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Soul Threads

The Soul Thread Academy


a part of Soul Threads, by Lurelle.

Welcome to the Soul Thread Academy (STA). Please enjoy your stay and try not to die.

Lurelle holds sovereignty over The Soul Thread Academy, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

2,122 readers have been here.


The only Thread academy in the entire universe!
Yes, the prestigious academy located deep in the wilds of a different San Francisco in the modern year 2018.
Vigorous Thread training is known throughout the country, the school is famous for it's rough sparring. Eleven people in the history of the school have died due to the violent training that goes on. Let's hope you're not one of them.
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The Soul Thread Academy

Welcome to the Soul Thread Academy (STA). Please enjoy your stay and try not to die.


The Soul Thread Academy is a part of Soul Threads.

16 Characters Here

Jamie West [2] "I have changed. So quit blaming me before I punch you."
Greyson McCoy [1] Man's best friend.
Kira Hikari [0] "What? oh yes, i am aware of the cat in my top."
Scott Parker [0] If you think you can hurt me, you're wrong. (sister: Skye)
reap castion [0] reap is quiet, mostly keeps to himself.
Eve Vasiliades [0] Quiet, unhinged, intellectual. Musical and Dark.
Aevis/Zeke ZephyrBlade [0] "where am i?"
Shade [0] "... Don't talk to me, unless you have some buisness with me...."
Damon Victor Ghetson [0] "It's time perform a social experiment. Do I have any test subjects?"
Sorena "Rina" Laurenson [0] "The words are in the picture."

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((Not a post. Just excitement. GREYSON'S BACK! WOOO!!! I wonder if Jamie is capable of a happy/surprised squee. Welcome back, NightmareTrain.))

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((Sorry, Cage! I wasn't trying to diss your characters. That's just the way Scott and Tala naturally are. Except Tala has the habit of flying off the handle. Scott is better at reigning things in a bit. Please, don't take their reactions as what I personally think about your characters. It's sort of the point of roleplay - being able to convey emotions and ideas convincingly, even if you do not share them. I'm sorry that you took it that way, it was not my intention. If you'd like, I'll gladly ease up. It's tough writing so stiff and angry. I need to keep pulling out my thesaurus. :P Also - N!ghtmare Tra!n! Glad to see you back! FANTASTIC re-entrance, by the way. Very clever indeed. :) ))

Thankfully, the ride in the ambulance was short. Scott could feel the vehicle weave through traffic, watching the IV bag sway back and forth. Scott was beginning to feel a bit queasy, what with the harsh movements and awful medical smells. When the back doors to the ambulance swung open, he breathed a sigh of relief. The EMTs swarmed around Alex, immediately carting him off to the Emergency Room. Scott stiffened a bit when people looked at him. He was so used to running, or fading away in public places... But now he was to pull off the act of a teacher.

C'mon, get it together! Look. Cage doesn't look nearly as suspicious as you do, Scott thought to himself. He noted Cage's cool temperament with a glimmer of respect.

They entered the hospital waiting room, escaping from the frenzy outside. The group sat down on a couple chairs. Scott took one gratefully. Almost instantly, he adopted a slouched position, head angled down. Old habits die hard. Scott shook himself.

I'm no thieving street kid, anymore. Time to act like an adult, dammit. Scott straightened, eyes wandering around the waiting room. Subliminally Scott started fiddling around with the random junk in his pockets. Suddenly, Cage spoke up.

"Anyone want a soda or something from the machines? My treat," he said. He looked at Scott.

"You want a coffee? I think I saw coffee and cinnamon buns on the way in." Scott's mouth quirked up into a slight smile. Hey, if the guy was sticking around... At least he was being nice. Scott nodded.

"I'd love one, thanks. Might wake me up a bit... or provide something hot to throw in Vandara's face." Scott grinned. Suddenly, a shout came from down the hallway.


Scott looked up in alarm. Were they spotted? Scott stood up instantly, hand going to his knife... The trusty obsidian blade never set off the metal detectors. But Scott relaxed when he realized who it was. He recognized the boy from the mission... He was the guy always standing with Jamie. Scott didn't know his name, but he knew he wasn't a threat. Scott glanced at Jamie.

"You might want to tell him to keep it down... You never know who's listening." Scott eyed the many people passing by, cautious. Large public places.... the perfect stages for disaster.

"I like that idea. We're worn out looking, I guess. So that helps," Lukas replied. Eve sighed in relief and smiled. She looked at the sun progressively getting lower and lower in the sky.

"Well, we'd better head in. I have no idea what time it is... but I would guess that kids wouldn't be wandering around the hallways. Let's make this quick. I don't like being near here... Or this whole idea of splitting up. I can't help but feel that there's safety in numbers," Eve said, glancing around nervously.

"I'll go first. I think I'm the least conspicuous..." Eve jogged out of the woods and started walking calmly up to the school. The woods surrounding the school on three sides - every side but the front where the road met up with the building. Eve slipped into a side door, and looked into the hall that it lead into. The coast was clear. Turning quickly, Eve beckoned Damon and Lukas over.

