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Tales of Helona: Zypha Academy



a part of Tales of Helona: Zypha Academy, by Aerial.


Aerial holds sovereignty over Merriyna, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Merriyna is a part of Tales of Helona: Zypha Academy.

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NPC's [0] Will add to the list as we go. I will be controlling Dareth and Ryle, anyone can control the Futuran. If you create a NPC, send me the link to a picture or description. I will put it here and that you're the only one who can control it if you chose so.
Aurora Helgariah [0] The kind-hearted school nurse and librarian.
Drakengard Kellisterosse [0] A boy bent on changing his Futuran.

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#, as written by breemee


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Drakengard Kellisterosse had just arrived at Zypha academy, his butler in tow for no inparticular reason. He easily could of carried his own bags, but he felt rather lazy today, and had summoned his butler to carry them for him. Drake stood at the main gate, and simply examined the academy grounds. He was a strange boy to say the least, with his dark purple eyes, with slit pupils like a snake, and his drab aqua green hair. He adjusted his tie, and proceeded onto the Academy grounds.

As he proceeded to walk, anyone could noticed how peculiar him as his butler look, himself, looking someone lizard like, slender stiff body, slit eyes, and his wide smile which revealed semi-sharpened teeth. His butler on the other hand was even more of an oddity. He stood just shy of eight feet tall, and next to Drakes diminutive five-in-a-half, it seemed even more drastic. He had long thin legs, and arms, and walked with perfect grace. His body was very slender, but every inch of him was perfectly sculpted muscle. He had a plain clear face, with eyes that seemed to almost not be open, and straight hair that fell around his face, revealing only the right side of his face. He was definitely an odd side, but one of beauty none the less.


Galia Hall seemed to be the mornings destination, so Drake made his way there, humming a simple tune as he walked.When he reached the entrances of the hall, the only people around were a small elven girl sitting on the side of the hallway. Drake turned and dismissed his butler, taking his small bag, and turned back to the hall. He stepped into the Galia Hall, but before disappearing thru the doorway, he caught the elven girls eye, and flashed a quick wide toothed smile, his eyes squinting, and head just slightly cocking to the left as he did so.

Inside the hall, Drake found a seat on the left, about midway, and plopped down, curious as to what was going to happen here this morning.


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#, as written by chinaji
Words could not even attempt to describe how glad Asmira was for having memorized the lay out of the entire academy. She would not have been able to make a proper entrance if she were being lead by some other student. Sure it was impressive to have someone trailing after you like an underling but it would ruin the effect of wearing a flowing hair-piece. It was her favorite hair-piece too, a long trailing dress of cream silk that wafted in the wind similarly to the perfume that she wore much to heavily.

Of course, Asmira need not try to hard to make eyes turn to her. Bright white hair and eyes contrasted drastically with the desert-sun tone that painted her skin. Anyone could see that she was not of any of the states but very few could name her of the Oasis People. It truly added some variety to the residence pool of the school but it was only because of special circumstance that she was there.

Though very careful in her considerations of the first day of her second year, Asmira totally forgot the milling and constantly changing variable of moving peoples. Many found her condition quite odd; seeing sight when others see blindness and seeing blindness when others see sight, but it no longer bothered her. However, it made making her way to Galia Hall much more difficult than it would have been if she were home at the desert.

Taking a reserved seat that she had taken the time to memorize the location of, Asmira poised herself to 'watch' the procession of the Futuran greeting the first years. It was not of her interest to watch the ceremony, in fact, she would rather have been in the training grounds or in the gardens familiarizing herself with the environment. But the need to speak to one man was her duty today. A duty to her people as well as something from herself, must be delivered today.

The thanks of her people to Senater Ryle.


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#, as written by breemee
After watching a rather decent amount of students enter Galia Hall, Nyomi got up off of the floor and sighed, smoothing her white dress out from where it had wrinkled. Guess it was time to get this over with. Nyomi was never one who had the patience to sit down and listen to someone else talk. She'd rather be off doing something productive with her time. Something fun and interesting. Like reading. But this ceremony was of utmost importance, after all. It would decide her future.

"Oh, how nerve wracking," she thought, as she slipped in through the door and walked briskly to the back of the hall. She found a seat that she liked, the girl to her right seemed rather nice and there was an empty chair to her left. One less person for her to have to feel nervous about. It was a strange feeling. Nyomi never thought she'd be the shy kind of person, but now that she was thrown into this word of socialization and... people... well she found that's almost exactly how she was. It would take some getting used to, she guessed. Almost holding her breath, she turned her attention to the front of the hall where the teachers, faculty, and some political figures were taking their seats. "So official..." She whispered, and twisted at the hem of her dress nervously.


