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Darth Solus

"In the end, there will be one."

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a character in “Star Wars: The Gilded Age”, originally authored by Lifecharacter, as played by RolePlayGateway


Darth Solus
Mand'alor the Infinite

Mand'alor the Infinite | "Strength of a Thousand Men"
Fear the Swarm | "Vortal Combat"
Crusades | "To Glory"
Resurgence | "The Eternal Conflict"


Name: Enceri Kacinya
Race: Miraluka / Human
Age: 147
Class: Sith Bounty Hunter
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral


ImageApparent Age: Due to liberal use of Sith Alchemy by her picky master, Enceri has all but stopped aging. The first application was done when she was in her early thirties and resulted in her looking about how she did when she was twenty-five. Many further procedures were done to ensure that she would stay that way for an unnaturally long time, just like her master.

Hair: Her golden strands currently fall to just below her shoulders when loose, but are usually tied in some manner to keep it out of the way during both everyday life and any life-or-death fight that might pop up.

Facial Hair: None

Eyes: The remaining eye, though originally green, has turned yellow from the prolonged exposure to the dark side.

Build: Straight and athletic

Skin Tone: All through her youth, Enceri's skin always held a healthy tan that she would boast about to all her friends with fairer skin. Now, due to both her use of armor that covers most of her body and the exposure to the dark side, her skin has lost most of that glow and become simply fair, something which both seems irreversible naturally and is too trivial to apply anything more extreme.

Height: 5'8''

Weight: 142 lbs.

Scar Tissue: Over the years Enceri has accumulated a number of scars in various sizes and types. Notably, she has a small, two inch scar stretching across her right cheek as well as a slew of minor, though apparently permanent, marks along the entire left side of her body from the battle against a pair of Jedi.

Unique Racial Traits: While born with both of her eyes, Enceri's right eye was malformed due to her Miraluka heritage and removed shortly after birth, leaving her with only an empty socket. Her inherent Force sight has managed to more than compensate for her lack of depth perception though.

Clothing: Outside of her armor, Enceri wears what she's worn since she came of marrying age, since she hasn't physically aged must passed that. What she wears amounts to a sleeveless gown, that conspicuously ends right before her abdomen, and a loose, flowing skirt that has nothing but a sash tied in a bow holding it up. If the weather would make such attire uncomfortable, an equally loose cloak of varying materials depending on the situation is draped over her shoulders. All of this clothing has been dyed red with gold trim since her days as a gladiator, and has been decorated with the markings of her clan, and, more recently, marking denoting her allegiance to the Sith and to her master. The clan markings are clear, ornate, and impossible to miss, but the ones denoting Sith affiliations are much more subtle, leaving only those with keen eyes or who are already aware capable of identifying them. As for footwear, she'll go barefoot if the weather permits it and, if it doesn't, she'll wear a pair of combat boots with durasteel plating attached.


ImageEven after joining with the Killik, the Mandalorian upbringing still shines throughout not just Enceri, but through all parts of Darth Solus. One of the greatest of these expects that survived the joining was the passion for violence. For her, violence didn't need an ultimate goal, such a thing was merely an addition to the inherent value of combat. As such, both Enceri and the rest of Solus need little provocation to enter into the fray of a battlefield and will generally take the more violent approach when the option arises. This hasn't stopped Solus from being able to conduct themselves in a calm and collected nature when the time calls for it, but such instances are rare.

The other Mandalorian aspect that transferred almost entirely to Solus, was the drive for improvement. This is ultimately what has caused Solus to spread outside of Unknown Space and forcefully join those considered useful and why those deemed worthy and almost always refused the ability to join even if they want to. Eventually, Solus desires to sweep through the galaxy collecting all those that would go to empower the whole and purging those who would serve as nothing but a detriment.

Also, as is rare for the Killik's, individual worth has been established within the hive. No longer are the sick the wounded and the dying left to die from easily mended problems, they are treated so as to increase the total strength of the collective. What this increased value on the individual hasn't solved, however, is the individual member's sense of self-preservation. Self-sacrifice was something Enceri lauded and now so too does Solus. If the sacrifice of a single body, regardless of which body it may be, benefits the whole more than keeping it alive, the body will be sent to die.

