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The Colonnade: Pillars of the Apocolypse

The Colonnade: Pillars of the Apocolypse


With the destruction of the planets environment history is lost, but there are those who would see it returned. These are the Seekers who venture out into the dangerous and unknown to recover the broken pieces of man.

1,095 readers have visited The Colonnade: Pillars of the Apocolypse since Vain created it.


Data-Card #12-6

Before the Colonnades, man prospered. Advancements in medicine and technology allowed modern man to live without the obstacles of previous generations. Widespread disease was almost nonexistent and cities grew to the size of countries, thriving with trade and bustling with people from all over the world. However, alongside domestic progress came improvement of modern arms and creation of deadly bio-weaponry.

Despite eras of international peace, humanity’s history was mottled with countless proxy wars. With weapon development at the forefront of scientific and technological improvement, an arms race arose between the nations of the world. As diplomatic tensions mounted and Global War threatened to erupt, the creation of a new kind of military base began; The Colonnades. With the rise of one Colonnade in 2498 came several more and by the end of 2509, there were eight Colonnades in strategic areas around the World. Stretching thousands of meters into the sky and with circular discs extending at strategic intervals from the main body, the Colonnades were built to endure contemporary weaponry, designed to be completely self efficient and utilized Solar Energy as means of maintenance as well as food production.

"It is here, in these Colonnades, where we will defend our Nation and ensure our place as a great Peoples!"
-Nobuyuki Kato Emperor of Japan
June 25, 2508

At the very brink of a devastating world war in 2525, an international broadcast announces the approach of a meteor roughly twenty three miles in diameter. The meteor named Sidereus, estimated to hit within fifty years sent the entire world into a State of Crisis. Numerous attempts to destroy or divert Sidereus from its course resulted in failure. During an Emergency Meeting of the United Nations, it was decided in a unanimous vote to utilize the Colonnades as a method of ensuring the survival of Man.

“We will not back down. We will survive as we have survived all the obstacles of our fathers and forefathers.”
-Michael Kornucky Secretary of National Defense of America
December 11, 2543

In 2558, exactly ten years before predicted impact, Russia begins to evacuate people into the Russian Colonnade Prokloveteyl, the Protector. Entry order is based upon application, however, corruption soon takes hold and money becomes the most important factor in acceptance. Those who cannot afford entrance riot and in the year 2560, when Prokloveteyl had reached its holding capacity, it is clear that only a trace of humanity will survive. Within several years, the other Colonnades begin acceptance procedures. Most of humanity, those who cannot afford entrance or could not enter due to capacity limits would die in the apocalypse.

Year 2568; the most wondrous light show the world had ever seen lit up the sky and Sidereus descended, hitting Kazan, Russia. The city was obliterated instantly. In a range of 200 kilometers, everything from Kazan to Moscow disappears in the blink of an eye. Within two days, most of the population within the Asian continent is dead. Firestorms and tsunamis erupt all over the globe, and debris clouds the Sun. Debilitating photosynthesis, plants wither and die. As the impact of Sidereus creates fissures in the globe, Hydrogen-Sulphide from ocean-dwelling bacteria wipes out nearly all marine life before releasing a deadly, noxious green gas that destroys whatever remnants of humanity remained on the surface. Humanity, crowded in multiple tiers jutting off at odd intervals, the Colonnades are a fortress to the survival of humanity, and a prison of salvation to its inhabitants.

The day is christened Eschaton; The Beginning of the End.

May there be mercy on Humankind.


It is now year 3675. The Keep is a Colonnade located in former New York. The tiers within The Keep are organized from high to low levels. Level one consists of the Government and the Departments of Regulation. The Second Level is the Business and Market Districts as well as minor Educational district. The Third Tier from top to bottom is the High, Middle and Low classes. The Fourth Level is the Trash Dump and Slums, closest to the atmosphere. The Fifth Level is below the dangerous and deadly atmosphere, housing the Nuclear Plant that provides The Keep with most of its energy. Life is harsh and unyielding in The Keep as Man tries to find his place within a tower – his home- that is a remnant of Old Humanity.

However, even within a relic of Old Humanity there is hope. From the Colonnades spring an elite group of people called Seekers. Seekers are groups that volunteer to brave the poisonous surface world in suits that under the constraint of time. They are people who bring back lore and history as well as chart maps and find new resources for the Colonnades. The Seekers, under strict code and protocol travel through the unknown surface world to bring back a part of Humanity that was lost to the people in the Colonnades. They are the lifeblood of the Colonnades and the key to restoring a part of Man before Eschaton.


This is an advanced role-play in Post-Apocalyptic Earth, where living on the surface is no longer an option for humans. Players can choose to be Seekers, Suitors or Others within the Colonnade; The Keep.

Seekers: People who are contracted either privately or by the government to descend onto the surface of Old Earth. Their job is to bring back lore, map terrain and return with information on resources. Seekers are usually groups of four people; Medics, Solarists, Assault and Intelligence.

Medics: Although all members of Seeker groups are well trained in patching wounds or applying correct medical treatment to various physical or mental problems, Medics have gone far beyond the basic knowledge. Medics are the most important aspect of Seeker groups as they make sure, before and after a mission, that the rest of the group is fit and ready to Descend. Seeker groups cannot Descend onto Old Earth without a Medic in their team.

Solarist: The Solarist is the mechanic of the Seekers. He has extensive knowledge of how to fix, repair and maintain his vehicles. Although the vehicles utilize Solar Energy to move, the Solarist must know how to efficiently drive his vehicles from the Colonnade to the Ending Point before the vehicle is corroded in the Atmosphere. The Vehicles that Solarists have access to are Heliogliders, Magnadrivers, and Oceancutters.

