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Rivera Redway

"Yes, everyone thinks I am a day that will change."

0 · 146 views · located in The Seven Kingdoms

a character in “Seven Kings”, originally authored by CNAGamer, as played by RolePlayGateway


-Age: 15
-Gender: Female
-Role: Daughter of Simon Redway
-Loyalties: Her father, and Lord Claridge
-Land of Birth: Pentos, Land of the Scorpions
-Family: Simon & Vivian Redway, King & Queen of Pentos; Torren Talimir, knight of Pentos

-Description: Rivera is a tall girl, taking after her father in looks and in height. It is because she gained such facial features as her fathers' that she has been able to pass as a boy all these years, as Theodin Talimir instead of Rivera Redway, Heir to the Pentos Throne. Her face holds such a fierce expression, that even in a dress, and as a female, she demands respect. Very few have ever crossed her, as most of her peers fear her. Her hair is also kept rather short, like a males'.
-Height: 5'5"
-Weight: 110 lbs.
-Hair Color: Dark brown
-Eye Color: Light brown

-Weapons: Dual swords; Bow & arrow; Venom/poison
-Skill(s)/Ability(s): Her ability with poison stems from her childhood in Pentos. Their connection to their animal, the scorpion, has allowed the warriors of the country to become skilled assassins, their weapon of choice bows and dual-bladed weapons, rather then the custom sword and shield combo of the day. Rivera, or Theodin rather, is no exception.
-Personality: Rivera is headstrong, brash, stubborn, and vehement. She is also respectful, mindful, elegant, and graceful. She inherited her fathers' spirit and her mothers' grace, a rather becoming combination for a young Princess. However, due to the fact that she has been raised by, and to be, a knight, she has lost most of her female qualities, but not the gracefulness in which she moves. But acting like a lady, most of that has been lost, and once it is found that she is indeed a woman, and the Heir to Pentos...she may either be rejected by all...or the most accepted Princess and Queen known. Only time will tell.
-Bio: Rivera was still just a young girl when her parents died of Scarlet Fever. And it was not long after that that her home was overrun by King Godwin of Riverrun, and she fled with a knight, Sir Talimir. Sir Talimir, also known as Torren, raised the girl as his own, but as his son rather than daughter. Torren feared that if she was discovered, she would be sought out and put to death. So, they went along pretending that Rivera was actually a boy, calling him Theodin Talimir. Theodin was raised well, and by 13, had been accepted into Lord Claridges' army. For two years she has trained under Robert, and has become friends with him. However, since her step-father, Torren, died a year and a half ago, she keeps worrying about the day her body will betray her, and it be found out that she is actually a woman, or even that she is the Heir to Pentos. For now, she is hidden, but feels as though she should tell Robert, so that he can help her when the time comes that she can no longer hide her true gender, or her past.

-Other: Nothing that I can think of...I may add something later.


-Sample Post: [I always provide a sample post, to show GM's my style, grammar, etc.]