While enemies of Solus are likely to face its brand of violent encroachment, those who would yield to it and those who are deemed worthy are subjected to a much more comforting demeanor. Those forced into joining, while restrained until the process is complete, are treated kindly as the resistance to it has been experienced by many previous joiners and is therefore understood. Reassurances will be made and explanations will be given to the resistant party, as almost anything the attendants can do to make them comfortable, within reason of course, is likely to be done to ease the joiner into it.


Ataru: After numerous attempts to drill the Juyo school into her apprentice, Eymil Tan eventually fell back on a simpler and more pragmatic school that Enceri took to rather well. The use of the Force to augment her physical abilities was something she was already accustomed through from the use of it throughout her life as well as her innate Force Sight, so she appeared to be a natural at this particular school. Unfortunately, augmenting her strength and agility with the Force was taxing on the body and mind and required that she avoid prolonged duels so as to not exhaust herself.

Tràkata: After numerous demonstrations of her willingness to turn off her weapon in order to easily bypass her opponent's defenses, Enceri was eventually provided a holocron on the Tràkata style of fighting since Eymil refused to partake in it, referring to it focused more on practicality rather than the passion a Sith should be more concerned with.

Jar'Kai: After receiving the gift of a Beskad from her master, Enceri began to train in the use of dual blades in the event that a single lightsaber would be insufficient. Though she would only unsheathe her Mandalorian sword in the presence of a powerful opponent, she trained considerably in the use of both of them under her master. While the extra weapon was invaluable in combat efficiency, the loss of a free arm disallowed her the ability to use many Force powers in an instant. The inability to wield a single weapon with both hands lessened the strength of each blow and block, something which a pair of crushgaunts thankfully would go on to remedy.

Djem So: With the Jedis' experience and knowledge came the knowledge to use the fifth form of combat. While generally preferring to use the Ataru style to defeat her opponents, when she comes upon heavy fire or a particularly skilled duelist, mixing in the counters prevalent in this form allows her to block a flurry of blaster bolts and return them to their origin as well as force openings into any opponent who wields a lightsaber. The aggression involved to not only counter an attack but to overwhelm your opponent's defense with immense strength and fierce strike combinations makes Solus wonder why her master never taught it to her.

Mandalorian: No matter how many decades she spent training under her master, Enceri never relinquished the training taught to her by her mother and by the the experience she gained as a mercenary and a gladiator. Liberal use of blasters, rockets, lasers, knives, fists, fire, and anything else on hand is not a rare sight during fights with this Sith, at least, if you provide enough challenge to make it necessary. Now that she is part of the Solus Hivemind, you can add Killiks, starships, and joiners to that list as well.

Lightsaber: A clear and practical choice for anyone skilled in the Force and learned in the art of wielding a laser in the shape of a sword. As someone who prefers to adhere to tradition, Enceri's lightsaber is red to mark her loyalty to the Sith and to her master and consists of a single blade with a slightly curved hilt engraved with the symbols of her clan.

Beskad: Not one to give up the Mandalorian heritage that was pressed into her throughout her childhood, this gift from her master was greatly appreciated and was put to great use due to its durability as a beskar weapon and as such, its effectiveness against lightsabers. Only being unsheathed when facing a strong opponent worthy of the sacred metal, this sword would be wielded alongside her lightsaber with the use of Jar'Kai style.

WESTAR-35 Blaster Pistol: Issued to the police in the capital of Sundari, this was the favored pistol of her father back home. This blaster is accurate, reliable, and has an energy capacity of forty shots before a reload becomes necessary. It was the blaster Enceri first learned to shoot with and it's the one she's most comfortable wielding.

Crushgaunts: Another beskar weapon gifted to her by her master which gave her the ability to block a myriad of things from blaster to lightsaber blades with her hands and then go on to crush almost any material between them with the augmented strength they provided. The addition of a Sith amulet to the crushgaunts was used to increase Enceri's talents in wielding the Force, though only the abilities of the Dark Side were really enhanced. These gauntlets and their amulet would go on to be integrated into her grandfather's armor.

