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Soul Gems: SPIRIT War

Soul Gems: SPIRIT War


In a time when the demon king plans on bringing about the End of Days, it is up to a group of people able to wield their very souls as weapons to stop him.

2,633 readers have visited Soul Gems: SPIRIT War since Soul_Alchemist created it.


Unknown to most, a secret organization known as SPIRIT has been protecting humanity for years from Shade. But who or what is Shade? Shade is what we call the demon king, a demon as powerful as a god, and as ancient as time itself. Millenia ago, when man was young, he was banished to Shadowland, the home of all demons and other dark creatures of myth and legend. No one is quite sure why, but Shade cannot cross into the world of the living, and so he sends lesser demons, members of his ever growing demon army, into our world to reek havoc and bring chaos to our world in his stead.

It is said that if the world of the living is brought into a state of complete chaos, Shade will be able to cross over, and the End of Days will be upon us. All of humanity; people, cities, animals, plants, will be wiped from the face of the earth, and the demons will reclaim it as their own paradise.

Due to the fact that modern humans rarely, if ever, come into contact with demons, they have lost their ability to see them, and even worse, to fight them. However, on occasion, a person is born who has the ability to sense demons nearby, and sometimes even see and hear them. These people are the ones a man known only as Sir is looking for, and recruiting into SPIRIT. These people have the ability to use Soul Gems and to combat the demons. All ready Sir has a fair number of Gem users, but he is always looking and scouring the world for more.

Basic Info-

Soul Gems are a unique type of gemstone that, once they come in contact with a person who possesses a powerful soul, glow the same color as that persons soul. These gems amplify the owners abilities to control their spiritual energy, allowing them to create a physical manifestation of their soul. These manifestations can be almost anything, although the most common are weapons or armor. Another ability these gems grant is the ability to preform magic. The specific type of magic varies from soul to soul, but the most common are elemental, or just simple magic, things like creating fire or using pure magic to force something away.

All Soul Gems have two paths the owner can take. The first, and most common, is weapons master. This means that, once a person has mastered their weapon in it's first form, it can develope into a second, more powerful form for a period of time, depending on the strength of a persons soul and the amount of spiritual energy they posses. The second path is the magic master, where the owner is able to use much more powerful spells, but at the cost of furthering their soul weapons form.

The king of demons is trying to create chaos in the world and bring about the End of Days, the apocalypse. It is up to you, as a Soul Gem owner to defeat the demon king and his soilders. You can choose to be an existing member of SPIRIT or someone who has just discovered their abilities, who will soon be approached by Sir.

Your Soul Gem can be whatever color you want and be placed in whatever you want. They are usually placed in rings or pendants on necklaces, but basically it can be anything you can keep close to you at all times.

Character Sheet-

Full Name: (your characters real name)
Name: (what everyone calls you)
Soul Color:
Status: (member of SPIRIT, not a member, etc.)
Appearance: (what do you look like? pics welcome, but at at least a little written description as well)
Soul Gem Ability: (what does your Soul Gem allow you to do? what do you call it?)
Equipment: (what do you carry with you?)
Background: (what did you do before becoming a member of SPIRIT? do you do anything else besides the work SPIRIT gives you? etc, general character history)
Other: (anything else you wanna add)

Personality is optional, add it if you want, otherwise just show it through the rp.

If you have any questions feel free to ask them through PM or in the OOC. Colors and abilities should be unique to each character and as soon as a character is accepted their color and ability cannot be choosen by anyone else.

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors


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Dmitri shrugged noncommittally and headed for the fridge. Dart still hadn't mentioned exactly what his long-term plan was, assuming he even had one. 'Hope the Grave kid can stop Shade from using him to open a gateway to the otherworld' didn't sound terribly promising, all things considered. Nor was he particularly enthused that the two had been allowed to leave, but he could still sense them; they were not far, and the demon was heading towards the rest of them anyway.

Opening the refrigerator door, the Russian fished out a couple bottles of water and rummaged around until he managed to find something sweet. Cookies; not the best kind, but they would do. Recalling that Spiral enjoyed such things as well, he offered her the package first. "It may not seem the best idea, but it is always best to keep one's energy up before a fight. No dairy, though; all the movement will upset your stomach." He said nothing more; she could refuse his advice if she chose- it wasn't really his business anyway, was it?