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Daniel Freyja ~ Student

A collection of horses thundered towards the Academy. There were only about five or six, including the teacher, but the group was being led not by him but by a student naked Daniel Freyja. Tall, athletic built and with a shining smile, Daniel was one of the school’s infamous playboys. As his grey horse broke away from the group, being urged to go faster, Daniel’s emerald eyes sparkled with mischief as their teacher shouted at him to slow down. He did not comply.

Instead he urged the horse faster, leaving his travel companions far behind. All five of the students had been on an expedition to the Snuuey Isle to meet the Snuu tribe and help them with the Frost Dragon attacks they had been having. As future Paladins, or Dragon Riders for the more common title, it was important they had experience with different species of dragons before they graduated. This meant learning things from flying, caring, breeding and even politics!

“So long, guys! It’s my last year here – I gotta check out the talent!” Daniel called over his shoulder with a laugh, the sun catching his mane of red hair and making it flash all sorts of colour; red, orange, yellow and gold. He galloped into the school grounds, turning towards the stables but not waiting to get inside. He brought his horse to a stop outside of them and leapt away, leaving the horse standing there to drink water from the ground’s fountain. Stretching his arm upwards, his shirt rode up his stomach and flashed a slither of abdomen, earning some appreciative whispers and giggles from a second year group of girls.

Sending them a wink, Daniel headed inside on a jog, greeting his friends as he met them and stopping only to jog on the spot while he talked to guys who were in the vicinity of pretty girls, or better yet, a pretty girl wanted to talk to him. When he finally made the five minute trip to his room an extended thirty minutes, he closed the door, tore of his clothes and leapt into the shower. Nothing like your school break well spent riding through land and snow under the beating sun to get you stinking like a pig sty.


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#, as written by chinaji
It was quite nostalgic to be at this ceremony again. Asmira could vividly recall colliding into a table as she stumbled up to greet the Futuran. Not her proudest moment by far. She was so very embarrassed and the others laughter didn't make it any better. However, much of that giggling was put to rest as soon as they heard that she was one of the twenty chosen to take the Advanced Magical Practices class.

Of course, that was all last year.

She shifted her chair further back, trying to make a bit more room so that others might pass. Of course, someone may not pass at all but she had a feeling that the girl to her right was new. It must be the waves of nervousness and excitement that gave it away. Or even more likely, the ruffling that was made when someone picked at the hem of one's dress; a very distinct sound that Asmira knew well.

"Nyomi Belfast."

In an almost-formal way, Asmira carefully folded her hands in her lap. Much like the girl that sat next to her, Asmira was excited. Yes, very excited. As vividly as she remembered tripping over a table on her first day, she also remembered the Futuran's prediction and the joy it brought her. The edges of her lips quirked upward.

"I believe the turn of yours has come to receive greetings from the wise Futuran." she whispered gently to the girl next to her. She may not know the girl but it was just a feeling that gave her away as Nyomi.


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#, as written by breemee
((Oops, sorry for the late response. PC monitor is shot XP))

"M... me?" Nyomi mumbled, hearing the girl beside her she had been revived from a daze, shocked at how fast the time seemed to slip by before her name having been reached. Even though she was aware it was pretty far up there on the roster... When did the ceremony even start? She thought to herself. She must have been so nervous that she really didn't take notice.

Slowly, she rose from her seat, glancing around nervously as she took those crucial first steps towards the front. Those crucial steps as she was approaching what would be her future. But as more and more of the students were left behind her, and she could no longer see their gazes, she started to gain more confidence. She just wanted to walk briskly to get it over with.

Before she knew it, she was already standing at the front, staring at that long table with all those unfamiliar faces. With the Futuran in front of her, the only thing she could think to do was smile politely. And try to stay calm as her heart pounded against her ribcage, of course.