Ancestral Armor: Modified by her master so as to keep it up to date with more modern armors and reflect her alignment with the Sith, this Mandalorian armor was worn by Enceri's grandfather throughout his life until someone was finally able to strike him down. Offensively, it is equipped with a wrist laser and miniature flame-thrower on one hand, and a wrist-mounted rocket launcher on the other. The helmet (although she'll generally just wear a visor) has been altered to resemble that of the Mand'alor's and is equipped with a comlink and an advanced HUD system that allows for the activation of all the suit's systems and the ability track dozens of enemies on the battlefield. The armor is made from an alloy composed mostly of beskar with combinations of durasteel and titanium mixed in, and is currently painted dark gray with a golden trim to reflect the current situation, though the few lights scattered about the suit have remained red out of respect for her deceased master's beliefs. And, of course, it comes with a nice, missile-armed jetpack.

The Force

It was my parents who taught me to fight, but it was the Force who gave my body the might to kill. The Force has been with me since the days of my youth, and with me it has been used in the way it most desires. It has made its will known and raised me above those who would falsely claim to be my equals. It has taken me to the edges of the galaxy and shown me that which is my better. Now, in this void of space, I break the chains that the Force has bound me with and subdue the greatest of powers. It bends to my will, and with its chains in hand I will strangle the void with death until it yields to my power as well.

~Enceri, shortly after Eymil's death

Force PowersImage
Force Sight: While only partly Miraluka, the race's inherent Force Sight was passed down to Enceri from her mother, giving her the constant ability to see the world through the Force. This ability amplified her normal, one-eyed, vision (as well as compensating for the lack of depth perception) and overall perception, as well as prevented her from being the victim of mental alterations or the whims of the environment's luminosity.

Telekinesis: Using the myriad of applications telekinesis, heavy objects can be tossed in general directions, minute gestures can be conducted in smaller objects, people can be pushed, pulled, choked, and torn apart. There's a reason every Force-user uses telekinesis, and the variety of uses allows each one to have their own style.

Force Lightning: A classic Sith ability and therefore one that Enceri has studied, practiced, and relatively mastered over her decades of training under her master. The damage inflicted by this attack varied depending on the intent behind it, but the most intense burst Solus is capable of producing is capable of killing several people within less than ten seconds, though such a burst would require drawing upon much of the Hive's Force sensitivity. Generally, the bursts produced render the victims in a state of physical shock where their body goes in and out of spasms for a time. Exposure to Force lightning could cause blindness or even cripple the body if proper medical attention isn't sought soon after the incident, but not many people survive such incidents to begin with.

Kinetite: A fist-sized ball of restrained kinetic energy that traveled until it hit something, at which point said something, be it a person or a reinforced building, would find itself suddenly scattered around the area in lots of little pieces. While incredibly powerful once it made contact, those who were capable of using the Force defensively were capable of easily deflecting it if they happened to be the target or simply got in the way of it, though the Kinetite does fly through the air rather quickly.

Force Speed: This power of Enceri's gave her the ability to force her body to move faster than it should naturally be able to. This increased speed had the effect of her perceiving the world slow motion, allowing her to react with ease to her opponent's slowed attempts at an attack. While she generally relied upon more mechanical means like a speeder bike or jetpack, Force speed also allows her to move and sprint without any signs of fatigue. Though, once all these great abilities have been used, a long recovery period is necessary from the massive amount of energy used for them.

Force Destruction: This power utilized a massive amount of energy, drawn from the dark side of the Force, that would be stored within Enceri who would then, with an incredible amount of concentration, use her body as a conduit to discharge it at her enemies. It vaporized almost anything that came into direct contact with the discharge and scattered everything in the area with the force of the backlash. Solus, without drawing upon the power of the Hive, is capable of using this power only a few times without completely exhausting the body.