Heliogliders: Flying ships equipped with Laser and Radar technology, allowing a better method of finding an Ending Point. Heliogliders travel at 300 miles per hour Heliogliders can last approximately up to two weeks in Old Earth before multi-engine corrosion.

Magnadrivers: Ground vehicles that travel up to 200 miles per hour. These vehicles are used for shorter distances and are equipped with drills that can cut through hard cement and most metals. They can last approximately three weeks before corrosion.

Oceancutters: Water-based vehicles traveling up to 180 miles per hour. Their life span is the longest and lasts up to four weeks (only if underwater). They are equipped with both Laser and Digging equipment for finding Ending Points.

Assault: These members of the Seeker groups are usually built to be the strongest. They are tasked with the job of fighting against any Old Earth animals that have mutated or evolved in the atmosphere. They are knowledgeable in several fighting forms and are the defense as well as the offense of the Seeker groups. The weapons they carry are swords and small weaponry such as pistols or modified rifles.

Intelligence is the one who is contacted should anyone want to contract a Seeker group to perform a job. They are the representatives of the groups and are an important member down below on Old Earth. Intelligence members tend to be lean and quick runners, as they are the ones who enter into places in Old Earth where vehicles cannot enter. They are the scouts and information bearers of the group. They are also tasked with charting terrain.

Seeker groups can have a name, and one person may play all of their team, should they wish. However, it would be more interesting if several people were to play as one group. If someone joins after there are several Seeker groups (the Cap is 4), they may ask to join a previously created group by one of the players.

Suitors: Suitors are those who create both the suits and the vehicles for Seekers. They provide spare parts as well as refer customers to Seeker groups. They are well connected to both the Government and the Regulation Departments. They are also prominent members of communities and Tier Council Boards.

Others that are playable are anyone that lives within the Colonnade; the Keep. Backgrounds are player decided, however they must adhere to the canon. (You cannot be a god-mode character who has the ability to breathe noxious atmosphere poison. And fight like Batman.) So for example players can play a person within the Regulation Departments, children in the Education districts etc. Players can also play more than one person. (Remember, no god-mode!)

Character Sheet: ALL your characters (including if you are playing a whole Seeker Group) must have completed this character sheet. The Sheet is below.


Sex, Status, Training, Occupation


General Physical Description

General Str, Health, Agility



What equipment typically carried/worn

Items of Interest

Items that stand out or are special


General Personality

General Int, Wis, Cha



Attitudes towards friends/strangers

Opinion of the World


General History




Religious preferences

Skill (Outside formal occupational skills)

Pets/Animal Companions

General Appearance; May use text but picture is preferable. Feel free to make your character look
however you wish.


Should You Wish to Create a Seeker Group : Please put the name of your group and what color your group is represented by. You may also put an optional logo. (The logo can be in text or you can find a picture/draw one)

Please reply if you are interested. You may also pm me if you want some changes to allow a bit more freedom.

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The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

Browse All » 2 Settings to roleplay in

Old Earth

Old Earth by Vain

The ruins of Old Earth

The Keep

The Keep by RolePlayGateway

The Colonnade consisting of Tiers 1-5, starting with the governmental tier and ending with the power tier.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors


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#, as written by Vain
(This is for those of you joining Salvation. The message is similar for other groups as well)

The screen in front of you flashes on, revealing a swirl of colors; like on a computer when your listening to music. However, instead of music, the automated voice of a woman plays. "Good morning [insert name here], today is the final process of your registry. You have endured rigorous testing and countless trials to come to this stage. Where many have failed, you have succeeded. Now your real test starts. You will endure more trials now than you have ever imagined in the name of humanity. You will brave the contaminated surface world in order to restore a piece of history that was once lost. Though you will work for contracts, remember that you also have a responsibility to the Keep and to mankind. Congratulations, and may luck be with you as you carry the future on your shoulders. Please report at 7:00 AM to the Seeker HQ to finish your ID registry. You are now, a Seeker."

The message on the terminal screen flashed a final time and then faded to black, leaving behind a small white line with a dot in the middle like when you turn off your T.V., before going completely dark. Alice was excited. More so than she had been in years since the passing of her father. Oh sure she was happy with her job, doing repairs and designing new technology for people who where already seekers. But now she was finally going to be a seeker as well. See Dad, I'm making it. One step at a time, she called out in her thoughts. The mechanic lifted her fingers from the terminal pad and slid her right hand back into her glove, balling her hand into a fist to get a feel for the fabric. Alright, Time to go.

Alice turned away from the terminal and crossed through the garden replica of Old Earth. As always it was breathtakingly beautiful. The lush green of the grass, the allure of the trees, and bubbling spring that called out in suppressed giggles in the center. Alice remembered younger days when she would play with her father in the biopark, laughing and giggling like that spring now. The images seemed to play before her eyes as she remembered them. Alice saw a little girl in her image being spun around by a man almost twice her size, a large grin on his face as he made flying noises. Then as he set the girl down laughing, she ran toward Alice and passed through her. Alice had to reach up and wipe a tear from her eyes. When she had lowered her hand the image was gone, lost to her memories.

She smiled slightly and pushed past the garden to the elevator. As usual there was a guard stationed at the elevator to guard against unauthorized entrance. Alice approached and pulled out her permit for the governmental tier. "I need to get on," Alice said. The guard didn't even bother to look at the permit.

"I'm sorry, but the lift isn't open yet," he said steel faced.

"Oh come on! It's only fifteen minutes early! I'm going to be late!" Alice complained.

"I'm sorry, but its protocol. I can't let you on yet," the guard responded.

