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Seeking A Friend For The End Of The World

Chapter One- The Ad


a part of Seeking A Friend For The End Of The World, by AvidSmoker.


AvidSmoker holds sovereignty over Chapter One- The Ad, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

439 readers have been here.

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Chapter One- The Ad is a part of Seeking A Friend For The End Of The World.

10 Characters Here

Noella Rileman [11] "Nice knowing you."
Michael Partidge [9] "I've got my car, my... Well, I've got my car."
Kael Bryant [8] Somebody...please...turn off the sun...
Santiago Almeida [6] "Que sera, sera."
Junelle Maddison [6] Bring it on.
Cole Adams [4] "Let's just have a good time, alright?"
Nathanaƫl Baron [4] "Might as well do something, right?"
Harlem Faye [3] "Haha. S'if"
Pony James [0] work in progress; need bio.
Elizabeth Morrissey [0] "Why did I agree to this, again?" (WIP)

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Character Portrait: Noella Rileman
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Noe's bedroom was cluttered, to say the least. Clothes were strewn on the floor, along with notebooks and the occasional food wrapper. A trash can was tipped over in the corner, though its contents had been swept up long ago, and a suitcase filled with sloppily folded clothing items was overturned in the corner. Her entire apartment was in a similar state of disarray- a result of packing for her end-of-the-world journey and last minute frustrations causing her to re-empty her suitcase.

Music played loudly through the small apartment, the lyrics echoing off the flimsy walls. Noe hummed and sung along to the tune, trying to tidy up some of her apartment before her "guests" arrived.

She had been shocked at the number of people who had called- about fifteen had dialed the number- but she had only had room for ten people in the RV she had bought off of Craigslist. Well, less 'bought', she thought, chuckling, and more given. People had been giving away items for free on several websites, from Ebay to Craigslist, since about a month ago, when Matilda had reared her ugly head. She chuckled at the thought, the meteor being more of a crude joke to her than anything else.

She laughed slightly as she bent down to pick up a pile of clothes from the floor of her bedroom, tossing them in the suitcase she had exchanged for the overturned one that sat in the corner. It was filled to the brim with her favorite pajamas, shirts, jeans, and any other item of clothing that had caught her fancy.

Sighing in what appeared to be exhaustion, she sat back on her haunches, taking in the scene before her. The room was far less messy than it had been earlier in the morning- a fact she took pride in. Though the work is far from over, Noe reminded herself, grimacing slightly, and it's nearly six already. Six o'clock was the time she had given a time for the callers to arrive, and was a mere ten minutes away. She groaned slightly, rising back to her feet reluctantly to finish what she had started.

This was one of the things she hated about her condition- how it inhibited her, made her weak and weary, didn't allow her to function how she wanted. She furrowed her brow, but her mouth settled into a sort of melancholy smile as she went about cleaning the remainder of her apartment. Either way, it'll be done in a month. It'd be a waste to make a big deal of it now.

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Character Portrait: Noella Rileman Character Portrait: Michael Partidge
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#, as written by Cypher
The February air was cold and sharp like a knife. Even as he sat in the driver's seat of his '73 Cordoba, A/C cranking at full output, hands swathed in leather gloves and three layers deep into his clothes, Michael is shivering. It might be the fact that he could never get the front vent window to shut properly. It might be nerves. It's probably some combination of both.

He's been traveling for a few hours now, just the first baby steps of the long journey ahead of him, and the cool air helps him wake up--it was an early start; warm shower, clean clothes and a brief shakedown of the Cordoba ('She gets a little moody when it's cold outside,' he would quip to himself or anyone who would ask). Now, for the last three hours and half of an English muffin with egg and cheese from the local gas station, the Chrysler had been performing admirably. In the face of the end of the world, it seemed content. Happy, even. Michael could almost believe the world wasn't about to end when he was driving that car. But then all it would take was one last look at the news, or up into the daytime sky at the winking star indicating Matilda's position, and he would remember how long he had left--not much longer, really.

