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Mizzirilian Taeliah'Rizo

"Dead men tell no tales, but imagine what they would say if they could."

0 · 414 views · located in Skysong City | Capital of Kingdom Of Serenia

a character in “The Chronicles Of Galeia | Ballad of Calraida”, originally authored by Talisman, as played by RolePlayGateway


∞ Name ∞
Mizzirilian Taeliah'Rizo (MIZ-ee-real-lee-an TEH-lee-uh Ree-zoe),
though she prefers Mizzy so she won't choke on all those syllables.

∞ Gender ∞

∞ Age ∞

∞ Alignment ∞
Chaotic Evil

∞ Race|Species ∞

∞ Height ∞
5' 5"

∞ Weight ∞
120 lbs

∞ Physical Description ∞
Short and slender, and despite her cries to the contrary, Mizzy paints the portrait of a rather fragile creature. Diminutive even for a Drow, she stands well below the average loft for her race, a fact she laments. While she does not spend her time with her neck craned toward the heavens to hold a conversation, she's well aware that her eye line sits well below most average individuals she runs into. Granted, talking to especially tall folk for an extended period can lead to some uncomfortable neck cramping. She also possesses the heft to go along with her frame, which is to say she has very little. Mizzy's basically all skin and bone, with little patches of muscle here and there bred through a mix of genetics and use.

Shocks of alabaster white frames a pale gray face with hues of blue. Her skin is that of a Drow's, in case she ever forgets, with an ashen tone and light blues rounding out her palette. Her hair is a stark white that pours down past her neck and tapers off somewhere along her shoulder blades, if it's visible at all underneath the hood of her cloak. When it does meet the light of day (or night, considering) it's kept meticulously clean and well maintained with a faint scent of something sickly sweet. Her eyes are a vibrant pinkish violet color normally, though they can take on a rather sinister crimson when she sees in infrared.

Mizzy's face is a pretty thing. Its shape has a certain rounded quality bereft if many, if any, jarring edges. The roundness extends to the shape of her eyes, which are wide and always watching. Likewise, her lips are full and are usually painted in a light violet shade. Mizzy always tries to look her prettiest, after all. Tattoos are among these features as well. Colored a in a darker blue, these tattoos frame her eyes and brow, with a single line extending from her bottom lip to her chin. Hers is not a particularly warm face, but she can make it appear quite inviting when she wishes.

Her dress consists of dark garments (because Drow) and hooded cloaks. These hoods are almost constantly pulled up during the day in order to help shield her eyes from that blighted sun. Even with the hoods, it's difficult for her to lift her head up past the horizon. She also tends to choose garments that are generous with her figure, though she tries to keep as much of her skin covered as possible during the day because sunburns are a bitch. Though diminutive, she strides like someone twice her size, and confidence oozes from every fiber of her being. Her cockiness can be immediately evident in the smirk that often graces her lips. She seems a woman who will not take to being looked down upon. Figuratively, at least.

∞ Personality ∞
A taker at her very core, Mizzy was never given anything in her life, and everything she has, she had to take for herself. These experiences have caused her to become an entirely selfish individual. Her heart does not bleed at the thought of others and empathy is for the weak. She does not care of what others may or may not think of her, caring about them only so far as to what they can do for her. An emotional tight ass, Mizzy does not allow anyone to peer inside her heart-- if she even has one. That being said, she does understand these feelings that others possess, enough to know how to bend them to her will.

Mizzy's an intelligent woman, always thinking of her next course action, not to mention plan b's and c's. She's a woman who always has a back up plan for her back up plan, because if things go right the first time, something is obviously wrong, because life is never that simple. Clever to boot, she's a proponent of working smarter, not harder. If there's something to be done, you can bet Mizzy will try to find a way to do it in the easiest and most efficent way-- which usually involves liberal use of the undead. Still, she's smart enough to know that necromancy is rather... frowned upon, so she hides the fact rather well, calling herself just an ordinary sorceress. Though suspicions still arise due to her nature as a drow. Racists.

