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Anika Halcyon

"I personally believe, at times, that fairytales hold more truth than reality ever will. It isn't because they, the fairy tales, tell us that dragons exist but that those dragons can be beaten."

0 · 635 views · located in Vermillia

a character in “The Crimson Throne”, as played by Ever




"You know what I think? For every minute you are depressed, you lose sixty seconds of potential happiness. Life's too short to waste through tears."


Florence + The Machine || Shake it Out
Florence + The Machine || Dog Days are Over
Kevin MacLeod || Clear Waters
Ellie Goulding || Mirror


"You know, I've been thinking lately; perhaps it isn't about the happy ending but, maybe, it is more about the story?"

Kana, Nia, Kai, Nika || Rearrangements of Anika, these are practically the only names she will respond to unless a serious situation arises.
Songbird, Sparrow, Chickadee, or Faun || The first three originate from her flighty nature while the latter stems from her doe-esque appearance.
Princess, Miss, Milady || Pretty much any title referring to her birthright are ones guaranteed to land you the cold shoulder and spiteful glare.
Rua, Rubra, Rot || All colors for red, these have become spiteful nicknames that have been tagged onto her being since childhood.
16, almost 17
Half-Human, Half-Seer
Bride-to-Be, Princess to Halcyon
Face Claim
Natsume Asako || My Little Monster


"When people beg me to get my head out of the clouds, I simply ask them 'Why? Especially since I love the view from up here.' After all, who wants to be on the ground when they have the chance to kiss the sky?"

Hair Color
Kai's tresses are in tune with a brilliant flame, the undertones bordering between singed tangerine and amber.

Eye Color
Beautiful round orbs that strike many as belonging to a doll, typically they are of an amber slightly mixed with a blazing tint. However, it should be noted that they will often range from hazel to honey to a sienna.

Skin Tone
Luminescent porcelain hued by subtle notes of rose and cream.


102 lbs

Physical Description
Rumoured and known to be a beauty of ethereal poise, Anika sports a demeanor akin to the realms of polar opposites; 'seductive' yet 'innocent'. Barely reaching the petite height of 5 foot & 2 inches, her mass weighing in at a mere 102 pounds, this particular girl, off the bat, is noted by strangers to possess the 2 most sought after attributes by women and men alike; stature and curves. Naturally crafted and molded to possess a physique carved out in a perfect hourglass, her chest of medium nature for her age, Kai often is the recipient of spitefully-coloured remarks on the nonexistent qualms regarding her boundless options of clothing and the slot she holds in becoming fantasies for other men (and, sometimes, women). With her nipped waist and toned limbs, it's almost next to impossible to describe her gait other than in the most poetic of ways; 'a flower swaying in the breeze' or 'a leisurely feline padding down the walk', perhaps. In any case, one can always count on Nika to gather attention from crowds…even if she wishes not to.

Shifting focus to yet another selling point, her tresses, Anika has been, undeniably, blessed with a cursed gift. Generous amounts of cashmere-esque strands, their hue bordering on the unnatural, tumble down in cascades to frame her face in the utmost perfect way. Typically, and almost shamefully, the frail teenager will leave her chest grazing waterfall untouched, only small alterations appearing {be it a section tied off with a flowering/wooden clip, a hair bow or in pigtails}. Interestingly enough, as stated before, this unobtainable tone of singed amber never seems to dim...even flourishing and glowing in the most dreary of light.

Without a shadow of doubt in anyone's mind, Kana is a stunning individual.. but, in all honesty, the major factor that separates her from being classified as "model worthy" to "fairytale ready" are her eyes. In her opinion, as well as her friend's and stranger's, the brightly-colored pair are the best and most alluring trait on her. Why? It's all simply due to the breathtaking contrast they provide with the rest of her appearance from her porcelain skin to oddly coloured locks. Almost constantly, the doe-reminiscent gems seem to flux in their varying shades of sienna and honeys, every complex tone found to be present within the expressively gleaming orbs.


"If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there."

Potential Interest
While Kana is still wary and untrusting of him, she can't help but find herself intrigued by the King. As such, there is potential for romantic feelings to blossom for him.