It was now that he chose to address the other young man's question. The superfluous comment about his manner of speech, he ignored; it had been pointed out to him before, and he cared much less now than he had then. "My name is Dmitri." Juniper introduced herself as Spiral, which though he had gathered was a nickname of some sort (or perhaps a surname?) was not the one she had used the first time he'd asked. He didn't think much of it, but it was noted anyway.

Dmitri fell silent again thereafter, absently chewing his cookie as he waited. His mind was a million different places, as usual, and only one of them was the present moment. Thinking, calculating; it was what he did best. Well, that and stealing things. Or killing them, either way. In perspective, he was probably one of the more experienced people in that last area. Juniper was talented, but obviously not very well-acquainted with her power yet. He knew little to nothing of the others save what he had observed on the one occasion. The girl, Eva, was a powerful caster, that much was obvious. If he recalled correctly, the one across the room could fly, and the halfling seemed to rely largely on his fists.

An interesting mix; one that might prove advantageous if they could figure out how to compliment each other effectively. Dmitri himself was fairly flexible; though he preferred weapons to magic, he could integrate the two without issue. This battle might be a good chance for him to gather better information on what exactly stood between Shade and this dimension. We shall see, I suppose...


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#, as written by Iandak
Listening to Dart's explanation, Luft couldn't help but worry. If Grave truly was part demon did that mean at one point he might have consider taking down his friend in order to save everyone else. As he sat in contemplation about this he also realized that Eva was alone with him, what if Grave snapped while she was by herself, the girl was strong but she was still new to all this. However as his ex-nemesis finished speaking the girl who introduced herself as Spiral seemed to be a talker much like himself and the other man Dmitri rarely spoke, he couldn't help but sense a brother sister bond between the two as he watched the tall man offer the girl cookies along with telling her about the dangers of dairy. Dart had told them all to rest up and Eva would probably still be a while with his food , so Luft heads over into a corner grabbing a small crate to prop himself up against the wall. Closing his eyes he begins to concentrate like Feuer had taught him to do back in the old days. In a few minutes Luft is completely zoned out entering a meditative state. In his mind, the ex-SPIRIT agent finds himself in the same white area from before and standing before him yet again is his mentor.

"You know if you're going to stick around in my mind I'm going to have to make you start paying rent!" Luft calls out.
"Cut the crap Butler. We need to get started as soon as possible."
With that Luft straightens up and begins to listen to every word from Feuer.


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"Actually, I've never been here either I don't think..." Grave says, looking the place over as he and Eva make their way inside, "I usually don't come to this part of town unless it's for a job." He was careful to not mention anything about what he actually did around normal people, something he could remember Luft having trouble with in the beginning. But of course, for a person with an outgoing personality, he guessed they would be more prone to wanting to tell people who amazing what they did was, but of course, Grave was different. He had been a loner until he'd met Dart, though that didn't make all that much difference, seeing as how the man was more of a teacher at first, but when Luft had come along things have gotten...interesting. "I think I see the soda over there...come."

Again, without really thinking about it, he reaches out and takes Eva's hand, gently leading her towards the back of the store, where the drinks were kept cool behind large glass doors. Since he couldn't remember what exactly to get for everyone to drink, he grabs a few different twelve packs, surprised at how light they feel to him. Easily now he carries three under his left arm and a fourth in his left hand.

"I...think this should be enough..." he says, looking around and sighing a bit when he doesn't see any carts, "Let's see...the snacks are over here. Now, what did they want?"

As Grave and Eva continue their shopping the Goliath approaches the warehouse, standing twice as high as the building, and wearing what looks like metal shoulder pads and boots, wielding a giant sword. Perhaps if Eva were not so close to Grave and his demonic energy, she might feel his presence, but surely those back at the warehouse can feel him getting closer and closer, and in fact, if they were to go to the roof and look out above the cityscape they would be able to see him now in the distance.

"I let those two go for a very simple reason," Dart says, not exactly speaking to anyone, but answering the question anyway, "The more Grave is exposed to demonic energies, the more likely it is he will turn, and we don't need that, at all...and Eva, she just isn't a fighter. Her healing skills and magic are great, but she is young to this all, and I doubt she could do little against this huge, lumbering demon that's coming our way." As he talks he pauses now and again, taking bites of one of the hamburgers, actually quite hungry. "I think that thing will be here very soon, probably before they even get back..."


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"Mmm... Spiral wanted a protein bar, I think, and Luft said something about instant noodles." Eva did not recall the quiet man or Dart asking for anything, but then they had been talking during that conversation, hadn't they? Maybe they should get something for them anyway? "And of course whatever you'd like."

