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Jamison Abbot

The Officer

0 · 386 views · located in Titanic

a character in “Take Her to Sea”, as played by Sirius Baren



"Jamison Conrad Abbot."

"My friends call me James."

"I'm 29."

"My family has always been from England."

"I've only ever felt attraction towards the male sex."

"We always had just enough growing up, never anything extra.."

"I'm an officer aboard the RMS Titanic."

"There was a girl once, but I don't imagine she still remembers me."

James could be considered to have a severe brow. He has a smooth jawline and has dark blue eyes that give an air of brooding to him. Some have remarked his ears are borderline too big for his head so he usually lets his curly brown hair grow enough to cover them up. He is a bit over average in height standing at 6'2" and has a fit build. There is strength to his arms and he carries himself with an air of importance.

James is not a showy dresser and prefers neutral colors that don't cause him to stand out. He has a thin scar on the lower left of his jaw from when he got into a fight as a teenager. He is a very realistic sort of man and so his mouth is nearly always set in a line; neither turning up or down. On the occasions he does smile, he has a set of straight and pearly teeth that add a very handsome charm to his face.

The quiet of the countryside

Getting into fist fights
Feeling like he has no control
The hustle and bustle of busy places

He has a very strategic mind and has only lost a game of chess twice

He struggles to put words to his emotions so he generally comes off distant or cold.

James is a fairly quiet man and prefers to keep his emotions close. He isn't overly passionate and gives the impression of a very reserved man. While many may think him indifferent, he generally has opinions about everything but prefers to stay silent. However, once you've earned his friendship it is something you will have the rest of your life. He is fiercely loyal to those few who are close to him and would do just about anything to insure their happiness and well being. James has a strong sense of duty and honor and will fight injustice whenever he can with whatever capacity he has.

He strongly believes that all you need in life is determination and hard work to be successful. While he acknowledges the different castes in society, he doesn't think there needs to be such rigid restrictions as many people put around themselves. He has a very warm side to him beneath the cool exterior and a particular soft spot for children and women. He has a bit of a hero complex and sometimes feels as if its his job to right every wrong that there ever has been in society or ever will be.


James grew up the second oldest in a family of four. There were decisively middle class citizens. They always seemed to have enough, but never anything extra. James always knew as a young boy he'd have to work hard to make a living for himself. He always had a good relationship between his parents and siblings. When he was just a young boy he had met a girl named Jane. Even though they were four years apart in age, the sensitive part of his soul sought after the young girl and befriended her. James was outraged when he realized the family environment that Jane lived in. He couldn't fathom how a husband and father could treat his wife and children so belligerently. Growing up he always did his best to bring a smile to Jane's face since it was all he could do for her. He used to fantasize about challenging her father to a duel and liberating Jane from his control.

James was very protective of Jane and ended up getting beat up terribly because some boys were teasing her. Even though James wasn't a good fighter, and hated physical violence, he felt it was his duty to stand up for her. As they began to grow older he was starting to see Jane with different eyes. They were both changing. It seemed to him that he woke up one day in love with her. He couldn't explain his feelings at the time and was afraid of them. He agonized for months over what to do with his feelings as an 18 year old. There were a handful of times where he tried to tell her he loved her, but she never understood the gravity of his words. She always told him she loved him too, but James knew it wasn't the same depth of love he had for her.

James' parents were pushing for him to join the royal navy. They wanted him to have military prestige in the hopes of securing a good marriage with a sensible young woman. James knew that his parents love Jane, but they would never approve of them getting married. He would share his hesitation with Jane in joining the royal navy always using the excuse of being so far from home--his real fear was being so far from her. She thought he was silly and told him he needed to do great things with his life.

After two years had past of unrequited love, James couldn't take it anymore. He knew things were getting worse at home for Jane so he finally bore his heart to her. He begged her to runaway with him, to marry him, and he promised he would love and take care of her. He told her that she didn't have to love him the way he loved her. All he wanted was for her to be safe and to be with him. He was crushed when she turned him down. She told him she couldn't marry him and she wouldn't runaway with him. He was hurt, but he felt the most betrayal when he discovered she had runaway by herself and had disappeared.

James was bitter for a very long time and shut in on himself. In a desperate attempt to escape the pain he joined the royal navy and left without looking back. His strategic thinking and level head helped him advance through the ranks over the years. Even though he was good at what he did, he did not enjoy it. He hated having any say over the lives of others. He left the royal navy at the age of 27 and then spent the next two years aboard ships.

Now that he has had ten years to look back, he knew it was foolish to ask a frightened and naive sixteen year old to runaway with him. The bitterness in his heart has long ago been smoothed over. Yet he has never been able to see another woman through the same eyes he always looked upon Jane with.

James was approached to come aboard the RMS Titanic for its maiden voyage as an officer. The thought of going to America for a new start was tantalizing so he took it.