    Enhance Tastebuds || Thanks to her profound love of food, Kana can, almost with godlike precision, pick out every individual ingredient within her food.
    Agile || Kai's body was put under intense training during her time alone with Rohan, the stature pushed to it's limits daily. As such, she has become far more nimble and flexible than most humans…in fact, her condition is almost on par with a Demoni.
    Swordsmanship || Not only was she trained to be nimble but Kana was also trained to be fluent with a sword. While she prefers a single, she has been known to, under dire circumstances, wield dual blades.
    Hand-to-Hand Combatant || Yet another skill that Rohan ensured was ingrained into her system, Kana is quite well-trained in terms of fighting in hand to hand combat. Of course, that doesn't mean she likes to use this technique of fighting..after all, she isn't the strongest around.
    Ballroom Dancing || Thanks to Calliope's help, Nika can actually be a decent partner when it comes to ballroom dancing. Of course, while she isn't the best of the best, Anika does manage not to stumble on toes or fall prey to weak fact, she can dance through 6 songs before having to resign herself to a seat.
    Green Thumb || Rubbing off onto her from her nursemaid, Anika has the gift to make just about any plant grow with exceptional beauty and speed.
    Bottomless Stomach || Able to consume vast amounts of food in short periods, it's practically inhumane watching her eat.

Power Abilities
'Life and Death Manipulation'
She can...
    Sensing || Sense and 'control' the essence of both life and death within someone. (ei; when they were born, any health issues they may have, possible threats for their death in the future, etc)
    Death Inducement || Drain the life essence from someone to cause their prolonged death, a death-like coma, or a "death sense" (giving a person a glimpse of what death may or may not be like).
    Heal || Restore the organism in question to prime health in a matter of minutes. (More severe cases take a longer time to heal) via her own energy.
    Transferal || Drain other's energy, or "life force", to flow into herself or comrades to expand their energy and physical reserves.

    Personally Activated || Her powers are strictly energy and emotion based. Therefore, for them to work to their full potential, Kana must be fully rested and in a somewhat cheerful mood. Otherwise, instead of putting life force back into someone, she could easily drain it and kill her patient.
    Energy Banks || As stated earlier, this power runs purely on energy. Sometimes, others will allow for her to generously remove some of theirs to aid in her healing, but other times, she is forced to do with her own. As such, it is incredibly draining and stressful on her body.
    Life Control || Nika is unable to control the life force of someone who was never given such an opportunity. *hence, a person from outside her own time or a child not born yet can not be under her influence* or someone who is permantely deceased *not a near death but nonliving*.
    Connections || In order to increase her ability's strength, only used in the most severe of times, Kai will have to consume some of the blood from her patient. Of course, it is extremely risky for her to increase her power reserves any further than they already are.. plus the consumption of blood isn't the healthiest.
    Limitation || Her power is limited to a radius of the length of a football field.
    Contact || In order to heal someone for minor injuries, Anika must have skin-to-skin contact with that person.
    Self-Usage || Can not use the power on herself.
    Spotty Usage || Sometimes has unstable moments of losing control/not being able to conjure it's usage.

    'Psionic Manipulation'
    She can...
      Sensing || Detect energy sources nearby (ex: magnetic, infrared, nuclear, psionic, etc) and identify how powerful they are. Another application of this is that Kai can follow people through the vibrations of their lingering energy trail.
      Reading || Read both people's auras, pasts, and glimpses of the future through intense concentration and skin-to-skin contact.
      Illusions || Anika can create and manipulate illusions in which she can cause others to see, hear, touch, smell and/or taste things which do not actually exist. She is also known to cause them to perceive things differently from what they truly are by instigating their deepest phobias and/or secrets, causing a sensory overload and reciting their pasts.
      Memory Manipulation || Kana can also meld memories of others, be it to modify, fabricate, suppress, influence, repair, restore, erase, detect, or view them. She is also known to change memories to confuse her enemies, wipe away certain memories to cause amnesia, discern and provoke nostalgia, and enter her victim into a psychic vision by replaying their memories. As for what she benefits? Well, Anika can only transfer their knowledge {things they have read, skills they have learned, their experiences, etc} into herself.
      Mind Linking || With this ability, Kai is able to see what her other half is seeing, communicate to them as a whisper in their minds, sense their pain and emotions from vast distances, and sense if a person is in danger. Of course, because of how personal this ability is, Anika vows not to until she finds that special someone to share it with.
      Emotion Reading || The next best thing to reading another's thoughts, Anika can read and manipulate the emotions another one feels. Be them human or animal, increasing or decreasing, this girl can do it all. She can even implant and erase certain emotions felt by a room {ei; she can replace anger with calm, if need be}.

