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Shooting For The Stars

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a part of Shooting For The Stars, by InuYuki.


InuYuki holds sovereignty over The universe, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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The universe is a part of Shooting For The Stars.

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Damiyan Varush [8] I was born in the black, and I'll die here too.
Chi 'The Rose' Johnson [8] "If it can fly I can pilot it, If it's broke I can fix it and if it's a bet I'll win it."

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Character Portrait: Chi 'The Rose' Johnson Character Portrait: Damiyan Varush
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#, as written by InuYuki
Just off planet A7-K2 or planet Blu, Chi found her self on the space saturation Aron winning at her weekly card game. “Come on you old farts pay up.” She said with a grin as she held out her hand. “Well I guess losing to a pretty lady like you Chi was better then losing to the Alley taxes.” Said one man as he handed her his money. “That's true.” Said another. “I still say your a cheater Chi. There is no way you can win like you do and not.” Said a younger man, He was new to there game and this was only his fourth time playing with them. “Look buddy...” Chi looked him in the eye's her gaze cold and held promise of pain. “I don't cheat and if you say it one more time you will find your self take a walk out side. You got me.” Chi said as she raised her hand and closed it making her knuckles pop as she made a fist. The man nodded and handed her his money. “Thank you.” She said in an all to sweet tone.

Chi got up out of the dark hall on one of the levels of Aron and made her way to the shopping level, She had plains for this money and if it was the last thing she did she would get her self a burger. “Maybe they will have a beef one this time instead of rat meat.” She said to her as she made her way threw the maze of tunnels to the upper level of the saturation. Once she got out of the stair way she pushed her way pass the body's of travelers and workers all here to grab a ship to some where other then this hellish belt of rocks.

Once she found her favorite food stand she order her food and waited, When she got the food she lifted up the bun and pouted. “Dam it all, It's rat.” Chi said but still she picked it up and smiled as the meat slid down and in to her empty belly. She had just finished her food when she looked up to see a pair of Alley solders walk her way, She turned her head and looked the other way as they passed. She sighed as she paid for her meal and left. Next she stopped a bar and in side she found her self welcome by the owner. “Chi! Where have you been, I didn't see you last week.” The man said. “I had a small job on a ship I had to get to after the game last week, But hay I could use a drink and news of any jobs if you've heard anything.” She said and the man nodded and took her to a table to wait as he got her a drink.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chi 'The Rose' Johnson Character Portrait: Damiyan Varush
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Another day, another fat group of merchants that need shepherding. Damiyan loathed the fact that he had to deal with them, but money is money and he was in a bad way. A group of poachers had taken over his sweet spot and set up operations, meaning he'd have to spend another month or so scouring the asteroid belt to find a good rock. His specialty was cobalt, something that ship captains payed out the nose for, but it was notoriously hard to mine and in rare supply. That meant that prices were astronomical, but it also meant that those with less scruple than him would do anything to get their grubby hands on it, even if that meant jumping another man's claim. He'd tried to bring it up with the authorities, but they shrugged and said the asteroid belt was too dangerous to navigate for them.

He needed a good hard drink or five to wash the day's harsh disappointment from his mouth. His favorite place, the Orion's belt, seemed like a good stop. They usually kept some draft on tap for him, in case he wanted to splurge, which in this case he did. Casually thumbing the door button, Damiyan stepped in, grinning wide as the familar smells and sounds greeted him. He pulled up a seat at the bar and waited, noting who was in the room. A few pretty faces, but no one really stood out. Well, almost no one. Trying to make it casual, he checked out a newcomer sitting alone at a table.

" 'Ey, Bill? What's th' new mot? Ant scryed 'er glim round 'ere afore." The bartender shot him a look, as if to say 'don't try anything', which Damiyan took to be a good sign. Bill had an eye for wildcats, and this one seemed to fit the bill.

"S'aright, mate. I won' makey touchey if'n 's a scrap. Put 'er grog on me tab, there's a lad. An' I'll slam one as well." The bartender glared at him again, but finally relented with a shrug. Sliding Damiyan the beer across the bar, he took the lady's drink to her and let her know of her benefactor. Damiyan raised his mug to her with a genuine smile, laughing through the foam as he drank.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chi 'The Rose' Johnson Character Portrait: Damiyan Varush
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#, as written by InuYuki
As Chi sat there and waited she saw a man walking in and he to was also greeted by Bill in a buddy manner and was chatting with him, though it looked like the man was chatting more then Bill was. After a few moments Bill returned and handed her a beer and her shot of vodka she had ordered, She gave him a look and he gestured to the man sitting at the bar who raised his own beer and gave her a smile. Not really sure of the act Chi gave him a small smile and nodded.

“So Bill is there any chance you've heard of any work come up, If not I'm going to have head back down to the planet on the next ship out?” Chi asked. “No word around here Chi, I'm sorry. But maybe it's for the best you head out, There's been a lot of Alley's around as of late and we both know they would never go down on to Blu unless it was higher up giving the orders..” Bill told her and it was true Blu was one of the hardest planet to get to dew to the asteroid belt, Chi knew this and that's why she made it here home base of sorts. “Fuck, Yeah I know. I saw a pair of dog's over by the food stands, What the hell are they doing out this far any ways.” She asked.

