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Haven Kevyn Matthew

"There's no rule that I can't break."

0 · 246 views · located in Camp LakeWood

a character in “Survive Camp LakeWood”, originally authored by TheMadBlackRabbit, as played by RolePlayGateway



Full Name: "My name? Haven Kevyn Matthew."

Nickname: "Call me whatever you want."

Age: "How old do you think I am? I'll give you five seconds...time's up! I'm 18."

Sex: "I'm a girl so deal with it!"

Siblings: "I have this awesome older brother back at home."

Why are you here?: "Parents want me to 'bond' with others like me."

Cabin Number: "Most people wants to be in Cabin 3 but what's wrong Cabin 2?"

Pets: "Meet Nightmare, my somewhat domestic black wolf. Don't mess with him or me."

Crushes: "(chuckles) Why should I have one? They're troublesome."

Gf/Bf: "Not even in your dreams."

Abilities/Powers: "Does conjugating my own fire count?"

Any other things: "You will never see without these bad boys." [points at the shades]

So begins...

Haven Kevyn Matthew's Story


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Character Portrait: Haven Kevyn Matthew
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I sighed as I looked at the place which I will be staying for the summer, "How troublesome." I said in a monotone voice, "I'm already 18 and I'm still going to camp? How lame is that?"

"Oh lighten up, Haven!" I turned to look at my older brother, Devyn, who was helping me get my stuff out from the car, "At least you got into a camp! I wanted to go to this camp but mom and dad were like 'noooo'." I rolled my eyes, "Always optimistic.""

I scoffed at him, "But you were like what? Eight years old? I'm eighteen." I stressed out the number eighteen.

"It's called a teenager's camp and guess what my little sibling," he turned to me went to my eye level, "you are eight-teen." he stressed the "teen".

I groaned and grabbed my backpack and one box, "Whatever! Let's just get this thing over with." glaring the place through my sunglasses.

Devyn then patted my head, "Aw...don't be so mad, Haven. I bet you'll have lots of fun here." he then went back to the car to get some of my stuff, "And I think I should give you my surprise now."

"What sur-" I was cut off when something big and furry tackled me to the ground, I adjusted my sunglasses and looked at what hit me and smiled widely, "Nightmare!" I hugged my furry friend then turned to Devyn, "But I thought mom and dad said-"

"Like I will be taking care of Nightmare. Besides isn't that we, the Matthew siblings, so famous about?"

I smirked at him, "How can I not forget, my dear brother."


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Character Portrait: Haven Kevyn Matthew
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I sighed happily as I finished settling in the cabin, "I'm finally done." Then I fell back to the bed, with Nightmare climbing up and lying down next to me. I started stroking his coat, thinking about how Devyn was doing. He left me when everything was in the cabin already though we were really tempted to just ditch this place and let me stay at some motel or something while the camp was going on. But we couldn't find any loop holes around it, this camp is one of those camps that would call your home and tell your parents how you are doing at camp, "Like they'll be at home..."


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Character Portrait: Haven Kevyn Matthew
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Some girl went in my cabin and greeted me then went out, "Okay, that was weird." I said as I stroke Nightmare's fur. I heard some announcement but chose to ignore it, "Like I'll listen to what they say."

My eyes laid on one of the boxes that contains fireworks and firecrackers. I then imagined what it would be like if I lit them up right now and smirked, "Haven Kevyn Matthew's first rule break," I got up from my bed and went towards the box and got five fireworks and ten firecrackers, "Disturbing the peace of this camp." I thought as I hid the box then going out of my cabin with Nightmare holding the firecrackers by his mouth.

I went to the center of the camp and set up everything that had to be set up. I pushed my glasses back as I looked at my to be beautiful art. I grinned and backed away from it and whistled to signal Nightmare to be behind the bushes just in case somebody would grab me and take me to the office, "Let's get this started shall we?"

I took a deep breath and shoot a fireball to one of the firecrackers which lit up the next firecracker next to it and so on so forth until it reaches the fireworks and flew up to the sky, "Now!"

I took control of the fire within and made it dance in the sky like a dragon, "Just like in the Lord of the Rings." I smiled at the fireworks.

"Hey you!" I glanced at who might be disturbing my peace, "Stop that right now! What do you think you are doing?!"