The default personality that comprises Mizzy is one of scathing deadpan sarcasm and dumb jokes. It would appear that the woman takes nothing serious, and nothing is too sacred to make a dumb joke about. In fact, she can almost be called friendly, though if someone does something stupid, she has no qualms of calling it out. Though her moral compass is rather skewed and despite all the doom and gloom, she can best be described as happy go lucky, though the smile that's on her lips always has a mischievious tilt to it. She seems to lack ambition, seemingly satisfied to live life day to day with no major plans for the future.

Seemingly. It's difficult to tell what those pretty lips aren't telling you.

∞ Equipment ∞
Necromantic Tome | A rather large, if unassuming black book that can always be found by Mizzy's side. It's light for its size, able to be opened and read with one of Mizzy's hands. The book is kept together rather well, though the yellowing pages give away its age. While it has no words printed on the cover or spine, the words written within are not in the common language. Along the margins on a number of the pages are notes written in the same language as the rest of the book, though these bear Mizzy's handwriting. One would need to know the language in order to make full use of the tome.

Silver Dagger | A small cutting implement for a number of uses. The metal is tarnished somewhat, and specks of crimson can still be found within the flowery engraving near the hilt, though it's not necessarily meant for self defense. Though as a Drow, she is trained in its usage, and can be dangerous with it in hand if she's pushed into it. If given the choice however, she'd much rather just keep it for sacrifices.

Hand Crossbow | This is meant for self defense. A small handheld crossbow, its range is nothing impressive, and the penetrating power behind the bolts leave much to be desired. However, that matters little when a dose of poison is applied to the tip of the bolt. Mizzy possesses an assortment of poisons to coat the tips, each with a various effect. However, she's careful with their use, as she's just as vulnerable to them as anyone else, and the ingredients are rather difficult to come by.

∞ Mounts ∞
None, though if necessary and the opportunity arises, she can raise the corpse of a mount to ride. Or demand a piggyback on an ordinary corpse. Sometimes, walking is just to tiring.

∞ Abilities|Skills ∞
Necromancy | In the hands of skilled necromancer, the dead are far more dangerous than they ever were alive. Mizzy is one such necromancer, though considering the predjuices and superstitions surrounding the practice, it's not fact she advertises. It's an art she keeps secret, practiced in the dead of night away from prying eyes and loose lips. As a necromancer, she is able to raise the dead from their slumber and bind them to her services. With enough time and concentration, she is able to raise nearly anything that has been alive at one point or another.

Illusions | From projected images of herself to hiding things in an invisible veil of magic, Mizzy is also well versed in the use of illusory magic. She is able to cast spells that alter the senses of those around her. From making them see things that aren't there and not seeing the things that are, to misdirection with sounds and scents, the spells are not dangerous on their own, but still find their use in her skillset.

Harm Spells | A branch of her illusions, she's able to cause her target to feel and illusionary pain. The spells do not leave any lasting harm and are rarely fatal (unless of course the target has a heart attack), but can be used as more distractions to allow her a speedy escape if things do not turn out her way. The effects of the spell varies with the target, of course. Those with a higher pain tolerance can bare the brunt of the spells better than if they had a lower threshold.

Dark & Infrared Vision | Abilities that all Drow possess, Mizzy has near perfect dark and infrared vision. She's able to see even better at night than she does during the day. If the moonlight strikes her eyes in just the right way, they give off a violet luminescence. On the other hand infrared vision grants her the ability to make out the heat signatures of everything around her, but this causes her eyes to turn a crimson shade of red.

∞ Disadvantages|Worst Skills ∞
Physcially Weak | A physically intimidating creature, Mizzy is not. She's built more for speed and intelligence than strength and power. Brain over brawn, she cries. A strong enough bonk is enough to put her out on her back. She understands her shortcomings, so standing toe-to-toe with someone in a bar fight is out of the question for her. Instead, she'd rather have others fight her battles for her, whether they be living or dead.

