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Aleksandra Norin

"I didn't ask for this."

0 · 811 views · located in New York City

a character in “Something Given”, originally authored by pieluver, as played by RolePlayGateway


Aleksandra Norin
"I just wanted to be left alone."

Full Name:
Aleksandra Norin
Nicknames and Aliases:
Sasha or Aleks

To be left alone.

Price Payed:
Her sight.
Sexual Orientation:

To become invisible at will. Her clothes will also become invisible, as well as anything that she touches. On her own, she can become invisible for an indefinite amount of time, but the more other things she makes invisible the faster she becomes exhausted and unable to continue. Things she makes invisible can see themselves, and see her, but no one else can see them.


Hair Color:
Red. It's actually brown, but she's taken to dying it a deep red. It began as an attempt to fit in, but now she just likes the colour.
Eye Color:
1.7 metres (5'6).
60 kg (130 pounds).

Her ears, though she hasn't been wearing earrings and the holes are starting to close up.
She has a few scars from where she'd anxiously scratch at her arms as a young child, and she has a small scar on her knee from where she fell out of a tree and ripped something in her leg and had to have surgery to fix it.
She likes to wear her hair in a pony tail with a light blue ribbon, but it's hard to get the ponytail even when she can't see it, so often her hair is lopsided. She also never wears makeup because it's too hard to apply.

{Friendly, Thoughtful, Self-Depreciating, Empathetic}
Aleks is, to say the least, a selfless person. She tries to be nice to everyone, even if they aren't nice to her. She's one to stick up for the little guy. But she has a problem with self image, and she often worries that she's not good enough. Which is why she tries so hard to please people. And because she struggles so much in the recesses of her mind, she is very attuned to other people's emotions, and is usually willing to help take the burden of those emotions. In the same way, being around happy people will make her happy, sad people make her sad, et cetera. And when she's alone, she has problems with getting lost in her mind, with all the troubling thoughts there in. She can easily work herself into strong emotion, be it anger, sadness, resentment, or loneliness, if she's left alone too long, but she can easily hide these emotions. And even when she can't hold onto them, she doesn't explode physically. She just becomes very verbally abusive of those around her. Because she is so attuned to other people, she knows a little better what makes them tick, and when she's set off she can say things that are specifically intended to hurt people. She always regrets what she says after a fit of anger, and in the future she tries harder to keep her emotions, which causes the next explosion to be worse that the one before. Ad infinitum.

Even though, when it comes to other people, Aleks is very friendly, often trying to be happy for them, she rarely lets others know of her true feelings. She wants to be seen as someone who's happy, someone those around her can confide in. Someone who is never sad. In that, she is usually very good at controlling her outwards emotions. When she becomes upset, angry, or any emotion she perceives as negative, her face stills, and her mouth grows slightly thinner, but it's not an expression most people would notice. It takes a lot to make her cry in public. She is also very loyal to people she considers friends, but even though she is friendly to everyone, she doesn't consider many people her true friends, and that makes her feel alone a lot, which leads to a feeling of emptiness and her tendency to mentally beat herself up. But regardless of what happens to her, she is more than willing to sacrifice for others, and she cares about everyone.
Reading. Now she usually listens to books on tape, she's learning braille, but it's difficult for her.
Singing. She's a decent singer, she's never had lessons, but she likes making up her own songs.
People 'watching'. She likes to eavesdrop on conversations and learn about the random strangers in her world.  

When she's extremely nervous, she scratches her arm and laughs.
She often plays with pieces of her hair, tugging, braiding, twirling.
She's very restless, she often taps on things or bounces her leg.
Aleks also flinches easily if she hears someone come closer to her, or someone says something in a sharp voice, or there is a loud noise.      
  • Her friends.
  • Sweets.
  • When people around her are happy.
  • Music.
  • Audiobooks.
  • When people treat her differently because she's blind.
  • Feeling worthless.
  • Tripping.
  • Dogs (She's afraid of dogs that bark a lot.)
  • The rain.
Good hearing. Because she is blind, her sense of hearing has developed, and she is able to locate the source of sounds and hear quiet sounds much better than she could when she could see.
Empathy. She is good at telling how people are feeling by their tone of voice, it's a gut feeling that is mostly right.
Stealth. Being able to become invisible, Aleks has practiced how to stay silent, breaking quietly and measuring her footsteps. In an unfamiliar place, however, her blindness negates this strength.
Intelligence. Aleks is pretty smart, she did well in school and has good critical thinking skills.
Positivity. Aleks is good at helping others see the bright side of the situation, even when she's not feeling happy or positive herself. She is good at brightening other people's days.
Fear. Aleks is easily scared by intimidating people and loud noises. She'll try not to show it, but it does inhibit her.
Blindness. Not being able to see makes it difficult to move around on her own, she has to rely heavily on other people for many things.
Depression. Aleks easily falls into depression, which makes her listless and distracted.
Weakness. Physically, Aleks isn't very strong. She cannot fight, and can easily be physically incapacitated.
Flight. In confrontation, Aleks's first instinct is to run away. Which can cause many problems.

