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Stranger Than It Seems

Supernatural, Washington


a part of Stranger Than It Seems, by devin.


devin holds sovereignty over Supernatural, Washington, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Supernatural, Washington is a part of Stranger Than It Seems.

6 Characters Here

Ayzlee Grace [43] "Just have faith"
Kyra Rye Shade [42] "Don't worry, I don't bite... much."
Marcey Parker [41] "Just Breathe"
John Kensworth [40] When mystics have problems, they come to me.
Azrael Seraphim [38] The Fallen.

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Character Portrait: Azrael Seraphim Character Portrait: Kyra Rye Shade Character Portrait: Shrade Stryder Character Portrait: Ayzlee Grace Character Portrait: Marcey Parker Character Portrait: John Kensworth
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She sat there listening to the wind slide across cool waters, curled up in a little ball on the edge of the pond. So much had changed, she realized as she rocked. She didn't understand the world she had contorted. She hummed silently to the breeze. She layed down on her back and watched the stars above shape into the formations of her mind, as she heard footsteps approach. She felt hands on her as she was spooked, then the thought of danger was overwhelming. Marcey trapped ayzlee in her glare as she slowly crushed her airway.

Ayzlee- " Not really, I've always had someone taking care of me. It isn't always bad to ask for help you know" She looked up at Shrade. "I should go find Marcey before she kills something." Ayzlee added as she hugged him and skipped out of the room. She smiled and ran through the back door toward the pond. She hobbled down next to Marcey and watched her eyes dart from side to side. "Marcey?" She shook her. Marcey jumped from her and stared at her with bright eyes. "Marcey" Ayzlee was stuck. "Please let go of me, I can't breathe."

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Kyra Rye Shade

"No, I'm alright... Although I can't say so for Shrade." She smiled evilly at what she had planned for the bugger. "Hey! I was talking to her!" The sudden shout into phone caused Kyra to wince. "Rudolf? What's goin-" "Hey kiddo!" Oh no. She paled, before responding with a false note of cheeriness, "Hey..." "Kyra Rye Shade! What did I tell you about checking in with us every time you moved?! And don't deny it! I checked the motion tracker and you aren't where you said you'd be!" "In my defense it was totally not my fault! I thought we would be going to Baltimore, but Shra-" "I don't wanna hear it!" She slumped and began to walk, shamefully, back downstairs to the dinner table in full view of Shrade, who she glared daggers at. "I know Elise..."

Kyra begrudgingly agreed with everything her Aunt Elise said and the entire time, her traitorous brother, Shrade, watched with a paling complexion.

Shrade Stryder

Shrade had watched Ayzlee walk away and saw Kyra come downstairs with that weary look that said she was talking with their Aunt. He smiled softly, already knowing how his Aunt may be chewing his sister out.

"Elise! I didn't change the LZ! Shrade did, okay? So just chew him out instead of me!" His head whipped up at that. He made a sudden move for the phone when his sister growled at him and held out a hand with a ball of blue flame levitating a few inches above it. He froze.

"Okay, now, we need to talk about the Jaguar clan that came by-" Shrade heard Elise's voice through the phone and grinned... He watched Kyra shudder as if swallowing something horrible. He knew what Elise was saying to her, and reveled in the fact that Kyra was possibly going to be matched/mated with a Jaguar... He snickered at the look of discomfort and embarrassment on his sister's face.

Kyra's voice went soft and Shrade saw her eyes flick quickly in the direction of the cough, where John sat before slumping her shoulders even further... He suddenly felt sympathy for his sister, knowing how she must wish to have his teleportation powers and just teleport away...

Kyra Rye Shade

Kyra tried not to feel like she had just betrayed someone important. She tried to keep herself from thinking of the arrogant shifter she had met when a clan of Jaguars stopped by her Uncle's house, proposing the son of their clan leader be mated to her... Her aunt and uncle had been surprised but happy about the prospect and were the only ones who held any and all powers over Kyra's married life... She had hoped Else wouldn't bring up such a topic over the phone, but it was her Aunt Elise afterall.

"Kyra your not getting any younger and besides, it's high time you move out of the house and go be with someone you can trust not to stab you in the back. It's time for you to settle down, alright?" Kyra winced when her aunt mentioned 'settling down.' "Elise, I-" "Besides, didn't you like Jaguar? He seemed like a good enough match for you..." Her aunt began to rant again, and so Kyra hung up without saying goodbye.

She slumped in her chair and growled at Shrade, "Shrade, you ruin everything..."

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Character Portrait: Azrael Seraphim Character Portrait: Kyra Rye Shade Character Portrait: Shrade Stryder Character Portrait: Ayzlee Grace Character Portrait: Marcey Parker Character Portrait: John Kensworth
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She fell to her knees and reached out to Marcey, pleading. She was a monster. Marcey's face showed no pity, no remorse, just a smirk rolling its way out from the corners of her mouth. "Help me, please someone please help me!" Ayzlee screamed through the little breath she could actually obtain, she felt her toes going numb and her eyes started to roll to the back of her head. Within a few seconds, she was passed out.


She heard screaming and then a dead weight hit the dock. Marcey snapped out of it quickly, to find Ayzlee a bluish tint, mangled on the ground. Marcey picked her up quickly, tears streaming down her face. She ran, Ayzlee in her arms, all the way into the house. "Someone! I hurt her! I hurt Ayzlee" She put her on the counter and screamed for John. What have I done, oh God what have I done?

Shaking, she slid open a drawer and grabbed a steak knife from inside. She cut Ayzlee's wrist with the blade, and put her hand on it. "Please work! Please work!" She closed her eyes and put her head down, controlling the water in Ayzlee's blood. She felt it moving through her, slowly, but opening up her air way.