I smirked and turned to the person, "What does it look like I'm doing?" I asked as I bring down one the fireworks and made circle me like a ring, "I'm fire bending." I joked.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andrew Dominic Collins Character Portrait: Jason Alan Whitaker Character Portrait: Haven Kevyn Matthew Character Portrait: Kenneth Scott Mitchell
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I didn't bother to stop Hanna from leaving the cafeteria, she seemed like a free spirit; coming and going as she pleases. Instead, I looked around at the others, taking in their reaction to the big announcement. It didn't seem to affect them. For myself, the shock of the announcement came and went. This is the life I've been given, no point in wasting it in questioning whether I'm human or supernatural. The only that is certain is that I'm not normal.

I stood up, having lost my appetite, and threw my food away; but kept the water. I overheard Jason talking about his "secret" and I couldn't help but chuckle a bit. Good thing was that everybody here seemed to have a good sense of humor. I might not like the camp, but the people weren't all that bad, as far as I could tell. Besides, us "troubled teens" or "supernatural creatures" -whatever the hell we are- practically only have ourselves; since we all probably have even a little hint of hatred for the counselors.

I looked over at Jason "If you're a fairy, what are you doing here and not saving Ferngully?" I joked.

I then heard fireworks coming from outside. Oh lord... What now? I thought to myself. Though, after receiving the news of being a supernatural creature, there wasn't anything that could surprise me, at the moment. I quirked a brow, at Jason and Andrew, wondering if they had heard the fireworks as well. I then gave them a little head jerk, as if instructing them to follow me. I really didn't mind if they followed or not.

Stepping outside, I immediately looked up at the sky, to spot the fireworks. Soon after, I kept moving, to where they could have been shot from. I was able to spot a counselor and a female that I had yet to meet. "These counselors are nothing but trouble, huh?"


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Character Portrait: Haven Kevyn Matthew
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"St-stop! I order you to stop!"

I chuckled at the look of the counselor, fear written all over his face, "This is why I'm sent here," I reminded myself, "Devyn said it's not evil," I closed my eyes and took a deep breathe, "It just depends on how you use it that will determine whether it's evil or not," A cheshire grin appeared on my face, "So I say I'll use it to enhance my pranks and get kick out from this camp!" I backed away slowly and made all the fireworks and firecrackers circle me, making a sphere, "Now."


They finally exploded and a big cloud of smoke engulfed the place. I quickly got Nightmare and went back to our cabin, "Prank number one," I looked outside and saw they were looking for me, "Is a big success." I said with a grin on my face.

I looked at Nightmare and stroked his fur, "I can't wait to get out of here, boy."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hanna Marie Johnson Character Portrait: Haven Kevyn Matthew Character Portrait: Kenneth Scott Mitchell
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Suddenly, I heard loud crackling and a smoke cloud rise above the trees. I looked at Andrew. "Um..I'll be right back!" I started running off in the direction of the smoke.When I arrived I saw Kenny and one of the counselors. "W-what happened?" I thought to myself it must have been just a prank. "Pfft. Someone probably thinks they can get kicked out! But they don't know that they'll just get punished. Badly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hanna Marie Johnson Character Portrait: Andrew Dominic Collins Character Portrait: Haven Kevyn Matthew Character Portrait: Kenneth Scott Mitchell
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"I know right? It's just like a carnival. So fun! Until the ride breaks down and you can't get off. I just hate it here. Like this is prison for nothing we did wrong!!" Andrew listened as Hanna complained about the camp, he really hated the fact that she was so miserable. Truthfully he didn't want to be here either but with no other options he had no choice but to suffer through the summer in hopes that once summer came to an end so would his stay at Camp LakeWood. "Hey, maybe if your lucky your big superpower will be something like teleportation or something with wings that can fly you far far away from here" he said jokingly.

A loud crackling followed by a smoke cloud interrupted their conversation "Um..I'll be right back!" Andrew stood there for a moment after Hanna ran off, but his curiosity getting the better of him he was soon following right behind her. Getting to the scene of the crime Andrew noted Kenny and a counselor were already on the scene. "W-what happened?" Andrew just shrugged looking around, who ever had done it had made a run for it. "Whatever just happened for the record I say it was pretty awesome" Andrew noticed the counselor giving him an icy glare out of the corner of his eye but he was far from intimidated.


