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Amalia Winchester

Sailmaker, Scout, and the Observer. Silent, but deadly some may say.

0 · 565 views · located in The Jewel of the Seven Skies

a character in “Sky Pirates: Band of Misfits”, as played by AugustaBlaze


"Better to remain quiet and out of the way."

Back to Basics

Name: Amallia Tessa Winchester. (A-moll-e-yuh)
Nicknames: From a very small age, Amallia had trouble pronouncing her own name. She would call herself ah-molly-uh, so her father suggested that she just go by Molly. Many agreed that it fit the small, innocent looking child. Others would just refer to Molly by her middle name Tessa, mostly her twin brothers did this due to their small age. Another nickname that was given to her was "Mouse". People compared her quiet nature to that of a mouse, it seems to stick. A new nickname she's obtained since she joined the ship is Ariel, after the story of the little mermaid. She can thank her hair for that one. She has also became know as "Scout", since she scouts out the places they heist. Molly doesn't mind the nicknames, she actually likes them though she would never voice that aloud.
Age: Just turned 20
Gender: Female
Birthdate: March 27th
Birthplace: Richmond, Virginia
Role on Ship: Sailmaker, The sailmaker's art has always been just that: an art. Precision is key. Meaning Molly is usually busy fixing sails that need fixing, or watching them closely. She tends to prop herself on a mast. Normally the main mast is her preferred spot, that's usually where the others look first if they need her.
Role in Circus: Behind the Scenes - It's pretty straightforward, Molly doesn't enjoy the attention of being in the spot light so she stays away from it as much as she can. She's done a good job at it so far, plus her still being a bit new she isn't allowed to really perform. Behind the scenes Molly usually helps with the aerial silk performances. She helps maintain the silk fabric and checks it before Katarina goes on. Other than that, she's more of a runner, she gets what the others need and relays messages back an forth, or she just sits back and enjoys the show.

First Impressions

Height: 5'3 - Luckily she has no trouble moving about the ship, no worries of the moving sails and ropes, and she rarely has to duck. Though she doesn't like the fact people look down on her.
Weight: Around 123, give or take.
Build: Lean/Toned. Fragile looking but she has lean muscles and curves in all the right places, quiet modest really for her small frame.
Hair Color: Almost auburn, but in the sun it's clearly red. Up close you can almost call it a strawberry blonde, more strawberry than blonde, with hints of natural light brown highlights.
Eye Color: Dark gray eyes, almost a silver colors with hints of blue around the edge and near the pupil.
Scars or Markings: She's poked her finger with a needle a few times and has a scar on her left cheekbone other than that her skin is rather untouched by scars and markings.
Brief Written Description:
How Molly catches most people's wandering eyes is by her red hair. On several occasions a drunken man has pointed at her head and screamed fire, which most of the ones who have done that are beyond the point of drunk. Her hair itself is a bit uncontrollable, like a fire. Her wild assets provide an easy distraction for most - her hair isn't straight yet it isn't curly either, being a combination of braids, knots, beads, and a few stray feathers. Due to this the length is unconfirmed, sometimes it falls just below her shoulders, other times its down to the middle of her back. Behind the hair, both ears are pierced and hold two earrings each. Usually hidden by her hair is her eyes, most people have never really held direct eye contact with the small sailmaker. Her eyes aren't unique, they are a bit dull really. Except in the sunlight the silvery color is more pronounced due to the dark gray surrounding it.
Molly is a strange girl to behold. Her physical shape is soft and curved, small and fragile looking. Her face, though, is a bit more stoic. She usually has a very judgmental look on her face. Not that she's angry, she just doesn't like showing emotions. Her brows are usually furrowed and her eyes squinted slightly. Her stoic look can be transformed with a small smile as a look of curiosity which is a valid point. Her teeth which may make you a bit apprehensive. Molly has a perfect set of white teeth, her canines are fairly sharp due to no reason at all. Not to mention her voice isn't as nearly as soft as her features - it's a bit husky, almost challenging. Her skin is slightly sun kissed, with freckles dotting the bridge of her nose and her forearms. Her looks seem to radiate her personality, she looks approachable but you may want to proceed with caution. Her appearance is almost lithe, seeing her you think she could easily be over powered which is true in most cases, but she knows more than she lets on so you may be on the receiving end of the blow.