"But I just came down on the lift an hour ago!" Alice cried. "This is ridiculous!"

"I don't care. The lift is closed on this level until 7:00 AM. No exceptions," the guard replied, crossing his arms like closing a gate on the lift. Alice sighed and turned away annoyed, crossing her own arms as well. "Great, first day and I'm late," Alice mumbled.


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#, as written by Sheff
Sheffer took a deep breath of the garden air, strolling across the green grass, the setting quite tranquil. Even though all air was sent through a large filtering process, it still seemed fresher here, and he couldn't help but enjoy it. Glancing upwards, he found a light blue sky, a yellow sun blazing above. It was all, of course, an illusion; a series of holographic images to give a person the sense of actually being outdoors. It was almost too realistic, Sheffer even feeling a slight heat coming from above. Some had gone to great lengths to make the Colonnade the most comforting as possible.

Letting his eyes wonder back to his path, the planned events of the day started to play through his head. Only a few days ago, his former Seeker group had disbanded. Fortunately, the cause of such a thing was not because of some sort of devastation. It was simply funding. The group had done well for a few years, having been the one Sheffer had worked within since his training had been completed, yet soon, they hit a streak of bad luck. Multiple malfunctions of equipment, members falling ill at unneeded times, suddenly not capable of finding artifacts... it just molded into one large case of sudden failure. With no other options as they grew closer and closer to debt, the group figured the best solution would be just to end it before things got worse.

Even though Sheffer was disappointed with the whole outcome, he was only relieved that it was not of something else, particularly something evolving death. Yet, after the group parted their ways, he did not want to stop being a Seeker. It was, quite literally, in his blood to continue such an occupation. It had almost become his way of life over the years. So, with new determination, he went searching for a new group, and lo and behold, one had just formed. Of course, there were a couple of beginners, but he didn't mind. He just wanted to get back to what he did best.

Finally reaching the end of the garden area, he saw the elevator in sight, making his way towards it. He was scheduled to meet his new partners in a few minutes down in Seeker HQ, and the only way to arrive there was by the lift. As he approached, he couldn't help but overhear a conversation between a young woman and the guard stationed there, frowning slightly at the words.

He watched the woman stalk off after a moment, he himself sighing some. Just what he needed; a perfectly functioning lift that happened to be closed for no particular reason.

With nothing else to do, he approached the woman. Having already put two and two together, he had realized she too was a Seeker. How many years she had under her belt was beyond his guess, but the government tier pass she had clutched in her hand only solidified his presumption.

"It amazes me how things tend to work around here sometimes," he said, the woman looking over to him.

"Why would there be a need to close the lift?" he asked, looking back at the guard with annoyed frown. "I mean, it really hasn't happened before..."

He shrugged, turning back to the Seeker. "Guess the authorities always have there reasons."

Sheffer brushed away his irritated state of mind then, offering a hand to the girl, a small grin forming on his lips. "Name's Sheffer, by the way."

The setting changes from Old Earth to The Keep


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#, as written by Vain
"It amazes me how things tend to work around here sometimes." A man's voice startled Alice out of her reverie. As she turned to face the approaching man she noticed he was several inches taller than she was, though most men were at Alice's meager height of five feet four inches. Because of his height, Alice was forced to look up from his chest and from an old habit she began appraising his body features. He had tan skin and was lean of muscle, taught and stronger like those of a track runner. As her eyes rose she came to meet his face; staring into his brilliant blues as he gazed down into her shining emeralds. His eyes seemed to accentuate his blond locks that flowed from his head, swept to one side. He's kinda cute, she concluded.

"I heard something about them extending the curfew hours or something. Not sure why, but do they ever need a reason for half the things they do?" Alice remarked with a small giggle. "Your a seeker aren't you? I can tell by your muscle tone. Most people don't bother with it these days unless they're a seeker. It's kinda depressing you know. So hard to find a decent looking guy," Alice said scratching the back of her head above her ponytail. "Sorry, I'm rambling. I'm Alice, you?" she asked, sticking out her hand in greeting.

The setting changes from The Keep to Old Earth


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Jack Rivers awoke in his small dreary house, "I've really got to find some more work last pay check is cutting it close" Jack said with a sigh. "I wonder if I can find any more seeker groups looking for a temporary assault guy? I should go down to Seeker HQ and find out."

Jack got up and got dressed in his normal clothes, his house was empty and cold. Jack went to his kitchen and switched on his T.V so he could listen to the news with his breakfast, It was a message from the current president Jack never had taken the time to learn his name.

"There is a new curfew on lifts they will now be closed from nine thirty pm till seven am unlike the previous ten pm till six am." The T.V then swapped to other news.

"What time is it?" Jack thought glancing at his watch "six thirty five, crap I'd better head out without food this morning." Jack gulped down his coffee, turned off the T.V and bolted out the door.

"HQ, HQ, HQ, It's uh that way right?" Jack thought to himself as he walked off in the direction of the nearest info hub "Okay if I'm here then the HQ should be right over there?" Jack said looking at the map then walking off in the new direction "Oh boy today looks as if it's gonna be great!" Jack mumbled sarcastically. "Aha here we are the lift! and it only took me twenty minutes" Jack said after wandering around a bit. Approaching the lift he noticed the two others but he decided he would ignore them unless they bothered him.

The setting changes from Old Earth to The Keep


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#, as written by Sheff
Sheffer took the hand willingly, giving her a light shake, his grip strong but gentle. He was quite pleased with her small stream of compliments, finding himself looking her over with a quick glance. She was actually attractive, in his opinion, her hair framing her face quite well and seeing her fit body, more then likely developed within training of becoming a Seeker. He especially found her green eyes a prominent feature, seeming to study his own blue, shining in the artificial light of the garden area.