      Usage || The longer this ability is carried out with intense concentration, the more intense her migraines become. As such, Kana tries to limit her usage of this power as much as possible.
      Accuracy || Nika cannot read or sense her own aura/energy as well as say for sure if someone is going to die due to constant changes in destinies.
      Varying Outcomes || With each person, there will always be a different outcome than another. As such, those with a strong conviction may not be as strongly impacted or they may become immune to this power. Some people have even possess an ability to break down illusions or break her ties with their mind.
      Connection || For the Memory Manipulation, Nia must have a link to her victims. And it has to be personal, something much more than simply skin-to-skin contact. Either it's exchanging blood {or consuming it} or keeping hold on their most precious item, this business is a tricky one that she likes to steer clear of.
      Targets || Most of her powers require to target a certain individual. That's fine and all but it's quite limiting on her actual control. The latest group she has been able to manipulate was up to 5 for certain abilities, 6 causing her to faint from strain.
      Backlashes || When dealing with emotions and suppressed memories, you definitely don't want to be on the receiving end. And, sometimes, that's precisely what happens; everything she puts her targets through sometimes rebounds onto herself.


    "As J.R.R Tolkien once said; Not all who wander are lost."

    .:.She is, surprisingly, quite sensitive when her hair comes into a conversation and is quite worried about how the King will react once he sees her.:.


      Day-dreaming || The polite term used for zoning out; day-dreaming. Kana has a tendency to space off..sometimes, just randomly. Of course, it is not on purpose, it's not like she is trying to be rude, however.. let's just say that there are times when something will weigh heavily on her mind and she'll tend to lose herself to her thoughts. As a result, she will typically run into various objects in her thought-induced stupor or trip in mid-air.
      Blushing || The habit she despises the most, Kai, unfortunately, is one that is quick to blush. At the slightest signs of goading (be it perverted, playful, or just plain silly), if it's regarding her personality or appearance, the red tinge will appear. Of course, it gets even worse when someone happens to show romantic inclinations towards her…but that's a whole different story.
      Lip Biting || When thinking deeply about something or struck with boredom, Nika will often gnaw on her lower lip. Sometimes, this habit is done so aggressively that she will draw blood.. but, most of the times, she doesn't even realize she is doing this until she tastes the metallic iron.
      Hair Twirling || The second her mind starts to drift is the second that Kana's plaything comes to light; her hair. Usually to keep her hands active while her mind is elsewhere, this girl will often twirl a lock of her amber hues around her index finger.
      First Thought || Whatever pops into Nika's mind in that instance, no matter how idiotic or harsh it is, she instantly says it.. and often she ends up regretting in the end. In fact, going hand in hand with this trait, Annika often finds herself having to be opinionated by everything, aching to have her voice heard 24/7.
      Wanderer || Worrying those who care about her is practically Kana's job.. and what better way to do that then to wander off, for hours on end, without anyone knowing where you went?

      ღ Sweet or Savory foods || This could be anything; cakes, pastries, chocolates, candies.. just give something sweet to Kai and she's suddenly stuck to you like glue. However, she'll often consume other foods {especially meat} with zeal but appreciates sweeter things more.
      Mock fighting || A tomboy to the core, it shouldn't arrive as a surprise that she enjoys mock fighting with others..especially Rohan.
      Cloud watching || Something about watching the objects slowly drift about, constantly changing shape, is extremely soothing to Nika.
      Flowers and Gardens || When she lived in Halcyon, the brief amount of time she was allowed outside was spent amongst the flora. Ever since then, Kai has grown quite attached to any sort of gardens.
      Felines || Creatures that she admires for their grace, it has always been Kai's dream to own one
      Daydreaming || Still a child at heart with an imagination to boot, this is Kana's not-so-secret guilty pleasure.
      Classical music || In her opinion, nothing as pure and innocent as music should be corrupted by words or 'unnatural sounds'.
      Bubble baths || They spark good memories of when she was a child and would splash about with the foam.. Plus, who doesn't like relaxing in warm water?
      Cloudy or Rainy days || Being someone of fair skin, it's natural that she burns easily. As such, this teenager has come to adore days when the sun hides from view.
      Expensive tea || Highclass and taught to only accept the best of the best, luxury tea is a must have within her life.
      Star Watching || Similar to the aspect behind cloud watching, the twinkling soft lights from above provide Kai with endless relaxation and enjoyment…plus, growing up with Calliope, you kind of had to learn to appreciate the stars.