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{yes it would be nice if you let off a bit. i take great pride in the respect part in this post}
Cage: nods and smiles to Scott as he took the offer. he listened to what Kids said yes or No. and he went to Buy any Drinks and Food Requested. he pays for it all And Goes To the nurse when nobody was watching. and tell her the Hospital Bill for Alex is to be payed by Him no others. he is trying his hardest to make up for the Fights Earlier. and trying to Show them all he is truly their Friend. not an enemy. he feels his heart Jump Angrily when he hears somebody yell "Jamie!" but he soon sees that nobody else in the group seems worried. so he calms Quickly and gives every one their Food and / or Drink. he then leans against the wall Sinking his Fang like Teeth into a Cinnamon bun. loving it's sweet Taste So Exotic to him after eating Raw Animal for Meany years. he especially Enjoyed the Caramel waves that the Girl at the counter had put on his bun as an attempt to flirt with him. he saw her smiling at him from the counter and gave her the nod and holding up the bun that in his child hood days meant you enjoyed it very much. a very useful and silent Gesture. much better than yelling across the room. he smirks as the girl nods understanding him. then he goes back to eating

{before any one asks. yes im fricking hungry that's why i talked about the Cinnamon bun so damn much lol}

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((Thanks solamento_mismo & leopardspotz17!! Lurelle & I have been planning this for a couple days, glad the opportunity popped up))

Greyson listened quietly as Jamie explained everything that had happened, which had resulted in Alex's and Melonie's wounds. The shock of a new villain after their little group of Soul Threads was over quickly; what did he expect? A perfect, normal highschool life?
"It's funny, almost. You haven't been gone for too long, but so much has happened," Jamie sighed. "We've been through.. kinda.. a lot. It's more than great to see you again."Greyson gave a half-smile. It felt good to be missed; needed, even.
"Do you know how Alex is doing?" She had asked it: that innocent question that every worried friend or family member wanted to know. Are they okay? basically was a nicer way to ask Will they live?
Greyson sat down in an empty chair and waited for Jamie to sit with him. "I actually prepped Alex's operating room before he came in, then another nurse and I cleaned his wounds.. The bullet lodged in his chest ((Is that right???)) pretty deep, so he needed immediate care. He's in surgery right now," he said, glancing at the door to the room he was talking about. "Best case scenario, he'll be patched up and healed in a few days. Worst case- surgery doesn't go well, he might end up in ICU." Greyson paused, thinking of what else to say, then continued. "But that's only what I'm supposed to say. I think he'll be fine, and truely, I can pull some strings and get him out of here early if it's not safe with uh...Vandara? around."
*I pause for reply..*
((Haha, go Julius Caesar!))

Coad lifted his muzzle to the wind, picking up a fresh, familiar scent. Traveling West, Coad bounded after the trail. Soon, he realized that it was not of Greyson, but someone else he remembered. Then, there was a thin blood trail, and pawprints. Before he knew it, Coad skidded to a stop, Soul Threads Academy towering before him.
A few shadows rounding a corner caught his eye, and Coad quickly ran after them, the scent growing stronger. Around the corner were so many old faces! Huma, Prince!

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#, as written by Lurelle
((Okay, last post of the night. I'm still ticked off about Lila. They're like, fourth now. If we can get past number eight, it should be pretty easy to move up. And yes, the bullet was in his chest.. poor dude xD))

Jamie nodded as Greyson finished speaking. "Okay." The odds were on their side. Alex was better than he could have been upon arrival. But another issue was brought up. "I think.. it should be safe for us here. From Vandara, anyway." Jamie spoke as loudly as she could without drawing attention to the tired group of teens. "From what my Thread told me, he took off pretty quickly. He might've been catching a plane. Maybe even back to Oregon."
She leaned back in the chair, eyes narrowed in concentration.
Which meant they were safe from the main threat. But he had labs, money, people, and equipment. As long as they knew where the kids were, the students had to be alert all the time.
But, even if Alex turned out fine and dandy after his surgery, he'd need to stay.. at least.. overnight? For observation? Jamie didn't know much on hospital business. But she was pretty sure that no one could take a bullet to the chest and walk out fine the same day. So that meant they would go back to the academy that night? No. Not safe..
Even in the protection a hospital provided, Vandara's sources would have no trouble slipping in and getting out with a person. Surely Melonie would want to come see Alex as soon as possible. Right?
Seeing the scowl on her face when she saw Alex made Jamie rethink it, but came up with the same answer. Melonie would probably be okay after today. Taking her here to see Alex might be a good idea.. plus, the group could meet up again.
"Guys," she said then. "I'm going to call the others. To meet up here, and bring Melonie. I'm pretty sure she'll be okay.. this'll be our rendezvous point temporarily." She dug up some change from her pocket and went to the pay phone outside. Jamie had no trouble in remembering Melonie's phone number. She hoped that Damon, Lukas, and Eve could hear her cell.. she waited while it rang.

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((this is my first post. ever. on anything, if im doing this wrong please tell me and tell me how to delete this post and ill fix it thank you., btw read my character bio so you can see how your character should react.))
Aevis walks up to the gates of the large building. He hears laughing and talking. He sees a sign which reads Soul Thread Academy
"help... me..." his eyes go dark and he hits the floor...

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She watched the group hurry past her, within a few moments Jupiter rubbed against her leg with a worried face. "Come on, maybe we can do something." Her thread just trotted along behind her. She caught up to them taking a deep breath, "Hey, um I saw your friend...can I do anything at all? You guys look majorly freaked," she shut her eyes kicking herself as the words flew out of her mouth before she thought it out. "Oh course you are freaked...but I mean if you need me to go find someone or..I don't know call anyone?" She tripped over herself trying to keep with the group biting her lip lightly. She looked over her shoulder to Jupiter who just shrugged at her. They both stopped and waited she sighed as the hurried down the hall "My room is C-13, if you guys need anything I'll be there" she mumbled to herself as she and Jupiter walked back to the room "you know and not in the way" Jupiter growled at her swatting her hand as she walked "Don't take it personal, it isn't, your new and the girl was hurt, they are just focusing on her. Don't worry you will make friends just wait it out and don't think you should do more. As they headed into her room she flopped on the bed pulling out a book, Jupiter flopped over her legs as the settled in.

