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Kage Briarly

"I know what I'm fleeing from, but not what I'm in search of."

0 · 227 views · located in California

a character in “The Cliques Located In High School”, as played by Thadine




”Seas of emotion
Controlled by the day
Overrun their boundaries by night
Charting a new course over old places
Running through lashes and lines
What midnight eyes can't hide."

General Information

| Name |
Kage Briarly

| Age |

| Gender |

| Grade |

| Sexual Orientation |
He honestly doesn’t know, and it worries him. He tells people that he’s straight, and gives off the image of it, however has felt attracted to those of his own gender. So one may consider him bisexual, though he'd never admit it.



| Likes |
+Vintage Vehicles
+Warm Weather
+Leather Jackets
+Folk Music
+Classical Music
+Cinema History/Movies

| Dislikes |
-Rock Music
-English (Class)
-Being restrained
-Bitter Food
-Loud people

| Fears |
- [Thalassophobia] He's absolutely terrified of large bodies of water. Kage usually seeks control, and feels comforted when he's able to be in charge of his situation. However, water can be unpredictable. You can drown so easily. Because of a traumatic event in his youth, and the fear of suffocating or drowning underneath the waves, he will not go near oceans or large lakes. He's had multiple dreams about drowning, about being trapped in tanks watching water flood in and slowly cut off his frightens him, and no one in the world could ever get him to go swimming.

- [Ornithophobia] Kage isn't much a fan of birds. After seeing Alfred Hitchcock's, 'The Birds' in his youth, it stuck with him for all these years. He claims that their quick movements, beady eyes, and sharp beaks frighten him. They're unpredictable in their movements, and fly in flocks, able to attack anyone on sight. While most of his other fears are viable, this one usually just makes people laugh. Crows especially scare him, since he has seen studies about how smart the animals can be.

-Not only does he have an obsession with cleanliness, but a fear for the opposite as well. A fear of chaos, messes, dirt, and lack of organization. It's not so extreme as his ornithophobia or thalassophobia, but rather unsettling. He'll stay away from areas that look unkempt and uncared for, and same with people. He also feels the need for structure within his own life, or he would probably go insane.

| Quirks |

- He absolutely hates his name. With a passion, almost. While pretty neutral about most things, Kage hates his very own first name, and tends to glare whenever someone uses it. In its place, he much prefers a softer name, such as "Kai" or even "Kade." Just one letter makes all the difference. He believes that his real name sounds much too harsh, like a title that some pro-wrestler would have.

-He has slight OCD tendencies. Though never tested for it, he is absolutely obsessed with order, and cleanliness. If he got a stain on any of his shirts, he'd nearly have a panic attack. Kage is extremely organized, keeping his homework and papers in check, keeping his calendar up to date, and having his workspace free of anything. He carries around hand sanitizer, and uses it constantly. This near germophobia has him keeping away from those who look very disheveled or carefree, such as the 'Hippies'. Along with this, the skin of his hands is actually extremely rough, due to over-washing them.

-Kage doesn't have many nervous habits, however he will pick at his lips when bored or stressed. He has no idea where he picked up this tendency, and is quite aware he does it, however he can't seem to stop. He does it often enough that his lips will often crack and bleed when doing an act such as simple as smiling. Luckily, this has only happened in front of two people, and they didn't much seem to notice his bleeding lips.

| Personality |
Kage is a pretty complex individual, although appears shallow and judgmental most of the time, like the other preps at the school. He has a constant stream of thoughts going on, and most of the time, they are quite negative or worrying. He's constantly thinking about his future, about how he's acting, what he's going to do, etc. He likes to keep most of his thoughts and emotions bottled up as well, and rather than talking to friends or family like most people would, or even writing them down, he thinks about them constantly. If people try to figure out what he's feeling, even asking a question such as simple as 'Are you alright' when he's looking down, he'll snap and grow cold. Kage doesn't like talking about himself, and to draw the attention away from him, often talks down about other people. Gossip.

He's defensive and worrisome, and often quite negative. Sarcasm is common for him, and he finds himself picking on other people and mocking them for the smallest of things, just to distract himself from his intrusive thoughts about himself and his fears. Kage appears cold, picky, and snobby to most, only talking to them if they are part of the more popular cliques. The reason for this though is because he feels like none of them would ever judge him or his habits very accordingly, and they would never be able to find out what's going on in his head because they usually lack...well, intelligence. The other groups he feels almost intimidated by, and doesn't go near them for fear of being analyzed or judged.

Kage hides a lot of things. From his family life, to his sexuality, to his quirks. He tries not too seem to obsessive, but as much as he hates it, some things show. People notice his dry, overwashed hands, his constant use of sanitizer, his crisp and wrinkle-free clothing with never a stain on it. It's odd, because he both hates and loves routine and order at the same time, and he's still trying to figure out how that could be. It comforts him and makes him feel safe, however every once in awhile he'll look at the hippies and more carefree students and see how happy they are. He wonders if maybe he left his structure behind, if he would be as happy as they seem to be. However it's not just an obsession. It's an addiction, it's torture, and he can't let go of it so easily. Because of these constant thoughts, he seems very stressed all the time, and is quite jumpy and tense.