Eva allowed herself to be led around the store, not really minding. It was something people did sometimes, and though she was hardly in danger of bumping into shelves or anything anymore, it would be more awkwardness than it was worth to try and convince anyone of that, so she didn't bother. It wasn't as though it got on her nerves or anything; she was used to such small courtesies.

She felt a small twinge on the edge of her senses, but Grave's energy was obscuring anything she might have sensed fully, and she barely noticed at it all, mistaking the sensation for a small alteration in her positioning relative to the grocery store's own resident demonic-energy-generator. She smiled slightly at that thought; it was such a silly way to think of it, but perhaps better than being afraid of it or something.

The girl supposed she probably should be afraid, or at least cautious, but it just wasn't something she could do. Grave and Luft were her friends, now, and she had no reason not to trust them, no matter the circumstance, so she chose not to let it get to her.


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#, as written by chinaji
Spiral picked out a crumbly sort of cookie, wondering briefly of it's contents before taking a cautious bite. This certainly was not the situation she expected to be in. The fact that they were simply waiting for something large, powerful, and dangerous was absolutely maddening, yet all three men (if you count Luft as a man) were waiting with a peaceful silence. Maddening as that is, it was belittled by the psychology accompanied. Spiral couldn't find any good reason why she was there, eating a cookie rather then running for her life or perhaps running to confront the beast before any harm came to Eva and Grave.

Brushing off stray crumbs, Spiral tapped at her collarbone. Her usual small rope-dart appeared in her hands as expected. The creature was very close now. It wouldn't be wise for the likes of her to stay in the area; she was not heavy in combat.

"I think I'm going to start moving. I don't know about you guys, but I know for sure that I need the head start."


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#, as written by Iandak
"I think I'm going to start moving. I don't know about you guys, but I know for sure that I need the head start."

Luft's eyes snapped open as Spiral finished talking. Even with his weak ability to sense demons he could tell something big was heading their way.
"I should also get a head start, after all...." He says as he stands up."Someone needs to kick that things ass."
Using his air magic to open the warehouse doors, Luft jumps into Sir's car and takes off speeding towards the monster, driving past the various other deserted buildings on the street before hitting a field. Skidding the car to a halt he watched as the monster who's size he could say was Godzilla like slowly stomped towards him and the others back at the warehouse.

"Wow, This thing must have been beaten with one big ass ugly stick." He mutters to himself as he hops out of the car and gets behind it. Summoning a huge gust he sends the car flying towards the things giant eye ball. A moment later his hands becomes engulfed in a blue flame. Pointing them towards the flying car he creates a large fireball. As the car smashes into its left eye the fireball catches up creating a fairly large explosion. Summoning his second state weapons, he uses his magic to fly towards the monster's head.


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Dmitri shook his head when Luft took off, accompanied by the screech of tires. "Reckless..."

The Russian man's eyes narrowed, and he stood, replacing all the food from whence he had obtained it and followed Spiral out the door, shooting Dart a glance that said something along the lines of 'it might not be the wisest thing, but they have made the decision for us.' Of course, if the one called Luft had taken a vehicle of some kind, he would be dealing with the thing alone for at least a few minutes, and that was possibly problematic. It really was going to take a large amount of work before the group of them would be anywhere near cohesive enough to effectively deal with Sirstalim or anything worse.

He took to half-jogging with Spiral, headed in the direction his senses pointed him. As it was, he knew the precise location of this creature, and enough about it to say that it was quite large indeed. Hopefully the wind-user knew what he was doing, but Dmitri was frankly unsure that this would be the case. He supposed it remained to be seen.


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While Eva spoke Grave looked the store over and found what they were looking for, carrying as much as he could, which probably looked rather comical to the clerk and the couple of other people in the store. A man looking very ragged leading around a blind girl while carrying cases of drinks under his arm and a load of junk food along with that. Eventually the clerk did find a basket and gave it to them. As Grave was placing the food in the faded blue plastic bin, though, the store began to shake a little, then more. Stuff began to fall off the shelves all around them, then one of the glass front windows shattered.

"An earthquake, here?" the clerk asks, kneeling down, bracing himself against one of the shelves as the shaking continues, "We've never had earthquakes here before. A couple of tornadoes, yeah, maybe, but I thought earthquakes and tornadoes were from different parts of the country..."