"I'm Sheffer," he replied, smiling, his teeth flashing white. "And no worries. If you need to talk, go right ahead." He chuckled some after the comment, letting his hand fall.

Sheffer took a moment to glance back at the lift yet again, still seeing the guard positioned there, looking cross. Letting out a small "hmph", he turned back to the girl, trying to ignore the fact he would be late visiting his new team. But... if the lift was closed here, it was more then likely the same on every floor. That would mean all of his other new Seeker partners would be late as well. One less thing to worry about, he thought.

"Anyway, yes, I am a Seeker, if it wasn't too obvious," he began, once again smiling. "Just got commissioned to a new team, and I'm supposed to be meeting them in a few minutes. I'm just hoping they're good at what they do."


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If there was one word to describe Hope's current mindset, it would be anxious. She definitely wasn't expecting to be assigned to a seeker group so soon out of her training, but she certainly wasn't going to complain about the fact. She breathed in and out slowly to calm herself as she made her way through the Keep, her mind working on overdrive. She silently went through the list of things that she knew that she had in her bag, her usual routine for the morning, her own special way of keeping her sanity in check and calming herself when her mind and thoughts started getting away from her.

She made her way into the garden, one of her favorite places to find a place to read or draw, when she had the down time. Her favorite spot was off to the left of where she'd originally came in through where a small stones were placed in, what she'd always thought, a very unique pattern. They were positioned to make the perfect back and foot rest that made perfect position for propping a book against her legs for hours at a time. When she was young, she learned the easiest way to hide sometimes, was right in plain sight. Hope used to always find time to slip down to the area and nestle herself into her little seat and loose herself in whatever book she'd managed to get her hands on at the time. It always seemed to take a while before her parents would figure out where she'd gone to. Though, she wasn't crazy enough to know that, after the first few times, they'd known where to find her and waited until something needed to be done to search her out. Funny, she thought, how that one spot has been one of the few constants over the years.

Shaking her head at herself, half in amusement and half in self-scolding for getting side tracked once again, Hope made her way through the garden in the directions of the lifts. She glanced at her watch and grumbled to herself. 6:50. She was cutting it close, last thing she needed was to show up late. That'd make a great first impression though, wouldn't it? A small frown crossed her expression when she neared and saw the guard posted in front of the lift and she glanced at her watch again.

Well isn't that just lovely? she thought. Glancing around the general area, she saw a few other people who seemed to be having the same things in mind. With her confusion evident in her expression, Hope spoke up in her usual soft voice to the pair talking off to one side from the lift, "Excuse me? What time does the lift open now? I thought it was six-thirty?" Her hands idly fidgeted with the satchel bag strap that crossed from her left shoulder and was attached to the bag itself at her right hip. She always fidgeted when she was nervous.

The setting changes from The Keep to Old Earth


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#, as written by Vain
"Sheffer? I've heard that name somewhere before," Alice said, pondering it in her thoughts. Sheffer, Sheffer, Sheffer, I wonder if it could be... "Ah!" she cried suddenly. "You must be Sheffer Hawkings? At least I think that was the name listed. Lucky break! I'm Alice Hafer of the newly start group Salvation. I'll be your Solarist. Not only that, but I'm the best at what I do. If you need something fixed or repaired don't hesitate to ask!" Alice said with a giggle.

"Excuse me? What time does the lift open now? I thought it was six-thirty?" a new voice said from behind Alice, breaking her streak and causing her to jump a foot in the air.

"H-hey! Didn't anyone ever tell you its not nice to sneak up on people. You scared the bejebus out of me!" Alice scolded trying to calm herself. "It opens at seven according to the guard over there. Which gives us about five minutes," Alice continued once she'd regained her composure.


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Hope ducked her head a little bit at the scolding though a small smile played in her eyes. She hadn't meant to sneak up on anyone, in fact, she was fairly certain that she'd made a rather obviously direct route towards the lifts. Though, she couldn't deny it was rather amusing watching the other woman jump, it wasn't often she was accused to spooking some one.

She sighed and glanced at her watch, her anxiety not being helped by the shortage of time before they absolutely had to be there. Hope hated being late. "I didn't meant to startle you," she said in way of an apology. "I assume you're waiting for the same thing then, I heard you mention Salvation as I was walking up. I'm Hope Haydenson," she added, somewhat shyly. It wasn't until then that nervousness joined the anxious feeling. She was excited to finally be getting to put her training to work, but at the same time, it was a rather nerve-wracking wait to get started up.


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#, as written by Sheff
Sheffer looked somewhat surprised, glancing between the two women. He had already met two team members, and soon, there would be no need to even bother arriving at the HQ at the rate things were going. Both happened to be female as well, but that truly didn't bother him. Female Seekers tended to put more logic into situations before action, and usually had the smarts for their job as well. Two great skills for their expertise.

"Nice to meet you Hope," said Sheffer with a small grin. "I presume you'll be our medic."

He already knew his words were true. The takers of the remaining two spots had yet to be revealed, but Assault Seekers tended to be strong and threatening, trained to defend and attack. Hope appeared an average size for someone of her stature; not too thin, but neither a muscle-bound machine. She would tend to any injuries Sheffer, or the rest of the team, could receive down on Old Earth. A very important position in his opinion.

His team was already looking promising...


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Hope smiled her usual warm smile and nodded, "You would presume correctly. I'm surprised they've put me on a team so soon though." With a slightly bashful smile she shrugged, "I'd trained in the Medical field for a while but I'd only actually finished the Medic training a few weeks ago."