At the age of six, Aleks moved from Russia, where she was born to America. Her family put her up for adoption in the states in the hopes that she'd have a better life than she would growing up with six older siblings in a poor home. Being a pretty, happy little girl, she was adopted by a middle-class couple that couldn't have children of their own. Aleks had a hard time learning English, and she was often teased at school for her thick accent and her paleness. Despite that, she seemed to be a relatively happy child, she had a few close friends, mostly other misfit kids, and she kept up relatively well in her lessons once she started picking up the language.

Her adoptive parents loved her very much, and as she grew older, they began to worry that she was pulling apart from them, so they began smothering her, not realizing that their actions would make her more distant from them. At that time in her life, around the age of 12, she also began dealing with problems at school. Because she and her friends were on the outcast side of the social hierarchy of her middle school, they were teased often. She didn't have too much of a problem with it early on, but she always stuck up for her friends, and eventually the bullies began targeting her instead. And her self esteem problems came into play. She was teased about everything. Even things that weren't true. Other kids began avoiding her due to the bullies, and she had to develop a thick outer skin. She wouldn't even let her closest friends see how badly the bulling hurt her.

In high school, the bullying became more physical. She'd be harassed and pushed around when walking in the halls. Kids would follow her home and scare her. But she didn't want to worry her foster parents or her teachers or her friends. One day, while hiding in the girl's bathroom, knowing there were a pack of kids waiting just outside like a pack of hungry dogs, she sat on the floor, clutching a tiny four leaf clover. It was dumb to think it would work, but she closed her eyes and wished on it, then tucked it into the inner pocket of her jacket. When she opened her eyes, her vision was a little foggy. She stepped outside, and no one was there. But on her way home, her vision faded completely. Her fearful foster parents took her to a doctor, who said he didn't know where the vision loss had come from. It was inexplicable.

Back at home, her adoptive parents treated her like a china doll, ready to break for a few days, not letting her go to school. They decided to send her to a school for youth with disabilities. One night, her father was cooking, and he accidentally dropped a plate. It shattered loudly, and frightened, Aleks disappeared. Her father panicked, calling out for her. When she responded, he was confused, hearing her voice but not seeing her. Then she reappeared. Her father was fascinated by her power, and helped her learn how to use it by telling her when she was visible or not, and the two kept it a secret from her mother and everyone else. Now she is practicing stretching her abilities, and she can feel when she's invisible or not, so she doesn't have to worry about accidentally staying invisible and not knowing.

She resents her power for making her blind, but she's accepted it. She would go back and shoulder the bullying again to get her sight back, though.

Face Claim:
Gou Matsuoka from Free!

So begins...

Aleksandra Norin's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hikaru Nakagawa Character Portrait: Aleksandra Norin Character Portrait: Ezra Shore Character Portrait: Asuka Yuuna
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The date is November 23rd, 2014. The time, currently, is about 5:20 PM, and the skies are already nearing darkness. New York City is still bustling with people, loud and cheerful, already getting read for Christmas a month away. There's a slight chill outside, even though it's not very late. A gust of wind blows by every once and a while, passing through people's clothes and biting the tips of people's reddened noses. Snow has already begun to fall, almost seeming like a light drizzle, if you could compare it to that. People walk along side each other - couples, family, friends - yet they do not know what power lurks within their race, all in the same city at once.