“Rumor has it there looking for a deserter of some kind. Not sure on much else there being really tight lipped about it.” Bill said and then turned and left to see to the bar. Chi's face paled as the news. 'They can't be....Still looking after all this time....Can they?' She thought. She reached for her shot and slammed it, Letting the burn of the alcohol fill her mind. Picking up her beer and glass Chi walked over to the bar and called Bill over. “I'm going to need more then just the shot tonight Bill, Bring me the bottle.” She said in a gritty voice, The burn in her through still strong.


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Character Portrait: Chi 'The Rose' Johnson Character Portrait: Damiyan Varush
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Oh, a wildcat indeed! A drinker and a rebel. Damiyan liked her already! Still, something must be the matter if she was so upset. Damiyan swirled his beer in the mug, examining it as if it contained the answers to life's most meaningful questions. To him, however, it just looked like delicious beer. With a shrug, he knocked back the rest of his brew and set the glass down loudly, making an exaggerated noise of satisfaction.

"Bill! Th' mot canna mount such a rock on 'er own, c'n she? I'll fancy a necker m'self! I dunno wha'fer th' party, bu' I'm not one ter let a digger slip me nose!" He held the bartenders gaze for a moment, a slight grin on his face. Finally, Bill relented and produced another bottle from behind the counter. Damiyan cooed in delight, eyeing the deep, dark blue sloshing around in the bottle.

"Bill! Ye been secret'n th' good stuff from me? Ye dirty coiner! Gimme gimme gimme!" Damiyan reached greedily across the counter, only to moan in despair as the bartender yanked the bottle away from his grasp.

"You pay up front this time, Damiyan. Last time you split before I could get your chit, you were so drunk." Growling in defeat, the miner pulled a credit chit out of his pocket and forked it over to the bartender, resisting slightly as the older man pried it out of his hands. Astral Cobalt liquor was the rarest, most expensive booze in the system, and it was going to cost him his entire credit line to drink it, but he'd rather be broke than pass up the chance to savor it again. It could be his last time in a while.

Bill charged his card and returned it, though the plastic rectangle was now useless until he could replenish his funds. Still, the greatest liquor ever created was now in his grasp. Damiyan popped the top and deeply inhaled the vapors, which caused him to cough violently.

"Say, mot...Have y'ever tangled wiv Astral Cobalt afore? S'th' best rockjuice in th' system! I'd be goodhearted ter let ye have a taste, if ye feel up to it? I flare ye, tho. This necker alone c'n power a Blackrunner." He poured himself a shot and watched the glass fizzle as the potent liquor tried to escape. Taking a deep breath, Damiyan tossed the shot into the back of his mouth and swallowed as quickly as he could. Immediately, he felt as if a pair of suns winked into existence in his stomach, and was almost instantly drunk.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chi 'The Rose' Johnson Character Portrait: Damiyan Varush
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0.00 INK

#, as written by InuYuki
Chi gave the man a glance as he call Bill over for a bottle, She found his accent odd but she understood him non the less. As he talked to Bill Chi poured her self another shot and tossed it back, She could try and drink away her numb but was pointless. After all the Alley's had done to her the drink did nothing for her but burn and made her look like all the others stuck here tell they could grab the next ship out of here, Chi sighed and poured another shot.

When the man next to her showed such excitement over the bottle Bill had handed him Chi looked over to see what it was. To her shock it was Astral Cobalt and even more shocking was the fact the man could even buy the stuff. From the way he looked no one, Not even her would have thought the man could buy such a high end drink. When man asked her if she had ever tried the drink before all she could do was shake her head in the no. As he took his shot she saw that his face now held a red hew to it and could only hope it could numb her mind for the first time at his offer to share.

Before she could hand him her glass a man near the front doors of the bar started to sing a drinking song, Chi head turned quickly at the sound. It was a warning to those in the bar that the Alley were on there way in, Bill already in front of her nodded and she looked to the man next to her. “Sorry but I’ll have to pass on the drink for the moment, But if it still stands when I get back I’ll be more then happy to take you up on it.” Chi said and then jumped over the bar and over to Bill who was holding open a hind door, Chi jump in and the door was shut just as the Alley's walked in to the bar.

The Alley's walked around the bar for a few moments and then up to Bill. “We are looking for some one. Female, Around five foot three, Black hair, Dark brown eye's and has a tattoo that starts as base of her neck on the right side and travels down the arm. She go's by Chi Johnson with the aisle 'The Rose'. Have you seen her?” Asked the older of the two. Bill shock his head no and walked down the bar to get some one a drink. The Alley's then turned to Damiyan. “What about you? Have you seen any girls around here that look like that? There's a reward for any information leading to her capture.” The younger Alley said.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chi 'The Rose' Johnson Character Portrait: Damiyan Varush
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"Blah blah you? Blah blah blah girls ? Blah blah reward blah blah." Damiyan's head jerked up at the mention of a girls and a reward. Two things he would really like to have at the moment, considering his recent loss. His eyes teared up a bit at the thought of his beautiful claim being manhandled and violated by some ruffians who didn't know how to treat her.