Bright Lights | Though she's much better about it than when she first reached the surface, the sun still sizzles her corneas. In the daylight hours, if forced into them, she can be found with the hood of her cloak pulled taut over her head. When that's not enough, she often shifts to her infrared vision, and while detail washes out in a bloom of reds, oranges, and yellows backed by cool blues, it's still better than her eyes burnings. On a side note, Mizzy also tends to sunburn easily, and she takes the effort to try and cover as much skin as she can from the daylight sun so she doesn't crisp.

Selfish | She's a nasty one. Mizzy only thinks of herself, and how her actions will affect her and only her. Early life in Mal’Erith has taught her that the only one she can depend upon is herself, and that nobody is willing to help her but herself. Note, this can also be used against her, as she leads a rather mercenary lifestyle. It's not difficult to get her to do something, so long as she gets something she desires in return. It also paints her as a sort of a loner.

Preparation | Due to her skillset, she is strongest when she has the time to prepare before hand. To be caught unawares and empty handed is to be caught dead. To that end, she always ensures that she is prepared for any and every outcome she can think of.

∞ History ∞
The story of Mizzirilian began in the darkness of the pitch black Mal'Erith. Well. Maybe not pitch black, there may have been candles. Still, as a Drow, she was raised with a purpose. The house of Taeliah'Rizo were considered minor nobility, an off branch of the ruling family. Mizzy likes to say that it basically made her a princess, but she was perhaps the furthest thing from the throne. Not only behind the royal family, but half-a-dozen siblings and a number of aunts and uncles as well. The Taeliah'Rizo family was a rather large one, one steeped in magic. So it came as little surprise when little Mizzy developed magical powers of her own. It was either that, or becoming an assassin. Even from a young age it was clear that Mizzy was going to be small-- and attribute that would lend itself well to the art of assassination.

But no, she became a sorceress. At first, her studies, along with her basic education, consisted of tutoring in the spells of harm and illusions, taught by her aunts and uncles. They did not better her for her own gain, however, but the gain of the family at whole. She was merely a cog in the machine of many pieces, to be used for all that she was worth. It was something she knew from an early age, and she too developed the mindset. It was used or be used, and she wanted to be the one doing the using. She accepted their tutoring without complaint, and found herself on the receiving end of many of the spells she was learned, to better know them.

However, she was merely learning many of the spells others already knew. To keep on the path, Mizzy would do nothing to differentiate herself from the rest. That is where necromancy came in. Where others shied away from the practice due to the superstitions surrounding the dead, Mizzy saw an opportunity. She began to practice on her own, and it was only when she managed to raise a (admittedly large) rat from the dead, did her family realize. Though some of them disapproved, the rest saw opportunity. The Taeliah'Rizo did not dream small, and one day they wished to rule Mal'Erith themselves.

Events conspired against her, and she was accused of treason and exiled. While it was true her entire family conspired against the royal family, Mizzy was given as a scapegoat, and she spent the next few years of her life alone in the pitch black caverns of Mal’Erith. Eventually, she decided that life on the surface would bring less days of gigantic spiders attempting to eat her face and came to see the sun for the first time in her life. It nearly blinded her. In the years since, she has coped with the sun, and lived life as a sort of nomad, moving from town to town taking on mercenary work when required, and periodically robbing graves for both the dead, and the trinkets they were buried with to pawn off in the next town.

It seems that she doesn't have much of a plan for the future, though if asked she'd nonchalantly reveal that she'd enjoy a little revenge on her family for casting her out like they did. Still, it comes off as general musings. Earnestly, all she really wishes is to get through the next day.


So begins...

Mizzirilian Taeliah'Rizo's Story

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It was the dead of night somewhere in the Serenian countryside, the only light being that cast from the stars high above, which gave very little illumination to the landscape. To anyone else, that little bit of light wouldn't be near enough to see in the pitch blackness. To Mizzirilian, it was more than enough. Night time was the only time of day Mizzy could finally let her hood down and look upward past the horizon. All around her, the land was lit up for her to see everything in detail. Such was the advantage of Drow eyesight, though she could stand without the sizzling her eyes did during the daylight hours.