Four of these powerful beings are still young and still have many years more to go in their life. However, they have discovered their powers not so long ago, and are ready to put them to good use. Only a few days ago, Ezra and Hikaru have discovered another one of their kind with powers, only a child named Asuka. They asked for her, telling her parents that it was important, but got shut down. But that didn't stop them. They had told her to meet them at a certain place, at a certain time, because they also found another girl, Aleks, similar to them and were also going to try and convince her to come with them. That time was November 23rd; today.

Having already tried to persuade Aleks' parents, and having failed, the two young men did the same thing- arrange a date and time to meet them, saying it was incredibly important and that they knew what she was, and that they were the same way. She, just like Asuka, agreed to this, and finally, the day has come when Asuka has a chance to escape her house and Aleks to leave while her parents aren't home.

Ezra and Hikaru's words were to meet them at a certain cafe at precisely 5:30 and 'talk about it over a cup of tea,' as the British-born Ezra quoted.

Ezra and Hikaru have already arrived early, and now await Asuka and Aleks' arrival to have a chat about their diversity from the rest of the human race...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hikaru Nakagawa Character Portrait: Aleksandra Norin Character Portrait: Ezra Shore Character Portrait: Asuka Yuuna
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ImageUsually, Ezra would be smoking. One; it helped him feel calm and normal. Two; it was his new source of defense from, well anything that he'd need it for. He discovered only a few years ago that he had gotten control of fire, but at a terrible cost. Just thinking of it made him sigh in the cafe.

Accidentally, he sighed into his coffee just as he took a sip from it, causing the hot liquid to spill on the table, and almost on Hikaru. "Shit..." He mumbled a curse and began to wipe the table with the napkins. His British accent stood out like a sore thumb in the city of New York. It hadn't worn off yet. "Sorry, didn't mean to do that; I was just thinking about how I'm a bit hungry. Honestly, I forgot to eat lunch because I was grading..." He sighed again, this time thankfully, not in his drink.

"It's 5:15, they should be here any moments. Hope that we can get along with them," Ezra listened to Hikaru say.

Ezra leaned back in his chair a bit and said, "We will. They don't seem like bad kids, and they're just like us. I wonder though..." Those memories of the school shooting came back to his mind again and hit him harder than a bus. "I wonder what they sacrificed for their gift." He said the word 'gift' like it was sarcasm, and it was. It was no gift to Ezra. He was glad to have stopped the school wipe out, but now he was the only Shore left in his family.

"Time really did fly, don't you think? It'll be 4 years since the first time we met each other next week. We've been through everything together since then, right?" Ezra looked up from the table and saw Hikaru smiling while he spoke. Of course, he smiled back, and it was that small, adorable, and geeky smile of his that he always seemed to wear.

"Anniversary, uh?" Ezra took another sip. "Hmm... makes me wonder what life would be like if I decided not to let you stay with me. Life would probably be crap, wouldn't it? Life would be crap for the both of us, actually. That'd be absolutely horrible..." He shook, as if that would get rid of the nightmarish thoughts that would cloud his mind if he thought further into the subject. "But at least all the bad stuff's already passed and happened. Now we can actually do something and find others like us, you know? "

Ezra checked the time a second time, and then wondered to himself in his thoughts, 'Wonder what's taking them so long... I know one can speak but she's capable of coming here, right? The other... Oh.' It was then when Ezra realized that one of them was blind. On the outside he looked a bit frozen up, and on the inside he was face palming. He stood up from his chair almost instantly and nearly tripped on his own feet. "Hikaru," He began, placing his coffee back on the table since they hadn't paid yet. "I just recalled one of the young ladies joining us this evening is unable to see. I'm such an idiot... Mind if I leave for a moment to pick her up? I'll lead her here afterwards and then we can discuss all of our... erm... conditions..." He showed Hikaru his phone as he headed out, making a motion to call him if anything was wrong.

On his way out, he encountered a small girl he almost bumped into. "Sorry young miss-" Ezra began until he realized who it was that he was speaking too; Asuka. His eyes widened and then he nudged his head inside, "I've got to pick up our second guest so I'm afraid I'll have to be out for a bit. Hikaru, the man from before, is waiting inside for you. I'm glad you could make it though, hopefully you didn't go through much trouble..." Again, as if he'd be late for something, he checked the time and began to walk again. "I promise I'll be there in a moment." He called back to Asuka and headed on his way to Aleks' house by memory from the last time.