Digging A Little Deeper


Quirks and Faults
| Stories | - For someone who doesn't talk much, this girl loves to tell stories. Her imagination seems to just run wild. She received her creative imagination from her father who was an artist. For every one of his paintings she came up with a story to tell her twin brothers.

| Listener | - Amalia is great at listening, she has a keen ear. Yet she's not a good listener. Yes, she listens but she's not open-minded. Other people's opinions really just go through one ear and out the other.

Animals | Consistency | Clouds | Stars | Learning to read, write, and spell | Being right | Arguing | The ocean | Sweets | Rum | Heights | Going barefooted | Challenges | Relaxation | Jokes

Loud noises | Darkness | Sour smells | Interruptions | Anxiety | Repetition | Irony | Lectures | Loosing | The feeling of being trapped | Fire

| Family | - She wishes to be reunited with her family, maybe even start a family of her own. Her mother and father always spoke of wanting grandchildren, plus her brothers would make a good uncles. Then again maybe she just wants a man who is there for her. She doesn't voice this aloud though.

| Recognition | - There is almost a need for people to recognize her, she feels as if she is invisible on the ship. All she does is fix sails, she's almost unneeded. She wants people to pat her on the back and tell her "Good job." once in awhile. She wants people to know her. First she needs to get away from always being on the sidelines.

| Storms | - Every since she was a little girl, Amalia has had a fear of storms. The amount of noise is a bit too much for her. The loud thunder makes her anxiety and jumpy. Lightening causes her to coward in corners. The only comfort she has is a stuffed animal, a wolf, her mother made her when she was little. Of course no one knows of her wolf, Miles.

| Crowds | - Large numbers of people cause Amalia's palms to sweat and her heart to beat faster than it should. She doesn't feel safe in crowds and she feels exposed. Strangers cause her much discomfort, that's why she mainly works behind the scenes in the circus. The large crowd sometimes cause her to freeze with fear. Other times her face is twisted with disgust and she just slips away without being seen.

| Quick Learner | - Amalia is a very fast learner, plus she loves to learn. She takes pride in her knowledge of things and always wants to learn something else. She has books scattered around the ship, most of them already read, but she enjoys getting new books at the various places they visit. Of course she steals them. Feels bad about it later, but she soon shakes the feeling and finds another book to stick her nose in.

| Silence | - She has the nickname "Mouse" for a reason. Ever since she was a little girl Molly has had the ability to sneak up on people, usually she's barefooted mind you. That's the reason during heists she's the first to go, a so-called lookout. She scouts the place before telling the others its safe.

| Narrow-Minded | - Stubbornness is the only thing Molly received from her mother, she doesn't tend to take other people's opinions very well. Sometimes she doesn't take them at all. She's not afraid to tell you how she feels either. She may be quiet, but if she's pushed too far you'll know it.

| Sensitive | - Amalia wears her heart on her sleeve, sadly. Her feelings are easily hurt, but she doesn't let it show. She just holds a grudge which usually ends in her giving that person the silent treatment.

Under My Skin



|Quiet, Observant, Daring, Trustworthy, Cunning|

At first glace, Amalia's appearance shouts naive, but she is a hard one to decipher. Maybe it's because one moment she may appear to you as completely approachable and friendly and more than usual she radiates the need to be left alone. It’s still questionable as to whether she’s unsure of herself and where she in fact lies in all of this, if it’s her more definitive personality, or, what she’d like herself to be. Cecilia doesn’t keep to one standardized image and tends to vary. Usually leaning towards the quiet observer.

