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a part of Tale, by SugarNspikeS.

The world in which all fantasy realms exist

SugarNspikeS holds sovereignty over Evermoore, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

889 readers have been here.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


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The world in which all fantasy realms exist


Evermoore is a part of Tale.

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William "Will" Wolfren [34] big well tall bad not really his temper bad his heart golden
Alex Kingsleigh [33] Yeah, fairytales are amazing and all that, but this is making my head hurt
Chester Clawford [33] Reject only your ignorance, and you MAY survive.
Goldie Locks [24] "There's nothing a little spraypaint can't fix!"
Ella Tremaine [14] Yup, your typical Cinderella story. Not.

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("well i will not wait any longer so goodnight mrs.locks") will thought and knocked locks unconscious then threw her over his shoulder and thought about the cat and then Merlin poped out in his mind "he went there that damn cat" then about have of the long way there he running through the woods saw a camp fire like light and stopped and walked to it he just said "hello" in a very nice voice to not scary the horse or girl that sat there staring at the fire.


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Character Portrait: Goldie Locks Character Portrait: Ella Tremaine Character Portrait: William "Will" Wolfren
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Ella watched the flames flicker with their endless hunger, quickly consuming the air that was near it. As time had passed she had continuously added more wood, keeping the fire going as well as making it larger. At Will's greeting Ella jumps, looking over at him startled, and then sighs when she sees it isn't one of her father's guards, assuming she has no reason to worry. After spending a few hours in the woods she had emptied the wineskin and was partially drunk, giggling as she spoke. "Why hello there. Would you like to sit and watch the flames with me Mister....." Ella trails off, waiting for a name from the man, seeming oblivious to the girl thrown over his shoulder.


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Character Portrait: Goldie Locks Character Portrait: Ella Tremaine Character Portrait: William "Will" Wolfren
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well my names William "Will" Wolfren you are....... he said plopping the locks girl over his shoulder on to the ground and sat across from the young intoxicated girl and waited for her name. he then saw the seal of Cinderella and realized who she was "Ella i mean your highness what are you doing her wait don't answer but you should be in this woods alone trust me i know the woods of every territory and this are bad your the advertures type huh? he then acted like he was having a sort of heart attack but it was because the wolf in him felt that from tonight on the 2nd from tonight the full moon comes so he relaxed again and just sat there.


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Character Portrait: Goldie Locks Character Portrait: Ella Tremaine Character Portrait: William "Will" Wolfren
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Ella thinks about it, not completely drunk, but decides to give her name anyways but stops as he speaks. She then raises an eyebrow at the man in front of her, suddenly seeming sober as eyes narrow a bit. ~Well I don't think he's one of my father's men... And even if he was carrying that girl he'd be indisposed... And why did he call me 'Your Highness' I might be from a noble family but I'm defiantly not royalty. He must be not right in the head, nothing to worry about then.~ She sits up straighter at his strange actions and tenses, for a second worrying to know if he was okay, but sighs in relief as he relaxes again, seeming fine. She giggles a little and relaxes her posture, not wanting to seem completely sober for the fact that something about the man in front of her was troublesome. "Oh, don't be silly. I come out into this forest at least once a week and nothing has ever happened to me."


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Character Portrait: Chester Clawford Character Portrait: Alex Kingsleigh
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Alex shook his head at Will's question, "I don't know, sorry." Reading up on his family history had never been vitally important to Alex. There might have been an Alice somewhere in his ancestry, he didn't know. He made a mental note to look up his family history when he got back home, which, according to Chester at least, could be some time. He followed his new companions and tried to not look too awestruck by the castle they ended up in, which was easier said than done given that castles weren't an everyday occurrence in his daily life.

"We haven't had a Kingsleigh in these halls for such long time," Will started, "I hope you like it. This is about the way it was when left, besides the war torn stuff, we replaced that. An oracle said a Kingsleigh would come again. I just thought she meant A. Kingsleigh, not another kings but if a kings alike in the way they are then I'm fine. So Chester let's talk." Alex heard the door close behind him and found himself alone in the hallway of the castle. He leaned up against the door Chester and Will had disappeared behind, trying to listen in on the conversation. He picked up the odd word of what they were saying, but not enough to form a coherent understanding. Then again, the way this day had been going, he could have listened to the entire conversation and still not have formed a fully coherent understanding of the conversation. He decided to risk it and opened the door just a crack to be able to hear his new companions a little better.