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Character Portrait: Haven Kevyn Matthew
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I stared up at the ceiling with bored eyes, "How cumbersome." I sat up and saw that it was around eight in the evening and I was not even sleepy! I got up from bed and walked around the cabin, "Not one has entered this cabin so that means I'm the only one residing here..." I stopped when realization dawned to me and smiled lazily, "Sweet."

I walked to one of the boxes that contained my stereo that Devyn and I hid from our parents because "it is forbidden to bring one to a camp". I set it up and grinned, "Time to disturb the peace," I placed in "Traces" by The Gazette in placed it in full blast, "Again."

I went back to my bed before turning to Nightmare and whispered in his ear, "Please protect me tonight, Nightmare." before going to sleep with my loud rocking lullaby.


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Character Portrait: Haven Kevyn Matthew
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I felt something licking me and opened my eyes to see Nightmare trying to wake me up. I looked outside and saw that sun was up and turned back to Nightmare, "Thanks, boy."

I got up from my bed and did my morning stretches. Once I was done, Nightmare got me one album to be played in the morning; our daily routine. I saw the album and smiled at him, "I guess you like this band because they have the same name as you, huh?" I took his happy expression and wagging tail as a yes.

I went to the stereo and kept away The Gazette's CD to its album and opened Naitomea's (in Japanese means "Nightmare") album, "Historical ~ The Highest Nightmare ~". Soon "Parade"'s opening drumming comes in and I was setting up my amplifier, "Why should I be the only one up?" I asked as I finished setting it up and getting ready to plug it to the stereo, "Besides having the trumpet wake everyone up is so mainstream."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hanna Marie Johnson Character Portrait: Andrew Dominic Collins Character Portrait: Haven Kevyn Matthew
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After being caught at the lake by the girl who's name he hadn't caught Andrew had heard the voices and footsteps of counselors approaching about half a mile away. Samora wasn't exactly suppose to be splashing around in the water in fact she wasn't ever to be let out of her pen over the course of the summer. "People are coming you should probably split or risk the chance of being captured and abused" he said looking a the young girl then turning to the lake he whistled "Samora. Let's go" he said turning and taking off back into the forest. He hadn't even checked to make sure Samora was following because he knew she would and he had to get her back to her pen before anyone noticed her missing. They had made it back in half the amount of time it had taken them to get to the lake due to them running instead of walking through the forest. It didn't seem like anyone had noticed their absence so Andrew just put Samora in her pen said goodnight then went into the cabin and went to sleep.

The next morning the light of sun awoke from his sleep as the rays rested on his face. Groaning Andrew pulled the sheets over his head in attempt to block out the sunlight but it seemed like the sun was brighter out here and his attempt failed. Seeing as he wasn't going to fall back asleep Andrew got up and went into the bathroom to take off his earlier morning duties. Coming out of the bathroom he got dressed in one of the many outfits he had brought with him to camp then he left his cabin. He didn't know what time breakfast was being served but he had to go hunt down Samora's breakfast first.

Walking through the camp he made his way pass cabin two which seemed to be having an earlier morning party which made him laugh. Continuing his walk he stopped as two of the camp counselors approaching "Morning Mr. Andrew" the head counselor said with a smile that Andrew didn't bother to return as he walked pass him. "You know it would be wise of you to keep that cat of yours in her pen. I wouldn't want her getting hurt now. Would you?" these words made Andrew stop and turn to face the two counselors. He wasn't sure if this was threat or not but giving the way the counselors treated the campers he really need them thinking anything about Samora "How about I worry about my cat and you just keep your focus on your supernatural campers. As I feel they or better yet we may be the ones you should be more concerned about" Andrew eyed the man and waited for a response. The head counselor just nodded and after a moment of intense stares the counselor and his colleague turned and walked away.

Turning and walking away Andrew found himself at cabin three and a familiar blonde headed girl was sitting on the steps outside the cabin. "Aren't you up kinda earlier?" Andrew asked walking over to the steps where Hanna sat.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Axel Vartan Character Portrait: Haven Kevyn Matthew Character Portrait: Donovan Vartan
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As always, me and Sy arrived quite late, which is exactly how we liked it. Grinning, I hopped off the mortorcycle which had brough me here, and looked behind me to see my brother skid to a stop a few seconds after me. "You're always going to be the slower one to do anything. Last one born, last one dead, last one here ..." I said jokingly, but of course he gave me that icy look of his.

"Hey hey, I was the first to get a girl." He chuckled right back.