The girl is stubborn and biased. Molly isn't one to surrender herself in an argument and won’t bend to anyone’s will. She thinks that her opinions are always correct simply because she’s had to rely on only herself for so long. It doesn't mean she's close-minded, but she's not exactly open-minded either. She won't immediately cast aside an offering of ideas or leads but she’s one to always want and have the final say in expressing and acting upon them. This mule headed tactic is often involved in her social connections and family relations as well. She likes to keep people an arm lengths away.

The small girl has a knack for making a crude comment or sardonic joke in the midst of a tense or emotionally stressful situation. While some might contribute this to immaturity in many ways it’s a coping mechanism. Molly doesn’t have time or the heart to take every heavy psychological blow that’s thrown at her and instead of allowing it she’ll turn it into a joke to make it easier for herself to deal with. Even though most of those blows piece her seemingly "tough" skin, she hides it well. Quick to smile and her laugh seeming to be a bit forced, there is almost like a cloud of depression hanging over her, only showing in her eyes as she pretends nothing is wrong and simply brushes it off with a smirk and a raised brow.

Despite her "thick" skin and her ability to carry on through situations that would put most people in a straight jacket, somewhere inside of Molly lies self-doubt, a mass of insecurity, and resentment toward her own choices. Mouse is very insecure, not just about physical appearance, but more so emotionally. Because she’s always burying how she’s feeling making the emotional lapses terrible. She found out she wasn’t made of stone and that she could be broken, easily. The mistakes that followed were like below the belt hits and she has carried those feelings for a very long time, buried inside and not mentioned until the finality of everything finally started to make the walls that she’d set up crumble. Time has showed that she could snap under pressure and shows a part of her happen in violent bursts. Having an already shortened fuse can make her temper flare.

She covets and she scorns for her own needs. Inside of her there’s an internal war, and there always had been, even as she was in the midst of a more tangible battle. She hardly lets this piece of her win her over and it’s often only when Amalia is either simply too tired or really trusts someone that people see this sensitivity and mournful acceptance of who she is and who she’s become. There’s more layers to her than just the naive, innocent girl. She’s multifaceted and capable of being just as insecure as she is flamboyantly confident. She covers it all with a fake courageous persona, she a bit of a daring little one. Though she has her own kind of intelligence, she is intelligent none-the-less . Never having learnt to read or write, she has made up for in cunning abilities. She's quick witted and can get herself out of a sticky situation easily. Amalia is an eager learner, not voicing that aloud though. She keeps her head high with a fake image of being well-educated.

Underneath, Amalia is genuine in what she does and says despite the fact that she tries to shroud this part of herself away. It's with cocky superiority and incandescent sarcasm that she keeps the real struggle with who she is, and her trials and tribulations well hidden. She's always been good about keeping herself calm in the face of danger or distress and is very used to facing impending doom and severe situations. She’s calm, smooth talking (though she rarely uses this ability), deliberate in everything that she does in these circumstances and in many ways it helps to carry on through them. She's head strong, strong willed, and determined. Regardless of how she feels about herself, or about something that she’s involved in, she can be and is heroic and altruistic. She’ll put his life on the line to ensure the safety of others. She plays her naive routine to divert people away from the fact, but the things supporting this lack of intellect are usually replaced by the excess of street smarts and survival skills that she has in.

Molly has a very visible crutch-type attachment to alcohol and food. She's indulgent and gluttonous with both of them. Obviously, for different reasons. Using liquor as a coping mechanism and food of any kind as an emotional pick-me-up.

Diving Into The Past



Amalia was born in a large home just outside of Richmond, Virginia where she grew up for four years of her life. Moving to the Appalachian Mountains just a month after her fourth birthday, moving into a house smaller house. You see Amalia's father was a senator for the state of Virginia, that meaning he made a lot of money. Yet, when he heard his wife was pregnant again..he decided to get his family out of Dodge.