      Spicy or Bitter foods || By far the easiest way to get on Kai's grudge list, it's recommended you don't even try to give her anything that falls under these two flavour profiles.
      Being told of her limitations || After growing up in a world that constantly told her "A lady shouldn't do that", you can only imagine how tiresome it has become.
      Reality || What more could anticipate from a girl who has her head stuck in the clouds constantly? Reality is her enemy, her prison.
      Showers || Polar to a cozy bath, a shower is quick and brutal. There isn't a relaxing element, in her eyes, and hardly any fun to be found.
      Cheap tea || Hailing from 'refined' blood, it's only natural that Anika has come to expect the best of the best. And tea isn't an exception.
      Prideful or Greedy people || Reminding her of her fellow court members and grandfather, as much as she tolerated them, Anika has come to loathe people that fall under this category.
      The Dark || Something about the unknown inkiness causes her to hyperventilate.
      Being a 'lady' || Stuck with so many more limitations than that of a man, Kai despises her gender and the frailness associated with it.
      Schoolwork || Having always been the type of person that can pick up on fighting and how to wield a sword better than solving equations or writing essays, Kana has come to despise studying.
      Sunny Days || Even though she recognizes how essential they are, Nika still can't help but feel resentment towards them…mainly due to how quickly she burns.

      Extraordinarily Agile || As mentioned earlier, Kana is abnormally agile. So, as one can imagine, she can apply this skill set to many different aspects from gracefully dancing to leaping in the tree tops.
      Imaginative || Even if her grandfather would disagree, being creative is a great asset….especially when put in a tough situation that requires unusual resolutions.
      Pure-hearted || Both a blessing and a curse, Kana is an honest, innocent and good natured person.. and, of course, to her allies, that is refreshing. Not one to tell lies or manipulate others, not one to leave behind her comrades to suffer, others will find themselves easily trusting her because of this trait..but it's also one that works in advantage for her enemies.
      Forgiving || Never one to hold grudges, it's almost ridiculous on how quickly she is to forgive and forget.
      Insightful || Surprisingly, Anika, when having a calm head, is extremely insightful and well-learned with understanding enemy motives and how others operate.
      Fearless || A rare trait for humans to possess, Kai is, seemingly, without fear. Without a shred of hesitation, she will plunge herself into the nightmares of others and into the abyss to save others…of course, this is just a facade she puts up.

      Easily-Manipulated || Once you break down Kai's walls, you'll find a rather vulnerable, naive, and innocent girl all too oblivious to the dangers of the world. As such, she easily trusts and gives herself wholly to others without much effort.
      Impatient || Being the ball of energy that she is, Anika, in all actuality, is quite impatient. In fact, being idle for even 10 minutes is pure torture for her.
      Truthful || For the life of her, Kana can not tell a lie. Honest and true to her core, being able to fib was something this sister never really picked up on…she leaves that to her brothers.
      Lonely || Being the daughter of the "Traitor Princess", Kai never really had that much interaction with others {apart from Calliope and Rohan} and, as such, never truly had anyone that understood her on a personal level.
      'Dumb' || Definitely not book smart or studious, it's definitely a weakness of hers.
      Head in the Clouds || Continuously yelled at for spacing out or day dreaming, it shouldn't be a surprise that this is a weakness of hers. This is especially a problem when someone is trying to give her orders..sometimes she'll just tune them out.
      Stubborn || When it comes down to it, this particular young woman is hardly the sort to give in once she has determined something to be true...even when the cold hard facts are presented to her on a silver platter. Once she has decided something, that is that- it's quite a task to change her mind.
      Achluophobia || The fear of the dark. At times, Kai will experience childish moments where she has intense anxiety attacks when left alone in the dark. To her, the cause of this fear is unknown..though she would love to cure it.


"Imagination is the only weapon in the war against Reality."


Imaginative | Innocent | Curious | Free-Spirited
Anika's very existence is driven and founded upon one single attribute; her endless curiosity and inquisitiveness. Without that piece of the puzzle, the remaining portions of her personality seemingly wouldn't fit together. The most notable trait that many observe the second they meet her is this; she possesses a tedious habit of asking far too many questions, some of which she even knows the answer to. And, as such, it is at this point one begins to make parallels between her nicknames and her being, the first pillar of who she is. Ingrained to be a curious explorer by nature, Kai is constantly all over her environment, in every nook and cranny, seeking out new information about her fact, it's almost rare to see her still (and when she is, it's either due to her body's reaction to the activity or due to the fact she was just reprimanded). Her state of conscious, childish and free, will often exert her frail body to spring to action, to create, and to learn even more...a habit she has had since a she was a child.

