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Wyatt Salius

"This should be a quick fix."

0 · 366 views · located in Surepath Academy

a character in “Surepath Academy: Year One”, originally authored by Shadetree76, as played by RolePlayGateway


Wyatt Salius
Age- 16
Myth Class- Feral

I am a Werewolf
Who likes to hunt, music both playing and singing, sparring, and being active overall.
and dislikes cats (Not a big fan of them.), his wolf form, being alone, silver anything.
I am in my Junior Year
My class list is as follows:
[*]Physical Education
[*]Algebra 1
[*] The Pit - Required!
Hunting Knife

Its base enchant is Air.
but its effect is the enhancing of my speed in and out of a fight.


Me? Well I was born in the US so I don't think that I am anything special except for you know my condition as my family calls it. My father was a werewolf so I guess that got passed onto me. My childhood was average or as close as you can get anyway. My "shifting" started when I was fourteen so i've been dealing with that for a least a little while. The reason I was sent to this school was I nearly killed someone back home so my parents and I came up with coming to this school to help me deal or coop as I see it with my lycanthropy.

So begins...

Wyatt Salius's Story

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Character Portrait: Wyatt Salius
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Wyatt was on the boat but he was below deck until he felt that he wanted some air. He plugged his Ipod in and left the "safety" of below the deck. He was remembering that while he was back home he learned just about every instrument you could have in a band, so he knew how to play the drums, bass, guitar, and he could sing. Learning these were easy considering he parents never really let him go to school they didn't want any "incidents" to happen while he was there so they home schooled him. Even though they had tried he went to see a movie late at night because someone he had met on a shopping trip wanted him to go, this was bad for one reason it was the night of his first shift. After that he and his family found the school and would send him to it. Wyatt got to the main deck of the boat and leaned against a railing on the port side. Since he was by himself at this moment he started to sing on of his favorite songs. ( ... re=related ) He started to sing and he was enjoying it almost to much but he was having his fun. He had this tiny hope that he could form a band here and he could only hope that it was aloud, he just wanted to play for everyone. Once finished with the song he started to blush realizing that he was singing out loud.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maria Fortune Character Portrait: Samson Jephthah Character Portrait: Wyatt Salius Character Portrait: Veda Jones
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Wyatt felt the boat come to a stop. "And let the fun begin." He stated as he took out his ear buds and went to the lower deck to fetch his things. He grabbed his two guitar cases and his bag it was almost difficult to carry them but he would get over it. He had his bag over one of the cases strapped to his back the other was was really light so having one hand open was his best bet. He stepped off of the boat and continued on his way. He checked his pocket for the knife that his dad had given him when he said his final goodbye's. "Good thing its there, not sure what i'd do if it wasn't." he said out loud its not like people paid him much attention in the first place. He found that the school would be a little bit before it was opened so he took this as a good chance to go and get something to eat. He wondered around for a little while before coming up on a cafe. 'This will do.' he thought as he entered. He set his stuff down at a table and noticed a man with wings. "Nice. Wings that would be a first time for me to see." he said a bit louder than he wanted. He took his seat and started to think of what he was wanting to get.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maria Fortune Character Portrait: Samson Jephthah Character Portrait: Wyatt Salius Character Portrait: Veda Jones
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Veda smiled at Samson. "No, thank you... I was just wondering when you are going to go there? I'm not sure about when the gates open."
Veda was kind of a scatterbrain, she hated that about herself. She would have preferred to have a photographic memory.
No, just not when it comes to bad memories.
After Veda spoke, she noticed another boy taking her table. She should have stayed there with her warm cup of coffee.
Now her coffee stood alone on the table where the new boy sat.
Veda clenched her teeth and fidgeted.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wyatt Salius Character Portrait: Vocare
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Wyatt had gotten his coffee and proceeded to drink it. There wasn't much on his mind but when the gates would open. Thankfully he decided that he had enough of this place he could practically smell the burning of coffee as he let. "One good thing he said 'Your sense of smell will be amazing things will smell great.' Shows what that old man knew." Wyatt said in a mocking tone of his own father. He arrived shortly after the gates had opened and people were still flooding in. He held his guitar and his bass close to him and shrugged his backpack up. "It's now or never I suppose." he said as he joined the crowd. He heard someone trying to get someones attention and it failing to a degree. Wyatt approached the other male. "Hey, I'm Wyatt." He practically had to shout. "We should just follow the crowd, and don't worry i've got your back."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Murmur Shir Character Portrait: Wyatt Salius Character Portrait: Vocare Character Portrait: Zegam Ekaitz
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0.00 INK

(God, I'm so confused, so much is happening at once. I just assumed that everybody already went inside O.O Well then.....)