Richmond had became violent while Amalia was growing up. At the age of two, the small red head was almost kidnapped. At the age of three, her father was put in the hospital for gun shot wounds. Age four her mother was attacked, causing her to have a miscarriage. Paul Winchester decided it was best for him to give up his well paying position and pursue a dream he had. Paul wanted to be a painter and his wife, Mallory, didn't like the idea of having to give up the money. Much like her daughter, she voiced this opinion quiet frequently and kept saying they were not right for the "poor life". Paul simply feared for his family's safety, so without hearing his wife out he moved the family to the mountains.

Life after that was simple and enjoyable for everyone, except Mallory.
At age five Amalia got her first bike, her dad teaching her to ride it. Age seven she got her first puppy, Marco, who's a Great Dane. Age nine she got her a first goldfish, age nine and one day..her first goldfish died. At age ten she began asking why she didn't go to school like the other kids, only to be "hushed". Age twelve she got her first "boyfriend" and at age twelve and a half her first heartbreak. Her father was with her the whole time. At fourteen she started to become more of a teenager, so there were arguments here and there, nothing drastic though. Most of them were with her mom, but they say mothers and daughters fight the most.
They were a happy family.

Soon after two twin boys were welcomed into the Winchester family, Elijah and Mason. It seemed after they were born that Molly's parents thought she could take care of herself and their whole attention was on the twins who were "God sent". Amalia soon got evolved with the wrong crowd, but luckily her parents talked her out of it, or at least they thought they had. They noticed her becoming more and more distant from them, one day they went into her room..finding the young teen was gone. At age fifteen her parents had to search for her..not finding her for almost two weeks. They had given up hope when the small teen knocked on the door. Next few months of being home was a welcomed breath of fresh air, Amalia finally got to know her little brothers. Coming to love them. Ten days before her eighteenth birthday the unthinkable happened.

They say when something is almost to perfect there is always something there to ruin it. The small home had no fire alarm and the spark from the fire place led to a disaster that literally tore Amalia's life apart. All she remembered was being yanked from her bed, it had to be around three in the morning. Her dad yelled at her to run. The whole place was ablaze, she stumbled down the stairs and fell down the last few (Where she received the scar on her cheekbone). She glanced back to see a her dad fighting his way back to the twin's room. Suddenly she turned and headed back up the stairs to the boys room. Her father had Elijah and she quickly yanked Mason up. The two four year olds were frozen in fear as Amalia and her father ran out of the house.

Outside Mallory stood, watching the flames, not even acknowledging the fact her whole family just escaped the flames. Paul exploded, years of holding back anger all unleashed at one time. Mallory stood tall and silent, taking each blow as if it didn't faze her.

Molly didn't hear anything about her mom for the next month. Paul didn't seem himself. Soon she was informed that her mother had left, it didn't faze Amalia at first. Then she began to feel abandoned. She was the one taking care of the two four year olds, soon to be five year olds. She looked over to her dad, hoping to hear his usual encouraging words. But none came, no words every came from him after that day.

A year later she found herself on the streets, alone. She had gotten in the habit of stealing food for her family, hearing word from people on the street that Mallory was now known as Mallory Lincoln. Her mother dearest had married an elder, rich man. That's when it hit her. Amalia's own mother had married her father for the money, the position of being known as the senator's wife. Not for love. Suddenly there was a change in Amalia. She began to target the rich, preferably the Lincoln estate. Her father found out soon after he noticed the abundance of food. Molly had never lied to her father, so she told him everything.

She wasn't yelled at, she wasn't punished, her father simply looked at her with a look of disappointment and shook his head. Since that day, she hasn't heard her father's voice once. Soon after that, though, a ship had sailed in to the large town at the bottom of the mountain. Through pure curiosity Amalia went to check it out. After the circus, she decided to pay her mother a visit..

That's how she ran into Annie. She came face to face with the pirate's long blade. She learned that she and Annie seemed to share the same hatred for rich people. Soon after, Amalia asked Annie in private to write a letter to her father..explaining what she was doing. To put it simply she told her father she going to get money for her family, particularly her younger brothers. She's here for her own reasons and likes to keep those reasons to herself.