Which was why, now, he was plunging down the off ramp of a four-leaf-clover highway exchange, moving well over the speed limit as he dove into the city where the call had been placed. A full ten minutes early, yes, but it's always good to be punctual for the apocalypse. Slowing down as he roared into the suburbs, still moving at a fair clip, he weaved quickly between moving and parked cars, years of practiced late-night maneuvering finally starting to pay off. 'I've gotta be close,' he thought, 'Mapquest never lies.'

He'd never bothered investing in a GPS.

Eventually he stumbled onto the correct location, indicated by the huge RV parked in front of the apartment complex. He carefully parked the Cordoba (a marked difference from his hell-bent recklessness mere moments ago) behind the RV and turned off the engine, slipping out from behind the wheel and opening the door. He took a few brief moments to stretch his legs and looked lovingly at the Chrysler before shutting the door and locking it. A few quick steps from the sidewalk into the apartment breezeway, a look at the directory and a press of the bell--then he stepped in.

He looked around briefly before stepping in front of Noe's door and knocking. "Noe?" He said inquisitively? "It's Mike Partidge. Guess I got here early..." Hands in his pockets, he stood out front, looking a little impatient and, also, a little cold.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Noella Rileman Character Portrait: Michael Partidge Character Portrait: Kael Bryant
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Absentmindedly chewing on the Twizzler's protruding from his mouth, Kael flipped through his phone again to the generic gps that came with the most recent update. All in all, it had been a bad idea to use the phone as his guide. The gps itself already was horrible enough without all the interference Matilda was throwing at the satellites that powered the application. More than once he had been completely turned around and was forced to stop and ask for directions or an actual map to get him back on track. Most people looked at him awkwardly as he tried to read the now smudged address on his left hand off to them.

But as it neared six o' clock, Kael was pretty much at his destination already according to the Gas Station clerk and his phone both. The clerk was still eying him cautiously as he walked back up and threw his trash away outside the door. Telling the man the last gas station Kael had been in was robbed probably wasn't the greatest idea in the world as he paid for his roadside breakfast of champions. Whoops. Still, why would Kael pay, just to come back and rob the place? He figured he was overstaying his welcome so far, and it was nearing the time he was supposed to be at the destination anyway.

He took one last glance back up at Matilda, shining so brightly in the sky, a constant reminder of how pointless it was to care anymore. With a makeshift salute to the glowing hunk of rock in the sky, Kael popped the door handle of his car and slid back into the driver's seat, listening to the growl of the engine as he turned the key. The radio sprang to life as he did and a song called 'End of Days' was playing as he pulled out of the gas station's parking lot. More than a little ironic...

As the car weaved through the streets, it was hard to believe the world was almost finished. He had always imagined the end of the world in a more post-apocalyptic manner, trying to survive day to day while waiting for the inevitable. But taking a look around, it was like living in a bizarro apocalypse. While there was still plenty of mayhem going on, it seemed like more people were resigned to their fate than anything.

Finally letting out a sigh he wasn't aware he had been holding, Kael spotted the large RV parked in front of the apartment complex he was told to meet at by the woman he had spoken to on the phone a few days earlier. 'Noe' she had said her name was if he remembered correctly. Well, he thought, here goes nothing. Stepping out of his car, he headed toward the complex and looked for the right apartment. Before he rounded the last corner, he heard a knocking sound followed by a call. The name 'Noe' caught his attention and he poked his head around the corner to spot a man, looking a little impatiently, standing in front of the destination apartment.

"Guess I'm in the right place," Kael said as he walked up.