Upon arriving, not much later, Ezra approached Aleks' porch. He was hoping in his mind that her parents weren't home, because last time he went to try and talk to her about joining him and Hikaru, they weren't too... enthusiastic. Especially about a grown man asking for their daughter out of the blue. But it's not like he could just sit outside and do nothing, so he rang the doorbell. 'She can make it to the door, can't she?' Ezra pondered, becoming a bit worried that she wouldn't. 'After all, she has been living in this house for some time... right?' He then knocked after putting a few seconds between the doorbell, speaking out, "It's Ezra... Ezra Shore? I figured you might need help reaching out location.... Aleks, isn't that right?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aleksandra Norin Character Portrait: Ezra Shore
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Aleksandra Norin


"I'll be fine, па́па, don't worry." Aleks said, hugging her father tightly. Then her mother touched her hand, and she turned to hug her as well. Everyone was slowly becoming adjusted to her blindness, making it almost...normal. After the embraces were over, she took a half step back, tugging on a strand of her long hair anxiously. This was the first time they were leaving her alone since she'd lost her sight. It was partially her idea. She'd told them they needed to go out for a date and stop worrying over her so much. Reluctantly they'd agreed, which freed Aleks to meet with the two men who'd appeared at her doorstep before. Her parents had outright refused everything they suggested, but Aleks was curious. Other people with powers? She'd lost her vision for her powers, what had these people lost? She hated what she was going to do to her foster parents, she loved them and didn't want to hurt them, but she had to know why this was happening to her.

After a few more goodbyes, in which Aleks had to struggle against the tears forming in her eyes that these were real goodbyes, not the 'see you in a few hours' type, her parents left, and silence fell over the house. It was time to get to work. Aleks grabbed the little recording device that sat on the counter next to the pantry that she and her parents used to leave notes to each other, since she couldn't read or write. She left a short, slightly tearful message on it, one with profuse apologies dotted throughout. She told them that she loved them, but she needed to learn more about what had caused her to go blind, find a purpose in life.

Then she hurried upstairs, one arm outstretched just in case she misjudged how far away everything was from her, and dressed herself. She pulled on warm socks and her favorite pair of boots, a heavy jacket, and a knit cap, and stuffed her gloves in pocket. It took entirely too long for her to get everything ready, it involved a lot of feeling around for the right thing, which she hated, but it had to be done. This was her life and she had to deal with it.

She clomped back down the stairs, gripping the railing and counting each step so she wouldn't fall, when the realization hit her. She'd so eagerly agreed to the clandestine meeting that she'd forgotten that she had no way of getting there without someone's help. She chewed on her lips, anxiety and loathing filling her belly. Why did things have to be this way? Why blindness? She'd rather lose an arm than have to deal with how frustrating her disability was. She felt her way to the couch, a house key still between her slender fingers, and flopped down, new tears biting at her eyes. But she wouldn't let them fall. She had to be strong. She had to think of something.

But what? She couldn't call the men and ask for help, she didn't have their numbers. Maybe when she didn't show up they'd come back another time. She didn't know how well she'd be able to convince her parents to go out again, but she could always use her power to sneak out if she really had to. She hoped dearly that they wouldn't think she didn't show up because she wasn't interested and wanted no part in whatever it was they planned to do.

All these thoughts were racing through her head when she heard the doorbell ring. Her stomach jumped into her mouth with fright. The sound had startled her from her thoughts. She never answered the door, her parents told her not to. It made sense. She couldn't possibly see who was at the door, so why even open it? But then she heard a voice, identifying itself and calling her name. Her fear was replaced by joy. They'd come to get her. All her worries dissipated as she hurried to the door, using the key in her hand to open it.

"простите, простите," She spouted as she opened the door, her face flushing red, "Er, I'm sorry. I forgot that..." She waved her hand halfheartedly in front of her face to finish the sentence for her. She was turning her head back and forth, trying to pinpoint the location of the person, or people she was talking to. She didn't know if both of them or just Ezra had come, but she felt too shy to ask outright. "I'm sorry for being a bother," She said, worrying her hands as she stood uncomfortably in the door frame. When she was flustered she had difficulties keeping track of which words were English and which ones were Russian, and it was very apparent by the way she stumbled through her sentences. "спасибо for coming mean thank for coming here...I really, er--" After a few more stutters she just snapped her mouth shut, her face flushed and her fingers twirling a strand of loose hair uncomfortably. "Thank you." She finally said, forcing herself to calm down. If she didn't stop freaking out, she'd just go invisible, which would be even more embarrassing.