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Aevis woke up and open to see the grass at eye height, still dizzy, he noticed he was lying on the floor, he got up. and brushed himself off, he felt a weight tugging on his back, like a limb of some sort, and felt himself able to control this weight as he would an arm or a leg, he stretched them out to the fullest and nearly blacked out again when he saw the firm feathery wing respond to his intention,

"oh god" he whispered to himself, "what is this?"

He moved the wings back and forth and folded them and unfolded them, he moved it so it covered him and put his hand on it, though the feathers were soft, the wall of feathers itself was tough, like muscle. what the hell? He stretched them out in either direction and saw they were very large, about 3 times his size or so. He examined himself a little more, and saw the two swords on either side of him, yet these did not surprise him as much, in fact they felt right, at home where they were. he pulled one out and held it at arms length, and he took a few swipes, they felt right, as if the sword itself was another part of his body, he then pulled the sword up to his face, to get a better look, the hilt was a dark gray with a scarlet design carved up to the gold handguards, the blade itself was a little shorter than his leg and looked as if it had been used recently, the thought of which he did not enjoy, he sheathed the sword and continued his inspection.
Next he noticed the leather strap across his chest that lead to his back where in between his wings rested a bow and his quiver, these he didnt even try to pull off, for he was too tired to deal with the hassle of pulling the bow around his wings and then putting it back.
Now that he was well enough awake, yet still dazed by the feathered extra limbs hanging off his back. he examined his surroundings, the first thing he noticed was the large gate in front of him and the building behind it, he saw the sign "Soul Thread Academy" the name rung a bell but he could not put a finger on what it reminded him of, he could hear laughing, crying and conversation inside, The gate was opened, so he went in to investigate, he stopped at the front door and then remembered, what would people think of an armed winged 17 year old walking into their school, not knowing anything but his name and how to swing a sword? as he turned to leave he heard a voice-
:::Go In.:::
Aevis spun around, only to see the empty path he had just walked up from he looked in all directions only to see the same thing every time, nothing,
"Who's there?!" he asked yelling, yet trying to keep his voice out of earshot of those inside the building. no one answered, he thought of the voice, it sounded familiar, safe. but again, he couldn't remember why. But, despite the mystery behind it, he obeyed, he turned back to the door and opened it, he wandered around the school dodging students, trying to find someone alone he could talk to, he eventually came to a room the door was labelled C-13, he lifted his hand to knock but figured, if im going to get the reaction i think im going to get i may as well get it behind the privacy if a closed door to at least buy time to explain
He brought his hand down to the doorknob and took a deep breath, then he hid his wings behind his back as much as he could, then burst though the door and shut it.
Erynn jumped out of her bed tossing the book to her side "What are you doing?? haven't you ever heard of knocking? Wait, who are you?"
Well, she is taking this alot better than i thought she would he thought "Um, I'm Aevis , and please, before you call the police or anybody, let me explain-"
"Explain what? a costumed guy barging into my room in a school he doesn't belong to? how did you get here anyway?" Erynn said, cutting him off
"costume? oh these? yeah, anyway." he then noticed the spotted animal jumping in front of the girl and instinctively tackled her out of the way
"What the hell is that doing in here?!" he pulled a sword out of its sheath and brought it up to strike,
All of a sudden he had a searing stabbing pain in his temples and his vision went white, then he blacked out again.

((hopefully i did this right...))

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She arched a brow at Jupiter, "Ok, what the hell is up with this school?" She eyed the boy as her and Jupiter circled him "Jup, we can't leave him on the ground" she looked over at the empty bunk Jupiter's eyes went wide Oh no, this guy waltzed into your room and your just going to put him in bed and help him? Yeah why not.I swear.. Erynn looked at her "Jupiter will you just help me." She growl walking over and helping her get him to the empty bed. "What I don't is, what is up with his goofy getup, it almost looks real.." Jupiter rolls her eyes as Erynn flops back on her bed as Jupiter takes her prech laying on her legs her eyes looked on the boy You should just call someone, on him. "He asked me to hear him out, and I said I would just relax and we will figure it out when he wakes up."

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Aevis woke up to a bright light. heaven? no... a spot light,as in a hospital light, he tried to move his arms, but couldn't. he looked down to see he arms strapped down with metal braces, he looked to his right to see a large monitor.
specimen 1
heart-rate: normal

specimen 2
heart-rate: fast

Where ever he was he had to get, he looked to his left and saw another lab table, except this one was smaller, and it held a bird. the bird turned its head and locked its yellow intelligent eyes on him. Aevis's head started to get a searing pain, he tried to move
:::Be still:::
he knew where the voice came from but he didn't know how it was possible
:::We'll be out soon enough Aevis i promise:::
Aevis opened his mouth to speak but no words came out, then the doors opened and a doctor in a whit lab-coat walked in, he walked up to the bird and said something that Aevis couldn't hear, then walked to Aevis and looked him in the eye.
"you may want to go back to sleep boy, you don't want to see this." the doctor whispered, not in a caring way, but almost in a sneer, as if he were making fun of Aevis.
he then walked to the computer and he typed some things in. Then the screen changed


he looked back to his left where the bird was lying down still staring at him
:::I promise you Aevis, well make it out of here no matter what. I swear it on my name as a Zephyrblade:::
Aevis wanted to say something but couldn't but he felt something building inside of him, a word or a memory that seemed to want to explode out of him.
Then he saw it. The blades coming out of the table that the bird was sitting on they started to spin. the bird gave him one last look.
:::I promise you Aevis, I promise.:::
then he turned his head to face his fate.

The feeling in Aevis kept building and as he watched helplessly as this poor animal, which seemed to mean more to him than anything else in the world to him was about to be dissected before his eyes, the name exploded out of him
The doctor was watching him laughing as the whole scene happened.