"Eva...we need to get going. I think we should check on the others now..." Grave says, his tone low, serious, "Here, keep the change and keep this stuff behind the counter or something please? We'll be back in a little while..." Reaching into his pocket he takes out a couple hundred dollar bills, shoves them into the clerks hands, then leads Eva back outside and down to the end of the block. "You feel the shaking right? Can you sense anything something this way, cause I'm afraid they're the same thing..."

"True, Luft is very reckless," Dart says, standing up and watching as Dmitri moves about. Sticking his left arm out there is a blue light that takes on the form of a sword, "But, he's got a big heart, and he's very strong, and he always has some sort of plan up his sleeve. And now, he has extra firepower...literally..."

With that he follows Dmitri out of the warehouse, and soon they catch up to Spiral. Ahead he hears the car stop, and a moment later there is an explosion, and a cry of pain that echos through the streets, bouncing off the nearby buildings. Without saying a word Dart speeds up, and when he arrives on the scene he finds a Goliath class demon, as tall as any skyscraper and very strong physically, but with no magical properties like smaller demons. Dmitri would probably know all of this when he saw the thing, as the foreign sounding man seemed to know almost as much as he did on the subject of demons, maybe even more.

"He has all the normal weak points!" Dart calls out, watching as the demon clutches at his eye with one hand and begins swinging the club it carries wildly around, "They'll just he much harder to effect. He should be big, slow, and dumb, got it?" This was directed more towards Spiral than anyone else, seeing as how Luft was up in the air still and out of earshot.


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"Umm... hang on a second," Eva requested, gently releasing Grave's hand and taking a few steps to one side. She'd have to try and feel what was going on beyond his aura, and that would only be possible with at least a few feet of distance between them.

Concentrating, Eva pushed her senses outward, trying to detect anything untoward in the area. It was a bit like moving through water- slower than you wanted, and costing a little more effort, but highly possible. "It's... something large. Very large, and strong, I think." Her eyebrows furrowed as she tried to pinpoint exactly where it was coming from. It was close, and yet...

"There. It's in that direction." She pointed a little off to Grave's left, and chewed her lip thoughtfully. Unless she was mistaken... "Luft is there, and I think the others are approaching as well." She was perhaps a bit surprised to discover this; had Grave's own energy really stopped her from noticing that her friends and allies were moving at all? Maybe she simply hadn't been vigilant enough. This was all still new to her, after all.

"Maybe we should go help them..."


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#, as written by Iandak
(Sorry about super lateness)
Still flying towards the giant demon, Luft is able to dodge it's annoyingly large club that was easily the size of a five story building. Though with something this big, he doubted he would be able to take this thing down by himself, hopefully the others would show up soon and they could formulate a plan.
"Wait, wait, wait." The boy mutters to himself as he reaches the things face.

"How the hell am I supposed to talk with the guys down there....." He says as he stabs into the demon's shoulder, which to it probably felt like a mosquito bite. Finally after a moment of contemplation as he tried to pull Dawn out of the things skin, Luft realized he could use Feuer's gem. Concentrating hard the boy begins to skywrite with the flames allowing a message to appear for a couple seconds it reads.
"So does anyone have a idea of how to kill this thing? Also, I can see my house from here! -Luft"

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View All » Add Character » 8 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Grave
Character Portrait: Rege
Character Portrait: Luft
Character Portrait: Spiral
Character Portrait: Chimera


Character Portrait: Chimera

Exile from SPIRIT

Character Portrait: Spiral

Hopefully friendly

Character Portrait: Luft

"Time to fly!"

Character Portrait: Rege


Character Portrait: Grave

One of the first members of SPIRIT


Character Portrait: Rege


Character Portrait: Luft

"Time to fly!"

Character Portrait: Spiral

Hopefully friendly

Character Portrait: Chimera

Exile from SPIRIT

Character Portrait: Grave

One of the first members of SPIRIT

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Luft

"Time to fly!"

Character Portrait: Spiral

Hopefully friendly

Character Portrait: Grave

One of the first members of SPIRIT

Character Portrait: Rege


Character Portrait: Chimera

Exile from SPIRIT

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Re: [OOC] Soul Gems: SPIRIT War

....So I suppose this is dead then?

Re: [OOC] Soul Gems: SPIRIT War

Bah, sorry I haven't been around to post. Things have been a bit hectic around here so I promise to make a post as soon as I have time to. Sorry!

Re: [OOC] Soul Gems: SPIRIT War

Thanks guys :D, I'm really glad that you guys enjoy him. It's been really awsome to do this RP with all you guys. It's so nice to have such an awsome group of characters and Players.