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Character Portrait: Noella Rileman Character Portrait: Michael Partidge Character Portrait: Kael Bryant
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Noe perked up as the knock resounded through her apartment, a welcome break from packing. Right on time, she noted, her eyes flickering to the clock on the wall. "It's unlocked!" She yelled in the direction of her front door, expecting they would let themselves in. "Mind the mess!" She continued with her packing, going through her clothes and folding them neatly, having recently discovered that it allowed the case to fit more than she had been able to by haphazardly tossing clothes into it.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Noella Rileman Character Portrait: Michael Partidge Character Portrait: Junelle Maddison Character Portrait: Kael Bryant
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June was in her room emptying her closet onto the bed. She had always left the packing for the last minute, it was a bad habit of hers which always drove her mother crazy. After taking out the clothes she planned on packing, she folded them as small as possible and put them in the duffel bag. The music in her room blasted through the speakers. It was way to loud but nobody bothered to tell June to lower down the volume. Her parents left with one of the last planes to Europe,and the neighbors were probably in church praying for some kind of miracle. As if that would somehow move Matilda, which was clearly inching closer and closer. A Marilyn Manson song came next on her playlist and she couldn't help but smile from the irony as she sang along.

Death to the ladies first, then the gentlemen
All sorts of tax-free face-lift-abortion-nervous-break-dance
Satanic girls gone wild
Truly fuckin' suicidal

First, you try to fuck it.
Then, you try to eat it.
If it hasn't learned your name,
You'd better kill it before they see it
First, you try to fuck it
Then, you try to eat it
If it hasn't learned your name,
You'd better kill it before they see it

It's arma-goddamn-mother-fuckin-geddon!

As the song ended June was ready with packing. After zipping up the bag, she brought it downstairs and left it by the front door. She went to look around the house to see if she had forgotten anything. The last room she went into was her brother's former bedroom. It had poster posted all over the walls, along of a few pictures from when they were little, family vacations, birthdays... She took down a few photos, then walked back downstairs. Grabbing her bag she waked out, locking the door behind her. She thought calling a taxi but she changed her mind and decided to walk there instead, after all it was just a few blocks away. She put on her earphones and started walking. On the way some guys wanted to pick her up, but she just flashed them her middle finger and walked away as they shouted after her. She could only guess what since she haven't really heard them from the music. Soon she could see RV parked in front of the apparent building. "Not bad." She said as she got a closer look. "This trip better be fun."
June walked into the building and just as she was wondering which was the right door she spotted two guys standing by one of the doors. She raised her eyebrow as she took in their appearance; they didn't looked quite as bad as she thought they would be. This will be fun, she thought.

"Hello, there." She said walking up to them. Just then Noe, the girl from the apartment, yelled for them to come in.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Noella Rileman Character Portrait: Michael Partidge Character Portrait: Junelle Maddison Character Portrait: Santiago Almeida Character Portrait: Kael Bryant
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#, as written by Ion

Three weeks.

Three weeks left until the end of the world, until that mighty lady in the sky slammed with apocalyptic force onto the face of the earth somewhere and everything expired, and Santiago was feeling pretty okay with that. Sure, he reflected as he kept up a steady pace, the various straps and fastenings of his hikerā€™s backpack clinking together, he didnā€™t exactly want to die, but maybe it was the fact that heā€™d made a habit of staring death in the face frequently that allowed him to sort of shrug it off. The part where it was inevitable was actually kind of boring, if he thought about it the right way.

Half the fun in most of the things he did was the fact that you never knew if you were going to die or not. Cliff-diving, hang-gliding, bungee jumping (with less-than-safety-approved equipment), skydiving, bull-riding, underground arena fightingā€¦ chances were if it was dubiously-intelligent and carried a substantial risk of serious injury, heā€™d tried it already. The fact that he was going to die in three weeks anyway kind of took the fun out of staking his life on things, though. Which was probably why he was giving this whole ā€˜traveling with complete strangersā€™ thing the old college try.

He hummed an old capoeira fight song to himself to keep his march apace, not that it was too difficult. That had been the one thing that was a little difficult about packing the essentials and leaving: the dojo was the closest thing heā€™d had to a home in a while, but there wasnā€™t much point in staying. The master had boarded the place up and gone to stay with family in Brazil, which was probably how things should be. Santiago might have gone to stay with his, but heā€™d been ignoring his motherā€™s phone calls for a few years now, and there was really no good way to fix that kind of thing. He didnā€™t want to spend his last three weeks awkwardly wading through all the family issues heā€™d managed to accumulate over the course of the last twenty-three years. Seriously, could there be a bigger drag?