JJ Feild

Mountain Standard[PT] .

A couple times a week

So begins...

Jamison Abbot's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arthur McLoughlin Character Portrait: Jane Cross Character Portrait: Jamison Abbot Character Portrait: Georgiana King
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There was salt in the air and a particular bounce in Georgie’s step as she had left her cabin room and was making her way towards the first class dining hall. Her spirit was electrified with the new sights around her and the energy that seemed to ripple from one person to another. She felt as though she had been released from an iron cage and allowed to breathe fresh air. While she knew she’d have to return to her gilded cage, she knew she had 364 more days to fill as she saw fit.

The enormity of the Titanic had been understated in the papers. Georgie could not believe such a huge mass of metal floated above the water and did not sink to the darkening depths of the sea. She had spent a great deal of the voyage so far exploring every nook and cranny she found that she was allowed to. Of course they had only been on the sea for the day and there was a great deal more she wanted to explore, but the possibilities seemed endless in her mind.

The sun was making its descent in the sky at this point in their journey. Georgie’s stomach was growling, but she was quickly distracted by the portrait of colors that caught her eye through a port hole window. She had squeezed passed others within the halls until she had finally found a door that led onto the upper deck.

This deck was reserved for the first class passengers and was quite different from the lower decks she had glimpsed earlier in the day when she had been boarding. Here the children were well dressed and well mannered. The parents held collected conversations and all around her everyone was behaving in a manner most dignified that her aunt would approve of wholeheartedly.

For a moment that stifling feeling began to rise in her throat and she quickly loosened the ties that held the hideous hat in place on her head--compliments of her aunt. These were the people she resented. They were fake smiles and fake conversation.

She closed her eyes briefly and allowed her mind to take her back to the open and wild plains of Africa. She took in a slow breath and the salt filled her lungs. She pushed her way down the well traveled memory paths in her mind until she came to a particular favorite.

She and Abebe had stumbled upon a young lion cub. Georgie had only been 14 at the time. She always had seen the magnificent creatures from a distance and was surprised to find the young cub curious and far less threatening than its mother.

Georgie was reaching out to scratch its ear--

There was a significant tugging sensation around her throat and Georgie’s eyes flew open as she felt the abominable hat dislodge from her head and be pull away on the breeze that had slithered through the deck like an unsuspecting serpent. Georgie picked up the skirts of a similarly atrocious gown--once again a by product of her aunts supposed “good” taste in high fashion--and began to move quickly after the hat. Eyes were drawn to her and quickly gave their disapproval at her lack of decorum as she ungracefully reached for the hat several times; each time it slipped through her fingers.

Georgie stomped her foot in frustration for half a moment before realizing her hat was going to be whisked over the edge of the railing.

It wouldn’t be too tragic, it is a very ugly hat after all. She thought to herself with a silent giggle, but she quickly reprimanded herself for such thoughts. Even though the majority of her trunk consisted of clothes she would rather burn at the stake than wear to dinner, they were still a gift from her only living relative.

“Oh no!” she called out as a stronger gust gave higher flight to her hat. It was doomed for sure.




James stood upon the bridge of the Titanic looking out at the vast blue carpet that lay before them. He was the third officer aboard the ship and it was a responsibility he took seriously and was well adjusted to. He found quickly he much preferred to give directions to men who had the only goal of keeping their passengers safe upon the maiden voyage of such a large metal beast. This was the work that didn’t raise his anxiety levels beyond their normal range.

He glanced over his shoulder at the three great black smoke stacks standing at attention. The great black smoke wound its way into the sky and brought back chilling memories.

James frowned slightly and shook the thoughts off. He had seen battle only a handful of times and they were times he wanted to forget. The responsibility of those lives was such a difficult burden to carry. The few men he had lost during his time in the royal navy were stones upon his back that he would carry until he was laid to rest in his own grave.

“You brood too much.” A voice came from his side and James was startled out of his reverie.

“Beg pardon?” he asked the violently redheaded man--Michael O’Donnahugh.

“You’re concentrating too much upon depressing topics. It’s showing on your face.” Michael pointed at the corner of James’ eyes where there were faint stress lines beginning to show. “You should take a break, go explore a bit, go scope out what ladies might be waiting for a knight in shining armor to come and rescue them.” Michael winked and punched James lightly in the shoulder.

James only shook his head. He had known Michael only a couple of months, but the burly Irishman meant well.

He took the man’s advice, if only to escape him, and went down to the first class promenade deck. He caught sight of a woman chasing a hat down the railing quite a ways down the deck before turning to the people around him.

He sighed and looked out at the fiery seascape that stretched between water and sky. His mind was pulled back to a young woman with a dash of freckles on her nose and eyes like that of a doe. James was not here to scope out any women who might be readily willing to fall into the bed of an officer. In fact, he rather fancied forgetting one woman who had left quite the gnarled scars over his heart.