“I t can’t possibly be just a coincidence that he’s here and the balance is thrown off. We both know how this goes: evil shows up, the world jumper shows up defeats evil and leaves," Chester hissed. Great, Alex thought. He'd been here all of two minutes and already the thought of him was making Chester hiss, “Now is probably a good time for us to split up. I know a girl, she’s a bit of an artist, she lives in the Enchanted Forest, just east of Snow White and Charming’s kingdom, in a small cottage, she goes by the name Goldie Locks. Just look for the green, you’ll know you’re on the right path. From what she’s told me, she used to hang out with the lost boys, so she probably has the dirt on the pirates around here. I’ll take Alex to Merlin and see if he can clarify that prophecy and tell us how he fits in to all of this. We can meet back up and regroup when we know what’s going on.”

Alex heard footsteps across the room and jumped back from the door, acting like he hadn't been eavesdropping. Will came out first, although he barely looked at Alex as he left, which Alex was just fine with. He had always been a 'wallflower', as his mom liked to say. He didn't particularly enjoy having bucket loads of attention directed his way. Chester came out a few moments later, which just served to confuse Alex even more. First, the mere though of his being here caused Chester to hiss, now Chester was winking at him. Maybe this was just a facade to make Alex feel more comfortable.

“So, world jumper, you and I have an adventure on our hands. I’m not sure how much you know of Merlin, but here he’s a very wise old man with powers greater than most can imagine. And you and I are going to go have a little chat with him. There is one slight little catch, though. Camelot is quite the trek from here, it’s on the far side of the Enchanted Kingdoms, it’ll take at least a full day to get there. However, if you’re up to it, I’m sure he will help to find a way for you to get home. So what do you say we go see a wizard about a prophecy?"

"I actually know quite a bit about Merlin," Alex started, "He's fairly famous in my world, what with the whole King Arthur thing. As for your whole day trek, I don't seem to have much of a choice," He smiled tightly, "Will's disappeared somewhere and you are the only other person I know, so you are stuck with me for the next twenty-four hours, mister," Alex jammed his hands in his pockets and rocked on his heels, "Lead the way to the magic man, my friend." Alex said, pointing to the doorway.


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Character Portrait: Chester Clawford Character Portrait: Alex Kingsleigh
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"Famous.” Chester repeated with an intrigued look on his face. ”Oh he’ll be thrilled to hear that, if I let him live to hear it that is.” His grin turned slightly sinister as he spoke. “See he gave me some bad info on a reading about a month ago and now we need to have a few words.” He saw that Alex looked genuinely concerned and then he remembered “Right, world jumper.” he thought as he insured the guy of his sense of humor. “Don’t worry, I’m not really going to kill him. It’s just one of those idle threats that makes me feel better. Speaking of idle things that make us feel better, I’ve heard that I’m quite the character in your world, though they never seem to get my personality quite right. And of course the obvious man cat thing they only ever seem to stick with one or the other. So what about you, huh? What’s your story? I mean Alice followed Whitey down a hole and deliberately walked through a looking glass, Dorothy was running away from home then came back in time to be sucked up by a magical tornado, and who knows how many kids Peter’s flown over here just because they didn’t want to grow up. But you … you just fell through a mirror and here you are. Nothing interesting happening at the time, you’ll have to embellish if you get home.” By this time the two of them were out of the castle and starting to trek through the woods on their way to Camelot


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Character Portrait: Chester Clawford Character Portrait: Alex Kingsleigh
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i get up and head off with the Locks girl over my shoulder running at very impossible speeds then i yell back to Ella "come see me at Merlin's if you want that adventure" then back to my high speed thanks two the werewolf speed i round a corner seeing you and realizing i cant stop and plow into you i end up on the bottom and say "hey Chester got the Locks girl" i say lifting her to you then ploping her down next to us ok then i get up and my hat is gone and it fall from the skie after bieing forcefully tossed up then it lands PERFECTLY on my head and i just tip my hat to alex "alex how you doing" i turn to ches and repeat the question but to ches then i go and pic Locks up staring at you both.


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Character Portrait: Ella Tremaine
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Ella ponders the strange man's words as she gathers her stuff and kicks some dirt and rocks into the fire, putting it out. Jumping onto her horse she rides back to her father's estate, still thinking. Reaching her father's estate she puts her horse in her stall, and tells the stable boy toready her other horse. Inside the estate she went straight to her father's study and knocked on the door. Not hearing a response she cracked the door and smiled as it swung open into the uninhabited room. Quickly going through some of her father's maps and such she found a map that showed all of Evermore and a list of roads and paths in the country and where they led. Working out a travel route Ella marked the map and then headed to her room.