Re: [OOC] Soul Gems: SPIRIT War

I gotta agree with Kuro on this. He's funny even when he's not supposed to be, and I think makes a great contract to Grave, since, while I do have Grave make an occasional joke, the character doesn't try to be funny outright, but just sort of does it, like Luft's personality rubbed off on him over the years.

Re: [OOC] Soul Gems: SPIRIT War

I find him generally hilarious. Whether or not the individual jokes are funny is less important I think than the fact that he is constantly cracking them. I think it's actually a really striking contrast with some of the other characters, who are very serious, and I like Luft for that reason (sometimes, I actually laugh more when the jokes aren't funny, or at least when people don't get them, because that's comedy too, just on a different level).

Re: [OOC] Soul Gems: SPIRIT War

Thanks man I just found it a couple days ago. Now on an RP related note I would like some feedback about Luft, he's my first attempt at writing for a character who uses comedy often. So I often worry that his jokes aren't funny etc... So I would like to hear from you guys if you think my writing could use some improvments.

Re: [OOC] Soul Gems: SPIRIT War

lol, I like your new avatar Iandak...and like Grave said, if he weren't so tired he'd punch you ^_^

Re: [OOC] Soul Gems: SPIRIT War

No, no he does not. I'm personally amazed none of your guys characters have smacked him yet. :p

Re: [OOC] Soul Gems: SPIRIT War

*snickers* Luft doesn't waste time, does he?

Also, I agree with chinaji. I'm actually kind of waiting for Dmitri to smile. It will be... interesting, I think.

Re: [OOC] Soul Gems: SPIRIT War

I think we all love Dmitri despite the fact that he's a world renowned thief that can't even crack a smile.

Re: [OOC] Soul Gems: SPIRIT War

Sooo... who's next?

Also, glad you're all amused. It's hard trying to write someone so serious when all I want to do is laugh at all the silly things he does. XD

Re: [OOC] Soul Gems: SPIRIT War

Feel free to not wait for me to post, I doubt Luft can really add anything to the conversation at the moment.

Side note: Dimitri giving Spiral a piggyback ride made me chuckle :D

Re: [OOC] Soul Gems: SPIRIT War

While typing my post, the image of Dmitri giving Spiral a piggy back ride popped up into my head....I laughed.

Re: [OOC] Soul Gems: SPIRIT War

Sure thing. If I get a full idea I'll add a link, and if we get to a certain point with this rp I'll start planning a sequal, though I think it's very possible.

Re: [OOC] Soul Gems: SPIRIT War

It's hard to find people that regularly reply to RP. It's great to find a group that has found a rhythm to it rather then let it die.

As for a new RP, as long as it's either complicated, twisted, convoluted, or plain ironic, reserve a spot cause I'm in. Also, if you really are planing a sequel to this (which I think might be the case. Don't want to jinx it though) I wouldn't mind tagging along again as Spiral.

Re: [OOC] Soul Gems: SPIRIT War

Alright, and glad to hear you're still enjoying this ^_^

Re: [OOC] Soul Gems: SPIRIT War

I may be interested in doing an alchemy RP Soul, let me know if you get it running, I'm really glad that this RP been doing so well , I'm really enjoying it!

Re: [OOC] Soul Gems: SPIRIT War

Would anyone be interested in trying an alchemy rp? Not and FMA, but, well, remember that rp we were in a while ago Kuro? The one where alchemy was caused by using the electrical signals of the body and all that? I'd like to try and think up something similar to that for an rp, but I'm coming up dry dfor inspiration...

I had one idea for plot though...something happens, a world war maybe, in modern times, and the world as he know it is changed forever because of it. People in this new world learn alchemy, some version of it, like maybe it's a magical process or something...


I'm still glad to see everyone is posting in this rp. Usually my rps fall flat after about 10 posts ^_^'

Re: [OOC] Soul Gems: SPIRIT War

I gotta say, it's really fun reading the Dmitri and Spiral posts. You guys are like a weird comedy duo or something, even when you're being all serious and badass and stuff.

The Spiral and Dmitri show... slaying demons, robbing mansions, eating cookies, and utterly failing to communicate." XD

Sorry; just had to throw that out there. And Sir is creepy. That is all.

Re: [OOC] Soul Gems: SPIRIT War


Alright, so here's Sir's true form as a Voidwalker...or stalker, I don't remember which. Also, I'll reveal his demon name soon as well.