Shaking my head and shaking a finger, I said; "Ah, yes, but I was first to kiss one."

"Don't get all technical." He muttered, taking his green helmet off and placing it on the bike handle. I did the same and started to push the bike along, finding a spot to park it. He sauntered behind me, but soon caught up and walked at my side.

"So, what cabin are we again? Wasn't it..." I trailed off, still pushing the bike.

"Cabin two. The emptiest one, right?" He answered, and I nodded. After we were finished parking our bikes, we took the duffel's off of our backs and carried them to the cabin. I stood back to let Sy go first, but he made a face at me that told me he would never go through a doorway before me ever again. Sighing, I stepped inside, sizing up the rest of the space that wasn't taken over already. How could one person occupy the place this much? We shuffled over to a bunkbed, and I laughed. "God, bunkbeds again?" I said, shaking my head and dropping the duffel on the bed.

"Atleast you're potty trained now." I smirked devilishly.

"Don't be too sure, my friend." I heard him laugh, and he threw his duffel on the top.

Just then, I turned around to look straight at a girl. I continued to laugh at my brother's previous words, and smiled. "Well hey there." Taking a step forward, I thrust my hand out. " Names Axel. This is my brother Syrith." I said, and took my other hand to gesture to My brother.

"I don't think that's proper cabin mate greeting procedure. Just leave the girl, and my name's Donovan. Not Syrith."

I looked at him with a pout. "But she's pretty, and the name Syrith is pretty too!" He only sighed and gave me a nudge.

"Leave her alone already, just get unpacked." He snapped, and a cold aura fell upon him, signifying that I wasn't to argue. I did as he said and unpacked my duffel bag, which only contained my laptop, my clothes, my Ipod, and my pop rocks. Did I mention I was addicted to them? Popping sounds are my favorite. Anyways, I put the laptop on my bed, shoved my clothes in a drawer, and put the ipod on the bed aswell.

" Poprocks? Oh god no..." Donovan groaned, and stashed his belongings away, then plopped on his bed.

"Shut up. You should be happy it's not cocaine." I snapped, dropping some of the popping candy in my mouth.


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Character Portrait: Hanna Marie Johnson Character Portrait: Axel Vartan Character Portrait: Haven Kevyn Matthew Character Portrait: Donovan Vartan
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I raised my head from sitting on my bed to the sound of the door knocking. I guessed that a guy should get it instead of the girl who was also in the cabin. Before I could get up, Sy was already there. He opened the door to see Hanna, the girl they'd met just recently.

"Hello again Hanna." I said from my bed, and put a few Poprocks in my mouth. "Would you like some poprocks?" I asked, and tossed them at Syrith's head. He let a sound of annoyance and picked up the package up off the ground. "I missed, sorry, Sy." I said jokingly, knowing that he knew I meant to hit him.

"So, what brings you to out fabulous cabin?" He said, and I just laughed.

My eyes fell to the shoes that she held, and I frowned. Hopefully she just came across them and didn't watch the whole thing.

I know that Sy saw them too.


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Character Portrait: Hanna Marie Johnson Character Portrait: Axel Vartan Character Portrait: Haven Kevyn Matthew Character Portrait: Donovan Vartan
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I took the shoes and closed the door after she walked away, setting them on the ground. We hadn't changed out of our wet clothes, but surely she didn't notice that. Anyways, I threw the Poprocks back at Axel, and he caught them easily.

"Show off."

"Calm down there Sy. Oh- and don't get too fond of that girl. You never know when we're going to go into douche mode. Maybe there's an acception for today, but I plan on becoming Head Badass of this camp. It might be a little hard, but surely I'll het there."

"Stop rambling and eat your stupid Poprocks, Axel." I muttered, climbing back up on the top bunk. I flinched as I noticed it. "Is that.. a dog? No... a wolf ?" I looked down at the girl, and tilted my head. "Don't tell me that's your... pet ?" My jaw was practically on the floor. I looked at the black wolf with observant eyes. It was insanely adorable, I had to admit, and by the way Axel's Popping rocks stopped making their noises, he was looking at it too.

(I'm too sleepy tiered to continue, Bonne nuit everyone.)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Axel Vartan Character Portrait: Haven Kevyn Matthew Character Portrait: Donovan Vartan
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The album of Naitomea just ended which meant I had to get it and put it back to it's case. Suddenly I heard a whining sound and turned to Nightmare who was scratching the door, I sighed, "Okay okay, just don't mark this cabin your territory." I said as I go towards the door and open it for him.