An hour later Ella emerged from her room in riding clothes with a half-packed saddle bag held in her arms which she kept or her longer adventures such as this one. Sneaking into the Kitchen she convinced the head cook to giver her enough food for the trip as well as a few apples and a water skin. After filling the water skin and packing the rest of her saddle back she carried it to the stables and placed it on her horses back. This horse was called Obsidian, or Obi by Ella, and well built better for long trips with a large amount of weight to carry. After checking her boot to make sure her dagger was there Ella grabbed a bow and quiver of arrows she kept hidden in the stables and jumped up onto Obi's back, pressing her heels into his sides and smiling as the steed gallops forward, slowly picking up speed as they headed in the direction of Merlin's castle, deciding to travel through the same place she had been earlier for her fire.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chester Clawford Character Portrait: Alex Kingsleigh Character Portrait: Goldie Locks Character Portrait: William "Will" Wolfren
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"My story?" Alex asked slowly, figuring out if Chester was being serious or not. Figuring this was most likely Wonderland and nothing was quite straightforward, Alex shrugged, "There's not much to tell," He continued, not entirely comfortable with telling a complete stranger his life story, "Like you said, nothing interesting was happening. My mom dying isn't exactly fantastically exciting. I guess it explains part of the reason I'm here, new chapter and all that. I don't know, maybe it's because of my work that I ended up here. Who knows? And I don't really care what the reason is, so long as I'm able to get back home."

Alex followed Chester through the wood, tensing when he heard rapidly approaching footsteps. Whatever it was sounded big. And it was heading towards them. And... It was just Will. Alex deflated with relief, feeling slightly lightheaded from the adrenaline leaving his body. There was a girl over his shoulder, who he dropped down in front of Chester, "Hey Chester got the Locks girl," He turned to Alex, tipping that hat that had just fallen from the sky onto his head, "Alex how you doing?"

"Not so bad, all things considered," He answered, although Will was now paying attention to Chester. Alex looked at the 'Lock's girl' as Will had called her. She looked like one of the girls he worked with in the studio. Her name escaped him at that moment, but there was a definite similarity between the two. He looked at Will and Chester, trying to decide if they reminded him of anyone. Coming up blank, he put it down to coincidence. He remembered a line from a TV show he used to watch; DNA only offered so many alternatives.


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Character Portrait: Chester Clawford Character Portrait: Alex Kingsleigh Character Portrait: Goldie Locks Character Portrait: William "Will" Wolfren
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Sheesh Will, did you really have to knock the poor girl out? That’s only going to slow us down.” Chester sighed. “At any rate we’re going to have to set up camp soon, it’s getting late.” Chester started gathering some wood and kindling for a fire. He made a nice pile of wood then went off in search of something to eat. He knew there was a lake nearby and Chester had be come quite adept at fishing. He went to the shoreline and arched his tail to where just the tip was barely sticking into the water. He flicked it a few times. “Yeowch! “ He yelled. “You never really get used to that.” He flicked the fish onto the shore and then whacked it in the head with a stick.

“Well I did my part.” He grinned at the group. “Someone make yourself useful and get a fire going so we can cook this thing.”


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chester Clawford Character Portrait: Alex Kingsleigh Character Portrait: Goldie Locks Character Portrait: William "Will" Wolfren
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Will side bars chess for a mintue "hey chess you remember the red incident under the full moon well it's going to happen Again the beast is trying to break free I can't stop it I came to you for Help you do remember what to do when the full moon happens right?!


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Character Portrait: Chester Clawford Character Portrait: Alex Kingsleigh Character Portrait: Goldie Locks Character Portrait: William "Will" Wolfren
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“Oh crap! Is it really a full moon already?” He growled as he looked to the sky and sure enough it was. “As much as it pains me to say this, I don’t have any chains with me right at the moment, hell I don’t even have any rope. Restraining you might not be possible” He thought for a moment. “Wait I do have this.” He said as he pulled out a small vile from his pocket filled with a ground up dried herb. “ It’s wolf’s bane. Can we use that for anything?” He asked with his grin slightly more evil than usual. After that threat about eating him earlier, he was all too happy be able to hold some sort of power over him. He wasn’t exactly thrilled with the idea of Will going wolf and eating the jumper before he could do whatever he was here to do. They were always here for something, and Chester had no doubt in his mind that when they caught up with Merlin he would pull the guy into some quest to get some enchanted object that would take him home and in the process defeat whatever evil was on the verge of destroying this world. And if Will were to kill him before this, that would mess things up for everyone.