She currently sat atop a grave stone where many more stood around her. Located somewhere outside of a small village or hamlet or something, Mizzy played with a lock of her stark white hair while reading the black tome that lay bare on her knee. She'd already read the damned thing numerous times, and could pick out the exact spots she needed on memory alone. Still, it was better than watching the alternative. Nearby, there was a soft rattling, followed the the sound of a shovel biting through the graveyard dirt. It wasn't like she was gonna do the hard work, after all.

The rattling came from a pair of skeletons, one with a rusty sword hanging from a leather lashing, the other a mace. "Shh!" she demanded, "I can not even hear myself read!" she hissed, though the skeletons didn't seem to notice. Because what could they do? They'd lost their skin and muscle long ago, and they had to carry their weapons somewhere. It was not as if Mizzy was going to carry them. Mizzy simply smiled to herself and returned to her reading.

Eventually, the sound of dirt bring moved shifted to a dull thunk, and that too caught Mizzy's attention. She closed the book and held it under her arm. As she approached the skeletons, the sound of wood being ripped apart hit the open air, and she hissed again. "What did I say! At least try to be quiet." Of course, if she truly cared, she could have always just cast a spell to erase any sounds that the skeletons would make. That wouldn't be near as fun, though, and it wasn't like anyone was going to find them in the dead of night in a graveyard.

The skeletons pulled themselves out of the grave to make room for Mizzy to descend into it. She hopped down into the deep hole, careful not to fall directly on top of the newly excavated corpse. "Ooh," she cooed, "You were a big one, weren't you mister..." she began, glancing upward to see the name on the gravestone. "Keren." The corpse was tall, she could tell even in his coffin. Typical of the Serenian elves. By the decomposition, Mizzy estimated that mister Keren had only been dead for a year or so. He still had his skin, and brown tufts of hair still graced the top of his skull. He was emancipated, of course. A corpse could only stay fresh for so long.

She took a seat on his chest and began to finger through his pockets. There was nothing of value there, only a love note from his family. She discarded it easily, and searched in fingers. She was in luck this time, as the man had been buried with all of his jewely-- three rings of fine make. Chuckling to herself, she pocketed the rings, and opened the black book, expert fingers moving to the exact excerpt she needed. Mizzy began to read in an unknown language, and for a time, the world around them slipped into silence.

Upon completion of the recitation., nothing happened for a moment. But Mizzy had done this a hundred times before, and she patiently waited. Moments later, the corpse she sat atop shuddered and its eyelids snapped open, revealing eyeless sockets. "Welcome back mister Keren," Mizzy said mischievously. It was like the corpse understood her. It was just a mindless tool now. "If you'd please?" she said, pointing out of the hole.

With that, the corpse stood and rose, Mizzy in its skeletal arms, to set her atop the edge of the grave before climbing out after her. Pointing at the next grave, Mizzy snapped her fingers. "Go on, mister Thom is next. Quickly now, we're done after him. I'd like to leave before the sun comes up and blinds me," she cooed, returning to her perch atop the earlier gravestone. In a few days time, she expected to be in Skysong city.

She had to unload her ill gotten gains somewhere, after all.


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Turns out, Mizzy miscalculated the time it would take to reach the city. She'd hoped to make it before the morning sun. Considering the sun now sat above the horizon, she counted that as a failure. She now walked the well worn path with her hood over her head and her eyes cast downward to her feet. To make matters worse, she was walking toward the morning sun, so even if she did glance upward, she caught a face full of blinding sun. To say that she was unhappy was an understatement. She was pissed. Mizzy would be happier if she was able to see more than a few feet a head of her without getting blinded.

All that being said, she did not believe herself to be too much further from Skysong. By her count, she had at least an hour or so of listless walking left until she reached the city. Of course, he count had been wrong before considering she was traveling during the morning sun, but she wouldn't allow herself to be wrong twice in a row. Her pride wouldn't allow her. From the glances she managed to steal from either side of her, it appeared that the path she strode on was flanked on either side by trees.

Up ahead of her, she heard the rustle of grass, apparently she wasn't alone on the road. Which wasn't surprising. It was a public road after all. At first, she figured it to be another group of travelers going in the other direction, nothing that desired her attention. She glanced up and could make out three figures before the brightness got to her and she had to hide her eyes once more. It wasn't until a shadow deposited itself in front of her path did she stop.