Force Rage: This was taught to Enceri on the condition that she use it only when it was the only way to ensure her survival. Tapping her innermost fears, pain and hate, she converted each of them into an incredible rage. This rage was then channeled for the purpose of increasing her strength, speed, and overall ferocity beyond its normal limits. While extremely effective at defeating foes, the use of Force Rage greatly taxes the body and the mind, resulting in a temporarily weakened physical state and having every one of your buried feelings brought to the surface. Now that she has become Solus and is constantly connected with the rest of the Hive, using this technique would result in every single piece experiencing both the rage, the power, and the combined weight of the fears, pain, and hatred of the entire collective.

Battlemind: One of the Jedi Enceri fought after joining with the Killik thought this technique would be his salvation in withstanding the Sith's powers. He obviously failed to resist her or the joining process, but the knowledge and experience of this power was spread throughout the hive mind and became usable, with a small amount of practice, by Solus' Prime. This ability gives Solus, in its entirety, a boost to both morale and fighting spirit to the point where physical exhaustion and impossible odds become something that are overcome through the Force. When the entire hive receives such an augmentation, they become a fighting force that even the most vast and powerful armies should come to fear in the moments before they're defeat at the hands of the Sith.


ImageEnceri was born on Mandalore to a Mandalorian Police lieutenant and a veterinarian in the capital city of Sundari. Due to her mother being a Miraluka, complications involving the eyes were apparent immediately after birth and resulted in the newborn having her right eye removed due to its severe deformities. This wouldn't hamper her ability to see, as her mother also passed on her innate Force Sight to her daughter, giving her the constant ability to see the visual world and the world as portrayed through the Force. While her father was away keeping the peace for the New Mandalorians, her mother managed to integrate her veterinary practice with their spacious home so as to properly raise Enceri in the ways of True Mandalorians in spite of the current, pacifistic regime.

During this time, a Chiss man in robes entered their home with a wounded animal. While it was being treated for the minor wounds it had likely suffered from some stray, the Chiss struck up a conversation with Enceri's mother about her Force sight and obtained a incredibly basic teaching on it during this encounter. It was when her mother was reaching the end of her lecture that the child of five wandered her way into the room and was noticed by the Chiss. The Chiss, finally revealing the obvious, claimed to be a Jedi and that he felt an inkling of the Force within the young girl. The mother, after some convincing by the Jedi and some rationalizing of it as good for warrior training, allowed the Jedi to put Enceri through the basic tests for potential and, succeeding those, some basic training in the Force. When the Jedi asked the parents if he could take the girl to become a Padawan, he was instantly refused by both parents and told to never return to them again, ending the young girl's possible future as a Jedi.

With that part of her life out of the way, Enceri continued to grow under her mother's training, as further pregnancies weren't pursued. In her teenage years, the young Mandalorian took up wrestling for sport and, although certainly not the best, proved to be rather talented at it. When she reached age sixteen, her grandfather's armor, with modern modifications, was passed onto her as they began pressuring her into marriage. Since she had not really felt any sort of romantic attachment to anyone she had met so far in her life, she refused the prospect and simply enlisted into a police academy to further advance her skills. After several years of honing the talents of a mercenary her mother had taught her along with learning many new things, she left the academy and the planet before graduating to become what she thought a true Mandalorian should be, a mercenary.

Her first few assignments were rather token and payed little, so when she found herself on Taris and she came across a man advertising for gladiatorial matches, she eagerly signed up to partake in some actual combat. While it took some time, along with a slew of beatings, she became quite skilled at fighting amongst the fellow gladiators and rose in rank and popularity. This continued until, one day after a match, she was approached by a Nautolan woman by the name of Eymil Tan who offered her an extended contract for a variety of different work from catching wild animals to tracking down and killing all manner of people. Excited by the opportunity to become an actual mercenary as well as the hefty amount of credits offered, Enceri accepted the contract within moments and was taken off world to a moon in the Drezzi System. The expansive facility there was to serve as their base of operations for the duration of the contract and, after a brief tour, the first assignment was presented as the execution of a Jedi in a nearby system. Before sending her off, Eymil spent a few days training her new worker for the task to come, giving her insight into the Force and some practice with combating both it and a lightsaber.