Aevis sat up still screaming, chest heaving, and in a cold sweat. When he finished the primal yell he looked to see he was on a bed, inside of a bright room. He looked to his right to see the girl he had met before his blackout sitting on a desk chair with the snow leopard curled at her feet, both staring at him with a confused look.
:::Well its about time you remembered who I am, nice to be able to speak freely again:::

((by the way for future reference words inside of :::these::: can only be heard by Aevis and Zeke because its just the one who isnt manifested speaking so its basically in aevis's head. thank you :) ))

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Erynn sat her book down watching him toss and turn in his sleep, as panicked whimpers fill the room. "Should I wake him up?" Jupiter looked over at him "it might be like with a sleep walker, you know bad luck or something" she moved close to Erynn wrapping around her feet, as he jolted awake.

"Well, welcome back kid" she looked him over quickly "Now, you asked to explain what you are doing here and why on earth you are dressed like a fairy..or angel or whatever your get up is suppose to be. So spill." Jupiter stood with her back arched between them ear back tail slightly poofed waiting for a misstep. Erynn leaned over her offering him a soda, "Alright so um, I am Erynn Haven and this spitfire here is.."she lifted her foot over her leopard "..Jupiter." She sat down after the kid took the soda waiting for his reply.

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#, as written by Kit_kat
(( hey you guys sorry for not post for a while I have been going through a tough time right now.))


Anger grew on his face as looked at the lifeless beaten boy. "Get it out of my sight!" he barked at the men. He ran his finger through his blond hair. "Lets go pay STA another visit," he said with a straight face. Taking off his white lab coat and trading it for a leather jacket as he exits the metal room. Fresh air fills his lungs as he enters the main building once again. Once again he makes his way to the slim black car with the tinted windows.

Dozing off again the ride was short as he made it back to the school's entrance. Ian awoke as they pulled up to the office. He stepped out of the car careful not to hit his head. He waltz into the office, meeting Mr. Kingston in his office. The principles expression showed his confusion "Mr. Vandara long time no see, you wouldn't happen to know what happen to a certain amount of my students?" he asked in a firm voice.

Ian was amused at his anger "No, in matter of fact that's why I am by here." he snickered.

"Mr.Vandara what did you do to my students?" his voice was rising.

"I think It's quite rude for you to accuse me of hurting Mel- any of your students."

Mr. Kingston's hand grew to a fist, "Get out of my office!" He screamed has he rose from his chair. As Ian exited the office a group of student from a far sprinted out of the woods, one was hold a young girl. At second glance Ian realised it was Melonie. It was to late they have gone, but what he wondered was where was Jamie and the others?

(( sorry for the crappy post not feeling well welcome all the new comers!))

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{i hope your ok Kit_Kat. feel better soon}

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Aevis watched the girl as he got his memories, or at least the ones he could remember, back together.
:::It's a good thing I stopped you from striking down that poor thread when I did:::

"You're Zeke?" asked Aevis, then he saw the girl making a confused face, as if wondering who he was talking to.

:::It may be best if you don't speak to me aloud until you explain our, eh, situation to our young lady friend here, just think your responses to me and I can hear them just fine:::

oh, yeah, right, sorry. So uh, what is this place? asked Aevis

:::My memories is about as fuzzy as yours but what i can tell you is what happened while you were busy taking an almighty catnap back at that nuthouse.
so first things first... actually how about this let me manifest and ill explain the whole thing to the three of you sound good?

Manifest? as in take over my body? how do I even know i can trust you your just a voice in my head

:::Damn I wish i didn't have to remember that... And you can trust me, i am your Soul thread after all, since you were I were barely out of the nest.:::

My soul thr-

:::All in due time Aevis, but for now just relax, I wouldn't do this without you permission. So please allow me to do this and everything that I know will be explained.:::

Ok... guess i have no choice

:::I'm sorry you feel that way...:::

Aevis closed his eyes and began to relax, soon he felt like his body, or his conciousness was slowly being submerged into body temperature water. went he open his eyes, he could see the room around him, but somehow he knew it wasn't that he could see the room around him, it was more like he could sense it. he tried to talk and when he did he could here his echo ring around him, like being in a large and empty room, yet it wasn't as scary as one.


Let me explain Aevis.

Then Zeke, (through Aevis's body), regarded the girl

"You have my sincerest gratitude Madam, for not only taking us in at our time of need but in the masterful patience you have shown us during our stay. I am Zeke Aevis's soul thread. I will now explain but, you may want to relax and brace yourself because not only is this story a long one, but it is not pretty. Now before you ask questions I'll have to tell you that both of our memories are a little fuzzy, and we can't tell you how we got in this situation in the first place, so I'll just have to tell you what I do know." said Zeke.
he sat back a little bit, leaned against the wall and looked up at the ceiling, recollecting his memories, then he closed his eyes again and began his story.