Eyes wide and alert as a gun went off, Murmur stood. "What th-" He was interrupted by the moan of the massive iron gates. He trotted over, disturbed by how windy and cold the water made everything else. He saw a crowd of students, teachers and more getting ready to go inside. He stayed at the back of the group, hoping Zegam wasn't going to bother him. His eyes caught onto a pair of students beside him, and watched them curiously.

"We should just follow the crowd, and don't worry i've got your back." A brown-haired boy said, probaby to the other one. He slowly shifted toward them, but didn't say anything. Hopefully the boy knew what he was talking about.


Zegam took his hands out of his pockets at the sound of the gun, then following screech of the gates opening. Frowning when he didn't see Murmur, Zegam go caught in the middle of the people and began to walk inside.

Soon enough he'd gotten past the gates and shuffled out of the slightly crowded zone of others, and away to the front. He stayed beside a wall, and placed his hands in his pockets once again.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Murmur Shir Character Portrait: Wyatt Salius Character Portrait: Vocare
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Relieved that he wasn't alone, he greeted the other named Wyatt and noticed someone else. He was going to introduce himself to the other too, but it seemed the best thing to do for now was just to start moving through this vicious crowd of impatient teenagers. Vocare continued walking with the person and the other person who kept a close distance, but he didn't mind the other who was behind him at all. If anything, Vocare doesn't like to be alone but to be with a small group of people.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Murmur Shir Character Portrait: Wyatt Salius Character Portrait: Vocare
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Wyatt moved through the crowd quite well. He was already looking forward to being by himself for a little while. They still had the opening thing to go to but that hopefully wouldn't take that long so he could drop his things off at his dorm. "You okay back there?" he asked both of the boys. The one thing that bothered him about this place was that since everyone was so close he could smell a whole lot and it was giving him a headache. He gripped the side of his head. 'Ugh this is ridiculous.' he thought as the crowd pushed everything forward.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Selvaggia Character Portrait: Murmur Shir Character Portrait: Wyatt Salius Character Portrait: Zegam Ekaitz
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0.00 INK


He'd tried not to be noticed, he'd tried to blend in, but of course, was eventually forced into interaction. He looked at one of the two he was following as he said something that Murmur didn't really understand of care about because of being interrupted by a young girl. He looked at her as she apologized for running into them, and heard her say; "I'm Selvaggia, if you care.". He smiled politely and shoved out a hand in greeting. "Murmur." He said, but instantly dropped the hand knowing that he'd look like a fag with his hand out like that. His fingers found the heirloom placed on his finger, and twisted it nervously. "Selvaggia, what a charming name." He said, not sure why he was being so formal. She's just another freak like you.He thought, and cracked his knuckles.


The demon stood back with a smirk on his face. He loved watching his futre students. Learning most things about them just by their posture and tone of voice. His eyes passed over Murmur, who was currently speaking with another girl, probably his age.Z

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wyatt Salius Character Portrait: Vocare
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"Yeah, I'm fine... It's only I haven't done this in about, oh, 344 years." With obvious irritation in his voice, Vocare looked down while walking for a bit. I used to be the one people would go to me for help. I feel so weak and vulnerable like this... His thoughts roaming around while still walking, trying to stay with the small group they formed as possible.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wyatt Salius Character Portrait: Vocare
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Wyatt was trying to hurry up but he didn't want to leave Vocare behind. He managed to get ahead and away from the larger group. "I hope you're keeping up." He said as he found another way to get to the opening ceremony. Wyatt found a quicker way to the front that had a few people there. "Hehe found a quicker way." he said out loud. He noticed people beginning to arrive so he made his way and opened the doors. "Lots of empty seats." Wyatt said as he entered the building.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wyatt Salius Character Portrait: Vocare
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Following behind Wyatt, Vocare looked around the large room and empty seats. "Wow..." Looking around some more, he got a bit separated from Wyatt, yet still near him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wyatt Salius Character Portrait: Seirra Hydrius
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0.00 INK