So instead, heā€™d hitchhiked and hoofed his way across a couple states and wound up here. Naturally a pretty decent navigator, heā€™d considered getting intentionally lost a few times to see what would happen, but each time heā€™d discarded the suggestion, something drawing him forward along the shortest possible route. This was something he had to do, now, for no other reason than because heā€™d decided he was going to do it. No point contemplating the alternatives.

Dusk was fallen over the area, the sunā€™s last tendrils flinging magnificent flame-hues into the sky, and a check of his watch revealed it to be just before six. Santiago picked up his pace a little, settling into an easy jog, apparently heedless of the weight of what life he had left upon his back. The address was around here somewhereā€¦

He slowed as he arrived at what seemed to be the right building, at least it was lent that impression further by the small cluster of people in front of it. He blinked grey-green eyes a few times at the scene, then smiled and covered the rest of the distance, in time to hear someone call out from within. Presumably, that was Noe. Shrugging, he complied with the implicated suggestion, and opened the door, stepping aside to let the others go in before him. "Hey, kids. All here for the end of the world?" Introductions were clearly in order, but that could wait until everyone was there. Was this everyone? He actually had no idea how many people might have answered, though he was going to guess ā€˜enough to fit into that RV and not more,ā€™ so maybe seven or eight?

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Noella Rileman Character Portrait: Michael Partidge Character Portrait: Junelle Maddison Character Portrait: Santiago Almeida Character Portrait: Cole Adams Character Portrait: Kael Bryant
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Cole Adams

The sound of Song for the Deaf by Queens of the Stone Age rocked the small car, undoubtedly pushing the speakers close to their limit. It was a wonder they hadn't blown out yet after so many years of abuse. Then again, that wasn't exactly Coleā€™s problem seeing as how it wasn't her car. Her right temple rested heavily against the cool glass as the black-haired male next to her tapped his hands against the wheel in time with the music, a thick pair of black shades resting a bit too far down on his nose.

ā€œHow close are we?ā€ Cole said, gaining no response due to her voice immediately being lost in the music. She rolled her eyes a bit, smiling to herself about how nothing at all had changed since the last time she saw her older brother. He had agreed to let her stay at his flat last night since it was closer to her destination, albeit by only ten minutes, and the two of them chose to get pizza together and catch up. It was some welcome quality time seeing as how she probably wouldn't get the chance to see, well, Chance again before the meteor hit in three weeks. Sitting up straight again, she looked out the window to see the sparkle in the sky that indicated Matildaā€” she felt a slight shiver go down her spine at the thought of the oncoming tragedy.

Trying to push that from her mind, Cole leaned over towards the driverā€™s side of the car so she could get a better view of the GPS that was mounted on the dashboard and was surprised to see that they only had a few more turns to make before they arrived. She slumped back in her seat, reaching up a hand to run through her hairā€”she normally didn't spend a lot of time on it, anyways, so it always had that slightly messy, fresh-out-of-bed look. The car jerked to a stop and the music stopped abruptly.

ā€œIā€™m not helpinā€™ ya with your bags.ā€ Chance said simply, one hand resting on the wheel while the other was on the gear shift. Cole rolled her eyes once again, grabbing her grey drawstring bag from the floorboard and tugged it over her shoulder, opening her door and stepping out. She took a moment to look over the hood of the car to see an RV and a few people gathered at the doorway of what she assumed to be Noellaā€™s home. She then pulled open the back door and took her overstuffed red and white duffel bag out, resting the strap on her other shoulder. ā€œHave a good time and all that jazz. Gimme a call sometime.ā€

ā€œDonā€™t worry, I will.ā€ With that, a small wave and a nod of the head, the music in the silver car started up again and it sped off, leaving Cole fully facing the apartment. She adjusted her bag on her shoulder and walked up to the few people just after another male, who only appeared to be a few years older than her. ā€œEvening.ā€ Cole said with a half-smile, looking over the features of her new travelling companions.