After some difficulty, the job was completed and Enceri returned with the objects requested, a hand and the Jedi's lightsaber. Once these identifiers were presented to her, Eymil asked her employee if she desired further training from her. With the last session still fresh in her mind and in the sores on her body, she agreed wholeheartedly and was handed the lightsaber. In the next moment, she had been thrown across the room as Eymil drew a lightsaber of her own and charged towards a confused Enceri. Activating the weapon, she managed to block a few blows before she was tossed like a ragdoll again and began to be electrocuted by her employer. After several seconds of pain, she managed to raise the lightsaber to an angle that would deflect the lightning and continued the intense, injurious sparring session for a few more hours, though falling in and out of consciousness throughout caused her to lose track.

She woke up four days later in a tank of Bacta while Eymil looked over her body with an assortment of clothes in her arms. After a few minutes of draining, washing, and drying, Enceri was dressed and presented with her next task, executing another Jedi and his padawan who were likely investigating what happened to the previous one. After a few days passed, she returned and gave Eymil two hands and one lightsaber, claiming the other had fallen into a canal. When the weapon was offered to her, she reached for it while activating and swinging the one that was supposedly lost, only to have it blocked by the red blade of her opponent. While the result was ultimately the same, Enceri was able to maintain consciousness for the entire fight, something which earned her an offer of formal training when she woke up a few days later.

The training sessions focused mostly upon the Force and its applications at first, using her assignments as a supplement for combat training, though proper use of a lightsaber was added after about a year. This relationship went on for years as the amount of captured animals, acquired weapons and ships, droid battalions, and stolen lightsabers grew and grew. Eventually, Eymil officially acknowledged Enceri as her apprentice and as a Sith, giving her a lightsaber of her own. Her assignments continued for years, growing more and more difficult as time went one. This culminated in what was said to be the last of her contracted work, the stealing of an Interdictor-class cruiser, which required the extermination of the entire crew and bringing along a group of droids to help pilot the ship. It was done, and she happily handed the ranks and medals of the captain over when she returned.

Unfortunately, such an act earned the ire of the owners of that cruiser, which forced the two Sith to abandon their long established base, though most of its contents were stored upon the fleeing ships by the cautious master. The two fled to Unknown Space with their pursuers following them, trying their best to sink every ship they could. The Interdictor was shot down as it attempted to land on one of the nearby planets as the other ships managed to escape. After the crash, Enceri held her dying master in her arms as she was given the title of Lord of the Sith. Eymil's words were cut off before she could finish, but what was said sent a temperamental Mandalorian Sith out into the jungle to slaughter each and every member of the landing party. As more came to assist their comrades, Enceri disappeared into the jungle. In her attempts to devise some sort of plan that allowed her to continue living, she stumbled upon a small group of Killiks hibernating in a cave. Aware of their nature and confident in her ability to overwhelm whatever hive mind they currently had, she became a Joiner and, with the hundred or so Killik, were able to overwhelm the soldiers and take their ship.

With the capture of the landing ship, the Mandalorian and her new army were able to come aboard the main vessel of the pursuing forces, all while sending a message to the allied ships that were hiding somewhere nearby. Then, after surprising the crew stationed in the landing bay, the communications relay was knocked out and the rest of the crew slowly dwindled into nothing but a few soldiers and the Jedi leading the operation. Enceri managed to defeat these Jedi with the help of the surviving Killik and, rather than killing them, took them as her prisoners along with the surviving soldiers. With this, the communications were reactivated and the signal was sent for an attack, though with their command vessel captured almost half surrendered rather than be destroyed. Enceri took the mass of prisoners back to the island where she had found the small Killik nest and, with the resources available from all the ships now under her control, was able to allow the Killik population to grow. Within a year, there were over one hundred thousand, battle ready Killiks making up the hive and more were on the way. It was at this point where the introduction of outside influence would have little consequence on the collective's mindset, and so the prisoners were forcefully joined and became one with the Sith, who had taken the name of Darth Solus.