"Aye, I scryed a glim as such. Romped us a grand bit, too. Out inna black she is, in th' hands o some jaggers! Tried ter get yer help ta 'stract 'er, but ye dinna want any o th' busymakin'. Now ye change yer tunes, eh? Ye two glimmed mutts! If yer so stony on findin' er than take me out inna black! I'll s'cort ye where th' most beautiful mot in th' system lay!"

The Alley soldiers exchanged looks, but shrugged and agreed to let Damiyan serve as their guide. He handed his precious bottle of Astral Cobalt to the bartender, who took it in a sarcastic sort of reverence and shooed the group out of the bar. Damiyan staggered away shouting nonsense about thieves and rocks. He told the Alley men to follow his mining barge in their fighters and met them outside the station.

A couple hours later, the same barge pulled into dock alone. Damiyan stumbled back out and meandered into the Orion's belt again, looking rather pleased with himself. Bill stared at him incredulously, but said nothing, instead withdrawing the bottle of Astral Cobalt and relinquishing it into Damiyan's loving arms.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chi 'The Rose' Johnson Character Portrait: Damiyan Varush
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0.00 INK

#, as written by InuYuki
After Damiyan left Bill let Chi out of the hidden room behind the bar and handed her a bag. “Your lucky Damiyan was able to lead them off this time Chi.” He said and Chi nodded she had heard the hole thing from the room. “Yeah I guess, What's in the bag Bill?” She asked. “It's a change of clothing Chi, I just go word that a good customer of mine is going to stop by some time tonight and his looking for a pilot.” Bill told her but she raised a single brow. “There high class people Chi it would be best if you dress to impress.” He said and the pushed off in to the back room to change. Chi thanked him and got to work. Bill had always been good to her, She had known him now for some time and he was one of the vary few people she call her friend.

Chi came out from the back room in a black strapless dress, She felt like a fool with her black knee high combat boots on but would suck it up. Chi waited and after an hour or so Bill brought a man over to sit with Chi, He look high class just like Bill had said. He ware a gray suit and his hair was slicked back and he had that snobby look on his face. They sat there for an hour talking about him and his work and what he was looking for in terms of a pilot and after some time she saw the man now known to her as Damiyan walk back in to the bar and a little smug looking to. She waved at him and smiled, She was grateful but she had to work on this ass hole for now if she wanted to get a job. “Ok I understand and I can fly your ship for 10% of the cargo's sale.” Chi told him. “No that way to much, I mean I’ve never even heard your name before Bill told really. All I can offer is 7% of the take but...” The man said as he looked her up and down. “I maybe able to pay you for other services.” He said as he laid a hand on hers. Well that was the last straw for Chi, She was not going to sit here and take any more of the ass hole shit. Really she was surprised she lasted this long, This man had to be the biggest, snobby peace of shit she had ever seen.

Jerking her hand back Chi stood up and glared down at the man with look of pure hate. “Look you son of bitch, there's not enough money in the universe to get me to sleep with you. I'm a pilot and a mechanic not some space port hooker.” Chi yelled, Slapping him she turn to leave but soon felt a hand on her arm. “Now look here you bitch I ...” He never got finish, Chi boot stopped him, Her foot connecting nicely to the mans jaw. Chi turn and looked down as the man as he lay there on the floor out cold. “And this is for making me sit here all night putting up with all your hot air.” She said as she gave him a kick to the stomach. Walking over to the bar and sitting next to Damiyan she let her head fall to sit on the cold bar counter. She let her head tilt to the side to face Damiyan. “Thanks for before, I thought for sure you might of told them I was here. I owe you one.” She said softly.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chi 'The Rose' Johnson Character Portrait: Damiyan Varush
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"Ey, yer th' mot from afore!" Damiyan paused, just realizing what she was wearing and took a minute to very openly admire her.

"S'a fancy getup...Who's th' righty cove? Oh! I jus' sparked! Ye wan' a taste o' th' Astral Cobalt now? Mayhap afore ye flee twice times?" Mustering as much control as he could, Damiyan poured a shot of his precious liquor and set it down in front of Chi, then made one for himself. Cracking his neck and rolling his shoulders, the miner tossed back another shot and corked the bottle. Even a heavy drinker like himself could only handle two shots of Astral Cobalt before passing out.

"So what did you do with those Alley boys anyway?" queried Bill, more than just a bit curious.

"Do? Bill, ye spear me wiv such gab. I ent makey touchy in no Alleyboys, if such is yer questin'. Th' blasted homewreckers done em in. Goddess favored me, though, an' one o th' alleys spaced 'em wiva banger afore he bit it. Me baby's back, Bill! I got work again! I'm sore lackin' a guard fer me work, though. Ent wantin' more scraps on me lonesome." Damiyan turned to Chi as he was speaking and looked at her meaningfully.

"Some kinna hard spacer, who ent afeared o' crackin' brainpans or spacin' dickdusters. Mayhap some kinna mot what owes me a favor?" He burst into uproarious laughter, holding his belly and almost falling off his stool.