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nathanaƫl Baron Character Portrait: Noella Rileman Character Portrait: Michael Partidge Character Portrait: Junelle Maddison Character Portrait: Santiago Almeida Character Portrait: Cole Adams Character Portrait: Kael Bryant
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#, as written by Geekly
Nathanaƫl Baron

It was rather cold and calm outside the hospital walls, befitting the season, but not so much the occasion of an apocalypse. Nathanaƫl was walking to his nearby car, only stopping by at the hospital he'd been very recently employed to pick up a few things and leave. He sincerely felt horrible, leaving the hospital and patients who had been abandoned by their families, unlike his more noble co-workers. It was just that he didn't have time. No one quite had time at his point. With just how quickly time seems to pass by, you never really realize it's passing until it's too late. Nathan only realized this when the official apocalypse was announced. Nathan had no friends other than those he met in college or work, and no life, even worse, he never did anything worthwhile with his life. But now was the time to change, in fact it was the only time he had left.

Nathan had already packed most his possessions, well, most that would be useful to him. He didn't have to go back home to get his things, just go straight to the girl's apartment. He'd already memorized the route he was going to be taking the night before. Not obsessively, Nathan never had the attention span to be obsessive, rather, quick and easy memorization, just another bonus of geniusness. He kept his eyes on the road, it was never good when he got caught in random thoughts while driving. An accident wasn't what he needed at the moment. But whether he liked it or not, the thoughts streamed through his head. Eventually he came o pondering back just a little while ago, when he explained why he was leaving to his co-workers. Nathanaƫl had said he found the ad and was going, but he told them it was merely because he was concerned over a bunch of reckless young people coming together at the end of the world. It was probably a bad lie, now that he looked back on it, but he was never really great at lying. Really he was going to make friends, to be normal for once before he died, he just couldn't quite think of a way to phrase that without sounding like a loser. Then again, he sounded like a loser either way, going to make sure people didn't kill themselves before they died rather than seeking out his family to spend his last moments with them. He didn't know why but he didn't want people knowing he had no friends or social life. then again his personality probably screamed that out to everyone.

Really he didn't know why he didn't go to his family, he felt like his mother had changed after she got married to Nathan's new step dad and had his baby sister. But the change was for the better, she was happier, so Nathan didn't protest, but he always felt so jealous. Not even towards his mom, but more or less the situation. Why couldn't it have happened earlier? Why couldn't he have grown up with at least a father figure? Nathan didn't know why he asked questions like that, they only made him upset and he already knew the answer anyways. His mother was just to upset with everything that happened, Nathan was the one who had to get over it and grow up. He didn't have time to grieve anything, not that it matters, he keeps anything too personal or emotional locked up nice and neat.

