's tall, has a bit of scruff, dark brown hair, and blueish eyes..." Metri opened his mouth to reply, but the woman continued again, "He said there was a-" At this point, she looked back at the old woman, who was trying to cut her off and looking apologetically at the prince.

She laughed sheepishly and apologized. Metri saw a possible opening, and tried to take it. "I-" he started, only to be cut off again.

"I don't want to be rude," she said, "I just need to know where my friend is... If you don't wish for us to be here, then we have to find him and be on our merry ways." A man, dressed similarly to the redheaded woman, appeared behind her and tapped her shoulder.

"Does this dude know where to find Samuel?" he asked her. Metri knitted his eyebrows together in confusion. Dude? What the hell was that?

"Well, if your asking, I know where to find your Samuel," Metri answered. "If you'll come with me to the castle, I'll show you."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brandon Michaels Character Portrait: Constance Ness Character Portrait: Samuel Wright Character Portrait: Demetrius Thrate
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Constance's face brighten up and almost hopped with excitement. Turning to Brandon she smiled and nodded in respond. There were no other options for the two of them and it seemed like this man was trust worthy. Smiling she bowed again, "Thank you so much! We will just get our stuff and come back to you." Grabbing Brandon by the wrist, she pulled him inside to the room. "We don't know this guy, but if Abigale seems to trust him then we should do the same." Putting her camera around her neck, she grabbed her bag and slipped the strap onto her shoulder. Taking a deep breathe she stood there to collect her thoughts.

Abigale smiled as she continued with the Prince, the future heir to the throne. "Why have you come out here to collect them? They must be quite important if you did it with your own flesh and bones." Everyone in town knew about Demetrius's reputation, letting others do most of his work but then again he was higher and could sentence anyone to death or imprisonment for life in one snap. Keeping quiet until they came out to meet up with the Prince. Constance walked to him and adjusted her strap to make it more comfortable. Before, she checked her phone on last time to see no response from Samuel.

Finding it kind of fishy, she slipped the phone back in and glared at Demetrius. "I have one question before you lead us away, if you for sure know where my friend is, then tell me his location. He said he's stuck in a dungeon, does that mean he did something wrong or are you keeping a innocent man behind bars because of your arrogance and curiosity?" Samuel would fit right into that category but it's better to know each side of the story if he actually is stuck. "I'm not here to play around, I'm just here to get my friend back." She didn't break eye contact with the prince, she watched his every single move.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brandon Michaels Character Portrait: Constance Ness Character Portrait: Samuel Wright Character Portrait: Demetrius Thrate
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"Well, if your asking, I know where to find your Samuel. If you'll come with me to the castle, I'll show you." Brandon nodded as Constance bowed and thanked the man. "And you were worried that we'd never find Samuel," Brandon said looking at Constance. Grabbing him by his wrist he was dragged from outside back into the house. "We don't know this guy, but if Abigale seems to trust him then we should do the same." Brandon nodded as he packed up his things, "This is the best lead we've gotten on Samuel so far so if you think we can trust him am all for it."

Following Constance he stood by her side as he waited for them to start heading to the castle. "I have one question before you lead us away, if you for sure know where my friend is, then tell me his location. He said he's stuck in a dungeon, does that mean he did something wrong or are you keeping a innocent man behind bars because of your arrogance and curiosity?" Brandon just stood there staring at Constance she had gone from trusting to suspicious all within a matter of a seconds.

"Okay so I see that your kind of in the moment here but um I just have a couple of questions. One where in the hell did that all come from. Two when did Samuel tell you he was in a dudgeon. Three isn't so much a question but if your gonna ask him to prove that he knows where Samuel is you probably shouldn't have said he was in the dudgeon. And lastly stop being so crazy before you get us throw in the dudgeon too!" Brandon paused for a moment as he realized that there was actually a dudgeon in this place. Where the hell were they. As Constance stared the prince down Brandon just stood there hoping he wouldn't be the next one siting in a cell.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brandon Michaels Character Portrait: Constance Ness Character Portrait: Samuel Wright Character Portrait: Demetrius Thrate
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Constance broke the stare from Demetrius to look at Brandon, "Okay, One: I plan to get all the information out as possible, so if that means to do this then that is what I am doing. I guess I can act nicer. Two: I got a text from Sam saying he was in a dungeon, I must have picked up some signal while I was asleep. Three: The point I said so, because if you wanted someone to follow you.. you wouldn't tell him that their friend is in a dungeon.. it's just stupid. Proving to him that I know where he is, then gives him the opportunity to not lie to us in the future. and Four, I agree and should stop while I'm ahead.. sorry." She bowed down to Demetrius and apologized once more. "I just didn't get much sleep, and worry about my friends. If you would be kind, could you show us to him?" trying to erase her bad attitude from earlier, she smiled and tried to be warm. "Prince Demetrius."

Abigale tipped her head again and held her finger up to wait just a moment. She walked inside but came out just a few seconds later. "I wanted to give you two this, don't open it until you return home. If you don't mind Prince, I will go on back into my house and start my day." Without another word, she handed Brandon and Constance the sacks and walked back inside. Constance looked at the bag, and felt around, but kept the promise Abigale wanted and didn't open it. Slipping it in her bag, she looked at the Prince, "She's a very nice woman, if you don't mind.. do something for her." Constance caught on with Abigale's past, but didn't mention anything about it. She kept quiet seeing she had cut of the Prince many times before and didn't want to upset him. Peaking from the side of her eye, she watched Brandon and felt bad that she almost got them both in trouble..


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brandon Michaels Character Portrait: Constance Ness Character Portrait: Demetrius Thrate
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The redhead grabbed the man by the wrist and pulled him into the little home. The old woman took the opportunity to talk to Demetrius alone.

Smiling, she asked, "Why have you come out here to collect them? They must be quite important if you did it with your own flesh and bones."

"Truly, what have I to do that is better than this?" Metri countered. "I am curious about these strangers." He made a mental note to stop shirking so many of his responsibilities, but he knew he'd ignore it anyway. His reply seemed to satisfy the old woman, though, and the redhead and her friend reappeared quietly. She checked the strange box again, frowning as she did so. Her eyes met his, and she held the contact in a glare.

"I have one question before you lead us away," she said. "If you for sure know where my friend is, then tell me his location. He said he's stuck in a dungeon, does that mean he did something wrong or are you keeping a innocent man behind bars because of your arrogance and curiosity?" Just when Metri thought she had finished, she continued, "I'm not here to play around, I'm just here to get my friend back." There were a few seconds of silence that Metri spent trying to figure out if she was really done talking this time.

Deciding that she was, he answered her, "If you'll follow me, I'd rather discuss this in private. Or at least the comfort of the castle." He heard the man start talking, but he was no longer listening. He didn't know how long they stood there, the redhead's eyes boring into him, and their words boring him nearly to tears. He only snapped to attention when he heard his name being said sweetly.

The old woman gave the other two gifts, and requested something of him. Because he didn't know what she said, he just smiled and nodded.

"She's a very nice woman, if you don't mind.. do something for her," the redhead requested. Metri nodded.

"Yes, yes," he said. "That's all very well, but if you're done talking now, follow me to the castle. We can sort out your Samuel." He turned on his heel and started toward the castle, not bothering to check if the other two were following or not.