As soon as she had said it, she'd almost regretted it, though she masked her expression the best that she could. I hope they don't think less of me, being new and all, she thought to herself. She was probably being silly, everyone was new at some point in time. But from what little bit that she'd heard before she interrupted, both these individuals seemed to be rather practiced in their jobs. Medical school and Medic training were similar, yes, but they were also very different, focusing on very different aspects.

Well, she decided, if that is actually the way they see it, you'll just have to prove your worth. Though she sorely hoped she would not have to. Using her training meant that some one was hurt. And down there, she'd learned, some of the most minor things could end up being life threatening.


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#, as written by Vain
"I'm sure you'll do great Hope. I'll fix the equipment, you'll fix us, right?" Alice said giggling a bit. "Now, looks like the lift is open. Lets get going," she said happily, bounding up to the elevator and pressing the down button. Lights above the lift tracked it's progress as it descended from the fifth tier, counting down 5, 4, 3. Then, with pinging sound, the elevator door slid open and Alice jumped inside and pressed the 1st floor button. "So, why did you guys decide to become seekers? Sorry if its a personal question. You don't have to answer if you don't want, but I thought it would be nice to get to know each other since we'll be working with each other.


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"When I finished my internship for my last semester of Medical school, I'd decided I couldn't deal with the individuals who tried to walk into the Emergency ward for an ingrown toenail and that type of stuff. I'm patient but not quite that patient," she said with a wry smile. Then she shrugged, "I still had my heart set on doing something in the Medical field, something that would actually make a difference so I applied. Worst that could happen is they tell me no and I'd have gone back to the Ward. I guess I got lucky," She finished with a grin. "What about you?"


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#, as written by Sheff
Sheffer shrugged, considering the query. There wasn't anything too trivial of explaining how he came to be an Intelligence Seeker, only the small pang of sorrow that it involved. Death within the family was never an easy endeavor...

"Nothing to amazing for me..." he began, speaking casually. "After my parents died, I decided to follow their steps and be a Seeker. It had already interested me before, and I was in the right shape, physically and mentally, to do so. There really isn't many other occupations on the Colonnade that are, er, that appealing in my opinion." He chuckled. "Otherwise, after I finished school, I immediately went into training. Learned the ropes quick, passed with flying colors, so long and so forth. And now, here I am. Four years in, and no serious downfalls."

"Now, still need to hear from you," he said after his small story, looking down to Alice.

The setting changes from Old Earth to The Keep


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"I wonder if I'll ever find another temporary job? Maybe I should just join a group. I don't want to but if it's joining a team or staying alive I'd rather live." Jack thought staring off into space "Oh I forgot to feed Joker before I left! poor boy I hope he won't be too mad at me."

The lift was finally open "Now I can get to HQ and hopefully find work" Jack thought as he watched a woman go up to the lift and press the call button. When the lift arrived the woman and her two companions a man and another woman walk inside. "Hey hold the door!" Jack called rushing up to the lift "Is there any room in there for me?" Jack asked.

The setting changes from The Keep to Old Earth


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#, as written by Vain
"Well lets see. I guess it's the same as you Sheffer. My father was a seeker, Johnathan Hafer. You might of heard of him. His group was well known. They called themselves the Peace Core after the Old Earth organization in the history books. He was an intelligence runner like you. He used to tell me all kinds of stories about his adventures and the things he found while out on a contract. His tales were always so fascinating. Even though he was always gone, I didn't miss him as much because when he did come back I new he'd tell me a story. But then one day he left and never did come back. I wanted to know what happened to him, but his group never wanted to talk about it. Shortly after they disbanded. It took a while to work up to being able to take the seeker exams, but I finally did it. I wanted to know what happened. I thought maybe I'd find something out. Who knows," Alice explained. Just then someone shouted to hold the door and Alice just reached the button in time. "Yea, room for one more. No problem," she said.

The setting changes from Old Earth to The Keep


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"Hey thanks! I'm looking late already and I really need to get to seeker HQ to see if I can find some more work." Jack said stepping into the lift. "Hey you guys are all seekers right? Any chance any of you're groups is looking for a temporary assault guy? It's not likely but hey it's worth a shot right?" Jack said laughing

"Wow I sound like a loser right now most seekers have a team and stick with them but here I am a loner my old team disbanded or dead. Man I miss those guy's I miss Eve too I wish she was still alive" Jack thought sighing his upbeat demeanor suddenly fading to depression "Well I'm Jack Rivers an Assault seeker how about you three?" Jack said putting his hand out in front of him and masking his sorrow with a smile.

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Old Earth

Old Earth by Vain

The ruins of Old Earth

The Keep

The Keep by RolePlayGateway

The Colonnade consisting of Tiers 1-5, starting with the governmental tier and ending with the power tier.

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Character Portrait: Sheffer Hawkins
0 sightings Sheffer Hawkins played by Sheff

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View All » Add Character » 16 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Alice Hafer
Character Portrait: Hope Haydenson
Character Portrait: Jack Rivers
Character Portrait: Eiko Goldstein
Character Portrait: Deacon Vulkryk


Character Portrait: Deacon Vulkryk
Deacon Vulkryk

A determined,challenge driven seeking yearning for more.

Character Portrait: Eiko Goldstein
Eiko Goldstein

Small and meek Assault seeker with family ties.

Character Portrait: Jack Rivers
Jack Rivers

A depressed young Seeker with lots of room for growth.

Character Portrait: Hope Haydenson
Hope Haydenson

Young woman with a love for helping people.

Character Portrait: Alice Hafer
Alice Hafer

A solarist prodigy.