"I can't tell if it is working!" She looked up at Shrade, then Kyra, with her eyes the shining blue, pleading for help. It was the first time she let them see her like this. "I don't know what to do! Where the hell is john!"

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azrael Seraphim Character Portrait: Kyra Rye Shade Character Portrait: Shrade Stryder Character Portrait: Ayzlee Grace Character Portrait: Marcey Parker Character Portrait: John Kensworth
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#, as written by devin
John was just exiting his room when he heard a scream.

"I don't know what to do! Where the hell is john!"

"Az." John said softly as he began jogging toward Marcey's voice, and what he assumed to be a victim of Marcey's powers. Azrael snapped them there in a flash. Ayzlee was lying on the floor, motionless, her wrist cut, and Marcey's hand over it. John was startled, but not unaccustomed. "Water in the blood, get it out. her throat's swollen shut, and I do not want to have to cut it open. Az, take care of this, I've got to go, I'll be back."

The secrets were getting to be quite a burden on his shoulders, but it wasn't like he could just tell them. "Hi, how are you. Nice shirt. Oh, and by the way, you're the harbingers of the apocalypse." It couldn't go down like that. They weren't supposed to know of the prophecy, not yet.

John slowly made his way downstairs, trying to avoid the eyes of Kyra or Shrade.

"Where are you going?"


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Kyra was irritated by her sudden situation. She could say that she didn't mind Jaguar at all and then her aunt would consider that a yes to the question or she could just... Oh, what the hell am I gonna do... Kyra wasn't keen on marrying someone now but if she did she'd probably have more say so in her life. Besides Jaguar didn't act like the all controlling type. She conjured up a memory of him and shuddered as she remembered meeting those piercing golden eyes. So different than John's blue eyes.

She was interrupted by some screaming and John's sudden appearance and... disappearance? Right after helping Az, too. She glanced at him then back at her brother.

Shrade glared at his sister than back at John before he asked, "Where are you going?"

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Azylee coughed, sitting up on her elbows. She was dizzy, frightened, and confused. She turned to Marcey, looking for some kind of explanation, but instead she got to her feet, shook off the dirt, and made her way upstairs. Tomorrow I will leave, I will call the cops on these people and I will leave. By the time she got to her room, she was surprised to find that she was sobbing. She left the lights off, kicked off her shoes and climbed into her bed. No prayer's tonight, just sleep. She closed her eyes, as her body began healing itself.


"Where are you going?" She saw Shrade look to John in disbelief. Marcey calmed herself down quickly, knowing she would only add to the situation. She ducked behind the group and walked away. She made her way upstairs and nestled into her room. She wanted to apologize to Ayzlee, to the group, she felt worthless, problematic, annoying. They hate me.. she concluded as she took our her journal and started scribbling depictions of the days activities. Then, she slept.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azrael Seraphim Character Portrait: Kyra Rye Shade Character Portrait: Shrade Stryder Character Portrait: Ayzlee Grace Character Portrait: Marcey Parker Character Portrait: John Kensworth
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#, as written by devin
John didn't have a response to Shrade's question. He simply responded by throwing a 20 dollar bill on the table. "Order a pizza, I'll be back in an hour or so." And he left. Not as alone as he'd hoped, however. He quickly made his way out to an old abandoned building on the west side of town. There, he met his book keeper.

"Europe has demanded that you go digital. The old ways are obsolete, the enemy is moving too fast."

"So, what, computers?"

"Sort of, the technology's been borrowed from the People's Liberation of Iran. It's hell out there."

"What kind of progress have we made on the eastern front?"

"Everything east of Iran is a wasteland. They have begun to push on the southern border of Russia. Africa's been liberated as far as Ethiopia. Your presence has been requested in Irkusk, your plane leaves in 48 hours."

"Our plane. My crew is coming with me." They wouldn't take this too well, but he couldn't go alone. He'd have to let the cat out of the bag tomorrow morning.

John turned and left, heading home as fast as he could, and hoping that everyone would be asleep.

His luck wasn't that good. Shrade and Kyra sat at the table, glaring daggers through him, Az seemed none too impressed either.

"We're going to Russia in two days."

Shrade spoke soft and low. "We found your journal. And Phoenix."

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After John rudely shrugged hid question off, Shrade softly followed Marcy upstairs and waited outside her door before he heard a breathing slow into that lull of sleep. He walked in and knelt down beside her head. You're such a fool! You chased away the one thing you truly cared about. Just great! He placed a misplaced lock of hair behind her ear and sighed, "I'm sorry Marcy."

He bent to place a kiss on her forehead, "I love you, imperfect creature that you are." With that he left her side to step downstairs to find John's secrets.....


Kyra was in pain but she wasnt going to voice it... yet as she walked out into the night she stumbled into town where she found her way to a bar. After downing several drinks of a lchohol to the encouragement of several male patrons of the bar, Kyra found herself above everyone else, dancing on the bar wearing only her bra and jeans. Barefoot, she spun to the music and laughed somehow feeling that everything was vibrant and topsy curvy.

After several more drinks she was completely legless (meaning she's completely and utterly drunk). Somehow though, her new friends (the ones had bought her the drinks in the first place) were able to bring her back to the house. They were grinning like fools as she thanked them with some sloppy kisses on their cheeks, as she stumbled into the house... and right into the backyard.... Completely lost in her dazed and fantastical world where she felt she was completely safe... she fell onto the ground and turned until she was looking up at the sky.... the sky that looked alive with dancing stars... she grinned and giggled.