"Right..." Mizzy monotoned. This was going to be good. "Hey there little lady," the brute said, and he was a brute, considering the base in his voice. Mizzy simply sighed and raised her head to look at him. She winced due to the sunlight hitting her eyes, but quickly shifted to her side so she stood in the man's shadow. He was indeed a big one, and probably the leader of the little outfit because of it. The other two that stood behind him were shorter and slimmer, one giving her a toothless grin.

Behind them all, she could see a tipped cart, with the bodies of its occupants laid out beside it, the horse that carried them tied up to the nearest tree. Bandits she thought, but held no judgement. She spent her nights neck deep in graves, after all. They did not have no immediate reaction upon the revelation that she was a Drow, but that was probably because of their size difference. She sighed again. "What?" she demanded.

"Feisty one, aren't ya?" he drawled, causing Mizzy to roll her eyes. "You know the drill. Give us your valuables or end up like them," he said, hooking a thumb toward the dead travelers.

"Oh no. Whatever will I do?" Mizzy deadpanned, her face impassive. "Look, just get out of my way. I don't want to do this now," She said, moving to step around the man. Only, the bandit moved to block her path again, and the hate began to seethe in her eyes.

"I don't think you understand..." he began, but Mizzy stopped listening. He said something afterward, but she only shielded her face and shook her head.

"Just shut up, alright? Shut up. I-- you know what? Fine. Fine. You did this to yourselves," she said, looking up and taking a step backward. There was a shutter in the air as unfamiliar words slipped out of Mizzy's mouth. An instant later, a rusty cutlass rested on the bandit's shoulders as the illusions that concealed her escort of four corpses lifted. Cries of pain echoed from behind, before being silenced by wet crunches as the other corpses dealt with the other two bandits. The one stared at Mizzy with wide, confused eyes, and she simply smiled back.

"Told you. You did this to yourselves," she said, and with that, the skeleton brought the blade across his throat, leaving Mizzy to dodge the spray of blood. "Easy!" she yelled at the unfeeling corpse. "Whatever," she said, rolling her eyes and shaking her head. "Just... Prepare the bodies," she told the one skeleton, "And everyone else, flip that cart back over. I can probably sell it and the horse in the city," she told the rest.

"Quickly now, we don't want anyone to trip over any of this," she said, clapping her hands in hope of some hustle.

Mizzy loved the sound of gold jingling together. Outside the pawnshop, she gave the coin purse in her hand one more shake, just to hear it again. The jewelry she had acquired had fetched a fair price, but the cart and horse she'd taken from the bandits were the real selling points. The pawnbroker was suspicious, of course. Likely that he thought that she had stolen everything and was trying to fence it all. He wouldn't be exactly wrong either, but still. Racist.

She'd given him the story about how she ran into a gang of bandits on the road into the city, whom underestimated her and paid the price for it. Though instead of telling him about her liberal use of the undead, she'd told him it was simple ordinary sorcery and made lightning arc between her hands to prove it. The lightning wasn't real of course, only an illusion, but the pawnbroker took it at face value, and tried to low ball her. She managed to work the price back up into something reasonable, and now she found herself weighed down with gold.

And a pair of tinted goggles in addition. They were something he had left over in his shop. They were terribly ugly, but they kept the sun from blinding her. She hid them away around her neck, underneath the folds of her cloak. Mizzy couldn't have anyone see them and think she was tacky after all.

Now, with coin and nothing to do, Mizzy angled her route toward the castle. She didn't plan on visiting the castle itself, of course. She was no princess... Well, technically, Mizzy supposed she was, she just had a heap of other heads that could wear the crown before her, but she didn't care. She didn't want to be a princess. Too much work and so much responsibility, she'd leave it to anyone else. No, by her reckoning, it were the streets that led to the castle that held the most expensive and finer shops.

She hoped to find a nice tea house where she could try something fancy... Like tea. And cakes. It was about time she treated herself to something nice...

Almost like a princess.