Character Portrait: Jack Rivers
Jack Rivers

A depressed young Seeker with lots of room for growth.

Character Portrait: Alice Hafer
Alice Hafer

A solarist prodigy.

Character Portrait: Hope Haydenson
Hope Haydenson

Young woman with a love for helping people.

Character Portrait: Eiko Goldstein
Eiko Goldstein

Small and meek Assault seeker with family ties.

Character Portrait: Deacon Vulkryk
Deacon Vulkryk

A determined,challenge driven seeking yearning for more.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Eiko Goldstein
Eiko Goldstein

Small and meek Assault seeker with family ties.

Character Portrait: Deacon Vulkryk
Deacon Vulkryk

A determined,challenge driven seeking yearning for more.

Character Portrait: Hope Haydenson
Hope Haydenson

Young woman with a love for helping people.

Character Portrait: Alice Hafer
Alice Hafer

A solarist prodigy.

Character Portrait: Jack Rivers
Jack Rivers

A depressed young Seeker with lots of room for growth.

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Old Earth

Old Earth by Vain

The ruins of Old Earth

The Keep

The Keep by RolePlayGateway

The Colonnade consisting of Tiers 1-5, starting with the governmental tier and ending with the power tier.

The Keep

Old Earth The Keep Owner: RolePlayGateway

The Colonnade consisting of Tiers 1-5, starting with the governmental tier and ending with the power tier.

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Re: [OOC] The Colonnade; Pillars of the Apocolypse

So, um, guys... Anyone going to be posting anytime soon? Been about, actually, maybe more then a week...

Just want to know if anyone will or not.

Re: [OOC] The Colonnade; Pillars of the Apocolypse

That's alright Adversay. Just do what you can to make posts and if you can't that's fine too. I hope you get your laptop up and running soon. Good luck.

Re: [OOC] The Colonnade; Pillars of the Apocolypse

Heads up! My laptop, which is what I normally use to do anything online - or anything involving a computer PERIOD - has been infected with a number of rather annoying viruses. So far they have attacked the "turn on" "turn off" programs, killed my connection to the internet, and have infected even my antivirus programs . . seems a little contradictory, don't it? Point is, my access to the internet will be quite limited. I'm using my family's computer which is very old and very slow. Right now I'm working with a friend at school to try and get rid of the viruses so that I can save all of my files. I don't want to immediately obliterate everything on my laptop.

So hopefully I'll have this resolved soon.

Re: [OOC] The Colonnade; Pillars of the Apocolypse

I just submited my cheracter Vain, still need to finsh her bio tomarrow, but the rest is done. please tell me if I need to add or change anything.

Re: [OOC] The Colonnade; Pillars of the Apocolypse

By the way, for everyone that doesn't know. I've made the starting post.

Re: [OOC] The Colonnade; Pillars of the Apocolypse

Alright, sounds great. For both things that is.

I'll just sit here and try to be patient...

Re: [OOC] The Colonnade; Pillars of the Apocolypse

I planned to have the group just starting. I'm going to start working on the opening post now.

Re: [OOC] The Colonnade; Pillars of the Apocolypse

Hm... here's another question for you.

Will the people in Salvation have just formed the group, or have been working with each other for a couple of years? I would probably prefer the former, mainly because I hate establishing relationships with characters I have only just started roleplaying with, and it seems more natural when you just have them meet for the first time.

If not, oh well. I'll manage.

Re: [OOC] The Colonnade; Pillars of the Apocolypse

Ah, sorry if I'm holding this up. I'm working on it as fast as I can. You know how I am Vain I juggel a bit,{And a bit of a detailing freak. ^.^;} and well since your seeker group is full I'll have my girl start her own.

Re: [OOC] The Colonnade; Pillars of the Apocolypse

Well, I nabbed the Intelligence spot for Salvation obviously. Looks like all we need is medic for that group...

I can always make a character to take that spot if you need someone to.

Anyway, looking forward to the opening. I'll post as soon as possible afterward.

EDIT: Whoops, my bad. Forgot Littlefox had taken the medic spot. Ignore my ramblings please...

Re: [OOC] The Colonnade; Pillars of the Apocolypse

There is usually only one of each type in a group. That way supplies is kept to a minimum as well as restocking. Remember, being a seeker is expensive and the group pays as a whole. I think I'm going to start this today. Wait a little bit kay?

Re: [OOC] The Colonnade; Pillars of the Apocolypse

Well, that was a lot of info to take in.

Anyway, after about fifteen minutes of reading, I can tell you've put a lot of work into this, and you've also managed to get me interested. I'm not a fan of the super-large profile you require, but I'll try to get through that. Don't know when I'll exactly get the profile up though...

Quick question though... can there be two of each class within a Seeker group? Or is it only one per group? Just want to clarify that, since I would like to be part of the Salvation group either as a Solarist or Intelligence (more likely the latter.) Have noticed no one has joined that group as an Intelligence though...

Re: [OOC] The Colonnade; Pillars of the Apocolypse

Alright, I've put together a list of FAQS for you guys that were asked when I tried this rp before. This should help flesh things out for you to see what I'm kinda going for.

What was the state of the world before the apocalypse took place?

Well, it was obviously world-wide panic. Diverting Siderius was not possible (or even destroying it) so therefore there was a world-wide truce or peac announced at the UN. (Although I didn't write that, I felt there would be too much text.) The UN and all the Nations decided to join together to help make the colonnades better for living. Things they did were:

-Build piping from every colonnade to the ocean. Thankfully, these pipes haven't corroded. However, since the poison in the Oceans in so strong ( don't want to drink that), that it goes through a very long purification process within the Colonnades. When I mentioned that Seekers brought information for resources, it meant that they look for cleaner water sources and bring up plant life and dead animal fossils for study etc.