With these soldiers of the Republic under the sway of the whole, they boarded their ships and returned home to report what had happened, a combination of pirates and rogue droids resulting in a daring escape. These ships came with more than returning crew members, as Killik were smuggled into the major cities and were used to join those who were deemed useful to the whole, starting with a selection of scientists who were immediately tasked with creating a concentrated form of pheromones that would no longer require exposure to actual Killiks to cause someone to join. And from then on it spread subtly amongst the galaxy, never taking too big a risk of exposing themselves and always making sure that their location in Unknown Space was kept the greatest of secrets. With the spread of her influence satisfactory, Solus put in place the next step in her grand scheme, she had her pieces spread the word of a new Mand'alor that was calling all who would answer to her cause. Mand'alor the Infinite's cause was unknown but the stir it would bring was good enough to lead a few people to her pieces and then into joining her. As her strength grew, she finally decided to show her people their new Mand'alor, and began to move her forces out of Unknown Space.


Cyar'ika: A Keldabe-class battleship, that Solus managed to steal from the Zann Consortium and turn it into the flag ship of the Solus Fleet. Capable of effectively competing with Imperial-class star destroyers, the most notable feature is a large mass driver located between its engines. This allows for large kinetic rounds to be fired at extreme speeds out the front of the ship. Since most shields only protect against laser or plasma weapons, this weapon is almost always able to breach enemy shields and destroy its target. Being of Mandalorian design, this ship gives Solus, and the Mandalorians under her, a strong sense of pride every time it completely destroys enemy ships or stations.

Charybdis: An Interdictor-class heavy cruiser and the capital ship of Eymil Tan's fleet that boasts all of the firepower and durability of a star destroyer with the addition of four gravity wells that prevent enemies from entering hyperspace while engaged in combat with this ship. The gravity wells were of strict importance to the Sith master as letting enemies, their equipment, and the information they could now receive escape was something to be prevented above all else. It had been christened by the imperial forces they stole it from and neither of the Sith felt the need to change the name.

Persistence: Stolen from a New Republic Admiral, this Endurance-class fleet carrier serves as a carrier for most, if not all, of the Mandalorian starfighters that have joined their new Mand'alor on her crusade across the galaxy.

Shard-Class Capital Ships: Making up the majority of the Solus Fleet, these massive ships were constructed by the Killiks through a process of shattering moons and asteroids and hollowing the pieces out into layers, each of which adds what amounts to another set of armor plating to the ship.

Cal-Class Battleships: Brought with the Mandalorians who flocked to their new Mand'alor, these battleships were similar to the Keldabe-class battleship in that they had a mass driver mounted along the top of their hull for penetrating shields. Due to their nature as a planetary bombardment ship, they are also equipped with six tractor beams to pull in asteroids and debris to use as ammunition for their mass drivers.

Lucrehulk-Class Battleships: Repurposed freighters from the era of the Clone Wars, these large ships serve as carriers for the Dartship swarms and troop carriers of the Killik along with most of the unmanned droid ships. Heavy batteries and powerful shields are employed to keep these protected and few ships have the firepower to breach these defenses on their own.

Detainer CC-2200 Interdictor Cruisers: Along with the Charibdys came a slew of smaller cruisers equipped with their own gravity wells to further prevent enemies from escaping a battle with the Sith.

Automated Vulture Droid Deployment Station: Scattered around the parts of Unknown Space that have fallen to Darth Solus, these stations contain six Vulture droids that deploy when an enemy ship enters its vicinity.

Vulture Droid: The Vulture Droid was an unmanned droid ship that has been advanced since its use during the Clone Wars so that it is up to par with more modern fighters. Now, along with the six standard blaster cannons, torpedo launchers, and discord missiles, they have been equipped with a small turbolaser to help them breach through tougher shields.

Mando-Verpine Assault Fighter: Created after a new, and massive lode of beskar was found on Mandalore, these starfighters were brought to Solus by the Mandalorians who sought out their new Mand'alor. It is capable of flying with just one pilot, though it has room for three, and are designed to be versatile enough to be used as anything from planetary bombers to long range hunter-killers. As for the material, an agreement with the Verpines allowed for an ultramesh frame of beskar, making it both lightweight and incredibly durable.