"You see about three months ago we woke up in a dark room, still in our respective bodies, i was still unsure how we got there but we were, we were kept apart for the entire time, until the end. we were kept in cages, like wild animals, and were on opposites of the room, I could see and hear the cries of many soul thread and their partners, young and old. It was a terrible sight to behold, back at this time I was a Peregrine Falcon, a Zephyrblade no less, i could hear those from my own flock crying to me for help, yet, i was useless... I tried with all i had to escaped that hellish prison, but alas, to no avail... so I sat, and plotted, for i was not going to give up, when the moment arrived, we would escape, the both of us, I told Aevis (who as you may have figured is my partner) my plan and he told me to forget about him, but think about your connection to your soul thread and you will understand why i refused. Weeks passed, we were fed just enough to keep us alive, we watched as others were torn from their cages, and never brought back, we could occasionaly hear their screams. after about two months of this soul crushing treatment, we were selected as the next subjects. we were brought to a room. where we were sedated, then we were injected with multiple vile concoctions, poked and prodded in every which way. they tested our strengths and endurances pushed us to the brink of insanity. Whatever sicked test they put us under, we apparently passed. after about two days of this we were walked down a long hall way with large floor-to-ceiling windows that showed other rooms, inside they showed the abominations they were creating, a man with a sharks head, a creature with a snakes body and humans head and arms. a human with a bats large mouth and beady eyes and leathery black wings. The farther we went the worse it got. eventually we got to a small room, it looked like a lab room. they threw us onto tables and sedated us again, this time we went under completely. i woke up a little while before Aevis, my wings were pinned down and my legs as well and so as Aevis, the only thing we could move even semi-freely was our heads and necks. To my right lay Aevis, still unconcious and beyond him lie a large monitor, which on it the words STU process loading, I remembered some of the scientists earlier that week speaking about something called soul thread unification, it was apparently used to make human animal hybrids, but could only be done with those who had a thread, and the only compatible pair was the human and its thread, not just any animal.
after a little while Aevis awoke, i tried to comfort him, but not long after the loading was complete. and a doctor walked in he came to me told me i was about to experience the worst pain yet... he then walked to Aevis and said something. but that i didnt hear. the doctor went to the monitor and punched so commands in. then i heard the whirring. i looked down to see the blades coming up from the table, then line up with the base of my wings. and i knew what was coming, i looked at Aevis with my own body for the last time. The last thing I heard for myself was my name being yelled and this evil sadistic laughter, then i passed out from the pain. I awoke again a while after, yet i didnt feel as much pain as i thought i would, but i felt something weird. I looked to my left and saw a small bloody clump of feathers. and to my horror i realized, that the clump was me. I looked to my right and saw the monitor again, this time it said-
STU process 66% complete
physical unification complete
soul unification complete
mental wipedown process loading 37%

-I knew what was coming, i remembered how the others were, bloodthirsty mindless shells... I knew if we didn't escape. We would end up the same way.
but i looked at my self, i saw what Aevis saw every day to arms and two legs, yet on my back i felt some sort of familiar feeling. i looked to my side to see a bit of wing sticking out under me. i remember my self thinking so this is soul thread unification... i felt an utter despair. not only for my self but for Aevis as well, now we were not falcon, nor human, but a hybrid, an abomination... I imagined how hard it would be for Aevis to find love, to find decent companion ship beside me, a disembodied voice in his head. As i sat their marinating in my own misery, the thought of failing, he who meant the most to me the doors to the lab flew open, i looked at the intruder with enough anger power to put a nuclear weapon to shame when I noticed who it was. The wolf man hybrid i had seen on my walk here, he came into the room and told me to hold on, that he would get me out of here he walked up to the monitor, he typed some stuff in and the braces were unlocked. I threw myself off the table and walked to the monitor, I introduce my self, and i looked to the monitor, where it now held a silhouette of a bird-man on the screen, i figured it was me, er, us, Aevis and I and saw the extent of the physical transformation, not only did he have wings, but his very organ and bone structure had changed, on the outside he looked like any other 17 year old, besides the 19-foot wings, but on the inside he had changed, he had a larger heart and larger lungs, his eyes were more sharp, he had acquired all of the desirable attributes of the peregrine falcon, I looked to the wolf-man,
"I am Zeke Zephyrblade, and am forever at your debt" I told him
"I am Dell, and no you are not, I saw you comfort our pups in the holding bay and that is the debt i am repaying, their is no time for pleasantries unfortunately, so we must free the others and escape while we can." He said, I noticed that he seemed to be speaking with two voices not one, so i figured he was farther along the process that we were. I also wondered how he retained his conciousness. but little did i know, that question, would remain a question. We ran out of the door to see the bloody bodies of the guards lying on the floor.
"Your handiwork I presume?" i asked, yet he did not answer, he just kept running, we eventually got to the holding bay and began opening locks like mad, after sometime we had everyone out, but we knew we did not have time for reunions, we had to get out, surely some form of alarm had been sounded"
"The armory is two floors up, those who are old enough to fight, will stock up, our confiscated weapons are in the treasure next door." said Dell, he was a natural born leader.
The group ran up the two flights, and eventually got to the armory, there were two guards, but the were torn apart before long, those above 16 loaded up I ran to the treasury, to see if something of ours was there, i was not a fan of guns.
Then I saw them the twin swords, for some reason they felt right, i strapped one to each of my sides, and was about to leave when i saw the group come into this room they each gathered their stuff, their was some stuff left over, and we knew that was what belonged to those whom we were to late to save. Dell walked up to me with a bow and quiver at hand,
"This belonged to my brother, before he was killed in this very building" he said to me, I'd like you to have it, you may not know how to use it yet, but it will come to use eventually, i swear it" he handed me the longbow.
"Thank you" That was all i could say, and i knew it was enough. i looked at the longbow. it was made of a flexible yet strong wood, it bent perfectly i looked at the nock for the arrow, this one had something i had never seen before, it had three nocks, each was a silver wolf's head with its mouth open,
"my brother was once able to shoot three arrows at once with deadly precision, he would take out 24 men in the blink of an eye." he told me, he then helped me strap on the bow and quiver, it felt perfect between my wings. we continued raiding the treasure where i found these gloves and elbow plates.