By the time Nathan had focused back on the road, he was already turning into the apartment complex. Nathan pushed his glasses up his nose, looking out his windshield to check the address was in fact correct, almost bumping into another car as his car crept forward. As he parked he stepped out, running his fingers through his hair to keep it out of his eyes, he noticed the RV, confirming this was the place. It wasn't until he straightened his heavy winter coat that he realized that his clothing might have been inappropriately formal. He wore a suit, including: a white dress shirt; black jacket, vest, and trousers; and a blue tie, and dress shoes. He usually just dressed like this for work it must have just slipped his mind he didn't have to go to work anymore. Nathan sighed, he couldn't exactly change right now, he just went to grab his things from his trunk. He took out a black duffel bag and a black first aid kit with a 'Emergency' printed in white bold letters and a red cross typical of hospitals, the kit basically carried everything he needed as a doctor, so it was a bit larger than most normal kits. Nathan walked towards the apartment, finding people already going inside. Not just people, his new traveling companions for the next month. He followed suit, entering the apartment, "Good Evening." he greeted the others courteously, smiling. He stood up straight as he was accustomed too, standing at his full 6'6", setting his bag and first aid kit by his feet. His eyes wandered the apartment, not really observing, just looking for a place to stare, a little unsure about actually conversing with these people. Nothing was wrong with the people of course, Nathan just didn't want to embarrass himself before he even learned their names.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nathanaƫl Baron Character Portrait: Noella Rileman Character Portrait: Harlem Faye Character Portrait: Santiago Almeida
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Harlem woke up on the kitchen floor, feeling a mess. He was slightly disoriented as to where he was. Beside him, there were two half naked chicks, neither of whom he was sure he knew and he couldnā€™t remember if heā€™d slept with either of them.
He was at Jimmyā€™s, though he had no recollection of getting here. Last thing he remembered from the night before was being at the beach. The night before, he, Jimmy and a few other guys Harlem often got fucked up with had decided, since it was the end of world and all that, that they would get more wasted than had been previously known to mankind. Two tabs, four pills, several joints and copious amounts of alcohol later, Harlem had followed the band of merry no-hopers through the town, which they promptly caused madness in and down to the beach. Harlem couldnā€™t really remember much after that other than the fact it must have been pretty fucking awesome.
Hey, if youā€™re going to go out, go out like a rockstar.
Groggily, he dragged himself to the shower, hoping the water would wash away residue from last nightā€™s adventures. Nausea overcame him and he yacked his guts up, though he felt a lot better afterwards. Unfortunately, he didnā€™t have anything fresh to get dressed in.
After a breakfast of coffee and cigarettes, Harlem suddenly remembered he was meant to be doing something today. He was meant to be heading off on some wild adventure with some random chick and fuck knows who else. ā€œShitā€.
Harlem found Jimmy passed out on the couch and kicked at the guy. ā€œOi, Jimmy, get upā€, he said, not being at all delicate with his friendā€™s passed out form. ā€œMan, get the fuck upā€.
ā€œWhat? Huh? What day is it?ā€ Jimmy moaned, certainly not appearing as if he were in any way ready to wake up.
ā€œI need you to drive me someplace, man. Stop fucking aroundā€ Harlem insisted.

After much persistence, Harlem eventually had Jimmy heavily dosed with caffeine and in the car. They made a trip to the apartment that Harlem shared with this girl called Candice, where Harlem was able to get dressed in his usual blue flannel and jeans and pack the small amount of possessions he had; a few clothes, his mp3 player, his stash of drugs, a book called ā€˜Orpheus Lostā€™ and of course, his knife.
Then Harlem coaxed Jimmy to drive him up to the place he was meant to be meeting this Noe chick, though he was fairly certain he was pretty late. Punctuality wasnā€™t one of his strong suits.
ā€œOi, so last night, Candice came around and I fucked her, manā€ Jimmy said, seemingly pretty proud about the fact.
Candice, who owned the apartment Harlem stayed in was the kind of chick who was stuck in a perpetual cycle of misery. Sheā€™d get drunk, sleep with someone, feel miserable about it, get drunk to numb the pain and the whole cycle would start again.
ā€œSo? Everyoneā€™s slept with Candiceā€ Harlem answered.
ā€œHave you?ā€
ā€œNah, man. Candice always gets upset when she sleeps around. I donā€™t wanna be just one of those guys she regrets, you know?ā€
Jimmy shrugged. ā€œIf you say so, manā€.

After what seemed like a sleep-deprived, hungover eternity, they finally arrived at this Noe chickā€™s place. After some goodbyeā€™s, which Jimmy was too emotional about for Harlemā€™s liking, the two separated and Harlem headed up towards Noeā€™s door, trying his best not to look like he was still coming down from a night of hectic partying.
The door was already open and the apartment was packed with people. Harlem grimaced, wondering if this was really a good idea after all. Some of the chicks werenā€™t bad to look at, but all in all, they didnā€™t really seem like the kind of people Harlem could totally relax around. Maybe they just seemed that way because they were nervous or some shit.
ā€œGreat. A bunch of fucking weirdos. How befittingā€ he said lowly, his eyes dropping to the floor. Was this the whole group? He slumped down on the floor of the apartment, still feeling rather wrecked despite the coffee, hoping nobody would take notice of this action.