Just then twins came in to my cabin and I grimaced, "Geez, and here I am thinking that I'll be the only one in this cabin." the dreams of reconstructing this cabin to my liking burned as the twins settled down by the bunk beds discussing stuff like being toilet trained. They introduced themselves to me but quickly went back to their own business before I had a chance to introduce myself. Soon they were out, going to explore the camp and stuff.


"Ah. Nightmare." I went to the door and welcomed Nightmare back to the cabin. He seemed to notice the extra bags and looked at me, "Two guys are staying with us." I said in a displeased voice and in return Nightmare growled at their place, "Don't worry," I patted him on the head, "If they try something on me, then you have my command to attack them."

Just then the blonde twins came back soaking wet, "Well somebody took an early swim." I thought then went back to my own business.


I looked at the door and saw that it was that weird blonde girl again, returning their shoes, "Tsk...tsk...tsk...leaving stuff around the lame." I thought as they exchanged a few words and the twin that was on the door went to the top bunk. Just there he spotted my Nightmare, asking if he's my pet.

I gave him a sarcastic look, "No~ he's also our roommate who's an animagus. Of course he's my pet." I patted his dark head, "Meet Nightmare, my loyal somewhat domestic wolf. Don't mess with him or me, then you'll be okay." I stood up from my bed, fixing my white buttoned shirt, "Name's Haven Kevyn Matthew. Call me whatever you want." I said as I waved my hand in the air.

I looked at the box of fireworks and smirked, "Time to do another fire show, Nightmare!" I exclaimed, forgetting that there are other people in the cabin now, as I grabbed the box and opened it, "What to use...what to use..." I saw my pyrotechnic devices and grinned, "This plus my stereo and the amplifier," I giggled, "This is going to be sweet."

I grabbed the bag specially made for Nightmare to carry some of my stuff while I carry the bigger ones. We walked towards the center of the camp again, hid the stuff first with Nightmare guarding it and I had to go back to retrieve the last materials. Once I got back, I set everything up and the last thing that I need to do is choose one song, one album won't last with all the counselors and stuff, "What song is rocking enough..." I looked through my albums and saw one which contains a song which may be good enough. I load it up, went to the center of the circle of pyrotechnic devices and placed down the bottle rocket, and looked at Nightmare, "Play it, boy."

Nightmare obeyed and pressed the play button, "Let the show begin." I smirked as I lit up the bottle rocket, making the fire stronger so that it would travel on the string faster. When the intro of "What's Up People?!" by Maximum Hormone begun, the rocket was up in sky and exploded, "Nice."

I lit up the pyrotechnic devices which were like flamethrowers, and began moving it to the beat of the music.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Axel Vartan Character Portrait: Haven Kevyn Matthew Character Portrait: Donovan Vartan
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I watched the wolf with my curious eyes before the girl introduced herself. I found her sarcasm amusing, and entertaining to listen to. I could feel Donovan watching her aswell, she took some strange explosives and brought them outside. Being the curious little bastard I am, I followed her. It was like she was planning on doing some sort of prank, the way she'd said "This is going to be sweet.", so I wanted to come along.

Finally she stopped walking and stood in the center of the camp. Her dog seemed to be more than seemingly domestic, it had known how to press the play button on her music, which I thought was pretty frigging fantastic. I felt Sy and his cold aura approaching, like he knew something was going to happen.

There was a screech then a BOOM, followed by a bright light. I looked at her hands, which were covered in flame. She was practically the opposite of Syrith. I looked back at him to see a look on his face which I cannot describe. He just shrugged and went back to the cabin.

But I stayed and watched the show. This was hella fun.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Grace Ali Loxx Character Portrait: Axel Vartan Character Portrait: Haven Kevyn Matthew Character Portrait: Donovan Vartan
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I looked up from sitting on Axel's bed to see the door open. I had guessed it was Axel, or Haven coming back from their expedition, but it was a new girl. "Yeah. Come in." I said, shrugging. "Welcome to cabin two, where all of your wonderous fantasies will come true." I yawned, and leaned against the bed. "I'm Donovan, by the way. My brother and the other occupant are vacant at the moment, something about fireworks." I wondered why the girl set off fireworks for a while. Was she bored? Was there some point in lighitng fireworks? A celebration? No... the most likely was that Fireworks weren't allowed, and she was trying her best to get kicked out of this place. Who would actually want to stay, anyways?