His favorite subjects tend to be those geared more towards formulas and set rules or instructions, such as Math and Science. Those requiring creativity and a steady thought process, such as English, trouble him, and he's often seen struggling to make the passing grade for those classes. Although he might go through the year with a low mark in classes, he always manages to pass them at the very end without much trouble, and some students are pretty sure they know why. Kage resents most people, usually those that are more quickly to judge and assume things. To most, he is a rich, cold, and rude Prep who freaks out over the tiniest things. However Kage feels an extreme urge to let everything spill out, though he knows it's not so easy. He wants to be discovered, yet hidden. He wants order, yet also wants to be free of it. Kage is simply torn apart between two separate people that he wants to be, but does not have the strength to choose either one. He's searching for himself, and is desperate for someone to help him on the difficult journey.

My Life

| Relationships |
He hasn't had many relationships in his past. He drew the attention of a few cheerleaders, and still does, however none of them ever lasted long after they figured out many of his hidden traits and quirks. Kage isn't much one for speaking about his attractions with others, even friends, so this often gives the impression that he's picky with his partners.

| Clique |
The Preps

| History |
Kage grew up as the first child in a large home with both of his parents, outside of the city. His mother and father were happy together, unlike some marriages, and they were very successful as well. Their home was large, with wide windows, multiple bedrooms, hardwood floors and a large backyard filled with tall trees perfect for climbing. For the first few years of his youth, he was perfectly content. After all, not many kids were outcasts in elementary school. No one really formed cliques at that time. He was a regular kid that had a bunch of friends. At home, he it was even better. He was nearly spoiled, getting almost everything he wanted. To add onto that, his parents didn't give him regular food or even entertainment. He didn't grow up on macaroni and cheese or ham sandwiches; he had the finest delicacies, and half the time he didn’t even know what he was eating. He didn’t listen to regular music on the radio, rather his parents gave him the works of classical artists. He got every toy he could ever want. However he was raised to think this was normal.

When he was young, his parents had another child. His little sister was healthy, although differed greatly from himself. While he was a quiet kid throughout most of school, and even at home, his sister was loud and outspoken. She'd say whatever was on her mind, and resented the things that her parents offered her. Even at a young age, she seemed to know exactly what she wanted, and was extremely independent, unlike Kage who relied on instructions and routines to do things, and rarely spoke his thoughts.

One week during the summer, his family went out of their yacht for a vacation. This was when he was about thirteen years old, his sister nearly 8 years old. Kage was usually with his friends rather than his family, going to concerts or just hanging out at his large home. However, he decided to spend at most, a week with his family, even if it wasn't all that enjoyable. They drove out to a lake and set out the luxury boat just by themselves in a quiet and remote area near an small island with tall trees and a cliff, where a fresh waterfall was active. They stayed there for awhile, admiring the views. While they had been focused on that and other things, his sister had gone and found a way into the water, impatient and ready to swim even if no one else was. They never noticed, until they realized that the silence had gone on for too long. Usually she would have disturbed them by then.

Kage looked out into the water and noticed a small figure in the water metres away, struggling in the deep water. He called her name, he shouted for her to come back. Then came the sound of an approaching boat, going at an amazing speed. It was a large speedboat, and the driver was obviously distracted, for he had not noticed the little girl in the water in his path. Kage watched as his little sister was pulled under the wake of the passing boat, the waves violently washing over her, the churning water keeping her underneath for just too long. Panicked, he jumped into the water and swam out towards her, though the waves were still moving through, and he was pulled under for a moment as well. He couldn't control any of his movements, or even the outcome of what happened next.

His parents dragged him out of the water as they approached in the small yacht, though for his sister, they were too late.

Not a day goes by where he doesn't think of her. If only he had been able to keep his head above the water, if only he had kept an eye on her and made sure she hadn't gone so far out in the first place. Kage associates most large bodies of water with this memory, leading to his fear of it. He was affected deeply by the incident, and his new stressed, tense, and odd personality that people weren't used to drove people away. Even his best friends. It was then that he realized that most people only spoke to him because of the amount of wealth his family had, and what he could offer. This lead to him becoming very reluctant to accept friends, and even if he does regularly speak to a few people, he never tells them much about himself. As the years passed, he became very good at hiding his new habits from the repercussions of the incident, and slowly went back to his regular self. Of course, no one knows about this incident, and because of this lack of insight, people often wonder where his odd habits came from. After all, if they weren't there, he might actually be able to better hold onto relationships.

Kage still lives with his mother and father in the same house, and recently got his license just as he turned 16, also getting a restored vintage car to top it off.


| Theme Songs |
Far Away - Jose Gonzalez
"Step infront of a runaway train
Just to feel alive again.
Pushing forward through the night,
Aching chest and blurry sight.
It's so far, so far away."

Schoenberg - Verklärte Nacht, Op.4 - Boulez.
Just one of his favorite classical pieces.

| Other |
Anything I missed?

| Password |
Wallflowers Shall Unite


So begins...

Kage Briarly's Story