Wyatt did the normal thing once the speech was over he did his clapping and he Ooo'd and awwwd at the display the headmaster had put on. After he gave the dorms and the roommate that you would have he found his name and looked over to see the name of his roommate. "Seirra Hydius huh?" He said out loud. 'Im roomed with a girl, I can live with that.' he thought as he got up to search for her. He began to ask around and no one seemed to know how see was or where she was. So after a minute or two he yelled "Seirra, it's Wyatt meet me at the doors!" He then made his way through the crowd to get to the front doors. He hoped that she had seard him cause the place was slowly getting louder and louder. Once he was finally at the front doors he began to wait.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wyatt Salius Character Portrait: Seirra Hydrius
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"Yea I am Wyatt. It's nice to meet you." He said as he adjusted the guitar on his back. The bass was starting to feel heavy and his back was beginning to hurt from all of the stuff he was carrying. He looked at the girl that was in front of him. Attractive yes she was but his back got a sharp pain so he looked at her. "You think we should get to our room and check it out?" He asked her. "Or do you wish to socialize a bit more before we leave." Wyatt was trying to be as nice as possible to this girl he didn't want her to worry about him being mean or anything after all werewolves are only scary once they shift. As for now just a human. He smiled at the girl waiting for her to answer.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wyatt Salius Character Portrait: Seirra Hydrius
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Wyatt turned to start to walk towards the room. "Well I am not a god or anything if that is what you are asking." He never really liked saying what he was. He was a monster and he hated it so much. "I am human for the most part so that's good." He said as he adjusted his shoulders. He could smell so much in the air. This girl Serria smelled a lot like water. "This might sound rude but I have never heard of a Naiad so can you explain to me what that is?" He asked as nice as he possibly could. "Just so you know I am not trying to dodge your question. I'll let you know when we are in our room." Wyatt said as he started to walk a little faster to the room.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: William Wyatt Character Portrait: Wyatt Salius Character Portrait: Enkeli Toivonen Character Portrait: Seirra Hydrius
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0.00 INK

Once Enkeli found out her room, and who she was rooming with. She only knew Marcus, Kisa, and Samson, so she didn't know who William was. She decided she'd meet him in the room, so that's where she headed to. She decided to follow a boy and a girl already walking to the dorms. The girl had stunning green eyes, and the boy had dark brown hair. She couldn't hear what they were saying, nor did she try. She really just didn't want to get lost.
Once she did find her way to the dorms, she went to the stairs. She frowned at her suitcase. It was somewhat heavy, and it'd be a pain to lug it up all the steps. So she instead picked it up by one of the handles, and flew an inch or two from the stairs. She passed the two she had been following, and continued to the third floor. Finding her room at the end of the hall, she pushed open the door.

(I have no idea what the rooms are supposed to look like.. And I didn't want to god-mod that.)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mavena Selicae Character Portrait: Samson Jephthah Character Portrait: William Wyatt Character Portrait: Wyatt Salius
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0.00 INK

((Oops! Yeah, I messed up! >.< I'm a weirdo!))

Samson slapped himself on the head. "Oh! Sorry! My mistake!" He went back to his bunk and read more of the Old Tesament in his Bible.

((Ignore Wyatt! I was trying to click on Mavena's picture! This computer's being a pain in the neck!))

The setting changes from Surepath Academy to Dorms


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wyatt Salius Character Portrait: Seirra Hydrius
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Wyatt noticed that it had started to rain. So he hurried up as to not get very wet. "Seirra, we need to hurry and get to the room." After he had gotten in to the room he didn't have much time to relax when he noticed the television said 'Lockdown persists until noon.' "Fun." he said as he started to unpack. He was curious about ow things would go. He placed his clothing in the closet and his guitar and bass on his bed and he collapsed on the bed next to them. He was kinda of tired but the day was going good so far. He lay there staring at he ceiling and grabbed his guitar and set it up. Instead of having it as loud as he normally would he turned it down to a one and sat there thinking.

The setting changes from Dorms to Surepath Academy

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wyatt Salius Character Portrait: Seirra Hydrius
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Wyatt was left alone. He had no idea where Seirra went but he sat there on his bed with his guitar trying to think of a good song to use as practice. He leaned back and grabbed his head. "Arghh." He set the instrument aside and looked out the window with one arm on the glass thinking of why he had come here. He was deep in though when he got some inspiration for a song. He turned around from the window. He turned up the mini amp he had brought with him "I hope the people don't mind." He then started to play "Can't be saved." is was one song that he always liked ever since he had found the band. He felt like it always said something to him that no one else could she loved music and he wanted to work on it here. That as long he he doesn't get in trouble playing.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wyatt Salius Character Portrait: Seirra Hydrius
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When Wyatt was finished he put his guitar down and realized that Seirra was there. "Oh, I'm sorry if that was loud I didn't want to disturb anyone." He said. He then stood up and unplugged everything and placed it away somewhere safe. He walked up to her "Here get inside." He pulled her in the room and sat down on the bed. "So do you really want to know what I am?" He was worried this would be the first person he had ever told. He was nervous but he kept his composure for the most part.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wyatt Salius Character Portrait: Seirra Hydrius
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"I'll play more for you later. Promise." Wyatt said when he looked at her. "Well you see you would actually be the first person I have ever told so I feel kind of odd even talking about it." He took a deep breath and sighed. He knew werewolf's were not all that liked because of a few bad movies they had a bad reputation. On the other side this was a good time to tell her what he was and maybe even not scare her. "W-w-well you see, um I am kind of a Werewolf." He said in a small voice. So he took another deep breath and said it louder. "I am a werewolf."