Dartships: Ships constructed and manned by the Killiks and that extensively relied on ramming tactics that were capable of bringing down entire battleships when enough of them took part in the attack. As for non-suicidal weaponry, these starfighters come equipped with four blaster cannons and a variety of explosives payloads to drop that range from chemical warheads to the more conventional fire bomb.

Hyena Bomber: With the advancement of droid technology came the advancement in droid weaponry and so came the improved Hyena bomber capable of delivering heavy payloads and being used as a starfighter if it became necessary.

So begins...

Darth Solus's Story


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It had been decades since Enceri had returned to the planet of her birth, leaving assumedly for the last time after the memorial service of her parents. Now here she was again, only this time she was here to claim what was hers.

The freighter the group of Mandalorians had acquired for their current task was inconspicuous amongst the ragged ships of the yard it had landed next to. While thirty armed Mercenaries raised a few eyebrows, the most attention grabbing thing was the heavily modified armor that the Sith Lord was wearing, though few said anything beyond an impressed whistle or an offering of condolences to the young woman. When they came time to check with one of the officials of the shipyard, so as to prevent any more unnecessary attention, markings similar to those on her armor were covering the Mandallian's arms. As Enceri stood before the massive man, a great smile on her face, she swung her arms out to invite the potentially deadly embrace of her clansman. Laughing, he took the woman into his arms and lifted her off the ground as the two shared several moments together.

Patting his shoulder submissively, the Giant set the Sith Lord back down and let out another series of laughs. "Last time we saw each other it was you who was lifting me into your arms; that must have been fifty years ago."

"It's been far too long brother. Sometime soon we will have to settle the contest we started before, but today I have this collection of pansies to look after."

"That's disappointing, but whatever you're doing does seem important. Just remember not to ride them all too hard, not everyone can endure you like I can. But you need to make sure to come visit next year, Ijin's finally found someone who's willing to slum it for him and get married."

"Send the details to the number I gave you a few years back and I'll make sure to find someone worthy to replace me for a few days." With the small exchange between clansmen completed with a confirmation of contact information, the delayed squad of Mandalorians left the shipyard and split into two groups, one heading for a certain government office, one that apparently once housed the cloned reject that liked calling himself Mand'alor and currently held a few of those loyal to his memory, and the other heading towards a media station.

After taking in the sights around the city, relishing the chance to see Mandalore once again, Enceri came before a little rustic cantina. Since it was something that could be found on every backwater planet across the galaxy for the drunk to drown themselves in, the unofficial Mand'alor held no quam about destroying it and everyone inside. Understandably the heavily armed guards at the door–can't let just anyone in to see the boss–took issue with thirty people walking up to the door, but the moment their blasters raised they found a blade of light carving through their bodies. With the outer guards dispatched, a solemn "Go" scattered the escorting commandos around the building, all of them taking position around the assorted windows and planting charges on the back walls; none of this was likely to be necessary, but there was nothing wrong with taking precautions.

With a sudden movement, a heavy boot crashed through the front door, splintering the wood and shattering the glass. Once Enceri and two of her commandos entered the humble building, they traversed a short walkway before encountering another guard who had no doubt heard the destruction of the door and, as such, had his rifle readied when they rounded the corner. He only managed to fire one shot before an invisible hand lifted him off his feet and tossed his body into the tangible hands of the Sith. Instead of using her boot or any of her other limbs to break through the door separating her from the current Mand'alor–simply opening it normally wasn't an option–she used the newly acquired limbs of the door's guard, and, with the full motion of her body, flung him against the hard wood. The resulting sounds of snaps, crunches, and groans signified that a good number of things had been broken when those two had met at such force.

Now, with the way open, she and her two men strolled in casually; making sure to step over the body that now occupied the floor. In this room sat Loyalists to the long-dead Fett, whose names she, with her vast collective knowledge didn't know. Blasters were raised, demands of disarmament were raised, and a group of armed commandos were anxiously waiting to break through every possible entry they could make. This all ceased when, like the, finally unconscious and quiet guard, the blasters held by Fett's followers were ripped from their secure hands and cast upon the floor; only three people retained their weapons.