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Character Portrait: Chester Clawford Character Portrait: Alex Kingsleigh Character Portrait: Goldie Locks Character Portrait: William "Will" Wolfren
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"well yeah of course you would have the wolfsbain so how you plain on useing it if i eat touch or even breath it i would die so youll mostly be able to split it and eat it right during my change and tell will im sorry for scaring him if you have to kill me"

i then walk over to the camp site and sat looking at the sun as it started to set.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chester Clawford Character Portrait: Alex Kingsleigh Character Portrait: Goldie Locks Character Portrait: Ella Tremaine Character Portrait: William "Will" Wolfren
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Riding through the clearing where her fire had been earlier Ella deduced where she was on the map and figured out a path through the woods to one of the roads that she had chosen for her trip to Merlin's. As she rode on the sun's last rays began to disappear and the moon began to rise, and in the transition the forest became pitch black. Stopping her horse she decided to wait until the moon rose more so she could see where she was going. As she waited her heard the distant murmur of voices in the woods and leapt off her horse. Leading Obi behind her she followed the voices until she came across a small group of people and recognizing the man and still unconscious girl from earlier she stepped out of the woods and called over at hearing the tail end of their conversation. "I have some rope. I have some questions for you anyways and I obviously would have ended up getting to Merlin's faster if I hadn't found you. You do realize that, don't you?" She said, speaking to Will.


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Character Portrait: Chester Clawford Character Portrait: Alex Kingsleigh Character Portrait: Goldie Locks Character Portrait: Ella Tremaine Character Portrait: William "Will" Wolfren
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"a mrs.ella hey thanks and id be glad to answer if you would joins and then lend the rope to tie me up with" will said as he stood there and went over to the fire pit and mumbled some incantation ans poof fire "now let gather the nights are cold here and long especially" he said sitting the night and the beast was closing fast and he could fill it h walk with chess and Ella and he got all tied up and they all eat the wolfs bain and the night grew closer he new he was only two secounds from the beast and then "shshhhhiiiitttt!!!!!!!! grrrrrrr!!!" he turned the beast is now where will was and chess probly new this.

the beast had escaped the rope and was hunting alex in the shadow since he was a picky eater and didnt eat the wolfs bain.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chester Clawford Character Portrait: Alex Kingsleigh Character Portrait: Goldie Locks Character Portrait: Ella Tremaine Character Portrait: William "Will" Wolfren
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Alex started backwards when Will started the fire. Magic was obviously something he was going to have to get used to in this weird old place. He'd never been one to particularly believe in magic; sure the magic of a good story, but hocus pocus? Not a chance. But this place to seemed to buzz with the energy of something...something different. It was enough to make even the most ardent of cynics think just maybe.....

Alex scooted closer to the fire, lost in his own thoughts and the flickering of the flames, as the night closed in on them. After eating, Alex could feel his eyes growing heavier. The heat did little to help with Alex's alertness, the wolfsbane remained forgotten about, despite the warning that Will was turning tonight. It wouldn't make that much difference, would it? Will was getting tied up anyway. Before long, Alex gave into sleep, curling up on the soft grass, folding his hands under his head in lieu of a pillow.

When Alex woke, it was still dark. The fire had almost died and only a few embers remained. Alex couldn't shake the feeling that something was deeply wrong. He looked over to the tree where Will had been tied. As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he swore. The ropes were broken and Will was nowhere to be seen. Slowly sitting up, Alex looked around, searching for the dark haired man. How the hell he was supposed to see anything in this light was beyond him, but he figured he should probably try. A twig snapped in the near distance. Alex forced himself to calm down. There was no point trying to find the wolfsbane now, it was lost in the grass. There was a grunt and Alex felt something brush against his ankle. He scrambled backwards, trying to get away from the creature, but the creature had the advantage of speed. A huge hand closed around Alex's ankle, swinging him up into the air.

"Get off me!" He yelled, flailing his arms at the creature, hoping to at least catch it somewhere. He wasn't strong enough to do any real damage. Distraction would be enough, "GET OFF! PUT ME DOWN!"