Tezuka and Takuya had been curled up together, where ever they had been put, finally both asleep.
Until a rough pair of hands grabbed at Takuya, not only waking him, but dragging him off somewhere. He didn't say anything as his brother called after him. "I'll be back..." He thought.
He closed his eyes, praying that he was being truthful. Whoever was in front of him led him through a series of dark tunnels, doors cropping up in the walls here and there, all of them closed, as if forbidding him any hope of escape. Not that he would leave his twin behind. He couldn't. Tezuka needed him.
There were three people escorting him. One in front was leading the group, and two were behind him. One to his left, and the other to his right. He figured that whatever had been done to him and his brother, it must have been both important and dangerous for them to use three people to escort a hardly fit seventeen-year-old. Either way, it didn't matter. It seemed that they had arrived, as they stopped moving.
"Test subject #000425 ready for experimentation, Doctor. All seems functional." The man in front spoke to the wall in front of him, and for a split second Taku wondered if all of them in this place were absolutely crazy. Until of course the screen on the wall illuminated, which he couldn't see for the darkness. No one appeared, it was just a symbol. The brightness of the screen hurt his eyes so much, Takuya had to shut them, and by the time he opened them, the screen was blank, so he didn't get a look at the symbol.
"Good. Let him in. We'll start immediately."
The door in front of them opened, and the two guards behind him shoved him through it, none too gently. Everything was a steel grey, nothing too bright. He wondered if they knew of his eyes' sensitivity to light, and that was why they had put him somewhere dark once again. He also wondered just why he was here, and what they had meant about 'experimentation'.
He didn't like the sound of it.
And he definitely didn't like it when a door slid upwards in the wall twenty feet in front of him, revealing a very large, and very angry, cat of some sort. It appeared to be wild, whatever it was. It could have been mad. All Takuya registered was that it charged straight for him when it saw him.
He really didn't remember doing much, he just rolled to the side, trying to stay out of its reach. It still managed to somehow claw him, as he felt blood run down his left arm.
"Great...I'm lost, dazed, confused, tired, and hungry, and they put me in a dark room with a cat that has all of the advantages of being a cat, like the fact it can see in the dark. Just great. My day's starting wonderfully, how's yours?" He muttered to the cat, not caring whatsoever that he was probably being monitored.
The cat had run head-first into the wall, not bothering to stop once it had passed Takuya. Yep, definitely mad. Of course! It only made his day better!
Takuya growled under his breath, rolling again as the cat charged. Obviously, the people watching him weren't too impressed, because another door opened, and another cat sauntered out of it. Takuya's eyes narrowed. He was barely dealing with one, and they wanted him to fight two? Maybe they were just trying to kill him...
Maybe it was all some sick game.
The two cats had somehow managed to work together, despite being mad, and corner him. They both charged at once, and Takuya shut his eyes.
Both cats rebounded off of something in front of him, hitting the floor nearly ten feet away with a loud thump. Takuya's eyes snapped open. What? Was it something they had done? Or had he done it? He had no idea. Until one of the cats charged, and hit it again.
Taku felt it. He was doing it. Why? He didn't care. Whatever he was doing, it obviously took concentration, because the second cat hit it, and it was like watching glass shatter, as he could see what was keeping them back break up into pieces, disappearing once again as they hit the floor. Takuya tried to concentrate again as the first cat charged yet again, intent on sinking fangs into juicy neck.
You're mine, hungry...need something...must get before brother...not share...mine.
The cat was prowling in front of him, tan fur matted and rough, yellow eyes watching him, as if waiting. He was sure he hadn't somehow managed to put up another barrier, because he couldn't feel it. It was almost as if...he was in the cat's mind. If so, he was truly creped out.
You...don't want me. I'm no should fight!
Takuya had no idea where he had gotten that from. He had, on a dime, talked to a mad cat in its mind, and then watched as if in slow motion as the cat turned and then attacked the second cat after staring at him for almost three seconds.
What the hell was wrong with him?
Tezuka was also woken up as someone took his brother away. Tezu ran and hit the bars of his cell, watching them leave.
"Takuya!" He called after him.
"I'll be back..."
It flickered through his mind, and sounded vaguely like Taku's voice. Tezuka sunk to his knees, a manic smile on his face. "I'm...going crazy...that's it." He laughed.
He didn't know how much time had passed before they came for him. Three men led him down the hall, repeating the same process they had with Takuya, except his number they had called out was #000426. He stood silent, and walked into the room before any of them could touch him. There was a bored expression on his face, a normal for him.
Two doors were opened at once, and two wolves sauntered in, looking quite thin, but perfectly sane. One to his left, and one to his right. Tezuka eyed them both. They growled in response, slowly beginning to circle him. Tezuka then looked dead ahead, a glare replacing his expression of boredom. Were they just going to circle him forever? They were hungry...
...weren't they?
His manic smile returned as one wolf charged him from behind. Timed perfectly, Tezuka spun, and kicked the beast across the face, sending it reeling back a good twenty feet or so with a yelp. The other wolf snarled at him, and when he turned to look at it, that was when he saw it.
His grin grew wider. He was fighting mates. The female had been the one that he had kicked, and the male now went for him. it was too fast, so he went down with the wolf on top of him. His hands pressed against the beasts' throat, keeping its saliva-dripping jaws as far as possible from his face. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the female get up, running for his head.
Turning the upper half of his body, Tezuka threw the male into the female, again making her yelp, and the male snarl. He got back on his feet, and took a stance, waiting for them. He locked eyes with the male, and something clicked. It was like he was looking back at himself...
...through the wolf's eyes.
Whatever was happening, it was cool. Tezuka's, if it was even possible by now, grin grew wider yet, as the wolf had froze, sensing the alien presence in its head.
Tezuka wondered just what all he could do with this new found power he had. He pictured himself dead, and the wolf cocked its head, as if confused, and began sniffing the ground, as if it were making sure something was dead.
Tezuka could make the wolf see things. He thought of an idea. He made the female wolf appear as one of the men who had brought them into the cage, after searching the wolf's mind, realizing they were being no better treated than him and his brother.
Snarling, confused, and tormented, Tezuka grinned as he watched the male wolf slaughter his partner, and then whine and pant helplessly as he lifted the illusion, showing him his dead mate. The wolf didn't know what to do, so once again it attacked Tezuka, its original target. He was ready this time, and grabbed the wolf as it jumped on him, placing his hands on its neck, and snapping it, quickly.
He walked over to the female wolf, who lay in a pool of her own blood, and ran a hand through the warm and sticky red liquid. He stared at it on his hands, and began to laugh.

So begins...

Rivera Redway's Story