How often do you get online?: Daily or every other day, depends on my schedule.
How often can we expect you to be able to post?: At least three times a week, or once every other day. Sometimes I'm on a roll and can post daily.
Password: Buried Treasure

So begins...

Amalia Winchester's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Annie Doherty Character Portrait: Zizi Character Portrait: Leopold Doherty Character Portrait: Blayke Crandall Character Portrait: Amalia Winchester
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It was a rather cool morning for summer, yet still the wind felt good. It would most certainly warm up, the blistering heat hitting mid-day. And he would mostly be stuck in the bowels of the ship, where the heat seemed to hang in mid-air, almost suffocating. So Leo closed his eyes and let the wind blow through his hair, a small smile appearing on his face. This life was like nothing he could have ever imagined for himself. His heart began to beat faster just at the thought. Every kid dreamt of being a pirate, and yet he got to BE one. His home was a flying pirate ship, and he got to be a clown in a circus. He was living a childhood dream. Sure, he missed his dad. There wasn't a day that went by where his father wouldn't pop into his head at hearing a certain phrase or seeing something that triggered a memory. And yet, he could just imagine his father looking down, happy his son was living out his dreams. Even if he was a pirate that helped steal from the rich.

Of course, during all the heists, he had to stay on the ship with a babysitter. Leo huffed out a breath of frustration - knowing that his aunt was just trying to look out for him - but still, he wanted that adventure. Even if she would let him go just once. But, she always refused. And, being the 'good' little boy he was, he obliged. When he snapped out of his thoughts, the sun was higher in the sky than he expected. Panic began to overcome him. He was going to be late. And Annie hated it when he was late. Immediately he took off, running across the deck, his shoes clip-clopping against the hard wood. There weren't very many people up and about yet, but the few that were received a wave and smile from the young boy. He may be running behind, but he certainly wasn't going to be mean!

Suddenly, a crew member stepped out in his path, and the pair almost collided. Leo expertly slid his feet out in front of him, his bum sliding on the dewy deck of the ship, right between the legs of the man. The man gave out a yell as Leo stood up and kept running, but he looked back with the biggest grin on his face. Annie's cabin was towards the back of the ship, located on the highest level. Leo's room was right next door, though considerably smaller. Of course, she was the captain. She got the best spoils of the group. As he approached the door leading down below deck, he slowed his pace, but only slightly. He threw the door open, not bothering to close it behind him, and leaped down the staircase, landing at the bottom with cat-like grace. He took off at a sprint once more, dodging between crew members who had finally woken up and were reporting to their duties.

When he reached her door, he came to an abrupt halt, then opened it slowly, peeking his head inside. Annie was sitting at her desk, papers strewn out before her. She picked one up, then another, hand running through her hair. After a moment, Leo slid inside, closing the door softly behind him. "Auntie!" he exclaimed, holding his hands out in a big gesture.

Annie lifted her head, then swiveled her chair around to greet him. Her face gave away nothing. "You're late," she said simply.

"Yeah... he said, holding the syllable out for longer than he should. "But not too late!"

Annie couldn't hold a straight face any longer, and a smile appeared, turning her face set in stone to one as bright as a ray of sunshine. "You silly little boy," she said, standing up and approaching him, wrapping her arms around him lovingly. She gave him a good squeeze for a few seconds before releasing her hold on him. "I have a job for you already," she said, walking back over to the table to consult the pieces of paper once more. "I need you to go and fetch Zizi, please. And be polite. I just need to ask her one more time about this choice of location..." He noted a bit of worry creeping into her voice. Leo's aunt was always very honest about her plans and ideas. She didn't hide anything from him. After all, he was thirteen years old. He could handle anything she had to say.