Dell stood at the door and stood tall,
I was wrong...
We climbed up the stairs killing those who got in our way, we lost 1 or 2 in the climb, but they died valiantly, though nothing is worth the life of another, so i felt a great sadness. we got to the second to last floor, and thats when everything went south. standing before us was about 500 men in a large room. They were waiting for us, thats why it had been so easy. No words were said, their was no hesitation, they raised their guns and we raised ours and the battle began, I fought, I fought with everything i had, i found that my wings alone could break bones and necks, but i pulled out both the swords and felt the familiar feeling, I started swiping and striking anything that stood in my way, but we were losing. by sheer numbers. we had about 100 people left and they still had a good 300, so we bought time for the young ones that were still alive to escape, then when they were gone it me and dell were standing back to back, we saw just how devastating the bloodletting was, we were the last fighters standing before the enemy.
"Go." said Dell.
"What? No!" I refused to let him die here alone.
"Go! You still have your thread to tend to dont you? your body maybe gone a but he's still there with you! mine died already, you still have something to live for, life will be difficult but youll still have eachother, and you still have you humanity, i feel myself slipping away every second, my mind is in continous turmoil, i want this... i need this... please dont let Allens death be in vain... please..."he said, tears forming in his eyes. I knew he had a point, and i knew he would not accept no for an answer.
"Thank you, Dell I'll never forget you... thank you..." i said
"Go to the Soul Thread academy, warn them that this battle is about to get a whole lot bigger." he said. as I turned to run for the door.
"I'm coming Allen..." those were his last words. as i turned to close the doors i saw him lunge. i closed the door and after sometime the shots were quiet and there was a feeling of emptiness in the air. I ran up the stairs where i saw the exit. I ran for it burst through the door and spread my wings, luckily flying was the same as when i was a bird. I flew faster than I had ever before. I came to a forest where i rested... then i noticed Aevis started to come to every couple of ours, but i sensed something, he was blank. he didnt remember much.. he didn't remember me. So i took a vow of silence until the time was right. whenever he was awake, i would not talk, i would only will him in the direction he came from, when he was asleep i would hunt and go back to where we slept. this cycle kept repeating for a couple of day, until we arrived here. I knew i would have to reveal myself eventually so i spoke to him once or twice, sort of to announce my presence, but not fully, not until he remembered who i was, by the way when he who isnt manifested speaks the only one who can hear him is the person who is manifested so thats why you may see us talking to ourselves everyonce in a while... so anyway we came inside and eventually we got to this room. and here we are..." finished Zeke
:::... Zeke...:::

((the explanation scene gave me chills as i wrote it :D ))

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((Alright, there hasn't been a nurse's office post in some time, and Erayu hasn't really been posting, so... I'll see what I can do to cover that. I'll be adding dialogue for Eve and Damon... Hope that's alright. It's mostly just for filling in the nurse.))

Lukas initially felt bad for passing right by the girl and her leopard, but he adopted Scott's attitude and decided it was best not to drag anyone else into the situation.
Even though that seems to happen whether we like it or not, right Lukas? Huma chuckled.
Come on, Huma. What're the chances more people will join us on this little mission of ours? Let's be serious. But I think I'll make a point to apologize to her for totally blowing her off once we're done here.
But then Kerwin started chittering and pointing at Melonie. A faint beeping could be heard when the group got quiet.
Eve reacted quickly after some unspoken words between the two, finding Melonie's phone and answering it, encouraging Damon and Lukas to go ahead and find the nurse.
((I almost forgot about the cell phone, Lurelle. But I figure all Jamie's letting them know is that they should meet at the hospital, so I'll skip over the conversation if that's okay...))

They had reached the infirmary, and the nurse glanced up once, saw their panicked expressions and the unconscious Melonie, then jumped right into action.
"What happened? Here, put her down over here! Explain yourselves!" She was near panicked, probably from the shock of seeing the two, Threads in tow, with a girl who had a bullet hole in her leg.

Lukas took a deep breath, recalling Eve's story. "Well, a few hours ago, we were sitting with Melonie eating. But then her phone started beeping alarm noises, and Melone looked at her phone flipped out." He looked at Damon, silently praying that he got the story right so far. But then Eve walked into the office, Melonie's cell phone in hand.

"Sorry," She said, adding a barely audible tremor to her voice. "I got held up." Then she took over, adding the next part of the story. "She took running without even saying anything to us. We figured something was up, so we decided to follow after her. We ended up following her all the way to her house, and there was a robbery going on..." She trailed off, craftily playing the 'I'm freaked out and don't want to continue' role. Lukas had to try hard not to grin, but fortunately, the nurse wasn't looking at him.

It was now Damon's turn to speak up. "We decided that Melonie's phone must have been connected to the security system at her house. But anyway, she was running towards her house, and from our vantage point we saw a masked man come out of the house and shoot Melonie in the leg." He paused, letting the nurse take all of that in. "Fortunately, when all of us got there, Lukas' Thread, Huma, scared off the villain and everyone else was largely unharmed."

Lukas: "So we went inside the house and bandaged up Melonie as best we could, then brought her back here... We were so stunned, we didn't even initially think of calling the hospital, even though Melonie's parents already called the cops, so there's no need for that. But once we finally got enough of a grasp on the situation and got a phone out, Melonie started begging not to go to the hospital. She must be afraid of doctors or something.

Damon: "Her parents do not want anyone else to know about the break-in, and chances are her parents would be quite displeased to hear that you even know. I do not claim to know what they would do about her gunshot wound, but that is not for us to explain."

The story was finished, and the nurse seemed to buy it. She was, naturally, more concerned with taking care of Melonie's wound. "Okay, okay. You may go. Where is Melonie's cell phone?" She asked.
Eve stepped in coolly, "We realized that she left it at the house. She must have dropped it in the excitement."
"Alright. Now it's after class hours. I have passes on the desk for you all," she pointed. "Take them if you want to wait outside."