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Character Portrait: Grace Ali Loxx Character Portrait: Haven Kevyn Matthew
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I laughed joyously as I played with fire. My parents said I was not to play with fire, but that was when they still cared about me. Memories of my family and I being "normal" flashed in my mind, unconsciously the fire was dying because of my lack of attention towards it. Only when it came to the bridge did I break through my thoughts and put my juice into my fire, "Devyn is the only one you have left, Haven." I reminded myself as I swirled around the center making the fire around me swirl as well; combining themselves while swirling around.

"They never cared about you anyway." I thought as I remembered their fake smiles even though we haven't discovered, what Devyn might say, my hidden talent.

"Hey!" I opened a small window at my right side where I heard the voice from and saw the same counselor who tried to ruin my fun yesterday, "Stop what you are doing right now!" I smirked at how brave he is now.

I made the fire stronger which seemed to put a frightened look on his face, my smirk became a small grin, "Why don't you make me, counselor?!" I shouted as I made it bigger and bigger and much more wilder than before. The counselor looked like he was going to pee on him, I laughed softly at this, "Time for the grand finale."

I got the seven fireworks that were beside me and threw six of them to fire, making them explode immediately. With the last firework in my hand, I lit it up quickly and made the fire travel faster. When firework rocket went up, so did I, "Thank you, Nickelodeon for giving me this big idea."

Once I was high enough I let go and went the other way towards my cabin, I looked down and saw the counselor scared and wet of cold sweat and Nightmare already going back to the cabin, "Good boy."

When I got there, I saw that I had another roommate, "Haven Kevyn Matthew. Call me whatever you want. Wouldn't care." I said as I waved my hand in the air with Nightmare beside me going to my glorious bed. I sighed happily, "I can't wait to go back to Devyn." I thought as I adjusted the sunglasses he once owned.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Grace Ali Loxx Character Portrait: Axel Vartan Character Portrait: Haven Kevyn Matthew Character Portrait: Donovan Vartan
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I watched the fireworks with amusement in my eyes. After a while, though, it got boring. One firework after the other. Where did she even get them? No matter, I turned from where I was standing and left, the echo of a counsellor's voice behind me. Once I reached the cabin, I walked in to find Donovan talking to our new cabinmate, I'm guessing. "Well, that was entertaining..." I trailed off and sat beside my brother. "Who's this, then?" I asked, raising an eyebrow and lifting up my pillow to find another package of poprocks.

"Don't know, she just got here." He said, and just then Haven walked in.

I could see the look on Sy's face as she walked in. He wanted to say something about the fireworks, but held back for a few more seconds.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Grace Ali Loxx Character Portrait: Axel Vartan Character Portrait: Haven Kevyn Matthew Character Portrait: Donovan Vartan
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I looked from Grace to her pet. "Siriously..?" I said under my breath, and looked to Axel, who was bust placing watermellon poprocks in his hand.

"Well, I'm Axel." My brother said, and I just sighed. "Excuse his manners, his name is Syrith."

"I already told her my name, and it's not Syrith."

"Sure thing, Sy."

I growled and crossed my arms. Axel just pouted and punched my arm.

"God, our clothes are still soaking." Axel said, and stood abruptly, walking over to the drawer our clothes were in and brought out two different changes of clothes, handing me one. "Thanks." I muttered, taking the clothes and looking around. "Is there... somewhere I can changed? A bathroom or something?" I said, embarassed. I noticed Axel had already taken his shirt off, to which I added a scoff. "Put your shirt back on, Ax. Or these poor girls will be scared for life." Axel just shrugged and slung the shirt over his shoulder.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Grace Ali Loxx Character Portrait: Axel Vartan Character Portrait: Haven Kevyn Matthew Character Portrait: Donovan Vartan
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I gave "Sy" or apparently that is not his name a cold stare for thinking less of me to bring the only thing I love here. While I was petting JD Axel started to take off his shirt. I didn't even bother to look. JD was my main priority and no one else. I didn't really like it here but since my dog was here it made this place all the better. JD would have alot a places to run and be free. So he must be happy too. After unpacking JD started to mess up everything on my bed. "Come on JD! Down." He quickly jumped off the bed and sat near it quietly.