8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nathanaƫl Baron Character Portrait: Noella Rileman Character Portrait: Michael Partidge Character Portrait: Harlem Faye Character Portrait: Junelle Maddison Character Portrait: Santiago Almeida Character Portrait: Cole Adams Character Portrait: Kael Bryant
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Upon reaching the apartment door and hearing the shout from within, people began to show up left and right to join Kael and the other man outside. He was a little distracted by the blonde woman who strode up and joined them to immediately head through the door as two others suddenly appeared. Another woman and a more than courteous guy that held open the door for the rest of them to enter first. The man looked like he had gone a few rounds before arriving. But judging from his smile, he may have won.

"Thanks dude," Kael said as he stepped passed the man and into the apartment. Walking around as best he could, Kael looked over to study his new traveling companions. The guy who had been there when he arrived looked a little on the skinny side and possibly a bit skittish as well. Either that or cold. He couldn't exactly tell at the moment. The blonde he had seen a minute ago was definitely on the opposite side of the spectrum as the guy. Aside from the fact of being a very pleasant distraction, she looked as if she was ready to take on the world. Or the end of it.... The final woman that had walked up looked to be more on the same level as the first man than the blonde girl. She wore a sort of half smile and was studying the rest of them as well.

Looking around at the stuff all around the apartment, Kael gestured with his hand and looked over at the others. "Did we miss the apocalypse? Looks like the meteor hit here already..." Just as another man entered the apartment, Kael raised his voice a bit to be heard over the music. "Noe! I hope you aren't under one of these piles, I didn't bring a shovel!"

Turning back to the man who had entered while he waited for their host, Kael thought the zombie apocalypse had started as well when he spotted the half dead looking man plopped on the floor. In his head, Kael imagined the first skinny man injected with almost every known drug and then sleep deprived for a week. That may get you half as wrecked as this guy looks... A spot of red caught his eye off to the side of the guy and Kael sighted the medical kit sitting at another man's feet. He hadn't heard the other man come up, but it wasn't surprising with the music.

"Um Doc," Kael addressed the man with the medical kit, "I think you've got your first patient of the trip...."

8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nathanaƫl Baron Character Portrait: Noella Rileman Character Portrait: Michael Partidge Character Portrait: Harlem Faye Character Portrait: Junelle Maddison Character Portrait: Santiago Almeida Character Portrait: Cole Adams Character Portrait: Kael Bryant
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#, as written by Geekly
Nathanaƫl Baron

Nathan just looked off into space, letting random thoughts consume him, that is until someone made a comment on the state of the room. He remembered that he was in fact not alone, but really in a room full or people. He snapped out of his thoughts, noticing the messy room before him. He took time to look over the people that where here, he really should at least get to know them right? He should, but for now he'd just watch over everyone, it seemed like the easiest thing to do. Really he'd been trying to build up courage to talk to any one of them, but it really was no use. Nathan wasn't good at talking to people unless he was strictly business. He looked over the people that had come before him, most of them seemed like they could handle their own, maybe they wouldn't need his medical assistance after all...

He scratched that thought from his head as the same person who made a comment on the room, addressed Nathan. He was about to ask how the man knew that he was a doctor, then looked down to his huge first aid kit, silently thanking the lord he didn't ask such a stupid question out loud. The doctor moved towards the person leaning against the wall, squatting so he could slightly be on the same level. He brought his kit to his side, opening it to reveal everything tucked away nice and neat into their own storage compartments. This Nathan could do, just pretend that the man was another patient. "Hello sir, I'm Doctor Nathanaƫl Baron, I'm only going to help you. Would you mind telling me your name and what you recall happening to you last. Have you hit your head at all?" Nathan asked smoothly, as he took out a few wet napkins, offering them to the man to clean himself up a bit. He suspected that the man was under the influence of drugs in the past 24 hours but would pass off his curiosity as questioning for concussion. It was absolutely true, Nathan could never act this calm and confident unless he believed someone to be in danger. He pushed his glasses up again as he waited for the man's response. It was possible all he needed was some cold water to the face or a good night's sleep. Nathan already had his stethescope out and around his neck, waiting for the man's answer before continuing his diagnosis.