Then the trio left.
"Hey Eve, way to play the 'scared little girl' act there," Lukas complimented.
"Thanks," she smiled. "It really wasn't that hard, actually-"
"So what was the call about?" Damon asked her, interrupting the congratulatory comments.
"Oh! Right. Jamie wanted to let us know that we should meet at the hospital. I told her we can head there tomorrow, since Melonie will be fine by then. Scott did an excellent job cleaning the hole in her leg..."

Suddenly, Huma perked his ears up, and so did Kerwin. They heard something coming down the hallway, and it sounded like animal footfalls.
I smell something familiar, Huma said.

Then a wolf came running around the corner, ears perked up and a fanged grin on its face. It was almost hard to recognize without a collar, but Lukas had been good friends with its human Thread from the very start of the year.
"Coad!" He exclaimed. "What're you doing here?!" The wolf was excited, tail wagging and feet unable to hold still. He pet Coad's head, looking up for Greyson to follow shortly after.
Coad! It's so great to see you again! Huma matched his Thread's excitement, even noticeable in his lazy tone. Where is Greyson?

((phew. That was long. By the way, excellent back story, AxelZero. And now that I got this out of the way, I can study for my history exam!))

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((thank solamente_mismo))

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Erynn pulled Jupiter into her lap as best she could as the story went on, she felt tears start to stream down her face as Jupiter presses her face to her cheek to mop them up in her fur, as she herself started to shake from the boy's horriable situation.

She rolled her desk chair over to him reaching for his hand to try to comfort him "Aevis, I..don't know what to say, saying sorry just well it isn't enough to full express it. We will find a way to make those horrible doctors pay for what they did to you and to Zeke, I promise." Jupiter followed her lead putting her paw on his hand as well giving a -ditto- nod. "Is there anything I can do for you at all? Or get you or something.." she side chewing on her lip Jupiter looked up at her It's going to be ok just breath, and relax She lightly pet her ears.

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"Please, you've done enough already, i already owe you a great debt. If you ever need anything, just yell my name and whistle, and ill be there, You have my word as a Zephyrblade. But for know i am going to get some well needed rest, I believe Aevis is in safe hands..."
Zeke closed his eyes and the next time he spoke it was actually Aevis.
get some rest Zeke, you deserve it thought Aevis
"Well... first things first, I don't even know your name or who you are, yet at the moment your the closest thing to a human-" he looks at the leopard "-and leopard, friend I have. So if you will, who are you?" finished Aevis waited for the response...

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She smiled at him "I am Erynn and this is Jupiter" she said patting her leopard. "I haven't been here very long myself I just moved in fact, so it seems you to be the closest thing to a friend for me as well." She smiled softly, "So welcome to STA." she blushed as she tripped over her tongue trying to think of something to say that wasn't going to make her come across like a ditz. Jupiter climbed into her lap to keep her still.

"Before, that hospital, had you plan to come here or was Dell telling you to come here the first you heard about it?" She rolled her chair back a little to give him more personal space.

((Axel for some reason i cant reply to you but she is the size of a medium dog about 28 pounds))

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"It's my pleasure to meet you Erynn, and you too Jupiter, and it is quite a coincidence that the first person I meet also turns out to be new.
No matter... As for before the "Hospital" incident, i couldn't tell you if i wanted to, I can only remember things that happened afterwards..., I'm sorry."
He looked around the room and noticed that she had moved a bit farther away, then he remembered something quite embarrasing...

damn... i havent showered in at least 3 months... This time it was his turn to blush, here he was standing in front of a totally new person, a girl no less, and a pretty good looking one, to add salt to the wound, and he hasn't washed in months...

He looked away, at nothing in particular, and started
"Um this is sort of embarassing to ask... but is there a washroom in this school... and do you know any guys who might let me borrow some clothes until mine are cleaned and dried? its... uh... been a while since I've washed up..." -_-;

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She just laughed a little bit, as she dug in her bag pulling out a map of the campus flipping over to the dorm layout, she handed it to him "I think the guys dorms are on this side" she pointed at the far section "I am pretty sure the showers are over there, here."

She grabbed a towel, and her body wash handing them to him, "If you feel like it afterwords we can grab a bite or something, unless you want to try to sleep some more I am sure you could use it." He started to give her the map back before he left "Really its fine I got an extra one I tend to lose stuff a lot. So I will see you after you cleaned up." She glanced at one of her bags then to him sizing him up "Here if you can't find anything else" She tossed him a baggy black t-shirt and a pair of sweats "It will atleast hold you over till you get your clothes washed up."

She walked back over to her desk perching on top of it as Jupiter flopped back into her hammock.

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"Thanks" he took off the swords and the bow and quiver and rested them against a wall in her room, he looked in her direction for approval and she smiled and nodded.
he then wrapped the towel around his body, to cover his wings, better strange than freakish he thought.
he pulled out the map and looked at the spot where Erynn had shown him, he traced a path with his finger, he noticed the campus was a bit bigger than he thought, it took him a good while to get to the washroom. when he was there he checked all the stalls to see that no one was inside, he then stripped of all his clothes, struggling with the shirt, and ripping off a few feathers in the process of pulling them out of the shirt then he threw the dirty wash into the washing machine on the opposite side. He then quickly collected the bodywash and jumped into the shower, he was mildly pleased to see a mirror in the shower, he turned around and pulled one of his wings down to see the extent of this hybridization, the wings started between his shoulder blades leaving about a six inch space in between them.around the wings the skin was a dark red, like it was still healing when it was put under so much stress. he looked at his arm and scratched it. he was disgusted to see the amount of dirt collected under his nails. He looked at the mirror once again.
I wonder if these things are water proof? Well only one way to find out...
he turned the knobs until he had a comfortable temperature and started to rinse off. Once again, he was disgusted by the color of the water running of his body, before contact it was nice and crystalline, but afterwards it came out brown with the slightest hint of red, he squirted some of the body wash into his hands. It smelled somewhat like mint, which surprisingly, he remembered is his favorite smell and taste. he lathered himself off and began scrubbing every reachable inch of his body down until there was no dirt under his nails when he did the scratch inspection. Not willing to wake Zeke to ask him how to clean the wings his just gently scrubbed them in a downward motion, letting little clumps of broken and fluffed feathers fall off. after about 20 minutes of rigorous scrubbing, he turned off the shower. He threw the washed clothes into the dryer and toweled himself off inside the stall, as the clothes dried he thought about what he had to do that day. He figured that if this is an academy there must be a principal or headmaster or someone in charge, he would have to figure out a way to get to the person and explain his situation. and deliver Dell's message no less. as he figured this stuff out a thought popped into his head, he had no where to stay, and this is a boarding school... he has a soul thread, although a disembodied one, so perhaps, but before he let his hopes grow too much he figured he shouldn't count his chickens before they hatched. All of a sudden there was a loud growling noise. His heart skipped a beat. the sound came again this time followed by a sharp pain in his stomach that rolled all the way to his throat. he nearly laughed out loud when he realized that it was his own stomach that had set him into high alert, but it made sense, for the past week he had been eating... what do birds eat again? "oh god..." he said to himself, this time aloud.