Another important pillar that should be noted is this; creative and very much inclined to escape reality, Kana, often times, has her head in the clouds. Due to this attribute, this heiress has become exceedingly sensitive towards others, her understanding of their actions and train of thoughts almost too insightful. Kai often contemplates and ponders about the lives of herself and others, the choices each person has made and what has gotten them to a single point in their lives...of course, this isn't always necessarily the best thing to do. Unfortunately, because of her analytical side clashing with her childish persona, she has been known to become engulfed in senseless emotions, forgetting all about any shred of reality and her boundaries with others.

Thankfully, Nika has never been one to hold grudges or pinpoint blame, almost always taking other's faults on herself. However, like everything within this world, there is an exception; if you prod her too excessively, she just might let her silver-tongue surface. Anika does possess a wicked temper, something of which her victims and those who have fallen pray to her fits will attest to…she will even spew words many would never dream of this innocent-temepred girl saying. As such, in compensation for her dark side, this heiress is known for attempting the best she can to aid others, striving to attain a truly positive life. Some might even go as to claim that she is angelic and pure... but she refuses to believe it. In fact, despite the ability of insight she possesses, Anika is often clueless and unaware about the positive effect she can have on others.


"I simply hate it when people ask you to reflect on your past. Why would you even bother? It's not like you can go back to yesterday because, as of this moment, you are a different person from then."

On May 1st, the day when the first buds of tulips and daisies bloomed, the day at the height of joyous celebration for the Earth's reawakening from it's wintery slumber, Anika was brought forth. Conceived between the "Traitor Princess", Elisa Halcyon, and the first Prince of Seers, Kainen Berylic, little Anika had quite the future ahead laid before her as the first and foremost heir to the Pearl Throne. However, fate seems to enjoy playing it's devious games on even the most innocent of life…and, unfortunately for the flame-haired girl, that promising life was all too soon annihilated.

At the mere tender age of 2, Kai's only home was destroyed under her grandfather's, and the Red King's, command, the entirety of the Seer race vanishing along with the island nation. Even her mother, the woman who desperately fought over her only daughter's cradle and precious blood, was slain as an enemy, as a foe. In fact, the little Princess was doomed to have the same fate…if it wasn't for her nursemaid and bodyguard, Calliope and Rohan respectively. Taking the confusion of battle as cover, the entourage of 3 slipped away from Berylic's crimson-stained shores, the eldest two eager to protect not only Anika's life but innocence. Reaching the mainland, it was decided upon, by Elisa's final breathe, that half-blooded heiress should be taken back to Halcyon, to her second homeland, and should put on audience with her grandfather…even if she was only half human.

Needless to say, not even the man who slaughtered his own daughter out of spite could bear to have a babe's scarlet on his hands. Deciding it to be the best course of action, Anika was formally accepted under the Halcyon's Green…and hidden from public view. Stowed away in a separate wing of the castle, only a few maids, Calliope and Rohan included, were permitted to come to and fro the princess's chambers, any rushed murmurs of her existence punishable by exile. And so, she grew. In her powers, in her appearance, in her strength..all by the single guidance of Calliope, for education and etiquette, and Rohan, for defense and strength. But yet, as time wore on, more and more opportunities for slip-ups arose as Kai's curiosity expanded. Without a doubt in anyone's mind, The King truly did everything in his power to hide the red-haired girl…but how do you keep a flighty bird from taking wing?

The first whisperings began at the age of 13, starting out in the courts, through new nicknames of "Rua" or "Rubra", harsh words for the color red, being tossed around in reference to the impure heir. Then it escalated at 16. The latter terms were dropped the further the news spread from court, only the word of a mysterious princess being stowed away in Halcyon reaching the New King's ears. In haste, a political marriage was arranged between Vermillia and Halcyon, the aforementioned deciding to use Anika was a buffer for the latter's rebellion. And so, without having much say, the King of Green tucked his tail and agreed to the engagement.

"Every adventure requires a first step."

So begins...

Anika Halcyon's Story