"You got it!" His voice was exuberant and joyful, his teeth showing through his smile. He ran to the door, opened it, then turned back to face is aunt. "Captain!" he shouted, then gave her a goofy salute, before exiting her cabin. He took off at a run once more, only stopping at an intersection to wonder which way he should go. Where exactly would Zizi be this early in the morning? Guessing, he took a right turn, making his way to the inner part of the ship. And, coincidentally, the direction of Amalia's cabin. Perhaps he would conveniently run into her on his way...

Meanwhile, Annie was bent over her table, staring at the maps. Zizi had given her clear direction on their first target. A rather wealthy young gentleman in the field of politics, who wished to put the poor down even more. Moving them away from the inner city, pushing the slums farther from resources. She slammed a fist down on the table. Her only plan had been one of seduction. Distract him long enough to drain his wealth dry, and then take off back into the night. Yet, that plan didn't seem solid enough to her. Too much could go wrong. And this was their first operation as a team. If they failed, it wouldn't bode well with most of her crew, she had to guess. And so she had called on Zizi, who she hoped would have some insight into this whole predicament. Annie knew she worried too much, but this was her crews safety on the line, and failure couldn't be an option.

She considered calling on Blayke. She could certainly use him to destress. Yet, she figured he was busy, and it was early. Not to mention, if Leo was efficient, Zizi would be coming sooner rather than later. And if Blayke was present, that would be an awkward conversation to have.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katarina Zarubin Character Portrait: Emilia Knox Character Portrait: Francis Savage Character Portrait: Leopold Doherty Character Portrait: Blayke Crandall Character Portrait: Amalia Winchester
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Curled up, much like a cat, in the hammock the small sail maker began to stir. No movement coming from her until her grey eyes began to flutter open, yet they closed as soon as they were open. Soon more movement accompanied, Amalia slowly uncurled herself from her human ball. She stretched, her muscles tensing as she gave a small satisfied sigh, finally opening her eyes all the way. She scanned her surroundings, feeling a bit lost at first, causing her to look very kid like. Once she got her bearings she sat up, swinging her legs over to where they hung off the hammock, no intent on touching the ground quiet yet.

Amalia had made it a habit of being one of the last to awake on the ship. She stretched once more, her feet reaching for the floor but not finding it. She glanced around, running a hand through her wild red hair. Hopping off her hammock as she went over to a pile of clothes, Amalia wasn't one to keep things organized. Throwing off her clothes she was in carelessly as she slid on a loose-fitting blue shirt, rolling up the sleeves and then shimmied into a pair of pants, which fit tightly, yet she rolled them up to mid-calf. Running a hand through her hair yet again, trying to decide if she should go with or without shoes.

Though she would regret her decision she made her way out of her cabin, silently and barefooted.

The sailmaker was going towards the large sail out on the deck, just for routine inspections. As she made her way towards the upper deck, she repeated a list of things she needed to do - out loud.

"Check the sails, try to make Lysander's hammock longer, fix a few of the circus flags, double check Kat and Blayke's silks, and fix that hole in your pants.." (The first was a given, the second was due to the height the man possessed, the third was due to the show they were putting on, fourth was for good measures, and last is a story Amalia would rather not revisit) She repeated that, over and over to herself quietly a good three times before she reached the top deck. Out of instincts she stopped, silently observing her surroundings. She recognized the pilot right off, Emilia, Amalia found the blonde a bit intimidating. The things she could do with knives was incredible, yet scary. Amalia was just glad they were on the same side, plus she found it amusing that their names were similar. Then her eyes were on Francis, recognizing the hang over immediately, she gave a small grin. "Been there, done that." She mused, quietly to herself, with a small giggle.

Then she heard the familiar clip-clopping of shoes on the deck, "Good morning, Leo!" She called, with a small wave and a large grin. She then headed towards the sails so to began marking things off her to-do list. "You better do what you're told first..don't want you gettin' in trouble." Amalia's voice was soaked in her southern accent as she gave a sly grin towards the boy. "I'll be right here when you get back." She promised before he could object.

With her attention now on the sails, Amalia smiled into the warm sunlight. She kept her mind on anything but the heist that would be occurring that night. She had no desire to be worried.