The clothes finished drying he tucked his wings against his back and pulled the shirt over his head, then tucked the bottom of wings into the sweat pants. He looked in the mirror and was surprised to see his wings were Completely concealed. he folded the clothes and the towel, took the body wash and headed back to Erynn's room, he figured he would take her up on her offer to eat something, seeing how he was famished. he walked up to room C-13, and this time, he knocked.

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#, as written by Kit_kat
((thank you Cage, and great job on the post solamente_mismo I now something to post on yay thank you))

A small buzzing along with a ring woke Melonie. she opened her eyes and realised she was still being held. Eve reached into Melonie's pocket and graped the phone, she answered it with a sweet hesitant voice. Hanging up the phone she slipped it back into Melonie's pocket.

She grew nauseous from the movement of being held, she closed her eyes hoping it would help. Finally they reached the nurses office. The nurse sounded angry and scared. When Eve and Lukas told Melonie's story, Melonie laid on a bed trying to remember if that is what really happen. As the trio left Rue hopped up on the bed but was quickly kick off by the nurse.

The nurse made Melonie sit handing her two cups, one filled with water and the other had three dull colored pills.

"Take these they will stop infection and any pain that follows." she said with a smile.

The chalk like pills stuck in her throat like glue. Finally getting them down Melonie thought to herself trying to recall what the phone call was about. Nothing came to mind. She frowned at the empty cup, her throat was as dry as sand. The nurse bandaged her wound and put a brace on her leg.

"Your friend did a great job dressing your wound." she said with a serious face. "I am sorry about your house."

Melonie paused and frowned slightly hoping the nurse would by it. The medicine was finally kicking in, her eyelids grew heavy and her muscles loosened. Melonie was once again passed out. Rue snuck back on to the bed were Melonie slept. Curling up by her side Rue comforted Melonie.

((It feels great to post again))

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Erynn was on her bed holding a book over her head and a bag of candy on her chest. Jupiter started in her hammock as a knock hit her door after a moment she layed back down Erynn smiled lightly "Hey its not lock come on in."

"Well you clean up well, Aevis. You feel any better?" She sat up moving the bag of candy offering him a handful. He half smiled at her taking a handful, "Thanks." She walked over to her laptop pulling up a page of restaurants near by, "Well I wasn't sure what you wanted to get, or if you wanted to go off campus or something." She started to talk faster as she stumbled over her words. "So if there is a place you would like to go or maybe find a place willing to delver here." He started to reply to her but she went into a story.

"I remember this one time, I ordered pizza back home. It was this local joint you know one of those thirty minutes or it's free, well this guy was like ten minutes late and he was trying to talk his way out of it. Till my little Jupiter,she wasn't going to do anything of course she had just woken up and didn't know what was bother me." she giggled slightly "You'd think she was the size of a lion or something and not the dog sized cat she is. Needless to say it was free," She mused half to herself " course they wouldn't delver to us anymore, I suppose it could of been handled differently." She blushed bringing her hand to the bridge of her nose.

"Oh..I.i'm sorry, with everything with Zeke..I shouldn't be telling silly stories..' She shut her eyes for a moment "So, um what do you wanna grab food?"

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Erynn was on her bed holding a book over her head and a bag of candy on her chest. Jupiter started in her hammock as a knock hit her door after a moment she layed back down Erynn smiled lightly "Hey its not lock come on in."

"Well you clean up well, Aevis. You feel any better?" She sat up moving the bag of candy offering him a handful. He half smiled at her taking a handful, "Thanks." She walked over to her laptop pulling up a page of restaurants near by, "Well I wasn't sure what you wanted to get, or if you wanted to go off campus or something." She started to talk faster as she stumbled over her words. "So if there is a place you would like to go or maybe find a place willing to delver here." He started to reply to her but she went into a story.

"I remember this one time, I ordered pizza back home. It was this local joint you know one of those thirty minutes or it's free, well this guy was like ten minutes late and he was trying to talk his way out of it. Till my little Jupiter,she wasn't going to do anything of course she had just woken up and didn't know what was bother me." she giggled slightly "You'd think she was the size of a lion or something and not the dog sized cat she is. Needless to say it was free," She mused half to herself " course they wouldn't delver to us anymore, I suppose it could of been handled differently." She blushed bringing her hand to the bridge of her nose.

"Oh..I.i'm sorry, with everything with Zeke..I shouldn't be telling silly stories..' She shut her eyes for a moment "So, um what do you wanna grab food?"