-Built a nuclear plant at the very bottom of the Colonnade. This was a quick fix as Solar Energy is not dependable and no where near enough to sustain a colonnade thousands of feet in diameter and stretching many many meters into the sky. It is run on water (which is filtered through the ocean) so the Seeker's job to find water sources becomes that much more important. Also, there is the matter of the Nuclear plant being UNDER the atmosphere line, in Level 5 of the Colonnade. It has the risk of being totally corroded if the main pillar should corrode. (Not happening...yet)

Were nations fighting for space in the Colonnades?

When the apocalypse began? Yes. In the course of fifty years many Acceptance Procedural Laws came about stating things such as no certain race was to be given priority etc...however, as many people would do when in power, some decided to make a profit. Obviously many of the people accepted were Caucasian and blacks as well as Asians were on the end of acceptance lists. The result of this is that many races didn't make it onto the colonnades, and obviously, nations were pissed. (Hey, if none of the people in YOUR nation got it, wouldn't you get slightly angry) But it is as it is, there is a high middle-upper class within the Colonnade. Reminiscing of Old Earth, Blacks are usually living in the Slums in level 4. (Please, I hope no one is offended. I'm just trying to make things realistic regarding social status and society today. I am in NO way racist or anything else.) Of course there are exceptions, but mostly they way people live in the Colonnades is the way we live today.

There was almost war over acceptance procedures, however under the Truce in the UN the nations were expressly forbidden to fight. (Obvious reasons). The Most important figures such as leaders and whatnot were brought to the Colonnades first.

Are Seeker fighting mutated humans when they go down to the atmosphere? Mutated Monsters?

There are no humans on the atmosphere. Although I've given some animals an evolutionary jump-start, humans are unable to breathe -therefore survive- in the noxious atmospheric conditions that the meteor brought. And there aren't rabid multi-armored crazy epic doom monsters either. Things that burrowed under the ground such as worms and many reptiles have adapted. Worms might be many meters long and have acidic skin as well as teeth. But they are killable, though dangerous. Reptiles have evolved as well as some of the Marine life that was not killed in Eschaton. Yeah, I haven't really created any random D&D monsters. However the creatures that have evolved are deady, and you must remember that they are built to survive in the wastelands of Old Earth and therefore are equipped with acid skin or saliva etc. etc.

I have researched nearly everything before I posted this up. This includes actual effects a 25 mile wide meteor would have on the earth, as well as what kind of poison would erupt in the water and air due to collision. Most of everything here is backed up scientifically give or take a few things (such as making things evolve in a thousand years...but hey, that's for the story)

What is the currency?

Yes, you are right. The Dollar is worthless. (It doesn't even exist except sometimes it is found on Old Earth and wealthy people from level 3a pay alot of money to seekers to bring them back up as a collection) Actually, paper doesn't even really exist in the Keep. Everything is done on Data Slips, which are transparent plastic materials which information show up. So before I talk about currency, I'm going to go a bit back. Every person upon being born is assigned a digital serial number and a small chip in the pad of your right-hand ring finger. This number is their digital account within the Colonnade and the chip is like the identification. All shops and business have a small machine that upon entering your code, takes away the correct amount of Credits to purchase your item, or to pay you your wages. Now what is the currency based on? The Keep, which is Located in Old America is based on the Gold Currency we have today.

Today, currency in $1112.00 per oz of Gold. Since in the future gold doesn't really corrode, it's become much more valuable. 100x more valuable.
So today it would be $111,200 per oz. When you convert again, it becomes 1112 credits per .01 oz. The rough estimate of population within the Keep is about 1 million or so and that means there is 100,000 oz of gold circulating. (Remember, this was a military base, not a city...)The government has a suprlus of 100,000,000 oz of Gold Reserves and 100k in circulation (for the people). So 10k credits= .01 oz of gold.

It's decided that people make about 15k a year working minimum/part time. So prices are still about the same. A pack of cigarettes are 7 credits (seven dollars). I wanted to make it a bit more futuristic, but I don't see the Colonnades overhauling their values just to sound cooler. hehe.

EMP, does it kill the Old World Appliances?

It pretty much does. Most things go through electrical failure and if that doesn't get them, the atmosphere corrosion will definitely damage them. They are retrievable though and Seekers are paid alot of money to get Old World technology back to the Keep.


The people of the keep don't have an idea of weaponry like we do today. They have small guns and whatnot, but no where near what we have in Old Earth. There is a reason.

We are isolated. Although Colonnades have contact with each other, the signals are unreliable, and often break up. The Colonnades don't war with each other because nothing would survive long enough in the atmosphere to get anywhere near another colonnade. The Colonnades are also focused on survival. There is a police force, but there is no military. Why? There are only roughly a million people in The Keep. We can't afford to kill anyone because we need to survive as well as have enough diversity in the gene pool so weapon production halted. Ammo is expensive, and only available to seekers and police. What we do have in weaponry is designed to halt and not kill. We don't run around with guns in the keep, we focus more on something like a clue to keep the robber in place etc etc. We also don't have that much weaponry because we don't really understand it. We don't have that much a need for firepower and we are obviously not at war (the closest other Colonnade would be in Europe, 6k miles away O.o).

Cleaner areas on Earth?

This is a controversial subject matter. Seekers are obviously paid to find out about such things, but are forbidden to speak to the public about it. It might cause riots and spread rumors that would put the whole of the Colonnade at risk. The last thing you want in a small isolated colony is to have a riot!