Cautiously, and to prevent further embarrassment, she stepped out onto the porch and locked the door behind her, tucking the key into a potted plant on the doorstep along with the spare one that was always there. Then she turned around again, slightly disoriented as to Ezra's location. Without thinking she reached out to find him, her hand landing on his upper arm. "Can we go, now?" She asked, letting her previous excitement fill her again. Now it was time for answers.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hikaru Nakagawa Character Portrait: Aleksandra Norin Character Portrait: Ezra Shore Character Portrait: Asuka Yuuna
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#, as written by chrian.


As Hikaru still leaned against the table, Ezra for some strange reasons almost spill his coffee on him. Hikaru heard Ezra muttered a curse and quickly followed by an apologize, as the British-origin man cleaned the table with the napkins. "Sorry, didn't mean to do that; I was just thinking about how I'm a bit hungry. Honestly, I forgot to eat lunch because I was grading..."

Hikaru straighthen himself up with a smile, "No, no, it's okay. I'm good." Hikaru said, but before he could continued, some weird noises came out from his stomach, "Oops, sorry, it's almost dinnertime now and my stomach is just reacting, you know, hehe." Hikaru scratched the back of his head with a laugh.

"I wonder what they sacrificed for their gift.", Ezra said, Hikaru can smell sarcasm from the word "gift". Well, both of them really did have a hard time coping with those "gifts" before so it is understandable that they can't really be happy about it. And probably to two girls they're going to meet will also feel the same.

"Because of those "gifts", we really have to been through a lot. I think they're also suffering from their prices, just like us. Well, we just have to wait and see how they feel towards what has been granted for them along with their wishes. Hope that we can make them feel better about this life." Hikaru said with a small giggle.

"Hmm... makes me wonder what life would be like if I decided not to let you stay with me. Life would probably be crap, wouldn't it? Life would be crap for the both of us, actually. That'd be absolutely horrible..." Ezra said with his adorable smile that Hikaru always admire. He nodded approvingly. Though their lives might be hectic, the fate wasn't so cruel because it has allowed them to find each other. "But at least all the bad stuff's already passed and happened. Now we can actually do something and find others like us, you know?"

"Yeah, I agree," Hikaru smiled, "I used to think that I was lonely all the time, but I'm glad that there are still people like me. I have a good feeling that this will be a good start for all of us."

Ezra then looked at the clock again. Hikaru also wonderd that it was a bit late right now but they haven't turned up yet. Not until then did he remember something about one of the girls. He slaps his palm on his forehead. "I almost forgot that the older girl, Aleks, was blind. Oh my god, I don't think that she can make it here by herself." Hikaru thought. It seems that Ezra has also remembered and he then stood up before placing his coffee on the table. "Hikaru. I just recalled one of the young ladies joining us this evening is unable to see. I'm such an idiot... Mind if I leave for a moment to pick her up? I'll lead her here afterwards and then we can discuss all of our... erm... conditions..."

"I almost forgot about that too," Hikaru sighed, then look up at his roommate, "and yeah, you should go and get her. I'll call you if anything happens."

With that, Ezra make his way out of the coffee shop. Hikaru sighed again, how could they forget something important like that? "Hope that everything is still running like what we planned." He thought then took another sip at his drink, before remember another detail.

Hikaru then stood up, "I should wait for the smaller girl, Asuka, outside. She's only a 10-year-old girl with no voice that was treated badly. Perhaps it is better to welcome her, so that we would gain her trust. Lucky that I did learn ASL back at the orphanage." He thought and made his way to the entrance. When he opened the door, he saw that the girl was already there.

He smiled as friendly as he could, "Hi there, Asuka-chan. I was waiting for you. I guess that it is just you and me now since Ezra has went to get our second guest. Let's go, we can get you something to drink and we'll talk, okay?"

With that said, Hikaru motioned Asuka to follow him and he led her to their seats. "Well, have a sit. Do you want to drink anything? Don't worry, I know ASL. It wasn't that good, but still enough to communicate with you. After that, I'll introduce myself more, since we didn't have a chance to talk that day, okay?" Hikaru said to the small girl with a wink.