With a hand outstretched to one of her companions, Enceri now wished to show these men of the previous age who it was that was about to kill them. The companion, after reaching into a small pouch he had strapped to his side, retrieved a detailed mask and set it in his leader's hands. Donning the simple mask that could be recognized by every citizen of Mandalorian Space, she addressed her, soon to be dead, people.

"Mand'alor the Infinite has sent out her call; a call for the return to glory of her people and the end of any who would call us their enemies. My call has been spread for months now, and yet, here you are, getting drunk in the shithole my predecessor liked to call an office. Hopefully others will not be as foolish."

With the end of her statement, the choking officials were gunned down by Enceri's companions as her commlink began to rattle with the voices of the other squad. After a small confirmation of the situation of their end, a small crate was carried into the cantina and set down in the center of the room before being opened. Inside rested a large amount of explosives that were more than capable of destroying the building they were in. Once these explosives were properly primed, one of her commandos with a camera walked out in front of her as she addressed her people who were still alive.

The sound of an explosion could be heard off in the distance as a moment of static appeared on the screen before the signal was finally connected and the inside of a, somewhat ransacked, cantina was displayed across every screen possible. There, before the people's eyes, stood a striking figure in distinct gray armor who wore the mask of their traditional leader. "Mand'alor sends her call to all those who would claim to be Mandalorian. My call is simple and resolute, gather at my side brothers and sisters, so that we may make our way through the galaxy once more and remind them all who we are. Let my Crusade be that reminder, and let my Crusade be your ascension to glory!"

As the surrounding populace looked on as war was declared against the entire galaxy by someone who they had only heard of through whispered rumors, the person who made this declaration boarded her inconspicuous ship and began making her way to her fleet so as to securely assess the results of her expedition home.

"Enemy craft immobilized."

It was one thing for a ship to pass by Lego to use it as a shortcut around more popular routes, but to actually attempt to land on the moon of Dathim was an offense that would not be handled lightly. The cheap craft had managed to find its way through the dark and dangerous space that made up the entire space surrounding the planet, even breaking into the atmosphere without suffering so much as a visible scratch, not that you could tell on such an old thing. It was then that action became a necessity. With guns scattered throughout the forested world, hidden from even the sharpest of eyes, disabling the ship would be simple; what happened afterward would depend on what such a lost ship contained.

To prevent the loss of anything important that might be found inside, none of these guns were used to destroy the trespassing ship. A group of soldier's, several Mandalorians amongst them, were close enough to the ship's projected landing site to have a visual on it, and with this visual one of them raised their hand into the air and, with the power of the Solus Hive supporting him, he brought the ship down. There was no need for anything overly flashy or powerful, knowledge of the ship's inner workings, no matter how heavily modified it was, allowed for a simple manipulation of a few parts to cause the engine to fail; a piece of bent metal here, a stalled turbine there, and the fragile thing would drop. And drop it did, likely causing more damage to the ship and giving whoever was inside the opportunity to feel like one of those crash test dummies.

There was some air of disappointment amongst the Mandalorians present at not being able to open fire on the ship; they weren't unnaturally bloodthirsty, but defending an urban legend of a planet from non-existent intruders wasn't the most exciting task for a warrior. Even so, there was still a chance that someone survived and that meant there was the possibility that some amount of action, no matter how beaten and easily defeated their prey might be. Unfortunately, their enthusiasm was once again crushed by their Mandalore. "You will remain one hundred meters behind me, I wish to investigate the ship myself." Before the ship had even entered orbit of the planet, Solus had felt a change in the Force, Jedi. After the Piece finished descending to the ground, dozens of Killik emerged from the forest and gathered around him. "If the Kind are not able to handle this, you are to attack and kill everything you find at the crash site."

The Jedi had survived the crash, but that wouldn't make much of a difference when a horde of Killik washed over him. Jedi were one of the few things that actually infused the Sith with the passion one would expect from her title, the hate, the anger, all aimed at those who took something from her, and one of them had just decided to land in the middle of in the middle of her army.