"Nyomi Belfast," the Futuran said, her eyes slightly creased (as a cat's usually is), her tale swooped back and forth across the table. The purr in her voice seemed calming enough, and Nyomi exhaled a breath she had been holding. There was nothing to be worried about. The Futuran seemed caring and friendly... for a cat. She waited for her to continue. "I hear you've spent a great deal of time out on the sea, your whole life actually. Your future will not be much different. You will continue sailing the seas, traveling around the world. You will captain your own ship, as a pirate my dear." The Futuran could tell the girl was taken aback by this. No one wanted to hear that their future would consist of the life of a criminal. A lowlife usually looked down upon by society. But the cat smiled, assured that she had nothing to worry about. She could feel it and see it. "Although this is your future, how you get there and what you make of it are entirely up to you Nyomi. I won't tell you exactly how your story ends. But be assured, you won't leave this world unknown. Like everyone else you, pirate or not, will leave your mark behind. I promise... you will not regret yours. You may return to your seat now."

And that's what Nyomi did. She turned around and went back to her seat, quietly contemplating in her mind how this was possible. It didn't make any sense. She couldn't be a pirate. She had seen them before. They were slimy, dirty, decietful, and violent. That couldn't be her future... Something had to be wrong... But she didn't say that aloud. She sat down in her chair, keeping her thoughts to herself. The Futuran was never supposed to be wrong. Why would there be an exception for her?


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#, as written by Aerial
((Going to be a short post, just to get another person up)

Dareth watched as the girl walked back to her seat. He looked over to Ryle, who was jotting down every word and name that was said. he looked over to Elric who just shrugged and nodded his head. The women in glasses looked back up to Dareth, who motioned for her to continue reading the list. "Drakengard Kelli-" She adjusted her glasses and raised an eyebrow. "Kellisterossi? Kellisterosse? Drakengard Kellisterosse?!" She looked up with a slightly embarrassed look on her face.


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(Ignore this. My computer is apparently possessed.)


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Drake watched the proceedings quietly, not paying much mind to the other students predictions, but when his name was called, he quickly stood. Making his way to the front, wearing his usual grin, he stopped in front of the Futuran. He looked at the black cat, making perfect eye contact with it, and feeling the power it had. He could tell it was an animal with great power, and he couldn't help but feel respect for the Futuran.

"Drakengard Kellisterosse, you hail from a very great demon family, one that has done much to try to bring a peaceful relation between your people and those others that populate our land." The Futuran was quiet for a moment, and then turned its attention back to Drake. "I'm sorry Drakengard. You will not live to see graduation. I cannot tell why, but I see much pain, and eventually it will consume you."

Drake couldn't believe what he was hearing, he was suppose to be successful, a demon of prestige, he couldn't die. Not so soon. "No! You lie! It can't be true." Drake's eyes were full of rage, and he turned running out of the room, slamming himself through the auditorium doors, only slowing once he was in the hall.

A single tear rolled down his cheek, and he stared staright down at the ground. "This can't be..."


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#, as written by Aerial
((Once again, very short post))

Dareth lightly patted the Futuran on the head, knowing that even after so many centuries, delivering a prediction of death wasn't something she had yet to get use to. The announcer looked back at the crowd, but before she could say anything Dareth interrupted her. "I'd once again like to remind everyone that it is called a prediction for a reason. Do not take this as an immediate truth." Dareth sometimes doubted why they went through the process of the prediction. If he were to be completely honest about the reason behind it, it would be fear. Magic is dangerous and in the hands of certain people, it can prove devastating. While the prediction isn't one hundred percent accurate, knowing who is most likely to cause a war or try to take over the world is helpful to say the least. The announcer began reading off names once again, finally making it to name one hundred. "The last student for this year's ceremony is, Zenfererra Deflancy!" She looked up, hoping she didn't butcher another name.


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Zenfererra flinched at her name, an uncomfortable twitch running through her like a bullet. To her, it seemed like only a moment ago they had been calling the others up. Stupid Z name. With a slightly too-straight back, she was determined to have at least some confidence. Her body shook with fear, though only slightly, as she looked up to the Futuran, their eyes meeting.

"Zenfererra Deflancy, you come from a working-class elfish family. You are determined to make your parents proud. You were born out of your parents affections despite being in an indebted family." The Futuran stopped for a moment to think. It seemed to be greatly puzzled by Zenfererra's future. It tried for a total of three minutes before turning back to the girl. "I apologize, but I cannot see a future for you. There is no prediction for your future. I only see good chances, but nothing more." The room seemed to fall silent for a moment.

"Wha- what!?" Zenfii couldn't believe it. Everyone had a future of some kind, so why couldn't this cat see hers? And only hers? What could have been wrong with her to cause this unusual phenomenon? Surely it wasn't anything that she had done wrong, was it?

Her eyes widened and her heart clenched completely. Good chances? "I'm so scared..." She whispered.

(Sorry for the long wait!!! A million times over!)