Education is not that important. Things such as literature, art, music etc aren't cultivated. Engineering, mathematics and hard science are the focus. Children only learn until the age of 16 because then they are sent off to work. (Remember, people need to maintain the pillar and regulate the energy etc). Very bright students are often drafted by the government to work in the Regulation Departments or higher job offices. People choose what job they do, but the job choices are few. The reason I have 16 year old children working is for a few reasons. One reason is that some will die, keeping the population low and keeping the schools, food productions, and air regulation relatively stable. I don't want mass boom in population so it's a balance thing. Obviously not every single child dies, but a good few do.


Seekers are volunteers. Or, originally, they were. Today, those who wish to be Seekers go through several tests to check aptitude. The suits they use have limited life, meaning they can't last longer than a certain time in the Atmosphere. Medic suits are the longest lasting, then Assault then Solarist then Intelligence. Why? Because Medics are vital and MUST stay alive to heal others. Intelligence suits do not last as long because they must be skin tight (therefore there aren't alot of layers to withstand corrosion) and must be light enough for them to run and fit in small areas. You get the gist right? The suits are somewhat expensive, meaning ONLY the best can become seekers. The suits also have limited life because I wanted to make it so that only seekers who do their job and get paid and maintain the cost of buy new suits every _____days/weeks/etc. If suits were not one time, then everyone could just buy a suit and try being a seeker. Also, they are not infinite use because I didn't want people to go down to live on Old Earth.

What kind of government does the keep have?

The Government within the Keep is quite basic. Continuing an old anachronistic tradition from Old Earth, we have a president. However, with the passage of time, the power of the president has considerably waned. He functions more as a representative of the Government rather than a person who actively takes role. The Government is divided into the House of Justice and the House of Laws. Much like today, the HoL writes the laws and the HoJ reinforces them. The President is the one who usually comes out to broadcast decisions and new laws. We no longer have congress, as the population within the Keep is very small. The Government is actually less important than the Regulation Departments, which keep the Colonnade alive.

The Seekers answer to the Seeker Registry. The Seeker Registry is a digital place that can be accessed either through Net Hubs in random areas of every Tier, or they can directly go to the Seeker Registry HQ in the level 2A, which is the Business District. The Seeker Registry is a place where all those who are Seekers are "Marked," meaning they are registered within the logs. All things having to do with the Seekers, not the Individuals themselves is watched in the Registry.

When a Seeker Group such as Salvation is paid, the Registry updates information on a job as being "Complete." Groups have queues in their Job Assignments, however things such as Government Jobs take priority. Other than that, it is a queue based on who came first. The "Mark" that Seekers get are modifications to their Identification Chip in their right-hand wedding finger and states them as Seekers, allowing them access to government buildings that would be closed off to normal people.

There isn't really a Hierarchy of Seekers themselves. Although there is a leader within each group, it's not a specified job. Someone eventually becomes the leader, but doesn't apply for 'leader' position. Amongst Seeker GROUPS, however, it's a matter of rivalry. Every group wants to get the most jobs and it's up to your group to do better than theirs.

Some extra facts
Weapon Policies are as follows, Seekers are allowed to keep their melee weapons on them should they choose however firearms must be checked in to the Seeker Registry HQ. Unlawful usage will result in confiscation and expulsion from a Seeker group. No one else really has weapons as fighting is extremely discouraged.

As for transporation, it's walking within the tiers themselves and elevators between the tiers. The Elevators are located at the main body of the Keep. (The Central Pillar) There is usually a requirement for A permit to ascent. (People going from level 3 to 2 must show permit) however going down does NOT require a permit.

The life support system to survive on the surface itself is a suit you are given by the Seeker Registry. It has a life span of maximum 3 weeks. The suits are also limited use, meaning after a certain amount of time, you (the group) must purchase another one. There are several layers on each suit, the medics have 5 layers, the assault have 5, the Solarists have 4 and the Intelligence have 3. More layers means more bulky, and less layers means leaner, tighter BUT less life. So if a medic has 3 weeks, Intelligence may have about one, meaning that intelligence spends most of his time within the vehicle and come out during fights and when the team has to stop and actively look for what they were contracted for.

With a certain amount of time passing (several days) a layer pretty much corrodes. And the more layers corrode, the less time you have so its the group's job to get things done quickly enough so that their suits last going to and getting back within three weeks. Also, their vehicles also eventually corrode, and you can see that in the first post (where I detail the vehicles).

Hope this answers some questions some of you might have and helps flesh things out.

We'll start as soon as Jess gets her character up.

Re: [OOC] The Colonnade; Pillars of the Apocolypse

All right, it's done. I'm also working on creating a second character.

Re: [OOC] The Colonnade; Pillars of the Apocolypse

When are we going to start? Just curious.

Edit: About not being on a team Jack will be eventually i think he will drift into one and just get stuck in it. It's going to be one of his many ways of growing.

Re: [OOC] The Colonnade; Pillars of the Apocolypse

Sure, you can be on my team if you want. I wasn't trying to complain. Just an observation. ^.^

Re: [OOC] The Colonnade; Pillars of the Apocolypse

If it's all right with you I can edit Ridley and put him on your Team.

Re: [OOC] The Colonnade; Pillars of the Apocolypse

I've updated and fixed mine for you, Vain. I hope it meets your standards this time around. :) I added Hope as the Medic to your seeker group, I hope that's alright, I'll change it if need be. :)

Re: [OOC] The Colonnade; Pillars of the Apocolypse

I'd love to have you Jess. So far it seems no one wants to be in a seeker group. I'm the only one in one lol. Guess poor Alice will have to wait to go on missions.