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chester Clawford Character Portrait: Alex Kingsleigh Character Portrait: Goldie Locks Character Portrait: Ella Tremaine Character Portrait: William "Will" Wolfren
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“Oh for the love of…” Chester sighed as the commotion woke him. He retracted his claws that he had dipped in the wolfs bane tea he had drank earlier. He put his hands out in front of himself and charged at Will full speed. He knew that Will would drop Alex. By the time he had gotten within a few steps of Will, he had let go of Alex and ran off into the woods. He reached down to help Alex up off the ground.
“You didn’t drink the tea, did you?” Chester asked rhetorically. “You know we didn’t ask you to do that because it was tasty. We told you to drink it because it would protect you. I know that magic is new to you, but you gotta trust us.” He grabbed the vile of wolfs bane from his pocket and brewed another cup of the tea for Alex. “Here. Now drink it this time, if he comes back you’ll need to not be so …tasty.” He laughed. “Now you might wanna get some sleep, tomorrow we’ll have to go find that blasted hound and some better restraints. This is gonna take a lot more time outta my day than I would like.” He grabbed another log and put it on the glowing embers and it soon began to burn a beautiful orange light. Chester didn’t sleep for the remainder of the night, partly to keep an eye on Alex and partly due to his nocturnal nature. He watched Alex as he slept, wondering if Merlin might possibly be right. “No, he couldn’t be the one Merlin meant when I talked to him. This guy’s a world jumper and world jumpers always leave. He can’t be the one.” He whispered to himself as he gazed blankly into the fire.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chester Clawford Character Portrait: Alex Kingsleigh Character Portrait: Goldie Locks Character Portrait: Ella Tremaine Character Portrait: William "Will" Wolfren
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i woke the next morning naked and cold i thought of last night and poofed my hat and cloths back to me and redressed following the cats scent back to the gang "so fun night huh" i said sarcsticlly as i walked into camp "so who died id be suprised if no one did so chess you good alex im so sorry........ BUT YOU SHOULD BE MORE CAREFUL AND ID YOU DRINK THE WOLFS BAIN NO!!!!!!!!!!"

i sat down and picked my flask out of my pocket and took a swig "thats not water so shall we get going or is merlin coming here?"
i said with a smirk looking at chess


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chester Clawford Character Portrait: Alex Kingsleigh Character Portrait: Goldie Locks Character Portrait: Ella Tremaine Character Portrait: William "Will" Wolfren
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The moment they had drunk the tea Ella had separated herself from the group and started a fire of her own. As she stared into the flames through the night she continually heard sounds in the forest that indicated that Will was nearby but, having figured out he was a werewolf from the wolfs bane, she had stayed at her own little camp. At some point in the night though her fire stayed strong her resolve to stay away had slipped away cause the next thing she knew she was waking up next to her fire. With a huff she started packing up her stuff and loaded Obi's saddle bags back onto him.

As she was just finishing her packing and preparations for the days trip she heard shouting and with a sigh she swung herself up onto Obi and kicked her heels into his flank as she pulled on the reigns. Rearing up the horse let out a cry and then bolted in the direction of where she had left the cat and world jumper the night before. Reaching the clearing Ella leapt off her horse and looked around at the others. "What's all the commotion about? And please tell me you didn't just get up. The sun rose at least an hour ago."


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chester Clawford Character Portrait: Alex Kingsleigh Character Portrait: Goldie Locks Character Portrait: Ella Tremaine Character Portrait: William "Will" Wolfren
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"no I was up all night and then passed out a few hours ago ha ha ha so she is right we have a date with a WIZARD right?" said Will and start to stomp out the fire and get his stuff up and attached his swords to him and was ready then freaked seeing his hat gone from his head "no no no no no no no no no no no no no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! where is it my hat its gone I must find it this not good wonderful missing my hat wait it is in my hand OK *he flips his hat up his arm to his head* OK we're good" then he leaned on a tree waiting for the others


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(Wait what just happened?)


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chester Clawford Character Portrait: Alex Kingsleigh Character Portrait: Goldie Locks Character Portrait: Ella Tremaine Character Portrait: William "Will" Wolfren
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Alex drank the tea, trying not to grimace too much at the bitter taste. Still, the tea gave him something to focus on other than the fact that Chester was staring at him very intently. Watching the flames of the fire, Alex felt himself slowly drift to sleep. When he woke up, his fingers were beginning to turn blue and his arm was dead. Sitting up, Alex tried in vain to get his fingers to flex. Not moving in your sleep was a great thing if you ever had to share a single bed, but not so much when you nearly lose fingers. He shook his arm out, feeling the blood rush back into his arm along with the onset of pins and needles.

His attention was caught by Will freaking out about the fact his hat was missing. The thing was in his hand. Alex had to suppress a laugh, remembering a time when he had done a similar thing mid-call when he thought he had lost the phone he was talking on. Alex looked to Chester, waiting for him to continue the way to Merlin. He still wasn't overly fond of him, but Chester was doing better than Will in terms of not weirding him out. He definitely scored extra points for not trying to eat him in the middle of the night.


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With a sigh Ella walked away from Will, rolling her eyes as she went, and packed up Chester and Alex's stuff quickly. Finishing within a few moments Ella went back over to her horse and patted her on the neck a few times before pulling herself back onto the saddle. "Okay, lets get moving. You three don't have horses and it's a long walk to Merlin's." As she spoke a hint of annoyance edged her voice at Will's stupidity but she tried her best to cover it up with a tight smile.